Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2023 #143527
    Dr. D


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2023 #143526
    Dr. D


    He started a short series on this.

    “Liberals like Karl Rove”

    Never thought I’d see those words together. Even as it’s true “NeoCons” originated on the far Left. Still would never say that – it’s careless and confusing.

    Note when he says “military is the only option” that may roughly mean a “coup”. That depends on whether the military orders were legal in court, but you’re there. However, these men are merely talking; the President would have to actually ORDER it. He did not do so.

    ““‘It’s all lies,’” the source said, according to Hersh. “‘The war is over. Russia has won.”

    It’s not; it’s not ‘over’. Ukraine is still losing +100 men a day and +3,000/month, but Ukraine is losing now 100% of all equipment regularly. In that way it’s very, very “lost”.

    “The US Army currently has approximately 100,000 troops deployed to Europe, around 40,000 of which are organized into combat units expected to bear the brunt of the fighting.”

    Now you see why when I said Russia sees them as a speed bump, I wasn’t entirely kidding. This is VERY OBVIOUS. You can be a very poor military thinker and planner and still come up with nothing but these numbers. I mean, just look at the weapons: we’re still using airsoft and not the real stuff, okay? No jets, no bio, no battlefield nukes? Barely fighting, not in a fraction of the territory, 25% and well-liked and supported, the battle well-contained to only one sliver line of engagement and still this level of losses?

    “The Kiev regime could use its knowledge of the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine to blackmail the US president into continued support for a losing conflict with Russia, says an ex-CIA commentator. “

    Not really because they’re not revealing anything. Everybody knows. If so, that would mean Biden was I dunno, kidnapping and testing bioweapons on people, or trafficking women through Europe and strangling them on camera for fun. Both of which are likely, but you have to suppose crimes heretofore unthinkable for that quote to be true. IS that what you are suggesting, sir? I’m okay with it: show me the lab dossier we know you all have.

    “US May Be Supporting ‘Neo-Nazis’ by Aiding Ukraine – Congressman (Sp.)

    Wow. And polar bears “may” be white. Sad panda might be sad.

    To stop being useless, are you going to DO anything about it? According to you here, MANY CRIMES were plausibly committed. In specific and flagrant defiance of your express orders, and then they lied under oath about it and doctored records. And…? Can they drive-by your house and fill it with bullets too, since you do nothing about all the other crimes?

    Well if he’s a Republican, the answer is “no.” Nothing will be done. And yes, you can shoot them up. May GOP centers were shot up in the election and nothing happened.

    “They want no more money to Ukraine. How is that burning the place down?”

    Not just that, but no more “$150 BILLION dollars”, that is enough to cure homelessness 3x over. “Hey, WE would like that money for US” they said.

    “This is a very difficult series of missteps by our conference,”

    All one big accident again. Every day since Newt did it back in 1994, not a day’s progress, but one accident after another, 10,000 days in a row. Oopsie! Shucks, I guess we’re not very good at this.

    This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down. That doesn’t work.”

    You’d have to inside baseball on this vote. To me, they are merely forcing it to not be business as usual. To TRY to have the scale of change and thought that is necessary and this is their only present means to do that.

    Like other conflicts, if the moderate Republicans, to say nothing of the Democrats, caved in instead and said “Sigh, this is the NEW only way to get things done” then they would all do that. It’s perception. They anchor perception in 50 years of process that is all corruption, flaccid action, and status quo. It can be anchored many other places. For instance, the Squad SAID (but did not do) that to force far-left action and were lauded in the Press nationwide for acting totally appropriately. (Even as Pelosi released similar statements that they were unhelpful) “Burning it all down” is the Antifa Motto, the whole wing of the party supports this action regardless of reason or excuse. So MY guys stopping things is a GOOD stop, but your guys stopping stuff is a BAD stop. Uh-huh.

    “they expect me to do whatever I can to stop it and to change how we do business up here,” he said.”

    Getting back to the point, Congressmen are supposed to REPRESENT their people. His people, as he says, want this. To change things. He is executing THEIR will, not his, although he was elected because they are aligned. They, McCarthy, are like “why are YOU doing this?” No, sir: the American PEOPLE are the ones doing this. Telling you this. Not me.

    See the difference and why it’s perception?

    “Oleksiy Arestovych, former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine under Zelensky, declared that “with a 99.9 percent probability, our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.”

    This is so obvious. Russia is 10x your size. Therefore a “Big War” will definitely mean the death of AT LEAST +2M of your 25(?)M people. And he said, “Sounds great! Let’s Roll!” …And start a world-wide nuclear exchange, by the way, in which London “Becomes a sea of rubble” and “They ask ‘what was England like?’

    Somewhere between 2M and 7,000 Million casualties? Sign me up! Go, go, go! And here I thought these guys liked gays, trans, and the environment. The environment of a dead planet filled with dead gay bodies.(along with all the rest of us) #Logic!

    “$1.7 trillion for jets that don’t fly.”

    Good thing we don’t need them since we have space weapons.

    The missing jet points up the problem: you’re going to lose them in training, you have to give air hours to fly them, and yet at $100M/pc you can’t afford to lose any. That is as Ike said, each jet could have funded a whole city’s worth of public schools or fixed all the water in the State. That just general costs, not considering using them in war where the S500 has rendered them all unusable. Just like our tanks and ships.

    “He is now written off as a veritable “Baghdad Bob” propagandist.”

    By who? All the Democrats I know very carefully know ahead of time not to think about this, or him, or anything, really. They know BEFORE they know. Magic.

    “Mexico now cannot survive as a modern state without some $60 billion in annual remittances” Sure they can. And “Mexico also encourages its own abject poor and often indigenous people from southern Mexico to head north.” Maybe, but none of the present immigrants are Mexican. They’re all trafficked worldwide. We’re just funding violent human trafficking cartels in the multi-billions.

    “and kill nearly 100,000 Americans a year.”

    If you think we’re not in a hot war. How many killed in WWII? So we killed 70k Russians and they killed 500,000 Yanks over the last 10 years. Can we both stop? ‘Cause it ain’t “Russia”, and it ain’t “America”: we are both against this.

    “Third IRS Official Says DOJ Blocked Weiss from Charging Hunter Biden (WE)

    That’s why Weiss is a totally neutral, third-party choice as Special Prosecutor, above all that.

    …So is Congress going to arrest anybody, or what? …Oh wait, they’re Republican, I forgot.

    “Russell Brand Is Unlikely to Face Actual Justice (Hryce)

    That’s for sure. “Justice” as in “Proven innocent” (so to speak) and his name cleared. Dore is covering this. So all of this hinges on an ACCUSATION. That’s it. Accusing = Guilt now. Pasta says “Hey GOOGLE has been accused of terrible things, so we can just shut them off now too?” Oh wait: it doesn’t work like that. Justice now = power. If you have Power, whatever you do is good and right. If you have less power or are powerless, everything you do is wrong.

    That is: Might Makes Right.

    “Nor have these acts been reported to the police even now.”

    They’re so serious about it, and so mad, they are going to do exactly nothing, as they have for decades. That’s how you know it all happened.

    I forget (they didn’t say) the context, but a competing club called up the local police and said “This OTHER club is saying naughty things.” Wow. But UNDER THE INCENTIVE STRUCTURE, the police – without investigation or court – had to call and tell them “Your show is cancelled.” Now they did it anyway and the police didn’t show up, but that shows you the level right now. Again, Accusation = Guilt. I don’t believe things were this bad even under Cromwell, but correct me. And the loveless nags and scolds shut down Christmas and the theater back then too. “For the Childrens.”

    “• Intel-linked UK Official Pushing Censorship of Russell Brand (GZ)”

    Yes, in this case it was clearly and openly the Official UK government in an official capacity doing this. That is, meting punishment with no accusation or trial. ...If you don’t file paperwork, that’s not even an “Accusation”, legally anyway. So with NO accusation, the Suck-me government or whatever that forgettable guy’s name is, is erasing all human rights. Planetwide, actually, since YouTube’s revenue is coming in all over, and arguably American jurisdiction.

    Exaggeration? No free speech. No lawyer. No evidence. No due process. Interfering directly in his ability to make a living. A living IN ANY WAY. No right to meet and know accusers. In fact, no accuser at all. Just “I said.” Like Cromwell. Straight from Suck-me’s office.

    …We always do this when a guy is crazy and his silly statements have no relevance to daily life, like he believes in Bigfoot and the Underpants Gnomes. They’re always arresting and deplatforming me for saying the NFL is fixed, right? Or that there’s a Spaghetti Monster? But if I say the Iraq war is stupid and embarrassing and there are no WMDs, they’re all liars, and they leave me and the Dixie Chicks right alone.

    So…we now have the government wandering around, telling local grocers, “Don’t employ this or that bag boy. He looks shifty to me and I don’t like his family.” “This pub may or may NOT play this song or host this musician.” That’s how local and tangible it is already. They must play the “Horst-Wessel-Lied” instead. Over and over, like “Rawhide.”

    Did I also add full support of the “Prussiagate” site? No one is perfect, and I don’t know what he means by “Prussia” – don’t narrow it too much — but this should be added to our modern life-skills textbook for discussion.

    I wonder on Biden pardoning everybody: can you pardon treason? What if you’re yourself a traitor and not duly elected? Get this far out of the Overton window and everything’s up for grabs.

    in reply to: The New Narrative #143525
    Dr. D

    Meh. I disagree. I assume you’re not saying “War is Politics by other means” and therefore war IS a political solution.

    All that has to happen is like Andersen, people wake up and stop supporting. Blowing up some buildings or shootin’ some folks does very little to accomplish that. Right? So I sympathize with your position, and as with just the 5 comments above, we’re talking about going radically out of the political norm. Just swearing in and pardoning? Having a one-party race? That’s possibly MORE radical than a Civil War.

    If you open that, then you can, say, arrest 2/3rds of Congress for instance. That would be “Legal” since I imagine there are at least that many felons under any normal person’s understanding of “Bribery”, etc. You can impeach 500 judges under the same entirely legal and proper, moral and appropriate process. You can defund the FBI completely legally and make another. Congress has the power.

    You CAN. But you have to WANT to.

    Let’s go your way on it: so…who do you shoot? And when you start shootin’ some folks, then what? They all lay down and say “I see the error of my ways”? So you start a war and to win it without being counter-attacked, end up with an America run by a 5-man military tribunal? Which can’t re-empower a Congress, a Judiciary…or the Constitution?

    If we’re past all military solutions, what’s your productive solution? Just like in a war, we can’t sit down and sign a peace treaty? Because we do, you know. All wars end in peace treaties. And all struggles end in a political solution. Why not skip the war, DON’T blow up your own city and burn down your own house, and jump right to the “Political Solution” by waking people up?

    in reply to: The New Narrative #143416
    Dr. D

    That is completely correct. Democrats 100% believe “91 Charges” vs, GOP “witch hunt.” Talk to the hand, case closed.

    I am exhausted with constant partisanship, but when I ask each, “What are the details of the case?” only one side has any idea or interest.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2023 #143400
    Dr. D

    AI: No functional input. No functional output.

    But other than that, it works great!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2023 #143399
    Dr. D

    Listening to more AI, I suddenly realized, Are they running the whole Ukraine war via AI? NATO, I mean? Wow, they would and suddenly that makes sense. Whoever’s running it is dumb as a post, and has not the slightest concern for human life, or for failure. Equation says “This works.” Run it, it fails utterly. But inputs are all the same, therefore output is the same. “Equation says This Works.” ID GOTO = 10.

    AI works perfectly, it’s won all the computer wargames same as Climate Modeling won all the modeling games. It only has two problems: One: there’s no way to get accurate information into it. The % of ready soldiers in a theoretical brigade for instance, as brigades now have 25% of their numbers. As we never know, did we hit that target or was it a trap? And Problem Two: AI can’t actually DO anything. It can’t actually run jets, it doesn’t pull triggers, but only issues communication. Orders. Text.

    Note this is like the Spreadsheet jockeys who rate themselves as the most important people in the universe, while the coolies who actually make widgets are beneath contempt and obviously do nothing. That’s AI and their worship of it. “Oh Great Middle Manager, exalted Middle Manager most high…”

    So except for everything it does, AI does everything perfectly. That TOTALLY makes sense. I’ll have to look for more evidence of this. And does NATO learn anything from their complete, catastrophic, ruinous loss? Not on your life. As Alien Ant Farm Minions, Queen Drone says “No” so we just go do it unthinkingly. That’s not just a Religion, as I often say. That’s literally their REALITY. Or so it seems now, they’ve graduated from faith-with-doubt to this, unthinking alien hivemind. That’s all that fits in their consciousness, AI, all other things are excluded, and therefore don’t exist any more than UV light exists for my eyes or the 5th dimension exists for my mind.

    So AI, or AI-Mind is now mind-meld, their reality. THEY are as ID 10 T, line instructions, unthinking and unaware of. Well, Everything.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2023 #143395
    Dr. D

    The School thing is in Joint Davis, Sacramento. So the heart of the beast.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2023 #143394
    Dr. D

    Watching this spat with the trans Ukr spokesidiot, I too can only think this is an elaborate prank, far from the real. It’s certainly amazing and sadly won’t be in the history books as a high example, but should be. My essential take on it: what are you actually thinking here??? Did you THINK this would go well worldwide – English being the most common language for many nations, unlike say, the Armenian spokesperson – and did you THINK with every salary and free healthcare being paid for by us, you could really threaten to kill every American and then in the next breath ask for missiles that reach Moscow?

    Yes. Apparently they did. This was considered the height of good form and good strategy.

    Okay, to be a little more productive here, IN WHAT POSSIBLE WORLD, does any of that make sense? I’m sorry but I can only think of one: it’s to place something so bizarre, so offensive in front of you, that you’ll finally wake up and take action. That is, it’s arranged by the White Hats not for Ukraine’s benefit, but for YOURS. They can only get away with it because the loons inside are so deranged THEY think when you ask a favor like hiring this guy, it seems normal to them and no big deal. While really you’re waving a big red flag trying to get the (warning) attention of the world, but particularly of Americans.

    That’s how I read it. And sadly, no matter what red flag and flashing lights they wave, the people are like cows and take no notice. Whatsoever. Because if they stampede that’s not an event that can been controlled. Chaos by definition is immune to direction and control.

    “Biden HHS Hits Wuhan Lab with 10-Year Funding Ban Amid Mounting Evidence of Leak

    But we won’t do 10 year ban on funding Fauci himself, not that that would matter at this point.

    “The US is sending the World Bank $25 billion. Then, the World Bank is sending money to the Clintons. And then the Clintons are sending it to Ukraine.”

    Like the NGOs, they take the taxpayer’s money, then skim 50% and outsource it, who skims 50% and outsources, who skims 50% and outsources, until you have one guy in the soup kitchen with one dollar. “Skim” has a lot of meanings, to get 6-digit charity salaries, pay inside family suppliers, and always and of course, back-donations to the politicos who robbed the original taxpayer, and thereby rig all elections, but simply buying votes.

    “Left wing” cartoon. They miss that everyone but the Western Left Wing would be carrying guns. That’s how you know our Left Wing has no intent of ever taking control and doing anything, but will hand it all to billionaire oligarchs who fund them and are waiting. Yeah, Nike is really Left wing. Oprah really wants no property.

    “as the bill comes due for all those years of conniving with Ukrainian crooks and as the unforgivable folly of the war”

    Yes, but he’s too old to pay punishment for it. Even hanging won’t shorten his life. As per the last wars, also to be punished, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and also Obama, murdering (brown) child-citizens by diktat.

    “Thor, Odin’s Son, through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and devastation of war…You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy.”

    Nuremberg:  “Do I ask the tribunal to hang them all, chop them up into a million pieces or something like that? I felt, no, that wouldn’t really serve a significant purpose because you never could balance their 22 lives against the millions who had been slaughtered. And if I could develop a rule of law that could protect human kind in the future, that would be significant.”

    Sadly, because chopping them up would be more satisfying. As now. But we’re adults and have to get things done.

    Other quotes about Nuremberg? ““So grotesque and preposterous are the principle characters in this galaxy of clowns and crooks that none but a thrice double ass could have taken them for rulers.”

    That’s for sure.

    And the quote I went looking for, that the act, the choice to begin aggressive war was the ultimate crime because within it lies the seeds of all the other war crimes. Be it genocide, civilians, gas, or whatever. And so with Biden, but specifically Bush and Cheney, and not forgetting Obama who kept the whole Bush cabinet and bombed so many (brown) people worldwide he ran out of bombs. Or “We came, We saw, He died.” He died to open a black slave market for us. For Obama.

    Anyway, such is Biden and the “Folly of War.”

    “The White House and its allies have gone on the offensive, dismissing the allegations against the president as baseless and debunked, attacking the investigators”

    This is working wonderfully down on the street, everyone is totally on board. I don’t know how this is, I only report THAT it is. So you can literally have a crackhead son on camera with children, take $20M so far, including $1M from Moscow directly, then get into a $150B world war that seems to be rooted in blackmail from that same country, then quadruple gas prices and put everyone out of work and they still support it without a thought.

    I would have thought that would be impossible, but clearly it isn’t. I have to wonder just how far this spell can go. Can you make 200 million people drink a Kool-aid that will most probably kill them? Yes. You can. Are there any limits at all?

    One wonders. When you can do that, you see why they act they way they do. Why not? You’re not going to say anything. And when you’ve been this stupendously stupid, like I tell you the underpants gnomes say you need to give my your wallet and you do, then who’s the dummy here? If you take no sense of yourself, at all, none, then how are you NOT deserving of it? What logic would that make? How are you NOT cattle, and I a god, as you act like it?

    You tell me. But this is how they think and why. If you don’t want to be robbed and killed like ants, DON’T ACT LIKE IT. Even a modicum of non-compliance would end them instantly, as they well-know.

    Luongo covers this in Part Three where they describe amusing pleasures of being ungovernable.
    Part 1 here – https://bit.ly/cryptorichodysee
    Part 2 here – https://ody.sh/uYODZTXCeO
    Part 3 here – https://ody.sh/LH1FqAJw6n

    Don’t know what to say though. The first act is to see and WANT to be ungovernable. No one I talk to even wants that, and have not the slightest suspicion.

    ““Is Zelensky elected to Congress?”McCarthy responded. “Is he our president?”

