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  • in reply to: Europe’s Refugees Are A Global Crisis #24116

    Hi Nassim, please consider for a moment that the US government is a vassal to something more powerful than itself – the creator’s of the money used to fund the United States – and the politicians that run it on their behalf.
    The “US” didn’t attack the Middle East, the Debt-Money Monopolists used their vassal states, including the US government, to attack the Middle East.
    It is critical to 1. define terms concisely and 2. communicate in those concisely defined terms.
    I’m from the US and my country has been hijacked by the most sophisticated criminals the Earth has ever seen. The best name I can think of that properly defines this criminal cartel of supranational bankers is The Debt-Money Monopolists.
    You could zero out the US government and even the US itself, BUT THE DEBT-MONEY MONOPOLIST ROOT CAUSE WOULD POSSESS JUST AS MUCH CONTROL…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2015 #24037

    >>Economics is just politics in disguise.
    I agree, but; has that always been the case? I think it’s a distinct possibility. <<

    Yes, ever since the oligarchs figured out they could rig an economy to build upon the power differential they had over ordinary people.

    in reply to: Eulogy for Johanna #24000

    My condolences, Ilargi. Remember the good times and cherish them. Make her proud going forward.
    While many may disagree, I believe you, Mom, and a whole lot of other people will meet up again, except the next time will be in much better circumstances. If I’m right in that, it will be a great day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2015 #23895

    Hi charlo, Roth’s perspectives are interesting. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I do think there is enough evidence to support the contention that 1. planes hit the building (what type of plane is a different matter) or 2. something that looked like a plane hit the building.

    That’s why I don’t put too much value in those kinds of arguments – they could go either way and aren’t “proof” of anything.
    I have, and posted, ABSOLUTE OBSERVABLE PROOF that the top of the of the North Tower never hit a structurally sound lower section of the building as evidenced by no upward force increase (deceleration) applied to the top of the North Tower building.
    Most people disagree with the conclusion demanded by the observed physics… BUT THEY DON’T EVER ADDRESS THE RELEVANT PHYSICS – even when asked repeatedly to do so.

    I believe it is because they can’t rationally address the physics and their subconscious knows this and won’t every let their consciousness address the relevant PHYSICAL LAWS.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to hit something and not decelerate. It takes a force to change motion absent even any structural integrity… like when playing pool the cue ball will decelerate as it hits another ball of equal mass loose on the table. It would decelerate if the two balls were weightless in space.

    There is no getting around that the top of the building must’ve decelerated if it crashed into the lower section of the building BUT IT OBSERVABLY DIDN’T. Therefore, logically, something had destroyed the building before the top section of the building had an opportunity to smash into it.

    Arnold tried to claim there was justification for the initiation of collapse. That’s completely irrelevant as the argument here has to do with the expected collision and deceleration of the two building parts, NOT THE INITIATION OF COLLAPSE. The reason Arnold has to go there is because HE CAN’T GO TO THE ACTUAL POINT OF THE VIDEO (which I don’t even think he watched based on his claim of the necessity to watch a gravity led demolition – which was done in the video!).

    Update – Arnold chooses to avoid actually addressing the issue in the video by choosing to opt out of future discussion. That’s the tactic of choice for people who can’t handle the conclusions of the physical truth.

    PS – Arnold, debt-money systems are a conspiracy to asset strip and control humanity. Yes, rich and powerful people conspire to remain that way. Search “Adam Smith conspiracy quote.” Even Adam Smith knew about this tendency and wrote about it in Wealth of Nations.

    Of course, the wealthy conspirators that control the media don’t want YOU to know about their conspiring… so they train you that questioning the known lying establishment declarations, even when supported by basic physics, is conspiracy theory… like, human nature based conspiring to manifest their self-interests? Yeah. That.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2015 #23891

    >>No, you are not using physics; you’re abusing physics.<<
    Yes it is. If you think it isn’t, do explain in detail. The video explains the physics in detail. Your criticism should have detail as well instead of an unsupported claim.
    >>I know for a fact steel starts to go plastic when heated past 800°f.<<
    That’s completely irrelevant to the point of the video, but it is the official narrative. The official narrative won’t touch the contents of that video because they have no answer for it.
    >>Having worked as an engineer I’ve read it all and the Truther’s are just; oh never mind.<<
    No, don’t use ad hominem, explain how a falling object can hit an intact object AND NOT DECELERATE. Even a pool ball decelerates when it hits another pool ball… and that 2nd pool ball is not even a rigid structure.
    >>The top floors did pancake the floors below.<<
    If that is your claim then you have to prove how that could be done sans any observed deceleration. You can’t just claim it. You can’t just repeat someone else claiming it. Why, specifically, is there no deceleration observed as the top of the building crashed into an allegedly structurally sound building engineered to support 5x the weight of the falling top portion of the building?

    **You know that deceleration should be observed, that’s why you avoid the central issue of the video and bring up irrelevant points and call names instead of actually address the issue, right? Just address the issue.**

    >>Truther’s are wack jobs and conspiracy paranoids.<<
    More name calling, more avoidance of the lack of observed deceleration.
    >>Compare a true demolition and it goes from the bottom up; not top down.<<
    The video compared a gravity led demolition AND THE EXPECTED DECELERATION WAS PRESENT AND OBSERVED. Did you even watch the video? How can you judge a matter before you hear it?
    >>I believe my own lying eyes; not fantastical theories.<<
    No, you aren’t believing your truth telling eyes of observation and you are believing the Debt-Money Monopolist financed establishment rhetoric.
    >>I have zero doubt the government knew the plane attack was coming and did nothing to stop it. I’m done with this…believe what you will.<<

