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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80924

    Instead of protests.

    Snoopy – St. Vitus Dance

    Never thought I’d see Snoopy dance to a Black Sabbath classic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80922

    The whole Plandemic has now morphed into a global form of Dementia.

    Leaders in every country have had their blood-brain barriers breached with synthetic computer designed spike protein and the madness has reached a ‘critical mass’ of self perpetuating Idiocracy

    State of the Union

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80921


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80920

    V for Vendetta

    Is it time yet?

    D for Dementia

    We’re already there.


    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80820

    The data collected from the SARS-CoV-2 Global Plandemic Experiment will be priceless.

    It will be the template for total social credit score hell and knowing the genetic makeup of every person of earth.

    AI thrives and evolves as a function of how much data points you can stuff into it.

    The AI with the largest quantity of high quality data win the AI arms race.


    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80819

    A quick search engine hit about mRNA

    “Experts believe long-term effects from the gene therapy may include prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancers, kidney diseases and microvascular injuries to the brain, liver and heart…”

    Good luck in connecting mRNA to bad health effects in the future.

    Look at the dirtbags in Big Tobacco and how long they put off the connection between smoking and lung cancer, which by the way was a no-brainer to anyone with some common sense.

    Imagining how easy it will be to assign other causes to future health effects years from now.

    How about Round Up and cancer or Johnson & Johnson’s cancer causing talcum powder that took decades to come to trial.

    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80814

    I posted at the end of a previous thread about the real data around adverse effects from Covid.

    SAERS is being hampered if not outright tampered with. So are the other adverse reporting systems. It doesn’t matter how, i.e. overly complex form, NO code for Covid in the form despite codes for all other vaccines etc…

    The NSA and the other alphabet soup ‘intelligence agencies’ have been illegally tracking and vacuuming personal data about every Tom, Dick and Harry since WWII in pretty much every country of earth.

    Cell phone data is especially juicy.

    GPS coordinates, pattern overlap (your paramour and your wife get coffee at the same shop, what a surprise!)

    Like I said before, you get real sick and bed ridden, the GPS coordinates on your phone STOP. That’s not your ‘normal’ pattern, gee wonder if your sick by looking at the data.

    Cattle ranchers put GPS collars on their cattle. If the GPS X x Y doesn’t move in x number of minutes, the cow is either stuck on something or dead or eaten by something. Cowboy man goes and checks it out.

    This kind data analysis is not rocket science. Even the slow on the uptake crowd should get this.

    Jack this data stream way up about an individual several magnitudes and apply high end AI

    It now comes in three main flavors

    artificial narrow intelligence (A.N.I.)
    artificial general intelligence (A.G.I)
    artificial super intelligence (A.S.I.)

    The Intelligence Mafia is collecting every iota of SARS-CoV-2 data effecting individuals and their reaction to the ‘vaccines’, in LIVE TIME.

    Why would you think otherwise?

    The Intelligence Mafia’s power is totally unchecked, doubt me, ask Julian, why would it miss the individual’s vaccine reactions?

    You stop buying regular groceries for a week because you went blind from the ‘jab’ and had to go to the eye doctor.

    Ya think the Intel Mafia doesn’t know? Really? When-where-how.

    The Plandemic is a Big Experiment and the resulting data, the different reactions of the different parts of the population to it, is a GOLD MINE of info.

    In fact, armed with the actual accurate data illegally surveiled up, NOT the fragments from VAERS, NOT the guess work of Websites, NOT the MSM bullshite, but the Real Data, the powers that be have successfully gathered up data that Nazi medical experiments could only dream of, in a thousand lifetimes!

    So the questions about how humans are effected by the ‘vaccines’, vaxxed vs unvaxxed, are already known down to fractions of a decimal point, RIGHT NOW, just not by you or me or the butcher, baker or candle stick maker.

    Big Data knows, RIGHT NOW, in live time. What a shock!

    But they are a very small club and humanity is not in it.

    The only hope is another Julian Assange leaking that Data and after what has happened to him, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that day to come.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80740


    TAE is a teeny tiny esty bitsy spider crawling up the water spout.