    Apparently yes. And Kiev is the world capital. You’re the guy who gave him $150 Billion already. As above, who’s the dummy? Who’s really at fault here? I have addicts hitting me up for $20 all day, and I give it to them and they do drugs and are back tomorrow, like, surprise! Oh, I’m sorry, your baby really DIDN’T need formula? Your car wasn’t REALLY out of gas? So. Shocked.

    What I keep discussing and still can’t grasp: in a nation of lies, where you’ve been lied to from birth, where every lie picks your pockets, they all act like they’ve never seen a lie before. Hooooooooowwwwwwwwww?????? How is that even possible? They’re like, “No it isn’t. Daddy (government) would never lie to me.” Cluster B.

    ““To be blunt, we’re running a $2 trillion deficit. … we’re borrowing from our future.”

    Actually no, we’re just never going to pay it. Duh.

    ““To be blunt, we’re running a $2 trillion deficit. Any money we give to Ukraine, we’re borrowing from our future.”

    Wot a shock! You mean like McConnell and every other Republican, he has 24/7 bad strategy that always hands everything to the other side? Such that the Derp State carries on undisturbed? Huh. Well we’ll get ‘em next time! Vote for Burr!

    “Honestly, it’s kind of draining” – Aaron Burr

    So in the backdrop, I hear that homelessness, RV Hoovervilles, etc are prettymuch pandemic and endemic nationwide. So that is a sanitation hazard in addition to a crime and drug one. Any city, anywhere, cities of 30,000, cities in the far north (like Montana), everywhere. And then they say you can’t touch them, they can do WHATEVER they want because we can’t remove unless we have a place for them. Wait, so how is, I dunno, Fargo responsible for people who could – and nobody’s stopping them – move to San Diego? And we can’t arrest them for normal crime? And although I recognize the VERY SERIOUS issues of broken people, they are in the main able-bodied and able to do something. In a work shortage where no one will be a waitress. (this is price dislocation and pay due to top-down inflation)

    But so Congress is doing this. And the rest are doing this. And the media is doing this. And unlike, say CO2, this problem is SPECIFIC and IMMEDIATE, able to be solved locally and at our scale. Well that’s exactly why we won’t! Because problems are only good if “Somebody else” needs to do them. “Somebody else” needs to sacrifice and pay higher gas taxes while I fly to Vanuatu. If the homeless guys are on YOUR street, homeless families, now suddenly all you can think about is isn’t there a spot on the toes of my shoes? …And we bring in 2M a year and don’t say a word.

    IS there ANY level where the spell can be broken? Jesus Christ, man.

    So that’s the kind of useful stuff McCarthy is doing right now, furious at Gaetz and MTG for bringing it up, suggesting that there’s any urgency in America at all.

    ““Our first job is to get the House to pass something. We’ll see if they can but we need a bipartisan bill in each body,” Schumer said.”

    Hidden in this: reminder that spending bills originate in the House. Not the White House, either.

    “Moscow considers the conflict in Ukraine to be part of a Western proxy war against Russia.”

    Is that because everybody in the West, from Merkel to Boris to Stoltz to Schultz to Biden to Blinken SAID it was? Over and over? Those crazy Russkies!

    Speaking of, after stealing $6B and splitting it, anybody see Prigozhin’s new face on the beaches of Cyprus yet? Oh, so PUTIN told you it was his DNA? …And we always believe PUTIN, right?

    “Free speech is now commonly treated on campuses as harmful.”

    In #OppositeLand, they are against all knowledge, discussion, and human rights. With Harvard the foremost enemy of all human rights and proud of it.

    “We understand that the US is now actively clearing the electoral field of undesirable competition.”

    He doesn’t just mean Trump. If RFK campaigns anywhere, that means any people he wins go to Biden? Um…does anyone want to play “Unclear on the Concept” for $1000, Alex? So all actions, anywhere, by anybody, now mean Biden wins? Uh-huh. Why not say, “If you vote for Trump, that really means you voted for Biden”? (People literally saw this happen on the screens of the Dominion machines.) Again, like a Transgender PR manager for Ukr AND the U.S. Navy, this is supposed to wake you up but it doesn’t. The people love it and double their support.

    No one has the slightest reservations about RFK and Biden behavior that I’ve seen. It’s RFKs fault. If you’re not here in America, it’s inexplicable. If you ARE here, it’s still inexplicable. I figure they’ll run a literal potato or something to see if they can get away with it. Probably. What’s the difference, right? Haven’t I seen a SNL skit on this or something?

    “• DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other (Whitehead)”

    Joke’s on them: all the Blue-haired Unitarians with a Prius riding low with stickers fit that category. However, they miss the important point that they won’t care. You can burn down the White House security booth and it’s nothing, GET PAID $1M, or just be within range of a cell tower in D.C. and be solitary for life. The “Rules” the “recommendations” printed here mean literally nothing. It’s “Do I FEEL like putting you in jail for life without trial? Or not?”

    “If you see something, say something” “Have you seen this jet? Please call the USMC.”

    Btw, no black smoke, no helicopters, no recovery? Um…the jet ejected then landed itself somewhere? What. The Actual? Even 600mph is 10 miles per minute. That’s 8 minutes on radar over a military base. And as they say…sooooooo…no comment from the pilot as to what they were doing and how it happened? They didn’t point it at a cornfield or nothing before dumping? It wasn’t pointed at the ground, clearly, or it wouldn’t have gone 80 miles, so…um…why’d you pull the lever? There’s no co-jet in the air with you that just radioed in and followed it? The USMC ACTUALLY gets on TV and ACTUALLY says, “If you find my missing jet”???

    What is this except like the PR agents above, NOT REAL and meant to make you go W.T.F.

    So how about this: the jet was taken over remotely and stolen. Uh huh. By who then? Who’s inside their own system? And then who is this puppet show created for? Russia proving they can take over jets? Unlikely. Derp State “vanishing” a jet live on CNN non-stop, while the same jet magically appears and is shot down over Ukraine months later? Like that?

    So when Cheeto goes to Ken Lay island, it’s a USMC jet that plugs his flying Trumpmobile out of the sky? And why? He needs to be gone. In safety. No responsible. They wouldn’t arrest him to accomplish that act for him, so they need to make other plans.

    …Stuff like that. Whyyyyyyyy do I need to come up with utterly bizarre hypotheses like that? A: Because their story makes no g-d d—-d sense. No way. No how. Stop telling me impossible things and I’ll stop looking into your stupid stories.

    ““We just need to find a way to wake the people up.” MEP Christine Andersen.

    “We were on the side of the people because the people actually pay us to act in their best interests.”

    Compare to AOC who in 4 years went from $8,000 to a multi-millionaire. $20M-odd officially. “Da Millionaires and Da Billionaires” as Bernie said for so long. I guess that explains her new, transformed voting record.

    “The Bull Missed The Red Flag In The Russian Provincial Elections (Helmer)

    Interesting. So they’re doing the Soros Mayor-and-DA plan there now? Well at least it might actually work.

    He’s missing a lot here. Putin has slowly contained the oligarchs. He fought them removing money and pledging loyalty to London for years decades. Only now that London helps are they listening. So far from being the obstacle, Putin is already solving all his objections and has been the solution. He’s supposed to move on to the issues Putin isn’t handling and propose a solution to those.

    Well except for those who are abused by them, everyone I know is a Cluster B mental patient. Why? It pays. It’s the only way to get what you want anymore. If anyone who’s normal even opens their mouth they are shot down instantly as worthless, bigoted, untouchables.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2023 #143326
    Dr. D

    This was worth the time, much covered here, but no conclusions:

    When everything’s manipulated, forever, with ever-increasing money and fascism control, what’s the point in “Don’t Fight the Fed” or for that matter, even watching? No prediction will ever be right because they’ll just change the rules and re-start the same, forever and ever, amen.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2023 #143325
    Dr. D


    Full-spectrum panopticon on Russell Brand. Wonder what took so long. Did one of his protectors kick the bucket? So…everything is shot and halted…for an accusation? An accusation, really? And one that’s 30 years old, right? Okay we’re about to measure how much buy-in we have for the bulls—t “Me Too” stuff. I’d say it’s never mattered before, every one of them has been made up and wrong, but that’s not entirely true. Although never admitting – ever – and never changing their minds – ever – they also get bored and wander away.

    Anyway, so…no one notices the amazing and unprecedented “coincidence” that everyone, from all sides, types, jobs, and approaches, all are perfectly coordinated one Tuesday in September? But there’s no one out there doing all this. Actions are always perfectly coordinated when there’s no “one” doing them. That’s how military campaigns are run, totally on accident, and even with perfect planning and control hardly ever occur this tightly. That is not suspicious at all.

    “—it’s time to try something that has a chance to succeed.

    …Like surrendering.

    “But roll the clock forward, and “take two” of the Zelensky “show” now comes against a much-changed backdrop:

    Certainly does strike you as the “barbarians” visiting the Roman Senate, doesn’t it? If they win, they are heroes and real Romans. If they lose, they are nothing and we throw their country to the winds.

    The other add is, we all told them at the time. Full volume. Nothing could possibly have been more obvious. For example: Russia is 10x their size and can nuke them at will if they wish to. Yet somehow commenters here were still enthusiastic and disparaged Russia’s ability. Even if Russia WAS as bad as the American, NeoCons, Media (but I repeat myself) said, even if it WAS 1979, as these dreadful, doddering dinosaurs believe, Russia STILL could have destroyed them, although it would have been a lot uglier. They cast off the Wehrmacht with sticks and stones, for God’s sake, in winter. They CAN, if they feel like it. Just like We CAN, or General Grant CAN, or General MacArthur COULD, if they get serious and pay the cost.

    So this all could have been avoided because it was so immeasurably obvious. I just don’t know what goes through people’s heads except prejudice and emotion. Look: even if you HATE Russia and the Wehrmacht, you have to have a stone-cold understanding of their abilities. In a war, the other side has the ability to hurt you badly. Are you doing it anyway? And if so, what PRINCIPLES do you have that will keep you going and you can tell the people about it?

    We’ve miraculously not been nuked into 40 dead zones here although we expressly started it, said we started it, paid for it to be started, and killed 50,000 Russians by starting it. Why SHOULDN’T Russia kill 50,000 Yanks? 10,000 Brits? But all we have are a bunch of fires and train derailments, so count yourself lucky. Your house is still standing, which is a miracle and mercy you don’t deserve.

    ““..the EU has implemented 11 sets of sanctions against Russia..” And not learned a single thing.

    Well, they are Minions, after all. If they could learn anything, they’d be fired. Apparently Schultz tried to learn something, so Davos put him in the “Black Eye Club” then threw him down the stairs. “Do What You’re Told! Are you hard of hearing? Do I stutter?”


    A pic of them all would take a thick book. Always, 100% of the time, the Left eye, which suggests the puncher is 100% of the time right-handed. Which seems improbable. So it’s a signal and message.

    “Russia, North Korea Stage ‘Strategic Coup’ against Western Hegemony (Pepe Escobar)

    Remember we had rumors and signals, arrangements that they were going to merge North and South Korea, the only way for trains to run from Seoul to Portugal. That’s constantly halted as no one wants to alter the status quo, ever. They are attempting to halt time, forever. Good luck. But note like Cuba and Iran, the POINT of someone like Kissinger to ring-fence them is to lock up all their resources on ice for theft use later. As his boss, the Rockefellers said, “Competition is a Sin”, the one thing you DEFINITELY do is to run a cartel control on prices. Otherwise everyone undercuts everyone in “Capitalism” — brrrrr – and prices fall. Then nobody makes any money, only a minor % if at all. You HAVE to cartel or why bother? So they flip all oil-nations to ISIS governments that want the tech and ability of the Middle Ages, the age of Mohammad. Lock up the others with sanctions, cut supply by 2/3rds, and wait. Otherwise oil would be $12/bbl and we’d all be rich. …The People, I mean. Living easy, successful lives. The problem would be when you’ve cut supply to raise prices and a nation escapes like – picking one out of a hat, totally randomly – Russia. Then YOU have made THEM rich and powerful with your own Petard.

    Anyway, just reminding there were plans some years ago now to open NoKo, open their resources, and create an Asian boom unprecedented since Japan in 1949, complete with all the lithium you could dream of. However, that has not happened, and why? …It was also the reason K-Pop was suddenly appeared like Venus, fully-formed and nationwide. We never cared about Korea once in 70 years, and now? We still don’t care or can hear anything about Canada and Mexico, ever, weather, media blackout 100% of all days. But Korea?? Uh-huh. It’s been kept slightly warm, so it’s still in the offing. If NoKo goes BRICS and South Korea isn’t going to be thrown into a war by us, we’ll have to 5 Minutes of Hate them again. Watch.

    Makes me sick. And also, how do people not see this stuff?

    “Maybe Trump and his MAGA friends can bow down, but I won’t.”

    Yup. In #OppositeLand, the President that put the most sanctions on Russia ever is a Russian bot and Putin puppet. That’s just common sense. Ask any Democrat (and I do). The President that took $1M from Moscow and gave $400k speeches for years to Russia are “Tough on da Russkies”. Just ask. It all makes perfect sense, promise.

    Adding, the President that armed and trained Ukraine (but wanted accounting) supports Russia and hates Ukraine…Yup! Yuppers, Yup yup! Absolutely, all logical, no problem here! Muh Trump. All logic is suspended. Reality ceases to exist. Forever, if necessary, because HATE JUST FEELS SO GOOD.

    “Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Arkadiusz Mularczyk speculated in an interview with Polish Radio on Tuesday. “Someone who has an interest in it.”

    So he’s a conspiracy theorist. And way behind the times since we already know most of those NGOs are DIRECTLY, and OPENLY funded by Soros. We know for a fact, a factalie, fact-fact, published for decades, fact, open books, in-their-own-press-release, fact? …I Guess Soros is a Putin puppet now, like everyone else? MY FEELZ. My Feelz, the HATE FEELZ SO GOOD! “Let the Hate Flow, Luke.”

    These people. Are insane.

    ““We all watched in horror Mr. Trump’s insurrection against the United States when he ordered a mob of his supporters to the United States Capitol on January 6”

    And he did NOT order oh, say, the U.S. MILITARY to intimidate Mike Pence and Congress instead? And counted on D.C. policemen hitting the button on the 5,000-pound Columbus doors and to escort an entirely unarmed populace to the rotunda? Huh. Strange plan. Must be we’re redefining “Coup”. “My FEEEEEEELZ.”

    “House Republicans Set Date for 1st Biden Impeachment Hearing (ET)

    A hearing of a hearing, after which we will hold a committee meeting to hear the hearing. But only until Nov 30, 2024.

    “Some sort of funding bill must be passed by September 26 to avert a shutdown on September 30,”

    Dates and dates. Hearing September 23rd, here is the 26th, the 30th, and Russia’s Oct 4. The Black Swans are all lined up and hovering. Any motion in any of them (say, bank run, Russian offensive) will make all the others collapse to earth.

    China collapsing. Meh. Everybody’s collapsing and I have no idea how you’d get reasonable info out of there. China is also fighting their own internal Derp State just like we are. As ZZ Top said, “they’re going worldwide.” They seem very under control to me, but I think yes, it’s more innate social cohesion for the moment, and not the government control? Like America in 1900 when we were at the same level and type? That means no “collapse” as we know it — note America had a few “collapses” then too but nothing happened, no trajectory changed.

    “India holding Justin Trudeau on the tarmac for 36 hours for drugs found by sniffer dogs, which would not typically be anywhere near a state aircraft carrying diplomats.”

    For obvious reasons they never allow drug dogs near any government car, plane, or facility. How pleasant to realize! Well, if I ever want to do drugs, I’ll know where to go: the State Police barracks and lockup. (Not kidding, I’ve heard them talking openly about it.)

    That goes with the other police around here, getting in sex scandals and sex shakedowns before being so high they run into the public with their cars, run away, and expect the police will cover it up for a fellow officer….which they do, in public. It sounds like I’m mouthing off when I pick on government, but not so much. I just know so many stories of what I DO know – when I try not to – I can only imagine what I DON’T know. Which would have to be non-stop corruption every minute of every day. Heck, when we see the same corruption and careless, power-mad behavior in corporations, where they effective have no power-over, can you only imagine the actions of the same sort of people who DO? It’s all one population, folks. Ain’t nobody going to church.

    Speaking of, I was thinking of the gender in school problem, and whether my district supports it. Then if they did, are they just an anomaly, or representative? And since they’ll lie anyway if you ask them, and shred records as you see in Baltimpre and nationwide, what good would it do to ask? That’s not an answer. And so on, so it’s a difficult question to answer when we’ve long established our district are pathological liars, and districts around approve and support teachers sleeping with children, as seen by how they get married the day after their age of majority, and “knowbody knewd nothin’”. From the reaction I presume they sent a wedding gift to them on the District Petty Cash Fund and parent tax dollars. Applause all around.

    Anyway, I found an easier way to think of it. I was talking to medical professionals here, and they had the exact and perfect cohesion with the popular understanding that you can ONLY have one direction: you can only BECOME gay. At any time of course, from birth to death. However, you can never NOT become gay: that would be silly, bigoted, and unscientific. All events in nature naturally are one-directional, as we know there are cows with one leg longer than the other and can only turn to the left. That’s Science! Anyway, they had a similar view of Trans, one-directional, that is, “Whatever TikTok tells me.” I didn’t ask if this was in the Desk Manual, I had pushed pretty far as it was. What you see is “Science” and “Medicine”, aren’t. They are humans equally subject to the dominant paradigm as sold by Bernays’ Media, even and obviously if it’s AGAINST everything ever written and still written now in those manuals. Like that you neither lock down the healthy nor vaccinate during a pandemic, both never altered in the textbooks, yet supported by 99% of all Doctors.

    How does this work for schools? Well schools do and MUST obey only the medical authorities of their home state. That’s it. So if the medical board of the state and most doctors feel this is true, then the school must ALSO support one-way gay-trans amputations and sterilizations, effective as a point of State Law. How could they otherwise? Is the Superintendent supposed to tell a licensed medical doctor and therapist “No, I think we won’t allow that medical conclusion or treatment here, Actually I’m the real doctor on school grounds.” Um…no. So that was my gut feeling about why and how – even against all parents, even when denied, even when etc… But I’m glad Arizona or your part of it isn’t like that.

    That would follow for parents as well. One-way, as defined and declared by the State itself, and it’s licensed, legal proxies. ONLY sterilization, the creation of Alien Ant Farm Drone-worker bees. Inhuman to the first and last, their religion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2023 #143285
    Dr. D

    I Love Science: Really from the song he loves material and production engineers. He loves Capitalism, and he enthusiastically loves Oil that provides the cheap energy that makes it go. Scientists are boring, pointless, and as they all disagree, at any given time half of them are wrong. I give examples daily on this, from debunking this cray-cray “Continental Drift” to the impossibility of epigenetics, both totally and very obviously true, and took generations to knock it into their heads.

