Diogenes Shrugged

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle April 23 2015 #20707
    Diogenes Shrugged

    V. Arnold: Frankly, that sounded a little petulant.

    I’m not here to make friends or enemies, as it often leads to a degeneration of the conversation. I’m here for the ideas – – the thinking. Thank you for your thoughts. I did not know your expectations from my response were so high. I expressed my disappointment with that portion of mankind that shaped much of the present world. In the process, I caused you to express disappointment in me. Sorry to hear that.

    I don’t think there is a safe place to live, nor do I think there is a safe place to park wealth. I actually intended those questions to be rhetorical to provide a contrast between the kinds of selfish and short-sighted concerns most people spend their time with, and the task at hand which addresses the corrupt and collapsing economic and political structures.

    That’s the best I can do. I have a passport and I don’t subscribe to fairy tales about afterlife. Best of luck to you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 23 2015 #20691
    Diogenes Shrugged

    V. Arnold: Not depressed, just deeply disappointed. As a kid, there was always the promise of brighter people, better inventions, remarkable breakthroughs. That changed. Now we’re realizing how crooked people are, especially those with wherewithal or power. Mankind used to have such potential. Now, mankind is declining in lies, scandal and crime. The scale of human failure (I’m pointing at those with control) is just terribly disappointing.

    Freedom implies avoiding or escaping something harmful or unpleasant … like government, for instance.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 23 2015 #20675
    Diogenes Shrugged

    I’d give an ounce of gold for just one of those loaves of crusty bread (Shorpy photo, top). Of course, that’s two cents for the loaf of bread and the balance for the person with the time machine.

    I’ve too-often found myself chomping at the bit to see this deflationary collapse finally get underway with some convincing speed, wearied by the eternal wait. But it now appears that the parasitic celebrity criminals we hold in such great esteem (that we actually go to the trouble to affirmatively vote for) already have well-developed plans to rob and kill us once that ruinous process really kicks in. It’s hard to notice, but for the time being, we are still enjoying the halcyon days before the government crackdowns, genocides and unsuccessful revolts.

    Long ago, when I still subscribed to the gross exaggeration and misrepresentation known as the Nazi holocaust, I watched the movie “Shoah.” Some five hours long, as I recall. They asked the emaciated survivors of the camps why they endured in the face of murder, overwork and starvation. Their answer: “we wanted to see what happened next.” There was a scene where a Jew (I presume), on the way to a concentration camp, was accidentally left behind by the train at a stop. He ran after the train frantically trying to get back aboard, evidently unaware of its destination, or maybe wanting to reunite with kin. Hopefully I haven’t recalled the movie too inaccurately here. I saw it long ago.

    A momentous shakeout, a once-in-a-thousand-year set of events, is coming soon on multiple fronts. Almost certainly an inflection, possibly even a near extinction. How will future students of history view you – – and the people who respond the way you are about to? I don’t pretend to know how any one person will respond, but most people will ride the roller coaster with white knuckles, and if they’re carted off in the dead of night to be killed, chalk it up to ill fate. Those throngs who sit on their hands will have no songs sung in their memory, will be completely forgotten, and will not be missed. Kind of like the way most Americans feel about a million murdered Iraqis.

    I strongly suspect the criminal bags of dog shit that run this world are counting on that being the norm. And I have to confess: increasingly I myself toy with saying “good riddance.”

    Is that too strong? Sorry. I think I tend to take these horrifying periods of history way to seriously. Especially when they’re just around the corner. So, back on topic, where can I put my money for a decent return? Where can I move outside the U.S. that will remain safe and free? Where can I get a flu shot now that my local Walmart has closed? An actual headline from the Drudge Report today: “Man bitten on face while trying to kiss venomous snake.” And I ask myself, “is it really going to be worth it to stick around just to see what happens next?” Not an easy question, but I’m giving it a lot of thought.

    in reply to: When Did We All Become Murderers? #20652
    Diogenes Shrugged

    “Horrified” and “outraged” are two more words that come to mind. But words alone simply cannot communicate the shock and agony being brought to countless human beings by Uncle Sam, his accomplices and his puppeteers.

