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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2020 #61129

    Commenter mpsk said: “The totalitarians can use any virus- it doesn’t have to be “Covid” brand. And they will.
    We are no longer basing all this on compassion. It’s about control- the magic juice of bad actors everywhere.”

    Hear, hear! Odd that so many- most everyone, in fact- either can’t or *won’t* see this..

    It’s all gotten-to.

    PS- Thomas J Kenney: thanks for those examples.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2020 #61124

    > My wife’s sister is a senior ministry of health official

    Odd how the info is *always* thirdhand.

    so gotten-to..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2020 #61123

    First linked piece- ‘Pandemic may get Worse and Worse and Worse™’:

    Not sure how this kind of fear-mongering piece benefits anyone other than the Few.. yes, it could get mcWorse; especially
    if that further benefits the elites, who’ve already been enriched by around a half-a-trilion dollars since this mcCrisis began
    (someone tell me how that works, exactly?); but is it not at least equally likely that the Plandemic will *ease* in its real
    characteristics, as opposed to its online ones? Put more simply: who here has *firsthand, verified* experience with
    this purported bane-of-man’s existence? Anyone at all? Not “I read somewhere..” or “my Aunt’s best friend said..”



    PS: It’s all gotten-to, now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2020 #61111

    Rob Slane talking some rare sense on the Coronavirus Fear-Porn that’s *everywhere* these days,
    and its consequences:

    “In our desire to pretend death is not a thing; to put health and safety so far above the desire to live like free people; and to trust state scientists to order our lives for us, this is what we’ve become.

    A nation in psychological lockdown, unable to get back to normality, because we have accepted abnormality as a price worth paying for protecting us against a virus that is harmless to all but a few, who could have been protected but were not.

    A nation in psychological lockdown, unable to get back to normality, because we have accepted the arbitrary, unscientific diktats of a Government that spooked millions, and are now ready to accept their every imposition in the name of being kept safe.

    A nation in psychological lockdown, in denial about the tsunami of job losses, business closures, resultant increase in poverty, resultant decrease in life expectancy awaiting us, and yet utterly unable to accept that it was not the virus that did it, but the disproportionate response..”

    Psychologically Locked Down

    One of the best conter-Narrative pieces I’ve seen.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2020 #61034

    Dr explaining the pandemic to a coma patient who just woke up…

    Dr: “They shut down the world because of a worldwide pandemic.”

    Patient: “OMG! How many people are infected?”

    Dr : “About 11 Million.”

    Patient: “OMG! 11 million people died?”

    Dr: “No, only 500 thousand… Kind of.”

    Patient: “What do you mean ‘kind of’?”

    Dr: “Well… they keep halving the number of deaths due to double counting, inaccurate tests and mislabeled death certificates. Also, most of the people that die are elderly and dying of other things. There are also people who died because of incorrect ventilator use and other treatments because no-one really understands the virus.”

    Patient: “I don’t get it. So how many died from ONLY the virus… like literally dropped dead in the street?”

    Dr: “No-one. Only in hospitals and nursing homes”

    Patient: “I don’t get it.”

    Dr: “Neither do I, it’s a very confusing time.”

    Patient: “So they cured the other 11 million people then?”

    Dr: “No, most didn’t have any symptoms and in fact they didn’t even know they had it.”

    Patient: “I don’t get it.”

    Dr: “Neither do I.”

    Patient: “It doesn’t sound very deadly. If the other 11 million people didn’t have symptoms then how do they even know they had the virus?”

    Dr: “They were tested.”

    Patient: “But you just said that the tests are inaccurate.”

    Dr: “They are. No-one has isolated the virus so the tests don’t really test for that.”

    Patient: “I don’t get it.”

    Dr: “Neither do I.”

    Patient: “Ok. So when will this pandemic be over?”

    Dr: “When they develop a vaccine to stop the virus.”

    Patient: “The virus that nobody gets or dies from.”

    Dr: “Exactly.”

    Patient: “I don’t get it.”

    Dr: “Neither do I.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2020 #61033

    ‘Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims’:

    Soo-prize, soo-prize, soo-prize…


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2020 #61032

    ‘What is the real purpose of the Lockdowns? From masks to lockdowns to “social distancing”, do these anti-Covid measures serve another purpose?’:

    “..While the country is fast approaching an existential crisis on steroids, millions experienced an inner knowing that some indefinable thing was not right with recognition that the early explanations were hogwash while others, addicted to mainstream/social media who still believed in the illusion of democracy, were on board with the litany of spin from the medical and political establishment..”