    You know how that ends?

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

    Too much FUD

    Too much media crud.

    The Lies are so large and so everywhere it’s like the fish don’t know their in water.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80735

    Everyone seems to be unsure about the reporting of adverse reactions thru VAERS or the European and other equivalents systems.

    Sand is being thrown in the VAERS reporting engine but what if adverse reactions to these ‘vaccines’ which have no real track record (because the spike proteins they produce were generated by pure computer simulation ) are actually being tracked Very carefully.

    I read about a tin-foil-hatty spitballing scenario which goes:

    Not everyone is being adversely effected by Covid.

    But many are dying or severely disabled from it.

    Would that information be very, very valuable?

    It would be pure gold.

    You know that if someone dies or is disabled for very long from a medical reason, their cell phone position and volume of data use and patterns of use dramatically changes and usually plummets. These metrics are already being carefully tracked by Big Data.

    Like a black hole, whose existence and location you can’t see, but can be inferred by how it bends light near by, so can Big Data infer adverse reactions to Covid.

    Had a really bad reaction short of death to Covid? You’re not shopping according to your regular shopping pattern now.

    It shows in your data stream.

    The MSM Pressitutes can totally put a lid on deaths and disabled events from the ‘jab’ up to the point that you start to see a number of people you personally know start dropping like flies, not just hearsay or a friend of my friend stories.

    I vividly remember as a child listening to old folks tell stories of all the family members, mine and neighbors, who lost one or two family members to the 1918 flu. In my grandparents town, every third house in town lost someone. It was very traumatic. And the newspapers actually reported everything in addition to the word of mouth testimonials.

    I seriously doubt that the USA with its atomized faceless sterile suburbs and atomized dysfunctional extended families will connect the dots on adverse ‘vaccine’ reactions unless it rises to the 1918 flu level.

    The internet is so censored and confused and weaponized, it will not overcome the MSM non reporting of adverse reactions.

    The Big Lies of the MSM are beginning to be just white noise they are so ubiquitous. the Web isn’t much better.

    Too much noise, not enough signal.

    The grand adverse vaccine reaction experiment results are being tracked and scored and analyzed and stored by a very small club.

    And you’re not in it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80730

    I think this is what he was saying.

    The spike proteins in the ‘naturally occurring’ Sars-CoV-2 virus that supposedly came from a bat in nature, were evolved to that point in nature.

    No body seems to have a sample of this original untouched Sars-CoV-2 virus.

    But then Sars-CoV-2 from nature was modified in the lab with Gain of Function (GoF) to help it spread better in humans using primarily the spike proteins to attach to the ACE 2 receptors. (plus other receptors)

    Then as the Narrative goes, the spike proteins in the lab modified GoF Sars-CoV-2 were used as a template for the mRNA in the ‘vaccines’ in order for the mRNA to induce the body to manufacture the GoF lab modified spike protein to give the body’s immune system a ‘glimpse’ of the GoF lab modified Sars-CoV-2 ‘virus’ to then produce anti-bodies to fight it off. So the party line goes.

    Dr Martin, if I understand what he is saying, said that the mRNA in the ‘vaccines’ is forcing the body to produce TOTALLY designed and PATENTED spike proteins, created from the ground up, NOT the spike proteins from either the ‘wild natural’ kind of Sars-CoV-2 and NOT from the spike proteins from a so called Wuhan GoF lab ‘leaked’ modified Sars-CoV-2.

    The current spike proteins induced by the current mRNA vaccines were TOTALLY created and DESIGNED from scratch (and patented years before) with a computer simulation program (probably I imagine with help from AI)

    And because the TOTALLY artificial, DESIGNED from the ground up spike proteins produced in the body at the behest of the current vaccine mRNA have NEVER ever been either in nature OR in a lab, these TOTALLY artificial, DESIGNED (and patented) from the ground up spike proteins have NEVER been studied in action before BECAUSE there is NO natural version of it in nature to study.