    We used to lament what was being done to Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve since added Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, and the list goes on. The U.S. enables the genocide of Palestinians with absolutely damnable levels of aid to Israel. Draw a graph and look where the curve is headed. Sure, stockpile food and cash and guns, but don’t neglect getting your will in order. This isn’t going to remain safely “over there,” someplace on the other side of an ocean that most Americans can’t find on a map. WIth the militarization of cops, it’s already here.

    I have no idea whether the guy in the attached video is legit, so I take him with a grain of salt. But mankind’s leaders, both elected and unelected, have been marching us all to Hell for a very long time now. The step quickened with 9/11, and broke into a sprint near the end of 2008. It’s one thing for bloggers to pin the responsibility on “us” for not having stopped what we could not see in the first place, but it’s another thing if we fail to stop what we can now perfectly well see coming.

    (I posted an earlier video by the same guy in comments here:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 21 2015 #20631
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Raleigh, as far as big box stores go, this isn’t about a declining customer base. This is ultimately about disarmament and genocide, both long in the planning. It’s called the New World Order. Agenda 21. You’ll see soon enough.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 21 2015 #20629
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Never let a (debt) crisis go to waste.

    Despite being outside the focus of this blog, I’m betting Ilargi will be including articles on Jade Helm 15 before the year ends.

    Of course, ALL bets are off if nuclear war is in the cards.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 11 2015 #20449
    Diogenes Shrugged

    You’re told by the 0.01% (elites) and their MSM stooges to believe that carbon dioxide has thrown the climate on its ear, and that cars and cow farts have caused the California drought. Pretty clever indeed, considering that it’s the 0.01% and their MIC stooges who are PURPOSEFULLY altering the climate themselves with chemtrails and HAARP to meet Agenda 21 goals. And you’re so irreparably hoodwinked that you probably dismiss what I’m saying here without any investigation whatsoever, call me ad-hominems (conspiracy theorist), and smugly parrot the fraudulent lie that “the science is settled.”

    You sit there patiently waiting for Bill O’Reilly to confirm my fantastic claims; otherwise they can’t be true. A tragic waste of gray matter, if you ask me, but that seems to be the national pastime these days.

    There is a chicken-and-egg thing going on here. In accordance with the CO2 myth (blamed on the 99%), they imply that the heat is causing the drought. Absolute nonsense. The average daytime temperature in the equatorial Amazon is 80 degrees F. The humidity is so high that it feels like 100, and it rains nearly every day. Sure, heat exacerbates a drought, but the problem is the drought, not the heat. Watch the video linked above, all the way to the end. It is up to you to become informed and do something about this. Your generation of CO2 is a red herring, a smokescreen, and a ruse by the 0.01% to steal even more of your wealth. Get informed and give yourself permission to exhale, plebe.

    There is so much more at stake here than California farms. The nefarious designs of TPTB (behind the curtain) are by no means limited to California. Don’t be an ignorant gull and continue to ignore this. There are tons of reasons why these hideously defective human shells are so meticulously keeping geoengineering away from the public view. Like, for instance, the fact that they’re perpetrating capital crimes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2015 #20425
    Diogenes Shrugged


    Three minutes of Malone’s talk were particularly poignant for me, starting at an hour and a half (1:30). I probably derived more from that part of his message than he intended, but whether intended or not, he’s making a case that democracy is a fraud. We’re not children, and leaders aren’t our loving parents. Leaders, elected or not, are universally “in it” for themselves and for the empires they can build with earnings stolen from the rest of us. Period. End of discussion. Anybody claiming otherwise is delusional, and unfortunately, that includes probably 99% of the world’s population. (Gee, haven’t I seen that 99% figure in another context recently? I wonder if that’s no coincidence.)

    It bears repeating: democracy is two wolves and a sheep VOTING on what to have for dinner. Benjamin Franklin: “When the people find that they can VOTE themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” I could go on and on with Bastiat’s and Jefferson’s warnings against democracy, but you’re probably already familiar.

