D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86824
    D Benton Smith

    Your decision to concede to some other authority the right to make your decisions . . . is a decision, and you cannot avoid the consequences.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86822
    D Benton Smith

    Therefore it is imperative, for your successful survival, to inform yourself with true information . . . the truthfulness of which is ALSO fully, and only, your own responsibility to determine.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86820
    D Benton Smith

    It is simply and logically impossible to avoid being 100% responsible for the consequences of your own decisions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86707
    D Benton Smith

    Napolean is said to have said , “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

    What I see is a pan-global power structure that is absolutely adament about masking, vaxxing, medically abandoning, and firing THE MAJORITY OF COMPLIANT AGREEABLE PEOPLE WHO CONSTITUTE THE BASE AND SOURCE OF THE POWER STRUCTURE’S POWER. They are literally killing the geese who lay those golden eggs. They’re cutting off the tree branch that they’re sitting on. (add as many metaphors as you wish. There are plenty)

    Since these genius elites go purple faced apoplectic if you even SAY that you might interrupt their ongoing suicide , then I say “FINE ! Finish what you started. It’s going to be a lot safer and quieter around here when you’re done. Too bad so many gullible slaves are going with you. We’ll save as many of them as we can. . . but they are AWFULLY gullible.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86699
    D Benton Smith

    Power is very much like a Ponzi Scheme. It exists ONLY because the many give to a few . . . and for worthless bullshit reasons which only look good in the first place because the suckers want the same thing.

    Power and Ponzi schemes always end the same way , too . They end when they run out of suckers. They end when the suckers wake up and realize that they got NOTHING (no power, no wealth, no nada) back to theirgreedy selves in exchange for all of the power and money they paid “upwards” in their vain and stupid delusion that they could ultimately get more out of something than they personally put into it.

    The old “something for nothing” scam. . . writ large. Well, not in THIS Universe, boyo !

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86697
    D Benton Smith

    Making everyone wear a mask is just one more way for the Power Elites ( who , by definition, head-up the top layers of virtually ALL of society’s insitutionalized power structures ) to tell everyonbe else to just shut up.

    Censorship is another way.

    But the be-all end-all is mass murder.

    To disagree with what THEY say is the one and only right way is a capital offense. Their motto is “My Way or No Way .”

    When a human mind reaches that stage of “selfishness” it is officially insane . . . and extremely dangerous . . . because it sees others as having no value or validity whatsoever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2021 #86648
    D Benton Smith

    @ the flacidista

    Your persistance reminds of that scene from “When Harry Met Sally” where the pathetic old perv in a trenchcoat exposes himself to Sally. She’s barely even distracted and just comments offhandedly. “Huh! Looks just like a penis, only smaller.”

    Kind of like your efforts to troll us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2021 #85836
    D Benton Smith

    @chettt ref : ” So this is what we’ve come to. ”

    Yes. So far . But remember that there’s quite a bit more to come before we get to the destination.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2021 #85832
    D Benton Smith

    Here is a super tough question. It very probably pertains DIRECTLY to why the rulers and elites are apparently trying to kill off a bunch of us, so it’s NOT off-topic or meant to be sarcastic or snarky. It is asked in earnest :

    ” Why do you think that other people should agree with your solutions, and see the world the same as you do? Why not the other way around ?”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2021 #85760
    D Benton Smith

    A human being can be aware of its own ignorance. We can know that there is something that we don’t know and want to do something about it. It’s called curiosity.

    Machines cannot do that, because there is “no one home” capable of wanting anything. Thus, no curiosity. No matter how closely a machine imitates or emulates the actions which characterize curiosity, the inescapable fact remains that there is no actual curiosity existing therein.

    It should be clear by now to just about everyone that the forces of evil over there in the wilds of Davos and Silicon Valley are running their entire campaign as an Artificial Intelligence operation (with the help of the good folks at Google , CIA, Baidu, WEF and so on) . The sophistication and fine-grain predictive accuracy of their Event 201 covid pandemic simulation showed you everything you need to know about their level and degree of preparedness and attention to forward running prediction. They’ve been working out and war gaming this thing for a LONG time.

