Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI guess I’m left wondering when the Directed Energy Weapons come into play. Mysterious fires at missile launch sites, perhaps.
ParticipantDoc Robinson: regarding the inflated voter totals for both Biden and Trump. Because the added votes were being counted in large batches, they couldn’t simply print up 100% Biden votes and run them through the process. There would be too great a risk that someone might notice, “Hey, nobody voted for Trump in the lest hour, but Biden got 100k voles!” So, votes were added to both columns, but many MORE votes were added to Biden’s column. That is my hypothesis.
ParticipantWe talk about “The Deep State” frequently. This article makes the case that it is actually the Inspector Generals that run the show, by directing or suppressing lawfare against political targets.
Their (the Council’s) construct of reality is more akin to the way a corporate industrial farm executive, in suit and tie, looks upon the stewardship of livestock, or how most humans think of ants. If something is harvestable and profitable, then that respective “carbon unit” has a positive value. If something has a negative value, it is of no consequence, starved, or butchered.
To simplify this construct as a “war” between “good” and “evil” is correct. “The Council” does not operate in a construct of morality and spiritualism.
As the “The Council’s” operations and deceptions are unmasked, it will become clear that there is no “heaven” or “hell,” or divine accountability, from their perspective. “This” is it. “This” is all there is. There is nothing beyond our earthly dimension of concern to them, any more than there might be to a lizard.
Do not trouble yourself yet with the “why” and pathology. When someone is treating you like livestock, it is first necessary for your immediate survival to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (“OODA”). Unless, of course, you prefer to be a well-behaved, sheered sheep on your way to the slaughterhouse.
For the purposes of this treatise and exposé, it is sufficient that these arch-nemeses of the Constitution have names and faces, and the first phase in the deconstruction of “The Council” is exposing its key players, and how they operate.
A root cause analysis of the reasons for “why things are the way they are” in the United States of America is that the subject (root) and the ultimate goal of these self-entitled “stewards,” is maintaining “state capture,” and “finishing the job” of self-serving objectives to an elite class, euphemized as “progressive social reconstruction,” to ensure their harvest and wealth extraction machine remains uninterrupted.
To this end, “The Council,” in addition to controlling weaponized government agencies through the seventy-four (74) Inspectors General embedded in government agencies, controls a Political Arm, an Intelligence Arm, an Infiltration Arm, a Business Arm, a Propaganda Arm, and an Entertainment Arm.
ParticipantWell, so much for trying to paste a video of appropriate width… I know Ilargi has posted instructions from time to time, but I did not save them in a handy place.
Participant@Orobos: “Live Fast… Die Fast… Eat Fast Food”
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” title=”Fast Food” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Watch this kid, he’s on fire.
Participant@jb-hb: another good suggestion for elderly relatives is to get them switched over to an iPad. There is really no practical way for a remote attacker to trick an iPad user into giving them control over “the computer.”
ParticipantWith the recent buzz around crypto currencies, and Bitcoin in particular, I would recommend listening to a recent episode of Whitney Webb’s “Unlimited Hangout” podcast. In this episode she and Mark Goodwin, editor of Bitcoin Magazine, unpack the connection between Bitcoin and the Green+ agenda, which apparently aims to use Bitcoin’s blockchain to further the goals of creating dystopian carbon credit markets and natural capital surveillance via satellites.
The Carbon Credit Coup – Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin
ParticipantPresident Biden calls into TV show to try and save his campaign and his Presidency.”
Note that the call-in is audio only, which can only mean that there is SOME level of trickery afoot there… could be AI-generated audio, could be spliced-together clips of prior speeches from when Biden was more sentient, could be a coached, jacked up Biden with multiple takes… what rough beast is this that slouches toward Bethlehem?
ParticipantJeff Childers at the Coffee and Covid substack has a detailed, and dare I say it, optimistic take on recent Supreme Court activity:
Let’s cut through all the noise right now. I’ll tell you what it actually said, and then I will explain why it changes everything. And after explaining how it doesn’t help Trump much, I’ll tell you how the Supreme Court sneakily helped Trump anyway, even though this decision largely ignored his actual cases. Stick with me for a minute, it will be worth it.