    **Please watch the video before criticizing it** If you had, you would know that the physics of an actual gravity led demolition was analyzed and it produced the expected deceleration at the point of contact with a structurally sound building beneath it.
    World Trade Center North DID NOT EXHIBIT THE DECELERATION, therefore, something other than the top of the building wiped out the lower section of the building.
    It is elementary physics and reason.
    BTW, I don’t like it anymore than you do, but I reach conclusions based on evidence analysis and not on evidence and evidence discussion avoidance.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2015 #23883

    Hi Arnold, the rational approach is to use physics to explain how the top of the North Tower could crush the lower section of the building without ever decelerating (a requirement in reality if the top of the building struck an intact lower section of the building that would oppose the motion of the upper part of the building – at least for a time).
    We aren’t talking my view or opinion here, we are talking physical observable fact. If you can rationally explain the facts as they exist, please do so. But you didn’t. I propose that is because you can not do so. I also propose that your effort to immediately end further debate of the facts is indicative of your sub conscious knowing the truth which your conscious doesn’t want to accept. Otherwise, let’s talk some physics! I’m not scared of physics.
    I get that comprehending the facts are disconcerting. But some people seek out and identify facts whether others are capable of dealing with them or not.

    re: charlo – The Big Lie works for a reason. The problem is that people who enable the Big Liars because they refuse to rationally deal with the OBSERVABLE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, become un/witting accomplices to all future acts committed by the people for whom they protect by avoiding the facts. That’s karma that I don’t want weighing me down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2015 #23875

    HI Nassim, the biggest mind boggling revelation about 9/11 is that the top of the North Tower never decelerated as it fell through the lower section of the building.
    Anyone well versed in basic physics would know that this means the top of the building never crashed onto a solid lower section of the building.
    That means that the top of the North Tower physically could not have crushed and destroyed the building below it.
    What a Gravity-Driven Demolition Looks Like

    in reply to: Gold – Follow the Yellow Brick Road? #23850

    For those with eyes to see what demonstrably exists in reality:
    AitT – Sir Isaac Newton Weighs in on the World Trade Center North Tower Collapse Official Narrative
    The Debt-Money Monopolist financed 9/11 narrative is as fake as $3 bill.
    Also… from the article…
    “bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit”
    Government created bank credit. Repeat that as many times as possible until you realize that the government doesn’t create bank credit, banks create bank credit, hence the darn name, “bank credit!” No wonder we make so little progress against the Debt-Money Monopolists.

    in reply to: The EU Uses Every Crisis To Grab More Power #23814

    Juncker works for Debt-Money Monopolists who are bankrupting Europe through a prima facie fradulent debt based monetary system. The Debt-Money Monopolists want this distraction as they bankrupt the world and they need an excuse to institute a steel fist police state.

    Problem -> Reaction -> Solution (that benefits the Debt-Money Monopolist agenda)

    in reply to: The EU Uses Every Crisis To Grab More Power #23798

    That’s why I zero in on the Debt-Money Monopolists, the definers and controllers of “a root of all evil.” Of course the most sophisticated evil will secure the power of money so they can wield a root of all evil. They know people tend to worship money, money, money, money, money, and give lip service to God. In that sense, THEY ARE GOD! PEOPLE OBEY THEIR PAYCHECK! Your god is the one WHOM YOU OBEY!
    Debt-Money Tyranny is a root of all evil on this planet. It finances lies. It finances ignorance. It finances illness. It finances irrationality. It finances propaganda. It finance drug cartels. It finances injustice. It finance death. It finances genocide. It finances people to shut up about it, too. As Krugman told Lietaer, don’t EVER, don’t EVER, talk about the money system. He might as well have added, “punk!” on the end.
    Krugman to Lietaer: “Never touch the money system!”

    Ilargi, “never touch the [debt-]money [societal impoverishment] system!”
    Obsess over the bad effects, BUT DO NOT TALK ABOUT ROOT CAUSES!
    You have your orders from on-high! Now do as your told.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2015 #23782

    Hi All,
    Why are people still talking about capitalism and socialism like it has ever existed? If you think that capitalism or socialism exists then you aren’t thinking, your are regurgitating oligarchical nonsense that is trivially proven false with some independent observation based thinking. Let me be clear:
    1. Capitalism doesn’t exist. What does exist is a form of debt-money authoritarianism masquerading as capitalism. In a capitalist society, a small coterie of people do not define and create money to serve their personal agenda – and they surely don’t get to define money as debt and collect money as interest such that their earnings are everyone else’s INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT.
    2. Socialism doesn’t exist. What does exist is a more structured form of debt-money authoritarianism – at least outside the Muslim countries that haven’t been overthrown by the debt-money countries so that their money systems could be converted to debt-money systems.
    Believing illusions doesn’t afford root cause analysis and actual problem solving.
    To paraphrase Spike Lee, “It’s the (debt) money, Money!”

    in reply to: Europe Reaches A New Low: Refugees For Sale #23756

    wright, the biggest problem is the Debt-Money Monopolist crowd that finances neo-liberalism, endless war, endless poverty, dumbed down populations, etc… But you are correct that ordinary people have selfishness related problems, too. I chose to focus on the “big fish” because my resources are limited. Yes, it is a big mess that will get much bigger when the debt-money Ponzi bubble busts in the not too distant future.
    And make no mistake, the bust of the bubble is desired as that is the DMM oligarch physical reality “mop up” operation where they turn their control over ordinary person debt into physical property via foreclosure.