    In other words, their AI knew a lot more than we thought it did about pulling off the Big con. That first trick they pulled was a masterpiece. Nevertheless there are a lot of things that their AI doesn’t know, too. And due to its complete lack of actual curiosity it will never make an effort to find out.

    The same can be accurately said about the empty head hubris infected elites who are using that AI like a bludgeon right now. They reckon they don’t have to really know anything because experts and computerized artificial intelligence models will do all of that for them. Wrong! It won’t.

    In an ironic sort of way , the bad guys are the first Trans-Humans : They are a melding of human bosses and computerized artificial intelligence algorithms which do most of the thinking and decision making for them, the AI’s living masters. The quasi-organism created by this symbiosis is , of course, mentally ill. In fact its a classic paranoid schizophrenic with antisocial traits, but that’s beside the point.

    There’s something else that an AI literally can not know. It can not contain that which no one puts in. Computers can not calculate with data that is not put into them in some way. No data in equals no data out, so that means that AIs are utterly oblivious to ALL data except the teensie weensie microscopic little bit of data that it’s designers and operators allow for. Stuff like all of your cell phone’s everything is easy. Data like why you love being alive and free is quite a bit harder to digitize and steal. Therefore AI has none of that.

    Because its data is so faulty it’s answers will be faulty too, and its solutions for addressing the consequences of those faults and mistakes will also be wrong. And yes, it does go exponential pretty quickly. That’s the chaos we see rising at such alarmingly accelerating rate across the globe. Classic feed-back loop.

    In other words, the forces of evil in this case have a built-in fatal flaw that’s unwinding it like a dirvish: The electronics based artificial intelligence modeling that they (our rulers) depend on for REALITY, is itself totally oblivious to reality. An AI can calculate using the faulty data that it is fed. . . and that’s all.

    Of course as new data arrives ( such as “How mad ARE those peasants whose kids we just lured to their deaths ?”) that new data gets fed right back into the AI , which then re-calculates possible solutions and predicted outcomes and issues the next set of instructions. The elite translate these proposals into operational commands and faithfully send them down through their various institutional chains of command as orders. And there ya go. Every employee knows what flows downhill.

    These would-be demigods are as “trans human” as it is currently possible to be, but don’t worry. They’re working hard to make it as worsely possible as possible, as quick as they can.

    Their reach extends not one inch further than the bureaucratic institutions that they own from the top down. Beyond that they are cripples. Beyond the tips of their spears they are absolutely powerless. And the clarity of their world view is as fuzzy and limited as what the AI tells them it is. Beyond that they are blinder than bats.

    So here is a temporary two part work-around :

    1. Just keep putting truths out there and repeated as broadly as you can and as often as you can, because the AI modeling and proposed solutions MUST try to stop it, and every time it succeeds it creates a new opponent. In other words, use the AI’s automaticity as a weapon against it. If undesired truthful information continues to be circulated outside of their control, then they will feed that unacceptable situation into the AI calculation the derived solution will include more lies and censorship, and make new opponents. It’s a computer based program. It has no choice.

    2. Continue building whatever you feel like building, but build it OUTSIDE of the dwindling authority of the captured and dying institutions. If you’re a doctor, for example, then just go on being a doctor. SCREW the license. If that means you’re going to need legal help then hire a disbarred lawyer. You get the idea. Just go on living until further notice.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2021 #85560
    D Benton Smith

    @raul Ilargi meijer

    ref: “ Would like some input. Will soon have to address the question: “What are governments et al going to do when they can no longer avoid the fact that the vaccines don’t work?” The PHE briefing referenced in the last two Debt Rattles make this very clear: “Vaccine Effectiveness 15% in the Over-50s, 37% in the Under-50s” and “67% Of UK Covid-19 Deaths Since February 2021 Were Vaccinated”.

    Here is my best “ Scientific Wild Assed Guess” about what will occur when the vaccine failure becomes totally un-hidable. Clearly the authorities in power will continue with their current, authoritarian centrally controlled messaging, governance by edict, and ‘do-it-or-else’ management of all of the institutional power structures that are currently in their grip. They have no other ways or means of exercising their style of totalitarian rule. These desperate efforts and lies will ctinue to have less and less effect on what people believe is actually going on around them.