    What is the real purpose of the Lockdowns?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 9 2020 #60965

    Some quite interesting thought on our present Situation in this five-minute video:

    interesting times


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 3 2020 #60790

    ‘“New Corona Cases”: A Phrase That’s Tells us Very Little, if Anything, About the Actual Levels of Danger We Face’:

    “..So why is the press still obsessively talking about “cases” as if there were a linear correlation between them and threat to the health of the vast majority of people?

    I see only two possible explanations. The first is herd stupidity, that is, the deeply ingrained tendency of everyone with a keyboard and a twitter feed to—for all their often histrionic attempts to portray themselves as “fiercely independent”—studiously ape the central presumptions of the corporate media’s view of reality and confine their institutional critiques to the very peripheral realms of nuance and style.

    The second possibility is flat-out institutional corruption, that is, that people in very high places have told their servants in the media to keep the panic, and the enhanced control of the population it enables, going as long as possible..”

    “New Corona Cases”:  A Phrase That’s Tells us Very Little, if Anything,  About the Actual Levels of Danger We  Face

    Cracks in The Narrative beginning to appear..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2020 #59912

    @ Mr. House: Yes, I sure know what you mean. That place has become merely an echo chamber of the Official Narrative..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2020 #59910

    Glenn Greenwald: The Abrupt, Radical Reversal in How Public Health Experts Now Speak About the Coronavirus and Mass Gatherings:

    “Remember the coronavirus? That was the pandemic which we were told by public health experts since February was so grave — the worst public health threat since the 1918 Spanish Flu — that we could not go outside for any reason, even if it meant a collapse in the global economy, tens or hundreds of millions of people suffering from unemployment, the permanent shuttering of small businesses, sustained mental health damage, and the separation of people from their loved ones and communities, including barring them from visiting dying spouses and parents and children in the hospital or even attending an outdoor burial.

    So dogmatic was the dictate that we all stay at home that any attempt to question or even balance it — by, for instance, arguing that the harms of the virus had to be weighed against the suffering from an economic shutdown and a global depression — was deemed immoral. Those who questioned state-mandated lockdown and stay-at-home orders, let alone left their homes to actually protest against them, were condemned as sociopaths who were willing to sacrifice the lives of old people for economic prosperity or the trivial, troglodyte desire to go to Applebees. Oftentimes those protesting lockdowns were vilified as white nationalists or at least driven by white racialist sentiments (sometimes they were that, but often they were not)..”

    Interesting how Greenwald and so many commenters can see this, but some sites can’t..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 5 2020 #59598

    Replying to thomasjkenney (in case this does not appear in the right place):

    I fully agree with you; getting out into nature is the absolute best antidote to those who are trying to frighten the hell
    out of us virtually 24/7, these days.. lucking where I live there are lot of very happy birds and other wildlife..
    I envy, and try to emulate them.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 5 2020 #59595

    > RIM: When people are so afraid of sickness and death that they give up what makes life worth living- and now seem willing to embrace a surveillance state- I call that extreme. I did.
    What you cite I call unbearable, terrifying- which is also extreme.

    MPSK: thank you for this comment, and you are not the only one who feels that way.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 2 2020 #59471

    > ask yourself, how many websites, blogs, news organizations, economists, doctors, leaders and government entities are participating in this madness-causing ruse?

    Ah, the $64,000 question. I hear you..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2020 #59421

    ‘Covid19 & the denial of veridical reality’, by Catte Black:

    “It probably hasn’t passed anyone by that the covid19 crisis, whether manufactured or exploited, has caused great schisms in the alternative media.

    Almost from day one there was a divide between those who opted to accept and even endorse the rollout of authoritarian measures by governments around the world as ‘necessary evils’ (or even as harbingers of a world socialist revolution; beats me how that is supposed to work but still), and those who pointed out that this rollout was at best flagrantly disproportionate and opportunistic, and at worst a planned response to a planned or cynically manipulated ‘pandemic’.

    Over the last few months the position of the latter has become stronger by the day, while that of the former has been weakened to the point of collapse.