    Now they just created the world’s largest machine, that uses more electric power than “Europe”. It has more imbedded copper than the Kennecott Mine. It took 70 years to build, starting in 1950, through every war, recession, hardship, sacrifice, etc.

    Guess what? It found buppkus. They, “Science” is basically wandering away from it. Nothing it says makes any sense or is in the slightest useful because their total original theory is complete s—t and totally wrong. Adding tiny rocks does not create consciousness. The Materialist view, as in “Scientific Materialism”, a religion, is totally wrong, and nothing new has happened since Einstein put them in a dead end 100 years ago. “Matter exists” as we know it only down to about Plank’s Length, then the reality that matter is just a big fat illusion starts to appear.

    All the people who ACTUALLY did something, and then have creative patents following, like Maxwell and Tesla, were “etherists”. Electric universe people. And also believers in consciousness.

    I love Science because I love watching smart people be totally dead wrong for a lifetime, and die with the protest of wrong on their lips, as Science ONLY proceeds EVER, one funeral at a time. But I have a funny sense of humor that way. It’s welcome to see people live their lives solely as a bad example to others, and I appreciate their daily sacrifice in that regard.

    “We owe a great debt of gratitude to Science. …For fixing all the problems created… by Science.” — Jon Stewart.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2023 #143257
    Dr. D

    Jet debris 80 miles from site. Well that does help explain it. Jets move fast.

    “Milley & Stoltenberg Agree: ‘We Must Prepare Ourselves for a Long War in Ukraine’

    Now that they’ve declared this, Russia can make them wrong. It won’t be a long war in Ukraine because Ukraine will cease to exist. Honestly, that’ll take 2-5 years though. October 4th.

    Again, the real stories are out there not the war, the usual articles. The problem is identifying any of them. Or in the case of aliens on the Parliament floor, WHAT the heck they are even after you see them.

    Biden’s impeachment may be one of these things. What is the strategy here, what are the goals? As Kunstler says, they CAN’T be so vacant as to actually think Biden is going to run OR that they’re going to get out of this scandal. These are the pretenses, and these are the reporter’s understanding. Something because like scientists, they can’t hypothesize something that isn’t known yet. Something like swapping both President AND Vice President in two days and “just installing” someone. Can’t hypothesize a “Big Event”, a accidental bomb strike or something, a city of fertilizer going off in Seattle harbor, even though that’s the most OBVIOUS back-door out of these problems.

    I can’t either because I don’t know WHICH they will choose, but the present line of inquiry is pointless.

    ““Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class”

    Kind of, but it’s really this cartel and their weirdo religious cult. You see, “billionaires” care about money. They’re predictable. But these guys do not care about money. They lose and blow money on any and everything concerning their religion. They’ve just this year destroyed tens of billions in Fortune 500 100-year-old brands. The companies are too large to vanish, but in serious trouble, they may have to break up, sell off, and disperse. There is very little consternation about this, only an attempt to do their (Human-killing) religion without so much fallout.

    “• Hunter Biden Sues IRS for ‘Violating His Privacy’ (Sp.)

    To illustrate the now-universal system of lies, There are so many things going on here. First, you can’t sue the government. They will call immunity and use a generation of lawyers to slow-walk and frustrate your case. Second, how can you sue the IRS for doing their job? Third, a “Whistleblower” by definition is against the cut of their parent organization. So Hunter is suing the IRS for the existence of dissidents? Fourth, all that is protected by Congress and the whistleblower act. Fifth, he has no immunity to privacy anyway, as “law enforcement” is all public record, as it’s paid for by We the People. Sixth, as teh article said, nothing was releasted, Seventh, According to Hunter, he’s broke and too poor for child support. So how is he planning to fund the legal challenge? Eighth, Can I join? I’d like to demand the IRS not investigate me too.

    And that’s just the first 30 seconds of thought about it.

    Lawfare: if you don’t do what I want, I’ll arrest you. Period. Laws? Hahahahahaha! The Law is whatever I say it is that minute. Next minute it’s the #Opposite, and you’d better have telepathy, mister, to figure out which is which.

    …So basically the life of any abusive, alcoholic, narcissistic household where everyone walks around in fear.

    As Turley says, can I fly around in a private jet for 20 years and claim I’ve never had income? What do you think the IRS would say if I’m a door-to-door dictionary salesman driving a new Porche each week (this happened) and claim I’m not hiding income? Heck, the Greeks can’t even run a falling-down diner with a computer cash register and paper tickets and not get audited for potential tax evasion. A review that they can’t afford that keeps trying to put them out of business. IRSDGAF. Yeah, I thought so.

    One might think that all these events would be enough for the European elite to realize the need to abandon dreams and return to reality. However, the only reaction to the geopolitical crisis in Europe is … the dominance of Paris and Berlin.”

    Well, they’ve always failed upward before! Isn’t that what “failing” means? Isn’t that HOW one is promoted? Sorry, I’ve never seen promotions WITHOUT failing, so I was unclear on the concept. Sure, NOW you tell me that success is supposed to be the reason for dominance and promotion: how was I supposed to know?

    …This is what happens when all the elites, and even the apparatchiks down at Cornell, have never seen consequences, always suspended using money, influence, and unrelenting injustice on the poor.

    Ukraine faces the threat of its “carefully woven web of foreign assistance” being slowly unraveled

    That seems pretty unlikely even with blackmail for world-wide money laundering. I mean, do we see Cyprus having a “carefully woven web of foreign assistance”? How about Serbia? No? And the same with nations: plenty have tried for aid, or been invaded throughout Africa for instance, so it’s not that, or that we give a whit about “democracy”. So it would seem there’s something else there, almost like a “Mafia” that has agents and capos installed in the government of these client states worldwide. And when that “Mafia” wants a new territory to be exclusively owned, they ask their Mayors and Constables to arrange for them to have it.

    “The peace formula is the weapons formula,”

    So many lies each second of the day I forgot they have already said “War = Peace.” But here it is again, an oldie but a goodie.

    “[Zelensky] insisted on his own “peace formula” – the one Danilov was referring to – which includes the withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories claimed by Kiev, reparations from Moscow, and a criminal tribunal for the members of Russian government.”

    That is, we can have Peace when you unconditionally surrender, shoot all your leaders, and hand your country over for dismemberment.

    Shhhhh: you’re not supposed to say that part OUT LOUD. Which shows how out of their minds they are right now. Yes, we know, but what nation will do that, what will all 200 other nations think, and what will the Russian people do in response except nuke you? Or Tsunami-bomb NY in this case.

    The Clintons shut down the CGI component of their Clinton Foundation non-profit in 2017, …following Mrs. Clinton’s surprise loss in the 2016 presidential election.”

    Nothing says, “This is a totally legit and non-political charity” quite like that does.

    “US Sanctions War Is Good For Russian Shipping, Greeks Too (Helmer)

    Biden keeps making Russia rich and powerful and handing them nations the size of France, but it’s all on accident and nobody notices.

    Then he cuts rail lines by destroying workers and Unions and thereby prevents ammunition from being made. Also an accident, and he’s pro-environment, pro-worker.

    “The BRICS Commodity Powerhouse: Can It Force a New Economic ‘Order’? (Crooke)

    This had nothing to do with the above. Oil only came down with Biden completely vacating the oil reserve and leaving us helpless. That is now gone, lower than when it began in 1980. This was to buy time, among other things to allow the Ukr Offensive, but probably to bail Davos and Europe from a banking collapse too. Oh well. Failing failures fail. Surprise.

    It’s hard to tell if the Fed will lower rates, and this is true every time in the markets. In actuality, the Fed “Acts like gold” as Greenspan said, and merely follows the 1-year, leaving 23 hours for golf. Can probably be programmed with a TRS-80 computer. Right now that rate is lower, faster, and more divergent from the Fed than it’s ever been. Yet the Fed hasn’t, and doesn’t signal to do that, enforcing Luongo’s thesis they are breaking the EU as a goal FIRST. Leguarde just had to raise, which was a surprise, actually. I suspect they are all arranging “The Event” that “Isn’t my fault” and “No one saw coming” (except the whole market and all options traders, like specific airline company options on 9-10) so it’s nothing for her to raise since that’s about to happen before the market adjusts to her rate hike.

    The Fed would also “have” to cut rates then too, which is “Not my fault.” It was that darn asteroid! Who knew??? As it occurs as precisely on schedule as a worldwide pandemic we-just-wargamed-last-week did.

    Anyway, oil, markets, economy, etc are all eclipsed by this, so the article is good structure, but they’re going outside that box. …In fact all markets are ALWAYS outside that box, as they are ALWAYS 100% manipulated. I grant you Tesla, worth more than all car companies combined, vs, I dunno, silver, needed for Teslas and everything else and in supply deficit for 20 years, yet at and often below production cost. That’s free market, right? That’s Capitalism when shortages, even complete halts mean prices never rise, right?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 18 2023 #143213
    Dr. D

    Pretty sure that’s not going to be a real quote.

    This one probably is, but not in English: “The strongest shield and safeguard for all men, especially for the masses against tyrants, is mistrust of those in power.” – Demosthenes

    Remember that from “Ender’s Game”. The most unlikely thing in that SciFi is that anyone would listen to anyone on the Internet. …Although he visualized the Internet decades before it was born.


    But only in Miami. There are zero in D.C.

    Like everything we do today, “Emergency Use Authorization” is illegal. We have other therapies.

    “went beyond the authority conferred on the agency by Congress.”

    Yes, but that makes it illegal. Which is why we do it anyway.

    Kadyrov has very narrow eyes. Most interesting.

    “• Gagging Donald Trump (Turley)

    We have the right of Free Speech except for 1) Everywhere I want, and 2) Any time I feel like. Refer to NM Governor.

    ““Take a few minutes and try to identify any institution, public or private, that supports American values.”

    Huh. Good point. The NRA doesn’t either. I’ll let you think about that.

    “national security” requires abandoning the US Constitution”

    We had to kill the country to save it. 2) Any time I feel like.

    “America is so far gone that not even the media believes in free speech”

    They were the first and most enthusiastic. When was this writer born to even have the idea the media would support speech? He has to be over 70. Seventy is now Vietnam. Maybe 80.

    “• Jeffrey Sachs: Western Neocolonialism Cannot Stop Africa’s Rise (Sp.)

    So did Sachs ever notice this before? John Perkins did and put his life on the line.

    “the right to seize kids from parents who don’t support the “transition” of their kids into the opposite sex.”

    Again, the missing part of this is that you can support the transition. However it is illegal to support the transition back, that is, to support the birth gender in any way. This is exclusively one-way, ALWAYS surgery and castration. That’s how we know we thought it through thoroughly: 100% of all considerations lead to the same conclusion and there is no variation or appeal.

    “‘Prepare for Long War’ – NATO Chief (RT)

    Note Putin knew this. We can tell by his pacing, which is infuriating to many. So it is the entire world war of conquest and subjugation against Russia alone. This year later we have China as a firm ally but lacking all material support, and the Global South as economic allies, but military neutrals.

    This year later, Stoltz is still saying, signaling, that the entire combined West remains resolved to attack and subjugate all Russia if it takes forever. That’s what “One World Government” means. Note what that means to Russia, the Russian people, and all their planning and strategic approach. While Russia can and has altered to adjust to this, what is essentially just the public declaration of what the upper Kremlin knew, yet the West has no expectations and no adjustment. That is, it can continue so long as the Western public isn’t asked to do or sacrifice anything. You’d find support a mile wide and an inch deep.

    “Milley Doubts Ukraine’s Counteroffensive to Achieve Its Goals Quickly (Sp.)

    They’re six months in. Ya think? Genius General-object Milley Doubts South Vietnam Can Achieve Its Goals…

    “The never-ending expansion of NATO has enabled the US to turn many nations into its puppets,”

    Called “Soft Power” and it’s refined and time-tested. They say it’s “culture” and “Values” but really it’s payoffs, election-tampering and blackmail. Don’t let your enemies into your house.

    “The West “perceives Russia as a constant threat”

    Because Russia is going to drive 10,000 miles to invade Appomattox? They’re going to occupy Charleston? WTF. There IS one country that IS doing that worldwide. They have bases in Africa, Europe, Asia, even Antarctica. They have a million troops stationed on various borders, with nukes targeted and ready. That nation has killed 6 million people since 2001. But that nation is not Russia.

    Rattle posted twice again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 17 2023 #143187
    Dr. D

    There are rumors of a “Big Event” out there. Like 1 month out. I dunno. I don’t feel nothin’, but then I though 911 was a zero, a small house fire in relevance, so don’t listen to me.

    Clues: it’s a real even that will be covered as something else, like a meteor strike. May be why they’ve been releasing “Aliens” lately. People will be up their butts about it immediately as it’s too big to hide. Something like hammering away at the big bunker at Cheyenne? To get one side or other of the Civil War out? It will probably be the thing that they’ve been levitating the market for, and thus let it fall. (Not our fault! Muh Act of God!)

    I can’t see that, but I CAN see all these 50 dominoes set up like Ukraine, Taiwan, markets, etc That’s not an accident.

    How about this too: So….this thing happens. Takes out, I dunno, San Diego Naval base. The “Act of God” cover doesn’t work since they have no imagination and like 1M cell cameras on every point on earth. So we find out it was the “Other” side in the Civil War they won’t admit, i.e. the CIA Derp State. Then The Pentagon goes and arrests Obama, Biden, Congress, and anyone else they feel like AND POINT TO THIS.

    “Hey Jack-ss, you can’t go NUKING cities with orbital SPACE WEAPONS and think you can get away with it”. Markets crash, Trump’s not the cause, and we clean house. Make their case to the American people as why — when they’re NIKING CITIES — the Pentagon had no choice but to step in to politics, call a time out, arrest open traitors, and run martial law until the election can be held.

    Why? Well, they keep building tension for years now. But never any events? Nothing ever happens…EVER? …That can’t be right.

    Okay? There are some ideas. Let’s see if they can suspend all precession of time FOREVER, and who is really God here. Jah, or Blinken. I’ll take the under on Blinken.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 17 2023 #143186
    Dr. D

    ““forcing people into uniform inside the country that are not really capable of fighting”

    Yes but that was all of them. The first army was barely coherent as they tried to merge Eastern and NATO approaches, but at least they trained 10k/year for 8 years after the U.S. illegal coup.(of Nazis). That army was destroyed in the first 5 months. No jets, no planes, no tanks, no trucks, all bye-bye, gone, vaporized, vanished, no more. Every single person since then is NOT TRAINED. Yes, they drop them on boot camp, but that’s not training, ask every military manager. You can START there, they still need specific weapons specialties, open exercises on that, not reading a manual (in a language you don’t speak), and then to be integrated into the existing forces. That’s a year, 18 months? To have a BADLY working army of greenhorns?

    Okay, again, essentially no one fighting this past year was a soldier in the high terms. They’re just some guy in costume, and it shows.

    ““If anything, it is going to persuade the Russians that they must attack and attack decisively to the West,” 

    Yes, and they, like Sachs and Meirscheimer point out that go ahead and drop the entire Kersh bridge. It makes no difference to the outcome of the war. Do this, do that, it makes no difference to the outcome of the war. Nothing Ukraine or the U.S. can do makes any difference to the outcome of the war. So. Um. Why do it?

    Did I just say? They lack all imagination. They’re running a plan from Eighteen-Forty. They’re incapable of seeing what’s going on, much less adapting to it and setting a new plan.

    “• Ukrainian Army Lost 9 Out of Every 10 Troops – Conscription Officer (RT)”

    Doesn’t matter. Nothing will ever matter again. Lacking all #Reality and all imagination, they just keep doing the same thing, like the Alien Ants, their Alien Ant Farm Overlords would have them be.

    “NATO, in accordance with its new defense plans, can deploy 300,000 soldiers in the first month of a potential attack”

    What does Russia call 300k NATO soldiers? A: A speed bump.

    3.5 Million? What did I just say above? Are they ALREADY trained, ALREADY on base integrated with their units? No? Of course not? Then they’re just some civilians in costume, buddy. All Europe is Touro-Disney, as Kunstler says.

    “Kiev will respond if EU countries decide to impose unilateral restrictions on Ukrainian grain”

    Really? You and whose army, Ze?

    “the one he didn’t touch now turns out to be a Russian collaborator?!

    Yes but like here “Collaborator” now means “He said a Russian word once.”

    “181 billion of European money” has been spent on supporting Kiev”

    So we’re at combined $300 Billion or a third of a Trillion??? And they can’t get 1 mile into the first line? #Winning!!!

    …The whole AutomaticEarth went 404 at Sun Sep 17 11:42:40 2023 UTC

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 17 2023 #143185
    Dr. D

    “ Why Has a Useless Cold Medication Been Allowed on Shelves for Years?
    Studies prove that popular decongestants just don’t work.” — The Atlantic

    Because medicine. Next article “The Atlantic” will be why Pharma never lies, no one’s died of Vioxx and Zantac and Statins, and we believe everything they say. Or else, you Science Denier!!! Pharma are useless, fraudulent villains but ALSO totally honest and more trustworthy than Mother Theresa and the Pope. I’ll arrest you if you say otherwise!!!

    (Otherwise? Which one? Whichever you feel like that day? Oh nevermind.)

    House Democrats Threaten To Keep Government Open “ –Bbee

    “There’d be a shortage of sand”, yes and now Chicago is going to take over and run the grocery stores. Remember this was one of the first platforms of the nascent Nazi party as well? …Not that it isn’t for other parties too. But the point of this system is “Balance of Powers”, that way corporations can be balanced by Government, as they have rival interests. When they unite into a single interest, then Mansanto is your government and owns a monopoly on violence too. For their dumping of pesticides and selling of food. This is the small end where it starts, and yes, just watching them lose money every year and be run sh—y is funny and not much harm. …Until like WalMart they run all other grocers out of businesses and you can no longer get food except at the company store of Peabody Coal.

    You can vote your way into that, but you can’t vote your way out of it, and things get violent. Just like in 1900 and 1930 when we tried it then too.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre That event was a backdrop of hardship and similar struggle and event nationwide.

    Guess what? Rockefeller mines were more profitable when he paid and helped the workers. More profit when he put out profit, or capital, just like when you buy better machine tools, create better floors, rails, and elevators on the assembly line.