    These spike proteins are pure Frankenstein.

    The current spike proteins induced by the mRNA ‘vaccines’ have NO history in nature or in the lab because they were just invented recently, that’s what makes it so phucking dangerous.

    There, my head hurts.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80723

    The Jim Kunstler podcast with Dr David Martin was superb.

    I didn’t know Dr Martin and Jim Kunstler were good friends since 2003, with Dr Martin saying he has been a big fan of Jim and his books for a long time.

    Jim was surprised by several new points being made by Dr Martin, one of which was that the toxic spike proteins that the ‘vaccines’ are forcing the host body to produce, were NOT from any naturally occurring virus material but are TOTALLY designed synthetic computer simulated chimera sequences.

    And that those sequences were patented before Sars-Cov-2′ ‘existed’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80711

    The UK and the other 5 eyes are now committing ritual Seppuku.

    The US has 50 states with 50 different approaches;

    Texas vs Californicate

    So the Blue States will fall into lockstep with the 5 Eyes, basically collapse of critical infrastructure, food water the grid and ‘citizens’ will die hundled into their cellars eating the last of the tinned beans.

    The Red states will carry on.

    The UK is making all ‘subjects’ put an app on their phone that tracks their positions 24/7. If someone tests ‘positive’ with the 90% faulty bogus PCR ‘test’ (cough-gag-cough), the central server ‘Pings” the phone of anyone who physically crossed their path within x number of hours and tells them to ‘self isolate’.

    This is Insane.

    About 20% of the critical workforce, including the food sector, have already been ‘Pinged” and are not coming to work. Shelves are bare in [place already and no petrol deliveried to stations. Sweet!

    It won’t take long to collapse the food chain with the Ping-demic

    Do the math, the people’s paths crossing thing will exponentially increase as a Cascade Effect and soon the entire UK population will be self isolating cause they ‘crossed a black cat’s path’.

    Mission Accomplished!

    City-State Death.

    Looks like Synthetic Superstition not Science to moi.

    Naomi Klein begged and warned her UK friends not to Brexit without a written Constitution enshrining basic human rights into the core of the nation’s legal structure.


    Totalitarian Dystopia on Big Pharma steroids.

    Roid Rage

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80662

    The VAERS system has been ‘captured’ along with pretty much everything else regarding Sars-CoV-2.

    It’s telling to watch one highly qualified, impeccably credentialed physician after another grapple with the insane amount of utter outright corruption and lies surrounding the Plandemic.

    These are highly trained, logical individuals who seem at wits end to comprehend how such a state of affairs is even possible.

    It like witnessing the ritual dismemberment of the social Trust Horizon in the Roman Colosseum and looking up to see the Emperor’s thumb turning down.



    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80658

    Here It Comes (Denninger)

    Karl goes over some of the same ground as Dr David Martin regarding the Covid ‘discovery’ timeline.

    Hmmm, kinda problematic, wouldn’t you say?

    Finally the brilliant analytic minds of Denninger and Martin overlap.

    The Covid tale is a yard of lies and knots, Gordian Knots.

    It needs to be picked apart at a deep forensic level that most commentator can’t muster.

    Gordian Knot

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2021 #80636

    “Eternal life bothers me. No matter how nice something might be, going on forever sounds horrible….”

    “Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial
    Voices echo,
    “This is what salvation must be like after a while”

    Visions of Johanna ~Dylan

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2021 #80589

    Notice the ‘Five Eyes” countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, are Batshit Full-facist Cognitive Dissonance (BFCD)

    Is this a ‘feature’ or merely serendipity?

    Is there something about English speaking countries that lends itself to brain damage?

    Did Orwell and Huxley with their totalitarian blueprint novels give the English speaking countries a leg up on sophisticated psyop propaganda?

    I mean even Goebbels worshiped the English speaking Bernays.

    Instead of Béarnaise sauce, modern propaganda should be called Bernays sauce.

    The secret sauce of the subliminal modern mindfuck.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80588

    Notice the ‘Five Eyes” countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, are Batshit Full-facist Cognitive Dissonance (BFCD)

    Is this a ‘feature’ or merely serendipity?