    As we have pointed out many times the official data has never supported the panic memes. In fact the two entities, data and narrative, co-exist almost independently of one another, telling mutually contradictory stories, without anyone in the Panic-sphere (to coin a phrase) seeming to notice or mind very much..”


    in reply to: Automatic Earth (Not) In Athens #59388

    “It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water:

    “It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 20 2020 #59040

    Fascinating that the proprietors of so many sites have been telling us for more than two months now that
    we’re going to run out of hospital beds / ICU hospital beds / ventilators, and millions are going to die! ;
    none of those claims have been borne out, yet none of those claims have been retracted by their makers..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 20 2020 #59036

    Mr. House said: “..Its funny, i stopped reading the wall street journal and many main stream outlets during 2008 because what they were saying didn’t match the reality. I ended up at places like the automatic earth and others. I’m starting to get that same feeling again.”

    Do I ever hear you, Mr. House: most everyone has willingly swallowed the CV™-Koolaid.
    CJ Hopkins, thankfully, has not:

    I don’t think he goes quite far enough, even.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 12 2020 #58681

    ‘Ten reasons to end the lockdown now:
    Lockdown is impairing our ability to live with the effects of this virus, while not changing the long game’, by
    Dr John Lee:

    “Writing in this magazine a month ago, I applauded the British government’s stated aim of trying to follow the science in dealing with COVID. Such promises are easier made than kept. Following science means understanding science. It means engaging with rival interpretations of the limited data in order to tease out what is most important in what we don’t know. Instead, the government in the UK (and many other places) seems uninterested in alternative viewpoints. The chosen narrative — that lockdown has saved countless lives — has been doggedly followed by all spokespeople. No doubt is allowed. We have been seeing the groupthink response to a perceived external threat that Jonathan Haidt describes so lucidly in his excellent book on human moral thinking, The Righteous Mind.

    It has now become a matter of faith that lockdown is vital. Not only is it believed to be causally responsible for ‘flattening the curve’, but it is feared that releasing it too soon may cause a second spike in cases and ‘economic disaster’ (presumably due to further huge numbers of deaths). On what evidence is this made?..”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2020 #58655

    ‘Against the Corona Panic, Part XI: Stay-Open Sweden set to lose 0.02% of total population to Coronavirus, in line with usual peak flu years; 2020 may equal 2018 in total mortality; why did we destroy the economy over this?’:

    “The end of the Panic Pandemic should be at hand by now. It would (long) be, if the matter were entirely evidence-driven. The apocalyptic virus it was so aggressively marketed to be has turned into a minor flu virus.

    The evidence pointing against the Panic had been there all along, but ignored and suppressed. Strangely, the pro-Panic side doesn’t want to hear the good news, which raises questions of its own.

    Not only did the pro-Panic side ignore the evidence and actively suppress the early evidence, they busily set up a religion around the Panic, entrenching it and giving it eternal privileges from criticism or skeptical inquiry, or logical consistency (flattening the curve turned into elimination of the virus, a fool’s errand). As the core doctrines of the Corona religion were steadily refuted, they dug in. How this happened, reconstructing what went wrong with the Coronavirus Mass Delusion event of 2020, is the most interesting question of the hour..”

    Against the Corona Panic, Part XI: Stay-Open Sweden set to lose 0.02% of total population to Coronavirus, in line with usual peak flu years; 2020 may equal 2018 in total mortality; why did we destroy the economy over this?

    I too wish to thank Dr. D for his cogent comments, especially regarding the Dreaded™ Pathogen..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2020 #58401

    Great comment, Dr. D- thank you.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58320

    [Doc Robinson said]

    >By the way, I saw a list of “comorbidities” for COVID-19 patients [..]

    Happen to have a link?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58319

    [Wes said to] Bill7:

    >Actually stories like this were posted months ago here at TAE! It is kind of old news!

    I don’t see current, well-sourced stories in NYT *about the situation in NYC*, shedding further light on the well-muddled present, as being “old news”, myself.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58312

    Trying again with the link:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58311

    Why are stories like this virtually never found here?

    NYT: ‘Nearly All Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19 Had Chronic Health Issues, Study Finds'”

    “Only 6 percent of patients at one New York area health system had no chronic conditions. Hypertension, obesity and diabetes were common..”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58307

    Wes: Apologies if my comment lacked clarity.

    >Can you please enlighten me as to whether you think TAE supports or opposes the CorporateStream Covid-19 narrative?