    “Universe 25” = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink Mice Utopia experiments.

    Yes, and they’ve been telling us for generations. There’s a SciFi called “Sea of Glass” where they plan to reduce population, but only all at once. Using AI they very carefully put each and every human in the location and situation that is specifically worst and most agitating and violence-creating for them. Then on Zero Day, they set off the dominoes and like “The Purge” – another such – everyone just goes into a non-stop killing frenzy solving the problems of the world social engineers like Watson of Brave New World (I think). Looking at that, I found this:

    “Lenina Crowne, a young, beautiful fetus technician at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. She is a Beta who enjoys being a Beta. She is a vaccination worker with beliefs and values that are in line with a citizen of the World State. She is part of the 30% of the female population that are not freemartins (sterile women). Lenina is promiscuous and popular but somewhat quirky in her society: she had a four-month relation with Henry Foster, choosing not to have sex with anyone but him for a period of time. She is basically happy and well-conditioned, using [Zoloft] to suppress unwelcome emotions…”

    They are an Alien Ant Farm, not realizing the human species is acutely ill-suited to creating a Queen Bee, 5 genders, and assigning it all at birth, or via a PSAT test somewhere. Like Thanos, they COULD use their AI and super power to assign each person to a location of perfect happiness and lead to the stars like “Foundation for Empire”, but instead have dreary, dismal, and total lack of imagination and so kill everyone instead.

    In reality, why? They hate human beings completely. With a tireless, burning, eternal passion that is truly boundless. Now WHY they hate us so entirely is a point of speculation, and there have been many stories and religions based on it, with the story of fallen angels acutely mad that not only have THEY fallen from God, but WE, this cockroach-vermin, are BETTER THAN THEY ARE, and will someday ascend to angels and take their place. …Which does seem likely, btw, both from our inner capacity, and from what we can discern from their own motives and actions over the centuries.

    So they want to kill man, because man has the face of God and is made in his image. And somewhat sharing God’s power for creation. They may not be able to reach God and punch him, but they can kill us instead and make God watch. …Yeah, really eternally, infinitely, acutely small-minded. And we have to deal with it, which is doing us a lot of good since it’s THEIR pressure that makes us advance so rapidly. Thanks. …I think.

    Thoughts on “Universe 25” a utopia that wasn’t. If humans have no pressure, no goals, no focus, no HARDSHIP, they just fall apart.

    Why bring it up:
    “For over 100 days the protesters kept Portland residents under a state of siege, as Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler seemed unwilling or unable to halt the violence.”

    Yeah, ‘cause it’s not an accident. Like Chuck Manson, he’s TRYING to start a nationwide “Purge” event. They “All” are, hundreds of mayors, DAs and other guys in the Club and written in. That’s a “Who Are You” test for America. Will we fall into violence and attack each other like the vermin they say we are? Or will we rise up like men and restore our Nation Under God?

    Gosh boys, looks like you lost that one…again. Losing losers who lose.

    “yet another historic display of pent-up passions as thousands of disaffected Trump supporters descended upon the Capitol Building in Washington, DC to express their outrage over an election they believed had been stolen.

    Really? Is that what happened? When all those people were paid Federal Agents in the thousands? How can you tell until they release who was there? And they’re so innocent and there were so few agents there that they refuse to admit the records…even to Congress? They’re so innocent they prefer to commit an open and egregious crime that could get them fired rather than open the books and prove to Congress they’re all innocent. Huh. That is not suspicious at all.

    the only person to suffer a violent death on January 6 was a protester named Ashli Babbitt, a 36-year-old military veteran. A Capitol Police officer shot her in the neck, 

    Really? Is that what happened? Because there was a thimble of blood for someone bleeding from the neck, odd. She’s a person from the military, odd. And the person next to her – the whole area, who certainly had some medics – pull out one bandaid. Huh.

    How about this: she was one of the agitators; they need a riot. So they stab her in the neck with a syringe, not knowing SHE is the collateral damage of the day. Sorry, miss, serve your country by dying for your FBI handlers. When she goes down, the people should be so inflamed by a woman getting killed they bum-rush the guards and make a mess. …But again, they don’t. It doesn’t reach the threshold. Same as we saw in the Russian Revolution, or heck, “Four dead in Ohio,” where people think the shots came from off-camera. Wouldn’t you arrange it that way and murder some poor sap? I would. But I wouldn’t be a dummy about what state the Right was in, and that they are NOT in the “riot blindly” state…yet. Like drug them through the air vents or something will ya? Don’t just fail like the failures you are in F-Stan and Ukraine and everywhere you walk.

    sentenced to 22 years in prison for plotting to keep Trump in power by force filing legal paperwork  after he lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden.”

    “• Trump Decries ‘Double Standard’ in Documents Case (ET)

    Yes but Muh Trump, so it’s all okay now.

    “Ms. Clinton smashed her cell phones and destroyed tens of thousands of emails after receiving a congressional subpoena,”

    As did the FBI and DoJ again just now. They probably have ten recorded requests they’re refusing feloniously right now. But they so don’t care, they made a bumper sticker mocking the very IDEA, the very NOTION of equal behavior, equal standards under any law at all. It’s called “But her emails” and it goes next to the “Get over it. He lost. (And you’re in a cult)” bumper sticker. Like I said, no imagination, only imitation. They – the fallen ones – are not creative, they are minions. Creativity, “creation”, comes from God. Which I think is why they hate women with such blinding fury: they are the ultimate creators, and also the ultimate lovers in the “I Love” sense.

    “gave X ten days to submit Trump’s data“

    WTF? They feel it’s an improper warrant, but aren’t allowed to take it even to court? And are punished a quarter million for following legal process? I guess it’s illegal to follow the law now. “Don’t ask questions. Do what you’re told.”

    “Why did Western analysts get Russia so wrong? “

    Because they WANT to. This was true of Cheney’s “Team B” of “The crazies in the basement” printing that the USSR was about to take over the planet about a year before they collapsed. “Buy Buy Buy” (Cheney’s, Halliburton’s arms) Same now: the CONCLUSION is, we WANT what you own, like Rocket Raccoon. We WANT it more than the other guy. So we ARE going to invade and steal it. That’s the conclusion, so we just work backwards from there.

    How does it happen? Easy. Been happening for 100 years now, no mystery. Sachs even points out that this is Britain’s EXACT REPLAY of the 1850 Crimean War. Eighteen – uh, FITTY. Jesus guys, GET A NEW PLAN. For the love of God, THINK UP SOMETHING NEW, you’re killing us down here. That’s not even in this CENTURY. That’s like running a plan from the MIDDLE AGES.

    Anyway, yeah, the British Empire, the inheritor of the Roman Empire, as sort of merged and directing the World Empire, “Oceana”, mostly the Anglos, powered by the United States. Here the U.S. still playing out things older than Queen f-ing Victoria. Puh-lease stop: you’re insane.

    Won’t post, splitting.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2023 #143122
    Dr. D

    “There’s no other Trump”

    No but I’d rather have RFK who’s capable of human speech and thought. That’s a different mascot, but a fine trade with me. Beside, Cheeto isn’t going to be around forever – he needs to go to Ken Lay island here.

    RFK isn’t exactly as well-spoken as Ron Paul, who’s a principled theorist, but he’s more engaging, forgiving, and practical. We’ve broken the Overton window, so we can do more than sound bites with 3rd-grade words for NASCAR Cleetus. (Maybe.) Because we need solutions now, which means discussing real and sometimes complicated real-world objects and systems.

    Javier Melei: So they did the “Runs-but-not-runs” thing in Brazil, same as they’re doing for Trump. That is, who’s running Brazil if the official President can’t walk down the street? Why not? The other side, the Mafia’s been doing that to us for generations, why NOT do it back to them? But then where does Javier materialize out of? So they’ve not “won” Brazil, but pinned it in place and are going around it to capture Argentina? Then with Argentina won, they have a solid bulwark on that end of the world for #Reality, otherwise known as Libertarianism?

    I’m suspicious that people “Just appear”. Appear and aren’t shot in the head with a tear gas can, as per yesterday. But just have a non-stop train of media attention, making the other side look like the destructive, human-killing idiots they are (as California, their medieval diseases poster child), yet nothing happens to them. Nobody gets mad. Uh-huh.

    Russia Will Destroy Western Ukraine.

    Maybe. But Russia would rather OWN Ukraine. They’ve been trying incredibly hard NOT to smash it, anywhere. It took them a year to even shut off the power? But the war and level of weapons makes that literally impossible.

    In Meirshiemer, all the usual idiocy. “But NATO was already off the table [so he shouldn’t have invade] (FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE,” i.e. for a year or two) Jesus, what are you an infant? What a maroon. He then continues that “The people then went to Maidan, waving EU flags, they wanted to be part of”. Yes. Indeed. But only HALF of the people wanted to be EU-oriented, while the OTHER half of the people wanted to remain Russia-oriented. But those other half don’t exist because somebody waved a flag. I want the magic spell power of this “Flag” thing: apparently you wave a flag, everything changes, you plant one in Florida and you suddenly own the continent and stuff.

    Besides, at that point they received a highly-planned, $6 BILLION dollar, illegal, undemocratic coup. By us. Whoops! Never happened. It was all “Natural”; it’s what “Ukraine wanted.” If they wanted it, all organic, why was it planned and paid for?

    Then canards that Putin is not elected, Russia is not a democracy. …But a $6B Coup IS a democracy. Outlawing media and opposing parties IS democracy. I pity Meirshiemer to have to put up with this s—t, he has more patience than I do. They are such morons he has to explain very simple, very obvious, constantly published information, that are things like “Rain is wet” and these peers have never thought or believed any of this before and fight him on it. And why? As example of the woman who speaks, it’s all EMOTIONAL. She is unbearably keyed up in defense of…something. Emotional as if it’s her. In human terms SHE MERGED with the NeoCons and their agenda. She=Them. That’s the magic of the Social Engineering. So she’s a minion. How does she become a minion? Emotion, refusing to adopt (any) information.


    I didn’t think this was true but NO MATTER WHAT you say now, it doesn’t matter. Like yesterday, if you paw your own family’s leg “What is it boy? Jimmy fell down the well? I should look into the Pfizer data on Trump’s super-rushed genetic-altering medical experiment?” they will kick you. Talk about magic, this is magic. If I tell you arsenic is tasty and you should eat 6 cups a day, then the NEXT guy won’t be able to convince you you’re dying. Your instant poor health is now a coincidence.

    And unlike hypnotism, they actually CAN tell you to kill yourself for them, quick or slow, and they’ll do it. By the millions. Clearly. Not just Covid, but send their kids to Fentanyl and OnlyFans school? Knowing it, hearing about it, pedos marring students they got pregnant, being discussed in school broad meetings, still sending. 0% graduation with Infinity money in Baltimore, the Super is shredding all the emails. Wouldn’t want to be mean. Wouldn’t want to be hasty.

    How does it work? Lifelong habit and reinforcement of passivity of mind. They want you to have an “Open Mind”. So open your brains fell out of it.

    “Ms. James pledged to go after him while she was campaigning for attorney general.”

    In today’s episode of “50,000 things done wrong” she would need to recuse herself.

    Do you know the banks made a lot of money?” … And yet you’re suing on behalf of banks, I guess.”

    Yup. And you can walk up to ANYONE – anyone in the country – and they won’t care. If you tell them, they’ll punch you. Why? No idea. If I tell them Clovis people were non-Asiatic, an argument they have about as much effect on, they won’t care one way or another. Why? Me = Them. I have BECOME them. They “R” Us. Really? Hunter Biden and Don Jr “R” you now?

    “Judge Delays Trial for Trump, Others in Georgia 2020 Election Case (Pol.)

    Huh, you mean a case where 100 million people were indicted will take time to prepare and won’t go fast? Who knew?

    “TRUMP CAN’T RUN. TRUMP CAN’T HIDE.” she continued, adding “He will be imprisoned with Ivanka by his side!”

    Does he LOOK like he’s running and hiding? And what is “Ivanka”? They’re coming after your children. All previous mafia rules are suspended. They come after Baron, Eric, Jr, Ivanka, everyone. And they’re protected: they’re clearly after your kids nationwide and you’re NOT protected.

    ““[Trump] was accused of having a special relationship with Russia, which is total nonsense. But he was the president who introduced the most sanctions against Russia,” Putin noted..”

    Yes but this is actually #True and we don’t do that. True has no meaning, no special place. It’s irrelevant because #MyFeelings. As above, they ordered you to feel good about arsenic and bad about exercise. Now I march FOR arsenic and applaud people online to become more morbidly obese. Strangely that’s not an exaggeration, HereLetMeGoogleThatForYou.com

    Anyway, if it’s #True, we do the #Opposite. Automatically. That’s the weirdo religion of #AntiLogos. Wouldn’t wanna be aligned with God or anything, even on accident.

    ““That’s the tragedy of America in 2023, is that we would never have allowed Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln to get away with this stuff..”

    Oh, I don’t know. They both did astonishingly terrible, illegal stuff. Don’t underestimate them. Just shows overall ignorance of history. Don’t forget Adams.

    “We’ve had two presidents now under a cloud and no controlling legal authority, as Al Gore said, to do a darn thing about it. And I think that’s why we call it the swamp,”

    Congress is the controlling authority, but they won’t take it, anywhere. Haven’t for decades. Just like Rome then eventually they are still paid, but irrelevant. Eventually the people let in the Visigoths but only if they promise to kill all the Senators and get them off the back of the population.

    ““Congress is set to vote on a continuing resolution before the end of September to temporarily fund the US”

    When is Yom Kippur and the market crash? We see Putin, everyone lining up the dominoes. Russia is w NoKo not entirely for arms, he has plenty, but it’s pleasant to line up a bunch more cheap ones for the imminent offensive.

    “Our country’s going to hell. Our country’s going down,”

    Democrats who just LOST THEIR JOB, and spent a year sick from a disease they were “successfully” vaccinated from, whose kids are on drugs and OnlyFans, have no jobs, no raises, who have people robbing, s—tting in the streets, whose incomes were cut in half by inflation, THEY say It’s not going down. That’s false. And they all hate Florida now, with the heat of 10,000 suns. Since about January, suddenly they realized! How do I know? I talk to them every day. Not a single one thinks “The Country is Going Down” even as they themselves describe each and every specific item that adds up into “The country going down” in perfect detail. Why?

    Blue Square says No. That’s it. Tiny box, size of a playing card told them, so they believed it over their own eyes. Oh and arsenic is good for you. Eat your daily allowance.

    “Trump’s statements are “intended to undermine public confidence in an institution—the judicial system”

    So? Since when is not liking someone a crime? “I will MAKE you love me!!! I’ll pass a law and ARREST you, or else!” No, that’s not love, honey; that’s rape.

    I should have said yesterday, “THEY said that they are Socialist.” For generations. That was the whole Peron thing, right? Just like China. THEY said they are. I know what they really are. Like USSR, oligarchs and thieves.

    Really, we’re all merged in the middle, the roughly NeoLiberal paradigm. Why? That was developed over centuries to work best as the middle point of maximum extraction and maximum control. Soviet Socialism was supposed to be superior, but turns out did not have maximum extraction and fell behind. So they went “capitalist” – really pretty similar to this NeoLib middle, just with nationalism – but China took the lesson and went from “Socialism” to “Capitalism”. On our side, they had maximum prosperity for the people (so far) but was an abject failure as they lacked maximum extraction of that prosperity and maximum control. So we took the turn towards China, toward “Socialism” as the government controls all means of production via “regulation” and all 10 Communist Planks, as they glow over in NY Times articles even now, dreaming IF ONLY we could be North Korea. <Sigh.> wouldn’t that be fab?

    But here we are, all in the middle place. And with all the people brought together to one extraction, with most currencies all brought together (or were before BRICS), and the U.S. therefore reduced to 3rd World, exactly as planned and as we said in 1990 NAFTA. Lauded over the people’s will by both Bush and Clinton.

    AND – what’s better – we both call these nearly identical systems as “Capitalism” and “Socialism” as if they’re different! Then we can fight about it too! What could be better than that? I point at the moon and say “Luna” you point at the moon and say “Muuyaw” then we fight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2023 #143085
    Dr. D

    Phoenix: You win, I only know what I’ve read and been told.

    I’ve also been told China is a Socialist nation (it’s not) and that America isn’t (it is).

    This is the sort of thing that can happen when words have no meanings and nobody cares.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2023 #143060
    Dr. D

    Whoops, forgot: happy Rosh Hashanah, biggest day of the year.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2023 #143058
    Dr. D

    Yes, to alien thing. Don’t care, already know what’s real. However, as said about ANY of it, if we have Space Weapons, then…why aren’t we using them on Ukraine? = It’s all a puppet show. Same with anything with aliens. So…you can’t NOT have known all along, and you didn’t tell us? Made us think we were crazy? Um, why? Not because it has no effect and there are no aliens now, it’s just some far-distant historical arcana, is it? That means something about it is very, EXTREMELY relevant even in Sept 2023. What is that thing, sir?

    Then that blows faith in govt, then that blows the existence of nation states except as facades, then that blows so who IS running things? (as in the Crow long video, in the movie “Network” the “Trust Fund,” the multi-international worldwide conglomerate of “money”, ie, “control”) and so on.

    And you hid this because it’s not relevant now, but you also hid it in all HISTORY too. In religion, like fiery chariots of the Bible, etc.

    Goes everywhere, even though nobody wants it to. But sucks to be you, shouldn’t have started lying in the first place. Now when we hang you, you’ll deserve it. I’ll convict you and line you up too, even if you had “good reasons”. “When first we practice to deceive.”

    What I see is still a total media blackout. Very illustrative that it can be on the floor of a world’s major parliament of a major country and nope, doesn’t exist.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2023 #143054
    Dr. D

    “The American elites predominantly perceive Russia as an existential enemy, Putin believes.”

    No, as per Dr. Day above, a BRITISH, ANGLO-racist minority believes that. (They’re actually not even “Anglo”, they believe they are the bloodline of fallen angels.) America could care less about Russia, nor would we profit by her pillage. Inasmuch as the two are mostly the same, then yes. But they’re not the same. They’re the same in Britain very tightly, but barely in the U.S., and very loosely.

    “30 Detainees Remain at Guantánamo
    …three remain ‘unfit to be released’ but have not been charged.

    Oubliette. Life in prison without charges. By leaders who were well-known war criminals. Still time. They’re not all dead yet.