    in reply to: Europe Reaches A New Low: Refugees For Sale #23739

    Did anyone vote for these people who are “enforcing” quotas on these vassal nations?
    The oligarchs won. Almost nobody is speaking about the real issues. Not many people can muster a response when the real issues are brought up.
    1. Refugees are coming from countries systematically impoverished by a fraudulent debt based monetary system structure where private interests control the flow of debt and money through various means. Most of the debt goes to ordinary people and most of the money go to the private controllers of the debt-money system and their front mega corporations. This impoverishes people and causes them to want to leave the Debt-Money Monopolist hell hole engineered for them.
    2. The Debt-Money Monopolists use warfare and proxy armies, including terrorist groups, to attack and overthrow regions and governments.
    When those two Debt-Money Monopolists financed objects are met, the EFFECT is the immigration disaster we have today.
    Yet the news reporters don’t discuss THE ROOT CAUSES, rather they discuss THE DESIRED Debt-Money Monopolist EFFECTS!
    In that sense, they are like Rockefeller engineered allopathic doctors – who tend to focus on the effects of chronic disease while never addressing the root cause.

    in reply to: Angela Merkel Defeated by a 3-Year Old Dead Boy #23737

    tabarnick, read Machiavelli’s The Prince. The Debt-Money Monopoly has surely read it. It recommends never letting a group of vassal groups get to big relative to other vassal groups as they could become a threat to your authoritarian rule. You want to keep all vassals at a relatively low place together.
    It also says that you should allow people from their own country to ostensibly rule them if they have a history of freedom. You don’t want to directly rule them or they will tend to revolt. So you hire their own people to rule them in your stead.

    in reply to: Angela Merkel Defeated by a 3-Year Old Dead Boy #23736

    Hi Daisychain, don’t be so quick to accept Debt-Money Monopolist narratives. If Merkel was so beholden to the electorate, why did she put up their pensions as collateral for debt that will never be paid. Hence, those pension funds will be looted and the average German will be robbed. Because of Merkel.
    She works for the Debt-Money Monopolists. To not properly comprehend that is to be set up to lose your pension fund money to Debt-Money Monopolist corporate banking fronts.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2015 #23672

    Where was TAE when this immigrant situation could have been avoided?

    Libya: the West and al-Qaeda on the same side
    The Debt-Money Monopolists have an obvious agenda to destabibilize the Middle East, overwhelm bankrupt Western nations with immigrants, set up police states in Western nations, to provoke cultural division within the nations, and to provoke Russia into some kind of confrontation.
    All this just ahead of their ENGINEERED debt-money Ponzi collapse.
    Forcing the effects of the Debt-Money Monopolist agenda is their plan.
    Addressing the Debt-Money Monopolists as the ROOT CAUSE is what they don’t want.

    in reply to: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space – Part 2 #23237

    The Fed could be dismantled in a heartbeat by Congress. Central Bank cartels have been broken throughout history.<<
    Not in the last 100 years – and I think you need to think long and hard about the implications of this fact. At least not for the Rothschild, European Royalty, Rockefeller, et al. Central Bank.

    >>The question is, what will force Congress (Government) to finally file for divorce from it’s marriage of convenience.<<
    That’s the wrong question. The correct question is why would a sovereign allow a foreign entity to control its money AND THERE IS NO ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION BECAUSE A SOVEREIGN NEVER WOULD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Therefore, the US government can’t be sovereign! It must be controlled by… The Debt-Money Monopoly. How? WHO finances the media? The DMM. WHO finances the campaigns of the politicians? The DMM. WHO finances the military? The DMM. WHO finances the FBI? The DMM. WHO finances the CIA? The DMM. WHO finances the drug cartels? The DMM. Who finances the mob? The DMM. WHO finances the government bureaucracy? The DMM.
    Politicians are individuals with no inherent power in themselves. One politicians can do nothing much. when it takes $40 million every two to six years to win a Congressional seat, the DMM controls WHO gets into office as they are THE HIGHEST BIDDER (TM) by definition. Will they put someone in power who will turn against their agenda? Not on purpose. If someone unexpectedly does turn against them, do they have means of mitigating the damage? Ask Jackie Kennedy.
    The hand that gives is greater than the hand that takes. The borrower (government) is SERVANT to the lender (The Debt-Money Monopoly). Napoleon recognized this fact a couple hundred years ago…

    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
    ― Napoléon Bonaparte
    Carroll Quigley also addressed the exact mechanism used to control politicians to do the bidding of the DMM or, as Quigley referred to them, “The Money Power:”
    “The powers of financial capitalism has another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…
    The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks [including the US Federal Reserve] which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards….”
    — Quote from Caroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, Chapter
    Quigley discussed the empirically evident reality that “elections” were and are frauds controlled by the Debt-Money Monopoly who finance BOTH parties in a political false dichotomy fashion…
    “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”
    ~Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966.
    Quigley was named by Bill Clinton as his #1 mentor leading up to his Presidency.

    >>For that matter, even the EU will ultimately be disassembled, given sharp enough pitchforks and volatile enough Molotov cocktails.<<

    The purpose of the debt-Euro was to use Debt-Money Monopoly financed government to protect the banking corporate fronts from insolvency and saturate the ordinary European and world citizens (they are stealing money from everyone in bailouts to themselves) with inextinguishable debts that will be used as a pretext to asset stripping them.
    Don’t tell me about the hypothetical overthrow of these people as physicians are, IN REALITY, prostituting themselves to care for their families DUE DIRECTLY TO DEBT-EURO FRAUD. You see how Tsipras set up his country with lies so the Bankster could continue the r*pinig and pillaging. You think Tsipras works for the people? You are a psy-op victim.

