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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2021 #88883

    @Polder Dweller #88866
    “My colleagues have no idea what is about to hit them, and these are really intelligent people working in a demanding high-tech area.”

    The so-called intelligentsia are mostly unreachable because they are bewitched by their own ‘intelligence’. Those with intellectual humility, common sense and intuition are the only ones with clear vision to see what is obvious.

    Thanks again to Raoul and all contributors on this valuable truth-telling website.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 15 2021 #84001

    @John Day
    Thanks for being such a great example to us. We wish you and Jenny all the best as you continue to fight the good fight.

    in reply to: The Upside Down Narrative #79271

    The big change appeared to happen when Matt Hancock was ousted as UK Health Minister, (this due to his flouting lockdown rules while caught on camera outside his office in a “clinch” with one of his top aides). Enter Mr Javid to take his position, an apparent friend and ally of Mrs Johnson. So all this has come about since Javid became Health Minister, with Mr Witty (UK Chief Medical Adviser) predicting doom and gloom, – and apparently having been set upon by a band of thugs with large grins on their faces, who had him in a headlock in Hyde Park ๐Ÿ™‚ Some pretty hyped up alarmist talk coming from the article quoted. Do they sound a little worried? So yeah, watch Javid, and the numbers, and Mr and Mrs Johnson, who I suspect are two of a kind. Is the fear campaign starting to falter? There certainly didn’t seem to be too much fear showing when over 60,000 fans packed the Wembley stadium for the semi-final of the European cup, with barely a mask in sight!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 7 2021 #79158

    “Ultra-Contagious Lambda Variant Detected In Australia”

    In New Zealand the PR campaign has the populace well-primed, apparently ready to jump queues in their desperation to get the jab! The New Zealand government is rumoured to be having delays with Pfizer vaccine supplies. They may fear that these delays will take the heat out of their fear campaign, ergo this latest booster in the NZ Herald. You see it everywhere, Bloomberg is needling the Europeans “Europe Threatened With Delta Now Faces Slower Vaccination Rates”: “The virus can kill you, the vaccine is there to save you, so don’t hesitate” says the French Junior Minister for tourism. “Maybe we could have a vaccination weekend for Germany to really reach everybody, and then we will achieve a high rate”, says Germany’s Health Minister Spahn.
    “We have a fight against time between the capacity of the virus to differentiate itself and our capacity to vaccinate”, says Portuguese Prime Minister Costa.

    As Dr. D famously and aptly said “Mouth opens, lies come out.” :-))

    and @VArnold
    When I ordered IVM from Kachela a couple of months ago, refused to pay to that account. I did succeed paying in USD using XE.COM. Others are reporting success with revolut

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 18 2021 #77624

    Quoted from the New Zealand Herald 10th of June 2021:

    “Feihe, Chinaโ€™s largest infant formula maker, said sales would drop sharply in the next one to two years since many women cannot bear children within six months of coronavirus vaccination โ€“ and thus delaying births.โ€

    CHINA: Belief re pregnancy after vax

    Adverse effects from Chinese vaccines?
    As we all know, none of the vaccines have been tested properly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77265

    “Did they also tell him to appoint Putin?”
    Boris Yeltsin Had 100 CIA Agents Who Instructed Him How To Run Russia (RT)

    Thanks for asking the question.
    Just as well for Russia that Yeltsin finally woke up and found the right man for the job.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77256

    “After Danish soccer player Christian Eriksen had a heart attack on the pitch last night at the Eurocup, the urgent issue should be: was he vaccinated? (he was), and if so, what is the link between the vaccine and the cardiac arrest?”

    Yep, our first thought also. How swiftly the mind connects the dots these days.


    Thanks for that comment.

    The seeming rape of the psyche especially in young people is the scariest of all. The media are being cynically manipulated to achieve this. How many photos of people being “jabbed” have appeared on my screen over the past months. Reading their faces, you see fear, distrust, revulsion, quiet resignation, nonchalance. The slide show is abhorrent. It screams out, – “Get on board everyone, this is wonderful!”. Mindless lemmings racing for the cliff in a mad passion. Silence the dissenters.


    “Americans can get the Sinovac vaccine in Mexico”

    I think anyone who can access the Sinovac vaccine as a last resort can consider themselves fortunate.
    Here in New Zealand the weak woke government has armed itself with 10 million Pfizer vaccines. Nothing else is on offer. For us it’s a long swim to Mexico! But first, resist the mandate.

    Today’s Bloomberg headline: “Netanyahu’s reign over as Israel ushers in fragile government”

    Well there’s one down.
    This person needs to go to prison for a long, long time.

    Vincent van Gogh Ravine 1889

    Far beneath sunny uplands
    But even so, a place to hide.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2021 #77211

    @Oroboros #77202

    Just blast Fauci and Gates into outer space with Bezos and hope they never come back ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2021 #77210

    “Composite image of Milky Way Galactic Center”

    Wow, who created that one!?
    We need to keep focussed on the “big picture”…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2021 #77167


    Yesterday’s Matisse was truly magnificent. Oh, to be able to recline on a couch without a care in the world! Today the Kandinsky is a test for the imagination. There has to be a connection with the Euro 2021 kick-off! Thinking back to Bill Gross’ wife – I reckon it would be a cinch to copy it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2021 #77166

    โ€œNo scientist ever believes that he has the final answer or the ultimate truth on anything.โ€
    โ€“ Carroll Quigley

    We have been waiting to see if the predictions coming from Vanden Bossche would come to anything.
    His models showed that mass vaccination campaigns would drive new more infectious variants, and that people vaccinated will not have good immunity to the newly emerging strains.