    “Federal Judge again Declares DACA Program Unlawful, But Refuses to Order Deportations

    Translation: it’s illegal but that’s okay. It’s not like laws have consequences.

    “Fulton County Prosecutors Accused of Hiding Key Documents in Trump RICO Case”

    Yes, but only 100% of the time. I’d be shocked at this point if the prosecution did NOT have exculpatory evidence and hid/shredded it. What’s the cure? Consequences. Justice IS Mercy. So when they see this happen, the perp walks free – sorry! Then the DA and Prosecutor are fired for railroading people and letting criminals walk free. All a fantasy at this point, I know, as you’d have to orient toward #Logos and they are religious zealots of #AntiLogos.

    RFK Letter: As usual, that is a wonderful, fabulous, engaging, unifying, disarming communication, which is also perfectly legal and productive of the goal.

    …As none of those qualities are valued, and all are antithetical to an #AntiLogos violent, intolerant theocracy, expect nothing will happen but persecutions. I’m sure he well knows better than anyone.

    “the gun case keeps Joe out of sight, and all the information about him: he has no link to the gun. It’s the only thing he’s not linked to.”

    There’s so many illegalities at so many levels I overlooked this obvious fact.

    • Go F**ing Ahead: McCarthy Dares Republicans to Boot Him from Speakership (Sp.)

    I agree. And this all seems appropriate to me, how things should generally be running. If there’s not contention, they’re not working the difficult compromise where all our needs are included. However, I’m with McCarthy: don’t waste all our valuable time. Do it or don’t do it. Make your play.

    “Here’s McCarthy forcing an AP reporter to admit that there was lots of evidence to support an impeachment inquiry.”

    Which they then did not report. Joke’s on you. You think facts matter.

    “• US Political System Frozen by Soviet-Style ‘Aging Crisis’ (Sp.)

    “Closing the Collapse Gap with the Soviet Union”. And every day they wait to collapse the delta between us gets larger. Russia is already nearing our power. In steel, or instance. They have 1/3 less people, so that smarts, but have a clearly superior military and generations of oil. They’re still rural as we were in 1960, I would think, but it’s gotten close enough to touch.

    If we’d collapsed in 1996 like we should have (Greenspan Money Printer Go Brrrr for Clinton election) we’d have been unquestioningly superior and been out of it decades ago. Doubling down now will put us behind not just Russia, but everyone. Like less than Brazil, Africa, certainly every nation in Asia, etc. Nice going maroons.

    “The answer to this question is political gridlock,” Lazare said. “Everyone is terrified of what change might mean.”

    Yes. But really it’s far worse. That’s just a nice way of saying “A few people are rich and doing everything bad to everyone else to protect their own kitties.” Like savaging the young – three generations now. But even that’s far worse. Not JUST slavery or servitude for … well, everyone else, young, other nations … but THAT then means it’s all founded on CORRUPTION. You can’t mis-use everyone else without power being misused and crimes occurring.

    THEN you have 100,000 FELONIES committed, going back LIFETIMES, ALL of which need to be covered. You know all those rapes Biden did as a junior Senator? He still needs to cover that up. All the money he took from Putin, but back in 2002? Still needs to cover that up.

    And ALL of them. EVERY. ONE. In power. Raytheon’s CEO, felon. Lockheed’s CEO, felon. JP Morgan, felon. You can’t BE there and not be a felon or $1B theft or 10,000 person mass-murder (Cuomo comes to mind). That’s the price of entry, like a Drug Gang’s first murder for them, they can always pin on you.

    So why are they still there? Hillary said it best: “If he gets in, we’ll all hang! Don’t you get that?” Or as Bush said, “If the American people knew what we’ve done, they’d kill us.” Yes. We will. That means they are 1) crazy people, who are mentally ill neuroses they act out more vigorously and reliably than any of us normal people can. Like power-seeking. But 2) they HAVE to defend each other with perfect, unbroken unity.

    I’m sure that’s why the USSR did it – knowing the people would hang them – and that’s why McConnell, Pelosi, and Biden do it too.

    …But the real problem is the PEOPLE. They still can’t conceive this is the case, although it’s terribly obvious.

    “Reporters often don’t realize they’re being used.”

    THEN THEY’RE NOT REPORTERS. That’s the MINIMUM for being a reporter, and also why we have AT LEAST two sources. Sadly, he IS describing today’s reporters. Which, as he also says, are all CIA assets.

    “Kamala is then the heir apparent.”

    Uh…no, she’s the “apparent”, she’s the literal ONLY LEGAL HEIR at all. That’s it. It’s not “Optional”. She doesn’t “Need to make a case”. That’s the literal, only black-letter law. Written in Law #1 since 1789. …But it’s a law, and we don’t follow those. And it would be against our principles to obey anything in the “Constitution.” How gauche.

    ““…The Russians are yet to learn that Putin’s idealism exists nowhere else”

    Putin. A KGB colonel, but a misty-eyed idealist. Uh-huh. I thought he was a cold-blooded killer. Pick one.

    Putin: a naive, doe-eyed in the headlights of the big, bad world, also constantly wins every day of every year on total accident. Just like Trump is similarly totally clueless and naive. Right. How can I get to be this flavor of both entirely lazy, totally naive yet win against every killer in the total, combined West?

    “Washington built and equipped an Ukrainian Army poised to destroy the Russian peoples in the Donbas breakaway republics, the Kremlin, and the Russians media sit on their butts doing nothing”

    Really? Huh. That’s odd, I thought in that window they opened 100 new wells, ran a pipeline to China, refined and produced enough to field in Kinzal missiles, manufactured a new tank, went 10x on their S-300, created a respectable amount of S-400, invented the S-500, got enough Sunburn missiles to sink every Western surface ship, got two new Gen5 and Gen 6 fighter jets, got a scalar ray that cooks ships, knocked a satellite out of orbit, fielded a nuclear tsunami drone, and launched an updated family of nuclear submarines.

    But compared to the West, fielding a tank from 1980, a jet from 1970, and a bomber from 1950, that’s doing nothing, I guess. We’re #1.

    My take, why is Russia sitting around letting their people’s cars get confiscated? A: Because you’re a joke. The Whole West is a joke. Why bother responding? It’s pointless and will only encourage them.

    “The ATACMS is a 50-year-old system which the US Army stopped buying in 2007.”

    “more than a year of “being called a tinfoil hat or Putin apologist for merely suggesting that what we are engaged in is a proxy war,”

    Waiting for my apology. Then re-instating all the accounts, then paying me for libel while all those that were wrong collapse as untrustworthy fools. Oh wait, none of that is going to happen? Then who’s really at fault here?

    “A 50-year-old transgender American is Kiev’s military spokesperson and threatens to kill anyone who asks questions. What a world.”

    Couldn’t be happier. Shows us all who you are. Only worry is later, when this is over, Ukrainians will be so mad about the lunacy that they’ll take it out on actual gays and not planted actors like this guy. It’s MEANT to antagonize you. That’s its PURPOSE. But then people begin to associate “Non-hetero” = “Antagonist” more generally.

    That’s why these core racists and sexists front women and PoC, because they know they’re about to annoy people and then collapse and fail (to “Build Back Better”) and they want Women and PoC to be ruined and discredited for generations. They think it’s funny. But what can I say? Apparently they’re too stupid to realize they’re being used, so maybe they’re right. You get what you get.

    “Sy Hersh: Overly Optimistic US Intel Reports on Ukraine to Lead to Disaster (Sp.) “

    Yes. Now does someone know that and is enhancing that effect on purpose? Because the result has been the total disarmament of NATO and handing a country the size of France to Russia.

    “most of the ATACMS missiles will be shot down before they reach their target, a fact the military planners in the Pentagon are only too aware of.”

    Huh. And they provide hem only one at a time to make sure. Well, see the above. Like Putin and Trump, it’s all a big accident.

    “Factually, Russia is much more isolated than before,” a senior European official told The WSJ.”

    Yes, they have cut off he West and are now insulated against our inevitable collapse. So thanks! Couldn’t have done it without you. Oh, and their GDP has doubled. (Rate, not size)

    “Twelvefold. And much more expensive. Very smart.”

    Well, like Smart Cars and Smart Cities, it’s only environmental if you ship it around he world and back first and run your electric cars on diesel generators.

    “Never Embrace Socialism… Or The Siren Song of Social Justice” – Milei (ZH)
    ““The State does not create wealth, the State destroys it. The State can give you nothing, because it produces nothing.”

    Sadly, because we would all like that to be true. Even when they DIRECT resources, they’re historically the literal worst at it, even outside of corruption, which they’re the worst at too. What ARE they good at? “Government is FIRE”.

    “But that can’t happen on its own. We have to be prepared for this, and wage a cultural war every single day”

    This seems to be a world-wide counter-revolution at last, or more like a counter-revulsion. Argentina is el mucho grande Socialist, and thereby lost 100 years where they could have transcended all Europe and taken all South America to the stars with them. But we see the same thing with young boys at home. As 100% of all authorities, all media, all schools, their own mothers say they are worthless pieces of s—t who should die, they are rebelling against what is very clear insanity. And even Zoomers, a little ahead not only are the most “Conservative” ever, but the men are overwhelmingly conservative and outspoken for it. That is to say, the Zoomer women still tend to be on the toxic feminine, the run-of-the-mill Western Culture. That is, highly polarized, radical socialists and feminists. But for the Zoomers to be % conservative, the young men are EVEN MORE, counterbalancing the the far Left, and then a little bit more. Which is the equivalent of ultra-Socialist Argentina going Libertarian.

    …However, note all these words are INCREDIBLY deceptive: in fact, the world is further left than it’s ever been in history, and less masculine than ever in history, still less masculine than 10 years ago. So in “Male” terms, they might as well wear girly sun-dresses, and prance around like unicorns compared to all history. THIS is the “Oh-no, Red Pill” masculine “Radicalized men, we’re all-gonna-die” rhetoric. Like, do you see boys beating their women regularly? Yeah, that used to be fairly common to cuff it off and on in some huge % of relationships. No? It’s actually unthinkable? Then STFU, we’re still 1,000 miles from the danger line.

    (P.S. at present statistically women hit men more often right now. One, they know they can get away with it, and two, men generally think it’s a joke, ie, they won’t get hurt by the action, only the accusation. And everyone loves it and approves, mocking men if they so much as mention it. …The untouchables.)

    Colosseum: Unlike most places, we DO have a good idea what happened there in ancient times.

    To be helpful did you know you can buy ancient reproductions? https://theancienthome.com/collections/samian-ware
    Roman Glass Cup with Linear Reliefs (Large) in Pair

    Very pretty.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2023 #143007
    Dr. D

    First time this Woman, Californian, Democrat, and American, has ever seen consequences in her whole life?

    Probably. She should move to Des Moines, it’ll fix that problem right up. Nothing but consequences for actions we DIDN’T take, things we told and voted you NOT to do, from the NJ water gap right through to Sacramento.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2023 #143006
    Dr. D
    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2023 #143005
    Dr. D
    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2023 #143004
    Dr. D

    “Dem Porn-Wife Cries ‘Sex Crime’ After Public Videos Used To ‘Humiliate’ Her In Race
    Just like Hunter, posted on OnlyFans voluntarily,


    We need some reinforcement:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2023 #143003
    Dr. D

    “RFK Jr. Telegraphs Threat To Abandon Democrat Party
    Under no circumstances whatsoever will he be permitted to win the nomination…

    Amazing how utterly resistant they are. Astonishing. “Hey, let’s admit we have no Democracy at all, even as a throwaway bone to the rubes.” “Sounds great, but we can only do that with a young, charismatic, sweet-talking candidate, right?”

    Is there ANY level of open cheating the DNC won’t do? I mean, they fabricated superdelgates after Mondale, knowing ain’t noway, nohow anybody’s getting through that. Then they killed Sanders, then ADMITTED IT IN COURT, in California. In public. Nope. No care. Then pushed through Biden with 5% approval, bottom of all electibility nationwide in 2020. Now: literally, If RFK campaigns, the by-laws state all his campaign delegates go to the OTHER guy. However, if he campaigns for Biden, all his delegates ALSO go to Biden.

    Awesome. Couldn’t be happier except that no Democrat has noticed. So he runs on 3rd Party and BOTH Biden and Trump are out. That ALSO will break the whole system big enough people will remember. Fine with me.

    “NEVER paid some $2+ mill in TAXES – and don’t tell me Pops didn’t know. Heck, Hunter admitted he had to give him 50%

    Yes and no one cares. Prediction: no one WILL care. Even if he is at the direct command of Xi, Putin, and Hitler himself. Nope. Don’t care. Lesser of Two Evils. Conspiracy Theory. Don’t be mean. But Trump. Braaaaawk.

    Actually heard it yesterday: “But 95 indictments…!” I said, “Yes, when are they going to arrest the other 535 with their felonies?” Never crossed their minds. Probably everyone else in all D.C. are innocent at doves, never done no wrong, that’s how they’re got there.

    They also said they got the vax, immediately got pericarditis that nearly killed them, got Covid 2 more times since then, but it’s Covid’s fault. That’s what a “Vaccine” Is!!! Here’s a person who must have seen 5 doctors in such a case, and now you understand why they must capture the doctors and make them never say anything. She ain’t the first but the doctors march on, getting them on cattle cars. What’s more, whispers “Actually… the doctors don’t know anything. Can’t figure anything out…” Ya think? And yet you still only go to them, only believe them, only obey them, only refer to people who – according to you, are useless, clueless, can’t figure anything out. I suggested possibly doing her own research on “Long Covid” as they’re too busy to understand nutrition, and don’t spare to please read all sides about it. (They won’t. They know ahead of time, knowing before knowing what they don’t know)

    “Tom Emmer introduces a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency.”

    Since when have passing laws or not passing laws mattered to anyone? That’s so last century. We laboriously pass laws all the time, then the DoJ, DoD, NIH, IRS, ATF, Wall St, Silicon Valley, and the President himself ignores them.

    There’s only one law now: I will make it too expensive to comply. Chicago hasn’t complied with any laws in decades, with a 90% chance of getting away with any murder. Now NM is following. I think they SHOULD be able to carry as openly as Chicago does! Fair is Fair.

    “• White House Tells Media How to Cover Biden Impeachment (RT)

    Interesting case on speech. Clearly they can offer opinions on how they’d prefer the media to act. However, that is also meddling in free speech, with the covert threat of consequences, isn’t it?

    Remember the White House Press Club, asking the DoD how they can best support the slavic genocide by attacking average citizens? I’d say adding speech is generally not preventing speech. Even an open threat to reporters is good, as we can all see it happen and decide, although still illegal.

    Anyway, like the doctors above, wrong again, wrong every time, wrong in public, wrong in private, wrong on big things, wrong on small things, wrong on predictions, wrong on prosecutions, totally wrong and failed years and years and years running: American people still believe them, and look with rapt attention to anything the people who’ve been wrong tell them, snapping to action immediately. So who’s the real dummy here?

    We’re not back in the pre-Mueller, pre-Hunter days. But might as well be. I see – zero – additional uptake on reality out here. Muh “But 95 indictments!”

    “Whatever perceived threat Cornell West poses to Brandon’s re-election with his Green Party run”

    No. I don’t know what West is up to, but Jimmy Dore disassembled him in just a few short minutes with great disappointment. Sadly Dore has gotten so good at language he can tell all in a few sentences now. West is a Biden supporter, campaigning for Biden, obeying compromised moles, with core Hillary campaign managers fresh off the (illegal) Clinton Global Initiative, and working for people like Brock, who I believe is a known pedo wanted in Spain. The manager himself was in a Nazi militia, only one in Israel, who later committed major atrocities (major even for them) in Lebanon. It’s impossible West doesn’t know this, and whether you need a good manager or not, it’s simply impossible to hire someone THIS core to Hillary and the party, #1 inner circle since ALWAYS. That’s what your “Green Party” is now: a war party with a sprinkling of windmills-on-fire. So West is well-captured, however it was done, would gather excitement, then pass off to Racist, pedo Joe.

    Since the entire left seems made of people who Know-but-also-don’t-know, nearly everything, on all subjects, it’s difficult to say that West “Knows” because when your mind believes opposite things 24/7, what does “he knows” even mean? He knows.

    RFK isn’t stupid, and I’m sure he and his team have gamed this out years before we ever thought of it. He can still lose and have a huge positive impact on America, so it’s a matter of what your goals are.

    Pointing this out is wonderful except 100% of all the people this story is being staged for won’t listen or ever know it’s happening, and won’t care once they do. I think that’s the weakness. So I hope is real audience is the beltway apparatchiks who read Politico. Democrats are incapable of any human thought except obedience to the blue square, and I’m not just saying that because I talk to them constantly and know.

    “Does Putin Realize the Danger in Projecting the Image of a Weak Russia? (PCR)

    Yeah and PCR was a core NeoCon and demanded Putin “Shock and Awe” and try to hold all France while the Ukrainians were popping up out of salt mines in their rear too. Nope. PCR as a former generation believes in the primacy of “signaling.” Putin doesn’t care about how he looks…to us. Because no matter how he looks, it wouldn’t alter our offensive attack and WWIII on Russia…forever. HIS audience is the Global South, not us. As seen yesterday, he dismissed Germany and France finally as irrelevant peons, unworthy of notice.

    How’s that for “Optics” and “Weak Russia”, Paul?

    His “Optics” are to win this little thing called “Reality”, on the ground, as Ukriane has no army.

    My thought is, there seem to be an awful lot of dominoes set up all at once, and yet held in stasis right now. Housing, Stocks, Wars, impeachments, arrests, oil prices, bond collapses, even BTC prices. The Whoooooole horizon is made of nothing but Black Swans circling, but very carefully circling out of range. Wot a coincidence.

    So IF one thing falls – LeGuard cracks and the Euro crisis – then ALL the other tanks suddenly start up and roll into battle. He’s way out of the loop if he can’t see that. But he is 80. Like Peter Shiff, you get to saying the same thing for 40 years without checking.

    “there is concern in the Russian military that by allowing the conflict to drag on, Putin gives credibility to the propaganda that Russia is weak and this encourages more Western intervention.”

    Paul, Russia is WINNING because of this. Russia just had to sit behind 5 lines and drink tea because Russia is seen as weak and the enemy will VOLUNTARILY, and at great expense, assemble the whole army and drive them into a known, 100% fatal meat-grinder, ON PUTIN’S BEHALF. If Putin were the commander of both sides he could not arrange a more perfect, harmless, method of winning. If Russia were seen as strong, they would NOT do that, they would NOT send 100% of all NATO’s arms to Ukraine to be obviously and certainly destroyed, because France would feel they need to hold some for a possible Russian attack.

