The Markster

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle April 26 2023 #134142
    The Markster

    A dear old friend I have known since meeting him at the Metro on Broadway in downtown Portland in 1986, before they tore down all the old nearby movie palaces, is basically the only triple-jabbed wokester I still consider a friend post-Covid. He is an open-minded, kind, loving soul with Vanity Fair and Financial Times subscriptions, put himself through Reed on merit scholarships, and is always up for a friendly policy or political debate. All in all a warm and good person who has been brutally lied to and deceived.

    I take no joy in his accelerating health problems with shingles, gout, and just recently a new cancer scare that as yet lacks specifics. I mourn for his betrayal by a corrupt government, media and political culture. I sympathize and stand in horror and indignation at what we have all allowed to happen. I pray for his health and joy, giving thanks for our friendship and time together.

    Light must still shine in this darkness. God bless and keep you all, jabbed or not. ☮️🤍🌅

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2023 #132816
    The Markster

    Technically this is Obama’s FOURTH term we are in the middle of right now. Obama has kept control of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Department and DNC machine since he left office with a smirk in January 2017. The BLM-ANTIFA gestapo work for him, as does the Big Pharma division inside the FDA, CDC and NIH. And he does not expect to lose going forward.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2023 #132521
    The Markster

    Wow that Trump Team “Outsider” video on Benny Johnson’s Twitter packed a punch, I was totally balling like a schoolgirl. Great advertising from a clown, but a powerful message nonetheless.

    Yay on encouraging news from South Africa and elsewhere as cracks in the ‘safe and effective ‘ lies grow and grow. Now we need criminal investigations, speedy trials with convictions, and jail time.

    Thanks and Many Blessings to Ilargi, Germ and all the regulars. 🙏


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 20 2023 #131650
    The Markster

    LOL on the pink pronoun door. In the Summer and Fall of 2021, when the authoritarian Pfizer goons on the Portland City Council were pushing me out of my job with threats, shaming and bullying, I posted pronouns on my email signature for the first time ever while bombarding the Safety Officer (lol) and “Covid Team” with questions they refused to answer.

    Thee/Thou. Never let them take your laugh away.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2023 #129966
    The Markster

    3 × 4 = 12. Cool NYC aerial. Ads are discrete and hope they help. TVASF.

    Batiushka has become a personal favorite, will be going back for missed articles in his now apparently wrapped up run at The Saker, having just learned of so many over the last year that I missed! Thank you for the introduction!

    Hope you are feeling better, Mr. Meijer. Please do take time off for yourself. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2023 #127793
    The Markster

    It is cold comfort looking back on the past few years knowing that one saw through the Russiagate, Plandemic, Saint Floyd Insurrection and Election Fraud debacles of the last six years as they happened. Even if the legions of malignant Clintonite cunts whose world is now visibly imploding day by day provides a good laugh now and then.

    Thank you, Germ, for your TVASF Chronicles. Better to speak truth and blow off a little steam with a web comment than burn, loot and murder. Kudos.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 25 2023 #127098
    The Markster

    Shout out and thanks to boscohorowitz and phoenixvoice for recent replies and comments. Usually on here early and then out for the day, limiting gadget time. Points taken on the need to stay rational and kind, to avoid overtly manipulative emotional narratives, and to pause in an attempt to recognize the same in others before opening my pie hole.

    Wishing we could enjoy a beer and card game together in some lovely Italian train station somewhere and get to know each other better, and good health and peace to you both. Bonjour! 🙌🥂☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2023 #127001
    The Markster

    That draft headline from The Conversation up top is ominous. Similar thoughts have gone through my mind lately, foreshadowed by recent conversations with the pro-jab godparents and two good friends who openly mocked & shunned me in 2021 for my “socially irresponsible” and “naive” position. I did speak out forcefully at work, with several close friends, and in many letters to media and politicians, but it made no difference in their choices at the time.

