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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 30 2021 #81439

    People living a giant grotesque Lie day after day after day will have their Souls rot.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 30 2021 #81438

    “CDC To Drop ‘Gold Standard’ PCR Test (JTN) ”

    Reiner Fuellmich’s entire legal case pivots around the bogus PCR test.

    #1 He says that without ‘cases’ the ‘Global Health Emergency’ due to the SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ could NOT have been declared.

    #2 And without the ‘Global Health Emergency’ there was no authority for lockdowns or masks or shutting down the main street economy.

    #3 And without the ‘Global Health Emergency’ the Emergency Authorization would not have been issued for the ‘vaccines’.

    That straight forward, 1 2 3

    So why is this crap still standing?

    Why is this Plandemic still the poster child of the Big Lie?

    Große Lüge

    The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

    “Hitler claimed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany’s loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic. Historian Jeffrey Herf says the Nazis used the idea of the original big lie to turn sentiment against Jews and bring about the Holocaust….”

    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    ~ Newton’s Third Law

    The Big Lie Plandemic is going to balance out one way or another.

    ~ What goes around comes around ~

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2021 #81384

    The Pro vaccine guys like Geert and Malone know that the reputation the vaccine industry is going to be Gobshite as the dust settles on the Sea of Lies spewing from the pie-hole of the CDC.

    So as a backdrop to today’s admission by the CDC that not only are the vaccinated super-spreaders, but that the vaccinated have ZERO immunity to the variants that they themselves produced!

    I wonder what the Love Child of a carnal union between Schadenfreude and Karma would look like?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2021 #81380

    Geert Vanden Bossche is lookin’ good.

    Dr Malone, inventor of the mRNA, says the same as Geert, ADE is here, and accelerating.

    Mission Accomplished

    The CDC has Mad Cow Disease

    So much for it’s ‘Super Organism’ status.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2021 #81341

    From the clip @RickyLe80284150 Jul 28

    It’s not going to work this time. People are Fed Up

    Were getting closer to a ‘non polite’ resolution of the Plandemic.

    Dr Pierre Kory deserves a Medal

    I heard yet another doctor say in a podcast that Fauci deserves a rope from a lamp post.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2021 #81272

    The Emperor has no Corona

    Here is a standing offer for a $1.8 million dollars reward for anyone who can provide an ISOLATED and PURIFIED sample of SARS-CoV02 virus


    The link provided by Madamski to the CDC claiming it has an isolated and purified sample is a lie. The CDC provides Neither condition.

    What a shock that they’re lying as usual.

    To repeat, no one on planet earth has isolated and purified a sample of SARS-CoV-2

    Isolated and purified means under an electron microscope you can see JUST SARS-CoV-2 with NO contaminates, none, and only the surface of the container it is in beneath it.

    Please provide a link if you can to an Isolated and purified sample of SARS-CoV-2

    You can collect a quick $1.8 dollars.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2021 #81247

    The Emperor Has No Corona dovetails perfectly into what Dr David Martin was trying to tell Reiner Fuellmich.

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist.

    The Satan Spike Protein was conjured up from whole cloth and the design was patented years ago.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2021 #81243

    NO ONE anywhere on planet earth has isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    No One.

    There has not been a single sample isolated from the background stuff.

    Don’t you find that curious?

    The Polio virus was isolated and photographed


    But no one has ever ‘seen’ or isolated SARS-CoV-2.

    It’s as if it were ‘made up’.

    The Emperor Has No Corona


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81183

    The religion of Progress, especially high tech progress, is a cult.

    The lack of faith in the spiritual aspects of the world has been replaced by a faith in Progress underpinned by ‘Science’.

    My father, a man trained and practiced in science his whole life had a small quote on his desk when I cleaned it out after he died.

    The quote has been attributed to so many different people I don’t know who to believe wrote it but it rings true regardless.

    “Life is not a problem to be solved but a Mystery to be Lived”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81176


    I went to a public school that believed even the ‘smart kids’ destined for the white collars Ivy league track still had to take shop class and learn how to use a saw, build a bird house and change a tire and spark plugs on a car.

    Today most kids don’t know which end of a paint brush to pick up! ;>)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81175


    I agree about the salaried class being thrown under the bus now at increasing speed. I can’t remember the term but it’s something like ‘a surplus of elites’. The children of one generation of ‘elites’ who all went to the ‘right elite schools’ and rubbed butts & noses with the ‘right connect class’ assumed they too would slide into posh low stress careers and kick back for their entitled rewards.