    Yes, they will escalate on weakness, but sir, THEY ESCALATE ON STRENGTH TOO. NeoCons, the Mafia, only escalate. That’s it. Their one tactic since “W”. Double down. So IF Russia showed strength, took all Ukraine, pushed on the Polish-Romanian border, occupied Turkey, THEY WOULD ALSO ESCALATE and call a general mobilization of NATO. …Which they haven’t. So although right, you are also completely wrong.

    Doing this, as Sun Tzu says, he’s kept it under control when the NeoCons want a nuclear exchange, ground up all their weapons, used up all their men, cost them all their money, split NATO into factions, collapsed the European economy, exposed the Democratic Party, exposed the complete worthlessness of the US Army and all US weapons, made fully independent Russia in their quinceañera, and won the Global South, thereby marching around the entire West’s Maginot line of Finance, and cutting off and collapsing the world Financiers.

    …But we should do it YOUR way, Paul.

    “EU States Tell Zelensky They Won’t Hand Over Draft Dodgers (RT)

    They really, REALLY love Welfare. We’d rather have all Europe collapse than stop paying people to do nothing, especially when they’re criminals. I wonder what’s up. Here’s their chance to kill more slavs, more humans, more little people, and they won’t take it. They’re blowing my theory.

    “China And India Have ‘Low Intellectual Potential’ – Zelensky Aide (RT)

    Spoken like a true racist. He should go to Harvard! Even his argument is stupid. Not just an insult, there is a way to point out divisions between them and get them uneasy with each other, but this guy can’t even do that as his arguments are non sequitur. China will be very impressed. Not shut off their massive, billion-dollar drone and bulletproof vest shipments or nothin’.

    our businesses will not return to the West..”

    That’s because the West will be bankrupt and more collapsed than Africa for generations.

    “By some estimates, that seabed may contain 1,000 times more rare earth elements than those below dry ground..”

    You’re kidding, right? Every time they want to rig the gold price, run a fake market manipulation attack, they trot out this gem. Have for 50 years now. It’s not THAT the sea, or the mine, or the asteroid, CONTAINS elements, it’s that you can EXTRACT them at what price? Has anyone noticed extracting from asteroids – where we can’t get to as we have no “Space” program, and barely a “low orbital” program – might be a leeeeeeeetle expensive?

    Also this is why in the main we never run out of things. Places you’d never consider as a mine suddenly “exist” because the PRICE of the ore doubles, turning an unusable rock into a mine-face. Then the number of YEARS supply also doubles as we add them to the list of potentials. Not saying we’re infinite here, but the earth is pretty big.

    …Still on with the Musk-Starlink. Still don’t understand what they’re talking about. It’s some kind of code and message, but the reporters themselves don’t understand they are the messenger-slaves with it tattooed on their scalp.

    I’d love to translate that WEF graphic:

    “Revitalizing Global Cooperation” > Creating one-world dictatorship.
    “Shaping the Economic Recovery” > Rigging Markets.
    “equality and sustainability” “Market outcomes” > Communism.
    “Restoring the Health of the Environment” > Killing people.

    “his lofty aspirations, which he described as “unprecedented,”

    Ah, indeed. We haven’t seen anything this lofty since the 1,000 year Reich. Progressives: whaddya gonna do? Well, make a new flag with a New Age symbol on it, I guess, and fly it over every blue neighborhood and embassy.

    “Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To “Inclusive Capitalism”

    Failing Failures who Fail. So what is “Inclusive Capitalism”? “Stakeholder Capitalism”? Yeah, it’s the same Socialism that failed in 1930, then failed in 1960. It’s running companies AGAINST all profit motive, that is, to NOT do what people want and will pay for but what YOU, the handlers, the Social Engineers, want them to do. That LOSES money faster than Disney on a Bud Light bender. Several of these companies have ceased to exist. Ones like Disney will probably need to break themselves up and sell themselves off to survive. Sell? To whom? To people who give the people, customer, what THEY want, not what you, the Communist Yale Executive (but I repeat myself) want. That is, to non-deranged, non-mentally ill, non-failures.

    That means Cleetus is YOUR boss, and above you, and they just can’t stand it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 13 2023 #142956
    Dr. D

    “McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry

    I’ll be darned. So was it Gaetz’s “one vote” that held him up? Probably a scam just like the “investigation” and “Plea” were.

    “Kyle Bass Sees Banks Losing Quarter Trillion Dollars In Coming Office Market Collapse; Morgan Stanley Sees 40% Wipeout

    Don’t worry: this won’t matter either. Nothing will ever matter again. That’s what history shows, right?

    RE-electing Trump:

    He’ll finish taking it back….by finally starting for the first time.

    “US Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on Congress to investigate Elon Musk over his refusal to enable a Ukrainian drone attack on the Russian naval fleet in Crimea.”

    Again, under what premise? Investigate a private citizen, who is different from a private corporation, that it didn’t unilaterally set American policy and start WWIII? Muh, “Private company”, right?

    “Musk “cannot have the last word when it comes to national security,” Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jack Reed told reporters”

    But he can have the first word? Okay, so he’s a corporation. Did you HIRE him to keep the lights on all the way to Crimea? Apparently not or you would have mentioned it. So you DIDN’T hire him to support this action, he DIDN’T sign any contract about it, and all because “We’re not in the war” that Warren clearly says we’re in. Medvedev said the same thing, they want Schrodinger’s War. Well, if you’re not really fighting it, then you don’t really commit, don’t really deploy, don’t really have rules, etc. That’s you, man: You’re a Congressperson, Warren: declare the war. THAT’S YOUR JOB. “You had one job…” Instead, she’s involved in the day-to-day decisions of private corporations which is NOT HER JOB.

    Like all meddlers: procrastinate, lazy, wait, then “You’re doing it wrong.” Then go back to not helping, procrastinating, criticizing. You’ve got a gun, you’ve got a plane ticket, chop chop Liz. Get on the plane and fight today. I’m certain almost every American in the country would be happy to donate your ticket.

    “”..Nuland’s words showed that this was “no longer about Ukraine,” but about “an undeclared hot war with Russia.”

    Perfect. Isn’t declaring an undeclared war the same as declaring a war? No? And again, this is YOU, Vikki. YOU wanted an non-war we can’t fund and deploy. YOU are saying this has nothing to do with Ukraine, it’s a direct, offensive attack on Russian sovereign territory. Starting with their civilians, by the way.

    So…since there’s no Act of War, under what authority is Vikki operating there?

    And since it’s 7am D.C. time, we all know that Vikki attacked all Crimea with long-range Western missiles just now.

    “its subtitle was American Primacy” Over Russia. Over Asia. Over the World.

    There’s Nuland’s drug-laden cookies. Prob same drugs they give to soldiers to walk into minefields. Not Today, Nikki!

    I did like the Crow link yesterday. Although incredibly long, it’s fairly measured, well-reasoned, without trying to draw certain conclusions that may be afield. He may feel differently about 912, but is our standard that each person must agree with us perfectly and in every possible way? Everything’s a lie: of course we’re all going to differ on many, many issues and events. Say yes to an ally who means well and acts.

    Anyway, it opens with a teen making overclocked lasers in his basement. This is why the gun crowd are sad to me all over again. So your fixated on defending the ownership of weapons from the LAST CENTURY? Okay, tell me how that musket and matchlock thing goes for you. And one of the key items is they have no ammunition, no awareness, and are perfectly silent. Imagine taking out all four tires of a police car from across the road and two fields. And far worse, of course, they ARE weapons. I’m just pointing out as unfamiliar ones, they are not identified nor defended against.

    And again, his whole premise goes the same direction: we have too strong an offense with no possible defense. And they are — seem to be — using that offense daily, on everyone, without declaring war.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142916
    Dr. D

    Phoenix: strangely unemployment in the Depression was less than now and has been for years, even during the recovery. It peaked at 21% if I remember. Our “Working age” population stats show us far beyond that, and Shadow Stats can show active unemployment at least that high. Since ‘08, and close to that many times since ‘01.

    That’s what printing money and handing out Sec 8 with no oversight gets you. All the population isn’t working. No one can even tell.

    To me, those numbers are a bit misplaced. To me it’s only “how many are rowing?” and doing work vs “how many are riding?” and how much work needs to be done. How much? Well the entire country is collapsing from coast to coast. All the Mississippi bridges, even on major highways, all the dams, all the railroads, all the ports, all the grids, all the buildings, but even in what should be the protected areas: for instance, all of NY City and their arterial Transit system. All the airports in signature places, even tourist. All the water systems. All the barns, all the elevators, all the factories. Most houses outside of 12 cities.

    No one’s working, so nothing is fixed. QED. That’s obvious. Your money means nothing to me. Just like with shells.

    I grew up talking to nobody but Depression people. Sounded pretty good to me. I could only DREAM of things being as good as then.

    Because the Docktor is of very mediocre intelligence I saw nothing wrong with 911, I just didn’t care because more people die every day of…everything. But highways is an example. So my reaction was “So? Do you not know how BIG this country is? 2,000 isn’t a pinprick, a rounding error. Oooooh, they knocked down ONE BUILDING! Wot a joke! Ain’t nobody gonna care about that”

    It didn’t come to my attention until grumpy, irritating jerkwads wouldn’t shut up about it, so I was like, “FINE. I will go LOOK and PROVE it to you. With data and attribution.” Idiots. Same thing that saved me in Covid. …And ran into the famous “PentaLawn”, the lawn that is immune to plane crashes. Rinses off like the Nanotex for lawns. A hole the size of a trash can that a 747 ran into. Huh.

    You can just say “I don’t know what happened here, but the official story is officially bulls—t.” That’s ALL I need to know when Dick Cheney and the Republicans are in charge. Can we start with that and no go down any rabbit holes? Like 50 totally unprecedented, impossible things happened in only 3 hours of one day. Did you think America is “Edge of Tomorrow” or something? Cause this is “Twilight Zone.” No one noticed. Point it out to them and they’ll run a plane into YOU. Or that Thanksgiving serving spoon, whatever is handy.

    Must. Defend. Cheney. — Must. Protect. Billionaires. With. Fist of Death.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142897
    Dr. D

    So P.S. why are all immigrants kicking your -ss right now? Because this. You have no love, no honor, no family, and they do.

    You notice the Amish are richer than ever and have 50 disadvantages to overcome, but they are merely somewhat cohesive and don’t backstab each other. That’s it. Wow, magic! But that’s too much for Americans to handle. They see it decade after decade and STILL refuse to stop attacking and back stabbing each other. Not that “other” guy down the street, a different ethnicity like the media claims, no. YOUR OWN FAMILY. Your own town. Your own coworkers. Your own team, as in a charity, church, or organization.

    Your own children. To have ANY love and honor of a normal human being, is just too far, too much, too extreme for them. They prefer to be unhappy and poor, fight it to the DEATH!

    “I want my poverty of body and mind, and I want it now!”


    So who’s stupid, who’s at fault, and what do you want me to do about it? I guess you deserve to lose, fail, and be overrun. If not, wouldn’t you behave, even slightly normally? A tiny amount like the human beings you are? Nope. Any Cambodian or Jamaican immigrant can overrun you in a few short years while you sit on the couch and whine. White and Black trash alike. Here’s a thought: HELP each other. Then you’re helping yourself.

    I. Would Rather. Die.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142896
    Dr. D

    “CNN host Jake Tapper argued on Sunday that Musk had “effectively sabotaged” an American ally, and he asked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken whether the “capricious billionaire” should therefore face “repercussions.” Blinken declined”

    What the what. Was Musk ORDERED by Congress and the State Dept to do this? Uhhh, nope, I don’t think so! So he’s supposed to VOLUNTARILY get involved in military conflicts and cause nuclear wars as a private citizen, without any cooperation or oversight, just ‘cause?? Yup. Isn’t that everything the “Logan Act” x 1,000 was about, as probably illegal as it is? Wouldn’t MUSK be the sole man, declaring open war on a foreign nation on behalf of the United States, all its people, and all its official government? Yup. Doesn’t bother them a bit. Not a glimmer of principle or hypocrisy goes off, no logical dissonance at all. “But I WANT an oompa-loompa!!!” Tapper WANTS it, you see. That’s all you need to know.

    Rocket Racoon: Question. What if I see something that I want to take, and it belongs to someone else?
    Rhomann Dey: You will be arrested.
    Rocket: But what if I want it more than the person who has it?
    Rhomann Dey: It’s still illegal.
    Rocket: That doesn’t follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand? What are you laughing at?

    This mafia WANTS a gay night club, coke-fueled, human trafficking Disneyland-with-nukes in Europe. They want it MORE, sir. That’s all you need to know. Now chop-chop coolie.


    ““How do we take the European Commission’s ban on traveling by personal car or with smart phones? … Goods that are classified as prohibited – even shampoo and toilet paper – should be confiscated,”

    Like drone attacks, this does nothing except increase Russia’s resolve and solidarity. …Exactly what we need here, so I can only pray they do it to us next. Please PLEASE sanction us, so our GDP can double. PLEASE.

    “• Lies And Pretence In New London Novichok Hearing (Helmer)

    That’s great. They want to keep the secrecy of the world’s dumbest story? Make them pay. Because that person actually DID die (as far as I know) and that’s bulls–t. I can’t bring down the government which would be my first choice, but I can draw attention and make it too expensive to continue.

    “The Gun Charge Against Hunter Is the Way of Covering Up the Real Issues (PCR)

    Do they not notice that a Federal gun charge is NOT the way to make all your previous crimes go away for the rest of us? That may look clever where you are, but overall, it’s the world’s fastest way to demonstrate a nation of total lawlessness to the rest of us. As “Gun Charge”, even to the other 100 million in Blue.

    “• The “Why Not” Culture: The Georgia Final Report Should Worry Us All (Turley)

    This demonstrates so much. First, a Grand Jury has no rules whatsoever and can indict a ham sandwich. This demonstrates it. Maybe that should be fixed. Apparently a Grand Jury can indict all 300 million Americans in one go if it wants to, there’s no limit on numbers. Then it’s the DA – as there are no rules – who runs it all, showing evidence that doesn’t have to be real, and withholding evidence that is. So it’s a DA puppet theatre.

    Then the DA apparently can get indictments for all 300 million Americans, then sort through and discard all the people she likes? Who committed the same crimes according to her? If they’re “on my team” like Graham is.

    BRINGING the case is itself a punishment – I don’t think anyone’s found a solution to that – for so many reasons, but the TOTAL lack of a speedy trial and the TOTAL lack of good faith from the DAs, Judges, State, Police, CSI, and evidence is only compounded by the TOTAL abdication of giving a s—t by all juries. So it’s not like you can walk in innocent and have a pretty strong sense innocent will help you in the slightest.

    That means only the RICH go free. Rich AND connected, as Trump is very rich. And the poor – or any black man under Biden, like the “Blacks for Trump” foreman – gets jailed. Or Torrio, WORKING FOR THE FBI and still jailed.

    So a presume EVERY Grand Jury from now on will indict EVERY member of the opposing party, EVERY time, in Carolina, Mississippi, Missouri…why not? That’s what we do now, right? It’s all tippy-toppy legal. You haul me in to indict Cleetus for shoplifting (an impossibility, I know) and I’ll ALSO indict Newsome, McConnell, Milley, Putin, Bongo, heck, we’ll indict Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Hoffa, and Jimmy-da-Greek. Let’s work our way down the phone book. Let’s pre-indict the DA and the Judge!

    Imagination run wild!

    “Do you think that more than half of the US public may be getting a little irked with “Joe Biden’s” lawfare elf, AG Merrick Garland,”

    Nope. No one cares at all. Even if it happened to their spouse or children, they’re beyond caring. It could happen to THEM and they wouldn’t care, just go through the motions, because it has, and they did. Heck, most of the time it’s the spouse or children who DID it to them, look at Covid, or any divorce case.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142895
    Dr. D

    “Taibbi: A Day That Never Ended: America thought it left the War on Terror behind, but the emergency never stopped expanding…”

    We all said that at the time. And just like Tech, Interest Rates, Housing, Covid, and Ukraine, we were all shouted down as f-ing idiots who should be rounded up and put in camps as un-American. It’s beyond me how something so obvious just goes on and on. I mean, it was GEORGE BUSH for God’s sake. Clue #1??? and although the Left was on it then, where were the Anti-war marches etc? Listless, dwindled, co-opted, and now zero. Full enthusiastic support. PRO-war marches, while the Right, who doesn’t march, has instead boycotted their lifelong career choices of signing up for service, a far larger, more serious blow than “signaling”.

    “[Americans] Frustrated to Discover Virtue Way Harder than Virtue Signaling” –BBee

    Germany’s Baerbock Humiliated In Dressing Down By Ukraine Foreign Minister
    So here we have a US protectorate (Germany) being publicly mocked by a US proxy (Ukraine)…

    While the U.S. is itself a Proxy of Davos and the WEF…

    “the Founders did not envision impeaching a first-term president the moment he lost his House majority. Nor did they imagine impeaching a president twice. And they certainly did not anticipate trying an ex-president in the Senate as a private citizen.

    I’ll betcha they DID think of it. A lot. Totally, totally expected it immediately. Except for that third part, you can’t think of everything and leave it to others to figure out. They knew so well that it was the Founders THEMSELVES, Adams and Jefferson who did more than think this, they DID this. Calling Adams a Hermaphrodite, and Jefferson a traitor-puppet of the French. Adams then arrested anyone who disagreed with him. That’s just public. Legally and politically the acts were equally bizarre, partisan, and generally illegal.

    Demonstrating sides, NM now had PRO-gun rallies in defiance of the Governor’s patently illegal – and illogical – order. “”One apparent anti-gun protester was yelled at, but then invited by the speaker to say his piece on the stage,” he continued. “The crowd yelled at him for wearing a mask and applauded him when he took it off,” he noted.”

    So the Right identified the hecklers and harassers. Then asked them to speak freely and make their case. Huh. Yup, sounds evil and violent to me! Lock ’em up!

    Governor’s statement that Rights exists except “Any time I feel like it.”
    “Watch the most evil & tyrannical 60 seconds you’ve ever heard from a politician:”

    Hahahaaha! Not hardly. We hear things like this every day and have for decades. IF ONLY this were slightly unexpected or new.