    Seeing how easy it was for the powers that be to stir up massive violence and hatred over a populist outsider president with the “punch a Nazi” and BLM-Antifa-J6 inversions, it chills me to the bone thinking of what they will do when angry Team Hillary types can no longer deny the snowballing deaths and injuries from the jabs. Does anybody honestly think there will be a fair and honest accounting of what happened, as opposed to more engineered inversion, violence and lies?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 17 2023 #126351
    The Markster

    Started the Kisin video but had to turn it off after his ridiculous rallying cry, apparently made in the context of fighting woke culture, that Putin was an “enemy” of the West. Perhaps NATO and Blackrock fans will find his accent and perspective worthy of their attention, but personally I ain’t got no time for that.

    The Trish Wood piece was very powerful, and only confirmed my suspicions about Tarantino. Unrepentant, fat and happy, our culture paints a cool, self-affirming mask on the absurdly decadent, empty, wasteful lifestyles that we built on ruthless globalist looting and plunder here in “freedom and democracy/support our troops” land.

    For many years now I have suspected that there is poetic justice, and even perhaps a small kernel of goodness, in the way our society is self-destructing. Too bad that in doing so we had to take it out on the toddlers, teenage athletes and frail elderly in a senseless, banal killing spree, but I suppose that is how these things go.

    And by the grace of God we all have another chance today to make amends. To embrace our friends and children in love and humility, to shave our heads in solidarity, to see and give thanks for all the stupendous beauty of our fellow creatures in this amazing world.

    Love to all today in this courageous online space. ☮️❤️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2023 #125900
    The Markster


    Thank you for the links. I boycott YouTube which is very limiting, so the rumble stuff is appreciated.

    Hard to take it all in, even seeing what is happening, the horror is such strange medicine. That Unforgivable video was the only one I could take for now, but will be back. Through terror to the eye of a needle? Gotta go stand barefoot on the earth now in the cold, pray and cry, ask for help.

    Dear God, what have we done?
    XO ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2023 #125785
    The Markster

    No time here to do much cross checking or independent research to verify, but tending to trust Escobar’s interpretation of the events in Brazil today as opposed to the angle taken by Kunstler yesterday. I like Kunstler a lot, and think Brazil should be run by the Brazilians, but it is amazing to me how some can see CIA manipulation all day long on most domestic operations, but then willingly ignore the possibility of same abroad.

    It is a terrible tragedy what is happening in Ukraine, most especially for the Ukrainian people. Lost another potential friend recently for countering a lunchtime narrative about her buddy fighting for a contractor on behalf of freedom in Ukraine. Midway through our lunch plates I had the bad manners to restate her position as one of support for a mercenary getting paid to butcher Slavic people on behalf of the Satanic US-NATO war machine. After which she threw a $20 bill on the table and stormed out without another word. Flashbacks of losing friends on Facebook for questioning Russiagate circa 2017-2019!

    And all this in a small red county town where reputations and stories travel fast. Funny how living in a collapsing, brittle, divided and dying empire with a smart mouth can be so isolating and potentially dangerous. Loose lips sinking ships and all that…

    But hey, at least I have a fleeting sense of virtual community each morning tapping on this little gadget over coffee and TAE. Many Blessings! ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 8 2023 #125424
    The Markster

    Reaching out to old friends in Portland this week, hearing a new narrative emerge. Parents recognizing that the lockdowns and masking harmed their children. Even the DNC-Russiagate propaganda organ Willamette Week calling out lockdowns, although indirectly. People are recognizing we have been put through a time of orchestrated madness, although not yet pinning blame where it belongs (a dictatorial Dem Governor, authoritarian liberal pols and their “health” agencies, liberal-run school districts). A TDS victim putting their child in Catholic school halfway through the year after getting creeped out by the sex/gender/hate stuff they see being served up by “mean, arrogant” culture warriors in the Portland Public Schools.