    The Magna Carta and U.S. Constitution are not prescriptions for democracy, but are rather rules of law limiting the powers of the state. That is, limiting the powers of the “leaders” we democratically elect. But the 99% buy the politicians’ snake oil canard that “free peoples” derive their freedom from democracy, and the shattering consequences of that myth are now evident worldwide as our “leaders” do pretty much anything they wish, with impunity.

    Please watch just the initial forty-five seconds:

    Rule of law in America and Europe is dying rapidly, and freedom has died with it. The TPP represents the final gasp for both. I read lots of well-intentioned pundits who say that “we, the people” are responsible for the current state of affairs, and that only through our resistance can the tides be turned. As letters of protest written to “leaders” and public demonstrations have been proven impotent, I suspect a major reason that a civil war in the U.S. has not yet gotten underway is because the first high-profile assassination of a public figure will precipitate draconian gun control legislation leading to attempted confiscation, and a couple hundred million gun owners don’t want to deal with that. But I’d remind everybody that it was the British attempt to confiscate firearms at Lexington and Concord that started the American Revolutionary War.

    “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” -Lao Tsu
    That isn’t the same as democracy, and in fact, I’d say it’s the exact opposite.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2015 #20419
    Diogenes Shrugged


    I hope Karl Denninger isn’t the only one who really understands these things (or is he?) But I’m convinced he’s the only one who can seamlessly communicate them.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve never been impressed with Steve Keen when he’s been on stage with Nicole. But then, Nicole has that effect on pretty much everybody she shares the stage with. Just my opinion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2015 #20210
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Dr. D: “Is there something we can discern from it?”

    Nothing significant, I would expect.

    Keep in mind how shallow the oceans are compared with Earth’s diameter:

    And that continental drift is responsible for the current configuration:

    I’d be happy to look deeper into the matter, though, if they want to grant me a juicy slice of that growing carbon tax pie.

    in reply to: When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control #19538
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Long ago, it was conventional wisdom that when companies grew too big, they became inefficient. Smaller companies would successfully compete, and the big company would eventually have to either split up or fail. It was all just a well-demonstrated feature of free market economics.

    Thank goodness the government stepped in and changed all that. Now we have giants walking the Earth – – giants that own our legislatures – – giants that enjoy virtual immunity from prosecution. The modern, government-supported ethos: “might makes right.” Three cheers for growth! (Which, by the way, means you little guys – – 99% of you – – will all have to keep shrinking.)

    A modern prayer: “Gov is great, Gov is good, and we thank it for our food.”

    Nope, “we” will never learn.

    in reply to: When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control #19537
    Diogenes Shrugged

    “NATO is our Frankenstein. And if we don’t stop it now, it will end up coming after us.”

    But replace “NATO” with anything related to government.
    “Militarization of cops is our Frankenstein.”
    “Common Core is our Frankenstein.”
    “Increasing taxation is our Frankenstein.”
    “Debt based fiat is our Frankenstein.”
    “Surveillance is our Frankenstein.”
    “Uncontrolled immigration is our Frankenstein.”
    “Nuclear waste is our Frankenstein.”
    “Un-prosecuted fraud and corruption is our Frankenstein.”
    “Subsidies and protections for big industries like Monsanto is our Frankenstein.”
    “ISIS, al Qaeda, Xi (mercenary groups), and the CIA are our Frankensteins.”
    “A disastrous war on drugs and burgeoning private prison industry is our Frankenstein.”
    “Rigged markets, rigged prices, and rigged balance sheets are our Frankensteins.”
    “Monopolistic medical cartels is our Frankenstein.”
    “Legislation by the various government departments rather than Congress is our Frankenstein. Executive Orders and Signing Statements issued by the President is our Frankenstein. And if we don’t stop it now, it will end up coming after us.”

    It’s a long list, and that’s just a start.