    When that particular murder of crows don’t get their destiny on a silver tray, they lose their shite.

    The old Western tradition gives everything to the oldest son so fortunes can accumulate and financial mojo isn’t diluted between siblings.

    Siblings in that system don’t have inflated expectations of excess privilege.

    Interestingly Islam divides inheritance equally between siblings as a moral imperative.

    The modern want-ta-bes didn’t get daddy and mommy to give everything to the eldest child so the divided inheritance produces ‘a surplus of elites’ who need privileged careers.

    An angry spoiled, enraged surplus of elites they are.

    And in a blind rage they will drive the bus off the cliff.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81172


    I’m not saying the Overlords are ‘all powerful’.

    Look at history, many ‘all powerful’ looking political Cults fell quite quickly.

    After they caused unspeakable damage to their people.

    No one wins forever.

    Sure these monsters shall fall….someday….after doing enormous damage..someday……………………..

    They don’t have to be ‘all knowing’ to hold on to power for a long time and do frightening amount of terror.

    Or at least as long as the money flows their way.

    They rigged an election and installed a demented sock puppet in your face

    That’s not resolved.

    All the courts including the Supremes blew it off and refused to hear it.

    I guess they were smart enough to pull that off.

    And RussiaRussiaRussia

    And lock up Assange

    And buy off the entire media apparatus of the entire country.

    They’re not that stupid.

    Look what they’ve already done.

    And they’re just warming up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81170


    Catherine Austin Fitts made an interesting comment the other day about the Fed and the Treasury having the ability now to print seemly unlimited amounts of ‘money’.

    She said that at least in the short to mid term, they could buy off almost Anybody.

    Just the Pentagon alone has a 7 Trillion dollars+ of unaccountedfor funds.

    That could buy off a lot of judges, and researchers, and politicians and media producers and teachers and professors and doctors and economists, etc……

    Use your imagination about who would take the money and shut their mouths about the Plandemic.

    90% of the population? 95%? 99%?

    A very small number of people are challenging the Plandemic.

    Most will have their careers destroyed or canceled or marginalized.

    Look at someone like Dr. Peter McCullough. Incredible credentials and still cut off major media platforms.

    No amount of experience or expertise or credentials seems to matter.

    The media is bought off.
    The politicians are bought off.
    The medical establishment is bought off.
    The courts are bought off.
    The military is bought off.
    The insurance companies are bought off.
    The police are bought off.
    The Tech platforms are bought off.

    People like Reiner Fuellmich and Dr David Martin can speak up because they are financially secure. Most people aren’t, and many live pay check to pay check and can’t rock the boat, they have families to consider.

    If the financial system or the dollar collapses, well then maybe there won’t be any ‘money’ with which to Buy Off everyone.

    But a financial system or the dollar collapse will be a nightmare all it’s own.

    Revolutions are started by the professional class that is denied entry into the upper echelons of the societal power structure, NOT by the poor or working class or middle class.

    Robespierre was a lawyer and his fellow travelers were highly educated ambitious social climbers.

    Their aspirations were dashed by the Over Lords and they acted like jilted lovers towards the aristocrats.

    Reiner Fuellmich and Dr David Martin don’t have any traction in court yet but short of armed insurrection, the courts are the last hope.

    Do you want things to get so bad that you need a Napoleon to straighten it out?

    How are you going to bring these monsters to bay?

    As we said as children in the schoolyard, “you and whose army are going to make them stop?”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81149

    Amazing how the censorship has become so blatantly Orwellian.

    I guess most ‘adults’ alive today never read Orwell in their dumbdown idiocracy school years.

    Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger Tells Tucker Carlson He Is ‘Embarrassed’ by Site He Created

    Larry Sanger

    Interest how Wikibiaspedia ‘remove’ Dr Malone as discoverer of RNA transfection and mRNA vaccines.

    Does this mean they could remove Einstein as the source of the Special Relativity?

    Wikibiaspedia can now ‘cancel’ anyone as the inventor of anything.

    Total Control like a Super Hero!