    Perhaps Denninger is right and there is more hope than it looks like right now. If my Uber liberal former cohort in Portland is starting to ask questions like these, maybe the sunshine is leaking through the windows of their prison cells. A happy thought, and encouragement enough for now. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 1 2023 #124788
    The Markster

    Happy New Year to all, even the Batiushka bashers, those who claim Ukraine is the only US war (cough Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Palestine, domestic dissidents, Trump, cough) and those who punch down at child abuse victims because a few decades ago they made some money in Hollywood and that should make it all better.

    Showering out the filth on our insides, indeed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 28 2022 #124463
    The Markster

    A little girl in a yellow dress, cluster bomb cheerleading, fascist censors all around, and crashing fertility rates. All presented or not with absolute psychopathic calm and banality. What a world!

    Today is Holy Innocents Day, when Herod ordered the slaughter of an entire generation of toddlers. In the hazy days of my privileged imperial youth I remember thinking with smug satisfaction how lucky it was to live in a world evolved beyond such horror.

    Fully behind the curtain now, the ghoulishness explodes onto scene every day with more clarity. Thank God I have learned to water my spiritual garden! Thank God for TAE, and Picasso moths, and dancing eagles!

    Peace and love to you all, and Happy Birthday to me!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Boxing Day 2022 #124325
    The Markster

    Agreed with UpstateNYer and Noirette on Hedges. First piece of his o have read in a long time, and the same partisan dig on Greene stuck in my craw, too. Hedges is an unrepentant Russiagate and has never retracted his nauseatingly obvious lies on that topic. Hedges swallowed the Antifa-BLM propaganda whole cloth and demonized innocent US counter-protesters like Aaron J. Danielson, who was shot dead in Portland blocks away from any protest for wearing a US flag graphic on his shirt.

    Chris Hedges is the NY Times on a time delay. Even in 2003 during the last hurrah of anti-war sentiment in this country, he was an establishment cheerleader selling fancy watch ads, big pharma drugs and uptown real estate. Nothing since has changed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 20 2022 #123925
    The Markster

    Another great synthesizing piece from Kunstler, borrowing heavily from the 2010’s work of Greer on his earlier Archdruid Report blog, but again falling into the same old prediction trap he often does of naming dates for the turnaround, as oxymoron suggests. Pinning hope on a GOP-led turnaround after watching them roll with the Russiagate, Impeachments, J6 and Scamdemic Narratives is like Charlie Brown running for Lucy’s football one more time. Still, Kunstler has a skill at tying things together into a story that deserves more play than our heavily censored CIA media will currently allow, and good for him.

    Fun stuff from Clueless Honky above, makes me glad for avoiding the “domesticating” influences of social media now for over three years. There are a few high school friends I miss from Facebook, but otherwise super glad I shut all that nonsense down. Refusing now to even give an email or the cell # to my new employer or any Medical/Dental provider, but just the landline and snail mail, and so far so good. Personally I prefer the Terminator series to the Matrix, but as long as our stories point back to truth, humanity and the living earth and all her creatures we’re on the right track.

    Seasonal Advent Blessings of Joy, Hope and Light to all the TAE peeps, my favorite “friends” network on the interwebs. m

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2022 #123456
    The Markster

    Never was much of a Rob Reiner fan, but his direction of that fascistic hoax rehash piece has severely damaged my former admiration for DeNiro and Perez. For similar reasons I now avoid Walgreen’s altogether, having watched their horrifying ad with the nurse bragging about jabbing thousands of people with the clot shot one too many times.

    We do need to keep asking questions, and daylighting the stories of the clot shot dead and injured to the county, state and federal officials who lied to us about safety and efficacy. Medical fraud and captured agencies, medical associations and legislatures need ntye disinfectant of sunlight.

    And with that I will follow the excellent advice of Veracious Poet and shut my pie hole for the day. Wishing you all glad tidings and joy of the season, gratitude for the tonic of the critter beauty at the end of each daily digest here, and a big virtual hug to Ilargi and TAE commentariat.