    Of course, the government sees it otherwise:
    “The lone wolf patriot is our Frankenstein.”
    “Gun owners with .223 ammo is our Frankenstein.”
    “Honest cops and a real system of justice is our Frankenstein.”
    “Home schooling is our Frankenstein.”
    “Falling tax receipts is our Frankenstein.”
    “Any digital device that we can’t hack is our Frankenstein.”
    “Whistle blowers is our Frankenstein.”
    “The U.S. Constitution is our Frankenstein.”
    “Allowing people to refuse vaccines is our Frankenstein.”
    “Allowing people to label GMO crops is our Frankenstein.”
    “Waiting for Congress to declare wars before we fight them is our Frankenstein.”
    “A free market with honest price discovery is our Frankenstein.”
    “Ending price supports by legalizing marijuana is our Frankenstein.”
    “People boarding planes without receiving TSA abuse is our Frankenstein.”
    “Repeal of the Obamacare tax is our Frankenstein.”

    But so long as “we” as individuals keep using the word “we” in reference to a collective, we as a collective will continue to regard government as the way to solve our problems. And we as individuals will continue to suffer under all of the monsters that Frankenstein can endeavor to produce (on our dime).

    I suspect Ron Paul would agree.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2015 #19394
    Diogenes Shrugged

    By the way, ignoring tide differentials, I suspect one could row his kayak upstream through the Panama canal without any trouble at all had it been dug deep enough to not require locks. (An eight-inch drop over nearly two miles.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2015 #19392
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Nassim, excellent posts.

    The map in your last link shows (generously) a five-inch sea level rise near Bangladesh since 1993. Tides there vary by over three meters.


    A web search for “Bangaladesh subsidence” will turn up plenty of articles showing that global warming and polar ice melt are not the source of the problem there.


    “Sea level is about 20 cm higher on the Pacific side than the Atlantic due to the water being less dense on the Pacific side, on average, and due to the prevailing weather and ocean conditions. Such sea level differences are common across many short sections of land dividing ocean basins.

    “The 20 cm difference is determined by geodetic levelling from one side to the other. This levelling follows a ‘level’ surface which will be parallel to the geoid (see FAQ #1). The 20 cm difference at Panama is not unique. There are similar ‘jumps’ elsewhere e.g. Skagerrak, Indonesian straits.

    “If the canal was open sea and did not contain locks, i.e. if somehow a deep open cutting had been made rather than the canal system over the mountains, then there would be a current flowing from the Pacific to the Atlantic. An analogy, though imperfect because there are many other factors, is a comparison between Panama and the Drake Passage off the south tip of Chile, which has a west-east flow. (The flow in the Drake Passage is primarily wind-driven, but Pacific-Atlantic density must play some role.)

    “Locks are needed in the Panama Canal because the canal climbs over the hills and makes use of mountain lakes. Therefore, locks would be needed even if sea level was the same on the two sides. For example, there are also locks on canals here in England, which is much less mountainous than Panama.

    “Note also that the tides have opposite phase on the two sides of Panama, so, if there was a sea level canal, there would be major tidal currents through it.”

    https://www.psmsl.org/train_and_info/faqs/ (See #3)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2015 #19383
    Diogenes Shrugged

    This comment is for Nicole. Probably too late to be seen where it belonged – – after the February 22 Great Debate in Melbourne installment – – so I’m posting it here, admittedly a bit late and outside of today’s context.

    You’re probably already familiar with the movement described in these videos, but it all came as news to me. This strikes me as perhaps our most promising avenue for bringing about the reduction-of-scale you advocate in a broad-based way. I’m hoping it can be applied in other countries, as well.

    TAE has routinely featured articles from the global warming crowd, and I’ve been pretty cranky about that fact in my comments here. But I’m adopting Nicole’s point of view now. Nicole’s contributions to the Great Debate in Melbourne (February 20 post) were absolutely brilliant to my way of thinking. Not only did she correctly relegate the climate change debate to its proper irrelevancy, but thereby provided a common ground where both sides of the debate can come to some rational agreement. I thought her commentary was profound, and on a par with what I would expect to hear from the greatest minds in history. That is not hyperbole.