    Inventor of mRNA technology removed from Wikipedia after he warned against taking COVID jabs

    “Information about the inventor of the mRNA technology used in certain COVID-19 vaccines was removed from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia after he publicly warned against giving the experimental gene therapy vaccines to young people and that there was insufficient information about the injections to give informed consent.

    Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., discovered RNA transfection and, while he was at the Salk Institute in San Diego in 1988, invented mRNA vaccines. His research was continued the next year at Vical, and between 1988 and 1989, Malone wrote the patent disclosures for mRNA vaccines….”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81147

    I think I heard Dr Fleming say the other day that a VAERS report needs a specific ‘code’ for a specific medical event, i.e. measles has it’s own code, flu, diphtheria etc….

    There is no code on VAERS for the current crop of ‘vaccines’, so any ‘adverse effect’ from them cannot be reported.

    I would say that’s pretty clear evidence of tampering with the reporting system.

    Almost like rigging an election.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81137

    You could also create a control (with vs without jab) based on ZIP CODES.

    Zip Codes are even more interesting parameters than counties.

    Zip Codes really separate the wheat from the chaff

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81135

    Also remember, the credit for and origin of the ‘vaccine’ came under Trump.

    Biden had nothing to do with the development or roll out, he just mumbled, waved his hands around and rubber stamped the Trump ‘vaccine’ agenda.

    Old White Joe wouldn’t know the vaccine from Valvoline.

    So if the Jab-apocalypse materializes later this year and mRNA Satan Spike Proteins kill a large swath of ‘vaccinated’ Democrats, the Presstitutes will blame Trump!

    How ironic is that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81133

    DuckDuck “percentage of democrats vs Republician vaccinated”

    A plethora of hits will ensue. Average them out. Roughly 2 to 1

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81129

    I firmly maintain that the data from the Plandemic is being collected in detail but NOT shared either with the public or medical journals or even with the Presstitutes.

    The surveillance infrastructure to collect this kind of data has been building for years, just read Assange or Snowden.

    Utility bills, grocery bills even your music tastes on Pandora or Spotify.

    All of it, tracked in excruciating detail.

    The fact that it seems hard to get ‘good’ numbers from VAERS or whatever doesn’t mean it’s not being collected and stored 24/7.

    So assuming that the Real Plandemic Data is being noted, sorted and analyzed and is very valuable for the Overlord Overview POV, let’s spitball a bit and pretend that the Drug Overlords actually want and actually did plan for control groups

    Control groups reveal a lot about any experiment, even a global one like the Covid Plandemic.

    Control groups could be numerous things but the first is a group who thinks they got The Full Monty but in fact got nothingburger ‘saline’ shots.

    You want fancier?

    How about a control group with a 1/2 dose, a 1/4 dose or 2X or 3X times the ‘normal’ dose.

    How about one police force and fire dept with a full, and another one with saline.

    See how they perform their jobs.

    One hospital staff with, one without etc…….

    A with and without in Air Traffic Control, or pilots or even better military pilots.

    The mind races.

    And as an aside, almost twice as many Democrats as Republicans got fully ‘vaccinated’.

    There’s a political control group experiment going on too.



    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2021 #81076

    As an evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein really needs to hook up with Dr Richard Fleming.

    Bret has had Geert Vanden Bossche on his show and understands the issues he brought up.

    But Dr Fleming’s discoveries would leave him speechless.

    RNA leaked outside the cell functions like a Prion.

    Prion contamination by the mRNA ‘vaccines’ in large swths of the global population is a long term Armageddon.

    The medical costs would be budget busting staggering.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #81017

    President Pudding actually says, “My butt’s been wiped.”
    I guess we should celebrate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80981

    An odd detail about the Posting on TAE

    I had tons of spam/ prove you’re not a robot.

    Strangely I cured 95% of the problem by hovering over the Post button for a three count, then depressing the post button and HOLDING down the left mouse click for at least a 7 count, sometimes going to ten, then letting up on the left click button.

    The few times I get the Post ‘spam/ prove you’re not a robot’ thing, I just log out then in again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80947

    The Axis Mundi of Reiner Fuellmich legal case against the Plandemic is the totally inaccurate PCR test which was leveraged at the beginning to manufacture the panic in ‘cases’ that lead to the declaration of a World Health Emergency and thus the emergency authorization of the Faux Vaccines.