    And as Judy Garland belted out towards the end of the 1950 classic Summer Stock with Gene Kelly:

    “Forget your troubles come on get happy, the Lord is waitin’ to take your hand. Sing Hallelujah come on get happy, we’re goin’ to the promised Land!”

    XO ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 2022 #123303
    The Markster

    The mainstreaming and corporatization of the LGBT+ movement, I have been saying since 2005, will not only lead to ferocious backlash and violence, but eventually it will put us several steps back from where we were before Stonewall in 1969.

    Aligning with big CIA media and corporate political power, like when Scrappy Gay Liberation and Freedom Day marches turned into Absolut- and Subaru-sponsored “Pride” merchandising events in the late 80’s was always a trap. Being mouthy about this over the years has cost me on the social plane for decades, but even that will not save me from the group reprisals and violence coming my way, as Kunstler suggests. Democrats took a desire for belonging and acceptance and used it as a fig leaf for their fascist propaganda machine. I submit that the oligarchs and arms dealers who run this show have been purposely amplifying the tranny, porn and child mutilation stuff since 2016 as an effort to lay the groundwork for their coming about-face.

    Not that seeing the writing on the wall 35 years ago does me any good, or will make it any easier when TSHTF. ☮️

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Narratives : Twitter Edition #123299
    The Markster

    Brennan and the Team Obama machine are filled with venality and projection. Legacy of fueling public hate and divisions, indeed. Just look around, or try and post a Trump lawn sign in the Portland metro area and count the days until your property is vandalized, or worse.

    “Let the people die”, spoken in righteousness and anger, is just where they want us to be. And precisely where the USA has been going since the Reagan counter-revolution, now led by team blue. An entire world like Caracas, with armed guards at the high-rise compounds and fortified hillside villas for the 1%, with sprawling favelas and nasty brutishness for everybody else.

    Yesterday I played a rat pack CD from the 1960’s, and when Dean sang a line about not paying union dues the room erupted in jeers. And people still cared about each other.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2022 #122923
    The Markster

    January 6 was a political protest not that much different than the Kavanaugh nomination protests. Everybody peacefully filed out by 7pm and Congress did their business. No fires were set, no statues were pulled down and destroyed, no art was defaced, and even the Capitol Police eventually admitted that officer sicknick died of a separate heart issue. The only protest-relayed death was an unarmed white woman who was shot by a black police officer whose name was withheld for months.

    Riots and armed insurrection are a description of what the Antifa and BLM organizations did in 2020+, funded with tens of millions in corporate support from the likes of Chase Manhattan Bank, Nike, Intel, and the Ford Foundation.

    And 2.5 years later, the Federal Courthouse and City/County Justice Center in Portland, OR are both still boarded up or fenced as if undergoing a military coup or siege. All we have to do to see the world is use our eyes, think, and recognize that Western legacy, social and corporate media is an irredeemable tissue of hatred, destruction and lies. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2022 #122666
    The Markster

    Thanks for the link to the excellent CTH piece on the Intelligence Branch. The context and background going back to the Patriot Act, then politicizing things under Obama, and the gem about Trump appointments getting derailed by the Senate SSCI put a lot of pieces into place. Obama was simply adding a distinct Chicago gangster vibe to what Bush started. Hope and change indeed.

    Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is a perfect example of the criminality in question, a man whose entire career boils down to doing one thing while saying another as he gets filthy rich off the spoils (e.g. his BS about standing up for cheap drug prices for seniors and internet privacy, when in fact he diligently works to undermine both on the SCCI and through championing Medicare Part D). And just re-elected by a landslide! Winning!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2022 #122530
    The Markster

    So nice to see Dmitry Orlov making sense as always, but then again he is the man who saved my life with a single blog post/psychic thunderbolt almost exactly 13 years ago. Back in the days of the Great Recession and grokking peak everything and the looming demise of the petrodollar you suck empire (kudos to Dr. D for the naming). Same time I started following this site. Quite a journey this slowmo collapse thing has been!