    Some institutions (like big Media, the Court System, Big Tech, Medical & Health Authority and money distribution) are very easy to control that way. Orders and edicts simply go into the hopper at the top and are then complied with in an orderly Chain-Of-Command enforcement from the top down. Disobedience is rare and fruitless, since the disobedient are simply fired. Furthermore, and since their “product” is an extremely non-tangible concept called “obedience” , the actual total number of these managers can be reduced by 80 % or more and their absence would be be almost unnoticeable. The primary visible difference would probably be that the orders being hastily given would be increasingly later, crazier, and increasingly disconnected from reality. . . like Hitler issuing urgent directives to non-existent armies in the final days of Berlin’s fall.

    HOWEVER AND NEVERTHELESS : Other institutions, like police, fire rotection, food distribution, utilities, medical services, traansportation and distribution , which are dependent on large numbers of voluntarily employed workers are a WAY different story. Absence of police, firemen, truck drivers, paramedics, rescue workers, and medical staff will be felt both immediately and acutely. There are no acceptable excuses, work-arounds or substitutes for truly essential services. If they remain un-staffed and un-done for days or weeks then the social fabric fails abruptly and devolves into chaos that only an army could put down.

    BUT IF THE MILITARY HAS LOST A THIRD OF ITS FORCES AS WELL (including vital positions in the chain of command itself) then the military , too, will dissolve into chaos. Picture the Fall of Kabul . . . across the width and breadth of modern civilization. Not a pretty sight.

    The bad guys cannot quit now . Because to do so would assure their own personal deaths at the hands of various and numerous outraged victims. . . at least some of who have the capacity for tangible , forceful , “unauthorized” responses. That crowd will be a WILD array of good guys bad guys and opportunistic lunatics

    Most foks will do nothing. Many people will talk. And a few DOERS will act.

    That’s what I reckon could happen. In truth , that’s what I think SHALL happen, so that’s what I’m getting ready for . . . to the extent that one can actually get “ready” for complete systems failure and dissolution.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2021 #85039
    D Benton Smith

    FDA jab approval in open defiance of very very explicit laws . . . surprises no one. Add it to the litany of scofflaw edicts from Washington that are now so common that I believe we have to say that it’s simply the S.O.P. way of doing business.

    And from the Supreme Court ? Even the crickets have gone silent.

    The alley fight has spilled into the street. No-holds-barred now. Guns are next.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2021 #85036
    D Benton Smith


    Spot on. The trick question is : Who in their right mind would want to do that , and what are the nuts-n-bolts means of doing it ?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2021 #85027
    D Benton Smith

    The following post probably got missed by many because it posted in the latest hours last night, but I think it’s relevant enough to today’s discussions to put it back up for review.

    Pertinent and interesting that the following legal definitions (lifted verbatim from legal refrence publications) are equally applicable to both Covid 19 (virus development, disease pandemic, and so-called “vaccine” campaign) and to the debacle of Afghanistan (the war, the failure, and the troop withdrawal) .

    [start of quoted material] Fraud must be proved by showing that the defendant’s actions involved five separate elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.
    In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder.
    If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.
    “depraved heart” murder is the form of murder that establishes that the wilful doing of a dangerous and reckless act with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence… It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence… It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm. [end of quoted material ]

    I have only one comment to add : There has yet to be even so much as a misdemeanor indictment for any of it.

    in reply to: The Covid Coyote Conspiracy Theory #85009
    D Benton Smith

    I find it relevant and interesting that the following legal terms (lifted almost verbatim from legal refrence publications) are equally applicable to both Covid 19 (virus development, disease pandemic, and so-called “vaccine” campaign) and to the debacle of Afghanistan (the war, the failure, and the troop withdrawal) .