    Is there something about English speaking countries that lends itself to brain damage?

    Did Orwell and Huxley with their totalitarian blueprint novels give the English speaking countries a leg up on sophisticated psyop propaganda?

    I mean even Goebbels worshiped the English speaking Bernays.

    Instead of Béarnaise sauce, modern propaganda should be called Bernays sauce.

    The secret sauce of the subliminal modern mindfuck.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80398

    I was thinking the other day of the long gone sad tragic figure of Richard Brautigan and his poem All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace and meditating on how it has stood the test of time vs H G Wells’ vision in The Time Machine, you know, with the Morlocks and Eloi.

    Wells 1895 tale vs Brautigan’s 1967 poem of the Future.

    Trans-sub Humanism vs Rainbows & Unicorns.

    We really didn’t appreciate the Beast we were nourishing in computers in 1967. I remember it took 250+ IBM punch cards to instruct a main frame to draw a simple cube in 3-D.

    Today’s smart phones could have run rings around that same main frame, ‘Big Iron’ as it was nicknamed at the time.

    As a school kid, I thought Huxley and Orwell were warning humanity of future dystopias. I was wrong, their stories were detailed Blueprints for the Techno-narcissus Psychopathic Overlords to enslave societies.

    Roll it out now boys, watch yer heads!

    Brautigan just smoked too much dope.

    All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

    I like to think (and
    the sooner the better!)
    of a cybernetic meadow
    where mammals and computers
    live together in mutually
    programming harmony
    like pure water
    touching clear sky.

    I like to think
    (right now please!)
    of a cybernetic forest
    filled with pines and electronics
    where deer stroll peacefully
    past computers
    as if they were flowers
    with spinning blossoms.

    I like to think
    (it has to be!)
    of a cybernetic ecology
    where we are free of our labors
    and joined back to nature,
    returned to our mammal
    brothers and sisters,
    and all watched over
    by machines of loving grace.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80397

    Sorry I pasted the wrong link into the wrong tag, still, the interface can be squirrely sometimes :>(

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80388

    Using a Venn Diagram to find your purpose in life.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80387


    This Venn Diagram above is closer to the reality of the Covid story and to most issues in Life

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80386


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80385
    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80384

    Let’s see if WordPress can actually post an image correctly

    Venn diagram

    This is what the competing relationships and narratives around the Plandemic look like, if WordPress actually works.

    Unlike a standard simple Venn diagram

    Simple Venn diagram

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80381
    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80380

    The double image posts is the result of WordPress’s amazing crappy unreliable code

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80379

    Dr Martin in the interview particularly takes Rand Paul to task as a faux crusader. He says Dr Paul is merely showboating and knows damn well that he knows the whole story and had the ability to nail Fauci to the wall during his false testimony to Congress with an actual PERJURY charge, but didn’t.

    Facist Fauci could actually be charged for lying to Congress, Rand Paul is using his ‘performance piece’ to raise money for his re-election campaign. What a shock.



    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80378

    Interview with Dr David Martin

    Patented Genocide

    He really strips the bark off the Plandemic and ultimately lays the case at the feet of the utterly corrupt ‘justice system’, having given copies of his research and presentation to every one of the 94 US attorney in the country plus relevant members of the DOJ. Nothing but crickets so far.

    Even the judges, who do have the ability to at least suggest to the DOJ avenues of inquiry are silent and gutless cowards. they all have a wide fat yellow streak sewn into the back of their black robes.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2021 #80332
    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2021 #80174

    I now look at the whole Corona Plandemic as a Sub-set of the wider financial Scamdemic of Ponzi Fiat ‘money’.

    The world has clearly peaked in fossil fuel production.

    No more rabbits will be pulled out of any hats, ie the North Slope oil, the faux fracking oil con, etc…

    Everything in the world depends on the Master Resource of oil and the demand just keeps going higher while the supply declines.

    Kill off a bunch of people, the demand declines, it’s that straight forward, shed load, period.