    But the latest “dangerous and virulent” Delta mutant allegedly comes from largely unvaccinated India, does it not? Not the result of a mass vaccination campaign. Meanwhile 80% vaccinated Israel apparently does not have a resurgence of any mutant virus. If anything, they more likely have a surge in ADRs!

    So where does that leave us with expert opinions: as confused as ever.
    It doesn’t help the cause of truth and justice when even the honest experts are found to be barking up the wrong tree. It would seem that Michael Yeadon’s take on the mutancy issue might prove to be more accurate in the end?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2021 #77154

    @Dr D #77136
    Brilliant analysis. Thanks for those thoughts, you ask the right questions and shed a lot of light on the possible answers.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 10 2021 #77099

    my parents said no:
    “Does anyone else have the sneaking suspicion that some of the โ€œvaccinesโ€ are just saline? I got a vague sense that some countries get salt water and others get the spike.
    After all, if this is a โ€œtrialโ€, where are the controls?
    Iโ€™d love to see Vaers reports mapped out.”

    We could take it a step further.

    What if saline vials are randomly distributed in all the boxes of vaccines?
    This might partly explain the seemingly random side-effects, throwing any meaningful ADR analysis out the window.
    Just a way-out idea. Anything seems possible these days…

    But also consider that no celebrity shown smiling into the camera while getting “jabbed” EVER EVER seems to have any side effects?! Not even a headache? The VIPs who get the saline continue to wear the mask. With religious fervour. Because, well, they might catch something. Just in case, you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2021 #76936

    Raรบl, good story about the Picasso painting. We’ve also had a go at art copying, and have a reasonable copy of a prominent local artist hanging on our wall. You need time and patience. Appreciation of art is a subjective and personal thing. I wouldn’t want Bill Gross’ Picasso hung anywhere in my house! Yet to have yesterday’s Van Gogh where I could dream into it, I would go without many things. To have a go at copying the Picasso would be a fun thing to do and a challenge, but I know that to try and copy the Van Gogh would be a non-starter and somehow a sacrilege.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2021 #76935

    @Doc Robinson

    Many thanks for the clarification about the Sinovac test results. Much appreciated.


    “One thing that is increasingly important for me is to have a working understanding of what we need as a baseline to survive and to thrive, so that I can be of assistance and offer counsel, advice and a demo, if called upon some day.”

    You’ve already been of great help and service, more than you perhaps realize!
    When you look back and see what has come to pass, you start to feel the need to make preparations for the worst-case scenario.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2021 #76926

    Here’s a good example of the massive PR campaign at work in Australia, and of the obfuscating tactics of the Guardian in the spread of disinformation and fear throughout the population. One can but feel for those elderly people and families who are trying to resist the inevitable compulsory vaccination policy in care homes.
    Brilliant evil minds at the top, who have planned and continue to control this whole thing, eh what?!
    Across the ditch here in Aotearoa, nanny Jacinda has booked and paid for 10 million Pfizer jabs with tax-payer money, expecting to talk her way into every household in the land. Two jabs each for every man, woman and child. Here it’s gene therapy or nothing with a total ban on IVM (apart from horse paste, for the moment) and HCQ.
    @V Arnold
    Sometimes it feels as if the sun takes quite a while to come up ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Always love to read your posts. Wondering how your thoughts are progressing with regard to the Sinovac product? Side effects? At least it’s not a gene therapy, although presumably still injecting the whole virus including the toxic spike proteins (even though “dead”)?

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some Lives #76790

    Beautiful painting.
    Don’t let the sun go down on me.

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some Lives #76787

    @Maxwell Quest #76756

    “Years from now when this is gone, and we have all moved on to other things, I will always look back with fondness and gratitude for the time weโ€™ve spent together here at TAE.”

    Can’t put it more eloquently than that!

    Thanks to Raรบl and everyone who make the time and effort to keep us informed and thinking.

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some Lives #76777
    in reply to: Let’s Save Some Lives #76776

    @ Huskynut

    Jacinda Adern’s โ€œmost transparent administration everโ€ (echoes of another glib charismatic frontman..?)…

    Assume the “charismatic frontman” is this gentleman, still with much to say:

    Another of the “voices of authority”, whose protege is the current NZ Prime Minister.
    No doubt he would be proud of her performance…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 6 2021 #76768

    @ Huskynut #76680

    “Can someone pls help me understand why the Chinese doc applying for a vaccine patent in Feb 2020 is supposedly so terrible?”

    We must now be wary of trusting any reports and interpretations of events coming out of the MSM, including the Australian.
    For all we know this is part of a “China China” propaganda campaign being waged. Just like the “Russia Russia” playbook:
    unverifiable claims, disinformation designed to confuse and shape public opinion, outright lies and diversionary tactics.

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