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Participant@MrHouse I live in the UK so the people who are ‘calling the shots’ are not the same for me as for you, assuming you are in the USA. But I have read a variety, for example Dr Yeadon, Dr Malone, and I listen to those on “This week in virology”. These people are experts and yet they disagree with each other. It is not easy to navigate through this. But when I asked why Denninger your answer was pretty much confirmation bias. It’s not something I attacked you with, it’s the reason you gave. Now I am accused of confirmation bias but not with any obvious evidence.
As I have said before, I don’t see it as a choice between two narratives, but at the moment I am not buying the ADE. It hasn’t happened. If it happens I’ll have to change my mind about some things. At the moment there is no scientific basis for a booster anyway so I have no immediate choices to make.
The above Doctors who disagreed with the narrative were subjected to cancellation culture, and I know how that feels posting on here, where I get flamed. I am on the side of truth. If anecdotal evidence is the best that can be offered it’s probably not the truth.
Participant@dbentonsmith I don’t just read one source of information. But to me, citing anecdotal evidence is a warning flag. I don’t think Dr Malone would ever cite anecdotal evidence. I expect I could find anecdotal evidence of haunted houses.
ParticipantBecause we’ve been reading him since march of 2020 and he makes more sense then what the TV tells me. Just like the automatic earth and others made more sense in 2008 then what the economist and the wall street journal were telling me. Next question?
So, confirmation bias then. Why do you think you are a good judge of what makes sense in virology and immunology? And if you are, why do you need to read anything?
ParticipantAnecdotal evidence? Wow, that’s setting the bar pretty high. But sarcasm aside, why is Mr Denninger the goto for vaccine or immunity expertise?
ParticipantThe conclusion of the Thailand Medical News does not seem to be the same as the conclusion of the paper to which it links.
Wake me up when ADE actually happens.
ParticipantYou may not know when it is Delta, but we in the UK do:
ParticipantIn the UK, the most vulnerable people, which is mostly the oldest people, were vaccinated first and I think they got the pfeizer. At least the ones I know did. According to Dr Malone (if I recall correctly) the pfeizer antibodies wane after six months or so, so if there is going to be ADE it would be here now in the elderly who got their shots first.
If the stats are all unreliable we have to go with the most certain thing, the number of deaths. And it is quite low, as if nothing unusual is happening, and all the fuss is about nothing.
Autumn will be the test.
ParticipantSo here is what I think is odd. If ADE is happening in the USA, why is it not happening in the UK where there is a higher vaccination rate and the vaccines were approved earlier?
If ADE is happening in the USA, why are deaths falling? A sign of ADE would be if the vaccinated were worse off than unvaccinated. I haven’t seen any sign of that.
ParticipantDr D, what do you mean there is no test for a variant? They have identified 4000 of them here:
ParticipantTV news in the UK was thoroughly desolate until GB News came along. The BBC just recited government mantras like malfunctioning robots. It’s great to watch Neil Oliver’s opening speeches.
Why Delinger though? He doubts “preventing severe disease and death.”, but rather than look at death statistics he says “The majority of their admissions into the hospitals are now vaccinated”. What does that tell you? Anything at all? Math is never wrong. But whose math?
If you want to proceed scientifically, you start with your theory, and then look for something which *disproves* it.
Participant“How to redefine “rare”: “..34.9 percent had received two doses..” Again that’s 34.9 % of the people who were admitted to hospital, not the percentage of the people who were infected. How many people were infected but did not go to hospital? How many people did not even have a test?
ParticipantGerm, you are dividing by the number of people admitted to hospital, overlooking the fact that more unvaccinated ended up in hospital. You need to divide by the number in the population who got the delta.
ParticipantRe “risk reduction” this is from the end of the Lancet article:
“These considerations on efficacy and effectiveness are based on studies measuring prevention of mild to moderate COVID-19 infection; they were not designed to conclude on prevention of hospitalisation, severe disease, or death, or on prevention of infection and transmission potential. Assessing the suitability of vaccines must consider all indicators, and involve safety, deployability, availability, and costs.”
ParticipantI’ve been reading the Automatic Earth for a very long time. I tried to work out how long. Before the crash of 2008 I think. When Stoneleigh was posting on here. And I think I remember the website being called something else, and having something to do with peak oil. So it is quite strange for me to be accused of being mainstream etc, but I am just saying what I think, just like everyone else is. And if it happens to be mainstream, so be it.
ParticipantI can’t see who is replying to whom on this site. But Mr House no I am not asking you to take the vaccine, I am suggesting you make an informed choice and not a misinformed choice. Also I am opposed to vaccine passports and I was opposed to lockdown. It’s not black and white, not two opposing narratives of which you have to pick one.