    >>The problem here is not so much the Fed being immune from the law as it is Congress protecting it from the law.<<
    There is no difference. Note that when JP Morgan bribed Jefferson County to steal about $1 billion from tax payers, the county government officials went to jail while the bribers at JP Morgan weren’t even charged. In fact, the stolen loot wasn’t even recovered. Government is stuff on serfs like us, but they know when to back off their masters’ operations. Kennedy didn’t know and threatened to spread the CIA to the wind… Kennedy was murdered and the CIA has been in the White House for 30+ years. The Debt-Money Monopoly created and financed CIA that was brought into existence for the purpose of protecting Debt-Money Monopoly foreign business interests.

    >>While I don’t see another Andrew Jackson riding into town anytime soon, as ill advised as he was in most matters of State, when enough pressure is exerted upon the electorate to make it miserable enough, it will likely demand change.<<
    But the public is dumbed down. They literally don’t know their political rear end from their elbow. They think “change” is Democrat or Republican. Heck, Greece and even Ilargi thought Tsipras was “change.” It isn’t change. It is “meet the new boss, financed by the same Debt-Money Monopolists that financed the old boss.” John Taylor Gatto said it best when he said, “There was a Second American Revolution [in the late 1800s]. It was not won through force of arms, but through force of insight into how to MANUFACTURE PUBLIC OPINION.
    Not one it 10 Americans can think outside the media and controlled opposition media Debt-Money Monopoly circumscribed limits. Not one in 100 people comprehends that Rockefeller engineered schooling is operant conditioning to create obeisance to the Debt-Money Monopoly “authorities'” declarations.

    >>That said, the dollar’s value being eroded by 98 odd percent since 1913, I don’t see any revelation coming up to protect that remaining 2% of it’s purchasing power.<<
    Because you don’t comprehend the game. While the numbers would’ve been different, the essence of your argument held true in 1929 as well – the last time the DMM put us into the stratosphere of indebtedness. And, like now, you would’ve been wrong for a looooong time. And people who would’ve leveraged up to gain from this imminent hyperinflation in 1929 would’ve lot everything as the DMM called in the debts on our ancestors that had no idea the money required to pay the debts DIDN’T EXIST IN A WAY THEY COULD ACCESS IT.

    >>And no, when Bernanke suggested helicopter money as being an ultimate perceived panacea on the Fed’s part for the Black Plague of deflation, I do not think he was joking. <<
    Do you think Bernanke is a truth teller? Now that’s naive to the nth degree. He’s a liar. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t tell the truth sometimes, so the only way to discern truth from lie is to comprehend the system as a whole.
    How many times in the last 100 that the Debt-Money Monopoly has controlled most of the world’s money has the Debt-Money Monopoly hyperinflated their own wealth away?
    None. They aren’t going to do it now.
    If government was truly sovereign, instead of made up of hand picked Debt-Money Monopoly financed and controlled operatives, they would NEVER give THE POWER OF THE PURSE to a foreign entity. Since they did, you can bet that the Debt-Money Monopoly has used their Money Power to finance a cabal of politicians who will do their bidding.
    Just like Tsipras.

    in reply to: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space – Part 2 #23227

    Professor LnL,
    “The greatest barrier to discover is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ~Daniel Boorstin
    You think governments always hyperinflate, but it is an illusion that governments control the money supply. The private international banking cartel I’ve dubbed The Debt Money Monopoly actually controls money. Government has NO SAY!

    Alan Greenspan ~ The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law

    Now, you will argue that it exists like that because government allows it. While that is correct, you have not thought deeply enough into the issue. THERE IS A REASON WHY GOVERNMENT ALLOWS THIS SITUATION AND THAT REASON, ONCE COMPREHENDED, WILL NOT CHANGE GOING FORWARD!
    So, government doesn’t control money and there is no reason to believe they will going forward (if you don’t comprehend why, ask and I’ll address it in detail).
    The relevant question then becomes, when has the Debt-Money Monopoly, the true controllers of debt based currency and credit, ever hyperinflated themselves out of their own trillions in debt paper and trillions in cash.
    The answer is NEVER!
    But, but but, Weimar was a hyperinflation. It was a deflation to the Debt-Money Monopoly of that era. The Debt-Money Monopoly bought up German industry for pennies on the dollar.
    But, but, but, Argentia was a hyperinflation. It was a deflation to the Debt-Money Monopoly would could go into Argentina with their dollars and euros and buy up the country for pennies on the dollar.
    You perception is an illusions. Its foundation is a fallacy. Garbage in / garbage out.
    The argument is NOT whether the Debt-Money Monopoly could or could not hyperinflate right away. Of course they could. But that’s not the issue.


    The truth is hidden in plain site… but the illusion of knowledge is too big a barrier for many to overcome – even with facts.
    This former Bain Capital economist is worth a listen:

    in reply to: Deleveraging as a Biblical Plague #23147

    Hi Ilargi,
    Steve Keen seems to be a nice enough guy, but he’s very deceptive when it comes to the fraud that is Debt-Money Tyranny.
    I completely exposed his Bankster protecting fallacy here:
    Read the comments.
    1. If you think you can defend his claim that 100% of the Debt-Money Monopoly oligarchs is returned to Main Street then go ahead. If you can’t, then why is Steve lying?
    2. The very premise of his example was that the Debt-Money Monopoly earns more rigging the banking system than do all the laborers in society. That’s immoral, yet Steve was silent on this issue. Why?
    Is Steve protecting the financier of Forbes? Is Steve protecting the financier of his direct employer? Does that make it alright to program people to accept that a few Banksters earn more than all the laborers in a society and then lie to the laborers by telling them that all the money earned by Banksters is returned back to them?

