D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2021 #83766
    D Benton Smith


    You are projecting.

    When you say you are “sad” you know that you are lying, because in truth you are not experiencing sadness, but it’s opposite : malice. You do wish good things for those who disagree with your fixed ideas, you wish bad things. You are not feeling grief. You’re feeling hate.

    At the base of your malicious intent you are simply terrified, and with good reason.

    To assure your own survival and success it is absolutely essential that you figure out what is true and what is not, and that quest consists of endlessly examining and questioning. As soon as you cling to a single, fixed, “unquestionable” position your ability to question and objectively examine . . . comes to a halt.

    Now you are in the position of thinking and feeling that you must defend your answer by attacking all questioners. You have “bet the farm” that the answer you have arrived at so far (which depends upon your CURRENT knowledge of data and information) is the one true truth AND that the answer you’ve come up with will be magically made manifest in reality by making any and all other data and information silent. Anger, ridicule, selective censorship, lies, force . . . these are all tools of that trade.

    That is simply not the way quests for truth work. True quests work on the basis of discovering reality. Reality is indifferent to your feelings and carved-in-stone beliefs. Figuring out the “answer” to what actually IS, and the “answer” to the question of what is going on around you is an ongoing and evolving process of questioning and inspecting and being willing to revise your best guess. If you are really and truly seeking truth then that best guess is going to refine and revise and and change and sometimes flip-flp over the course of time.

    When that evolution stops, then that’s that. Quest ended. The only visible pathway from that position is down, because the pathway upward is blocked by your own decision to not question.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83689
    D Benton Smith

    Just so’s ya know

    It took less than five minutes of finger walking to finger Eric Feigl-Ding as a CCP operative, whose roots are as bare as the money trail leading from him to his Dad, to the Hang Lung Group (Investment Holding Company) that unsurprisingly just gave Harvard millions of dollars for no good reason. Hang Lung Group’s major holdings are all Mainland China via Hong Kong, and they are tasked with buying up U.S. real estate for the Chinese Communist Party.

    Not very original, but hey , it sure has worked so far!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83659
    D Benton Smith


    ref : “D Benton: did you find that even-handed? Interesting.”

    Fuller’s word choices in several places did suggest beyond reasonable that his position is on what I personally consider to be the wrong side of the vaccine issue, but overall yeah, I would still give him a B+ as an even handed moderator. Basically didn’t he support letting the opposition ( us, in other words) have their say? In a fair debate, with us getting to have our say, the best facts win (usually) which in this case is our side of the moral and scientific argument. I don’t ask that he have no opinion, and I don’t ask that he shut up (nice as that might be .) All I ask is that an actual debate be allowed a platform.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83658
    D Benton Smith

    My sense of humor seems to have darkened recently.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83657
    D Benton Smith


    ref: ” How many people have to die? Seriously, how many deaths will it take before sanity is re-established? ”

    100% should do the trick.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83656
    D Benton Smith


    ref: “Only thing to do is live well. Maybe even long and prosperously.”

    Or, as my daughter advised, “Just go on living, until further notice.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83652
    D Benton Smith

    @Raul Ilargi Meijer

    ref : ” On Bret Weinstein, Alternative Media, Ivermectin and Vaccine related controversies”

    I went there and read that. It was encouraging to see the flickering flame of even handed “moderating” has not been fully extinguished.

    I also bet that a lot of folks here on TAE will flash back at you in pure reflex ( just because it was YOU who posted it and said that the David Fuller article was well written, fair and insightful ). That’s the price you pay for being so snotty in earlier posts and commentary.

    In my experience so far David Fuller is an honest broker who earnestly attempts to moderate discussions and does not shy away from even the hottest of topics , and is very good at questioning everything without rancor or ridicule .

    I was particularly impressed with how well he interviewed Jordan Peterson , here : https://youtu.be/EjqXXengN1s

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2021 #83605
    D Benton Smith

    Are we unwashed masses a viral pathogen infecting the body poltic of the elite, or are they a fatally dangerous experimental vaccine in ours?