    Supports, in my view: links to countervailing opinions on COVID-19 are found here only in the comments section, AFAICS, as with the recent NYT piece that pointed out that virtually everyone hospitalized in that epicenter of
    the coronavirus has co-morbidities, and most of them multiple co-morbidities. And that was a *mainstream* source.. there are many others.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58304

    Odd that nothing is posted here at TAE that *does not* support the CorporateStream COVID-19 narrative..
    There’s plenty around, for anyone who’s interested; just not here.

    Dr. D: I hear you, big-time.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2020 #58038
    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2020 #58037

    Mmm, the link disappeared. Trying again:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2020 #58036

    Odd that no alt-media are covering this NYT story: ‘Nearly All Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19 Had Chronic Health Issues, Study Finds’:

    “A new study of thousands of hospitalized coronavirus patients in the New York City area, the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States, has found that nearly all of them had at least one major chronic health condition, and most — 88 percent — had at least two.

    Though earlier research has shown chronic conditions like obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are common risk factors for severe Covid-19, the ubiquity of serious medical conditions in these patients was striking: Only 6 percent of them had no underlying health conditions..”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 26 2020 #57950

    Washington Post: ‘As beds go unfilled, states scale back Army Corps makeshift hospitals’:

    “..States are already beginning to scale back. New York has hit the brakes on opening three of the makeshift facilities the Army Corps of Engineers has completed in Westchester County and on Long Island, and has scrapped construction on another four. Virginia paused plans for three large field hospitals in Richmond, Hampton and Fairfax County that it was planning to build using Army Corps plans. And Michigan downsized a Corps-built facility outside Detroit from 1,110 to 250 beds.

    Sites that have opened so far have seen low occupancy rates. The first Corps-built makeshift hospital to come online, at the Javits Center, is about 20 percent occupied; it has roughly 200 patients at the moment, down from a little over 400 at its peak, according to a state official. Only about 33 patients have been treated at a 970-bed Army Corps-built facility at the TCF Center, a convention center in Detroit, since it opened on April 10, after hospitals in the area surged their capacity..”

    Who benefits from the COVID-19™ fear-mongering, and why is virtually every site pushing it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 25 2020 #57928

    Washington Post: ‘As beds go unfilled, states scale back Army Corps makeshift hospitals’:

    “..States are already beginning to scale back. New York has hit the brakes on opening three of the makeshift facilities the Army Corps of Engineers has completed in Westchester County and on Long Island, and has scrapped construction on another four. Virginia paused plans for three large field hospitals in Richmond, Hampton and Fairfax County that it was planning to build using Army Corps plans. And Michigan downsized a Corps-built facility outside Detroit from 1,110 to 250 beds.

    Sites that have opened so far have seen low occupancy rates. The first Corps-built makeshift hospital to come online, at the Javits Center, is about 20 percent occupied; it has roughly 200 patients at the moment, down from a little over 400 at its peak, according to a state official. Only about 33 patients have been treated at a 970-bed Army Corps-built facility at the TCF Center, a convention center in Detroit, since it opened on April 10, after hospitals in the area surged their capacity..”

    Odd that so many formerly-reliable sites have swallowed the “pandemic”™ frenzy hook, line, and sinker.
    Who benefits from the COVID-19™ perma-fear?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 18 2020 #57436

    Guessing Mister BoscoHorowitz– who seems, curiously, to have plenty of time on his hands– is Sponsored™ Content.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 18 2020 #57420

    Dr. D:

    “The above rate is now 0.0006% death. Sounds like their models may need some work.

    Other news shows a sizeable proportion of Roosevelt sailors had the flu vaccine. Which is probably throwing huge “false” positives. Or protected them against Corona having effects. Again, why do we care who “has” it if it has no effects?…”

    I hear you big-time Dr D: virtually every site now is hyping the dreaded™ coronavirus like there’s no toorrow.

    Here’s a couple that aren’t:
    Brave New Normal
    Covid-19 Global Lockdown


    Coronavirus Lockdown and What You Are Not Being Told – Part 1

    Covid19: criminalising & pathologising dissent

    -Bill7, who remains #veryReserved.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2020 #56943

    Dr. D- I hear you big time, regarding the Deadly Pathogen™. Edward Curtin’s take can be found here, for those who haven’t seen it:

    Not buying what’s being sold *most everywhere* regarding this issue.

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