    Declining energy will produce enormous Chaos

    The only antidote to this Chaos in the eyes of the Overlords is Control.

    Lots of Control, as close to Total Control as is humanly possible.

    The whole Corona Plandemic is merely a test device in that global control experiment.

    So is cypto currency vs the fiat toilet paper, it’s a global control experiment, a sub-set to the pipe dream of Total Control.

    Currency is merely another abstract form energy.

    The Overlords think that Currency (think electric current) is actually a replacement for oil, an actual real form of energy.

    If the inbred Overlords can ‘print’ near infinite amounts of currency, in their twisted little syphilitic minds they believe they can create real energy to make up the difference in the actual energy output decline sweeping the globe.

    The incestuous Pathocratic Overlords really believe they are Gods!

    Really and Truly!

    Look, We can create Fire out of Nothing!

    With strokes on a keyboard no less, OMG!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2021 #80168

    The map comparing China vs US in total global trade 2000 vs 2020

    I don’t know how anyone can think the dollar will maintain Reserve Currency status in lieu of that chart.

    I also don’t know how anyone thinks the SWIFT payment system will survive along side the Reserve Currency when the US is exponentially printing near worthless amounts of dollars and issuing treasuries like toilet paper.


    A lot of the debt globally is suppose to be payable in dollars but let’s look at Russia for a moment in comparison to the US financial position.

    Russia dumped all their US treasuries, they have a shite-ton of gold reserves, they have no real foreign debt to speak of, they are fossil fuel energy independent for many many decades, they have uncounted natural reserves on a phenomenal land mass, they are making an amazing number of bi-lateral trade deals without the dollar, and they are actually acting like REAL adults on the world stage because they actually engage in REAL diplomacy,

    The US has NONE of these things going for it.

    If a new global reserve materializes around a gold reserve-digital cypto system, and SWIFT goings tits up, the US doesn’t have a pot to pee in and will be forced to violence and threats with it’s MIC Mafia to get any trade deals going globally. Look at that chart up top, it’s a trend.

    The US giving other countries near worthless, inflated, diluted dollars for their Stuff doesn’t seem like a long term sustainable trend, it seem like the Road to Ruin.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2021 #80098

    The Transhumanist (Subhumanist) agenda also has a very large component of ‘life span extension’ i.e. semi-immorality thru the merger with the digital cloud.

    Classic Fascism is the merger of the State and the Corporation

    Transhumanist (Subhumanist) is the merger of Corporeal with the Incorporeal

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2021 #80086

    “..How it is that so many 80 year olds who are major players in global propaganda are still so spry and industriously working is …”

    They drink adrenochrome smoothies.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2021 #80081


    Thanks, we must control the linguistic terrain in the War of Words!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2021 #80072

    We had a discussion of terms of endearment like ‘elite’ for the psychopath class. Their nothing ‘elite’ about a class of criminals like them.

    So I thought the term Big Pharma needed an extreme makeover.

    So I was listening to a Gerald Celente rant, always entertaining when you want to see a profanity laced foaming at the mouth rant, and he calls Big Pharma simply “The Drug Lords”.

    I think “The Drug Lords” has a nice ring to it, accurate, descriptive, embraces their very soul essence.

    Just like “The War Lords” does for the Military Industrial Complex. It’s shorter and to the point.

    Wall St Bank could just be “The Money Changers”, already got a long history of use.

    And the political class, well aren’t they special, the best descriptive term for them is “The Necrophiliacs”

    Sweet, in a legal document or contract there is a section called “The Construction of Language” which defines all the terms used in the agreement.

    The Narrative we are stuck in currently is a meta-media Construction of Language.

    Control the meaning of words and terms: control the Narrative

    “The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action….”

    Maybe old Marshall McLuhan was on to something.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2021 #80026

    Hooray, a tiny sliver of sanity.

    I telling ya, local sheriffs have tremendous leeway in enforcing any statutes.

    LA County Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce New Indoor Mask Mandate


    “Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced Friday that he will not enforce a new indoor mask mandate set to be reinstated in the country’s most populous county amid the CCP virus pandemic.

