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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65979

    An aside: I’m starting to wonder how much various persons are either paid or encouraged, these days, to
    use the words “in this Pandemic”.. I live in a reasonably cosmopolitan region (central coast California),
    and see *no evidence* firsthand of a “pandemic” (that’s really all I trust, these days); just 24/7 media
    bleatings to that effect, including from virtually all the internet sites that I formerly saw as people-oriented..

    “Ebreybuddy say “Pandemmick!!!”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65978

    On second thought, I will comment: these sites say that we need to [temporarily™, heh] give up almost all that
    in fact makes us human, like socializing; being able to see each others’ faces; not breathing through an effing
    mask (bad for one’s health in itself, without question); all to “stop a virus” that cannot in fact be stopped, anyway.. check the under-65 mortality stats for the Megadeath Virus of Doom, and then decide if destroying
    the civil liberties (likely for all time) of the world’s citizenries really makes sense (except if you’re

    “not with a bang, but with a whimper..” -TS Eliot

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65977

    MoA’s take on the “pandemic”:

    No comment

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65976

    From CJ Hopkins’s latest:

    “..I am calling them “totalitarians.” Which, at this point, given everything we know, if you’re still pretending that this coronavirus in any way warrants the increasingly ridiculous “emergency measures” we are being subjected to, I’m sorry, but that is what you are.

    You may not believe that is what you are … totalitarians never do, not until it is far too late.

    It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world. You don’t surrender to it all at once. You do it over the course of weeks and months..”

    The Germans Are Back!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2020 #65869

    > Can anyone logically explain this?

    It’s not supposed to make sense: it’s supposed to make you/us crazy as f*ck, as with the ever-contradictory,
    ever-changing edicts from those who [illegitimately] rule us: “Wear a mask! / don’t wear a mask! / wear a mask! / stay the F*ck home! / go protest for BLM™/Antifa!! / stay the F*ck home!; and so on, until one/we give up
    in despair.. (no, I’m not going to do that, thanks).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2020 #65852

    ‘We need to protect the free speech of dissident doctors’-
    The Covid Physician on how we can protect our civil liberties in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic’:

    “..Weaselly Covid marshals in hi-vis vests now bark aggressively at me, telling me to “stand back!” and “cover your nose!”. I have stopped resisting or trying to placate them with reason. I have stopped trying to reassure them that I am a doctor. Their brows furrow: a dissident doctor is either not really a doctor, or is the worst kind of scum.

    We live in a strange world where minority activists campaign for commercial euthanasia: a world in which a select number of elected and unelected individuals dictate that 100 per cent of us are not allowed the liberty of taking the 0.06 per cent risk of a cost-free, natural death from a respiratory illness (a very common terminal event) at an average age of 82 years old. This is utter insanity while younger, fitter people commit suicide at rising rates under repressive lockdown restrictions, economies collapse, and other debilitating diseases continue to crush, kill and incapacitate the other 99.94 per cent..”

    Almost like it’s all been long planned..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2020 #65500

    This gentleman’s take on the mcElection has seemed accurate to me, so far, though I take issue with his seeming definition of “the left”, who as I see it, are actually neo-fascist wokeFolk carrying water for the Very Few:

    “..The mainstream media and the Biden campaign are already preemptively declaring Biden the winner. This sets the stage for a dangerous dynamic; consider what would happen if leftists go into December/January under the assumption that they have the presidency in the bag, when suddenly it is all snatched away from them? This narrative creates the ultimate rage scenario for the political left; they will consider Trump a usurper of the presidency and from that point on they will rationalize any and all mob violence. This civil unrest will be blamed entirely on Trump and conservatives..”

    Get Ready For Chaos Regardless Of Who Ends Up In The White House

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65453

    my-parents-said-know said:

    > The West absolutely wanted panic- still wants panic. The picture is becoming clearer and clearer as the US is being set up for civil unrest. We are being played.

    Absolutely, my friend.. that’s what the maximal-chaos-by-design mcElection is about, as well.