    That said, I do need to quickly mention a couple of things about climate change before I stop speaking about it. With respect to the article on Bangladesh a few days ago, sea level is not rising there. Rather, the ground there is sinking. It’s an important distinction unless your paradigm (global warming) is predicated upon deliberate, systematic deception. Sea levels simply cannot rise in one small part of the world but nowhere else, and a few millimeters cannot submerge a countryside.

    Finally, as new all-time records are set for Great Lakes ice, it’s useful to remember how those lakes formed in the first place (i.e. continental glaciers during the last ice age). The greenhouse effect is real, it is crucial for the continued existence of higher forms of life on Earth, and it really has nothing at all to do with carbon compounds (including methane).

    To all: Be extremely careful what you wish for, especially if you think that only governments are in a position to grant it. If your wish comes true, you might someday wish otherwise, and that wish might be the one that’s impossible to fulfill.

    in reply to: The Elegant Simplicity Of The Greek Conundrum #19221
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Off-topic, but germane to some of the concluding articles posted here:

    Unsurprisingly, “climate change” continues to be exposed as a (solely) political issue.
    Calling it “science” was pure, premeditated fraud from the get-go:


    Enjoy the coming socialist, oligarchical, kleptocratic feudalism (with a taste of “democracy” thrown in to keep you inert). And remain calm. That should keep the CO2 in your exhale within the legal limits.

    in reply to: Price Discovery and Emerging Markets #18243
    Diogenes Shrugged

    “We just go about our days knowing that jobs reports are nonsense, that price discovery has been put six feet under, and that if we’re really smart, we can still make money off of other people’s misery. And isn’t that what Darwin said the purpose of life is? Or was that Ayn Rand? I’m sorry, Charlie threw me off a bit.”

    Threw you off a lot, I’d say. And what calumny! Darwin never said any such thing, nor did Ayn Rand. As it happens, I would know, having read nearly everything Rand and Dawkins ever published. (Richard Dawkins is a preeminent evolutionary biologist who has written at great length about everything Darwin.)

    And what, exactly, is the link between a few killings in Paris and stock market prices?

    If stock markets “ethically” dived every time there was a murder, then prices would remain permanently at $zero for all equities. Or are you saying that some murders are more important to stock prices than others?

    That said, I’m having trouble figuring out how increasing interest rates will make bankers rich from loans that can’t be repaid. Unless, of course, all those loans to emerging economies are backstopped by the American taxpayer. And even then …

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 8 2015 #18236
    Diogenes Shrugged


    Anybody and everybody who thinks this Paris event was about race, religion or freedom of the press has swallowed the bait and utterly failed to comprehend what happened there. But what else is new.

    Lincoln understood the principle well. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time …” The number of people who refuse to be fooled will always be too small to do anything about it, especially after being aggressively denounced as “conspiracy theorists,” an ad-hominem that only makes greater fools of the fooled.

    in reply to: I Follow Charlie #18197
    Diogenes Shrugged

    I suppose I would have more accurately said “staged attack” rather than “false flag attack,” but in this case there appear to have been elements of both.

    in reply to: I Follow Charlie #18195
    Diogenes Shrugged

    The AK-47 cartridge is about .30 caliber, and provides considerable recoil:

    That recoil is absent in the Charlie Hebdo video:

    Which by itself gives rise to the question of whether this was a false-flag attack:


    Cui bono? Not Muslims.

    in reply to: Oil, Power and Psychopaths #18081
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Trivium, thanks for the note. I have to respectfully disagree, though. I no longer think that chemtrails are sprayed to reflect sunlight. I think they’re sprayed to change the jet stream, sustain droughts and cause floods in conjunction with HAARP and RF from other sources. All part of weather warfare, which has presumably been researched and developed by several countries for decades. I also think it’s possible that chemtrails are toxic for other reasons. There is the claim that Monsanto has developed aluminum-resistent crops, the possibility that our own government is debilitating the public (Alzheimer’s, cancers) to reduce the threat we’d pose after a financial collapse, and the alleged goal of gross population reduction. None of those applications could be called “geoengineering.”