    [quote] Fraud must be proved by showing that the defendant’s actions involved five separate elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result. [unquote]

    [quote] In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought. In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder, while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,” varying degrees of manslaughter,or third-degree murder.
    If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.
    “depraved heart” murder is the form of murder that establishes that the wilful doing of a dangerous and reckless act with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence… It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence… It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm. [unquote]

    I have only one comment to add : There has yet to be even so much as a misdemeanor indictment for any of it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2021 #84994
    D Benton Smith

    I’ve got a great idea for global depopulation, but the downside is that it would only cut total current population by about 0.000001 %.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2021 #84952
    D Benton Smith


    ref : ” So, confirmation bias then. Why do you think you are a good judge of what makes sense in virology and immunology? And if you are, why do you need to read anything? ”

    The same judgement that empowers me to judge from whom to expect information more likely to be be true rather than false. No guarantees, of course, but ya gotta start somewhere in the search for good data . . . and it’s inadvisable to turn to sources thrice proven to be pathological liars, fools, crooks and bullshit artsists.

    Of what use is an expert to ANYONE if those “anyones” don’t have some capacity to judge who is a reliable expert. Are you volunteering for the job ? Will YOU recommend where I should turn for verity? If, so then convince me why I should take your advices.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2021 #84938
    D Benton Smith


    One of my earliest formal investigations was of comparative religion. The conclusion was that they were all predicated on pretty much the same basic concepts (which I more or less agreed with) but were operated day-to-day as power structures ( which I disagreed with, for the most part.) Then at age 12 came the first big moment of decision, putting my actions where my thoughts were. I made an appointment to meet with my Catholic parish priest, who I respected. In the meeting I told him that I could no longer honestly be a Catholic because I simply did not and could not believe in several of the it’s core dogma. He accepted my resignation without argument, whereupon I went my way with renewed respect for him AND his chosen religion.

    The quest continues. Going better than expected so far, so few complaints.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2021 #84933
    D Benton Smith

    There may or may not be organized control structures above the World Economic Forum, directing and coordinating its activities for purposes that are not fully expressed in the published goals and purposes of that august owners club that is explicitly owned and operated by the 1000 richest entities in the world. It would be highly irrational not to at least observe and consider the possibility. Like the old saying goes, everybody has got a boss.

    In the final analysis, though, that probability does not really matter, because the most serious ( fatal, actually) flaw is built right into the organization as it presents itself. It’s not a secret. It’s published and common knowledge, right there in the open for all to see . . . or NOT to see, as the case may be. Because the flaw isn’t based on something or anything that the WEF has. It’s what the WEF does not have.

    It does not have checks and balances. It’s a monopoly, so to speak, which has no competitor of roughly equal power to prevent it from simply doing whatever it wants . . . with no way to reign it in if it decides that it wants everything.

    That management part of the World Economic Forum, that part which gives orders to its subordinate parts, consists solely and only of its owners . . . the aforementioned 1000 richest entities in the world. Nothing wrong with that, right ?

    Well, yes, actually. There is something wrong with that. It’s called detente, balance of power, “checks and balances”, fairness, equality and a host of other more or less inadequate attempts to label a concept that is fundamental to existance. For every force there is an equal and opposite force.

    In other words, if the forces which control the actions of the WEF consist only of those who represent financial power , then that power is unchecked by the other forces which are necessary to survival.

    These other forces have no authoritative role in the WEF’s executive management, and even the toothless “advisory” roles parcelled out to a chosen few are limited to those who are “invited” to it by the financial powers who select them.

    I should not have to point out the liklihood of anyone being selected who wants to say something that the WEF ownership sincerely and earnestly doesn’t like.

    Also, that there are types of power other than financial which are harder to see or measure but are every bit as vitally necessary to life as money. Perhaps more. Money may make the world go around, but it most definitely does NOT make the world.

    Not only can money not buy you love, it can’t even rent the truth, justice , freedom and life that make life worth loving.

    Is there, then, a way for the forces of love and truth and justice to get a seat on the board ? Nope. The WEF Board decides who gets to sit on the board, and they are financial power.

    It’s a conundrum, isn’t it? A dilemma. Catch 22.

    In which case there is one and only one way to fix it.

    You have to start telling the truth.

    Not all at once, mind you. That might be impossible, and way too dangerous in any case. No, all I’m saying is that you have to start telling the truth. Tell some, and then tell a bit more, and then even more. No need to shoot anybody (I hope) , just keep looking and telling.