    The CDC suspending the PCR test (with too many cycles 45) is happening just as the law suits against it are forming up and gaining traction in the courts.

    What a Coincidence!

    Kary Mullis, who won a Noble for inventing the PCR, and said adamantly to NEVER use the test for diagnostic reasons, died ever so conveniently just before the Plandemic gone the checked flag for liftoff and can’t speak for himself now.

    What a Coincidence!

    Nothing to see here folks, move along.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80924

    Instead of protests.

    Snoopy – St. Vitus Dance

    Never thought I’d see Snoopy dance to a Black Sabbath classic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80922

    The whole Plandemic has now morphed into a global form of Dementia.

    Leaders in every country have had their blood-brain barriers breached with synthetic computer designed spike protein and the madness has reached a ‘critical mass’ of self perpetuating Idiocracy

    State of the Union

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80921


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2021 #80920

    V for Vendetta

    Is it time yet?

    D for Dementia

    We’re already there.


    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80820

    The data collected from the SARS-CoV-2 Global Plandemic Experiment will be priceless.

    It will be the template for total social credit score hell and knowing the genetic makeup of every person of earth.

    AI thrives and evolves as a function of how much data points you can stuff into it.

    The AI with the largest quantity of high quality data win the AI arms race.


    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80819

    A quick search engine hit about mRNA

    “Experts believe long-term effects from the gene therapy may include prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancers, kidney diseases and microvascular injuries to the brain, liver and heart…”

    Good luck in connecting mRNA to bad health effects in the future.

    Look at the dirtbags in Big Tobacco and how long they put off the connection between smoking and lung cancer, which by the way was a no-brainer to anyone with some common sense.

    Imagining how easy it will be to assign other causes to future health effects years from now.

    How about Round Up and cancer or Johnson & Johnson’s cancer causing talcum powder that took decades to come to trial.

    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80814

    I posted at the end of a previous thread about the real data around adverse effects from Covid.

    SAERS is being hampered if not outright tampered with. So are the other adverse reporting systems. It doesn’t matter how, i.e. overly complex form, NO code for Covid in the form despite codes for all other vaccines etc…

    The NSA and the other alphabet soup ‘intelligence agencies’ have been illegally tracking and vacuuming personal data about every Tom, Dick and Harry since WWII in pretty much every country of earth.

    Cell phone data is especially juicy.

    GPS coordinates, pattern overlap (your paramour and your wife get coffee at the same shop, what a surprise!)

    Like I said before, you get real sick and bed ridden, the GPS coordinates on your phone STOP. That’s not your ‘normal’ pattern, gee wonder if your sick by looking at the data.

    Cattle ranchers put GPS collars on their cattle. If the GPS X x Y doesn’t move in x number of minutes, the cow is either stuck on something or dead or eaten by something. Cowboy man goes and checks it out.

    This kind data analysis is not rocket science. Even the slow on the uptake crowd should get this.

    Jack this data stream way up about an individual several magnitudes and apply high end AI

    It now comes in three main flavors

    artificial narrow intelligence (A.N.I.)
    artificial general intelligence (A.G.I)
    artificial super intelligence (A.S.I.)

    The Intelligence Mafia is collecting every iota of SARS-CoV-2 data effecting individuals and their reaction to the ‘vaccines’, in LIVE TIME.

    Why would you think otherwise?

    The Intelligence Mafia’s power is totally unchecked, doubt me, ask Julian, why would it miss the individual’s vaccine reactions?

    You stop buying regular groceries for a week because you went blind from the ‘jab’ and had to go to the eye doctor.

    Ya think the Intel Mafia doesn’t know? Really? When-where-how.

    The Plandemic is a Big Experiment and the resulting data, the different reactions of the different parts of the population to it, is a GOLD MINE of info.

    In fact, armed with the actual accurate data illegally surveiled up, NOT the fragments from VAERS, NOT the guess work of Websites, NOT the MSM bullshite, but the Real Data, the powers that be have successfully gathered up data that Nazi medical experiments could only dream of, in a thousand lifetimes!

    So the questions about how humans are effected by the ‘vaccines’, vaxxed vs unvaxxed, are already known down to fractions of a decimal point, RIGHT NOW, just not by you or me or the butcher, baker or candle stick maker.

    Big Data knows, RIGHT NOW, in live time. What a shock!

    But they are a very small club and humanity is not in it.

