Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSince the post of January 29, I have been meaning to thank Dora for posting the video at comment # 151407. This is a must-watch as far as I am concerned, about the southern border issue. I had no idea about much of the information shown in this video. Yikes.
ParticipantThere is an EXCELLENT interview with Professor Norman Finkelstein on last night’s Jimmy Dore show. The show of 10/9/23. Not sure how to post a link to the show, but do try to watch it, either on YouTube or Rumble. Finkelstein discusses the reality of the Gaza strip, an open-air prison in which at least half its residents were born. This guy is very knowledgeable about the history of Palestine and Israel. (Jimmy himself doesn’t host this show, guest host is Craig Pasta Jardula.)
Others who persist in telling the truth about Palestine: Max Blumenthal and his crew at the Gray Zone, and Glenn Greenwald on his System Update show.Curlene48
ParticipantDear Aspnaz,
Please stop smearing my entire ethnicity. Neither RFK nor Trump are Jews, the two people you just correctly called out as Zionists. I am Jewish but am not a Zionist. Please stop your racist rants against an entire segment of the population. There are actually some Jews who do not support the Zionist state or its policies, like myself and many, many others.
Thank you for considering this!Curlene48
ParticipantHi riesterm and John Day:
We went and heard RFK Junior this afternoon at Independence Mall. His speech was brilliant and inspiring. He said he is running for president in order to unite Americans of all persuasions; he does not “take sides”; he always speaks to both sides on every issue and gives them equal weight in considering his positions. He opposes censorship and supports people talking to those with whom they disagree. As an example of this method of deciding issues, he explained that he had one view about the border crisis, but then went to the border and spoke to people and actually changed his mind. Everything he said was excellent. We were truly moved, and took two of his posters to put in our yard in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
Then we came home and saw riesterm’s post about RFK’s Twitter/X post. We were beside ourselves — his tone in that post is incredibly belligerent, pro-Israel, pro-US military aid to Israel, pro punishing the Palestinians who have already suffered for 75 years in an Apartheid theocratic state. He is certainly not following the course he outlined in today’s speech, and we are done with him. Unbelievable, the hypocrisy.
To answer John Day’s question, he is running as an independent, not representing any party. It will be very tough for him to get on the ballot in very many states, as I know from my days campaigning for independent candidates in the past.
But I won’t be helping him after all, after seeing his war-mongering, racist rant on Twitter/X today.
So sad, the lack of real political leadership in this country.Curlene48
ParticipantNot to mention that there has been a war going on in eastern Ukraine since 2014. So what “peace in Europe” does this person mean?
Participant4 short years ago, we had:
Peace in Europe
Peace in the Middle East
1% inflation
$1.75 a gallon gasoline
2.5% mortgage rate
A growing economy
Full employment
What the hell happened?This is so egregiously incorrect, one wonders what the poster was smoking. Four years ago there was the war in Syria, and there was certainly not full employment, for starters. Maybe some of the other points could be argued. A growing economy? In what sector? Everything was still being made in China or Bangladesh, no difference from the first day NAFTA was put in place. Where was this posted, and what was the poster smoking?
Participantphoenixvoice, Thanks for your interesting piece about what you are seeing in your children’s public schools.
I actually would welcome high-school kids being given Howard Zinn’s work to read, in particular A People’s History of the United States. It questions the mainstream narrative on US history. If it is read it can be discussed and contrasted with other points of view, which are much more prevalent in our culture than Zinn’s views.
What really upsets me more are some of the other issues you raise in your piece, such as the one-size-fits-all approach to testing, technology, and life choices after high school.
The other thing that upsets me is the disappearance of school libraries and librarians.
I was a school librarian for 24 years and the library was seen as the hub of the school, the center of research, learning, and independent thought. I retired in 2011, and since that time I have seen school libraries devalued in many districts.In one school district in eastern Ohio that I visited a few years ago, they had completely gutted their libraries and were using the spaces as computer labs only. Other schools have turned their libraries into “maker spaces” with an emphasis on having the kids make things with 3-D printers.
The school district I visited in Ohio had also gotten rid of their foreign-language programs in the high school, and some of the kids were taking foreign languages from a canned online curriculum only.
Children in the US should be exposed to foreign languages and cultures. They should be exposed to books and literature, and alternate points of view as well. The world-view of most US citizens is extremely insular and uninformed about the wider world. Schools should be encouraging students to read widely and evaluate for themselves what they have read. Much as those of us who read this blog every day.