    You will know when you have told ENOUGH truth when the combined force of that truth, love, justice and freedom matches the money force of the World Economic Forum. You’ll know it’s enough when the WEF and friends are reigned in from their reckless quest for suicidal power.

    At which point you can ease off. Please don’t overdo it. Checks and balances , remember?

    in reply to: How Little Clerks Become Mass Murderers #84895
    D Benton Smith

    How come FACTS are “misinformation” in today’s Newspeak ?

    Easy. It works like this: when someone wants you to do something it’s usually because the ‘something’ that they want you to do is going to help THEM in some way. In other words, there’s something in it for them. There MIGHT also be something in it for you, but that is entirely beside the point. Basically, they want what THEY want, and screw you. (and don’t get up on any moral high horse, because you’ve done the same damned thing when the tables were on the other foot.)

    This self-serveing bias is not always the case, of course, but anyone who has lived on THIS planet for long has learned the hard way that it usually is. It is so true that we are automatically wary about doing anything we’re told without first checking the facts and thinking it carefully through.

    Getting back to the main point, they want something so they tell you whatever it is that they think is most likely to produce the result which serves their interests. To their way of thinking, good for them is the definition of good, period. They actually believe it. EVERYTHING that they tell you is therefore legitimate INFORMATION because the PURPOSE behind it is legitimate because it causes the “good” thing to happen, which just so happens to make them rich, powerful and immune from prosecution. What a coincidence.

    By that measure, then, any and all data that might prevent the desired “good” result they yearn for is MISINFORMATION. It does not matter one nano-fuck how TRUE it might be. They do not give a micro-shit about truthful factuality. That doesn’t even cross their brain barrier. Any and all data contrary to the achievement of their rapacious ambition simply IS . . . by defintion . . . misinformation.

    And yeah, it’s insane, but if everyone does it then who’s crazy ? Desiring lies of any kind at any time for any purpose . . . is as crazy as a bed bug. It is literally the act of WANTING AND ACTING to obliterate one’s own ability to think and act successfully . . . and that is batshit crazy. Just because everyone’s is doing it too doesn’t make it and less so. It might, however, mean that we are inmates in a lunatic asylum.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2021 #84842
    D Benton Smith

    ref : ” 70% of the recent calls to poison control in the state have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin . . . ”

    Point 1. You are a flat out liar, who altered ONE badly undocumented wire story out of Mississippi and added your own percentage number to make it sound official.
    Point 2. Since you obviously pulled the phoney percentage number out of your ass we must all wonder what else is up your ass other than your head and a ton of backlogged feces.
    Point 3. Consider yourself on notice. Raul tolerates you as a matter of policy principle. I am under no such constraints. I tolerate stupidity. I do NOT tolerate malice. One more lie like the one you just posted and I will take great delight in making your continued presence here a thing you deeply regret.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84639
    D Benton Smith

    @Veracious Poet

    ref : ” Would anyone here shed a tear if We were all dead tomorrow?”

    Well I, for one, would be very VERY sad. I would shed a tear, if I could, but of course I would be dead and all that so literal tears might be a little difficult.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84613
    D Benton Smith


    ref: ” “I understand that you can’t accept what i’ve said here because it implies a level of Evil that’s monstrous in scope. “

    It’s not just the evil that is monstrous in scope, but the sheer magnitude of data that must be sifted through before the picture gradually comes into focus. To make a long story short, I very much do accept what you say, but I also understand fairly precisely why your observation falls so often on closed ears. Even smart people reject what they are emotionally incapable of experiencing.

    Keep trying anyway. It won’t make anyone worse off than they are, and who knows . . . it might actually help a little bit.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84422
    D Benton Smith


    ref: ” . . . empirical logic concepts that are usually only apprehensible via spiritual/mystical . . .”