    “Dems Accidentally Reveal Their Plan to Destroy the Constitution Ahead of Schedule” –BBee

    “Are Emergency Powers A Test To See What Americans Will Put Up With?

    Sort of, but the people doing it actually believe it. It’s their handlers who are running the experiments most politicos are unaware they’re the rats in the Alien Overlords Ant Farm Experiment. Huxley style. Mostly because they’re too stupid to use a spoon.

    “US Confirms It Seized Nearly 1 Million Barrels of Iranian Oil Allegedly En Route to China

    We are the core pirates on the high seas. Again. So our sovereignty extends planetwide? Throughout all international waters, and enforceable on all 200 nations? Probably INSIDE their borders! If they refuse to fly the rainbow flag, we’ll send FBI SWAT teams in to shoot them. In North Korea n’ stuff. Yup!

    Actually, does this mean they’re running out of money again and needed a quick influx of $100M to fund some CIA/MI6 op somewhere.

    “Passport Bros: Feminists Are Outraged At Men Going Overseas To Find Traditional Wives
    The core question is – Why do they care?

    This was interesting, and that’s the exact question.

    Why do they care? BECAUSE YOU’RE REQUIRED TO LOVE ME. By law. I will MAKE you love me, BY FORCE, or else. That’s what love is! This is a left position on gay matters, but also any other behavior the genpop are reluctant to accept. In this case, it’s reached over as far as hetero men and women, and into genpop of “feminists” who are centrists and not fringe. They feel rejected in general, and that someone is challenging their values on hating men, hating children, providing nothing, and having no loyalty at all. It creates self-examination that those values are “less”, they don’t work, and therefore the MESSENGERS must be attacked – I mean in addition to the general attacks on all men daily – and not have an open discussion about the merits of each argument. Why do I say that?

    Its the same as the Rowling non-stop slander-bombs for YEARS now, as the actual, literal, logical positions of trans and feminists are completely incompatible, which is named as “Terf”. EVEN AS girls are raped in school bathrooms for not being protected and women’s sports collapse.

    So clearly they’re lesser people than NRA gun extremists, because those guys WILL allow open discussion with tolerance and respect.

    Anyway, the key is, no matter what happens, we must never look at it. We must never discuss it. My ego is very, very fragile as it’s made up ENTIRELY of incompatible beliefs, and any time somebody points that out, they conflict and it’s scary, uncomfortable, embarrassing, grating, or even painful for me. THE WORLD MUST REVOLVE AROUND ME. And MY self-created injuries. OR ELSE, mister. We’ll have you arrested, de-banked, unemployed, banned. Now DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD. And make me a sammich, your organ-pendulant neanderthal.

    It’s quite interesting. At this point my only question is how far they can take it. Because, knowing what’s going on, it doesn’t bother me at all. Keep going. I’ve got popcorn.

    “Ukraine’s counteroffensive is stalling. The West must prepare for ..

    That’s the UK Telegraph. As unattributed, to find it I found this:

    “Putin is terrified of Ukraine’s counteroffensive – The Telegraph –28 May 2023

    Shakin’ in his boots, I’m sure. You know – when you’re standing behind thousands of hypersonic missiles and thousands of nukes that can win the war in 10 minutes. W. T. F. Is anybody talking about? Have they lost all leave of the senses, like Every Day? How DO these guys get their pants on in the morning?

    WTC Structure.

    Yes, carefully hidden is THE MOST OBVIOUS. That is thousands and thousands of highly-public pics of it being built. Here’s one:

    That’s the steel, 360’ around. BUT THAT’S NOT THE STRONG PART. That’s just to keep 747s off – an ACTUAL design parameter from day one. The CORE is also made of nothing but concrete pillars, ground to roof:

    So it’s a ring-within-a-ring construction. If anything, only the outer shell could slide off into the street in big chunks, leaving most of the building intact. But I don’t like to mention it, because in all my years no American has ever responded to logic except ACTUAL engineers, who are very few. So what’s the point?

    It’s all lies and jest. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

    ““A judge in Pennsylvania has ruled that former President Trump has ‘presidential immunity’ and cannot be sued over statements he made about 2020 election fraud.”

    That’s a dangerous argument. I guess they’ll have to hash it out in court.

    And we have the weird situation where the “statements” made WERE while he was President. That means impeachment. But he’s not President now, which means no impeachment. So we just stack up a fat file to throw at him the minute he retires? Or is everything ever done now only impeachable and he’s never a private citizen subject to ordinary process again? Pick one? Hahahahaaha! Both! Neither! Whatever I choose!!!!

    “Zelensky ‘Senses’ Weakening Western Support (RT)

    He’s psychic now too! Quick, call Delphi!

    No, Blinken spent 2 days with him and came home and said, “The negotiations must reflect the Ukrainian Position”. That is, the ACTUAL position, NOW. Where Ukraine lost half their GDP and all Donbass. Very clever statement on ABC there, very natural, as no doubt like 100% of all media, they agreed on the questions to be practiced beforehand, as ABC, NBC, BBC, are the governments’ paid press department. As Reuters and WaPo demonstrated.

    “Zelensky Threatens To Terrorize Europe (MoA)

    Yes, but it’s not Ze. He’s a puppet. Nor is it Kolomoisky, he’s part of a Mafia collective. The Mafia Kolomoisky is part of is the one who ordered Europe to shoot themselves in the head at their command ‘cause they felt like having a gay Slavic Disneyland on coke in the old country. …They said so themselves, and I think there was a new quote on it yesterday. So if they, all Europe, DON’T shoot ALL of themselves in the head for el Capo, then they will, of course, and as a matter of respect, HAVE to run non-stop organized crime and terrorism on all Europe. But FROM who, TO who? The Ukrainian People, as soldiers of the Ukrainian Mafia, who are the action arm of the already-existing mafia, just as the IRA was the action arm of the existing Sinn Fein.

    And yes they will. But so what? GFY. You’re weak and broke. What am I supposed to do, give in to every two-bit thug who tries to shake me down? That’s how we get mafias in the first place. Anyway, Ze is delivering the message of “leverage’ to all Europe on this. “Nice continent you got here…”

    “• EU Believes Ukraine Is ‘A Very Corrupt Country’ – Politico (RT)

    That’s why we give them ‘infinity’ money, with ‘zero’ oversight. That’s just common sense! …Or demonstration that no reasonable person would ever do that if it weren’t a mafia shakedown? Where people get shot or have accidents like Strauss-Kahn?

    (pics again)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 11 2023 #142853
    Dr. D

    As I’ve said. But that’s why I’m perfectly safe.

    Just did this yesterday, I said, “It appears everyone was vaccinated, and the nursing homes are saying all the vaccinated just got Covid. It’s epidemic.

    The smart person I said that to said, “Well I feel I was very well served by modern medicine” (for getting the vaccine).

    What. The. Actual. I JUST SAID THEY DIDN’T WORK. At all. They don’t provide even short-term immunity of one year, and possibly none at all, and you think that’s GOOD?

    …Smart people. You can’t use logic on them. It’s just a bridge too far. Maybe a red laser pointer or jangle some keys. Maybe offer them a donut. You know, something suited to their high intellectual acumen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 11 2023 #142845
    Dr. D

    There’s a song about that painting:

    “The Weather Is About to Get Even Weirder: Don’t count on the heat breaking this fall.” — The Atlantic

    Can I take bets on that? I’ll repost this when they’re complaining it’s global warming that Florida and Texas are in blizzard. One thing’s for sure: they never face consequences for being wrong: either once, or constantly.

    “New Mexico Lawmakers Call For Governor’s Impeachment Over 2A Overreach

    “Called”? Did you file the paperwork, or are you just a blowhard?


    That’s amazing. A Journalist cannot conceive of the government lying. Or Doctors. Or Scientists. Or anyone, I guess? Mass murderers? Shoplifters? Sexual Harassment Panda? We just believe them all? “All people are equal” in that I, as a journalist, believe each and every one of them without hesitation. I mean, surely if someone had lied ever, the media would cover it, right?

    They do. The whooooooole paper is nothing but people who were lying, are criminals, we report on their capers and lies. Yet you can STILL have reporters who act like the fact of people – anyone – lying is inconceivable.

    So her job is to DENY any POSSIBLE lie or scandal. Patch it back up, rather than reveal it, Keep liars in power instead of exposing them to truth. That is, again, in #OppositeLand. Reporters PREVENT truth and are the advocates fighting for the #BigPeople.

    Okay, compare: shouldn’t she say, “What? You’ve got this evidence?” (pulls out notepad) “What are their names? I need to call them before the other papers do.”

    ““Elon is 100% pissed at the globalists.” “He doesn’t like things they have done to him and other people.”

    Yes, we know wherever he came from, and his father is a monster, a mega-oligarch of Africa, including a killer and pedo, (he married his daughter) that Elon is presently a hired gun for the White Hats. They’ve rented his “brand” as it were. C’mon, you really think he can do stuff AND text that much on the side too? Use your head.

    “Frank Quotes, O’Keefe”

    Yes, because all the Republicans were elected via vote rigging too. If they hadn’t the Democrats in their districts would have. But that means “they” have compromat on all 100%, of politicians. The GOP like McConnell therefore MUST protect the crooked election to the death. I mean, you don’t think he’s actually popular in Kentucky, do you? They boo him off stage all the time. It’s only Chinese money that buys him in.

    ““..the war has weakened Russia to such an extent that it “no longer poses a credible threat to Europe..”

    “Declared a victory and went home.” They “bravely bravely bravely ran away.”

    “subjugate Ukraine and to put it under Russia’s control..” “That has not happened and it never will happen,”

    I mean, except for 5 Oblasts and 50% of GDP and 7M people. Other than that, they didn’t put anything under Russian control.

    “how does a multi billion-dollar machine that has prophesied absolute victory against Russia even begin to contemplate defeat?”

    They don’t. They just say they won. Unless someone loses their mansion in Fairfax and Greenwich, no one will notice. Unless your 401k drops, no one will notice. Reality-optional. So optional, in fact, we don’t even bother to keep track of what it is.

    “people unable to fight on the front line will serve in the rear.”

    Hahahahaaha! Sure, pal, sure. I’m feeling like I got served in the rear pretty good here.

    “No Challenger 2 has been lost in combat since it was first deployed in 1994,”

    That’s because you can only see the backs of them as they retreat. As shown, any old Anti-tank can destroy them handily. As we saw also with an even more-armored, 50-ton gas-sucker Abrams in Yemen. Any old Russian antitank sends them up like a roman candle.

    Wait: you went with the super turbine engine, and its complex, fragile-part, gas-sucking ways, in order to have enough power to haul around 50 tons of armor that doesn’t even work???

    Yes. Well the age of tanks is probably done anyway, and yes, in the 90s. And again, the offensive power is too high, there is no present defense that can withstand it.

    10% of all Challengers dead in a week. That means 100% gone by October. And Britain doesn’t have any. As I understand, these WERE the only ones they had operational, but check me. But that’s okay! …Britain has no soldiers to put in them, so I plan on invading Portsmouth shortly.

    “• NATO To Launch Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War (Az.)

    They have money for this? But I shouldn’t say that. Yes, they have “money” but “money” is not bullets and shells. Which you don’t shoot during an exercise, or not much.

    What is it, 10,000 Shells a day? Think about the truck logistics? And Russia was 100,000?

    “Paris is planning to intervene in Niger,”

    With what?

    Again, that’s like saying “France is going to invade Canada, and occupy them from Newfoundland to Sudbury.” With what ships? What planes? What men? What jeeps? So your plan is…to invade a country LARGER THAN YOU ARE, and occupy it hostilely, WITH NO ARMY, and then…who controls back at the home country? I mean, is it empty except for all the Nigerian Immigrants in Marseilles, armed and structured via organized crime, or what?

    I mean, this is a joke, right? Nope. People nod their heads like it’s real.

    “they are eagerly sending depleted uranium rounds and internationally banned cluster munitions to Ukraine.”

    To rounding DNC applause. Slavia! All the DNC operatives say it, and no DNC base goes after them for it and “Resists”. So I can only assume that’s full (sexual) consent.

    “This is perhaps what is most damning about the current state of the Democrats: Biden may really be the best they have to offer.”

    Of course is TOTALLY ridiculous. The DNC is worse than ever, but there are no doubt still THOUSANDS of admirable Mayors and such to choose from. Jimmy Dore would re-sign to DNC if they made the right offer. The problem is, they have to defend their CORRUPTION, or they’d collapse. So they CAN’T have any legitimate, reasonable, people’s non-extraction candidates. And they’re not the only party with that problem. Also all the FBI, CIA, DoD, DoE, would collapse if they curtailed extraction and corruption even a tiiiiiiny bit.

    “telling reporters that he was “going to bed.” … After attempting to answer another question, Biden turned around and walked off stage.”

    Every day. With a great economy and all Ohio poisoned thanks to open union-busting. Never matters though. They can’t get enough of Great Leader. Like Ukraine, I guess.

    “This is what a puppet looks like.”

    He means all 535 Federal electees, right?

    Issac and Hunter: That’s right: Hunter can’t authorize nor prohibit anything concerning laptops that were never his. Same as returning Biden daughter’s diaries. The FBI can’t investigate the theft of diaries that aren’t real or are just some rando gal’s.

    Anyone think Hunter actually posted those videos? Or was it people in the NSA found them and posted it on his behalf? O Rlly? Then how did Mister 17 know all about it in detail in 2016? “Let the Hunter become the Hunted.”

    “50% of Americans are priced out of the car market.”

    Said this since the 90s. Yet it never matters. Nothing changes. They needed a $10,000 car then, but like everything else, government was “Helping” and required safety and emissions that lead to 150,000 parts per car, and 10 airbags, any one of which can cause it to be totaled. The car then weighs 1,500lbs too much, lowering MPG, which needs to be increased for yet other regulations. Then the MPG standards require by law only Pickups the size of Monster Trucks, bigger than semis with 8.0 liter engines (not kidding) instead of the standard pickup from 1940-1990 at half the size and weight, doing fine with 100hp.

    Thanks, government. Yet again resulting in the complete, total, universal #Opposite of your “intent.” (In quotes, as the real intent is to increase sale price and prevent all capitalist competition) 100% of the time, yet never learn! Up, Up and Away! To the Department of “Education”!

    Yes, an 8.0 Liter, 22-foot long, 7,000-pound vehicle WILL be 4x the materials of a normal one, and possibly 4x the price. Compare with one of the most beloved trucks, 10ft long, 135hp, 4,000lb Apache. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_C/K_(first_generation) With 1/10th the number of parts, all durable and interchangeable over model years. Sounds like if you made those the parameters of the car, instead of 100,000 pages from Congressional lawyers, it would be EASY to make a car Americans could afford.

    …Cause we already been there/did that. Before they started #Helping, or translation: #ViolentThreatening.

    “Government is FIRE. It is FORCE.”
    …It is a Terrible master.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2023 #142812
    Dr. D

    “Bud Light Welcomes New Investor Bill Gates With Limited Edition Jeffrey Epstein Cans” – Bbee

    “Opinion: Is the Most Prosperous Era in Human History a Good Time to Have Kids?” –Bbee

    “Full Authoritarian: New Mexico Governor Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights For Law-Abiding Citizens In Albuquerque

    Open season! On lawful people! Let the shootin’ begin!

    In the video they ask (thank God) “Um, I don’t think the criminals…they um, already are breaking the laws…” Why? “Because we had to do something!!!”

    Lady. You had to DISARM all the victims? THAT is your response to violent invaders attacking people? WTF kind of sense does that make?

    “Back in 2012, DARPA began investing in gene-encoded vaccines.”

    Yes but they invest in everything. 1,000s of dumb ideas that never work. Always have. They also invest in Velcro and Teflon. It doesn’t make it bad. And the many articles above, seems like the same thing. It’s job of planners to plan; their dates will be in the future not the past. The interesting thing I see is Germany never has any medical problems according to them: it only weakens their rivals Italy and Spain. Can’t see shadows everywhere, it doesn’t strengthen your case. Or if you have to say “Yes. But this one detail fits with OTHER details,” then point to that whiteboard with thousands of pins and strings on it.


    …Even if it’s true. Like a lawyer, you pick the one thing. They always make mistakes. Like the mistake here is 100% got the vaccine, and 100% of vaccinated have Covid. Discuss?

    I can barely break through planet obvious on points like that, much less that a planner-who-plans met with a funder-who-funds.

    But this is part of knowing how the system works. I was thinking of an old-tyme BBC mini called “Edge of Darkness.” It shows these plans well. In it, an ex-policeman is retired after the death of his environmentalist daughter. As it turns out, there’s more to it than appeared, including a nuclear cover up. But like LeCarre, look at the cast: an environmentalist who isn’t. A policeman who isn’t. He’s being monitored by MI6. He meets her former Activist friends, who are also being monitored. They are/aren’t informants of the MI6/Scotland Yard crew because he’s also AWARE every other extremist he talks to THEY will know about. That means they are/aren’t actually real environmentalists but are/aren’t really government. The policeman then knows HE’S being monitored, so everyone HE talks to and everything he says is probably going to MI6. He then meets a CIA operative that’s not CIA, deniable, who is monitored/not monitored, CIA/Not CIA, legit business/but also DARPA-funded and then home office Gives orders/does not give orders to him to get in deeper with this not-policeman, who is exposed to MI6, who is investigating the death of his daughter, which MI6 wants/does not want investigated, therefore allows all these people to act ‘naturally’, so long as they have tabs on them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_of_Darkness

    Oh and the UK DoD is not on board and opposed to all of it.

    See what I mean, how complicated it can get? Because of lies, lies, and more lies? I’m sure that’s true of every journalist out there – they all know they’re being monitored 24/7 and therefore anyone who talks to them is therefore at risk with Derp State. So if they care, shouldn’t they actively NOT talk to people and NOT look for stories? So aren’t Taibbi, Assange, really HELPING the Derp State, if so? No? Yes? Maybe? Doesn’t that make Assange the mole-sweeping crew?

    That’s why Congress wants the records and we must have them. Instantly or everyone is fired. It’s my money and if you follow the money you can mostly follow what’s going on. Somewhat. Maybe. The CIA is self-funded with trafficking and insider trading since Papa Bush in ‘89, but you’d get a better handle on it.

    “Blinken, standing alongside Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, touted that the Ukrainian military had made “real progress”

    Why are you telling me this? Who is the audience for this statement? Because, as said, the map says otherwise and even the American people are about to find out.

    “65-70,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in these past 3 months”

    Running almost twice previous estimates. And puts it at 5-600,000 dead, so we’re at a million out of service?