    Life in this insane, dying culture may be bleak and lonely sometimes, but is a real kick seeing things unfold with open eyes, in all their horror and banal viciousness, and still being able to laugh and be amazed and grateful for each day.

    Thanks Ilargi for your work here, it is making a difference to me and surely many others. Felt good sending the check last month and I will make it quarterly going forward. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 2 2022 #122463
    The Markster

    My parents said no has it correct. Widespread internet use has not even been around for thirty years, and it is ecologically and socially destructive. Narcissism, lies and illusions all the way down. I am in the thick of it just like others and not trying to point fingers outwardly, but it is good to have a plan. Mine is to eliminate the car and the cellphone from my life entirely by September 1, 2024, at which point I rejoin the human race.

    I remember the mid-1990s with great fondness, a narrow window in life when I felt like part of two+ different communities in Portland, OR, right before it all fell apart. In the last thirty years I watched the internet kill the gay bars, hollow out political activist communities and alt media print journalism/jobs, and shred the social cohesiveness and good manners of my hometown to the point where I finally had to flee in fear for the safety for my own life in March of this year. Nevermind what this simulacra of community and “connection” did to the church and my personal social networks during a failed social media experiment from 9/2012 to 9/2019.

    From what I can see, the only real community left in this country is to be found in urban gangs, homeless encampments and the occasional rural neighborhood. I look forward to going back to in-person communications and turning off this idiot box forever. Only 20 months away now, thank goodness. Blessings to you all, even though we are all functionally isolated from each other in a moderated hall of mirrors that relies on rapidly depleting finite resources, child labor, and environmental destruction all around the globe. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2022 #122370
    The Markster

    I feel sorry for people who think either Twitter or Elon Musk are in a position to improve the world in any significant way. Just another stupid trap inside an opaque hall of mirrors with a CIA backdoor feature that cannot be closed (WikiLeaks Vault 7).

    Best item today is the brave, epic DOJ trolling by Mr. Young at Cryptome. Way better than the late, empty, insincere CYA editorials by legacy media earlier this week, which are all outweighed by several thousand percentage points via their vindictive authoritarian bile of the last decade. Bravo and a tip of the hat to John Young at Cryptome!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 29 2022 #122203
    The Markster

    Agree with Mister Roboto on the Luciferian Project piece, although it was good to read as an innoculant against creeping theocratic impulses on the right. What are the Trinitarian laws, specifically, and who would administer them? The Episcopalians or other woke Protestants? The Catholic Church? Evangelicals?

    The US Constitution works OK by me, if only we would follow it more closely,. Throw in a neo-Franciscan concern for the poor, the living earth, and build some free hospitals and I’m on board, but leave governance with the people.

    At the very least, let the petrodollar collapse and vaxx genocide already in motion play out for another decade or two before letting the current crop of clowns in charge make any big changes. Easier to pick up the pieces once the Empire is down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2022 #121694
    The Markster

    Even in a blue state like Oregon, the authoritarian Covidian Cultists have blown their wad, and, WHO Treaty or not, will not succeed next time. Not even by adding the National Guard as backup goons to the Antifa thugs. Their credibility is shot.

    I have one remaining Covidian Cultists friend, and we were supposed to have Thanksgiving together tomorrow, but I will be cancelling not just the meal but also our relationship later this morning. We have tried to set aside politics and Covid stuff for the last couple years, since our friendship goes back to the 80s. But lately he keeps mocking religion, cheering on the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against MAGA types & the Ukraine proxy war & the astoundingly hypocritical “election denier” slur while bragging about his plans to get the Covid booster (which he did yesterday) and again suggesting indirectly that I am socially irresponsible for not doing so myself.

    The relationship has become abusive in that regard, just like my relationship with the Portland City Council, Oregon Health Authority, Kaiser Permanente, the CDC/FDA, Corporate and Social Media, and my Godparents became in the last 2.6 years.