    I reckon that there are not two Universes ( a Material and a Spiritual ) , but just one. Kinda what the word Universe means.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84391
    D Benton Smith

    Well we can blame the psychos at the top until the cows come home to roost for all the good it will do us. When that doesn’t work maybe we could try howling at the moon or having a nice big global-civil-war that drapes corpses from one pole to the other.
    The reason those things (or any thing) won’t work is that it is not just the TOP that is at fault.
    What’s broken is the WHOLE (the entirety itself, the species) whose ingrained proclivities MADE the top, and then tolerated that top, and dutifully obeyed that top while the top and its sycophants methodically killed everyone lower than them on the totem pole.
    So what is this “something” that is such a serious flaw ? It doesn’t matter what the flaw is. What matters is that a flaw demonstrably exists. Just look around. SOMETHING (some inadequacy of one kind or another) has caused this mess. There’s the effect. Causes caused it.
    The fact that “the top” and its minions are also killing THEMSELVES in the process simply prooves the point that this is not just a problem of a few bad apples. It is some sort of systemic flaw, and we are living the undeniable consequences of it.
    For lack of specific knowledge on its nature one might be tempted to call the shortcoming something like “Too Stupid To Live” , but that doesn’t fit all of the facts because abstract intelligence ( ” IQ” ?) does not seem to have all that much to do with it. Plenty of very high IQ people exist on both sides of the debacle, and plenty of simple folk and other wild creatures remain more or less unconcerned altogether. They might be on to something.
    Personally, and to my way of thinking, “Too Unaware To See” far more accurately describes the problem , but that wording is clunky and lacks rythm and cadence.
    Operatively, it doesn’t finally matter what it is called. What matters is that nature is being absolutely merciless in weeding it out. The so-called “evolutionary forces” are just doing their logical thing. Out with the failure and in with the next try.
    In other words, if Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a failed experiment then this current and protracted act of collective suicide is just “evolutionary forces” forging a species better suited to holding its place at the top on this backwater dustmote on the edge of everywhere.
    I’m placing my bet on one that is considerably more AWARE of what it needs to be aware of to survive the long haul. I postulate a species capable of knowing that there is more to this shell game than atoms bouncing around energetically for no discernable purpose. Kipling was a good and observant rhymer, but he was flat ass wrong about at least one thing. Ours IS to question why.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84202
    D Benton Smith

    Day after day, year after year, I have come to these Hallowed Halls of The Automatic Earth to see how the world has been ending recently and read my fellow travellers’ estimates on when it will get the job done. It continues to be a very good and instructive experience which I value deeply . . . but it does become just an itsy bit repetitious at times. The same human frailties keep getting lamented over and over again.

    So why not pile on while the piling is good? If there was ever a time when i could get away with such straight up phylosophizin’ this has gotta be it.

    Bottom line of our problem as human beings is that our very short range physical senses and personal productivity, operating only in real-time , and saved as skewed memories (or short-shelf-life “stuff”), are just not sufficient to keep us alive for very long. To survive for more than a few hours or days we depend, we utterly DEPEND, upon information and help from others.

    To be of much use that information and help must be true and beneficial , but AT THE SAME TIME the same fundamental rule applies to those we must compete with for limited resources. If our competitor gets the true info and the good stuff then THEY will be the one’s who survive, not us. We lose. Too much losing results in death. And so at the same time that we REQUIRE truth, fairness and help, we MUST lie, cheat and steal. Ouch.

    This is the ORIGINAL damned if you do and damned if you don’t dilemma, isn’t it ? It looks so hopeless just on its face that most folks simply avoid thinking about it at all. Too bad, because if you think about it long enough and honestly enough the way out of the trap becomes more and more obvious ( albeit gradually ) and the escape route is this : be as aware as you can. Be as truthfull as you can. Be as realistic as you can. And when faced with the choice of ignoring known consequences in order to obtain a trinket of only delusional transiet value, take a good hard look at those consequences again . . . and then choose to forego the trinket and the self-inflicted obliviousness that goes with it. Because the PRICE that you SHALL pay for ignoring WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW TO BE TRUTH (i.e. the known consequences) , is the very definition of stupidity. It is deliberate and self-inflicted UNawareness of truth.

    So what is truth ? Aw c’mon ! Skip the disengenuous sophistry. You know damned well what the truth is. The truth is simply your most honestly realistic scientific wild ass GUESS of what it is.. That guess get’s updated as new information arrives. Hopefully that’s fairly often.

