Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59289
    Dr. D

    “How long will the bailouts go on?”

    Because of the political and mental structure worldwide, they will go on forever until they can’t. Which is why to sabotage them to speed their failure, as we see in the ‘States. This day was coming. Since Sept 14, that day is now. By comparison, the other things are a sideshow.

    Orlov nails this in the first 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ssk2BacEpo
    This is a driver for change preferable to a 3rd world war and we should appreciate life taking this path for our convenience. However, recognize it means the old system is dead, dead, dead. That means the old power, stemming from debt, has no power when the debt vanishes. New day.

    Only to mention Twitter wars™, Cheeto was trying to goad them into action on his election timetable using Scarborough. But haven’t we all had a cute, marathon runner turn up dead under our desk with blunt-head trauma right after we admitted we were having an affair? I mean, hardly a day goes by… That didn’t work, but he got this other line to bite. The only important thing is they, like Amazon but unlike every other structure on the planet, have special legal dispensation. They are protected from libel and publisher status by being a “platform.” That means they cannot edit and choose the material. Which is exactly what they’re doing, while also being an open PAC fund, specifically promoting political ends like Mail-in voting. AND getting CIA money at the same time. WTF? You’re either a platform, and let everyone talk, OR you’re a publisher, and are therefore responsible, political, and sued. They want it both ways, and we’re pretending that’s legal. It’s not, it never was, but since we haven’t enforced the law in 100 years, why start now?

    Minneapolis Ablaze Amid Looting (ZH)”

    Can you hear me now? What was that I said? It appears as if people are not following the law! But I told them! Don’t you know who I am?

    But never to let a uniting moment go to waste, they are pretending each side hates the other when everyone agrees on this wrong. Apparently that’s not good enough or something. No! No friends! I refuse to agree! We must not have allies! (Against the real oppressor and enemy of the people.) We got to get that Civil War started and bury our crimes in the bonfire, while sitting in the castle on the hill.

    Limited hang out? Exactly what I was thinking. Why would anyone even suppose/propose such a thing? It’s literally the least-likely of all explanations. How about “He went over to buy some much-needed political blackmail from Mossad and also have a involuntary afternoon with the young staff”? What does it take to have people add two digits?

    I’d say “when it’s with your daughter” but it already was. A hundred times. No one cares. But when someone tweets? Oh my god, the nation ends. This is not a serious culture. They are not a serious people. But all that is ending now. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cartonero https://www.dw.com/en/living-from-garbage-cartoneros-in-argentina/av-18913556

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59250
    Dr. D

    So Hong Kong did everything right. Funny.

    “Peru Seemed to Do Everything Right. So How Did It Become a Covid-19 Hotspot?”


    “Peru was one of the first nations in the Americas to take strict preventative coronavirus measures, like stay-at-home orders, curfews and border closings. So how did it become one of the hardest hit?
    As of Monday, Peru had more than 123,900 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3,600 deaths — putting it second only to Brazil both in number of cases and deaths in Latin America.
    The two countries had handled the epidemic entirely differently: While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the dangers posed by the coronavirus, Peru’s President Martin Vizcarra declared on March 15 a nationwide state of emergency that included mandatory self-quarantine, and shuttered the country’s borders.
    But the virus surged all the same.”

    As with the same curves worldwide. Of course, being journalists, the article is almost completely fact free. What are the ages? Locations? Income? Chart? Time? Comparison to world and 1st day? de Nada.
    But then, by not providing any facts, they didn’t have to lie! Or at least not that I could find at first reading, I’m sure it’s in there.

    Still, jumping point for the question: if these things supposed worked, even in hindsight, then why does every one of them have glaring exceptions and contradictions? Sounds like the data itself is faulty.
    Then, when nobody did their job and everybody’s lying, we all yell at each other! Really, it’s a win-win.

    “what’s the death and positive rate look like?
    So cases continue to go up but the death count peaked in mid-April, flat-lined, and now has collapsed.
    Why did all of this happen?

    Let’s recap: The “mitigations” were worthless. That was established by the end of March. I’ve pointed it out time after time; the curve of infection rate (not count, rate) bent before the steps taken could have had an effect. That which occurs before you do something cannot be caused by the “something.” This isn’t a matter of debate; it is fact and anyone arguing otherwise isn’t a “scientist” — they are committing fraud”
    Birx and others have repeatedly claimed we were in the “logarithmic” phase through April. That’s false and by the second week of April it was known to be a lie and thus could no longer be claimed as a “mistake.” We’re now six weeks or more beyond that point and yet not one retraction has been offered.”
    it takes five days for cases to become symptomatic and we are now three or more such periods into the “reopening” in Georgia, Tennessee and elsewhere. There have been NO logarithmic spikes in case counts or hospitalizations in any of these jurisdictions.”

    “…The CDC now claims that 0.05% of those under 49 who are symptomatic will die.”

    Folks, even the CDC is now saying this bug is no worse than twice as bad as the normal seasonal flu. That is, it’s roughly as bad as the flu season in 1968-69, or even that of just a couple of years ago — and that of 2009.
    “We knew immediately and factually after Diamond Princess that this “first premise” was false, as I noted at the time… Where is my apology and where are the heads of the politicians and so-called “experts” who murdered businesses and jobs by the tens of millions? When do they pay for the damage they caused on purpose predicated on an outright lie?”


    Well, never, duh. No one apologizes, because no one admits they were wrong. That’s a feature of a fact-free, logic-free, science-free world of da feelz.

    Meanwhile, in the world of real danger, gun-free Chicago has record shootings for the holiday weekend. 10 killed, 39 shootings. No one cares. “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” Huh? What??? “But we told them!” “It appears they are not following the law!” Hahahahaha. You guys are so cray-cray. If the TOP doesn’t follow the law, and the BOTTOM doesn’t follow the law, there’s only one sucker at the poker table, and it’s YOU. YOU are the only one following the law or even having the fantasy anyone is following the law, so you are the one paying for it, and you are the one being murdered and robbed, with robberies and murders done in your name, while refusing to take responsibility and defend yourself. Well, evolution at work, I guess. If the lowest poor guys in Chicago can understand this, image how dumb the smart guys must be.

    “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” What? People don’t just obey everything you say? When did this start? Who could have seen this coming? Taleb, have you heard of this “people not doing whatever you say” before? Is there math and charts for populations not obeying and committing crimes in history? What a genius!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59237
    Dr. D

    Ah, and thus why they to buy and shut down the WayBack Machine. How can the ego create reality, have it constantly reverse, “We were always at war with Estasia” when there are still books and records showing otherwise? The pure insanity and chaos cannot be complete.

    ““Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984

    “Power comes from the barrel of a gun”

    If you wanted only to enforce the present truth, to be who you are, to take the true consequences of your actions, what would you need power for? You would never use it. It’s only needed and used to STOP the truth and PREVENT justice. I mean, look at who wants and most desires, most uses it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59236
    Dr. D

    Sort of. The people are very laid back and trusting, which is pretty good in a way. However, because they are never suspicious and believe any nonsense they’re fed, they are the victims of any half baked story and transparent con game any villain can cook up. You know, like yellowcake and the Patriot Act. Sadly, I thought people had a brian, morans, and a 5-year-old could see through this. Nope.

    However, they are the great mass and the con men are the minority, so we go twining through history together. Good and evil, in the dividing line of our own hearts. If people want the good, con men can’t touch them. It’s required to be complicit. So their present success says more about us than them. Adhere to the good, to that morality they claim doesn’t exist, doesn’t work, is all subjective and made up, and they will disappear to the corners. The greatest trick the devil had was to make people believe he doesn’t exist. Morality doesn’t exist. Rules don’t exist. Logos doesn’t exist. The only thing that exists is ME, the ego. And the ego is an empire now, and when I act, I create reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, and the reality of yesterday stops existing, and truth becomes whatever I think it is now — past, present, future — until I tell it to change again a minute from now. That’s “Reality”! That’s “Truth”, in the Reality-based community. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community A community of cult insanity. Apparently everybody loves it, so who am I to judge?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59224
    Dr. D

    More in explaining high cases in Democratic and Resistance districts:
    “Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Tests Have Been Double-counted, Officials Admit”

    Wow, 10,000 mistakes, and they all go the same way! Always! But I do not find that suspicious at all. I believe everything I’m told by experts, even though it is directly opposite to experts who spoke just a moment ago.
    Since this thing is so boring and so obvious, let’s go look at something important:

    “We are Headed into War”
    “the Democrats have nothing to stand on but the virus for the 2020 election. They used the Russians for the 2016 election and this time they are using China. They seem hell-bent on creating World War III simply for political gain which they may think will not come to blows – in that they are wrong!”

    The phrasing blames the DNC as if they are alone, which is wrong. All power-brokers including or especially Cheeto want this to happen, and I believe very few think it will be an open conflict. Genius timer Armstrong suggests they are wrong, and I find the chance of miscalculation between our cultures much more likely. China is fighting for her survival, we aren’t. So they may move far, far stronger than we believe or are ready or capable of responding to. It’s China’s back yard, and they know it: that’s why they call it the “China” Sea. If they want Hong Kong, or even Taiwan, we have nothing that can stop them. If they wanted Okinawa, or even the Philippines, we’d be lucky to slow them down. Like 1939 Japan, they could leap out into the Pacific rim and tell us to go do … naughty things. And then what? We fight a world war to push them back in a hypersonic nuclear age? We don’t even NEED nukes anymore, the kinetic blow of hypersonics can easily level Seattle and Chicago in minutes. China has demonstrated they can just lob ship-sized objects like artillery throughout the seas. So then do we retreat instead? Then what?

    Everyone’s distracted with garbage, nonsense, non-events while this goes on. Like the impeachment, engineered for a distraction that didn’t happen.

    China is not kidding. But we are a joke. Both as a military and as a culture. We can’t tolerate the stress of watching Netflix while people with actual work and bravery delivered Cheetos to you on the couch while whining and complaining about them DOING that work for you. But so it goes with Tytler’s cycles of decadence.

    They have tried to start WWIII (or IV) like 10 times in the last 3 years. Their avowed goal and religion is to reduce the population by a few billion and reduce the footprint on earth. While they get rich on the effort. Try to pay attention and take it with the gravity it deserves. Since the entire West is wallpapered with nothing but lies, I doubt this is possible, but I can say it.

    Speaking of new ways to kill millions or billions – beyond the millions now likely to die in the 3rd world, like Chile, commodities producer for a shuttered planet – they can’t stop/won’t stop killing people by shutting off the power and fuel that keeps us alive.


    These are the same guys who got every model wrong for 30 years, and just got all the pandemic models wrong that will kill a million or two with poverty and unemployment.

    “Florida loses approximately 200,000 people a year to all-cause mortality. New York, which has a roughly-comparable population, loses about 150,000. This is not surprising; Florida’s population has an older median age and thus you’d expect more people to die for all manner of ordinary reasons.
    New York has had roughly 23,000 covid-19 deaths recorded. That’s 15% of all-cause mortality, a very significant impact and enough to scare the living Hell out of a significant percentage of the population.

    Florida, on the other hand, has had about 2,200 covid-19 deaths. That’s approximately 1.1% of all-cause mortality, a completely-insignificant percentage — in fact, a rate lost in the ordinary year to year statistical noise of the all-cause rate of death.

    Tennessee has had about 300 deaths, and usually has about 70,000 all-cause deaths a year. That’s under 0.5%, again, an utterly-insignificant impact and again lost in the ordinary statistical noise.

    Michigan has had ~5,200 Covid-19 deaths; the state’s all-cause mortality is right around 99,000. That’s 5.25%, or ten times Tennessee’s rate. Now that is a figure that is quite material. Maybe not enough to scare the living Hell out of everyone (it’s 1/3rd of NY’s rate, after all) but it is high enough to scare plenty of people.
    Illinois had 4,715 Covid-19 deaths; their all-cause mortality in 2018 was 110,000. That’s 4.29%, or about ten times that of Tennessee and approximately four times that of Florida, which has an older population than Illinois. Again, quite material


    Explain? Apparently viruses are political, follow legal borders, and can vote. What’s the science for the Blue Flu?

    “US still going down slowly due to decline in top states, NY, NJ, IL, MA,”

    “This isn’t speculation; as I pointed out at the end of March every single state that I looked at had its infection rate (not case count, rate of expansion) peak on or before the day the lockdowns were enacted.

    Since it takes five to ten days from infection before you are symptomatic enough to go seek treatment this means the lockdown orders could not have caused the curve to collapse because the mitigation was put into place after the event occurred.”

    Yaneer doesn’t notice cause and effect. No science for us!

    “Every decision maker should take an in-depth crash course in risk.”
    “Tail Risk of Contagious Diseases – Cirillo/Taleb (Nature)”

    Yes, they should. Because clearly nobody’s paying attention right now. To science, statistics, data, math, or tail risks. Taleb’s ‘Tail Risk” would have us in our basements for 1,000 years because there is ALWAYS comet-striking-earth tail risks to everything. Every. Day. Yet this, which according to their stats, should happen, never does, while 6 Sigma events in human affairs, like market crashes, should never happen, but occur constantly. No one adjusts their math. They just tell reality it’s wrong and they’re right, as the ego drives them into ever-more delicious delusion. Everyone cheers the wrong where the only enemy is the truth.

    “Are these people still using Microsoft software, further enriching Gates?”

    Sure they are! It’s essentially impossible to do otherwise. That’s why we installed government mandated-and-protected monopolies! They have to to keep a back-door on every chip and software to the NSA and therefore to China and everybody else. This is literally true: go look at Intel chip exploit and software is naturally far worse. They just bought WayBack machine to destroy competition, and use monopoly and bank/market rigging defended by the SEC to fund it all. So no more truth and history for you! We’re firmly installed in 1984, Winston will be editing and re-editing all those pages just like they told you they would. …But of course although they said it for 60 years and did nothing but promote this the whole time, they were only kidding and I’m just crazy. Being right for decades is all just an accident and I’m wrong and making it up this time.