    in reply to: Deleveraging as a Biblical Plague #23145

    Diogenes, I think that TAE views “climate change” as little more than “reducing pollution is a good thing, and if there is some fear mongering, so what, it is for a good cause.”
    I don’t think they’ve thought it through that one unit of energy correlates tightly with one unit of economic output and the Debt-Money Monopoly (DMM) is selling abject poverty for the masses under the guise of “environmentalism,” which is exactly what they said they’d do in their Club of Rome documents. The DMM doesn’t care about the environment as they dump depleted uranium all over the planet and leverage mass polluters like dictator controlled China.
    I really don’t think they’ve thought it through… they kinda just absorbed the narrative and, well, reducing pollution is a good goal, right?
    So don’t be too hard on them. The Machiavellian Debt-Money Monopoly are masters at manipulating really good intentions into outright wicked manifestations on planet Earth.
    PLnL, I exposed the “they always inflate” fallacy in the first comment behind Ilargi here:

    Debt Rattle August 13 2015

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2015 #23127

    I think I found out why Steve Keen addressed the fallacy that “the interest doesn’t exist.”

    Bernard Lietaer – Why money needs to change now!

    Mr. Lietaer does make that erroneous claim in the video above. However, from the perspective of Main Street, the claim is absolutely true. Main Street doesn’t have access to the money required to pay the interest because the Debt-Money Monopoly and their corporate fronts have excess cash – which, by definition, is everyone else’s inextinguishable debt.

    Here’s Steve Keen debunking the technical point, but doing his level best to DECEIVE people into thinking that the oligarch return ALL their money back to Main Street – a flat out lie and he knows it. Read the comments – I made it entirely plain to him and yet he persisted in the outrageous lie.

    The Principal And Interest On Debt Myth

    Introducing “Trickle-Out Oligarch Economics” – How Over $21 Trillion In Wealth Fled Offshore

    Debt based money is a balance sheet (except for coinage, which apparently is debt-free to replace the cash that is lost annually (fires, lost in water, just lost, etc…).
    That means one person’s net monetary wealth is, by definition, someone else’s inextinguishable debt slavery. That net positive offshore money represents debts onshore THAT CAN’T BE PAID NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE THAT OFFSHORE MONEY IS THE ASSET SIDE OF THE BALANCE SHEET **REQUIRED** TO PAY THE LIABILITY SIDE OF THE BALANCE (the onshore inextinguishable debts).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2015 #23126

    Hi Professor LnL, you claimed that you would believe the Debt-Money Monopoly would orchestrate deflation when someone could show you when a deflation has ever occurred in history. Let me oblige.
    Weimar was a deflation. Argentina is 2000 was a deflation, too. Oh, that sounds crazy – but only because the limited discussion has artificially limited your perspective – up until now, anyway.’
    From the perspective of an ordinary person in either of those countries, it appeared as a hyperinflation / severe inflation.
    A person with Debt-Money Dollars ™ could buy up a whole lot of Argentina after their currency impoverished over half the country.
    What I just described are TWO DEFLATIONS from the perspective of the Debt-Money Monopoly – who acted outside the inflated currencies. Being serfs, we tend to take the perspective of serfs. We need to think like oligarchs.
    So, you are asking the wrong question. The question you need to ask yourself is…

    “When is the last time the Debt-Money Monopolists hyperinflated the currency when they were loaded with that currency and owned massive amounts of debt paper?”

    Now THAT is the proper question. What is the answer? I can’t find a single instance. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

    in reply to: China And The New World Disorder #22917

    >>This could have been avoided in this country if we continued to stabilize agricultural raw material prices as we did in the 1940′s during World War II and briefly beyond that. <<
    No it couldn’t. Nicole likened the importance of the monetary system to society as to that of an operating system to a computer system.
    The debt-based monetary “operating system” is corrupt. It doesn’t matter what programs run on top of the corrupt operating system
    When money is lent into existence, if creates an artificially defined zero sum game. The lenders systematically accrue the debt-money credits via interest, therefore, the rest of society is FOREVER AND ALWAYS IN DEFICIT. This means people in society will go bankrupt (not enough money for all debts to be paid) and asset stripped by the lenders who create debt-money out of thin air and a debt agreement.
    This effect is mitigated as long as debt is growing exponentially (now you know why there is an inflation – exponential debt growth – target!), but all exponential debt functions must eventually collapse upon on themselves due to excessive “weight.” Nicole’s whole mission is to warn people about this exponential debt-money growth implosion, whether she realizes the mechanics of this or not (I suspect she does, but she doesn’t like to discuss what it really is – a societal asset stripping form or war on nescient / ignorant ordinary people).
    However, what you suggest is a positive, it just isn’t enough to over ride a corrupt monetary operating system. Also of note is that Carroll Quigley, the world renowned historian to the oligarchs, explained in his book Tragedy and Hope that the property tax was engineered to force people out of self-sufficiency. A completely self sufficient operation became dependent on the one thing they didn’t need or have – debt-based money – overnight and with the stroke of a pen.