    “Geoengineering” implies that chemtrails are sprayed for solar radiation management alone. I do think it’s possible, and perhaps likely, that the clouds they generate trap sufficient UV to cause greenhouse effect, but I doubt that’s a deliberate attempt to geoengineer global warming, unless they think they need to deliberately warm the planet in order to generate acceptance of their carbon tax scams.

    Anyway, everybody knows what “chemtrails” refers to. “Geoengineering” also refers to dumping ferrous compounds into the ocean, so I’d rather use a less ambiguous term. Dane Wiggington will just have to deal with it.

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18053
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Pipefit: good points.

    I’m personally not convinced that significant climate change is going on in the first place, nor swayed over whether it’s heating or cooling. There are several possible explanations for why they’re spraying, all nefarious (explaining the extreme secrecy over something we can all look up and see with our own eyes). The case for chemtrails causing global warming is better detailed elsewhere. Sorry I can’t supply a 5-minute clip that adequately answers all possible questions.

    Thanks for watching.

    I found this 30-second clip to be rather amusing:

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18051
    Diogenes Shrugged

    And if you really have a surplus of time on your hands, four minutes of this video beginning at 11:00 should at least show you that I’m in good company with what I’m telling you here.

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18050
    Diogenes Shrugged

    From today’s essay:

    “… and make sure our adaptation to climate change gets organized on a one man one vote, instead of a one dollar one vote basis?”

    Ilargi: By “one man one vote,” are you calling for a referendum on carbon taxes? Or by “one man one vote” are you saying that scientific conclusions should be derived through popular consensus?

    It’s certainly understandable that you can’t find the time to watch every long video recommended to you. I linked an hour-long Italian documentary a few days ago with a statement expressing my vindication on the subject. I’m linking it again today and asking you please to watch just five minutes of it, between 48:45 and 53:30.

    “Global warming” appears to be real, but the cause is not carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the cover for the real cause, which is chemtrails. If you’re not acquainted with this subject, I know it sounds incredible. But truth be told, you who continue to beat the carbon dioxide drum are the deniers. You’re denying the true cause of global warming.

    You’re unwittingly (and for the moment, forgivably) embracing the elitist scammers, their tax schemes, and their politicization of science. This is antithetical to the other goals expressed by TAE. Five minutes is all I ask.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2014 #17966
    Diogenes Shrugged

    I am vindicated.
    This came to my attention just this morning:

    New ‘Chemtrails’ Film Exposes Global Geoengineering Agenda

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17940
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Sorry to be so long-winded here, but the topic of today’s article demands it. I just want to add a couple of observations.

    Water vapor is much more responsible for the greenhouse effect on Earth than carbon dioxide. For one thing, water vapor is measured as a percentage, whereas CO2 is measured in parts per million. Chemtrails are the visible condensations of atmospheric water on materials sprayed from jets. I have personally witnessed chemtrails near Denver stretching nearly from horizon to horizon, persisting all day long, day after day last summer when the skies were otherwise uniformly blue. They’re often especially heavy over Colorado Springs (south of me) where the Air Force Academy and NORAD are located. If you’re not seeing them where you live, that probably accounts for your disinterest (and easy dismissal).

    If the next step in the chemtrails program does in fact involve sprays that cannot be seen (hear the end of the third video I provided after the December 16 Debt Rattle, linked above), then what you will need to notice next year is that the chemtrails have seemingly vanished. I can only assume that will indicate to you that all is well and that I’m a nut. Well, you’ll be at least be half right.

    Also, I should have said “alarmism” rather than “fear mongering” in my previous comment.