Participant@D Benton Smith: did you see the lighted arrows on the floor at 28 seconds into your “wandering Biden” video, directing him toward the exit (with the helpful hand of Obama on his back as well)?
ParticipantDisturbing article looks into organ harvesting, which gets mentioned obliquely now and then:
It would seem, based on what we have reviewed so far, that not only have wars become a treasure trove for black market organ traffickers, but that the harvesting of organs from casualties of war has been going on for decades and the medics who take part in these mass harvests of organs in war-torn regions have grown quite proficient, removing and packing organs within minutes and disassembling human beings in a startlingly short time.
ParticipantPosting this for Dr. John Day, please excuse me if someone has already presented this work by The Ethical Skeptic. It’s a wild read, involving pyramids, floods, conservation of angular momentum in the earth’s core, and… shifting poles:
Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Hypothesis
ParticipantI’d like to recommend this recent interview on geopolitics and empire: David Hughes has released the first of a two-book set that examines the whole COVID fiasco in the context of a subtle but much larger historical drive to centralize power:
ParticipantHere is part 2 (which I haven’t listened to yet).
ParticipantI found this presentation by Catherine Austin Fitts to a group of “Freedom Warriors” at Children’s Health Defense to well worth the time to watch or listen to. In it she explains how how lockdowns transferred wealth to the big players, how and why money gets stolen out of government (FASB 56 means agencies can keep secret books), how political corruption REALLY works (hint: regulatory and legislative tweaks lead to capital gains), etc. She’s explained all of these concepts piecemeal in other interviews, but for some reason it really became clear in this comprehensive presentation. At the very end she pushes back against the notion that the monetary system “has to” collapse; she’s very much of the opinion that certain players that want radical centralization may cause it to collapse, but that is a very different thing.
ParticipantDamnit, @Oroboros, did you break into my truck?!? PS: my truck’s heating controls are even MORE primitive (but they work).
Participant@DrD: love your stuff, but I have to correct you regarding Toyota’s decision to switch all Camry production to hybrids. Full disclosure: I bought a 2018 Camry hybrid new in, well, 2018. The price difference was not 5X, it was not even 2X… it was about a $2.5k difference on a $26k car (now a $28.8k car in 2024). So a little less than 10%. To me the astounding fact is that ANYBODY buys the standard gas version. The hybrid’s gas mileage is 36% higher, even on the highway (53 vs 39mpg); in the city it is 82% higher (51 vs 29 mpg). My almost-six-year-old Camry hybrid routinely hits 60 mpg over a tank cycle in the summer.
Yes, a hybrid is more complex. No, I didn’t buy it to save the planet. At 10k driving miles per year I’m saving 120 gallons of fuel per year, easily $500 at $4+ gas (thanks, Joe Biden!). I would guess that I will have saved that $2.5k already, even allowing for Trump’s lower gas prices. I think Toyota is making the logical decision to consolidate into a single drivetrain, a single bill of material, and a single assembly workflow.
Your point about the EPA acting as a version of Central Planning still stands, however.
Participant@VietnamVet: I don’t disagree with any of your five assertions about what is going on, but… please show how he is a participant in them? On at least one of the assertions (concerning the Ukraine war), he is said to be against further funding; how is he thus a participant?
Nor do I argue with your point that the Corporate/legacy media don’t report truth until all other options have been exhausted.
ParticipantKarl Denninger of has updated his prior estimate that 3% will ultimately be “screwed by the Vax” in some significant, life-altering way.
Well, the bad news is that the lower boundary looks to be around 4-5% now, with a centroid around 5-6%, or one in twenty. The high end is much worse — one in ten, or roughly three times where I put the center originally.
That’s population-wide and yeah, that accounts for the people who said “screw you!”, took zero jabs and thus are unaffected. Seven in ten took at least two shots with 11% stopping after the first, which is a hideously serious safety signal that showed up immediately in refusal to take the second one — which must be presumed to not be an accident but rather refusal to complete the series due to serious and immediate adverse outcome.