    Debt Is Not A Choice

    How To Be A Crook

    in reply to: China And The New World Disorder #22915

    >>There are only two ways out of debt. Default through repudiation, or default through massive devaluation of the currencies in which said debt is denominated.
    Only one of the above is politically expedient.
    Hyper inflationary Depression, resulting in the destruction of currency, is where this all ends. THEN you will get deflation, by default, after the printer’s demise. <<
    Your paradigm is based on the idea that the Debt-Money Monopolist financed politicians care more about the common serf than they do the people who put them in power. In addition, it depends on a foundation that the Debt-Money Monopoly cares more about the serf class than their own wealth.
    Both of those foundational premises in the foundation of your hyperinflationary depression theory couldn’t be more false.
    Look around you – the Debt-Money Monopoly political quisling class couldn’t hold the serfs in more disdain. They passed BanksterCare illegally and screwed everyone. It didn’t originate in the House and the tax isn’t apportioned… MEANING IT IS ILLEGAL.
    They are jacking up prices while cutting back services. Ohhhhh, they are really scared. Yeah, right. They laugh at us because they lie with impunity, they run monopoly scams on us with impunity (including the debt-money system), and the most frequent response is near complete apathy.
    They Banksters aren’t going to zero out trillions in cash under their control and trillions in debt paper under their control. They didn’t do it in Argentina (which was a deflation from the standpoint of the Debt-Money Monopoly – did you know that?), they aren’t doing it in Greece, they aren’t doing it Puerto Rico, THEY’VE NEVER HAVE DONE IT! THEY ALWAYS WIN BECAUSE THEY ARE IN CONTROL!
    Hyperinflation would be a big loss for them. Now, THE BIG WIN is to crash everything and buy it up for pennies on the dollar with trillions in stolen loot. THEN THEY OWN MOST OF THE WORLD OUTRIGHT (via their corporate fronts, anyway).
    Think it through from the standpoint of the shot callers, not their propagandists.

    in reply to: China And The New World Disorder #22904

    Hi Nicole, the idea that the Fed is working to “save the economy” is pure propaganda. I recommend a good reading of Edward Bernays’ books as he was a key propaganda technocrat and architect of the propaganda state in which we are all immersed.
    The Fed, acting as one of many societal pieces under the direct financial control of the Debt-Money Monopoly, orchestrated this ongoing collapse for Main Street.
    In its most simple terms, it is doing this to maximize profits for the Debt-Money Monopoly’s various corporate fronts – their legal mandate. Tyranny is really simple at its core.
    They understand the nature of debt-money bubble blowing. They also know they’ve broken Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act for about 40 years running now. They aren’t stupid. They aren’t ignorant academics. They are criminal traitors waging war against ordinary people the world over.

    in reply to: Was Greece Set Up To Fail? #22569

    Professor L&L,
    The hyperinflation thesis is faulty and trivially proven to be so. The Money Power has supranational control over most of the world’s money. They defined it as debt and created an artificial zero sum game where monetary assets must equal monetary debts (excluding a minutiae of specie that, in part, offsets lost cash).
    We know hyperinflation won’t take place while the Money Power is knee deep in trillions in cash and trillions in debt paper. Arch criminals aren’t such because they impoverish themselves to benefit the masses. No, they steal from Muppets and, if possible, they dupe them as well so they are left Grubered – completely clueless about what has happened to them.
    So, why has the Money Power issued so much debt? Simply because they’ve been looting the proceeds of the debt while handing the debt minus proceeds over to the public sector, using various governments as their intermediaries.
    But they can’t do that forever. When they change tact, it will be to bust society so they then can buy it up for pennies on the dollar. This is what they are doing in Greece right now – consider it a beta test… the Money Power does. They will do this everywhere they are in control of the money supply – including your hometown.
    Hyperinflation will only become a real risk one they’ve offloaded their paper assets for real assets and need to “balance their TBTF&Jail books.” They bust their competition, they buy up most of the planet with bailout and other loot and the average citizen will be clueless because commenters will major in the minors while completely missing that which is truly important.
    Quantitatively easing (the losses of the Debt-Money Monopoly (DMM) oligarchs) occurs because it benefits the oligarchs. Deflation will occur when it benefits the DMM oligarchy. Hyperinflation will occur when it benefits the DMM oligarchy.
    Can you spot the trend?

    in reply to: Was Greece Set Up To Fail? #22567

    >>Was Greece Set Up To Fail?<<

    Of course it was. Many commenters have tried to explain the debt-money forest to you, but you keep banging your head on the trees obsessing over the Kabuki Theater instead of the 5th grade mathematics that prove unequivocally that debt-money systems are prima facie fraud engineered to do exactly what is occurring in Greece. BTW, newsflash – IT ISN’T JUST GOING TO DO IT IN GREECE. While the details may differ, the end result will be the same for common folk the world over.

    >>Europe is trying to blow this country up; don’t allow them to. <<

    “Europe” doesn’t do anything because it can’t. You attribute abilities to the abstraction known as Europe that DO NOT EXIST. PEOPLE are doing this. When you obscure WHO is doing this by using vagueries like “Europe” you are feeding the benighted masses more darkness. They need LIGHT! So let me chime in here. THERE IS A SUPRA-NATIONAL DEBT-MONEY MONOPOLIST BANKING CARTEL THAT HIJACKED THE POLITICAL SYSTEM BEFORE ANYONE HERE WAS BORN. THEY CONTROL THE MONEY. MONEY CONTROLS POLITICS. LISTEN TO NICOLE’S LATEST PODCAST – SHE EXPLAINS THE MECHANICS IN SIMPLE TERMS. THE BIG BAD IS THE SUPRA-NATIONAL DEBT-MONEY MONOPOLY. THEY ARE DOING THIS TO GREECE… AND TO YOUR COUNTRY AS WELL… that is, unless they don’t have direct control over your monetary system. If not, your country is on a short list of being bombed or threatened into submission.