    I’m not altogether sure, but the immune response sure is looking like a cytokine storm capable of killing either or both.

    Of course there is always the third possibility : the disease settles into a bloody standoff where the sum total political body (humanity as a whole) struggles along a just little while longer, with a highly compromised (but not quite yet terminal) politicized immune system.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83539
    D Benton Smith

    @Veracious Poet

    ref : ” Some imagine the Infinite created his children for entertainment, as you propose, but I doubt the human mind can hardly fathom the purpose/intent of the Healing, Creative & Loving Power of the Universe ~ The EGO finds the very thought of the Infinite provocative due to the finite of its being.

    I prefer to view this life as a spiritual being having a human experience, as some sort of amusement park/soul school, but you of course are empowered with free will to chose your own understanding & path… ”

    I find myself reading and rerereading your post, and liking it more each time. You must be racking up pretty good marks in that soul school .

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83457
    D Benton Smith

    God ( Prime Cause, Yahwew, Allah, Awareness, the Great Spirit . . . the name of your choice) got bored and yearned for companionship. It must be lonely at the top, ya know ?

    It started off simply enough. A push here, a pull there, something to look at, and then before you know it particles, atoms, spacetime and eventually life and intelligence. These things (and us) are all God’s sock puppets , with which he talks to himself, and the patterns they make produce a myriad of unpredicted consequence that not even omniscience could have imagined in advance. Very entertaining. And unlikely to stop any time soon, regardless of current events.

    So is the above “phylosophic” rambling off topic ?

    Not really.

    Nevertheless, I apologize, and will refrain as hard as I can in future posts. It was Madamski’s post that set me off, so it’s his fault anyway.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83450
    D Benton Smith


    ref : ” Most people confuse themselves with their identitiy. ”

    Hold it right there, Buster. Freeze !! Take one more step you and you run the almost certain risk of becoming enlightened.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83442
    D Benton Smith


    Clinical trials require a control group of participants as a benchmark against which to measure whether the experiment reveals change in comparison to doing nothing at all.

    Thank you for your service.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 11 2021 #83328
    D Benton Smith

    It is patently obvious that the stats contained in the interactive chart that Raul just embedded from OWID are evidence of SOMETHING, but it sure as hell isn’t evidence of legitimate information of about confirmed Covid-19 cases.

    Examination of the numbers from any and every perspective ( medical, statistical, political, logical, etc ) returns the same result : IMPOSSIBILITY.

    341 cases in one place and 15 cases right next door ? Consistently? North American case numbers in lockstep with HALF of Europe . . . and virtually reverse with the OTHER half of europe? I mean give me a fucking break. That is absurd.

    Those 6 countries are NOT measuring the same thing using the same criteria within the same time frame. It is just not physically possible .

    I can barely believe that OWID actually published this hogwash. Yet there it is. Stunning! OWID is so breathtakingly incompetent that they peddling bull shit and include the interactive PROOF of it at the same time.

    Wow. I mean, just, WOW!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 11 2021 #83323
    D Benton Smith

    Messing about with DNA, in general
    Messing about with the human genome, in general,
    Deliberate creation of SARS CoV2 virus (and/or things intended to be very much like it)
    The disease such a virus may or may not have caused
    The pandemic which that disease may or may not have triggered
    Unprecedented actions to control effected populations, obstensibly to curb the ostensible pandemic
    More messing about with human genome with experimental genetic vaccines

    Consequences of all of the above

    There ya have it

    The biggest Clinical Trials ever, of the most sophisticated genetic experiment ever : Homo Sapiens.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 10 2021 #83190
    D Benton Smith

    The individuals and organizations of the World Economic Forum may, indeed sound like space alien elitest power intoxicated hubristic wack jobs, but I would remind everyone that they do represent the vast VAST majority of the world’s money and insitutional authority. Why in the world would anyone NOT believe that they are sincere in their what they have said they intend to do? Have their actions aligned with their stated intentions or not ?