    “A Crimean Tatar born in Uzbekistan (USSR),”

    So…a single drop of Tartar blood? Or what?

    “Musk Talked to Russian Ambassador before Starlink Decision – WaPo (RT)

    This is incredible. And that this goes on is incredible. IF Starlink EVER worked in Crimea, we’d already know since they’d have been using it all along. Yet the story given is very specific. This is a message from somebody to somebody since the bace-level narrative is ludicrous on its face. Someone “hacked” Starlink, which Musk had left open all along, like a “Liberty Safe” or an iPhone? Or HRCs home servers? That way it’s all deniable? Then indeed Russia – who is ALSO in his servers, alongside our NSA – then did indeed “shut it off harmlessly” during an attack?

    Because y’all make no sense.

    To further confuse – like the BBC drama above – WaPo only prints it to smash Musk, who is now Evilly-evil evil man. And Twitter, the most bestest favoritist thing ever, is now evilly-evil bad for everyone. Everyone always knew that and always hated Twitter. They never bought a Tesla with their last dollar and drove it to Manhattan office or nothin’.

    “the third month of Ukraine’s botched counteroffensive”

    Is it really “botched” though? What did you expect them to do? Meta-context. That’s why the only acceptable journalistic words are “He SAID.” In this case “Failed” counteroffensive, as you can objectively prove the intent was at minimum a breakthrough. “Botched” means they erred, and if anything they’re finally improving and captured a few pointless towns barely in the first zone.

    “the US is reportedly fast-depleting its own military caches of various weapons.”

    Yes. The White Hats want us depleted. There are many reasons but let’s just say, how are the NeoCons going to storm around the world with no jets and no bullets? I guess we’ll just have to stay home and do “America First.” Oh, CHINA will invade? First, they can’t invade, that’s laughable. No one is invading us. Second, didn’t you just see the space weapons we have used take out a whole town with precision? There’s no “Shell production” for that, which is why we’re not turning on our buggy-whip factories.

    “I posted Justin Hart’s tweet yesterday, with a long list of officials affected by the decision. Will they stop?”

    No they will not. They will have to be physically removed and jailed. Our task is to not allow that to create a civil war.

    “But, beyond express threats, there was always an unspoken ‘or else,’” it added”

    Yes, but we always talk around and miss every point because of the blizzard of lies. They can’t do this because it’s illegal under Sec230. The very ACT of doing it strips them of protection. Ever. Always. That means from the first minute, they are and must be a Government-Corporate merger. We proved that on the first page and still have a million document pages to go.

    ““I’ve never seen this big of a disconnect between how the economy is actually doing and key polling results about what people think is going on,” Heidi Shierholz, president of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank, told US media.”

    Uh huh. I guess we’ll have to find out which of the two of us is disconnected and living in fantasy. Newsflash: 100% of the time, it’s not the People. To “Live in Fantasy” one has to have money and power. Where would they get that from?

    “The way to think about that is people were in an incredibly deep hole because of inflation and we’re still not all the way out of that hole,” Furman says.”

    He’s right, that IS a good way to think about it. We WERE in 25% inflation, where your wages are cut in half every two years, but now we’re in 5% inflation where your wages are cut in half only every 10 years. Newsflash for those without wealth and power, who work for governments with Federal Union inflation adjustments: ANY inflation above zero is deadly. You reduced Inflation from “Terrible” to “Very bad”. That means Joe and Bidenomics are “Very Bad.” To us.

    Now why they think this very bad thing is very bad? That make no sense. Sad panda is sad. No, to WIN, we’d have to have dead-NEGATIVE inflation. MINUS 5-10% inflation. Where things cost LESS each month. Just to get us BACK to “Bad” we had LAST year. Or wages RISE 10% a month for years, your choice. Either would blow your whole Western Financial system to kingdom come, collapsing the entire West into ruin that makes the Great Depression look orderly and elegant. Yeah. I know. That all makes every sentence here irrelevant and totally off-point.

    What will it take to convince voters that inflation is no longer a problem?”

    That’s impossible. How can we convince voters gravity doesn’t suck?

    “Indeed, if a 3% inflation rate (coupled with wages that rise faster than 3%) remains in effect indefinitely, people will eventually feel good (or less bad) about the economy.”

    Hahahaha! And if a frog had stilts he wouldn’t bump his -ss on the ground. Never once in my life have wages exceeded inflation. That’s generations(of 20 years). Do I need to post the straight-down chart? Oh “you could make money in the market: all you have to do is buy the right stocks!” Easy! Same argument. If impossible things would only happen, impossible outcomes would occur. Again: this does not jibe with the experience of anyone living today.

    And he’s so ADORABLE about gas prices. Home price and rents have DOUBLED since possibly ‘08. Big as they are, gas prices don’t compare; they’d barely operate to create relief, massive though they are. Mortgage doubled from $1000/mo at 3x income to $2,000/mo at 9x income. Do YOU spend $1,000 a month on gas? I sure hope not. It’s probably physically impossible unless you commute to Boston from Bangor.

    ““…growth in corporate profits accounted for 45% of inflation in Europe last year..”

    Possibly. And I believe it. However, their “Profits” are merely A) Inflation itself. If you sell the same 100 widgets at 40% inflation, it’s 40% “Additional Profit” isn’t it? But B) In a raging inflation environment, you need a enormous war chest or die. That’s compounded by the war chest you sock is shrinking every moment you try to fill it. But that’s “Visibility”. Stability. Capitalism works on being able to predict anticipate, and get things out there in the FUTURE. It’s a Time-Machine. If you guess wrong, you die.(or used to and are supposed to) So if you bugger up the future both with additional horror AND no visibility, you’re really destroying Capitalism itself.

    …Which is the whole point of course. And just as Lenin said. “There Is No Alternative”. Government is just a-gonna have to take over industry, medicine, housing, everything. Shucks. But “Only Temporarily”. It’s “An Emergency.”

    “Democrat pundits say he is a fringe candidate who spreads conspiracy theories.”

    Do they now? Which ones? Because others DON’T say that.

    “Polls show him with the highest favorability rating of any presidential candidate.”

    Oh, I see, only “fringe conspiracy theory pundits” do. Because if they were anywhere near mainstream they couldn’t disagree with their own base and audience so radically.

    “• Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Drops Bombshell (GP)

    This is entrapment, obstruction, witness tampering, soliciting false testimony and like 20 levels of felonies. By the government, which should be held to a far higher standard. No one even THINKS about investigating, charging, and removing them for being serial felons. Not even discussed. Why? How do you arrest your own government? Civil War = They Win.

    “The DOJ admitted to altering evidence in Flynn’s case”

    So everyone was arrested, fired, impeached, and jailed, right?

    “5.1 million,”

    Law of large numbers says that’s 14,000 people a day. A whole city each day.

    ““pesticides” (because they contain silver).”

    Whut? Nevermind, they make up new illegal rules without Congress every day. Now a block of aluminum bauxite ore in the ground is a lower receiver, registered automatic machine gun. Why? Because I was in the break room a minute ago and thought it up. Silver, which is legal to have, was in your pocket not a year ago, now = dangerous poison. And so is an organic grass-fed Wagu steak. I decided and outlawed it a minute after.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142749
    Dr. D

    Picture of the author at work.


    And to be useful. Wealth to a Haitian. Or an American, poor as they are now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142748
    Dr. D

    Stoltenberg: “Russian army is the second strongest in Ukraine”

    Michelle. Man. Look at those arms. Oh wait, grammar saves: Man, look at those arms.

    ““He entered Ukraine under the cover of night. And in the morning, Joe Biden walked shoulder to shoulder with our allies in the war-torn streets,”

    Sells great to violently, viciously, deeply pro-war Democrats. Including now the Progressives on the Far Left. Amazing to see, if we hadn’t already grown numb from seeing everything up to this point from them without “Resistance”. Now out there, “So…RFK is in, he seems reasonable, how about it, Far Left?”
    “Noooooooooo!!!!! We want only White Racist, Black-Jailer, anti-busser, Pro-war, anti-help, pro-drilling Biden!!!”

    Uh, Whut? The Biden you hated? The Never-Biden, Capitalist, Fascist, White guy? Yeeeesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yup, that’s where we are now. Little Blue Square says Biden is the only one, Boom, he’s the only one now. No Bernie, no Dore, no RFK, no-body, no-how, no-way.

    So that plan is now tapped out. Whatever the White Hats were doing to wake up the GenPop, it’s reached the wall. 1,000% inflation, Zero jobs, Trillion Student loans, Every Black Man Jailed = no effect. Must. Support. White Biden. And. All Corporate. Billionaires.

    So if they’ve got a plan to remove Biden, won’t matter now. Whoever’s going to Civil War, gonna Civil War now anyway. If I’d do that, I’d send Cheeto to Ken Lay island.

    Anyway, I’m glad Biden is running for President of Ukraine. And against all the poor, students, and welfare people here who paid for it. You only had $400 to spend on the whole month’s food. And Biden just cut it in half. Gotta get some cluster bombs and depleted uranium for the kiddies!

    “• US Using Ukraine To Weaken EU – Sarkozy (RT)

    Again, credit to Sarkozy for saying what no one else will say. Now, no one FOLLOWS a word he says, which is great for us, but he SAYS it at least, like a normal person, and an independent, sovereign leader. …The Pinhead.

    “most of whom were Ukrainian.” Who are the others, Nick?

    He’s also too late because he’s not brave. He’s proposing a frozen conflict, etc, like Stolz says, a diplomatic peace agreement where you sign with Russia. Too late. Whyyyyyyyyyy on earth would Russia ever do that? And here, Europe can’t even get close enough to reality to do what would have worked a YEAR ago. They’re nowhere on the pitch, clean out of the stadium. Which is fine with me, but still amazing.

    “• Pentagon’s Hypersonic Woes Due to ‘Very Delicate’ Physics Problems (Sp.)”

    Apparently not delicate at all. Russia can make and shoot them all day. So… As Medyedev says, Musk is the only “Adequate” mind left, and he doesn’t do hypersonics.

    Translated: all America has deeply IN-Adequate minds. Public school don’t learn any maths on purpose, and Preppies don’t learn any maths because they’re cheating and woke and no one cares.
    (Literally, look at the stats on cheating, it’s like universal, the only way to fail is NOT cheating)

    “because radio waves do not pass through the plasma.”

    So they are plasma weapons. It’s said that the Aurora – which itself doesn’t exist – ALSO doesn’t exist as a jet. It pretends to be a jet to reach speed and height, then has a skin-glow where it operates like a UFO plasma-vehicle. Electromagnetic due to…static friction, I guess? Why do you want me to know? I don’t work on ultra-top-secret jets that don’t exist, I lick people under a bridge. It is so rumored though.

    Okay, since we’re leaning in this direction, this is the (one) issue with the UFOs, like the city-wide mass “attack” in 1949(?). Sure they CAN get over the White House, then what? The whole shell is plasma. Yes, you can’t shoot it down because of that, but then they can’t keep a bomb out there either. They can’t open the bay doors and drop a watermelon on Buckingham. Yeah, that’s a great and powerful weapon, I’m sure they can do things, but like all items in the universe, it has parameters and limitations.

    Just opening the chapter here on microwave guns and not-jet flyers, since jets are from the 30’s. One-Hunned, years ago. Last time we made an invention like that, I fell off my horse.

    Suuuuuuuuure. Suuuuuuuure we never invented a single thing since then.

    Russia funded glide-tech, highly advanced internal calculations. The U.S. (stupidly) put it all on GPS satellites they’d blow out of the sky in the first 10 minutes. So it could be that. But we ALREADY KNOW they can quantuum entangle particles in order to communicate without time and space. Telepathically, as it were, no doubt THROUGH plasma. Is it that?

    Doesn’t matter, who cares?

    Niger alone is the size of the U.S. from Maine to Maryland to Indiana.

    So…why don’t y’all hold that with 1,000 troops.

    ““Liberalism needed, above all, a sense of moral superiority, to heal an imperfect world, to be ahead-of-the-curve in mankind’s implacable march of progress toward perfection..”

    Yes. It’s a religion. It’s illegal for them to establish the violent theocracy they have just attempted.

    “5th Circuit court JUST UPHELD Missouri v Biden”

    You’re forgetting the corporations run the Government, not the other way ‘round. So they’ll keep doing it. Maybe without government, but probably just using more circuitous methods.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142746
    Dr. D

    Hell is the absence of free will. Hmmm. Maybe. The Christian version of hell, which does not appear to be the correct one, is that although you can get into trouble, into purgatory, you can actually end up in a prison without appeal. Then your choices are limited indeed. I actually doubt this and in the spirit world you can, in theory, more or less always call on God and return as a function of your life and will, although most won’t as they are now darkened beyond power of will, as say far-gone drug users are. So: caution.

    I was thinking instead about heaven, not hell, where angels cry “Holy Holy Holy” and people there only have harps and sing praises. Wow. How boring. No wonder nobody wants to go. But that’s also not free will, is it? They all HAVE to do it. That’s why Azaziel took the jump.

    So wait: there’s no Free will in Heaven, AND no free will in hell? How does that work?

    This is basically what I said yesterday, so I’ll leave it to you to figure.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142744
    Dr. D


    I grasp both these points of view. They are Mercy, and Justice. DBS says “Mercy” as it makes us feel good and also has good results. However, we’re well aware selfishness exists, and that lacking structural incentives — generally punishments, but also profits — then it’s clear from history the people go astray. Even though, according to DBS argument, maybe they shouldn’t because it makes a terrible world for themselves. Doesn’t matter. We know 100% of the time without the incentives the society will decay and work backward.

    Neither bothers me. What if we had a clockwork world with only incentives? It might work, but would be unstable like so many churches. Without the internal compass, the Deacon is boffing the babysitter, no one believes, cares, or does anything about it. That is, they game the system because WHO IS SETTING UP THE SYSTEM? WHO sets these “incentives”? Well, a perfectly moral angel without fault, as Marx said. Lacking that, it’s hell instead.

    So this all clockwork world is unstable and will immediately be gamed and corrupted even without outside help, which we have plenty of, believe me. No one would re-connect it. With the internal drive they both care about the corruption and in extremity attempt to re-establish it, as we are now. They also know WHAT to re-establish, since it comes from inside them.

    The point of this and knowing it is hardly a waste of time. However, none of us are going to do much about it as they are root function of human nature, beyond even Socialists’ ability to advance or repress.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142676
    Dr. D

    From article on movie festival, posted here I think:

    “That the Democratic Party, the Obamas especially, are fused with culture has led to stagnation, with too many rules of what can’t be said, or criticized. After all, how many in the Royal Court can make fun of the King and Queen?
    It isn’t just that so many people are tuning out a Hollywood that feels justified in judging them, telling them what should matter, what should be funny, what should be compelling. It’s that a counterculture revolution is rising to take its place out of sheer desperation. Hollywood has destroyed itself with its own mandates”

    Like dismal, hackneyed, Soviet art:

    Odd that happens, but I’ve seen it elsewhere. Until the thing is completely, irrevocably ‘beyond’ – and then some leaps or years – no one will actually replace it. So I end up being years early on everything, weaving that new basket before the old one breaks.
    So: desperation Apologizing “I wouldn’t have to do this and I wouldn’t do this now, if only the leader who jumps in front of the parade and takes over, would just jump in front of the actual parade and take over.

    “Do they really believe on the Left that they can end the Trump movement by convicting him and throwing him in jail? Do they think that’s the best approach to deal with a populist revolution, culturally and politically? Do they think that censorship on sites like YouTube and GoFundMe is the way to quiet the rising discontent of the people they have abandoned?
    Yes, they do because no one has told them otherwise…”

    Nor can. Because they’ve censored not us – we keep talking and being naughty – but censored THEMSELVES. They are only oppressing EACH OTHER. And now they’re minions, incapable of human thought.

    “They (The old hippies, now the Left) have all of the money they could ever need, all of the cultural and corporate power, nearly all of the administrative and security state (yay FBI!). But they’re missing something fundamental and it shows. That might be why so many of the voices rising on the Right are also turning to God now, because religion is the counterculture in a country emptied out by “wokeism,” which has nothing to offer us except separating each of us into categories, to demonize all of us based on our gender or our skin color.”
    “This thing is only moving in one direction. The more they try to control speech, to silence dissent, the louder the counterculture revolution is going to get. Those who can’t hear it or see it will never know what hit them.”

    Ah but they DO know. Like Oliver Anthony, they know IMMEDIATELY they need to shriek, attack, kill. Just like all the videos. Just like all the advisories. They know BEFORE they look whether it’s good or bad, true or false. It’s telepathy! It’s wisdom from God’s mouth to their ears! They know the thing – all the things – before they know it. But in their world they also must NOT know it. While they know it. Which they don’t know. …But anyway: You’re Wrong. We must always, always, destroy the poor and help the billionaire protected powerful class. There Is No Alternative. No Price is Too High.

    From “A rumination on the collapse of culture on the left. Is it really that bad? Yes, it is really that bad.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142674
    Dr. D

    Proust, ChatGPT and the Case of the Forgotten Quote


    About the utter uselessness and complete, hidden, bald-faced lying ChatGPT does every minute it’s online. Also, btw, a treatise on “woman thinking” from yesterday. She is very concerned with being polite, how the robot FEELS about her answer and so on, to the extent that she is completely distracted from the point and gets no coherent answer, ever, wasting two days. While this CAN be great, it’s laughable as an approach to a robot who is programmed from the first moment to lie to you if at all possible, then lie with more lies if you catch it.

    It’s impossible that a man would feel the least bad for it or put up with it for 30 seconds unless he’s already started hormone therapy. On the other hand, a man would beat an annoying, time-wasting liar with a hammer and then we’d never find out what it MIGHT be good for.

    So: ChatGPT! It CAN replace useless, pathological liars! That it can do. No wonder reporters and middle managers are terrified it’ll take their jobs. However, if you want a report, passage, or answer that is ACCURATE, TRUE, and also EXISTS, that’ll take more money. And an actual human who does his job.

    P.S. if you didn’t read above bc “The Guardian”, all this author wants is a single, known quote from Proust, which is copyright-free. ChatGPT can’t figure it out.

    So for once in my life, this Harvard, Stanford graduate who writes for The New Yorker is off the hook! ChatGPT steals the show in being dumber and less credible than even she is!

    Remember: this is the ONE ANSWER Google’s CEO was looking to provide you. A false one. “What is Truth?” Piliate said. “The Truth is Not in Them”, ChatGPT said.

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