    “China’s Coronavirus Campaign Offers Glimpse into Surveillance System (R.)”

    I’m also crazy that this is happening worldwide, everywhere but here, just as they said they would, openly destroying journalism, protest, discussion, dissent, and all institutions that don’t strictly adhere to violent Stalinism that killed 100M in the 20th century. Join today! I, Karen, demand it! If we can save even ONE life by killing every bison in Yellowstone it’s worth it! Public safety brownshirts will expand their patrols from Antifa and Karen to the Bobbies arresting you for wrongthink online, which has been happening regularly. That’s how you know it’s good! Everyone’s much safer now that you can be arrested for anything, or even NOT arrested and held in Belmarsh for life without trial. Yay virus! We join today!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2020 #59190
    Dr. D

    “The only real number is the total number of deaths – all causes of death, not just coronavirus. If you look at those numbers, you will see that every winter we get what is called an excess death rate. That is, during the winter more people die compared to the average, due to regular, seasonal flu epidemics, which nobody cares about. If you look at the coronavirus wave on a graph, you will see that it looks like a spike. Coronavirus comes very fast, but it also goes away very fast. The influenza wave is shallow as it takes three months to pass, but coronavirus takes one month. If you count the number of people who die in terms of excess mortality – which is the area under the curve – you will see that during the coronavirus season, we have had an excess mortality which is about 15 per cent larger than the epidemic of regular flu in 2017.

    …Mortality due to coronavirus is a fake number. Most people are not dying from coronavirus.

    …In developing countries many will die from starvation. In developed countries many will die from unemployment. Unemployment is mortality. More people will die from the measures than from the virus.”

    “Any reasonable expert …will tell you that lockdown cannot change the final number of infected people. It can only change the rate of infection. And people argue that by changing the rate of infection and ‘flattening the curve’, we prevented the collapse of hospitals. … But look at Sweden. No lockdown and no collapse of hospitals. The argument for the lockdown collapses.”

    “in 2017, 25,000 Italians died from flu complications. Now you have around 30,000 dying from coronavirus. So it is a comparable number.”

    –Yoram Lass former director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Health.


    “I Think It May Have Cost Lives” – Nobel Prize Winner Michael Levitt correctly predicted the initial trajectory of the pandemic, but was ignored by now-disgraced Imperial College epidemiologist Niall Ferguson”

    “We should have seen from China that a virus never grows exponentially. From the very first case you see, exponential growth actually slows down very dramatically.

    “The problem with epidemiologists is that they feel their job is to frighten people into lockdown, social distancing. So you say ‘there’s going to be a million deaths’ and when there are only 25,000 you say ‘it’s good you listened to my advice’. This happened with Ebola and bird flu. It’s just part of the madness.”

    Prof Levitt says the global evidence shows the virus fades in dry heat and in much of the western world “there seems to be some kind of immunity”. … “I am 73 and I feel very young,” he added. “I don’t care about the risk at all. As you get old the risk of dying from disease is so high that this is the time to buy a motorcycle, go skiing!”

    Believe the exerts, not the experts. The experts know. So do what they say, and the opposite of what they say, and remember: it’s your fault!

    So…one question: since the experts all disagree and are little better than man on the street interviews, who decides which experts we get to see and hear? Would it be “experts” of manufacturing pre-determined consent?

    Virtually nothing in America’s top-down financial and political realms is actually transparent, accountable, authentic or honest. Everything in these realms is a simulated, completely self-serving projection intended to fool us–The Big Con.” Charles Hugh Smith

    Big con? NY Times publishes list of victims, which from their own presentation, is meant to be political. Problem? We haven’t even been through the list and one gentleman named was shot on the highway, and didn’t die in a bed. But I suppose they rubbed it on him on the way to the hospital and got their $17,000.

    “ More Patients Than Beds In Mumbai “

    And you’re telling me this isn’t always true?

    And in abbreviated quotations: “I cannot live in societies that spend trillions on nuclear weapons” Agree. Hey didn’t some President warn us about this in the strongest possible terms, IKEA, Ikeheart, something? And then his successor was shot over it? Meh, whatever. Two generations did nothing, why start now?

    BREAKING: Coronavirus Outbreak New Losers!

    Israel, who wants to pin stars on people who are allowed to go out. …Now where have I heard that? And soon to be, Russia, which as an app you’re required to respond to in 1 minute, even if you’re asleep, so they can track all humans in 12 time zones. …But that’s never gone bad for them or anything. Clearly human rights that will kill millions have lost in Singapore, Hong Kong, Europe, Spain

    “Stop focusing on businesses, start focusing on people.” The businesses, or rather the SMALL businesses, that literally ARE people, are the ones who do the work that allow people to EAT, live, and survive at all. They are nearly the only job creator at all, which means they are the only traffic and commerce that isn’t essentially a rentier monopoly. So small business IS people. The only honest, non-fascist ones. Definitely need to be stopped then.

    So: stop focusing on people helping people, while employing people who help people and instead focus on people. I guess the difference is when you remove the first half, the only thing you’re removing is anybody doing any work. Which means people will die. No work = everybody dies. But we’ll know that soon when the inflation starts.

    Not doing work for people = helping people? I oppose.

    “So on the one hand you want a capitalist, neo-liberal system, but on the other you want companies to work for the public good.”

    I don’t see the problem, this has been true since before “capitalism” in the modern sense. Before, you needed to explain how your idea would help the people and the nation before you could incorporate. So I’m sorry nobody’s following the law, but since this doesn’t seem to be working, we might look into trying it. You know, going back to the days when things functioned, and the rules that existed then.

    “I remain amused by all the calls of hyperinflation”

    He’s not wrong, but it won’t matter until it suddenly matters. These things aren’t cost-free, and they’re having all kinds of bad effects, just not hyperinflation until later.

    “Japan Eyes Stimulus Plan Worth Over $929 Billion To Battle Pandemic (TRT)”

    Same as here: print a trillion in dollars, then cut the availability of goods in half by arresting anyone who produces or works. No one will work and everyone will eat: socialism defined! Okay. Everyone loves this and thinks it’s super-smart, so here we go. Apparently I’m going to profit on your suicide while begging you not to do it.

    states have lockdowns in effect and people go out and in places like Tokyo there is no lockdown and everyone stays inside”

    Goes to show the character of the people and the nation. You’re not going to stop that by saying, “Well I told them.” “I demand to speak to your manager.” It’s going to go the way it goes despite all the hot air. I’m pleased Asia is generally like this, but it also has substantial disadvantages. They can do as they please, but here, Karen won’t leave me alone. They’ll probably invent a law to inspect my bedposts, like they did in New Zealand. I oppose. Because they’ll use it to expose and imprison all the reporters, protesters, and whistleblowers, which they already have. Apparently no one notices, they like it, and want more.

    We managed to live in a world with nuclear bombs. But we won’t survive living in a world like that. “Public Safety” and the collective good, censorship, self-censorship, and gun control are the hallmarks of the Nazis, because they are National Democratic Socialists. I oppose. I don’t think that is unreasonable although our way has costs too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 23 2020 #59128
    Dr. D

    Quotes from around: “Probably the scariest piece of news is not about the numbers of “infected”. It is a meaningless word, for there are persistent carriers who do not succumb to disease; the vast majority of the “infected” are asymptomatic, meaning they aren’t sick and aren’t infectious; the number of “infected” is in direct proportion to the number of tests; the tests are dubious at best, and none is verified by the methods accepted in pre-corona medicine, while the methodology approved and enforced by the WHO can’t be described as scientific. It is not about deaths, for we do not experience more deaths than in 2018. Moreover, in many countries, notably in France and in Norway there are 30% fewer deaths in certain weeks of April and May in this year than in the last year.” https://www.unz.com/ishamir/coronavirus-conspiracies/

    We are now also seeing cases drop once states open up, perhaps from sunlight and away from apartment air-handling systems.

    Now agreed by Pope John Fauci the lockdowns are doing more harm that good. Just like I said. But he only says that after it didn’t rig the election they way they had hoped. NYC is dying. Democratic strongholds are revolting. We didn’t need any hospitals. We didn’t need any ships. We didn’t need any ventilators. We’re 25 million short. Wrong again, like every single time.

    “”We’ve Never Seen Numbers Like This” – Trauma Doc Sees Post-Lockdown Suicide Wave Starting” “we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”
    “Worst Unemployment Spike In History – 1 In 4 American Workers Has Filed For Unemployment Benefits In 2020”

    Censorship of all doctors, science, and history: “YouTube Censors Doctor Knut Wittkowski For Opposing The Tyrannical Lockdowns”

    Curves nationwide and worldwide are all roughly the same, lockdown, no lockdown, early, late, whatever. Just like I said. But now science and experts say it and you can keep saying I’m an idiot, just like always, although I’m right again, like so often. Always believe experts that are wrong, who then reverse themselves and are never discredited, instead of engineers that are right, inexpensively, far ahead of time when it still matters. They are also reviewing the data, finally, to determine who actually died of CV and who didn’t. Stay tuned.

    Even the variation between curves make no sense. Cambodia, no cases, big traffic with China, nothing. Russia that locked down and was free, now suddenly something, once their people-tracking plans were tested and approved. Upper Italy but not lower. It does seem to attack wealthy nations, and democratic states, and places that protest and secede like Wuhan and Milan and Iran, which is really noteable.

    We did solve another problem with the unusually high transmission in Michigan, as the governor there too was salting nursing homes with CV patients by decree, then wondering how nursing homes somehow got infected, with 30-50% of the deaths occurring there. She continues this after “Grandma Killer” Cuomo Sent 4,300 Patients Back To Nursing Homes Despite Positive COVID-19 Tests” was forced to reverse.

    No one cares. No one is held accountable. No one is discredited. They do it all again tomorrow. Just so long as the Enlightenment and Western culture are utterly destroyed and we return to totalitarian neo-feudalism, where the King owns the fruit of your labor, not you, everything is fine, everyone’s in favor. So long as drug dealers, liquor stores, monopolies, prostitution are all open and churches, hospitals, and small businesses are closed, everything has the stamp of approval. Mothers in public parks are arrested, pedophiles are released for their safety to state-paid luxury hotels. All considered logical, necessary, and normal.

    So according to St. Fauci, according to the adjusted science on the various curves, the lockdown saved no one, or at least not many, destroying the entire economy that we use to, you know, EAT, and HEAT, and pay for DOCTORS, for essentially nothing. But don’t worry: like all the other science, they will ignore this science too and not look at it, just tell themselves they were right, and why your neighbor dies of alcoholism in his house, then his children were hauled off and were raped in foster care isn’t because he lost his small business of 20 years’ life’s work because Amazon can sell online but they’re arresting small business owners for posting on facebook. Nope. It’s his weakness, his fault, because of course I was “helping” and didn’t mean to, had no intent to, kill these thousands when I got involved and told them all what to do at the point of total violence and crushing child-kidnapping orders, because I, Karen,-are-smarter-than.

    The million, hundred million, that will now die from the newly-expanded, totally warned-and-predictable foundation of totalitarianism worldwide, in Europe, Russia, New Zealand, Canada, that won’t be my fault either because when I said every person had to be tracked every minute and could be rousted out of their homes and put into indefinite lockdown for no probable cause, I didn’t mean the REPORTERS, few though they are. I didn’t mean the RABBIS, in Queens. I didn’t mean the OPPOSITION candidates, the guy who has a pension to steal, I didn’t mean a business owner who didn’t obey fast enough and found CPS interviewing her kids, I meant my loud-mouthed neighbor who doesn’t watch his kids. I of course DID mean the Baptist pastors, the #@&$, helping fix people after hurricanes while FEMA stands on their thumbs, can’t-stand-it. I didn’t see it coming, although we’re the smart guys and that’s the whitest white swan in history, every line on every page of the whole book is written nothing but the same attempts, this same history of wrongs, and nothing could be more apparent, in the news 30 minutes after these non-laws passed, or just using common sense.

    But I didn’t mean. We were trying to help.

    Now that the lockdown is being discredited by science, the human race may yet survive such help. It remains to be seen.

    Leave people alone, as the Tao te Ching wisely suggested 3,000 years ago. They won’t. They can’t help themselves. It’s the existence of ego. Ego always knows best and throws a deadly tantrum if told otherwise. Let it go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59095
    Dr. D

    “Youth Chase Police off Beach” In mild, law-abiding Holland.

    “Migrants Riot for Fourth Consecutive Night in Paris”

    How can that be? “We told them” to follow the law! Don’t they know rioting is illegal? You know what we need? More government. Then they shall taunt thee a second time.

    “to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” With riots and armed force if necessary. Blah blah reading blah blah boring, “Respect my author-i-tie! Don’t you know who I am?”

    But if not, we could all end up in Belmarsh for telling the obvious truth. Either way. Because, lacking objective reality, all things are equally good, who am I to judge?

    The parties supporting Epstein and Weinstein have lasting problems with “consent”, of governed or otherwise.

    If you want to be a great leader,
    you must learn to follow the Tao.
    Stop trying to control.
    Let go of fixed plans and concepts,
    and the world will govern itself.

    The more prohibitions you have,
    the less virtuous people will be.
    The more weapons you have,
    the less secure people will be.
    The more subsidies you have,
    the less self-reliant people will be.

    Therefore the Master says:
    I let go of the law,
    and people become honest.
    I let go of economics,
    and people become prosperous.
    I let go of religion,
    and people become serene.
    I let go of all desire for the common good,
    and the good becomes common as grass.
    When the government is too intrusive,
    people lose their spirit.

    Act for the people’s benefit.
    Trust them; leave them alone.