    Cui bono?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2020 #65269

    ‘More Troublesome Testing: FDA Issues Warning About Potential for False Positive Results with Rapid Detection Antigen Testing’

    “FDA: Potential for False Positive Results with Antigen Tests for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 – Letter to Clinical Laboratory Staff and Health Care Providers”

    “Cases [still poorly or un-defined are soaring!”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2020 #65246

    Mark Crispin Miller on the sham, maximal-chaos by design election: ‘There’s ever-mounting evidence that this election (too) was stolen (this time by, or for, the Democrats)’

    There’s ever-mounting evidence that this election (too) was stolen (this time by, or for, the Democrats)

    ‘When consumerism parades as democracy- A $14 billion election spectacle devoid of real solutions’:

    “..In 2020, Open Secrets calculates that total election spending (President, Senate, House) will total a historic high $14 billion, doubling the previous record set in 2016. Small donors account for only 22 percent of contributions in the 2020 cycle.

    This flood of money is a blinking red light reminder that the Democratic and Republican parties of the 21st century are little more than money-laundering operations in which cash investments are converted into political capital for a small donor class consisting of corporations, banks and the wealthy..”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2020 #65186

    ‘England underestimates the costs of lockdown at its peril’ , by Jonathan Sumption-

    “We need to think hard about whether the benefits outweigh the harm for young people and those struggling with mental health..”

    It’s not about the coroni, of course: it’s about the Very Few and their minions destroying civil society on the fast track. Same as with our curious election here in USA..
    Still, good to see this in the Grauniad.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2020 #65078

    > I used to enjoy reading CJ. Then they turned Victoria where she lives into a police state and she kept writing about international politics..

    Johnstone has said that the Few’s coroni-takeover is “boring and irrelevant”; Jonathan Cook has recently said similar things. Alignments taking shape.. interesting.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2020 #65074

    That ‘Tessa Lena’ piece gave me *quite* an odd feeling: well-composed (exceptionally, even) and argued;
    copious links and endnotes; but ends with a little whimper, saying we need to “listen to our heart™”, WRT any
    actions one might take. Yeah, that’ll do it.
    Reminded me a bit of Ms. Johnstone, who often says what we need is “a revolution in consciousness™”, and Stuff Like That.. No, the only possible answer to my mind is Class Solidarity, but the digital nature of our present
    connections makes that most prone to, um, counter-action, if you will..

    Top to bottom, “Left” to “Right”, it’s all gotten-to, is my present take. YMMV.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle Halloween 2020 #65045

    “I believe Donald Trump will be “re-elected.” The consolidation of global governance we are witnessing needs civil unrest to continue unrolling.

    Trump voters are not going to supply that chaos if Biden is elected.

    It’s hard to imagine any other outcome.”

    The Great Reset Needs Trump

    That seems accurate to me: Those who Rule us are going for maximum sh!t-stirring.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2020 #64986

    > Does anyone else get the impression that all this great reset garbage is actually a sign that the system is losing its power rather than gaining more?

    I don’t, myself. Primarily because the great majority seem to be fine with “our” New Techno-fascist totalitarianism. Back around April I felt more optimistic, but now I see an ultra-compliant citizenry mostly saying “please tell me what to do!” and “stay safe!” babble.. “Does my mask/faceshelf/Tyvek hazmat suit with filtered
    air supply look ok, Dear?”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2020 #64984

    Belatedly adding: it sure does look like Theodore Kacynski (sp?) was right..
    Techno-slavery, here we come.. yee-hah!

    hard pass.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2020 #64982

    That’s good stuff on the Great Reset at your blog today, John Day- thank you.
    Any chance we can opt out of said reset? (heh!)


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2020 #64951

    > Eradicating the virus is possible. China, Vietnam, Taiwan, New Zealand are doing it.

    What is your evidence for this claim-
    Press clippings, maybe? No virus has ever been “eradicated”, contrary to your claim; virii run their course, regardless of human actions.
    The ‘virus™’
    is cover for the economic reset that
    our so-to-say “elites” have been planning for
    quite some time. The ‘virus’ is the
    *least* of our present worries.. that otherwise reasonable people are advocating for continued, more stringent ‘lockdowns’
    to “fight the virus™” is far more frightening than their nominal target. Are you OK with the *permanent* loss of civil
    liberties that is inherent in your preferred approach?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2020 #64943

    I too would like to thank Maxwell Quest for his comment today. That description of Mr. Obama was pithy, but it was all notably good.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2020 #64942

    ‘Mirages in a Desert Whose Water Runs Out’, by Russell Bangs:

    “The World Economic Forum gives another run-down on the totalitarian plan:

    “Far from settling into a ‘new normal’, we should expect a Covid19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative – over the decade ahead. “

    There’s a clue to the mass psychology of the Covid Death Cult. The rhetoric is familiar from forecasts of rising climate chaos, but with “Covid19” substituted for “climate”. (Of course in reality “positive as well as negative” feedback loops refer only to the direction of dynamism. All the effects on civilization and especially most of the effects on the 99% will for the short run be bad and destructive. But leave it to the global-technocratic elites to look for the good in the Covid “crisis” they engineered. Self-evidently they did it only in expectation of good for them and evil for everyone else.)
    In spite of all the rhetoric about a “green economy” and a “Green New Deal”, deep down everyone except the most idiotic *****climate crocodiles and right-believers in the climate-industrial movement know that the climate crisis cannot be solved within the framework of the economic civilization.
    Since no one wants to face the implications of this, the global technocratic elites waging the terror-lockdown assault which uses Covid as a pretext had the idea to include among their propaganda a substitution of “Covid”, which everyone (wrongly) believes can be controlled and suppressed by system institutions (just as they wrongly believe it needs special control), for the uncontrollable Earth..”

    Mirages in a Desert Whose Water Runs Out

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2020 #64894

    > Because if Joe loses we all know who will win.

    And why would a Trump win be worse than a Biden one? “We’re rich-f*ck Democrats, and we promise to not beat you proles *quite as hard* as Trump would- though we reserve the right to change our minds” is not a great rallying cry..

    A pox on both halves of the kayfabe Duopoly. No legitimizing vote from me, this time.
    Get to know your neighbors, be reciprocally kind, grow some food; those things
    will or might help, but voting won’t.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2020 #64782

    ‘Bonfire of the Humanity’, by Russell Bangs:

    “..As always the most vulnerable elements – our inner feelings, our self-respect and self-confidence, our personal relationships, our ability to form such relationships in the first place, our attempts to rebuild human community amid such a hostile sociopathic commodified habitat – are the most vulnerable to this totalitarian violence. The primary goal always is to eradicate everything that makes us human in the first place. This was always the goal of tyrants throughout history, the goal of modern totalitarian tyrannies, and most virulent of all it is the primary goal of the globalist technocratic elites in launching their terror-lockdown assault which uses covid as a pretext. The mass death cult which has arisen to exult in this global bonfire of humanity, these masses so spiritually and intellectually exhausted they repose such fundamentalist faith in such dominionist presumption and flee to what they hope will be a new age of darkness where they never again have to lay eyes upon one another or upon themselves..”

    and: “..The “pandemic”, such as it ever was, has been over since late spring. That’s why the cultists have to resort to semantic distortions and misdirection – shrieking about alleged new “cases” where they mean non-symptomatic infections, detected by what’s universally known to be an unreliable test, and which numbers, to the extent they’re accurate, reflect the inexorable progress of herd immunity, while they fraudulently imply significant numbers of people are dying when in reality this is not happening anywhere nor will it ever happen – and outright lies, while regressing to the most infantile flat-earthism in denial of the success of Sweden and others who did not join the terror stampede and in parroting over and over, “I believe because it’s absurd…I believe because it’s absurd…”..”

    Bonfire of the Humanity

    Those running this pandemic-show are killing off humanity (lockdowns, antisocial distancing, job loss, solidarity destroyed) and what it means to be human. The contradictory directives are just part of the show..



    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2020 #64741

    ‘The Cult of the Brave New Normal’ at Off-Guardian:

    “..This ridiculous face mask rule imposed by Nicola Sturgeon shows quite clearly the dark side of Scottish politics. It is ridiculous because Nicola Sturgeon (as well as all the other MSP’s and Holyrood staff) has met many people from other households indoors in parliament (before and after face masks were imposed), whilst at the same time continually telling the masses that they cannot meet people from other households indoors. One rule for me, one for thee.

    The paranoid fuelled COVID19 rules delivered by Sturgeon on a daily basis during the week and even reiterated on her twitter account on a frequent basis, and the blatant inconsistent and illogical nature of these rules, are not meant to console or comfort the masses. No, they are a deliberate attempt to disorientate and control the minds of the masses.