There is no accurate data I’m aware of that goes much beyond the first couple of months of 2023 but you can see that many went back for at least thirds by that point. That’s bad, particularly given what we now know about class-switching and, as it is apparently now coming out, widespread contamination both with DNA and SV40, which together are suspected to be quite-extreme cancer promoters.
“Screwed”, by the way, means seriously and permanently impaired in terms of life functions or dead by the way. Not “annoyance” level things, even if reasonably serious. We’re talking cancers, permanent disability prohibiting you from working as you used to be able to (or even at all) from cardiac, circulatory or immune disorders, and of course winding up in a box.
This won’t play out in full for another five to ten years and the economic impacts, if I’m right on this, are going to be extraordinary. 3% was bad and portended a serious economic dislocation in the offing over the next couple of years.
I am now forced to expect at least double, and maybe triple that outcome.
I don’t have an economic model for that. Contemplate erasing the entire population of NYC, LA and Chicago at the centerpoint and you’re close. Of course those are only the people inside city limits; Chicago, for example, has roughly 9.5 million in the metro area but only 2.7 within city limits. If the upper end of the band proves up to be correct add the populations of Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia and San Antonio to that.
Unfortunately he doesn’t share his methodology for arriving at the new estimate, but he does point out that tax receipts are down significantly, beyond what one would expect for our “full employment, booming” economy.
As usual, the article linked above will expire soon, so read it today if you’re interested (most of Karl’s postings roll off the blog after two weeks or so).
ParticipantOne of the COVID things I’ve been keeping an eye out for is evidence that the mutations were laboratory derived (timed to keep the narrative alive, perhaps). Now there is a pre-print paper out from Japanese researchers who looked at the viral sequences of Omicron variants. What they expected to find was that the the patterns of what was conserved and what was novel in the viral RNA sequences would allow them order the variants in a timeline that would make sense; they should have been able to identify which sequence was the last one by finding a sequence that includes all the significant spike protein mutations except one – and this would then be the most recent mutation. Then they could work backward in time to find the second most recent mutation, etc. The work is complicated a bit by the fact there are always non-significant mutations in viral evolution, but they can account for this.
The headline of their findings is this: they couldn’t confidently identify a plausible sequence of natural evolution that would have explained the viral sequence data in the global database. Instead, it looked like someone took a pretty complicated viral sequence as a starting point, and then, using known laboratory manipulation techniques for viruses, altered the sequence in 34 places independently (possibly releasing them at different times and places), as though to test the infectiousness and severity of illness resulting from each altered virus. In short, it looked like a test panel, not like anything that was the result of natural evolution.
Here is the paper, “Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of deliberate natural selection.”
Here is a lay-person friendly discussion of the paper and its implications on Swinehood’s Remedy substack.
ParticipantPerhaps this has been posted before; if so, my apologies. In any case, worth a close look, if only to understand the mechanisms of how the end game might play out.
What is this book about? It is about the taking of collateral, all of it, the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
We are now living within a hybrid war conducted almost entirely by deception, and thus designed to achieve war aims with little energy input. It is a war of conquest directed not against other nation states but against all of humanity.
Private, closely held control of all central banks, and hence of all money creation, has allowed a very few people to control all political parties, governments, the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations, the armed forces, the police, the major corporations, and of course, the media. These very few people are the prime movers. Their plans are executed over decades. Their control is opaque.Rototillerman
Participant@phoenixvoice: I’ve been meaning to highlight this podcast episode from Jeremy at jermwarefare:
This is a mind-blowing discussion about cancer, and what we put in our bodies that fuels it. Highly recommended. I especially like that Thomas Seyfried is careful to not claim that this is The Answer to cancer, but rather it is an overlooked treatment component. And yes, that overlooked component is a ketogenic diet.
ParticipantOops, that should be taes.klieb AT spamgourmet dot com.
Participant@jb-hb: I think my sister correctly captured the spirit of her social group when she said, “I wouldn’t want to live in your world.” Meaning, she didn’t want to live in a world where she couldn’t safely defer to authority to do her thinking for her.
Hey, if your new employer ever flies you out to Portland, OR for training or team-building or whatever, I’ll buy you dinner. It wasn’t too hard to figure out from your hints who you’re working for, and they seem like good people all right. You can reach me at taes.klieb dot spamgourmet dot com, I’m sure TAE Summary would join us as well.