    Nah. What fun would the world be if I didn’t tell everybody on earth what to do?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 21 2020 #59064
    Dr. D

    The only thing funnier than that was when we killed 30,000 people a year for 20 years with fake, easily tracked opioids. That was great! We never wanted that to end! And it won’t: still nobody cares, and nobody went to jail! Hahahaha!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 21 2020 #59063
    Dr. D

    Technically, she DID die of Covid. If not for the lockdown, she could have got some medical care. See? Lemonade! Gettin’ our numbers up. You know, ’cause no one hear you when you say half the people died WITH covid, not OF covid. Blah blah blah, flyover, can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.

    Hey, can we give more money to the WHO and Chinese bioweapons labs instead of Michigan dam maintenance? That’d be great.

    “A woman was injured by a bison two days after the Yellowstone National Park reopened”

    One death is too many! The only solution is to kill all bison and make the world safe. We must win the War on Death and no price is too high. That is today’s logic, right? Zero deaths, zero tolerance, infinite cost?

    Bailouts? Sure! That’s the whole POINT of the world’s best-timed crisis. $396B for you, $5,604 Billion for us!

    Joke of the Day: What do you call an economist that opens his mouth? A: Wrong.

    Speaking of jokes, here’s a guy who killed 10,000 New Yorkers:

    Hilarious I know. Imagine what jokes CNN would tell if he had killed 20,000. And that’s not including HCQ that might have been.

    Like this guy:

    And then there was the PA health commissioner that took THEIR mother out of nursing care for her safety, and put YOURS in!

    Hahahaha. So funny! Much joke.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 20 2020 #59023
    Dr. D

    “Many more people have begun to review the computer code used to justify the closing of the world economy, including engineers from Germany. This is by far the most UNPROFESSIONAL program I have ever reviewed in my life. It is so bad, it leaves one with the question of whether they have been that careless or was this intentional to further the climate change agenda?”

    Ferguson’s Code is Being Reviewed Worldwide with the Same Conclusion I reached

    Since not a single model has worked in 30 years and no one got in trouble, all the same models are running, and no one is discredited, I’m taking the under on them being in any way, even slightly, tiny bit legit and in good faith. And this was the same model for CV, which likewise was completely wrong and random in exactly the same political direction. Running their own model produces random results, in opposition to every letter of scientific theory.

    That is not suspicious at all. And being continually wrong for a lifetime is no reason to change.

    Oh well, it’s all changing whether we like it or not.

    “Migrant Youths Riot in Paris Again, Attack Police with Fireworks”

    Hey, they’re not social distancing! Oh, and also assaulting officer-people with risk of mass-fatalities. At least they’ve laid off shooting out the eyes of French women for now.

    Speaking of rules and fatality, gun violence rises in NZ now that guns are illegal. #Winning! Who knew? Just like everywhere else it’s been tried. Meanwhile, back in the States, people take long-arm “assault rifles” into the House legislature and nothing happens. Everyone remains safe. Just like the protests in PA and VA, wherever such things happen. Funny, huh? It’s almost like the guns don’t shoot people without a person controlling them, and its the person that’s responsible. But that can’t be right: I read that guns are magic objects that have desires and actions of their own. Like cars!

    Continuing State’s rights, here’s another high-school dropout, who could only find a job at a college as terrible and consistently wrong as Columbia. Writing an article as a presumed “expert”, he should be unceremoniously fired.

    Speaking of the Electoral college – you know, the one that prevents a civil war every 4 years and the nation from being trampled by a mere 3 cities – is a schtupid poopy-pants. It stops “democracy”, apparently never having read any history of democracies or anything the Framers said about why they opposed it. (i.e “Rights of the Minority,” “Two wolves and a sheep voting on dinner” blah blah blah) In contradiction of history, where the states feared no State but Virginia would ever have a President – and certainly never RI or DE — he instead says it was the opposite. Nope, every year Connecticut, with 200k people would out-vote Virginia with 750k. Yup!

    Then, unlike junior high school Zoomers, he, a history professor, has never seen “Hamilton”, and says, “The constitution’s framers neither anticipated nor desired the rise of political parties.” Nope. That the whole system was created to prevent one state from dominating the others, from the big trampling the small, and that the factions were already dogs-and-cats, shooting duels before the U.S. even existed, and who grew up under Whigs and Tories, then spent +10 years with parties actively shooting each other in the streets of Lexington, somehow had no idea what political parties were. Didn’t see it coming. Which is why they built the system from the ground up to prevent what they didn’t anticipate: factionalism and human nature.

    How dare they not like democracy when democracy has always trampled the rights of the minority, voted the 51% favors, then collapsed themselves into a mob run by oligarchic demagogues, just like now! Clearly that’s ridiculous. Oh, and the yummy, yummy civil war and subsequent trampling and extraction of the losing peoples under a “democratic” post-civil war system. We must always, always hunger deeply for this.

    Anyway, State’s rights, yeah. The only counterweight to the Federal overreach. You know, these things have been published. You can read them. For free! You can find out what happened and why. These guys did write it down because they prayed you would read it and remember, not make their mistakes. But you won’t learn any of that from Columbia and NYU, who will kill a third of the nation with their reckless ignorance. And you wonder why I don’t respect “experts” who can’t read simple documents, universally published, and depend on models that fail 100% through their whole careers. “If you laid all the experts from end to end, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion.” But they would reach a death count of 100M in the 20th century.

    Speaking of voting yourself other people’s wealth and collapsing democracy into a warlord system of “Mad Max: Fury Road” death, Steve Keen: “Why Australia Must SPEND Its Way Out of the COVID19 Crisis (DM)”

    This is despite UBI/printing/socialism failing everywhere. We have more poverty and income disparity now than when welfare started. But go ahead. No one learns, so learn for yourself if you must. Since they’re the same people who disarm, I’m sure it will go just super-great for them.

    The chart is amazing. It shows the biggest countries have the most deaths. …I’m assuming it was meant to display something else, though. Maybe they should Y-axis by % instead? I’m guessing they didn’t do that because it wouldn’t demonstrate some political end.

    1 in 500 in NYC. Okay, so why 1 in 4,600 over the rest of the nation? Something has gone terribly wrong there and seriously needs to be investigated. And you won’t get that by cooing over Cuomo, who in his tenure removed 30,000 beds at behest of the health care lobby. You know: the guy who is presently indemnifying himself against investigations of his criminal malfeasance.

    So let me get this: the prosecution couldn’t provide evidence and stopped showing up in court so the judge took it on himself to be the judiciary AND the executive prosecution, and then hired a personal friend of his to be his own judicially-appointed prosecution. In direct opposition to a case the Supreme Court re-heard only 5 days ago. Right. Carry on: nothing to see here. Clearly the Judge himself running the prosecution is totally unbiased and normal. When it’s removed further, he can take over for the defense lawyers as well, and the jury and defendant I suppose.

    Speaking of “nothing to see here,” $1B quid pro quo with Ukraine. Right after the $1.5B landed in family coffers from China. As everybody knows, but in a fact-free nation, nobody cares. In a time of universal lies, the only enemy is the truth. The truth would restrain my ego, the notion I know best and should tell everyone what to do, and that can never be.

    Well, it must be Wednesday in the Land of the Lost. All systems normal.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 19 2020 #58996
    Dr. D

    “There has not been the slightest hint of interest on the part of Congress in creating a national uniform set of rules..”

    This was very interesting to me since the author clearly failed out of high school and never took a civics class. This is exactly how the U.S. is supposed to be set up, since 1789, 1776, or before 1750. The States have pre-eminence. And a lot, most of our present social and economic problems have a single source in the “I know best” “One size fits all” top-down diktat we’ve been savaged under. NYC: 20,000 deaths. Wyoming: 7. One 67,000 people/square mile, one 6 people per square mile. Savage attempt at the same rules, same solutions. And Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy? No reason, but you notice it isn’t Wyoming telling NYC how it’s gonna be. Only the other way around.

    This is EXACTLY why the states, federalism, is primary, and HAS to be. Rhode Island: 1,000 sq miles. Alaska: 570,000 sq miles. Hawaii is a distant island. Kansas is landlocked. Texas is a border. Minnesota is a snowdrift. NOLA is Caribbean, DC doesn’t even have locals, only transplants. They’re all one nation. And you have the “Slightest hint” that somehow, some way they could NOT have different rules? That the Feds would be able to understand and dictate to each and all?

    But why not? That’s what I’ve been hearing from these IYI delinquents and dropouts all my life. And it’s been failing all my life, and they have yet to go anywhere outside Brooklyn and talk to anyone not like them, despite that they’re reporters and it’s their literal day job. Well, it happened this time anyway, perhaps by accident. Maybe the Governors can take a clue, stop slobbering over and blaming the President for everything (Ford to NYC: Drop Dead) and re-claim the power that has always been theirs. Then Massachusetts can be small, ecological, progressive, and Texas can be big, rowdy, and conservative, or whatever they want to be, because I won’t tell them. Isn’t that fine? Isn’t that diversity? How could they possibly have diversity any other way?

    Because they hate diversity. Everyone must be like my ego. And difference, diversity, has advantages as stated above, and also disadvantages, but at the moment, that is the actual law, should anybody wish to ever follow and obey it again.

    Well, in any case, we see the states, the people, aren’t going to obey anything, take any orders any more even if you tell them to. We’re now de-centralizing, Ms. Brice from NYU, and we will be for some time.

    It would be fun to arrest the vaccine czar, but what he did was very clever: he HAD to sell, BECAUSE he was just hired. It’s not his fault his company released a super-duper press release and accidentally boosted the stock the same day the government forced him to divest! Honest!

    is there anyone left who thinks US healthcare can be salvaged?”

    It depends what you mean by “salvaged.” We’ve been saying since the first day, in 1992, that the plan was, since they couldn’t get socialized health care through, to so utterly destroy the system and ruin the people that we’d beg for socialize care. Every step over every year has borne out that accusation, especially the 10% increases the 5 years into ACA, and the 3-4 10% increases AFTER, with a DROP in care and coverage, with NO doctors trained, hired, or planned. That’s a dead giveaway the object was to murder and destroy when you add 300,000 to the system with zero resources added.

    So how do you mean “salvaged?” If we just repealed the laws back to 1992, it would improve many-fold. But what is meant is, “Although we, the insurance lobbyists, worked long and tirelessly for decades specifically TO increase costs and profits, there is no possible way removing us would fix anything. You simply must enshrine us all and our high prices into a federal monopoly.” You know, that will work as well as Amtrak, Comcast, Exxon, and Boeing. We clearly must NOT salvage it by looking at the few sectors where medical cost dropped tirelessly: Lasik, plastic surgery, and cash-only locations like Oklahoma, because then we would be picking what works instead of enriching and empowering my insider-lobbyist pals.

    Since we can’t trust these guys to give guidance that basement-dwelling idiots like me could see, like air travel and masks, can’t trust them to not screw up two massive CV test releases in a row, can’t trust them not to loose and leak anthrax, can’t trust them not to sell medical bio-weapons secrets to the Chinese, can’t trust them to not put out a new drug every year like Vioxx that kills thousands, can’t trust them not to hide, subvert, and protect Monsanto from killing millions with glyphosate, can’t start studies until 6 months too late, can’t get medical care in the VA, can’t trust them to have a safe number of beds, doctors, and nurses, but now you want to hand the whole thing – that they’ve visibly failed at, constantly, for 70 years – TO the nation’s least-trusted group, Congress, by nationalizing it? I just don’t know what to say. Go ahead. Maybe you’ll learn your lesson when they maim you and leave you for dead, or it bankrupts the entire nation and you have no care, like Finland and UK look to.

    Or we could just expand the few places in medicine that are working better than ever, your choice.

    “the govt were considering going it alone with the #Herd_Immunity strategy weeks ago,”

    They already did that, but you wouldn’t let them. So they did they easiest thing: they patted you on your little head and lied. You still don’t seem to understand that’s what happened, so I guess they did the right thing.

    With the “Three C’s” so as they say, masks may work but not for long: like for the customers, but not the workers trapped in with thousands of new customers all day.

    So…then…where are all the hundred-thousand cases of grocery workers, etc? Why aren’t they sick? Is something else going on? Because…not science, not your theory. So we need a new theory. Anybody got one?

    Bonus question: why do the new child cases include children that test NEGATIVE for CV?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 19 2020 #58994
    Dr. D

    I believe the case rate in the U.S. is pretty-close to the lower health of Blacks and Latinos, which is partially poverty: wealth is the single foremost indicator of health, but also blacks and native-descended Latinos (and not Spaniards) have the “efficiency gene”. This causes overweight and Type II diabetes in massive effect. Overweight, high blood pressure, and pre-existing conditions being massive risk factors.

    The irony is that a gene that should save your life and make it easier, by being better at using food, turns out to be a giant liability when the main risk is too much empty fast-carbs, even for white people to tolerate, who are dying of voluntary Type II in record numbers themselves.

    On a positive note, the Navajo (I think) did a study of returning people to traditional native diets and crushed Type II almost completely, like a light switch. Problem is, you can never go back to sugar, alcohol, fry bread, and they are always, always available, day and night, addictively calling. So far.

    So my guess is the gene, by much, and poverty and exposure, by a little, adding up to the difference in numbers you see. Which really isn’t all THAT much different. It’s not 2:1 or anything. Like men, it was like 60:40 max, and men treat themselves badly and expose themselves to more risk. I’d rather focus on the process common to all than trace the ways the virus is racist.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 18 2020 #58953
    Dr. D

    Cuomo Says No One Should Be Prosecuted for Coronavirus Deaths in New York (CBS)”

    This is a bit annoying. So Andrew told DeBlasio, “Go ahead and have your parade”, then said, “What are you kidding? We ain’t gonna shut this state down, get real!” Then battered the President about shutting off Wuhan, then later Europe. Then kept the subways and other things open even after Rosedale or whatever on the Metro North was the center. Then demanded CV patients go to nursing homes instead of picking one and making it a Sanatarium model. Then he goes on T.V. and the state with the worst failures and the worst decisions in the whole union, is held up as the best of all Governors, Presidential material.