    That’s a rhetorical question, of course. We all know why because we are the one’s refusing to believe plain text, looking away from the body bags, and waffling turning the bodies of helpless children into little spike protein factories.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 10 2021 #83183
    D Benton Smith

    A note to and about our favorite professional pundits and opinion leaders.

    To not believe in explicit conspiracy is to not believe in the human activity of planning as a means of getting what you want. To actually dismis a possibility merely because it offends one’s sensitivities is a good way to find things out the hard way and too late to do much about it.

    Sifting through the hypotheses is not easy, and made more difficult still by our own filters (which can be faulty) and the literary style of the source material.

    Just stick to the actual FACTS (even skimpy or weird ones) and the scientific method. While you’re at it, also remember the wisdom of Arthur Conan Doyle. When you have eliminated the impossible then what remains (regardless of how improbable) is the best answer you’re going to come up with. Act accordingly if you’ve got the nerve, stomach and need to.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 10 2021 #83176
    D Benton Smith

    That which does not kill us
    becomes The New Normal

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 9 2021 #83045
    D Benton Smith

    @ Dr. D
    “JMG’s synopsis of CV is totally objective, passionless, and correct as usual. We disagree only in that although the LOWER levels of bureaucracy, incompetence, and graft all are accidental and don’t know, yet my perception is there remains a higher level that is well aware and exploits these weakness while fighting tirelessly to keep these failures not reformed and well-entrenched year after year to exploit them again after.”

    Perfectly summarized. I was going to make similar comment but with easily 10 times more words. Thankyou.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2021 #82969
    D Benton Smith

    @ Absolute Galore

    re : Fauci warns more severe COVID-19 variant could emerge as cases rise: US ‘could really be in trouble’

    I have a line to an individual in charge of a hospital Covid Ward on the Northwest Coast and early indications are that the predicted pathogen has already arrived, about 2-3 weeks ago in their neck of the woods. Serious cases increased from single digits per week during the last few months and is now all-beds-filled over the course of the 3 weeks. This applied firstly to the approx 60 beds , all told, in the smaller/rural surrounding facilities that the Regional hospital was using to hide the problem, but over the weekend Regional filled up too.
    Patients are vaxxed and unvaxxed in equal proportion, tending to be younger and much healthier than previous norms, but the most alarming trend is that many do not to treatment with antibodies. There have been several rapid onsets and deaths of otherwise very healthy patients. Staff at that unit have over a year on the ‘Front Lines’ , so to speak , and are seeing it as a significant and serious change from what they were dealing with compared to last year.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2021 #82912
    D Benton Smith

    Just took one for the team by suffering through the entire Sam Harris / Eric Topol podcast of shame. Oh my gaawd ! It was SO bad, so thinly veiled insult and malice that this no time to be inappropriately polite it. No one should buy the hype that either of these smarmy jerks is actually smart. I mean , seriously. They are so transparently FAKE .

    The only way Topol could have published anything legitimately scientific is if he coercively stole it AND (and I hope Tony isn’t offended by the comparison) he is like Fauci’s dim-witted evil twin, complete with mafioso dialect. Harris’ touted “genius” (despite purchased praise to the contrary ) is simply divorced from reality. He is an actor playing the role of smart and humble, reading a juvenile bullshit script to wax eloquently about complete fantasy as though abstract nonsense is equal to fact. Totally mistaking the map for the terrain, and about as conscious as the SciFi superdupercomputer he wants to plug us into.

    I’m serious. They’re both as phoney as a whoopie cushion, just not as funny.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2021 #82893
    D Benton Smith

    Suggested sign at all points of entry to places of manadtory masking, testing, vaccination, censorship and general holliganism :


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2021 #82833
    D Benton Smith

    It is because AI is not conscious that it is incapable of making informed choices on matters which are literally BASED upon consciousness. Losing a dollar, honor or a loved one in no way comparable to losing love, companionship or trust. It is literally impossible to reduce that type of lived experience into the numeric values that are the only data which computerised algorithms can run.