    The only hope is another Julian Assange leaking that Data and after what has happened to him, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that day to come.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80740


    TAE is a teeny tiny esty bitsy spider crawling up the water spout.

    You know how that ends?

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

    Too much FUD

    Too much media crud.

    The Lies are so large and so everywhere it’s like the fish don’t know their in water.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80735

    Everyone seems to be unsure about the reporting of adverse reactions thru VAERS or the European and other equivalents systems.

    Sand is being thrown in the VAERS reporting engine but what if adverse reactions to these ‘vaccines’ which have no real track record (because the spike proteins they produce were generated by pure computer simulation ) are actually being tracked Very carefully.

    I read about a tin-foil-hatty spitballing scenario which goes:

    Not everyone is being adversely effected by Covid.

    But many are dying or severely disabled from it.

    Would that information be very, very valuable?

    It would be pure gold.

    You know that if someone dies or is disabled for very long from a medical reason, their cell phone position and volume of data use and patterns of use dramatically changes and usually plummets. These metrics are already being carefully tracked by Big Data.

    Like a black hole, whose existence and location you can’t see, but can be inferred by how it bends light near by, so can Big Data infer adverse reactions to Covid.

    Had a really bad reaction short of death to Covid? You’re not shopping according to your regular shopping pattern now.

    It shows in your data stream.

    The MSM Pressitutes can totally put a lid on deaths and disabled events from the ‘jab’ up to the point that you start to see a number of people you personally know start dropping like flies, not just hearsay or a friend of my friend stories.

    I vividly remember as a child listening to old folks tell stories of all the family members, mine and neighbors, who lost one or two family members to the 1918 flu. In my grandparents town, every third house in town lost someone. It was very traumatic. And the newspapers actually reported everything in addition to the word of mouth testimonials.

    I seriously doubt that the USA with its atomized faceless sterile suburbs and atomized dysfunctional extended families will connect the dots on adverse ‘vaccine’ reactions unless it rises to the 1918 flu level.

    The internet is so censored and confused and weaponized, it will not overcome the MSM non reporting of adverse reactions.

    The Big Lies of the MSM are beginning to be just white noise they are so ubiquitous. the Web isn’t much better.

    Too much noise, not enough signal.

    The grand adverse vaccine reaction experiment results are being tracked and scored and analyzed and stored by a very small club.

    And you’re not in it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80730

    I think this is what he was saying.

    The spike proteins in the ‘naturally occurring’ Sars-CoV-2 virus that supposedly came from a bat in nature, were evolved to that point in nature.

    No body seems to have a sample of this original untouched Sars-CoV-2 virus.

    But then Sars-CoV-2 from nature was modified in the lab with Gain of Function (GoF) to help it spread better in humans using primarily the spike proteins to attach to the ACE 2 receptors. (plus other receptors)

    Then as the Narrative goes, the spike proteins in the lab modified GoF Sars-CoV-2 were used as a template for the mRNA in the ‘vaccines’ in order for the mRNA to induce the body to manufacture the GoF lab modified spike protein to give the body’s immune system a ‘glimpse’ of the GoF lab modified Sars-CoV-2 ‘virus’ to then produce anti-bodies to fight it off. So the party line goes.

    Dr Martin, if I understand what he is saying, said that the mRNA in the ‘vaccines’ is forcing the body to produce TOTALLY designed and PATENTED spike proteins, created from the ground up, NOT the spike proteins from either the ‘wild natural’ kind of Sars-CoV-2 and NOT from the spike proteins from a so called Wuhan GoF lab ‘leaked’ modified Sars-CoV-2.

    The current spike proteins induced by the current mRNA vaccines were TOTALLY created and DESIGNED from scratch (and patented years before) with a computer simulation program (probably I imagine with help from AI)

    And because the TOTALLY artificial, DESIGNED from the ground up spike proteins produced in the body at the behest of the current vaccine mRNA have NEVER ever been either in nature OR in a lab, these TOTALLY artificial, DESIGNED (and patented) from the ground up spike proteins have NEVER been studied in action before BECAUSE there is NO natural version of it in nature to study.

    These spike proteins are pure Frankenstein.

    The current spike proteins induced by the mRNA ‘vaccines’ have NO history in nature or in the lab because they were just invented recently, that’s what makes it so phucking dangerous.