Our educational system is simply continuing to encourage group-think and mindless adherence to what we are told in the mainstream media. And it is getting worse by the day.
I just read that another kids’ book author, R. L. Stine, has had his work tampered with by his publisher, Scholastic Books. He is not a literary giant like Roald Dahl, but just an author whose books are extremely popular with young kids. It turns out that in 2018, Scholastic re-released his works and changed many of his words to conform to the “woke” protocols decided on by faceless bureaucrats. The publisher didn’t even consult with him. If they are doing it to Dahl and Stine with impunity, I am afraid that they are doing it all over the place.
ParticipantPosting this here as a follow-up of a conversation from yesterday …
D Benton Smith … Okay, you are correct in that I misread your statement. Thanks for clarifying.
I certainly agree that most people of my ethnic group are completely WRONG-HEADED apologists for Israel, and thereby help perpetuate its racist and heinous crimes against humanity. They hide behind accusations of “anti-Semitism” whenever confronted with the reality of Israel’s criminality.
However, slinging the word “Jew” around as an insult (as in “Fauci the Jew”, which our esteemed colleague wrote a few days ago) doesn’t help any argument except the for one that the Empire of Lies, Israel, and the world-wide oligarchy wish to make.
I read this blog for the information that Ilargi brings to light, and I find it incredibly valuable.Curlene48
ParticipantD Benton Smith … Okay, you are correct in that I misread your statement. Thanks for clarifying.
I certainly agree that most people of my ethnic group are completely WRONG-HEADED apologists for Israel, and thereby help perpetuate its racist and heinous crimes against humanity. They hide behind accusations of “anti-Semitism” whenever confronted with the reality of Israel’s criminality.
However, slinging the word “Jew” around as an insult (as in “Fauci the Jew”, which our esteemed colleague wrote a few days ago) doesn’t help any argument except the for one that the Empire of Lies, Israel, and the world-wide oligarchy wish to make.
I read this blog for the information that Ilargi brings to light, and I find it incredibly valuable.Curlene48
Participantfrom AFKTT:
I am very clear in my mind about everything financial, economic, environmental, scientific, cultural and political. but I am still in two minds about aspnaz.
On one side he writes utter drivel -such as oil being abiotic and generated by unknown processes- and makes utterly stupid assertions and engages in ad hominem attacks and generally offers nothing worth reading -so I usually skip over anything he writes -unless it is one of his personal attacks on me.
On the other hand, he regularly reminds us how uninformed and nasty many humans are -and there is value in being reminded how uninformed and nasty many humans are.Thanks, A Few Know the Truth, for this and true wise comment. Also, thanks Ilárgi, Oxymoron and others for your comments re what I wrote.
When people use the word “Jew” as an insult, as in “Fauci the Jew” … when in fact Fauci is not a Jew and you are only using the word as an epithet … that is genuine racism. People who throw racist expressions like that around are not really helping the anti-Zionist cause. They are not helping the cause of Corbin and other anti-Zionists who are being UNFAIRLY tarnished with the “anti-Semite” smear. Au contraire, they are actually lending credence to the incorrect idea that those who oppose the Apartheid state of Israel are anti-Semites, which is not true.
Just whose interests does that serve, aspnaz, D.Benton Smith, and peteypies? It serves the goals of the oligarchs who are ruling the world and want to smear all of us as racist anti-Semitic nut-cases.
Doesn’t seem that difficult to understand.Curlene48
Participantaspnaz: Your constant anti-Jew tirades are getting very tiresome. I am Jewish by birth, could not help being born Jewish. My parents were socialists and I have always opposed the Apartheid state of Israel and everything that it stands for. There is a difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist. Your racist rants against Jews are in aid of nothing positive, and they are personally offensive to me and probably to others as well. Who cares that some who lead our oligarchy are Jews? There are plenty of evil goyim as well. I could make a tidy little list like you did, starting with Bill Gates, the Clintons, the Bushes, etc. Please stop it.
Participantcitizenx … Asking that people refrain from name-calling and hurling insults in the Comments section of TAE is hardly equivalent to asking that we all join hands and sing Kumbaya together. Clearly we who read this blog are largely in agreement that things are VERY much fucked-up, and those in charge of the world are evil greedy psychopaths. Have no intention of singing Kumbaya with them any time soon.
Phoenixvoice … thanks for your remarks, and Rover for seconding them. When we mean “tyrannical” let’s say “tyrannical”. When we mean “anti-democratic” let’s use that term.