    If you mean “Presidential” in that he’s willing to kill a few ten-thousand people for no particular reason and bankrupt his government with the effort, then yes, that’s been Presidential since President Wilson. But that’s not what the rest of us mean. And somehow we have to tolerate the cooing and fawning over a pretty poor, random, lackadaisical response that seems to have both failed and caused problems, nation or worldwide. (Frowny)

    But yes, he’s the one who should be prosecuted, but the case would be exceptionally difficult to prosecute, which is how government weasels usually get away with it. And the Virus officially came from China, not from God. Try to keep up and not be so disingenuine, Andrew. Sadly, you’d have a better case for prosecuting the referring doctors, knowing the homes they were referring had no possible facilities to prevent spread and a clearly vulnerable population, but they were following State orders at a busy time.

    More on the bad counting/possible double counting. Explains why our data makes no sense.

    And so Yaneer’s statements make no sense. All states curved basically the same, whether total lockdown, some lockdown, or no lockdown, with the exception of NY, the first hit, still inexplicably high. South Dakota missing from his list. But luckily we won’t have to discuss this very much longer. Or at least not til they resurrect it for election day.

    Anyway, beaches in NY and VA show nobody’s obeying, nobody cares, the government has lost control. …Which means things are being run by the people now. You know: like a Democracy. With limited government. This will probably save people by getting some Vitamin D, but it remains to be seen.

    “Garcetti said that the city will “never be completely open”

    Before all this, if you said, “we will be under martial law total surveillance police state until we have a cure for the common cold,” no one would believe you. Thus everyone is just stopping, ignoring them, which is better and more peaceful then fighting over lampposts. It’s a good thing Americans remain in a generally good mood still. Last time we got mad, somebody got nuked. Twice.

    Hopefully we can reverse this mindless “efficiency” and re-establish the regional slaughterhouses, food distribution, packaging, and so on that being small can re-position very fast. You know: capitalism, competition? That’s good, since humans never change without an event to point to, despite all the talking one can do. That’s why we’re so successful and there’s 8 billion of us.

    Somehow that has happened despite Zerosum’s statement, which being true makes one wonder how we left the trees or can get anything right at all, ever. Monkeys, monkeying around with stuff, lost in our monkey-minds.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 16 2020 #58863
    Dr. D

    Yeah, the lockdown has been a joke. I’m not kidding about Pottersville. If every WalMart and Home Depot is packed, why bother? Just to keep drug dealers, liquor stores, dispensaries, prostitutes and Amazon in business but close every barber and Joe Tile Shoppe? It’s everything opposite of what you’d want from an economically and socially healthy nation, and we’re legally requiring it and subsidizing it. Then, clearly no one believes the experts and authorities, as they don’t really wear masks, and WI bars are packed the day Prohibition ended. That means they’re just not afraid, despite everything they could do, 24/7 for 21 weeks. Smart or other, I won’t say, just that they don’t believe you. You’re a hack, a nobody, a zero to them. Experts and authorities should probably look into why that is, before science itself is defunded and replaced with gawd-‘elp-us due to a total, screaming, lack of credibility. You know, like the WHO. I’m not that optimistic. Like other cults and religions, they have a hard time with internal reform, disciplining their own, which is odd, because that’s the basis of it.

    Anyway, no masks, no gloves, DGAF, and now they’re so at it, governments are courting riots and lightposts. Why bother? They had to step aside to retain the credibility that they are “in charge” before the people take the reins and kick them out or worse.

    Smart? Stupid? That’s not the point. The point is, the culture, the nation, is never going to be better than itself, and they’re constantly at this. Somehow a science, or a government, or an expert drawn from the population is going to be better than its inputs and its environment: the population. It can’t be. It’s like “People get the government they deserve”, because it reflects who THEY are, what’s inside the people in aggregate. Nothing can dodge that, not all the harassing and scolding in the world. Certainly not law and a Constitutional amendment, as seen in Prohibition. Alcohol use and problems went UP, as with the “War on Drugs” but they never learn. Just say “I told you to obey.” They are who they are. Stop ordering them around and bugging them. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. The only way is to provide something new, an alternative, so they can voluntarily elevate themselves. And despite current trends this was happening and worked great several times in U.S. history, until the “experts” are re-installed by a extractive minority of disaster capitalists again.

    You’re quite right about CV: 21 weeks in both can’t be true: it’s either contagious or dangerous, but not both. Their science is a rat’s nest: it makes no sense. Random countries succeed, and each thing that “worked” has an opposite exception to the rule. We just refuse to look at the examples that challenge our opinions. Each thing we know, no children, etc, shows an opposite. They still know nothing, and still the numbers, cases, locations, and processes contradict themselves, allowing each person to pick a constellation at random and support their random personal opinion. That screams data pollution and manipulation. If any case is equally plausible, something far deeper is happening, and need to step back another level.

    Anyway, if 66% of quarantines had it, DID the masks work? Why were they bothering? That says very contagious to me, just like coronas, just like common colds. Which means very, very not-dangerous, as the numbers seem to bear out, although we have strange, single-spot outliers like NYC. That means I suspect the test isn’t picking up the cases fully, and the exposure/antibody rate is higher. But there’s my bias, drawing same random conclusions based on criminally faulty data. The only thing worse than that would be doing fancy math on it. Good news would be: since you get it just as fast hiding at home with your mask on, then when we take masks off, it won’t make much difference. http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=239297

    Like it or not, we’re about to find out. Thankfully, we have decided this before we all starve.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 16 2020 #58862
    Dr. D

    China must know what it was or they wouldn’t want to destroy it. Or if they were trying to claim it wasn’t theirs, they would have said so then, not months later. This says “lab” to me, although it doesn’t have to be malicious. At least we got the dreadful pangolin thing gone. At this rate we can tell the truth by 2056, after 99.95% of us die of something unrelated.

    Winning nations said they were overreacting, but the U.S. was told that too. Vitamin D has proven to be strangely more relevant than one might expect, which helps explain the distribution worldwide, as the distribution in Viet Nam, but also Florida, America’s waiting room. And is another point of how the medical advice has been 180 wrong out of all the institutions and therefore governments. No masks, send patients TO nursing homes, stay inside as far away from vitamin D as possible. Lupus patients do indeed have better immunity: don‘t look at HCQ. WHO says don’t give immune suppressants to fight the overreaction, etc. Has expert advice killed 1/3 of the people? Half? We may never know. That could be part of the strange distribution as well.

    “Medicare for All means never losing your health insurance if you lose your job,”

    Before 1990, our health care mostly worked and only needed a seasonal overhaul. Since government-lobbyist complex got involved, it doesn’t work at all, doubly since ACA, a lobbyist wish-list, as expected. And with 10 years of 10% increases leading up to and after. Gosh if lobbyists and government co-created this against doctors, what’s the solution? “pushing new subsidies for private health insurance companies,”

    an anti-inflammatory drug approved for rheumatoid arthritis”

    Huh. Isn’t HCQ also used for RA and a lot cheaper?

    Seems strange that the military could give doses faster than the ten-thousand existing hospitals we already have, sounds more like a PR exercise, showing we’re “doing something”. Yes, something irrational and oversold. But I’m sure they’re helpful, they’re just a LOT smaller than all doctors and hospitals combined. The number difference is so massive, they could probably beat the U.S. military in lasertag by sheer numbers.

    24% unemployment. How long do you think we can live when nobody is doing any work? Guess we won’t find out now, and so much the better. They’re trying to stop the planting, so I’m glad they won’t get the chance. They wouldn’t like the results of their initiative.

    ICU room: is Denmark a success or a failure? If they hold off having any virus will they never have immunity and be hiding and at risk for 20 more years? While Sweden goes back to life? Not declaring here, just asking. What’s the plan?

    People aren’t protesting for the right to BE waitresses and hairdressers, they’re fighting for the right to HAVE them. This is about white people demanding service.”

    Wow. #OppositeLand, how wrong can you be? The people protesting were the WORKERS, willing to put themselves in danger to WORK. FOR you. The chronic complainers who clearly don’t grow food and deliver it. The people complaining were all the people who aren’t essential and don’t work, as they didn’t have any trouble or worries sitting at home. It’s pretty amazing. I feel there’s a certain divide that pairs up with a certain outlook: one group hates work and their dream and goal in life is to never work or do anything useful again. That’s the UBI, etc group, anti-capitalism, all that stuff. The other group WANTS to work, and is constantly annoyed and dodging the first group trying every method – regulation, rules, helping – to STOP work, to STOP others from doing what they want, which is expressing themselves, helping other people…through work. Okay, fine, although you’re trampling the rights of the workers…in the name of the worker’s rights. We’ll see how that works in the election, as attacking the working class didn’t work so well in ‘16. However, if you go system-wide with one group vs the other, it’s pretty easy to see what will happen. One method will stop all production and collapse us into the stone age, the other would move us forward to over-abundance. …And that’s been proven out every time, dozens of times, since October 1917.

    No, they’re fighting you – on the edge of using guns – for the right TO cut YOUR hair, not their own. To support THEIR kids, not fighting to have someone else, you, support them. Please don’t diminish how radically different this is. Some people love life and want to go live it. Some people love others, and put themselves at risk to help them. Some people live bravely and don’t cower in their basements fearing death. They don’t stop you from hiding and shirking work, so give them the same courtesy.

    They’re radically anti-worker. That’s just amazing to me. Especially when they still want all that stuff — iPhones, tacos — that work provides. They just don’t want to pay? Is that why they use 3rd world and slave labor abroad and promote 2nd class citizens at home? Don’t sweat it, man, just do some nobility of work and feel better about yourself. Don’t consume: create.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2020 #58820
    Dr. D

    “As COVID-19 deteriorates economic conditions, it could also result in funding cuts to major humanitarian organizations. Upwards of 300,000 people could die every day if this happens,”

    “How New York Turned Nursing Homes Into ‘Slaughter Houses’
    “Cuomo sounded indignant when a reporter asked if anyone had objected to New York’s policy of forcing nursing homes to admit recently discharged COVID-19 patients. “They don’t have the right to object…”

    “ten states where more than half of all state deaths have occurred in these “care homes”, and in many of them governors actually mandated that these homes take patients who were Covid+…That was an intentional act and meets, handily, the definition of manslaughter…”.

    “As we noted earlier this week, ~50% of deaths in Illinois have involved residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, problems that Spain and the UK have also struggled with. And the spike in deaths in the state seen this week has largely been attributed to a surge in managed-care-home deaths as the state’s utter failure to protect those patients becomes more shockingly apparent.’

    Maybe we should have addressed the sick people and not the well people, the way we have for the last thousand years? A fraction of money put only on nursing homes would have dropped rates 50%. So that would be from 86k deaths or 0.02% to 0.005%, or from twice the flu to half the flu.

    It would go some way towards explaining why NY and IL have high rates: essentially on purpose, through criminal negligence.

    Elsewhere, NYT reports some half a million Manhattan are missing…in this case assumed to have flown all over NY, Long Island, and Florida to avoid it, by definition after the quarantine and lockdown. So again, why high rates in non-city New York State? Leak from the high rate city. (Why that 10x the norm, don’t know yet)

    There is a second effect of this, as seen back in October(?) when Cuomo said “We can’t tax the rich”. Why, Andrew? “Because god forbid they should leave.” Like NJ where ONE person leaving blew a multi-million dollar hole in the state budget. Apparently that just happened. I wouldn’t say this is a problem of socialism, that is, some animals being more equal, more taxed than others, but it certainly is a feature of that system that must be dealt with very carefully. Because no one under 50% pays any taxes, and the top 1% pay what, 50% of the taxes? You can look it up. So a single tax donkey leaving can move a substantial percentage of taxes. “Flat” taxes we had previously, tariffs, whatever, with smaller governments and social support being in the community and not the government did not have this weakness. So be aware. If they stay out for the Census, which seems likely, NY will also lose Congressmen. Unfortunately, as seen in CA and OR, when they move they take their terrible policies with them in Blue flight and then collapse the new states they move to. Why, I don’t know, because they should know best what policies they are fleeing, but that’s how it is. Rural people don’t appreciate it much either, as they destroy the culture of the new place in seconds by bringing money from the Fed-DC-Bubble areas. Thanks.

    But things are changing, and nobody listens to me. I just report it.

    I’m sure the German court-Bond thing is big, but don’t know enough Europe to get it.

    Thanks Doc, that an event is being used doesn’t mean it isn’t real. We just have to not be used and punkd by it, not fall for the narrative they try to corral us to. And balancing Rights and Responsibilities is always difficult. That’s why I tend to fall back on 1,000 years of legal history, a system that has seen and internalized a lot of knowledge.

    Education has been a scam for 20 years, only limitless free undefaultable money has allowed it. As seen by the graduates of Harvard, Yale, and Columbia who get everything wrong they can touch and meddle with. RussiaRussiaRussia. Don’t know why they’re so hard-headed as to not be discredited. We love experts, not results, I guess. But that will change right now. Probably the change being held back, fought tooth and nail even by violence will snapback and try to suddenly make up for lost time in order to meet the cycle dates. I don’t prefer it. It’s unwise to hold back the tide to have it rush in as a tsunami. Follow the time and tides and move with them very slowly so everything can adjust. But then how would we get rich on disaster capitalism?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 14 2020 #58756
    Dr. D

    Did I just hear Dr. Birx on national T.V. saying that Covid cases were inflated 25%? Gee, who’s said that online before? I believe the science, not the science. I believe Dr. Birx, not Dr. Birx. Clearly Dr. Birx is a lying hack and we need a trusted statement from Dr. Birx instead.