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17939
    Diogenes Shrugged

    E. Swanson:

    Chemtrailing also occurs outside the U.S., including over the oceans. I’m unable to find the link I had in mind to show this, but these two provide a start:

    The World Awakens: America Sleeps – Chemtrails from Around the Globe, a Satellite View


    You are correct about the chemistry of aluminum. The reference in that video to Al2O3 in jet fuel was news to me. I would expect aluminum to be a very soft metal compared with the metals in jet engines, but Al2O3 is extremely hard. Perhaps its abrasive qualities are attenuated due to the nano- particle size.

    There is an enormous amount of information and evidence available on the Internet concerning chemtrails (a.k.a. geoengineering), but it takes a great deal of time to sort through even a small part of it. Chemtrailing operations are secretive, so there is no single go-to place where the information is comprehensively assembled or peer-reviewed. Most websites addressing chemtrails are sensationalized with fear-mongering and calls for action, making an academic search for understanding frustrating.

    Chemtrails are not figments of crazy people’s imaginations. They are not a form of smog. If they are indeed altering the path of the jet stream with these things, and in conjunction with this, heating upper layers of the atmosphere with radio frequencies, it’s become far more than simply making it rain via cloud seeding. If climate models included the measured effects of chemtrails, I wouldn’t be here writing this. My concern is that this potentially consequential factor is carefully ignored. I’d like to know why that is. I’m a scientist, and it isn’t science when variables that affect measurements are ignored.

    All of that said, I included two videos in comments after the December 16 Debt Rattle conceding that chemtrails might have nothing to do with climate change in the first place.


    Wouldn’t you like to know for sure what this is all about yourself? Good luck.

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17934
    Diogenes Shrugged

    The December 28 Debt Rattle included an article that attributed flooding in Bangladesh to rising sea levels. The article was clearly “climate change” propaganda. Flooding in Bangladesh is the result of subsidence, not rising sea levels. An enterprising Dutchman might identify Bangladesh as an opportunity to build a system of dikes, but only a shyster would suggest that carbon credits offer a better method of holding back the sea. My comments on the 28th also addressed the SINGLE GREATEST HUMAN-CONTROLLED FACTOR affecting climate change. It is a factor that is carefully omitted from every single one of the models. It is again glaringly omitted from today’s article.

    The climate change scam is no different from the Obamacare scam, the drug war scam, the too-big-to-fail scam, the Social Security scam, and a hundred other socialist government scams. It’s all about confiscating your money, initially through fraud and lies, and later by force. And even at a website like this one, where the financial scams are exposed and lamented, there is no shortage of suckers for similar scams.

    Governments are instituted among men to build empires around scams. These empires must be preserved at all costs. You were forced to pay for their construction and your children will be forced to pay for their maintenance, and not a single one of them will ever achieve the objective for which it was originally set up.

    It’s tempting to think that there are only two kinds of people in the world – – crooks and chumps. If somebody could convince me that those two groups would be the first to go when the human population crashes, I’d suddenly be in favor of whatever genocidal plans the elites have in mind. But the crooks need their chumps. So it’ll be that third group that must be eradicated.

    Anyway, it’s eighteen degrees Fahrenheit where I’m located today, and I can’t begin to tell you how overjoyed I am that it’s not two or three degrees warmer (sarc).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 28 2014 #17888
    Diogenes Shrugged

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 28 2014 #17887
    Diogenes Shrugged

    The problem in Bangladesh is NOT rising sea level (ask yourself why sea level would only rise there, but not everywhere else). The problem is subsidence. Carbon dioxide is utterly and totally irrelevant, and the article is obviously a deliberate misrepresentation (i.e. a lie told in pursuit of an agenda).


    If anthropogenic Global warming is indeed real, its cause is chemtrails, not carbon dioxide. You need to have figured this out already – – like a year or two ago.

    These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

    Time is short. Get a clue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2014 #17795
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Ilargi.

    And sincerest thanks for your huge contribution to our understanding.