Participant@Dora: I believe it was Max Planck who quipped, “Science advances one funeral at a time.”
@DBS: please excuse my pedantism, but once one starts a block quote the icon in that position changes to a slash-b-quote for you to use at the end of the quoted text. This will avoid a problem with many of your otherwise excellent postings, in which it can be difficult to skip down to where the quote ends and your voice begins.
ParticipantI finally got around to looking into the TAE site hacking that we all experienced this past week. As many of us noted, clicking on any page element resulted in a new browser tab opening, with the initial URL of the new tab being “”. The new tab then quickly switched to another site, often one that appeared to try and convince you that your device had malware.
So first we look up on, and learn that the site IP address is Then we take that IP address and pop it into; here is what comes out:
OrgName: Webzilla Inc.
Address: 110 E. Broward Blvd., Suite 1700
City: Fort Lauderdale
StateProv: FL
PostalCode: 33301
Country: US
RegDate: 2023-01-20
Updated: 2023-01-30
Ref: the way I also did a DNS lookup, but that was a dead end; their DNS records are from, and the relevant owner info is shielded by a third party organization called “Withheld for Privacy” out of Iceland)
If you do an online search for webzilla among the links that comes up is this one: South Florida Web Firm May Have Facilitated Russian Hacking, Court Records Reveal. So, not a surprise that shady things happen at webzilla, but it seems definitely out of character for Russian hackers to go after TAE. I would have thought that it was The Cabal trying to squash truth-seeking sites.
ParticipantAFKTT said:
I guess the anti-science, anti-reality, anti-life narratives that TAE regularly churns out will begin to fade after another couple of years of rapidly worsening overheating mayhem.
No, they won’t… because overheating mayhem by itself doesn’t prove the cause. It’s not enough to make a prediction, and then claim that your favorite theory is the dominant cause when that prediction comes true. The overheating may come true, but possibly for other reasons. You have to be able to successfully defend it against the many objections that have been raised (here and elsewhere): the geologic record of CO2 being higher in the past without runaway, the role of solar cycles in terrestrial temperatures, prior models have been poor at predicting sea level changes, etc etc.
There is also the observation that many of those who have demonstrably been shown to have acted in bad faith during the COVID era are also – surprise! – out in front to capitalize on “climate change.” It’s hard to know how of that is simply opportunism, or whether they have managed to control the scientific narrative in the usual way (by controlling the funding of “the science”). I can say that the last three years have significantly eroded my willingness to accept that “the science is settled.”
ParticipantInteresting documentation project: a woman writer who goes by the moniker “Transcriber B” has been digging out and transcribing counter-narrative videos on COVID. Bill Rice interviews her via email here:
Bill Rice Jr.’s Q & A with “Transcriber B”
Apparently I’m not the only one with a Quixotic mission. Here’s a direct link to the “Transcriber B” substack:
Credit to @Noirette for bringing Bill Rice Jr. to our attention on June 30th.
ParticipantCDC caught omitting vaccine injury as cause of death when assigning ICD codes
This is based on a leak of all the death certificates in Minnesota, going back to 2015. Unfortunately, it can’t be publicly verified due to privacy concerns (identifying information is redacted on the death certificates that they present as examples), but I can totally understand the motivation for this kind of dishonesty: “Look, we checked all the ICD codes, and there are practically zero vaccine injuries. Safe and Effective(tm)!”
ParticipantI was in Virginia yesterday, so I tried pulling up Yorkville with Apple Maps. There is either no such place, or he is referring to some sort of government facility that is not a town.
ParticipantMan, I can’t get a link to Rumble to post here. Not yesterday, not today. Whatever, this is a test to see if WordPress will tolerate me at all. @Bishko: potatoes are looking good.
Participant@germ, @oxymoron: I think that the nth booster shot campaign in early 2022 wiped out all the vulnerable in the over-85 cohort.
If you really want a deep dive into schadenfraude, Mark Crispin Miller has been collecting stories of the fallen in his “In Memory of Those Who Died Suddenly” series on his substack.