    As mentioned earlier a LOT of that information is second hand (third hand, fourth, etc.) data, that is relayed to you from a host of outside sources and ultimately from other people . . . who are doing basically the same damn thing that you are. And what are YOU doing ? You are truthfully and faithfully helping ANDyou are lying, cheating and stealing . Which of those things, when to whom is based upon your currently best beliefs and assessment of reality.

    Those beliefs are your map of the terrain. They may or may not be very accurate. Truth and consequences will tell. But the FACT is simply, that there IS terrain. And you are in that terrain whether you like it or not, and you have a map of some kind or another, so happy trails.

    Now, we are told not to mistake the map for the terrain , and that’s pretty good advice , but the corollary to that advice is to recognize that maps can be very useful (almost necessary) things when passing into or through strange new territory that can’t be seen all at once with your own two eyes. Used properly, and for its intended purposes, a map can and frequently does save the traveler’s ass by revealing what is just over the horizon of their own limited senses. Where are the destinations, and which roads lead to them , and what obstacles or dangers exist along the way? Where is the treasure, and where be the dragons?

    Informations in the form of words and pictures are a lot like maps. Think of their relayed, descrptive words , illustrations and advices as sense multipliers or perception extenders. . . and understand that they are only approximate. When (if) you do actually reach the represented places that you have been told are there (if they even truly exist in the first place!) that their actuality is going to be one hell of a lot different , in lived real experience, than the thin paper Travellers’ Guide to Life The Universe & Everything that helped or hindered your passsage. Whatever that destination turns out to be will be the real thing, not a more or less fictitious second or third hand description from other peoples’ viewpoints. Expect to revise or even change preconceived notions in a hurry.

    And, by the way, please update that map for the next guy in line.

    in reply to: Hope #84198
    D Benton Smith

    Elites view themselves rightly or wrongly as being at the top of the heap. Apex predators. Well I’ve got a message for those lions that they would be well advised to digest:

    An apex anything that extincts the bottom of its own food chain ain’t gonna be apex for long. A wolf that eats sheep better keep in mind that sheep gotta eat, too. And same goes for the damned sheep, and the grass they gnaw on. Hell, take it right on down to the frigging microbes that feed the grass. Take it all the way down the line to quarks, preons . . . to infinity and beyond. Same rules apply.

    There is a great big sign hanging over the entrance to awareness of reality. It reads : “You are entering a zero tolerance establishment. Get it wrong and you’re outta here.”

    in reply to: Hope #84157
    D Benton Smith

    Aye. To function at all requires some degree of belief, otherwise we could not act at all. We would be stuck in the paralysis of indecision. You have to believe the ground before you is solid else you could not take another step. It’s why we are prone to hypnosis, we must have the capacity to believe, so that we can act on that belief and hopefully survive. Some clever scoundrels have learned to “hack” that necessary flaw to persuade us to BELIEVE all sorts of weird and phoney stuff. Like most everything else in this Universe of nested delusions it is a balancing act.
    Sometimes ( such as the present times, of Covid and vaxes and wall-to-wall propaganda) , though, it really gets out of hand. Methinks a little judicious disbelief would come in pretty handy right about now, starting with the hypnotic belief that Science is something other than a hypnotic belief system.
    I love the scientific method, and think that logic and math and physics and shit like that is way cool . . . but I do not actually BELIEVE it. That materialistic crap is based on PROBABILITIES, and subject to new and improved and CHANGED estimates of probability at a moments notice. The only thing that I actually BELIEVE, with complete certainty, is that thee and me are aware.

    in reply to: Hope #84153
    D Benton Smith

    There is comfort in belief. It offers relief from the discomforting anxiety of observing and thinking and deciding for oneself. There is comfort in slavery, too, and for the same reason. Freedom is the acceptance of full responsibility for choosing between the two modes.

    in reply to: Hope #84148
    D Benton Smith

    Working for (and thereby empowering) people who are willing for you to be harmed or killed so that they can feel morally superior is probably not a good long range survival strategy. Even if you manage to slip past their neurosis on this one occassion, you would thereafter still be working for madmen. It is such a tough call that you are the only one who can make the decision of which strategy (the risk of the jab or the certainty of unemployment) is the correct choice.

    in reply to: Hope #84118
    D Benton Smith


    ref : ” d benton: what’s your definition of “help”? ”

    Oh, the usual : Help my virtuous tribe repel the wicked tribe. Help my local rich trod down upon the local poor. Help my local poor rise up and throw off the yoke of the local rich who trod upon them. Help my country be the witting or unwitting instrument in yet another proxy war. Help my corrupt government help your corrupt government.