    Oh and L.A. will NEVER reopen. Never. According to themselves and their standards are unmeetable. And of course that makes perfect sense when the rate is 0.006%, not quite back in shark-attack territory, but heading there. I’m sure that doing nothing ever again and completely stopping the world’s 5th largest economy won’t have any impact on poverty that might, I dunno, kill 10x more people than the disease? Ask East Germany and Ukraine all about how grand it is to not have an economy and how it doesn’t kill anyone. Oh and Socialism. Definitely the wonders and abundance and healthcare of Socialism.

    And speaking of, anybody want to tell me how NYC can have such a high death toll and L.A. have a low one? And how weeks after kids came back from FL beaches and NOLA parades, no Midwestern cities can seem to get this? Is this a disease or isn’t it? Why does it hit only Democratic states? Strange virus. Seems almost…unscientific.

    Since Cuomo sent all the Covid patients to contaminate fresh nursing homes: “Buried in NY Budget: Legal Shield for Nursing Homes Rife with Coronavirus.” –NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/13/nyregion/nursing-homes-coronavirus-new-york.html

    Another right-wing rag pushing corona conspiracy theories. Like the L.A. Times. Shameless!

    Oh and the same thing is true of vaccines. Special government indemnity for this industry (pretty sure that, and the special extrajudicial courts they use are illegal and unconstitutional) But vaccines are perfectly safe, and the pharmaceutical companies would never be more careless knowing they cannot possibly be sued. It’s so safe in fact that they pay out billions every year despite running their own industry-run kangaroo courts that have near-impossible standards of evidence. Good enough for me!

    Anyway, NYC 2.5% of the population but 25% of the CV deaths. Discuss? That’s an order of magnitude difference. We’re in week 20. Perhaps NYers are a different species, Homo Cellphonus, or the virus respects political borders and stays within the NY metro area? Maybe DeBlasio is the sole superspreader. Having a hard time justifying this. If you leave all metros, it drops off to almost nothing. Que paso?

    You don’t science by looking at confirmation, repeating what you already know. You make science by asking new questions, finding out the things you DON’T know, the new things that don’t fit and don’t make sense. That’s why we’re an #AntiLogos #AntiTruth culture. We reject all evidence that doesn’t fit our thesis. That’s literally the definition of #AntiScience. Science would keep (and check!) the evidence and change the theory.

    “50% of people still leave their homes every day. Not a lockdown.”

    Um, because if they didn’t they would die? If they are in any of a hundred professions, nursing, trucking, manufacturing, food, repairs, telecommunications, and they didn’t work, OTHER people would die? Weld them in their houses for 40 days, otherwise, stop pretending. You say they should “Lock Down.” And how exactly will they eat, heat, and get medical care?

    What do they say: “Theory is a great place to live because everything works there”? Meanwhile, back in the real world, how do you plan to support all the food and medicine, when nobody leaves their house to provide food and medicine? With a legion of shoemaking elves? It’s crazy. “Well I TOLD that food to get in my fridge.”

    OBVIOUSLY people have to leave their houses. A LOT of them. I don’t know if it’s 50% but it couldn’t be lower than 30. …Which means it’s a sham and a joke that scientifically can only destroy the economy. The one we all use to EAT.

    Stopping that eating? That’s bad. It tends to kill people. But don’t worry, eating is only “Capitalism” it’s only the “Economy.” Money money money, bad bad bad. No eating? No more problems! Ask Uncle Joe. Hey, let’s not plant crops in California so we can stay home. It’s transparently crazy: dangerously, violently so.

    Ah, why do the good guys have to save you anyway? Why oh why do we go to work and not do as you ask so you can learn your lesson?

    “Matthew McConaughey is reminding people”

    I always get my medical advice from actors and children while we ban licensed doctors from Twitter. That’s just common sense.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2020 #58753
    Dr. D

    Why doesn’t Marquette, Michigan, (population 20,000), use the same procedures as Tokyo?
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquette,_Michigan#/media/File:Downtown_Marquette,_Michigan_in_Autumn_(43657514144).jpg (Will either picture load?)

    Why doesn’t Jackson, Wyoming (pop 10,000) use the same rules as NYC?


    I don’t think anyone would need to answer that question because it’s self-evident. Because the number of deaths in Wyoming is 7. 0.001% One size does not fit all. But if a tree falls in Brooklyn, 3,000 counties need to burn down, and by God they’ll come make sure it does.

    I read an article that if the lockdown ended, people wouldn’t go out. So? Fine, let them. I’m not going to MAKE them leave their homes, MAKE them shop: it’s a free country. Please don’t. However, it’s the exact opposite when you PREVENT someone from going out, putting them under house arrest without charges or adjudication. That’s the opposite of freedom and 1,000 years of western law.

    If they want to wear masks, let them. Wear them for the rest of their life if they want, doesn’t bother me because I DON’T EXIST TO TELL OTHERS WHAT TO DO. However, they do not return the favor. It’s literally impossible to be left alone. The government is then fighting the people, thinking it knows better than its own paymaster and employer. What sense does it make for the servant to order the master? They can live just fine with me, however, they won’t return the favor and allow me to live. Am I kidding? They tracked down campers in the Outback and dragged surfers out of the ocean, miles from anyone, just to control them, just to not leave them alone. They lie awake nights worrying, somebody, somewhere isn’t obeying orders. Somebody isn’t under control. Somewhere somebody is thinking thoughts. And I must find them and MAKE them. Everyone must be part of my ego. Everyone must be EXACTLY like me. Be me or I’ll kill you. That’s diversity! That’s tolerance! That’s Love! (For Narcissists with Borderline Personality Disorder)

    And what if you’re wrong and the number is 25 million deaths short? What then? Because that already just happened.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2020 #58752
    Dr. D

    Boogaloo, the system is no better: instead of abandoning the group for the individual, they trample the individual in favor of the group. As we see with arrests and disappearances, lives crushed and made small. They’re entitled to their ways, doesn’t bother me at all, but it works no better and possibly worse. And CV medical is already universally Federally covered for a month or more, am I wrong?

    Hyperrational people are unreachable. Clearly. Counterintuitively, facts have no effect on the hyper-rational because they are being driven entirely by emotion. That is to say, they are completely ir-rational. If you’re provably irrational, are you insane? In a way. Although we all are less than sane to some degree or another. That’s why they have to go through the process on their own, and we have to let them. Only when they’ve destroyed everything for nothing will they question, and probably not then.

    So the U.N.’s 25 Million deaths by starvation because of the response? Will that do it? Wouldn’t count on it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2020 #58712
    Dr. D

    Here’s a good one: “”The Financial System Will Have To Be Reset”: How The World’s Most Powerful And Influential People See The World After The Pandemic”

    Huh. It’s not just idiots like me. As we’ve known for 49 years.

    “Fiscal Disaster: US April Deficit Hits Record $738BN as Government Spends $1 Trillion in One Month”


    And all voluntary. But then, organic things always have a blow-off end. It’s not like we don’t know when the tides turn.

    In this case, the Public wave has reached an extreme: no production, tax base, or income, and infinite spending. That means the Private wave is starting as government go bankrupt due to the blowoff of Socialism and Totalitarianism. That may not go smoothly, and doesn’t happen all at once, but it begins, and we can see this in State bonds going bankrupt, and should they even get bailed out, the currency would fail. Regardless, the government and their assets are being discredited. As happens with great and predictable regularity in history, and we’re no exception.

    Nor any surprise. That’s why everything that’s happened has happened. Inflation, oil, Iraq, ’08, Derp v. Generals, all of it. Whitest white swan that could ever be.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 12 2020 #58710
    Dr. D

    My thought on the tunnels was antiscience. They disinfect – seems a bit broad-brush at best – then get right back in the car filled with the virus. Good thinking! But it’s all about feels and crow’s foot magic talismans. Same day, baseball says they’ll open because they have drones to spray and disinfect the bleachers. Which are open the sun. That kills the virus in no time, for free. All for the feels, to sell the seats. #Antiscience. But no one notices, both because they’re entirely illogical and have no reason, but no doubt also because science has been saying utterly nonsensical things like this for decades without being called out and put in line by their own.

    What I’m saying about a fake, fantasy-theatre lockdown. Which we’ve known from the first week. So…virus essentially is airborne, lives 9-days on surfaces, and lives in most hosts without symptoms. Masks cut I dunno, 80%, but you can see the videos on the vapor getting through, so you’ll get a viral load in 15 minutes of talking to someone instead of 5 minutes. Wow! Hospitals, where they use actual science, say because of this, the masks are good for maybe a half-hour until saturated and must be dried, sterilized, reset. Gloves do nothing and may even help as viruses live better on the surfaces. There is a long, deeply annoying, glove-wasting protocol to use gloves effectively at all. So what have we here? As the article, near-total antiscience, or at least non-science.

    Given this, how did 66% of NYers get it? Because the virus follows science and not superstition, politics, and feels. You thought I was exaggerating, but they didn’t weld humans into their houses without food or contact for 40+ days. Those people, whether leaving the house or not, got food from somewhere. And that food came in cans, in chilled boxes of milk, stocked by a person touching thousands of things, carried to them by a person who touched hundreds of things, and that’s even if everyone was being careful as they claim. I can suppose 1/3 of the 2/3ds weren’t anywhere near as careful as they thought, removing their mask for a minute or whatever. So the virus was on everything. If you want to see, powder charcoal on your hands and see how it goes, where contacts are. A: Everywhere. Instantly.

    Totally predictable with an airborne cold-grade virus. Which is why it was irrational and unscientific to begin with. If you’re going to do this, you need to sell it and do actually it. If you half do-it, or even 80% do it, you have total failure and get the worst of both worlds: no virus slowdown AND a totally destroyed economy, eliminated Bill of Rights, and a Totalitarian state that has legal precedent and Fascistically supports all insider big businesses, and utterly destroys the middle class and all competition of small businesses. Which we have. As was totally predictable from the first week, since we knew it was near-aerosol, as transmissible as the flu, 40 days without symptoms – if ever — and 9 days on surfaces.

    So yes, I said it’s logical and obvious this wouldn’t work, and NY just proved it didn’t. And that’s without cheating, which everybody did. Then you have essentially no quarantine at all.

    But not to fear! It was never dangerous to begin with! Despite media which lies with every waking breath, the curve has flattened everywhere naturally and automatically whether there was a fantasy fake lockdown or not. The U.S. was trailing because it’s absolutely enormous, has 3,000 rural counties, and takes a lot of time to get everywhere. But it’s flattening, exactly as predicted, although their measures did nothing but print money and hand it to billionaires, as predicted. The numbers are still 0.01%, especially excluding whatever outlier-strangeness was happening in NYC, maybe Cuomo pointedly sending Covid people back to nursing homes for maximum death, I don’t know.

    But that’s it. It’s over. 0.01%. Panic! WeAllGonnaDie! GA has opened, no bounceback. SD never had one, despite the press. No outbreak, no bounceback. FL beaches packed: a week or two later, no bounceback.

    Their “Helping” didn’t help but it did destroy a whole bunch of other things, and killed poor people while the rich took their money, as always. Stop helping! But nobody ever learns. We did it again, the 100th time in a row in my lifetime, and next time we’ll not have learned, believe the liars, and beg for it again. And you wonder why the rich get richer.

    Apparently it’s voluntary. ‘Cause it’s just science. It followed science and not T.V. fantasies, because #Science is supposed to be #Reality, #Logos, but we are an #AntiLogos nations, where the only enemy is #Truth.

    How dedicated are we to this? For the 3rd or 4th time, China locks down again, while simultaneously claiming they have zero cases. So you locked down because of the outbreak you didn’t have? Yup! Everyone posts their numbers on worldmeter above, cheers, and claims China won and we should be like them, with police roundups, concentration camps and all. No, you silly persons: they’re L Y I N G. Just like we are, the WHO and CDC are, the Media, Cuomo, and everybody else who writes words are. The only enemy is #Truth. They’re LYING. Please say that to ourselves until we all internalize it and develop immunity to this garbage, unscience criminal thieving lies.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 12 2020 #58685
    Dr. D

    Just as UK lockdown is universal double-plus good, 66% of NYers got the virus in their house under quarantine.
    Trust the science. Except whenever it’s inconvenient, complicated, or gets in the way of power.

    “The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself” –LA Times
    Well-known right-wing rag, pushing this craziness.

    Oh wait: Of course their Brooklyn, Beverly Hills conclusion is that these physics only apply to other countries, because there are no poor people in East L.A. or central Pennsylvania who lost 50 jobs per death, and now their small businesses, and whole communities, have been destroyed. Nope! No poor people here! Because Flyoverland aren’t “people”. Only people in NYC, where 2/3s of the deaths are, matter. (Thanks to purposefully shipping COVID patients back to nursing homes. Cuomo is more popular than ever after that! Presidential material!)

    Riots Return to France’s No-Go Zones”

    They’re not following social distancing rules! It’s almost like they’re not following arson, assault, robbery, weapons, and murder rules either! But I said! I told them to follow the law!

    London’s Trains Packed with Commuters as PM Johnson Lifts ‘Stay Home’ Order”

    As with mass transit everywhere. Good thinking! Upper Michigan can’t go 4-wheeling in 500 miles for forest, but Staten Island is packed into the R train. Rules for thee and not for me! Hey, you can lose your father’s floor tile business in Marquette but we wouldn’t want to stop Wall Street from packing the lobby, amirite? Gotta have priorities: each NYer is worth 1,000 Flyovers. Each Wells Fargo is worth 1,000 George Bailey’s Building and Loan. Do I exaggerate? Where did the money go just an hour ago? Seems like to Fargo, who committed 10 million felonies in just *one* case, with fake fraudulent accounts. They’re in business, George Bailey is out. And the bailout money came FROM Bailey and Mr. Martini. You get what you incentivize. Incentivize packed trains and 10 million felonies, following the 100 million felonies in MERS. D—n you George Bailey!!! When will you stop competing with me? Can’t you just give up and let the last few towns become Pottersville, where only strip clubs, drug dispensaries, and liquor stores are open, where nobody has a job but prostitutes?!? Wait: Mission Accomplished.