    2014 was probably our last chance to party with our counter-parties.

    in reply to: About That Interview #17760
    Diogenes Shrugged

    LudwigVon60, please provide attribution for your lengthy quote. Was it one of the featured articles today? I objected to the author’s absurd misuse of the term “double helix,” but I also disagreed with the pseudo-erudite analysis. I’d just like to know who not to waste time reading in the future. Thanks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2014 #17735
    Diogenes Shrugged
    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2014 #17705
    Diogenes Shrugged

    V. Arnold: As I understand it, olive oil is heat labile. Coconut oil and avocado oil are far more stable and therefore useful for cooking. Olive oil should be reserved for salads and sipping. Salut!

    in reply to: About That Interview #17691
    Diogenes Shrugged

    “I think if anything defines 2014 for me, it’s the advent of incessant claims for which no proof – apparently – needs to be provided. ”

    Exactly. Intentionally. By design. It’s all part of the plan.

    in reply to: About That Interview #17690
    Diogenes Shrugged

    The official, but discredited Benghazi narrative had something to do with Muslims being offended by a dumb YouTube video. The absence of an adequate rescue attempt suggested to some people that the whole affair was a CIA false-flag setup.

    The official Sony hack narrative has something to do with Communists being offended by a dumb movie. Drop the other shoe. Was a CIA false-flag setup waiting in the wings thwarted? It sure seems to me like Obama and McCain wanted that movie shown.

    Had the movie been shown, what would have happened? Maybe another 9/11 sort of thing. A small, CIA-planted nuke to vaporize a Japanese city, the talking heads immediately blaming Kim, speculation that he was scoring points with China, and a loud drumbeat for regime change.

    And then … regime change.

    Just a conspiracy theory. Never mind. Everything in the world is exactly as it appears on the surface.

    in reply to: The Biggest Economic Story Going Into 2015 Is Not Oil #17646
    Diogenes Shrugged

    John Day, thanks, I didn’t realize.

    The Escobar article needed a map:

    If China would just accept tires in exchange, Spain would recover quickly:


    China appears to be going places, but then, they also build ghost cities. Not that China has a monopoly on foolishness, though:

    in reply to: The Biggest Economic Story Going Into 2015 Is Not Oil #17641
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Hold on, it was one star when I wrote that. Here, five minutes later it’s showing three. Projecting out across the next five minutes, maybe my faith in mankind will finally be restored. (I say that tongue-in-cheek, as my faith in mankind was lost a very long time ago.)

    in reply to: The Biggest Economic Story Going Into 2015 Is Not Oil #17640
    Diogenes Shrugged

    Ilargi: I just finished reading the comments at ZeroHedge and I’m now feeling a little sick inside for a couple of reasons.


    First, they only gave your article one star. Second, they never explained why. As with so many ZH articles these days, the comments section resembled a room full of screaming adolescent chimps. Chimps or chumps, take your pick.

    Ilargi, if you have any idea what their objection(s) might have been, or what their problem is, I’d appreciate hearing it. I’m at an absolute loss to explain this. I give your article five stars, and your second-to-last paragraph six (on a scale of five). I really don’t think I’m the one missing something here.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2014 #17547
    Diogenes Shrugged

    I was puzzled earlier by the fact that “chemtrails” and “geoengineering” aren’t included in the “CO2 / global warming / climate change” models, rendering those models inadequate for making climate predictions. But now I’m beginning to realize that “chemtrails” and “geoengineering” possibly refer to entirely different programs, and that “solar radiation management” is not yet underway after all.

    It would seem the pilots may be as much in the dark as the public is:

    Fortunately, Ebola virus is quickly destroyed by sunlight. But what if they manage to develop a pathogen that’s more stable, and spray it on target populations from high-altitude jets? The result could make a nuclear war seem benign by comparison. So far, regardless of what they’re spraying, I can’t help but think they’re just peeing in the swimming pool, but who knows what the future holds.

    Maybe we should stop being distracted by the bogus climate change narratives that all but ignore the variable contribution from the sun itself, and start paying more attention to their plans for population reduction. Just a thought. With the price of oil collapsing, they know they’re going to be facing pitchforks and boiled rope soon, so it stands to reason that they might be exploring all their remaining options.

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