    >>That is, to what extent has Greece simply been a set-up, and a lab rat, for years now?<<

    Some of your commenters have been telling you that the whole world has been set up by debt-money systems, but you won’t listen. They are correct. 100% correct. They knew Greece was set up have a decade ago. You could have known, too. Ah, but you still don’t know, obsessing over accounting gimmicks WHEN THE ENTIRE DEBT-MONEY SYSTEM IS TRIVIALLY PROVEN A PRIMA FACIE FRAUD, AN ARTIFICIAL ZERO SUM GAME WHERE BANKSTERS COLLECT INTEREST ON THE MONEY SUPPLY AND THAT INTEREST, BY DEFINITION, IS EVERYONE ELSE’S INEXTINGUISHABLE, SOCIETAL IMPOVERISHING DEBT!

    in reply to: Automatic Earth Fund for Athens Makes First Donation #22394

    Give Melanie a few years and she will know how the Greeks feel now. Oh, to be so naive and out of touch with reality. Anyone in the world not being systematically impoverished via Debt-Money Tyranny is being bombed or is threatened to be bombed until they people can be systematically impoverished via Debt-Money Tyranny.
    As Henry Ford so plainly elucidated, “The one aim of these [international] financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.”

    in reply to: Someone Pull The Plug or This Will End in War #22393

    Merkel’s extraordinarily useful. After all, she has people like you talking about her instead of focusing on the true root cause of what most ails society – her and her government’s Debt-Money Monopoly financiers.
    The real culprits get off Scott-free because of people like Merkel. And THAT is her job… it is why she was financed into the position of “front woman” for the Debt-Money Monopoly power cabal.


    Hi Ilargi,
    So WHO has put these people in this position? Is it the cycled politicians financed into office by corporations that finance their campaigns, the media that promotes them, and the government itself?
    If the root cause isn’t the curtain, well, why focus on the curtain?
    How about focusing on the Wizard of Oz.
    I know you know WHO the Wizard is because the commenters make it clear on a fairly regular basis.
    How about stressing he root cause of the problem – a fraudulent debt-based monetary system that is an artificial zero sum game that systematically enriched the Debt-Money Monopoly while simultaneously impoverishes the masses?
    Feel good stories about how the masses cope with their oppression while avoiding calling out the oppressors and their oppressive mechanisms isn’t going to solve anything.

    in reply to: Snowden, Putin, Greece: It’s All The Same Story #21603

    >>It’s true for the IMF, which was always only a tool for US domination.<<
    Please be more concise in the way you use words or else you communicate misinformation.
    The “US” doesn’t actually exist – it is an abstraction. When you use and overly general broad term like “US,” you, in fact, play the role of gatekeeper because you protect the very small group of people who set up the IMF to serve THEIR OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS. The IMF is actually a debt generating weapon used to facilitate the societal asset stripping of… you guess it… The U.S. – United States!
    And you, albeit probably unwittingly, protect them by lumping in, say, me, with that criminal group that is the enemy of what I value – goodness.
    And, no, people… don’t fall for the same over generalization fallacy that has benighted Ilargi… The problem is not “The Jews.” The average person who views themselves as Jewish is a victim of these arch-criminals as well. It appears the Rothschild’s, European Royalty, Rockefellers, etc… have leveraged many “assets” from the Jewish community, but that only reflects on the individual people who signed up for the evil. Note that Rockefeller is a Debt-Money Monopolist demon spawn and he isn’t Jewish. Also note that most Jewish have no idea how debt-money works to impoverish their society, too. 250k Jews took the streets to protest their criminal Debt-Money Monopolist financed government because they were sick of the oppression, too!

    in reply to: The Pressure Just Shifted from Greece to the US and EU #21349

    Hi Ilargi,
    There are no solutions in the debt-money paradigm “box.” NONE. Basing money on debt is prima facie fraud as the borrowers, in total, never has enough money to pay their debts unless the lenders take a vow of poverty that results in them controlling $0. Of course, they do just the opposite, they hoard the debt receipts (aka, “money”) while bankrupting massive swathes of society.
    Even so, you prattle on about non solutions within the debt-money box.
    Steve Keen was recently exposed as someone who supports the idea that banks make more money doing essentially nothing than the workers in a society. When the debt-money system was proven to be a fraud using 5th grade math, he ran away like a child whooped on a 5th grade playground.
    Now, I don’t want people to presume that I think you and Steve Keen are “controlled opposition” when I’ve seen so many people simply enslaved to irrationality inimical to even their own direct interests.
    Spend the time to think your way out of the debt-money box or you will keep promoting non-solutions as false solutions.

    Here is the take down of Steve Keen in the Comments section.
    You can access the Comments section by clicking on the grayed-in box on the left under Steve Keen’s picture. Note that Professor (Bankster financed, Bankster promoted via Forbes – A MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS EMPLOYER’S DEBT-MONEY FRAUD – all capped for those that missed the obvious!) Keen avoided the real issues every time a real issue was brought up and tried to dismiss a 5th grade level mathematics fraud as needing “a more complex model.” Baffle ’em with BS, Steve, right? The odd thing is I really can’t tell if he stuck on irrationality (I know many, many people that are) or if he’s BSing the general public.
    Given the simplicity of the Ukrainian debt-money fraud example and the way he avoided addressing it at all costs, I’m more inclined to believe that Mr. Keen chose his own comfort over the obvious truth that he actively conceals through inaction.