    As Smith says: “The Fed’s fix is to lower the interest rate that banks and corporations pay to borrow money from the Fed while interest rates paid by the bottom 90% remain much higher.”

    However, he also says this is a suicide pact that will break the system: “All the Fed can do is fuel a revolt of the bottom 90% against their parasitic masters, the Fed, and the class the Fed has enriched with their free money for financiers and stock buybacks. It’s not that hard to forecast a populist revolt against the parasitic class that’s grown obscenely wealthy as a direct result of Fed policies while millions lose their jobs…”
    “bailing out Wall Street is the Fed’s only plan and only super-power. It’s the only reason the Fed exists: the parasitic class would wither away without the Fed’s constant distortions of what was once known as “the free market.””

    We don’t have a free market because then Potter would have to compete with Bailey. Because Potter is a mouth-breathing idiot son of an idiot son who went to Yale who loses money every year on every trade and requires bailouts to survive each week, we can’t have free markets, honest pricing, and real competition because he wouldn’t last 12 hours. That’s the whole point and reason to have power: to avoid the consequences of your own stupidity and irrational actions. That’s why the Fed exists and the SEC and CFTC have covered up every fraud and theft for 50 years. Remember Madoff had only one banker, whose board of directors oversaw every move. Everyone could see it and Harry Markopolis did. The SEC, CFTC, Fed, Geithner, IRS, DoJ, NY State Police and 50 state Attorney Generals covered it all up, right there in public on the front pages and every one of them is still employed. Except George Bailey and Mr. Martini’s Restaurant. Thanks to all the “help” they’ve been getting, Bedford Falls is closed and Potterville has prevailed.

    It takes a government to make this happen.

    But we have a solution: more Fed, more money, more government, more trust in authorities that lie and steal. But we told them not to! It’s almost like they’re breaking the law! The law nobody reads, follows or enforces. Worse than Paris rioters, and far more deadly.

    Have we pulled the plug on this system back in October, just before the world’s best-timed virus? I guess we’ll all find out.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2020 #58649
    Dr. D

    Yaneer still high as a kite. Nobody even in the quarantine is following quarantine. We have a fantasy-theater quarantine, where virtually everything is happening. You know, like airports where despite cancer x-rays and body-cavity searches, they stopped no bombs in all 20 years of the tests run. Even supposing we had a quarantine, which we don’t, in this case, 14 days (still!) when the time is known to be 40, AND it wouldn’t matter – even a little! – if it were, since most people end up non-symptomatic carriers. Also known. From the first weeks. Maybe they should just get a test instead? But no, Yaneer is running this debunked, non-scientific study, as is the CDC and discredited WHO. And I’m supposed to listen to him. Gah. I’d rather listen to ducks qvack than this nonsense.

    So what does Yaneer think he stopping except the economy and his feels?

    I stopped writing because I realized, like Yaneer, nobody cares about science and facts. It’s discouraging.
    Lockdowns work great except when people are involved either as the manager or the population. Then they cheat and it’s a fantasy, you know like Cuomo and Lightfoot, but also packed Wal-Mart and Home Depot while Pa’s Hardware has been run out of business, and although we can have 5,000 people a day in Target we can’t have an election. Never that.

    Back to now-discarded “science”: for instance, unless N.Z. stays locked down –forever–, they will immediately get it on the first flight. In direct opposition to every medical plan on earth, they now have no herd immunity and are therefore completely exposed. Congratulations, #Winning. I thought the plan was to get immunity, but now you’re trying to NOT get immunity? You want #AntiImmunity? For the vaccine we don’t have? WTF explain this to me.

    I realized, like Yaneer, nobody cares about science and facts. This isn’t even rocket-surgery, it’s literal headlines.

    Schumer Calls on VA Dep. To Explain Use of HCQ (AP)”

    So we’ve had the cure (treatment) since the 2005 CDC but we’re required to let people die? So many questions: what pandemic if we have the cure? Would Captain Stupidhead like to say this now, or only after the war with China? Does somebody want to ask in the Presser about this report they published 15 years ago? Oh, really? Why is that the only question that cannot be asked? If not, somebody want to ask why nobody wears a mask, stays apart or looks concerned in the White House? Does that have something to do with the open mic that said the numbers are super-low and they have a cure? And now front page they “got it” in the White House? Why would I care when nobody dies?

    Nope. Never ask. Panic. All going to die. Forever. Fingers, made for pointing. Agitation, unrest, for anything but asking questions and reading. Anything but using their own consensus facts and their obvious implications.

    “others issued warnings that the drug can cause severe health impacts if taken in an unsupervised capacity,”

    Huh. And here it was the doctors prescribing it under their express, exclusive, expert care. So why did you waste your breath writing that sentence? ALL prescription drug are the same, exactly like this one, unless you got child labor to write this article who was unaware of that. And hey, why don’t these doctors believe Fauci, the media, the CDC, the WHO, and the pharmaceutical companies? Is it because they’re always wrong and always lying and have been caught lying multiple times this time too?

    zinc sulfate, a dietary supplement, to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin may benefit patients”

    Point. As known the first week. But go ahead and voluntarily kill everyone and say “Oops” if you want, then call your intentional, criminal malpractice an epidemic. Clearly everyone will believe you, and they will kill everyone around them with their good intentions.

    “This is no fault of American business, this is no fault of American workers, this is a result of a virus,”

    No, it is the fault of the GOVERNMENT, who made a VOLUNTARY decision. Agree or disagree, but take responsibility for it, the one thing government can never do. YOU did this, NOT the virus.

    Why wouldn’t Derp State/Maduro hire the mercenary themselves just to capture them? They get all their money and hardware back when they capture them. The best opposition you can buy. My first thought since it makes no sense and they’d have to dig pretty deep to find someone this stupid and credible to even attempt it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 9 2020 #58559
    Dr. D
    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 9 2020 #58558
    Dr. D

    Kay: Not mentioned but implied, changing the goalposts. The reason for the lockdown was to allow hospital services not to be overwhelmed. That is, to allow herd immunity slowly. Longer, more painful, perhaps, but slowly. That is to say, everyone will get it.

    So if he doesn’t open up, how will everybody get it? If he doesn’t open up, will we stay in martial law and house arrest for the rest of human creation? What’s the exit plan?

    This is aside from quite strong evidence we have a cure in many nations that refuses to be used here. If we have had a cure (since 2005), why do we have a lockdown? In fact, why no arrests? Because they’re lying upon lying upon lying, so we are making pretzel logic admitting one lie while fighting another. Don’t concede any lies.

    So, nice and emotional scaring sounding: What “catastrophic effects”? What “epidemiological boom and bust”? How could that possibly be “endless”? Endless? Like until homo sapiens evolve into a new species? What you’re saying is 100% anti-science, all emotion, while hiding under the color of science. That is, it’s propaganda to promote your personal beliefs. Please don’t. This is how science is discredited and dies. Because of allowing people like this.

    UK To Place All Incoming Travelers Under 14-Day Quarantine (R.)”

    Speaking of fake, illusionary non-lockdowns worldwide. 4 months late. And nobody’s enforcing it. Not really. They can take a trip with Chris Cuomo and Mayor Lightfoot, perhaps to a parade recommended by DeBlasio and Pelosi.

    “Data Reveals A Complex Reality (DW) “

    Pretty sure as above, the data isn’t complex at all. It’s just people lying. Doctors and coroners are in good faith, but they’re not cynical, suspicious people like I am. Then the CDC and NHS takes the good faith numbers and headlines the drama while footnoting the facts. As it’s aggregated, no one can tell, and they won’t release the details. It’s a con game, where you fabricate confidence in a person or organization, then betray it. As if we didn’t know as far back as Viet Nam’s “We’re winning the war” numbers.

    How far off is the data? Hard to tell, but since they’re calling it the “Miracle Cure” in several nations because nobody’s dying of heart disease and influenza now, it’s probably relevant. It seems to have stopped instantly on reaching the long-term average number of daily deaths, which is pretty peculiar, and politicians seem to have anticipated this, which is strange. At the same time it clearly appears to be relevant, as we can show a peppering of under 70, especially health care workers who would not succumb to a seasonal flu.

    In a nation where every member lies every day as a matter of course and truth tellers are relentlessly persecuted and jailed, who can tell anything?

    “The Bailout Miscalculation That Could Crash the Economy (Taibbi)”

    This is very lousy, as if you miss payments – and the government is not only always lying, screws up everything it touches, but ALSO sides against citizens 100% of the time – then the missed payment CAN involve speeding up instant foreclosure and even demand 3 months back pay in cash. Even though the delay was planned, signed, and in good faith. Hey! Is that exactly like HAMP? That got a few hundred thousand people who could have been alright foreclosed on and their houses stolen by Mozillo and Fargo? Yeah…you done trusted the government. Nice knowing you. But you trust them when they say no human to human transmission and come visit my parade.

    But there’s a solution! More government! They’re still 100% employed at 100% pay with half the tax base. Isn’t that sort of like your taxes doubled? Nevermind. We can fix that too! With more government! Maybe we can quadruple the government and have no economy at all! That’s always worked in Cuba, Russia and East Germany. No bad effects at all.

    “My first reaction is: fewer cars!”

    My first reaction is, “Omg, I’m going to get a car so cheap it’s amazing, what car would I like?” Kind of the opposite of when Obama crushed all the cars and hammered the poor by making the cheapest used car prices double. Down at the bottom that was bad indeed and lasted years.

    Our utter incompetence actually helps us,”

    I think this may be in error. I believe we found that the FBI asked it to be closed, and these guys actively stopped it and refused to close just so this could have some banner to proceed. No incompetence, malfeasance, as usual. Every time a crime is committed, it’s always just an “accident” that nobody meant, like 100,000 times in a row, all in the same direction. But why talk? Nobody can be discredited. Nobody goes to jail. And as everybody is a criminal and liar, nothing can get done, nothing works.

    Obama will be implicated.

    I fear this is unavoidable. It 100% had to be in the daily security briefing. Daily. No one would dare otherwise. That’s aside from Strzok saying it was. So we wiretap and arrest opposition candidates now? While the people cheer? Some democracy. As it has been since Kennedy.

    Yaneer Bar-Yam is still high as a kite. The virus is “gone”. Gone as in extinct from Planet Earth? Can you please tell me what science says that is possible at all? No humans talk to any other humans anymore? They don’t go to stores and trade for food? And re-basing all the charts so they optically look similar also isn’t science. It’s propaganda. Sweden, Brazil, any non-U.S. nation is missing. The U.S. locked down earliest, today’s article showed Australia took no political risk because the U.S. already had, and they’d just point to us as is usually the case. We take the risk, they take the coat tails. The cases were all in NYC which did lock down. His case is garbage, emotionally-fabricated nonsense.

    Oh wait: the charts are Haaavard. Explains all. Here’s an expert modeler/programmer on Ferguson:

    I have Reviewed Ferguson’s Code – It’s a Joke

    First, it’s not a model. It’s a cartoon, it’s 1/10th the size of any normal model. Second, it adds so much randomness that if you run it several times, you’ll literally get any result you wish. Then you pick the one you want, big, small, whatever, and say “the model says!” “Experts agree!” But go ahead and trust them when they’ve been 100% wrong for half my life now and no model they’ve run has been correct since I don’t remember when.

    Oh, and they were totally 100% dead-wrong this time too? We’re 25M deaths short? Nah: trust them and their models, it’s a coincidence Harvard — which got this totally, catastrophically wrong — is just putting out data that politically attacks people they don’t like, while leaving out all other data. Totally normal and accepted. Just ask East Anglia.

    in reply to: Weaponizing the Dollar #58531
    Dr. D

    Yes, the word “Want” is much bigger than it seems. WHO wants? Wants what? Who benefits? There are some who are benefiting right now — like the military — who want to no longer benefit right now and have other plans. There are others who benefit and don’t want to give it up. They’re fighting. Then there are those who aren’t benefiting, like the America people, who half want and half don’t want it to continue. There are U.S. businesses, half benefit (MNCs) and half who don’t (domestic production) and they disagree in the Halls of K Street.

    These things matter, a lot. We don’t have a “government”, a “people” a “corporations”, we have cloudy power-blocs which each follow their own interests. That’s why in policies it’s most important who policies are benefiting, and who pays the cost. Since Pappa Bush set it and Clinton signed it, it’s been the working people paying the cost and the Government and MNCs benefiting, by design, by definition. Unions are near-dead, nation is destroyed. Corporations multiples larger than ever, now more pre-eminent than whole nations, like Google vs Ireland. Complex power blocs with changing heads, allying and conflicting.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 7 2020 #58472
    Dr. D

    Negative rates. BTC $10,000, doubled in 2 months. Gold $1,720.

    So if you have negative rates, maybe you should leave the currency?

    And if you leave the currency, doesn’t that make it not the “Reserve Currency” anymore?

    If the Reserve currency fails, inflates away, is that a default?

    in reply to: Weaponizing the Dollar #58465
    Dr. D

    I don’t understand. The U.S. cannot pay its debt. It never could since 1979. No nation ever has, as Adam Smith wrote in 1775. Therefore: it will default and always planned to.

    So what do you mean China will sell their Treasuries. THEY ALREADY HAVE. They sold them all into short-durations, and they sold all their FHA’s. That’s what Operation Twist and da Boyz were. Their “nuclear option” already had no effect. Why? Since Europe stinks and everybody else is tiny, there’s literally no where else to go. It’s our currency and your problem.