    Cult leaders do this to their followers to short circuit their critical thinking. Cult leaders will also change the rules or the narrative at a whim for no apparent reason. Hence the change of now being able to get married without a face mask, even though the COVID19 restrictions are being tightened again all over the UK; it makes no sense, its not meant to, and the masses are meant to follow, not question and obey..”

    The Cult of the Brave New Normal

    I agree fully with the author that the purpose of the ever-changing rules and restrictions are primarily
    to disorient the citizenries, not to fight the virus™.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2020 #64716

    > Charles hughes smith is finally getting to my level

    Mr. Smith is very, very late to the party, as with so many other “cutting edge” bloggers.
    When the readers are able to easily surmise way more than the “cutting edge™”
    bloggers, what might that mean?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2020 #64711

    > Tony Bobulinski will announce that he will turn his electronic devices and records of business dealings with Hunter and Jim Biden over to the FBI

    I have full confidence that the FBI will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation™ into the Bidens’ actions.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2020 #64707

    ‘I’m almost starting to think this whole pandemic really is a conspiracy: Our continuing oppressive response to a virus that almost every human survives is making less and less sense’:

    “..Eight months on, my burning question remains unanswered. What is really going on? About 50 millon people die each year worldwide. Some deaths are preventable, others not. Over the course of 2020, this pandemic has claimed 1.1 million lives; most of whom were elderly or already ill. Heart disease kills 17 million annually; cancer 9.6 million. Respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema take 2.5 million lives a year.

    Why then, are we still playing this ridiculously destructive game with healthy peoples’ lives – a risky experiment that, as is starting to emerge, will very likely kill more people than it saves in the long run?..”

    That last point is the important, essentially unreported-on one: what the lockdowns (who chose that particular word, and why?) are doing *to* the great majority of the world’s citizenries.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2020 #64701

    ‘Covid-19 study on mask-wearing efficacy rejected by journals as no one is ‘brave’ enough to publish results – Danish researchers’:

    A large-scale study in Denmark that sought to determine if masks help stop the spread of Covid-19 has been rejected by several prestigious journals. The authors hinted that their findings were inconvenient to the status quo.

    The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the American Medical Association Journal all turned down the paper, Danish media reported on Thursday.

    The study, which began in late April, involved 6,000 Danes, half of whom were asked to wear masks at all times in public places. The other half were selected as a control group and were instructed not to cover their faces. After a month, participants were tested for Covid-19 as well as for antibodies against the virus.

    The study’s researchers have remained tight-lipped about their findings, but they’ve dropped plenty of clues that suggest it was the paper’s conclusion, not its methodology, that led to the journals’ rejections..”

    With a real *control group, in the same environment*, and everything.. odd. 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2020 #64698

    Mr. House: thanks for the Orlov piece. He’s well worth a small donation to get all his writing, some of which
    has been spot-on, in my view; such as his stating that each countries’ elites are using the “pandemic” cover
    to implement more drastic and country-tailored, draconian restructurings. We’re in a New Dark Age, folks..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2020 #64662

    Odd that the coroni deathNdestruction™ is always- but always!- somewhere else. But yeah, we should *definitely* give up our civil liberties to fight it; after all The Authorities will give ’em back just as soon
    as possible (heh!).

    I haven’t had the dreaded coroni; no one I know, has; no one I know, knows *anyone whatever* who has had it
    here on the central coast of California.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2020 #64624

    > I’ve said this before. What did you think the ICU baseline rate was: 0%? No. If it’s slow they keep them, if it’s hot, they try to push their best patients out into conventional beds. Etc. It’s probably always near 90%. But that would require “Journalists” to use a “Telephone.” Does not compute. They only use the CIA press-release teleprompter.

    Well said, Dr. D! It’s all cons, all the time now.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2020 #64567

    Nothing to add to your comment Mister Roboto, except that I concur. They haven’t been miltarizing the cops since the Bubba C
    years for nothing..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2020 #64564

    The Dems half of the duopoly’s job (for their donor class, not the people) is to lose the election,
    then blame the so-called “deplorables” for the loss (“stupid voters”!), then start a Civil War (see
    “Antifa”™ and BLM™) over a result that the Donor Class actually wants.

    Why on earth else would they be running Harris-Biden?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2020 #64539

    Mr House said:

    >AOC is theater, pure and simple. And she’s easy on the eyes.

    Indeed; as with the rest of The Squad™. Dems hoping to rope in a few more rubes, with a Fresh New Look..