    “Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines,” Villanueva said in a statement.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2021 #80004


    “Get Over It”

    “You drag it around like a ball and chain
    You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
    You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
    Got your mind in the gutter, bringin’ everybody down
    Bitch about the present and blame it on the past
    I’d like to find your inner child and kick its little ass…”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2021 #80002

    A super secret preview of Old White Joe’s Sars-CoV 2 Shock Troops in action battling the dreaded Delta Variant as it sweeps through a dense urban center of sophistication.

    Who you gonna call?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 16 2021 #79934

    The decades old worn out CIA psyop expression “conspiracy theorists” is working it’s poison all this years later like a Bernays-Goebbels branding infomercial.

    I wonder if it’s trade marked and patented by the Company.

    The definition of fascism flogged by Mussolini was the merger of State and Corporation.

    The US Empire’s version was the merger of State Intelligence with the Mafia.

    A subtle but significant improvement in Tyranny.

    The Plandemic falls under the auspices of Disaster Capitalism as detailed by Naomi Klein.

    The fanatic obsessive compulsive anal retentive panic on the part of the Pathocrats to get everyone to have the Death Shot comes back to the global economy drowning in Debt.

    Not just a lot of Debt, but a systemic collapse in the very unpinning of the fiat money paradigm.

    The Debt is so VAST as to be utterly unpayable, ever, in any universe that actually obeys the laws of physics and math.

    The Plandemic fits into the planned demolition of the global debt economy.

    The Plandemic consolidates economic power upward, Bezo-Musk gaining tens of billions in wealth the last year, while the working and middle classes are eviscerated and their small to medium business wiped out forever. Check.

    Student loans:

    An entire generation coming out of ‘higher education’ (cough cough gag) with essentially a house mortgage of debt. Not only can they not pay it off with the crappy job scene, but they are not getting married or starting families or buying cars or houses or durable goods. In short the economy will implode a decade or so down the line because their will be no demand for goods or services from the up and coming youth, all their ‘money’ will be earmarked for student loan debt payment, and even that won’t be there. Student debt is unplayable, period.

    The Colossal Debt has pulled the Future into the present and consumed it. When you get to that Future time, there will be NO purchasing power left in it. The Future has already been consumed and hollowed out in the present because of the Magic of Credit.

    Fiat money is a Ponzi scheme and Credit is a Ponzi on top of that Ponzi!!

    A compound Ponzi!

    Awesome, will wonders never cease!

    So the Plandemic is a grand Transition device to a world with a new all digital total surveillance centralized crypto global currency which replaces the Fiat drag queen model we live with today.

    Fiat, the dying Drag Queen currency of choice.

    Think of it as a Trans-Transition to digital slavery because every single purchase of anything in your life will be monitored and noted for your social score of obedience.

    In addition the Pandemic Death Shot will cull a significant number of the people from Western countries this winter, thus ‘shedding load’ and stress on an already wobbling Fiat Debt Ponzi economic regime. Shed some people, buy some time to roll out the digital crypto currency replacement. Time is run-in’ out Bitchez!

    Also, when the wave upon wave of very sick and disabled people from the Covid Death Shot start manifesting their symptoms this winter, it will completely overwhelm the social fabric of Western Society. Note, there is no comparable manic fanatic push to get the third world country populations ‘vaccinated’. No need, they will perish quickly if the global food infrastructure craters due to Western countries becoming non-functioning.

    The Switch from a totally broken Western debt-fiat financial system to a panopticon total surveillance centralized crypto digital ‘money’ needs to happen very soon because the fiat debt system will completely explode in the very near future.

    You won’t be able to replace Fiat with centralized digital soon because the resources to do so will perish in a grand Fiat collapse leaving the entire globe in a depression of unimaginable chaos, hence the urgency to make the transition soon.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 16 2021 #79931

    From the Land of Mengele

    Merkel Promises Germany Won’t Make Vaccines Mandatory For Workers

    Arbeit Macht Frei

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