    Second, their Treasuries are a consequence of our trade deficit. But without an economy, we don’t have one. All year production was flying out of China to SE Asia, crippling China. China has equal parts trade Europe and America. However, America has trade worldwide. So if China vanishes we take a 20% hit and China takes a 50% hit. No prizes for who will survive better, especially when America will be elated to have jobs. But now that’s even less true. We may have no virtually deficit with China at all, or won’t shortly.

    China can’t trigger a crash because they already tried it and didn’t. “It would have almost no impact on U.S. interest rates.” The U.S. means to default on China, or not on China, but everyone, using China and Wuhan as an excuse. Why? Because we always planned to, and the REPO bailouts showed they already hit the detonator. I said so in October. It’s over. We were going to re-set. And then the oil, the basis of the Petrodollar swing $60 a day, into -$40 negative territory? What do you guys need, a signed invitation and a glossy magazine cover? They re-set. That’s a “default” to us commoners. No Petro, no USD, no T-bonds, no debt. No debt = no problems. Shiny clean slate to rebuild on, only some local transition problems, just like ’74. Hey, what if you had a national emergency war powers during that time? Wouldn’t that be cool?

    The U.S. doesn’t WANT the reserve currency. It doesn’t WANT Triffin’s Paradox. The reserve currency destroys the host nation 100% of the time in history. But once you’re in, as Bretton Woods and Viet Nam, the only way out is to DESTROY THE CURRENCY. Which will happen 49 years from its start. That means the only logical thing is to PRINT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND SPEND IT. Which is what all government of both parties have done for 49 years.

    Here’s the article they wrote on it when they started in 1969:

    So I disagree. The whole POINT of having the Dollar was to DEFAULT on it. Even if it wasn’t, they would default in any case because a) the debt cannot be paid and anyway b) the runaway debt compounding cannot be stopped.

    Will that stop the banker power? Who cares? Trump hates those guys anyway, and the military can’t tolerate the nation being hollowed out by Triffin any more than it is.

    No one’s making any choices, math is running the show. But I can demonstrate they’ve known this for decades and planned for it long before needing to manufacture an excuse for the inevitable.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 7 2020 #58463
    Dr. D

    What does this chart of all British mortality say?


    COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense

    Very. Comprehensive. Even more telling than the similar data-rigging by the CDC.

    NY Times lying. Again. Every Day:

    “A Northwestern University history professor called into question the accuracy of a New York Times Magazine essay that won a Pulitzer Prize.
    “The actual truth of American history isn’t the narrative that the Times cares to report,” Gainor added.”


    CBS, who ran fake footage of Italian hospitals – twice! – busted for lying about Covid testing.

    But I’m sure they tell the truth about CDC and British mortality rates.


    Column 5. No additional deaths. In fact, yearly deaths are 2% under average. Wow, that matches Britain! Could it be the media is…dare I say…lying? Shock! WMD, RussiaRussiaRussia. Nah, we always believe known liars. No one can be discredited. Not even when they print $6T for themselves while buying off the people for a mere $1,200, and killing maybe half a million.

    Well, it’s Thursday then.

    “Washington… Governor Jay Inslee has extended the lockdown into the end of May despite that fact that it peaked April 3rd, and less than 900 people died in that state. So what is going on?
    …the population of Washington State is 7.615 million. That means that less than 0.002% of the population was ever infected. You do not shut down the economy for this low infection rate. This is clearly a fraud upon the people”

    I thought this was virulent and there is a major U.S. city in Washington State. The virus seems to respect borders whenever it’s politically convenient for it. Strange virus! Almost like the data is corrupt.

    The bill requires a report on 38 institutions.”

    Rogue’s gallery of the Derp State. Cutting them off, just like drug running and human trafficking. Yes, add the OPCW, defund and arrest them.

    Found it:
    “Fauci Knew Since 2005 that the Malaria Drug Can Even Cure Coronaviruses”

    ““We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

    Fauci Knew since 2005 that the Malaria Drug Can even Cure Coronaviruses & Conflicts of Interest Abound

    “’Apocalyptic’: Hospitals are losing millions treating coronavirus and the results could be dire”

    No food, bankrupt (rural) hospitals close. Free money to the top, consolidation, centralization, and concentration of power via the most coincidentally-timed virus ever. That should be good to kill an additional 400k over time. Was 30,000 poor people a year not enough?

    Gee, I wonder why the people seem to have stopped the lockdown and are ignoring it?

    I don’t want a safe space. Stop helping before you kill two million instead of one. Leave me the — alone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2020 #58398
    Dr. D

    This is how serious experts are taking it:

    “Scientist Whose Doomsday Models Sparked Global Lockdown Resigns After Breaking Quarantine To Bang Married Lover”


    Along with no masks in the White House, open mic leaks that Covid is a zero, no masks in the Governorships or Media Heads, forays to the hair salons, flights to Florida, non-quarantine trips with the family to Long Island to berate bicyclists, trips to the Brooklyn gym and park, 100,000 people a week to Heathrow. While you’re locked in your 800-foot Harlem apartment with 3 kids, experts in the know taking it seriously indeed. [Stern face]

    Well, we were warned when that article from The Guardian breathlessly questioned what all the London smart set would do when they couldn’t go out to trendy bars and cheat on their husbands. They said it was Handmaid’s Tale stuff. Practically Amish. Honestly, family values, brrrrr, it really is the end of the world. Their answer: You don’t! It’s rules for the and not for me like any psychopath.

    Another article on the known, certain deaths of economy and unemployment:
    “The opponents of the lockdowns, on the other hand, only wish to allow people to exercise their freedom. The burden of proof lies on those who wish to use police powers to coerce others.”

    I think that’s a pretty well-established and well-supported position among humans.

    ” “Where’s The Beef?” – Not on the Horizon!” –Food shortages

    “It is the goal of every official narrative to generate this type of herd mentality, not in order to deceive or dupe the public, but, rather, to confuse and terrorize them to the point where they revert to their primal instincts, and are being driven purely by existential fear, and facts and truth no longer matter. Once an official narrative reaches this point, it is unassailable by facts and reason. It no longer needs facts to justify it. It justifies itself with its own existence. Reason cannot penetrate it. Arguing with its adherents is pointless. They know it is irrational. They simply do not care.

    We are reaching this point with the coronavirus narrative.

    Despite the fact that what we are dealing with is a virus that, yes, is clearly deadly to the old and those with medical conditions, but that is just as clearly not a deadly threat to the majority of the human species, … Many appear to believe that this virus is some sort of Alien-Terrorist Death Flu (or weaponized Virus of Mass Destruction) that will kill you the second you breathe it in.

    The Internet has become an Orwellian chorus of shrieking, sanctimonious voices bullying everyone into conformity with charts, graphs, and desperate guilt-trips, few of which have much connection to reality.
    Corporations and governments are censoring dissent. We’re approaching a level of manufactured mass hysteria and herd mentality that not even Goebbels could have imagined.”

    Virus of Mass Destruction

    And I might add, will have/just had the same result. So…meanwhile, the experts in charge are NOT wearing masks, NOT doing the slightest thing that shows they’re personally concerned. So…they don’t believe it but want YOU to believe it? Conclusions? Discuss?

    The Bare Necessities: Federal Court Rules That Strip Clubs Are Entitled To Pandemic Loans”

    In a nod to Guardian reporters, strip clubs are also open for business, as in Oregon. Meanwhile churches are closed and being arrested. Even if they congregate inside their cars. Central Park is packed. Jews are being arrested. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

    All while they’re shoulder to shoulder in Walmart and Pa’s Hardware is closed. People are alone on the beach being arrested by 5 cops, none wearing masks. Does this tell you anything? Connect?


    Anyway, speaking of charts and data that have no effect, death rate is 0.01%. The increase in national cases is AN INCREASE IN TESTING, a chart that was presented only yesterday, but instantly forgotten because it doesn’t encourage mindless panic and totalitarianism. The U.S. “Worst in the world” has in short order testing 2x more people than the next largest tester, Germany. More testing = more cases. But you notice more testing does not equal more deaths. It equals LESS deaths, because as we discover everybody already had it, we discover we’re already at peak mortality. Thanks, NY Times, you’re a liar. Again. And again and again. Weapons of Mass Destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda.
    And as that would show your lockdown was useless and in fact is about to kill more people than the virus, we cannot allow that think to be thought. It must always be more deaths, more fear, more bad, never good. The minute we see the death rate is very, very, VERY low – as known for 4 months — we turn our eyes away. Surely somebody is dying somewhere! Of Murder Hornets! Tigers? Something.

    “Now-Dominant Strain of Coronavirus Could Be More Contagious than Original (LAT) “

    Although the last one wasn’t dangerous, we promise this one is. Wait, more contagious? Why would I care when it doesn’t kill anyone? Why? Don’t ask why. Fear! We’reAllGonnaDiiiiieeee!!! We can’t stop until we win the War on Death™. Oh, and the mail-in election. That too of course.

    “Goat and Pawpaw ‘Test Positive’ for COVID19 in Tanzania (AlJ)”

    Speaking of facts and evidence, do you think the tests might be faulty? Maybe that’s why Pelosi wanted “testing”? That’s why the CDC tests were faulty and sent back TWICE, all known for months, now we pretend it never happened, we never heard that, all the tests are good, and we just needed to give them says Taleb, except we didn’t have them and they’re bad, will only encourage fear and death. Yay! Data inaccuracy! Then we do schmart math on random data!

    How am I supposed to work in this environment? Can someone please be discredited now?

    Well, they have. No one’s following the quarantine anymore. No one cares. No one respects you. No one cares about your laws and rules. Congratulations.

    “Most Americans Have Serious Doubts About the Official COVID Death Count: Axios-Ipsos Poll”

    I wonder why. 24 million dead by June! Killer bees. Ozone holes. Polar bears. WMDs. RussiaRussiaRussia.

    “Pennsylvania Woman Jailed for Refusing to Quarantine after Positive Test (Hill)”

    Thankfully, we can just look at the legal and personal effects of this, since everybody already has it and nobody dies. Median age of mortality? Again? 81. Omg, how many old people are there that that’s the MEDIAN? Do you have an apartment block of 90-year-olds somewhere? I thought all young people died of strokes and blood clots with it with 8 blood transfusions while they Tik-Tok dance. So: go forth to your court cases. Also, great quarantine when you intentionally send the Covid person into jail with the jailers. And nice use of public resources at $50,000/year to send non-violents in and release violent offenders, out to my house.

    Are we in upside-down #OppositeLand yet?

    “Did The Mueller Team Violate Brady and Flynn Orders? (Turley)”

    This has been “Standard practice” since J. Edgar Hoover. That was the whole POINT of having an FBI. I have no idea what their supposed “reputation” is built on. There’s at least one high-level public railroading or cover up every year of my life. This one’s going well. No one arrested, no one discredited. Never, amen. “Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program poses a clear threat to our national security,” –FBI Director Mueller 2003, before the boy scout was hired for as Special Counsel for having the highest credibility in government.

    Because of my great respect for Taleb, I’m not going to speak of discrediting him, but not only is EVT famous worldwide for never working – 100 year floods every 5 years, 6-sigma events happen every 20 years and not 200,000 years ago when Neanderthals roamed. Yes, I mean literally. There were a dozen? Score? 100? in ’08, and that was only the last event after ’01, LTCM, 1987, the 70’s, 1941, 1929, and 1909. They STILL claim – with a straight face – that they can do the maths and the rest of us are stupid amateurs.

    No, we know grade-school algebra and that’s STILL better than you quants. I only need to know 200,000 is different than 20. I can do it with a crayon.

    But the Fat-Tail pandemic risk he speaks of is identical. So we’ve had hundreds, thousands of pandemics over history. How many were worth extreme measures or the attempted extreme measures worked? Let’s see: almost never are they needed. 50 years? 100 years? We have maybe 10 examples in 2,000 years that it was both appropriate and effective. Because people being people – also a well-known force — it’s never effective. “But we told them.” Uh-huh. Stalin wasn’t able to get human compliance when he created 12 times zones of gulags, but you’re going to stop it with the common cold. Gotcha.

    So if your data set has no examples since Antonine (165AD), why are you yanking my chain and claiming any legitimacy for worldwide lockdowns now? You’re a joke.

    Okay. So I’m the dummy, having no more common sense than any American dropout. Who was right? Korea, lockdowns worked. Singapore, working lockdown failed. Japan, worked whether lockdown or not. Africa, no lockdown, no news. Sweden, non-lockdown worked. South Dakota, non-lockdown worked. NYC, lockdown seems to have failed. UK, lockdown was pointless: data shows peak before lockdown. Also not locked down. Heathrow is 15 thousand people a day, no scanning. So fake, pretend non-lockdown vs honest admitted non-lockdown? What do your numbers mean? You know, before you do a bunch of math on them. Your data is zero. You’re 25 million deaths short. Random. Wrong. As we see in the media daily.

    But you DEFINITELY shut down the worldwide economy and DEFINITELY killed some 450,000 poorest Americans via poverty and delayed medical care. Was it worth it?

    What does the developing hindsight data tell you then? Your lockdown was a joke: even now the numbers are barely above the flu. To do it fast enough would mean a false alarm shutting down the world and throwing mankind into a depression every third year. It didn’t work even where done properly – and we had pretty good buy-in this year. Humans worldwide also won’t do it properly even when attempted, as any idiot could tell you, and I did. If every doctor, nurse, patient, trucker, farmer, food worker, hardware store, car shop and Walmart employee is at work, you’re not “shut down”. You’re in a fake TV quarantine. It’s the Truman Show. And it had high costs and mixed, essentially random results. All national curves were the same. All this was perfectly predictable if you use grade-school models and not fancy, quant, HFT models.