    I like D Benton Smith’s idea about riding the wave, and will try to be direct and truthful but kind in my cancellation this morning. I fully expect the crescendo of trials and tribulations to continue for many years yet, but it does feel like the wave must be creating. May we all find joy and purpose and love with friends and enemies alike, up close or from a distance.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Ilargi and all the commenters here, for which I am very grateful. Be well and take care. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2022 #121605
    The Markster


    Thank you for the link to the Died Suddenly video on Rumble. Helluva way to start the day, but a lot better than spinning around in circles during a cardiac arrest that ends your life.

    Puts paying $1800 for a dental crown after losing insurance into perspective. And more kindling for the bonfire that will hopefully result in Nuremberg 2.0.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121408
    The Markster


    South Africa and Africa are two different places and two different names. One is a country, and the other is a continent.

    I was discussing the difference between identifying two continents versus a single country in written and spoken English. But it’s no skin off my back if you want to keep calling the USA “America” like you did in your comment. You will have many tens of millions more people in the USA who agree with your approach than I do with mine.

    And all things considered, I kinda like it that way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121391
    The Markster

    Batiushka knows what time it is, and Kunstler has done great research on the incestuous imperial mandarins that run this clown show, but my guess is that his prediction of Justice #743 will fall flat just like always. If they got away with Russiagate, two fake impeachments and the 2020 steal, it’s unlikely they will be stopped anytime soon. The zombie cheering squad is still too large.

    As a USAnian who went to high school for a bit in Canada, one thing I learned is that referring to the USA as “America” is arrogant and snickered at around the world, despite the impression one might get from the garbage on TV. Part of being a civilized Zone B country after the empire falls will hopefully involve a change in language. If good manners and humility might help us rejoin civilized humanity, this might be a good place to start.

    With an added bonus being less snickering from our closest neighbors over here in the backwaters. ☮️

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120754
    The Markster

    The CTH piece on ballots vs. votes is the only thing that makes sense. Even here in Oregon they passed a law last year that says ballots can be valid if postmarked on election day, whereas before they had to be received on election day. Gives them another week to massage the numbers.

    I am not the only one who sees this, either – it was the subject of conversation with a diverse group of five people in the chiropractor lobby yesterday, all five nodding in agreement. I think the DNC- Team Obama goal all along has been to dial up the brazen thuggery and thievery to the point of inciting a violent reaction from the people, so they can fund and deploy their “domestic terrorism” armies. It’s what they do overseas with the color revolutions, so why not do it at home?

    Years ago an uncle said that mail-in balloting in Oregon meant we would never elect a Republican governor again. Everybody laughed at the time, but turns out he was 100% correct.

    Not my President.
    Not my Congress.
    Not my Governor.
    Not my state legislature.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120501
    The Markster

    Thanks, for that Sassoon poem, a great find. A Russophile from a young age, mostly from my love of classical ballet, my heart breaks watching how the original sin of Hillary’s Russiagate Hoax is grinding up the innocent men and boys of Ukraine.

    TAE is my first stop every morning, and tv news alongside NYT etc. was turned off for good on Friday November 8, 2020. And today, finally, I will put my money where my mouth is and make a donation to this site.

    God bless the peacemakers. Thank you Raul!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2022 #118894
    The Markster

    Bought 50 copies of RFK Jr.’s book “A Letter to Liberals” and will be mailing copies to the Portland City Council, Multnomah County Commission, Governor Kate Brown, Kaiser Permanente, the Oregon Medical Association, and the Oregon Health Authority. Voting for Jo Rae Perkins to take Wyden’s Senate seat, Jo Rae having stated unequivocally that the jab was never a vaccine, that the lockdowns and school/business/church closures were unconstitutional, and that we should get out of Ukraine.

    Virtual hugs to TAE commentariat, and agreeing with V. Arnold that the wildlife stuff is wonderful. Every day a chance to fix our gaze on beauty, truth and God’s creation!