    In other words : now that the USA has pissed away the last remaining trace of trustworthiness it will now find NO ONE ( saints and demons alike ) dumb enough to to risk their lives by trusting the USA in any meaningful way. We are now isolated from everyone other than straight up mercenary war lords . . . and even they will want to be paid in advance.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 16 2021 #84067
    D Benton Smith

    Now that no one will trust America ,AT ALL , for a very long time, who do you suppose they will they turn to for help ?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 16 2021 #84048
    D Benton Smith


    you asked , ” I am not sure if I am missing something? ”

    You can say that again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 16 2021 #84043
    D Benton Smith

    Biden’s big announcement on Afghanistan :

    “Submission Accomplished !”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 15 2021 #83989
    D Benton Smith

    One of the remarkable things about REAL calamity (as opposed to feared, imagined, hallucinated or predicted calamity) is that the participants tend to get real too . The bullshit goes away fast. Silly hooha like “Critical Race Theory”, or “Socialism vs Capitalism”, that fills the conversational vacuum of people with too much time on their hands disipates rather quickly when Mother Nature and Father Reality teach class.

    What is going to happen? How will I respond if and when it does? How can I prepare for unpreparedness? Who’s lying and who ain’t? Well you can GUESS until the cows come home, but you won’t actually KNOW until something happens and you respond (or the other way ’round). Some fairly serious shit has ALREADY happened. How did you respond? That’s at least a hint.

    One thing that I’m fairly sure of is that a lot more, seriouser, shit is coming down and we won’t have to wait long to find out what it is or how accurate our scientific wild ass guesses have been. High stakes and lousy odds. Ain’t it exciting?

    Time to look around and do your damnedest to figure out what REALLY is, and what the hell is going on around us. I’m pretty sure that recess time is over, Reality School is in session, and today’s vocabulary word is AWARENESS.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 15 2021 #83979
    D Benton Smith

    Ya know what we have not seen in a long while ? A right proper Computer Model projecting how many folks are going to live or die if present trends continue. That would be fun. Can’t imagine any of those geeky computer quants in gov’t, medicine or academia have done that, though.

    I’m also curious about how the math works out for a less than 100% effective vaccine administered (even serially administered every few months) to 90% of a population. Let’s be unrealistically generous and say that a 90% effective vax is given to 90 % of the people . . . but has to be REDONE over and over again. You could of course just keep doing this forever, but why bother because after doing that 90% of 90% thing for seven or eight go-arounds and you’re down to less than one person out of every 100.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2021 #83865
    D Benton Smith

    This Great Awakening gig was grossly misrepresented in the advertisements. The sales guy said it was gonna be a glorious resurgence of some kind, but so far it has been more like regaining pain filled consciousness in some place you don’t recognize, trying to assemble the fragments of what can only have been a drug soaked blackout bender of monumental proportions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2021 #83782
    D Benton Smith

    @those darned kids

    You’re right, I know that you’re right, but every time reality hurts me again and I decide to leave the bastard, it says it only hit me because of how much it loves me, and I remember how much I love it, too.
    I guess I’m just a sucker for love.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2021 #83777
    D Benton Smith


    “When you’re lost in the rain in Juarez
    When it’s Easter time too
    And your gravity fails
    And negativity don’t pull you through

    Don’t put on any airs
    When you’re down on Rue Morgue Avenue
    They got some hungry women there
    And they really make a mess outta you

    [Verse 2]
    Now if you see Saint Annie
    Please tell her “Thanks a lot”
    I cannot move
    My fingers are all in a knot
    I don’t have the strength
    To get up and take another shot
    And my best friend, my doctor
    Won’t even say what it is I’ve got ” — Bob Dylan

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2021 #83772
    D Benton Smith



    It’s very difficult for me to trust Reality after all of the awful things it’s done to me.

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