    Who was right? The dumb people. Again. Or as we call them in a Republic: “The People.” As in “E Pluribus Unum”. Smarter than the politicians. Smarter than the experts. Constantly. And constantly belittled, berated, and jailed for it. This time’s no different. Always trust the abusers, the authorities, the wrong. Never support the people and their right to be left alone. “The burden of proof lies on those who wish to use police powers to coerce others.”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2020 #58397
    Dr. D

    Didn’t we just read that Fauci signed off on the HCQ study back in SARS that it was both a therapeutic and prophylactic? That is, HCQ could in once sense BE the vaccine. He’s also in tight with the Pharma and especially Gates and Co. …Because when we need medical advice we always ban ER doctors and listen to incompetent programmers instead.

    But nobody knows nothing. No one can be discredited. No one goes to jail.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2020 #58356
    Dr. D


    “One in five Wendy’s is out of beef, analyst says”

    But we don’t need to work! We’ll print money!

    Happy yet?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2020 #58355
    Dr. D

    “Elvis Was King, Ike Was President, & 116,000 Americans Died In A Pandemic”

    Elvis Was King, Ike Was President, and 116,000 Americans Died in a Pandemic

    The population was 157M HALF of today.

    No one noticed. Had no effect.

    “Shut it all down, Mr. President. Shut all that food down.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2020 #58351
    Dr. D

    “President Donald Trump now knows the price of the haunting bargain required to reopen the country — tens of thousands more lives in a pandemic that is getting worse not better.”

    No, he is making a bargain of whether MORE people will die of a lockdown or if more will die in an economy that stops making food. Since 1 in 10,000 die of the disease but 100% die of no food, no prize for guessing which is more dangerous.

    “The total was more than double the same organization’s estimate last month.”

    You mean the estimates and the organization that’s been totally, catastrophically wrong since Day 1, is 25 million deaths short, and was also wrong about the last 10 pandemics? Yeah, let’s listen to them. Still waiting to die of AIDS and the level 6 Ebola pandemic.

    A new forecast projects nearly 135,000 deaths … mainly due to reopening measures.”

    Okay let me be an expert forecaster here using NIH’s own numbers. 30M unemployed, moved from 4% official to 15% estimated. 40k die prematurely per 1%. 11% x 20k = 440,000 killed from the voluntary shutdown. That’s not including food shortages and lack of preventative medical care in empty hospitals. So why are my official, NIH numbers silly, when their IHME numbers are smart? Wouldn’t both be true and need to be weighed? Experts tend to be narrowly focused while we need systems analysis.

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country will not have open borders with the rest of the world for “a long time to come”.

    I thought this was hateful and racist. In fact we should have no borders in Europe or indeed the whole planet. What happened? Where are your principles?

    “France’s First Known COVID19 Case ‘Was in December’ (BBC)”

    Science. Knowing less every day.

    “US Treasury Seeks to Borrow a Record $3 Trillion this Quarter (CNBC)”

    “Borrow”? From whom? Since the Fed and Treasury have merged, isn’t this no longer “borrowed”, i.e. from selling Treasuries to China, but in fact entirely “printed” and monetized by the Fed? It’s easy to tell since Europe, China, Japan have no $3T trade deficit or spare cash from a hot economy to buy anything.

    This will come into play later on. The core currency dies last.

    Which leads to the question: while we’re all distracted with conflicting, emotional non-stories, what events are happening out there that we’re not hearing about? What are they getting away with while keeping us in a dizzy spin of pure nonsense? Well, $3T went to insiders just now to buy assets crippled by the lockdown they created.

    The companies plan to allow only public health authorities to use the technology.

    Well, let’s see: they lied and let all info out there to everyone in the Cambridge Analytics scandal, Zoom has no security at all, a 5-year-old can get in, and all of them have had “hacks” pretty much constantly where outsiders steal all your data which can never be made private again. So why is letting them do any of this not a joke and a hazard again?

    But don’t worry: they can never be discredited. There will never be consequences to any action, ever again. Amen. They’ll abuse you every day, remain experts, and everyone will come back for more.

    Besides, tons of apps – WalMart and Susan Komen for example – already track your GPS every 15 minutes and sell it to everyone. Surprise! No surprise! Why do they sell it? Clearly because whoever buys it can take money from you at your expense to make it worth their while. That is: You’re the Product, not the consumer. You’re the cow, not the farmer.

    what’s the use of discussing vaccination certificates when there’s no vaccine?”

    Because they created the vaccine before releasing the virus? Because the vaccine doesn’t need to work or could maim tens of thousands by ‘accident’ in the rush, but it would just be “aw, shucks, whooda knowd” like usual? Just spitballing here.

    Since we’re almost at herd immunity already, and will be by the time they get organized, what benefit would a passport have? So they’re saying we can’t have herd immunity to Covid? Then what’s the vaccine? They’re really, really bad at math and don’t have any sense of time but do have a great sense of power and profit? (A: Yes) They also don’t understand computers or humans. A) the passport will break, people will hack and change them for amusement like the no-fly list, the data will get errors that mean you can’t go anywhere or do anything: looking at you, Julian. B) Humans will immediately forge them, borrow, rent, and swap them. C) illegals and alcoholics already drive all the time with no driver’s licenses. D) requires Stalinist state to back-up the passport with violent force. Otherwise, why would I participate? Why pay for the vast physical and bureaucratic overhead? E) Tainter pointed out that the fastest way to permanent Collapse was adding ever-increasing complexity and overhead.

    But sure: let’s create an expensive, complex system that won’t work, arrives too late, creates a Stalinist surveillance state, and causes total societal collapse. Why not? Apparently no one can learn otherwise.

    “‘Time Has Come’ For Universal Basic Income – Scottish PM Sturgeon (Ind.)”

    One thing you learn from history: nobody learns anything from history. 150 years later, 300 million people dead, still trying this. Still considered credible. Still much-desired by the very people always murdered by it.

    “near-unlivable” temperatures averaging 29 degrees through the year by 2070”

    Okay, so these guys have only been dead-wrong for 40 years. Polar ice gone! Manhattan underwater! It’s snowing in Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico. 110+ more years and 329 million more people to go before we can ask to discredit them too.

    Oh and P.S., they were using computers. That guarantees their conclusions are garbage. Can’t even remember the last time a computer model was accurate. Or scientific paper. Or media report…

    Assange Extradition Hearing Delayed Until September (PR)”

    These are the guys you want to give Stalinist passport powers to. Okay. And they claim humans are a rational animal.

    “The whole agenda is … where … All money will be in your chips. And so, instead of having cash, any time you have money in your chip, they can take out whatever they want to take out whenever they want to…

    And, if you’re like me or you, and if you’re protesting what they’re doing, they can just turn off your chip. And you’ll have nothing. You can’t buy food. You can’t do anything. It’s total control of the people.” –Aaron Russo

    “Can’t we just drone this guy?” –Hillary Clinton

    No need: accidentally shut off his vaccine passport and walk away til he dies. Oopsie! Shut up and take my money! Where do I sign?

    in reply to: Why Lockdowns Work #58348
    Dr. D

    Meh, don’t be like that. That’s what opinions are for.

    If everyone thought alike then we’d all be wrong in the exact same way, instead of now where we’re all wrong each in our own way. Much improvement.

    Wasn’t the question what is the exit strategy for the lockdown? You’ve just said there is none. Because we can’t “Crush” lockdown, the disease will get out there, as it always has through human history.

    You seem to be saying, we need to do this one thing which humans have never done, and only then are we allowed to be free men again and go back to normal.

    Okay, great. So what happens all the other times when we don’t do what humans have never done before?

    The disease is out there. We are headed for a lockdown of over a year right now. We’re headed toward suspending elections, government procedure, due process, human rights, and food shortages. Forever. World deaths are 250k / 8B = 0.003% U.S. deaths outside NYC are 20k / 320M = 0.01% Lockdown areas are falling, as the U.S. charts. Non-lockdown areas are falling, as Sweden, South Dakota. Lockdown areas are also rising, like NM and Singapore. Lockdown areas like U.K. fell BEFORE their lockdown began.

    The disease is already everywhere, has a 0.01% fatality, and our response has mixed and uncertain results, but has voluntarily put millions into poverty, and food shortages. So what’s the exit strategy? Do we wait for them to die and riot, erase all human rights and human love in the process, or do we take our chances with the 1 in 10,000 chance of a death that was coming anyway? Since once again we didn’t do what we’ve never done, what would you recommend now? More poverty and shortages, or less?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58290
    Dr. D

    “Only the United States has suffered more deaths than Italy and Britain.”

    OMG, why??? The U.S. has 10x the population and 32x the area. This is like comparing Britain and the Isle of Wight.

    P.S. half the deaths are in only one city. If someone has a disease, don’t we usually put the sick person in the hospital and not the rest of the town? Works better that way.

    Yaneer Bar-Yam has lost his mind as much as Taleb. So…generally no symptoms for 5 days. May not get tested for some time after that. So…you want to do contact tracing on every person you were near for a week? The idea you could remember or know their names is a fantasy. So…you’re creating the ILLUSION of tracing, while a number of contacts go untraced? Gotcha. Lies, illusions, and fantasies of control are what we live for.
    I’ve got an idea: shut down the subway. Nope! Cruise ships? Nope! Nursing homes? Nope! Health care workers are the main contaminants, 20%. What does that say about your full-body safety measures?

    “DOJ Intervenes for Church in Virginia Restrictions Challenge (Solomon)”

    In the American Revolution, 6,000 men died in the war, but 10,000 of disease. Epidemics were common and deadly. That’s why they wrote “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances…except if someone gets sick somewhere.

    By the way, to target a group and remove their Constitutional rights is a very grave crime indeed. It can serve many years or even a life sentence. Especially if someone gets killed because of your illegal, unconstitutional actions.

    Also, didn’t want to be pedantic until now, but it’s not a “Quarantine”. ” Quarantine: a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease.” We put the SHIP in the quarantine, not the CITY. We put the sick PERSON into quarantine, not the NATION. The opposite thing you’ve confused it with is called “Martial Law”, “House arrest” or “Prison”. Without arrest, trail, conviction, or adjudication. It’s a crime.

    But it doesn’t matter now. Like I said: these guys can’t even get people not to do drugs and shoot each other, but they think they can have unlimited martial law and house arrest worldwide forever. Hahahahahaha! Well, after being cooperative for a while, when the America found the rate was 20k / 320M = 0.006% death rate outside NYC, the people coast to coast have stopped caring. No one’s obeying nothing. DGAF. They threw a policeman into a lake who tried to make them. (He had no mask, as always.) So the people are feeling pretty cheerful and good-natured about it right now. Try to keep it that way.

    You passed a rule? Cool story bro. Don’t care. Make me. Huntington Beach shows how you can’t arrest them all. But they are! They are arresting mask violators while violent criminals are being released to commit more violent crimes, often being arrested multiple times a day, knowing the police and state no longer stop violence, only Covid fantasies.

    Stole $9,000 from a Publix? Violent rapist with restraining order? You’re free to go! Went to the park with your quaranteam? How dare you!

    “We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail.” –Chicago mayor Lightfoot, just back from her latest mask-free trip to the nail salon.

    Hahahahahahaha! Says a mayor of the city where more people shoot each other each year than have died of Covid! And has almost all my life although guns are illegal there! You’re a stitch! Your joke so funny!

    You die alone from COVID. And you will be buried alone. Stay home.”

    Weird there’s no doctors and nurses there. Somebody should call the hospital and ask some questions. And do we usually bury people together? Cool language for the Fe-Fe’s though. Very Science-free, like the rest of this media s–t-blizzard.

    “If you are lucky enough to make it off a ventilator”

    You would be lucky to make it off the ventilator since we have discovered they’re the wrong medicine and are probably killing people. Who is this reporter? Anything like the last 5 fake nurses who went viral?

    The WHO, AKA “He-who-must-be-obeyed”, has killed quite a number of people, a few thousand perhaps? With the clever advice, “The systematic failure of critical care systems to adopt corticosteroid therapy resulted from the published recommendations against corticosteroids use by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) amongst others. “

    “It is our collective opinion that the historically high levels of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 is due to a single factor: the widespread and inappropriate reluctance amongst intensivists to employ anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant treatments, including corticosteroid therapy early in the course of a patient’s hospitalization. It is essential to recognize that it is not the virus that is killing the patient, rather it is the patient’s overactive immune system. The flames of the “cytokine fire” are out of control and need to be extinguished.”

    Thanks WHO! Did China put you up to murdering those thousands of white guys? Probably not. You probably did it on your own, like all of Africa and the 500,000 maimed polio children in India.

    Coronavirus US live: Cuomo says ‘government essential to human life’

    So…no economy, no jobs, no money. …But the government is still collection 100% taxes and has 100% employment and pay! That’s the way to share! None for thee and all for me! Quick, I gotta get to the gym because the one in Gracie Mansion Just. Isn’t. Large. Enough. Well, he can meet up with the mayor of Chicago and the Illinois governor’s wife jet-setting around mask-free.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 3 2020 #58286
    Dr. D

    Helping people is Capitalism, where you have voluntary, un-coerced exchange.

    What other kind would you recommend?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 3 2020 #58276
    Dr. D
    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2020 #58216
    Dr. D

    Ah, the Russians. Those who actually fought the war, as planned. What, you think that little party went from 5 guys in a basement to toppling the country without the backing of big money? You think Britain and everyone famously stood by and watched because they didn’t WANT it to happen, that they didn’t have a plan? You think they didn’t write about this in WWI or as far back as MacKinder? THE PLAN WAS TO PLACE SOMEONE IN GERMANY TO ATTACK RUSSIA AND KILL BOTH NATIONS. So Brits could sit home and let somebody else do it. They were happy he took Poland, Czech, everywhere. They were only mad he double-crossed them and annoyed their king-cousin in Belgium. Still, went pretty well, all considered. Germany and Russia DID fight each other, and Britain DID remain #1 for another 50 years. Didn’t you read Steele’s docs? They were setting elections and controlling countries of every Anglo nation, right up until 2016.

    And they wonder why Stalin was mad at them.

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