    Joy! Love!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 26 2022 #116900
    The Markster

    Hedges is not too old, he is just still oriented to US political establishment, and has a blind spot when it comes to leftist political violence and weaponizing the police state against dissent. Watching fascistic thugs and their DNC sponsors loot and burn and vandalize my hometown of Portland up close for the last six years, and then watching Hedges demonize Aaron Danielson for daring to walk downtown with a US flag t-shirt, while celebrating his tattooed, street-racing “100% Antifa” cold-blooded murderer and criminal Michael Reinoehl as some kind of freedom fighter, I stopped reading his articles altogether.

    The real “Christian” fascists run the Pentagon, the US Air Force Academy, and both the evangelical and mainline Protestant churches in the USA, who join hands with Hedges in pointing fingers at poor people on behalf of the global rich.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 24 2022 #116721
    The Markster

    Thanks to Germ for the excellent article link. Will definitely be using that one in the “rep” letter on tap for this afternoon.

    Afewknowthetruth: I could not agree more, great comment.
    I pray every day these psychos don’t get us all killed before thermodynamics, financial chaos and/or Ma’am Gaia get a chance to shut down the US war machine.

    Peace! Love!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2022 #115732
    The Markster

    Big fan of CJ Hopkins, but just finished Desmet’s book over the weekend and think CJ went off the rails on this one.

    Desmet never argues that the Scamdemic was the result of “mass hypnosis”, or attempts to pathologize the political essence of totalitarianism. Neither does Desmet suggest there is a psych doctor to patient solution for the madness of crowds as CJ suggests he did. The book read to me like a clinical exposition of how and why 50+ years of obscenely-funded, globally-scaled Operation Mockingbird stuff by the Yanks and Her Majesty (RIP darling) have so thoroughly screwed us all beyond repair.

    Or at least until the petrodollar and Anglos get cut back down to size, which God willing won’t be too much longer now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2022 #115119
    The Markster

    Disappointed to see Clowney the Clintonite Harpie on this page today, peddling killler clot shots for toddlers, WEF & White House propaganda on the climate, and the kind of smug condescension and self-righteousness that saturates the Blue Team political establishment and corporate media here in Oregon. Watching that video made me feel dirty, nevermind the gag reflex.

    Great find on the NIH ivermectin listing, though – almost like an actual scientist with a conscience might still be employed there. Not that it will save them or us from medical ruin and unhinged political wrath going forward, but at least it’s something.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 2 2022 #112695
    The Markster

    That video of Graham and McCain wringing their hands with bloodlust and Russophobic hate in Ukraine from 2016 should be mandatory viewing for every US Citizen, immediately after watching WikiLeaks’ Collateral Murder video from 2010. We are ruled by a petulant criminal cabal of evil children.

    So when’s Daddy gonna show up and lay down the law? Clearly Trump was not up to the job. Maybe Russia and China can help? Thermodynamics? Petrodollar collapse by Christmas?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2022 #112281
    The Markster

    Agreed on the complete depravity of those Nazi Chic Vogue ads. Almost as nauseating as an essay by the Episcopal Bishop of Western Oregon I just read yesterday, cheering on the Ukrainian proxy war as a valiant defense of God’s Kingdom. And then two essays before that a lecture on the inherent racism and colonialism of the church, without connecting the dots back to their current warmongering.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2022 #112137
    The Markster

    Daily viewer for 9+ years since peak oil/$ was the hot topic, first post.

    Loving the Jesus/Horus side-by-side because it’s unifying and funny and makes at least one good point, whether or not it is 100% entirely accurate on either a mythological or historical basis. Contrasting the gobsmacked look on Jesus’ face with the smug insouciance of the sketchy Horus character is worth the price if admission alone.

    Thanks for your work in Athens and for this great blog, Mr. Meijer! #FreeAssange #Tulsi2020 #PortlandSucks #RussiaRocks

Viewing 39 posts - 41 through 79 (of 79 total)