    Sociopaths have much the same problem. Because they have little or no empathy they are literally INCAPABLE of solving problems which are BASED on truly appreciating the subjective, lived, experiences of other people. They are baffled by the fact that people distrust or even hate the liars whose incessant lfalsifications have caused terrible personal harm. It doesn’t compute.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2021 #82805
    D Benton Smith


    A few points about your points :

    Raul sets the tone and agenda, of his own free will I presume, by means of the news aggregation at the start of each edition.

    I’ve been posting in fits and starts for a little over 8 years, in comparison to your 1 year. That affords me no special privileges nor does it make my opinion or druthers any better than yours . . . but it does give me a much longer perspective, and I think TAE is toddling along just fine.

    I am sure that this place has its fair share of curmudgeons, delicate egos, prima donnas and ranters, but probably no ordinary and outright trolls at the moment that I know of .

    Yeah, things get wound up a little tight from time to time but then Raul raps our knuckles and most of us calm down.

    I absolutely do not share your opinion that there are only 3 worthy regular posters currently active. Even if that were true you have not showed the rest of much reason to accept your presumptuous claim to know these unnamed posters might be.

    Earn your spurs, cowboy. Start posting. I’ll read your stuff and decide for myself if you’ve got the chops to make such a call.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2021 #82776
    D Benton Smith

    Why is everyone so pissed off at the government for not doing its job ? Isn’t the government hired and paid to provide security to “good” people by taking away the freedom of “bad” people . . . by force if necessary ? Well, it sure looks to me like that’s exactly what they’re doing, and doing it with unprecedented gusto. Mission almost fully accomplished. Vaccine passports should wrap it up nicely.

    In other words, you can have your security or you can eat your freedom, but you can’t eat your security and have cake at the same time. . . or something like that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82704
    D Benton Smith

    Whether by recovery from environmental infection or assisted by vaccine, recovery is ultimately accomplished by only ONE means : the individual’s immune system. Even the most deluded megalomaniacal psychopaths in thrall to BioEngineering (which NOBODY understands beyond science kindergarten levels) must still acknowledge that system’s billion years of refinement. But they nevertheless arrogate to them selves to right to improve upon it . . . whether you like it or not.

    They justify this hubristic arrogance with the most illogical and irrational circularity imaginable. Essentially they simply brush off the reality of consciousness itself as though it were a minor issue that will be cleared up in the future by their ARTFICIAL mimicry of intelligence.

    What all of those megalomaniacs DO claim however ( and with ZERO evidence ) is that the individual’s immune system is absolutely unaffected by anything other than materialistic processes which they interpret to be purely and only “deterministic” in their entirety. They hold these atheistic beliefs with a religious fervor equal to anything in the historial record. No surprise, since atheist deterministic materialism is very VERY much a RELIGIOUS belief . It is simply the polar opposite of THEIST. One end of a long graduated scale of beliefs about the origin of things. Most folks are somewhere in the middle ( God made the Universe but the laws of physics still apply because God made those, too.)

    Because “True Believers” in the religion of atheist deterministic materialism are completely stumped by the inexplicable (to them at least) existence of CONSCIOUSNESS ( they call it the “hard problem” of physics) they skirt the question by saying it will be solved by computerized machines real soon, meaning as soon as they can shut you up.

    These extremists are currently in charge of the planet (they think) and that is why the multiplicity of crises at this time all seem to have the same creepy and distasteful flavor. It’s also why mass murder on the truly grand scale is no big deal to their way of thinking. Conscious being and experience is just an emergent property of stuff being banged together in some peculiar way that they’ll solve just as soon as all of us obstructionist disposables are safely out of the way as slaves or corpses.

    So, you can see how this might lead to a serious dust-up, and that is precisely where I believe this dog’s breakfast of a “system” is going.