Marxism is a way of looking at the class-based structure of the world and the ownership and control of the means of production. “Marxism” is not a synonym for “tyrannical” even if some so-called Marxist governments have turned out to be tyrannical. Plenty of capitalistic societies are also ruled by tyrants.
There is no way Klaus Schwab is a Marxist, since he is very much in favor of the capitalist system and is a billionaire himself. Likewise Gates, etc. They may be borrowing some left-sounding (and woke-sounding) rhetoric, but that doesn’t mean they are Marxists.
Phoenixvoice said it very well. Thank you, Phoenixvoice, for raising this issue again.Curlene48
ParticipantRed — Hear Hear! Yours is a voice of calm reason and understanding. Always look forward to your posts in the Comments section of TAE. I am referring to something you wrote on 2/10/23.
My husband first came to TAE via his following of the Peak Oil awareness in the early 2000’s. He first became aware of Ilargi on The Oil Drum back then.
As for the in-fighting in the Comments section on TAE, I have had enough of it. Probably some others have as well. How about if people stop calling each other rude names and instead write about what they know, on politics, medicine and everyday life?
If you want to insult people, why don’t you start your own blog instead of burdening TAE with your nonsense and name-calling? It is amazing to me that Ilargi allows you the luxury of attacking others instead of engaging in thoughtful comment and occasional debate. And to get so far afield of what Ilargi has shared with us on his blog.
Oroboros — Something you once wrote led me to believe you may live in the Philadelphia area. If so, I would love to meet you. It is hard to find people nearby who share our general world view and with whom we can speak our minds freely.
Very much appreciate Ilargi and TAE, but could do without the vitriol some feel compelled to include in their comments.
These comments were first written on Friday, February 10, so I am referencing comments that were made on TAE that day.
Participant“Just mailed my long overdue check!
TAE and its commenters are my favorite source for making sense of world events.
Thank you all.
Thank you also for having a non-PayPal option to donate.
I recently cancelled my PayPal and Venmo accounts due to their evil “misinformation” policy.”Hi Raul, regarding Grik’s statement (above). Last year we mailed a large check to the address in Brooklyn that is listed somewhere on the site as a possibility for donating to you. Unfortunately it appears the check got lost and it was never cashed. We finally erased it from our records as it seems it will never get to you. Now my husband is just doing the other option, which take $$$ from our credit card account every month. Although we don’t have a PayPal account, it uses PayPal to process the transaction. That seems to be the best option for now. I hope you can stay afloat!
By the way, there have been several references to Elon Musk and his new, anti-censorship policies on the blog recently and among the commenters. People may not be aware that Musk just deplatformed Garland Nixon, another voice that doesn’t go along with all the main-stream narratives regarding Covid, the Ukraine, etc. Nixon had tried to post a snarky comment that was partly tongue-in-cheek, but because it wasn’t sufficiently pro-Zelensky, etc., it was banned from Twitter (under Musk). In fact, Nixon has been permanently banned.
So Musk is not going to be the savior of free speech after all.
Just my two cents.Curlene48
Participantjbhb — “lol wtf is it with objecting to Germ’s tone to this extent? HE isn’t injecting anyone, pressuring anyone, ostracizing anyone, blocking anyone from social or economic activity. He’s just understandably angered and embittered.”
jbhb — I second your post regarding Germ and all the anger that has come raining down upon him for no earthly good reason. Over the course of the past months he has provided us with numerous great links to movies, data, and commentary about the Covidian narrative, and for that I am most appreciative. He has never implied a tone of superiority in any of his posts, just tries to share information and the sense of outrage that many of us have expressed about the main-stream narrative and the fascistic “health” policies that many governments have been foisting upon everyday people.
People do what they do and should not be demonized. Some, like myself, took the shots at the beginning because we were sweet-talked into doing it. Later we realized how lethal and non-effective the shots are/were, and decided not to get any more shots. We actually LEARNED something, and we should not be shamed for getting those first two shots. We should be commended for standing up to the tyranny that has overtaken our culture, and for trying to stay informed.
Likewise, people who didn’t take any of the shots are to be commended. They stood up against all kinds of pressure and many lost their jobs, like Dr. John Day and others. Bravo for them!
But those who were fooled, or shamed, or threatened into taking the shots — neither shouild any of them be treated with contempt here. They are the victims, not the purpetrators, of the great crime that has been unleashed upon us and our society.
Please, kultsommer and aspnaz, refrain from attacking other commenters. It doesn’t become you, it is boring and upsetting to read, and it gets us nowhere. There are far more important things to focus on than getting into these spats and insult-fests online.