    It’s not workin’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2020 #64537

    anticlimactic said:

    > Did the pilots just follow orders from Kiev? The Dreamliner aircraft has a facility for the CIA to take control in case of hijack so did they fly it there?

    MH17 was not a Dreamliner: it was a 777 (as was the unfortunate MH370, for that matter). A Dreamliner is a 787. Odd, how curiously unlucky that particular airline has been..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2020 #64504

    ‘Hanson Has It Right: America Divided over Class Not Race in 2020. It’s Skype-Zoom v. Muscular in today’s 2020 political cage match.’:

    “..VDH argues that there is a class of people that have found refuge in their home offices and basements since the onset of the Chinese coronavirus. They are the traders, the telemarketers, and those who can make their living through the softer professions of the mind. The “Skype-Zoom class” also includes the ruling class: those at the highest levels of society that pull the strings, and control the means to power and production. In author Tom Wolfe’s terms, they are the masters of the universe.

    While the Skype-Zoom class sits safely in their homes and uses their MacBook to make bank, outside their walls, out in the real world of production, lives the muscular class. These are the people who are delivering the food you order from Grubhub, or the disinfectants and hand sanitizers you order from Amazon, both of which might be ordered by Skype-Zoom types in order to save them the risk of leaving their home and becoming infected with the virus. Best to leave that risk for someone else, someone in the muscular class..”

    Hanson Has It Right: America Divided over Class Not Race in 2020.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2020 #64500

    C.J. Hopkins: ‘The Virus of Mass Destruction & Brave New Totalitarian Normal’- 35m. video interview.

    “Political satirist C.J. Hopkins breaks down the pathologized totalitarianism of the “Brave New Normal” brought about by the “Virus of Mass Destruction”. He discusses corona-totalitarians and how the global-hegemonic-system is attempting to put down any populist nonsense, left or right, for good..”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2020 #64464

    Rob Slane- ‘Escaping the Covid Vortex’:

    “..None of this is remotely a rational response to a virus which leaves 99.9% of those who get it in the land of the living. Lockdown was a poisonous spring, from which all manner of entirely foreseeable disasters flow, and as these turgid waters proceed, the whole thing resembles nothing less than a huge social and psychological experiment conducted against a people and against what it actually means to be human — an attack on the Imago Dei.

    And yet millions still appear unable to grasp what is really happening to them, remaining stuck in a rut of hysteria about a virus which is not deadly to 99.9% of the population, even as their country collapses around them. Trying to get people to see this over the last six months has felt like being in the midst of a burning house, pleading with people to get out, only to hear them continually scream back: “Shut up. Stay in. We’ve heard there might be a bear somewhere outside.” The best explanation I’ve heard for this perplexing phenomenon was an answer someone gave when I posed the question on Twitter:

    “I think it’s partly that when the unthinkable happens, people think that it can’t be happening.”..”

    Escaping the Covid Vortex

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2020 #64458

    ‘Ireland facing a ‘tsunami’ of mental health problems’, and are no longer keeping track of suicides:

    “..Data collection on suicides by Irish hospitals were suspended as a result of the lockdown, meaning there are no current figures on suicide and self-harm rates, according to the National Self-Harm Registry.

    However other data sources point to a significant upward trend. In March and April of this year, 17 per cent of patients admitted to the National Spinal Injuries Unit in the Mater Hospital had sustained injuries in a suicide attempt compared to one per cent in the same period last year.

    The numbers involved are small but they reflect a trend which is being seen elsewhere. According to a recent US study, 45 per cent of people with suicidal thoughts explicitly linked them to Covid-19, the disease caused by coronavirus..”

    Lockdowns and job losses are killing people.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 14 2020 #64452

    Boogaloo: to make a valid comparison between two populations the only, or nearly the only, variable
    would have to be the use of masks, or their non-use. As to why the big disparity between the numbers
    we’re given for SK as compared to USA, there are any number of possible answers other than masks-
    the better public health system there (US being about the worst in that, as we know); better prior
    general health of the citizenry (check the US comorbidiities, esp obesity and diabetes; perhaps
    a more virulent strain in US, and so on. In short, you’re not comparing like with like, at all.

    You, too, are welcome.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 14 2020 #64426

    ‘Boogaloo’: how are you presently defining “cases” of COVID-19?


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