    Don’t worry about whether or not to choose some drastic solution, because the degree to which you do NOT choose then the choice is being made for you. You will fight, or fall or buckle under, and that will simply be that. In other words, the game is afoot and ultimately you will do whatever you BELIEVE is the best thing under the circumstances that you find yourself in as this all plays out.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82682
    D Benton Smith

    @Figmund Sreud

    There is a very important point glowing just under the surface of your observation that attorney Fleming may be morphing into a Fauci hunter. Here’s the point :

    Every investigator ( which includes Scientists, Lawyers, Journalists, et al ) , as they delve deeper and deeper into an unkown in order to know what’s really going on, runs the risk of taking a stance for or against something. It is really hard NOT to do that, especially when they discover that they have a personal stake in the outcome. That stake can be ( and often is ) completely legitimate , but the effect can cause real problems. Once they choose a side they are liable to lose the fullness of their objectivity and start seeing one side of the issue more clearly and poignantly than they did before. What happens next is usually a fight, and what was previously a search deteriorates into a contest. Depending upon the stakes that contest can get really ferocious . . . even deadly in extreme cases.

    It’s just another one of those pitfalls. Life’s full of them. In my own experience it helps to be aware of them, and to know what it is when it happens.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82673
    D Benton Smith

    I think there is an extremely high probability that our so-called leaders are listening to ( and BELIEVING, unfortunately) a host of computer driven/ machine learning / Artificial Intelligence algorithms almost exclusively, and ignoring the heartfelt pleas from their consituants and even their OWN hearts . . . because the machines (in service to rather sociopathic but otherwise rational elites) are both predicting and CAUSING human chaos in a feedback loop.

    Since machines are not conscious these AI solutions cannot actually evaluate ANYTHING. They can be programmed to simulate conscious evaluation of what is good or bad . . . but ultimately these simulations are just that. They are simulations. FAKE. Fake now and fake forevermore (Dawkins, Kurzweil, their ilk and their sophistry be damned!) .

    It is also highly probable that the way out, realistically, is going to be the more or less catastrophic collapse of the highly complex technical apparatus that made such robo-tyranny possible in the first place. Our job is to save the pieces (and our loved ones) when that goes down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82658
    D Benton Smith


    Since I am the person who braced you the most directly, harshly and explicitly it is fitting that I be the first to ask that you not leave.

    You are not a troll or anything like it. I reviewed your posts going back many years and they prove beyond doubt that your positions and opinions are earnestly held.

    In your post to Raul you said, “I made the mistake of responding to every reaction to what I said.”

    I suggest that your mistake was not in responding to every reaction, but in REACTING to every response. It’s an easy and human mistake that we have all made. It’s just one of those human flaws we would all benefit from working on to improve.

    Presenting the views of the loyal opposition . . . respectfully when possible . . . benefits everyone. Ironically, it is a vital part of the Scientific Process that we all claim to revere.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82648
    D Benton Smith


    Just watch the linked video on “The Neuroscience of Creativity, Perception, and Confirmation Bias” , Totally friggin awesome! Good and useful stuff . . . and very pertinent to the matters we address here. Thankee kindly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82645
    D Benton Smith

    (probably) Like many others on this forum I am a “conspiracy theorist”, but not by predilection or preference. I would much rather be a full time ordinary citizen and only “an-occasional-and-part-time” “conspiracy NEWS REPORT consumer.”

    If the official (and well paid !) conspiracy police investigators, conspiracy prosecutors, conspiracy judges, conspiracist jailers and mainstream journalists would do their respective jobs then perhaps that would be possible.

    But, alas, such is not the case.

    And so, back I go to wading through tons of unpleasantness and arcane sciency stuff that is literally wearing out my my brain, my dictionary and my patience. (not doing much good to my pocketbook either.)

    But to be perfectly frank, I sure wouldn’t mind a peaceful ETTWAWHCTKIR (which acronyms the wishful thought of an “End To The World As We Have Come To Know It Recently” ) .