And many thanks, as always, to Ilargi, for his diligent work in collecting so many interesting and informative items for us to peruse every day, and for hosting our comments as well. He is a treasure and is much appreciated in my household.
ParticipantIn answer to Raúl’s question #111345 — No problems today, but was unable to get yesterday’s post (July 10) the entire day. It would load partially, then stop.
Red — I appreciate your comments.
Germ — Thanks so much for all the medical links.
Others — Thanks as well for the information you share here.Curlene48
ParticipantHello Raul, Excellent array of articles today. I especially appreciated the Shurk article … says it all regarding current “woke” censorship.
I am trying to access the David Martin article from Sunday’s post (July 3), and it seems that the links on that post are no longer “live” on my computer. I cannot click on any of the articles from that day. Is it at your end or mine?
Thanks for any help you can offer.Curlene48
Participantaspnaz … You seem to forget that in many cases a woman did not “make an informed decision which they later regret”. There is such a thing as rape, and it is quite common.
Phoenixvoice and John Day make a lot of sense on this issue.
Thanks, Mr. Roboto, for the Michael Tracey tweet.Curlene48
ParticipantVP … Brilliant poster. But of course I cannot share it with most of my friends, who buy into “The Narrative”.
ParticipantIn the past few days, I have been so impressed by Ilargi’s posts as well as the commenters on TAE. Thanks to all of you for sharing your impressive wealth of information. The other day people were bemoaning the isolation of not being able to share one’s views with others … family members, acquaintances, friends, on a number of topics, especially Covid and the situation in Ukraine. Here is a post I found somewhat helpful from Children’s Health Defense, on talking to one’s doctor (and others) about the vaccines, etc.:
In a way it is depressing that he advises one to “start small” with the topic so as not to alienate the other. However, remember that the other has been subjected to non-stop propaganda and doesn’t know nearly as much as you do. So instead of demonizing him/her, it is better to think of him/her with an attitude of pity, and in need of educating. I found it somewhat helpful.
And as far as educating these other people about the Ukrainian situation, good luck. I have sent all kinds of convincing info to friends but they are not biting. They have been too brainwashed to hear what I am saying, and are subject to more brainwashing on a daily basis. I take some comfort in listening to Andrei Martyanov and reading Consortium News, Grayzone, and TAE! Richard Medhurst also does some incredible work.Curlene48
ParticipantHi Raul, A few days ago, I swear we saw a wonderful video about the vaccinations, featuring a young woman who was arguing with herself about why one should (should not) get a vaccination. She took on both the role of the person pushing the vaccines and the person asking perfectly reasonable questions about why it would even be advised, since it doesn’t work. When I go back to find that video (I believe it was originally from Tik Tok), I cannot find it. Could someone please post it again? I want to share it with others who feel as I do, that there is no logic to the argument that one should get the shot. Thank you for considering this request!
Regarding your last paragraph in yesterday’s comments section:
“Congress knew in 2016 (hell, they’ve known for decades) that there were issues with elections. They all vowed to “do something”. Trump vowed to “do something”. So the House passed some bills regarding election security and McConnell refused to bring any of the bills to the Senate floor. Trump had an Elections Security Commission, or whatever he called it, look into the 2016 results and when they found no proof that he had actually won the popular vote, they simply disbanded without doing anything about security going forward. I can only surmise that everyone in Washington is fairly happy with all this shit being screwed up. They for sure aren’t interested in doing a damn thing about gerrymandering, voter suppression, irregularities during the primaries, or demanding provable paper ballots (i.e., paper trail) country-wide.”Add to that the fact that the Democratic Party is more interested in knocking the Greens and any other nascent third parties off of state ballots than in presenting a program of progressive policies in the interests of people’s welfare. In addition, the media, the League of Women Voters (who sponsor the debates), and all other establishment organizations are totally complicit in preventing any alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties from gaining any kind of a foothold in the population. The Dems were much more interested in keeping Sanders and Tulsi off the ticket than they were in defeating Trump, I don’t care what they say.
ParticipantHi Teri, Not only is it NOT too late for me to read your piece — I read it at 8:20 pm Eastern Standard Time — but I thought it was very well stated and I could not agree with you more. Thanks for putting your thoughts down for us to read and consider.
If there were some sort of universal basic income and universal health care instead of everyone being on his/her own in this country, a lot of things would be VERY VERY different. There would not have been the protests against shut-downs, we would have licked the illness in the spring, and therefore the mask issue would not even be an issue by now. -