ParticipantLook at the new cases curve and the new deaths curve. What do you think is happening? It doesn’t look like the vaccine is killing more people than covid. Maybe it will in the autumn and then you can say ‘I told you so’.
If you never read anything you disagree with, you won’t have to change your mind. We all know how abhorrent that is.
ParticipantWe all have our grumpy days. 😀
ParticipantIf everyone in Israel had been vaccinated, then everyone in hospital would be vaccinated too. So what would be the point of the vaccine you might ask? Well, what if there were only one tenth of the people in hospital that there were before the vaccine?
I didn’t get passed the tweet. Is there any evidence that ADE is happening? I haven’t seen any.
ParticipantI don’t remember any claim the vaccines were supposed to prevent infections. I remember they were supposed to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death. I think “The vaccines don’t work” is the wrong conclusion to jump to.
Infection doesn’t mean hospital and death.
ParticipantIf the vaccines don’t work, then what’s happening in the UK?
Just the summer, perhaps?
ParticipantLook at the deaths:
28 Yesterday. That’s compared to over 1300 per day from all causes.
Participant“The lower the vaccination rates, the lower the infections”
If you have been vaccinated twice, an infection is not likely to be a serious matter. And also you aren’t likely to be taking as many precautions as someone who is not vaccinated.
ParticipantIt is similar to previous vaccines in that it it creates an immune response in the body.
ParticipantBut what you refer to as gene therapy is RNA, and sars-cov2 is RNA too. So any long term effects of the vaccine could also be long term effects of the virus.
ParticipantGenerally with vaccines problems turn up soon after vaccination, not years later. But either way, how do we know what the long term effects of sars-cov2 will be?
I have my doubts about vaccinating children, but Dr Griffin here points to long covid in children.
TWiV 783: COVID-19 clinical update #72 with Dr. Daniel Griffin
ParticipantEngland is doing well according to these charts.
I cannot prove that it is because of the vaccine, but then if the vaccine were killing huge numbers it would show up in these charts. It’s hard to really know the truth about what’s going on, but I decided on balance that the vaccine was less risky than the risk of getting covid19, and so far nothing you have said has convinced me otherwise.
I see the usual confusion about cases, infections, covid, but skip it all and go straight to the death stats. There isn’t much confusion about death, you are either dead or not dead.
ParticipantAnd it’s those spike proteins that PCR tests recognize
It isn’t, they detect RNA by converting it to DNA and multiplying it up.
Participant5,522 people have died within 28 days of receiving a covid vaccination”
Note Ilargi: Scotland population is about 5.5 million, so 1 in 1,000 died from vaccination.
Well, no. In England and Wales 8808 people died in 1 week alone! So you need to consider the normal death rate.
What is the column “expected number of deaths” in your graphic? It looks like actual deaths are lower, so what is there to worry about?
ParticipantDo you have any proof for that, democritus?
I am hoping you don’t want me to build a lab.
Participant@democritus: then why are they called vaccines?
Because they work the way vaccines work, by inducing an immune response in the body.
ParticipantRe Hesseri and LDS – The vaccines were intended to prevent hospitalisations and that’s what they have done. They weren’t intended to prevent positive test results or any symptoms at all.
Participant“For every 1,000 confirmed cases for COVID-19,” What does this mean? A positive test result? I think this is not the same use of ‘case’ as in US 34 million cases. Otherwise the figures don’t make sense.
ParticipantWell, democritus, if you’re not reading the articles anyway, yeah, what’s the use? You’re not going to learn much that way, are you?
Sorry, I was in an angry mood this morning and didn’t read past the first line. I take back what I said.
Participant“A team of Australian researchers have published a scientific paper proving that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus appears to be best adapted to attack human cells,”
So what? That’s how it got into humans. If it hadn’t been adapted it would not have transferred from bats to humans. It’s called evolution! This is just ridiculous. I have had enough of Automatic Earth and it’s anti-vaxx conspiracy nonsense.
ParticipantThe vaccine wasn’t ever billed to stop infections, it was billed to stop hospitalisation and death. Infections can be harmless.
Participant“No vaccines needed.” What do you mean? Just dab a bit of sars-cov2 on your tongue and hope you get a mild infection?
ParticipantIf you’re worried about RNA or clotting you had better make sure you never get sars-cov2.
Experts debunk the COVID-19 claims of Dr. Lee Merritt and the AFLDS
ParticipantHere are some definitions of a vaccine.
The covid vaccines *are* vaccines.
Calling this gene therapy is just hoping we’ll mix up RNA and DNA to be as confused as off-guardian, and hoping that we will completely overlook what sars-cov2 does with its RNA. Just because it is natural, it doesn’t mean it is better or even good.
ParticipantFor the church of Jesus Christ to shut out those deemed by the state to be social undesirables would be anathema to us
They have already done this unfortunately, by shutting out everyone, even though there was no legal requirement to do so.