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82582
    D Benton Smith

    @Mister Roboto

    That wasn’t a portent, actually. It was your olfactory sense. You smelled a plague rat. . . deflationista, to be specific and explicitly personal. (deflatmo is a little slow, so if I didn’t spell it out he might not get it.) The miasma reminds of rotted troll, only stinkier. It took days to clear the stench after the last one.


    So whadaya say, deflated one, are you craving a little humiliation? Here are your choices:
    1. Stop being an asshole and play nice (most advisable but least likely)
    2. Scuttle back into your sewer (most probable, eventually, but your learning disabilitity will make that a painfully slow realization)
    3. Stay and play (obviously this is the one I want because dismantling imitation intellects like you is almost as much fun as slugging rats in the gutter.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82522
    D Benton Smith

    Covid is not the only massively unprecedented , species-risking, genetic experiment going on at the moment.
    I’m speaking, of course, about the all inclusive planetary scale attempt to subjugate the entire population by means of a co-ordinated no-holds-barred war of aggression, squarely aimed at permanently unbalancing the fundamental dichotomies of human existence : Truth versus Lie, Free versus Compelled, and Living Awareness vs Mechanistic Oblivion.
    Religious comparisons are difficult to avoid, but even without them the fact that we are experiencing an existential crisis of our own making is glaringly obvious to practically everyone still able to think.
    If our life on Earth is a test of some kind, then it looks very much to me that humankind is already irreversibly engaged in the biggest exam we have ever faced. Let’s hope it’s a Mid-Term and not the Final.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82442
    D Benton Smith

    The French Consitutional Court must have skipped a lot of history classes. Allow me to update their crib sheet before that big exam that’s coming up : Louis XVI

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82440
    D Benton Smith

    Blessed are the paranoid, for they shall assume all trucks are out to get them and jump out of the way in time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82437
    D Benton Smith

    Blessed are the well informed, for they shall identify the truck that hits them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82426
    D Benton Smith


    Your description of yourself is so precisely a description of MYself that it’s downright spooky.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82422
    D Benton Smith

    Rudyard Kipling was an observant and articulate spokesperson for his team, to be sure, and as such he observed a few things which far transcend the relatively narrow needs of an empire at one or another moment in history.
    One of those observations that pertains to our own narrow needs at this particular moment is this :

    Some people keep their heads in the midst of mortal chaos, and some do not. The implied advice is obvious.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82420
    D Benton Smith

    Good little website that deserves a bigger readership :


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 4 2021 #82381
    D Benton Smith

    I took someone’s advice and did the ol’ “due diligence” thing on Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz.

    I won’t rehash his backtrail details because, frankly, there are too many assholes in this world to waste time on every piece of shit that comes along. He’s a spook, a shill, a one-trick-pony hatchet man and a complete fraud . He is in no way an epidemiologist. He works in the School of Social Sciences, Media & Communication there at Wollonong U , and all 25 of his “published papers” are hit pieces on real scientists and/or cheerleading for Big Pharma . What a complete DICK ! The nicest thing you could say about Mr. Katz is that at least he’s moderately competent in the spy game . . . just not for our team.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 3 2021 #82133
    D Benton Smith

    The Big Chicken in the Sky answered my prayers with the following phylosophy to impart:

    Fear of death by an invisible stalker is being pumped through the public’s bloodstream by the usual suspects just as energetically as they are capable . . . as all of you well know and have often said. I would like to address that issue.

    Death is like taking a seat in a hushed and darkened theater. Pessimists think the show is over. Optimists think the curtain is about to go up, and Realists consider grabbing a snack from the concessionaire in the lobby. All but the most extreme of us are a mix of all three.

    Our fear of death is how “they” control “us”, and their fear of death is what drives them to do so. I think we should first be aware that such is the case, and then consider possible “best ways” to proceed from that point. Opinions will vary on what “best” means. Here’s the point : We live for as long as we can manage. In the meantime there are excellent snacks available from the lobby.

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