ParticipantI have been reading bits and pieces here and there about contamination of the vaccines, but this posting on Doctors for COVID Ethics breaks it down nicely:
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive quantities of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications
Dr. Paul Thomas of Oregon interviewed Josh Guetzkow in his most recent “Against the Wind” podcast, and touched on this subject peripherally; it turns out that almost all of the 40,000 subjects in the original Pfizer trial were given injections produced under a prototype manufacturing process, while everyone in the world who has been injected after the trial were given an injection produced in a messier, less controlled process that Josh believes is the source of the excessive quantities of bacterial endotoxins and DNA contaminants. This is written up in a Twitter feed (he hasn’t blogged it to his Jackanapes substack yet):
Was the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine clinical trial a bait-and-switch?
There were >44,000 people in the trial, but only ~250 of them were given doses made with a new manufacturing method ('process 2') that was used to make enough doses to sell around the world.
— Josh Guetzkow (@joshg99) May 16, 2023
Another “Oh shit, TVASSF” moment.
ParticipantOnly the abstract is available, the rest is behind a paywall (I might purchase the article, contact if you’re interested):
The specific activity of 14C in the atmosphere gets reduced by a dilution effect when fossil CO2, which is devoid of 14C, enters the atmosphere. We have used the results of this effect to quantify the two components. All results covering the period from 1750 through 2018 are listed in a table and plotted in figures. These results negate claims that the increase in C(t) since 1800 has been dominated by the increase of the anthropogenic fossil component. We determined that in 2018, atmospheric anthropogenic fossil CO2 represented 23% of the total emissions since 1750 with the remaining 77% in the exchange reservoirs. Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming.
ParticipantCritics are sounding the alarm that a new federal office to shield U.S. public opinion from purported threats of foreign disinformation is a thinly veiled reboot under a new name of the abortive Disinformation Governance Board, the Homeland Security Department office abandoned after being defined in the public mind as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”
Housed in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the new Foreign Malign Influence Center was launched with little public notice but is already provoking fears that it will use overstated foreign threats as a pretext to interfere in domestic political debate or will duplicate other federal efforts, especially a controversial State Department unit that tries to squelch populism abroad.
Disinfo Governance Board 2.0? New intel office targets ‘foreign influence’ to shield U.S. ‘opinion’
ParticipantSometimes the national news shows an interesting local angle:
FTX executive who donated to Democratic Party of Oregon pleads guilty to federal fraud charge
Of course, Oregon’s entire executive branch, including the those who regulate and investigate campaign contributions, are Democrats one and all, so this will quietly get buried. We don’t want anyone asking embarrassing questions about where half a million dollars ultimately came from before being laundered through FTX, now do we?
Participant@aspnaz : these are Hannah Ahrendt’s earnest bureaucrats. They have to be reassured regularly that they’re still doing God’s work. They need to be fed a steady stream of Narrative to fill their incurious minds and make them feel like they have the true inside dope on What Is Really Happening, lest they wander off the reservation and start thinking for themselves.. As Catherine Austin Fitts says, all you have to do is give people a cover story to make them believe that they’re The Good Guys and show them how they’re going to profit from the scam, and they’ll be all in for what you want them to do. After attending the WVC this crowd will make plans, they will draw up budgets, they will hold many Zoom meetings, they will debate the finer points of how equitable the roll-out will be, they will round up stakeholders… they will never question the stone tablets that come from the CDC and the FDA (tablets that arrive in large boxes, cushioned with copious wads of grant money).
Some have compared the new normal COVID faithful to a religious sect. If so, the World Vaccine Congress appears to me to be a major faith revival.
ParticipantBoy, really not my day: “Look on the far right: nth cycle implies ~2^n copies.”
ParticipantMaybe the image will work as a link:
PCR Chain Reaction Diagram – Wikipedia
Look on the far right: nth cycle implies n copies.
ParticipantI could be wrong, but I thought that each cycle in the PCR amplified by a factor of two, not ten. Either way, 2^45 is still a very large number (3.5 x 10^13). I think the guest in the Dr. Drew interview just misspoke.
Look on the far right: nth cycle -> n copies.