    There, my head hurts.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80723

    The Jim Kunstler podcast with Dr David Martin was superb.

    I didn’t know Dr Martin and Jim Kunstler were good friends since 2003, with Dr Martin saying he has been a big fan of Jim and his books for a long time.

    Jim was surprised by several new points being made by Dr Martin, one of which was that the toxic spike proteins that the ‘vaccines’ are forcing the host body to produce, were NOT from any naturally occurring virus material but are TOTALLY designed synthetic computer simulated chimera sequences.

    And that those sequences were patented before Sars-Cov-2′ ‘existed’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80711

    The UK and the other 5 eyes are now committing ritual Seppuku.

    The US has 50 states with 50 different approaches;

    Texas vs Californicate

    So the Blue States will fall into lockstep with the 5 Eyes, basically collapse of critical infrastructure, food water the grid and ‘citizens’ will die hundled into their cellars eating the last of the tinned beans.

    The Red states will carry on.

    The UK is making all ‘subjects’ put an app on their phone that tracks their positions 24/7. If someone tests ‘positive’ with the 90% faulty bogus PCR ‘test’ (cough-gag-cough), the central server ‘Pings” the phone of anyone who physically crossed their path within x number of hours and tells them to ‘self isolate’.

    This is Insane.

    About 20% of the critical workforce, including the food sector, have already been ‘Pinged” and are not coming to work. Shelves are bare in [place already and no petrol deliveried to stations. Sweet!

    It won’t take long to collapse the food chain with the Ping-demic

    Do the math, the people’s paths crossing thing will exponentially increase as a Cascade Effect and soon the entire UK population will be self isolating cause they ‘crossed a black cat’s path’.

    Mission Accomplished!

    City-State Death.

    Looks like Synthetic Superstition not Science to moi.

    Naomi Klein begged and warned her UK friends not to Brexit without a written Constitution enshrining basic human rights into the core of the nation’s legal structure.


    Totalitarian Dystopia on Big Pharma steroids.

    Roid Rage

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80662

    The VAERS system has been ‘captured’ along with pretty much everything else regarding Sars-CoV-2.

    It’s telling to watch one highly qualified, impeccably credentialed physician after another grapple with the insane amount of utter outright corruption and lies surrounding the Plandemic.

    These are highly trained, logical individuals who seem at wits end to comprehend how such a state of affairs is even possible.

    It like witnessing the ritual dismemberment of the social Trust Horizon in the Roman Colosseum and looking up to see the Emperor’s thumb turning down.



    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80658

    Here It Comes (Denninger)

    Karl goes over some of the same ground as Dr David Martin regarding the Covid ‘discovery’ timeline.

    Hmmm, kinda problematic, wouldn’t you say?

    Finally the brilliant analytic minds of Denninger and Martin overlap.

    The Covid tale is a yard of lies and knots, Gordian Knots.

    It needs to be picked apart at a deep forensic level that most commentator can’t muster.

    Gordian Knot

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2021 #80636

    “Eternal life bothers me. No matter how nice something might be, going on forever sounds horrible….”

    “Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial
    Voices echo,
    “This is what salvation must be like after a while”

    Visions of Johanna ~Dylan

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2021 #80589

    Notice the ‘Five Eyes” countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, are Batshit Full-facist Cognitive Dissonance (BFCD)

    Is this a ‘feature’ or merely serendipity?

    Is there something about English speaking countries that lends itself to brain damage?

    Did Orwell and Huxley with their totalitarian blueprint novels give the English speaking countries a leg up on sophisticated psyop propaganda?

    I mean even Goebbels worshiped the English speaking Bernays.

    Instead of Béarnaise sauce, modern propaganda should be called Bernays sauce.

    The secret sauce of the subliminal modern mindfuck.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2021 #80588

    Notice the ‘Five Eyes” countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, are Batshit Full-facist Cognitive Dissonance (BFCD)

    Is this a ‘feature’ or merely serendipity?

    Is there something about English speaking countries that lends itself to brain damage?

    Did Orwell and Huxley with their totalitarian blueprint novels give the English speaking countries a leg up on sophisticated psyop propaganda?

    I mean even Goebbels worshiped the English speaking Bernays.

    Instead of Béarnaise sauce, modern propaganda should be called Bernays sauce.

    The secret sauce of the subliminal modern mindfuck.

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