    At the end of the day, the people who don’t expose the root cause are just as important to the tyrants as those who actively impose the tyranny. Those who think they are helping are actually hurting because they didn’t quite do enough thinking up front before parroting some prepackaged narrative (financed by…. that’s right!).
    False solutions promote THE VERY REAL PROBLEM!

    in reply to: What Resilience Is Not #21129

    Your freedom exists is the space between stimulus and response.
    Unfortunately, people have been programmed to respond to the stimulus with no space inbetween.
    There aren’t many people who actually think, hence, the tyrannical rulers are quite satisfied.

    in reply to: What Resilience Is Not #21124

    Is there any way to minimize the risk of various forms of monetary confiscation for money held in a trust investment account (in my case as trustee for 15+ years)?
    I get Treasury Direct and diversifying into reality when the blood is flowing over the deflationary spiked pit ahead of the hyperinflation wall, but I don’t see how that can be done inside a trust investment account.
    Any ideas are much appreciated.

    in reply to: Britain: A Functioning Democracy It’s Not #21026

    Hi Trevor, the interest asset is absolutely created along with the interest liability.
    The debtor accrues the interest liability and the lender accrues the interest asset.
    When a person in society sees $100 interest liability added to their credit card statement a $100 interest asset is also added to the bank’s balance sheet.
    The problem is that the debtors don’t have access to the amount of money (debt receipts, actually) required to pay back their debts so, from their perspective, it appears as thought the interest is not created. I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Europe Has Completely Lost It #20731

    Hi Ilargi,
    How about blaming those with the power to inflict their agenda on the rest of us – the Debt-Money Monopolists.
    “Europe” does not exist – it is an abstraction. By blaming an abstraction you effectively provide cover for the truly guilty. Yes, you can blame politicians, but that’s myopic. WHO finances them into power, WHO finances the media, WHO finances the very governments for which politicians work?
    Politicians are SOLD to the general population AND BOTH SIDES ARE FINANCED BY THE VERY SAME DEBT-MONEY MONOPOLY… TALES THEY WIN, HEADS, WE LOSE. It is the application of a classic false dichotomy… a political false dichotomy.

    in reply to: Is May 9 The Grexit Date? #20574

    1. The real message of Greece is that debt-money systems can, and will, take down a country. That includes your country, wherever “your” may be. Get ready.
    2. Define GDP “growth.” It IS NOT necessarily actual sales growth of physical goods and services. It is measured in growth of dollars. An economy that sells 2 pizza for $10 in year 1 and 1 pizza $20 in year 2 had 100% GDP “growth from year 1 to year 2. This is true even though have the physical and labor resources were used in year 2 compared to year 1. An economy with a debt-money supply growing faster than GDP almost always has a shrinking physical economy even if they have a “growing” GDP.
    3. Steve Keen produces an example showing how the Banksters suck in more dollars wealth renting money to society than do the workers slaving away all year… and can’t be bothered to comment on the fraud underlying such a setup even when this fact is brought out in the comment section:

    The Principal And Interest On Debt Myth Principal And Interest On Debt Myth

    The myth is correct (the Banksters do earn the interest required to pay down the debt so it is create – directly into the hands of the Banksters who created the debt out of nothing at all!), but his conclusion that, therefore, all debts are payable by all debtors and inextinguishable debt doesn’t exist is FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, AND FALSE.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2015 #20418

    Hi All,

    Professor Steve Keen is trying to erroneously argue debt-money systems are OK based on a foundational assumption that all interest earned by banks flows right back into the pocket of the debtors (apparently, each and every one with perfect precision.

    That assumption is entirely false, not to mention the other evils of debt-money monetary systems.

    Head on over to Professor Keen’s blog and try to help him “see the light” so that he can fight this barbaric debt-money monetary enslavement systems instead of trying to justify them as legitimate.

    The Principal And Interest On Debt Myth

    BTW, his premise is that the interest to pay debts is created is absolutely true, but his conclusions based upon that premise are entirely false. The reason is that CONTROL over the interest falls into the Debt Money Monopoly / Multinational Corporations economy such that much of the money never makes it back into the hands of the debtors, hence, there is never enough money in the Everyone Else (think Main Street) economy.

    Please help to straighten Professor Keen’s view out because he’s so close to getting the Big Picture… he just needs some nudging to go all the way.

    in reply to: Looks Like Germany May Have To Pay Up #20066

    Ikargi, your paradigm is wrong, hence you reach wrong conclusions and, this time around, you angered a lot of the ordinary people for whom you care.
    Your thought process is limited to the nation state and the cartoon caricatures that claim to run them.
    This is a fatal flaw in your thought process. “Germany” doesn’t exist. People exist. The average German people are victims of a supranational banking cartel that has put their pensions up to pay for Greece’s eventual default so the private corporate fronts of the Debt Money Monopoly don’t have to take the loss.
    Your claim that Merkel is the most powerful woman in the woman in the world is a joke. She’s a puppet who was financed into office precisely because she was a willing Debt Money Monopolist puppet. If she wasn’t going to BS the people, there are others who would – and they would’ve been financed in Merkel wouldn’t agree to fool people like you.
    The following videos will help to expose the establishment fable…
    The Jones Plantation

    Working Class Hero – John Lennon

    >>I hope – and I think – that Germany will pay up. It seems to me to be the only way to save the European Union it has made its economy so dependent on.<<
    Do you really think that will save the EU, a group of nations oppressed into forced bankruptcy by a private supranational banking cartel? If so, you are missing the Skeleton Key required to comprehend the world in which you live.
    Don’t fall for the divide serf against serf program of the international Banksters. All of us serfs need to stand up against the Debt Money Monopoly criminal class and put an end to their Debt Money Tyrannical system of worldwide oppression.

    in reply to: Europe, The Morally Bankrupt Union #19729

    Nothing will change until the ultimate power structure is changed. The private supranational banking cartel hand that rents society and government their government is above the societal and government hands that take – they and not the politicians are ultimately in charge.
    While this is a necessary precondition to change, I will not hold my breath as William Jennings Bryan made this clear in his Cross of Gold Speech when he said, “Now, my friends, let me come to the great paramount issue. If they ask us here why it is we say more on the money question than we say upon the tariff question, I reply that if protection has slain its thousands the gold standard has slain its tens of thousands. If they ask us why we did not embody all these things in our platform which we believe, we reply to them that when we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished.”

    Cross of Gold Speech

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