Maxwell Quest

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  • in reply to: Slouching Out of the Fog Toward Pennsylvania Avenue #65578
    Maxwell Quest


    “We should never have invented the WEB to be able to communicate fake news.”

    I sure hope that this is sarcasm, otherwise it makes no sense at all. Because some choose to use the internet for nefarious purposes, does not make it inherently evil. That’s humanity’s job, as George Carlin would say. Without the internet I would still be watching the man on TV, reading newspapers, and still living in their Matrix of lies.

    This is much more than Trump vs Biden, or GOP vs DNC if you prefer teams. If we now squander this opportunity to expose the massive election fraud that recently occurred, the informational highway we call the internet may more closely approximate China’s state-filtered version in 4 more years. All indicators point that this is the direction we are currently heading.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2020 #65550
    Maxwell Quest

    Remember what it was like being a kid on the first day of class? You’d look around the room at all the strange faces and suddenly spot someone a few rows over that you sense ‘gets it’. You then give each other a slight nod and settle back, knowing that things are going to be ok. Reading Dr. D is like that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2020 #65539
    Maxwell Quest

    Even after all the chicanery of the last four years, I was still blindsided by the outright brazenness exhibited by the same parties to steal the 2020 election:

    – The Super Tuesday Switcheroo, that torpedoed Bernie’s campaign and elevated Biden’s.
    – The Weekend at Bernie’s propping up by the media of a deeply flawed and dementia-addled candidate.
    – The last-minute campaign to force mail-in ballots into battleground states.
    – The pre-election censoring of the Hunter laptop story, which in years past would have spelled doom to any presidential contender.
    – The banning of Republican poll watchers.
    – The massive campaign of ballot stuffing.
    – The algorithmic transfer of votes by the Dominion voting software.
    – The premature declaration of a Biden victory by the media.

    I’m sure that several points are still missing from the list, but it’s a start. I’m sure that most Americans would rather not see this. Would like to believe that nothing has changed. Home of the Brave, apple pie, and all that stuff. But America has changed, and I’m afraid it’s not for the better.

    It was good to see Kunstler highlight some of the statistical evidence available which shows the algorithmic voter fraud by Dominion, but he really only touched on it. Even the original presentation would have been more effective if only the MIT crew would have shown how the current data compared to historical (and thus untainted) results. I’m afraid that most Americans do not have the ‘maff’ skills to see what these graphs are saying, that results such as these are statistically impossible to achieve unless they were programmed into the software.

    in reply to: Bring Them Home for Christmas #65498
    Maxwell Quest

    Thanks, Ilargi. It was a joy watching you rip these two CIA mimeographed articles to shreds. The sad part is knowing most Americans will suck this garbage journalism up like a Hoover Deluxe.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2020 #65489
    Maxwell Quest

    “Mondriaan Amaryllis 1910”

    I would be very happy to make a spot for this artwork on my living room wall.

    “Joe promised not to declare victory until the election results were independently certified.”

    What Joe Biden wants or doesn’t want is irrelevant. His job was to be a figurehead, while other actors drove Trump from office. Joe is a fairly impotent man in himself, most of his power being drawn from the offices he has held. He is currently like a leaf in a hurricane, being driven by forces outside of his control.

    “Divisive Pentagon Hire May Rush Troop Withdrawals Before Trump’s Exit (Axios)”

    Not going to happen. All those military bases in the Middle East are needed to control the oil resources, while at the same time pester the hell out of surrounding nations that get in our way. You can’t “take the oil” unless you put a gun to their head. The petro-dollar system must be defended at all costs, no matter how many nations must be destroyed.

    All of the lower-level drama that seems to occupy the news cycle from day to day can only be understood by looking down from the high-level game of global hegemony. As Caitlin Johnstone cleverly pointed out, the average American is like a little child who is given a video game controller that is unplugged. He sees all the action on the screen and thinks he is playing, but it’s the big kids whose controllers are plugged in, and they are the ones controlling the game. He doesn’t realize he is being placated, that he is the victim of a lie, but is content nonetheless, happy in the illusion he is a participant.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65446
    Maxwell Quest

    What else can we infer from Dr. Shiva’s MI voter data analysis posted above?

    Obviously, the people running this Juan Guaidó-like coup attempt are idiots. They are not your “betters”. They are certainly light years from the genius of an Alan Turing, inspiration for the movie The Imitation Game in which cracking the Nazi Enigma code machine helped turn the tide of the war. This required the use of statistical analysis, allowing the Allied Powers to win some battles, lose others, but yet win the war. All without alerting the Nazis that their unbreakable code machine had, in fact, been broken.

    What do we see in the Michigan voter data? That the coup leaders rushed into service a stupid linear algorithm to steal votes from Trump and transfer to Biden. Instead of a sophisticated, statistically-based algorithm, difficult to detect, they instead used a sledgehammer. This does not even take into account all the ballet stuffing. Now all the world knows that the US is in fact a banana republic, with idiots at the helm.

    Just how they are going to make all this publicly available evidence go away, I don’t know. And just how are they going to convince everyone who saw this brazen display of voter fraud that they really didn’t see it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65442
    Maxwell Quest

    MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems

    For those that are able to speak the language of math, the above presentation is pretty conclusive proof that a software algorithm was used in the vote tabulation computer systems to prune votes from Trump and give them to Biden. What does the data say? The stronger Trump did in a particular precinct the more of his votes were siphoned off and transferred to Biden.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65430
    Maxwell Quest

    “Rupert Murdoch-Owned Media Turns on Trump, Urges Him to Cooperate With the Regime Coup Against Him” – Anti-Empire

    From the article above: “Top editors at the Post have “told some staff members this week to be tougher in their coverage” of Trump, the New York Times reported, citing two anonymous employees of the paper.”

    So there you have it. All that’s needed now is for Rudy Giuliani to be found hanging from his shower curtain and the election is over. Falsehood and evil triumph once again. Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad… and all that stuff. Those stupid philosophers didn’t know what they were talking about. The stock market’s at all-time highs and things couldn’t be better. Next stop, Shangri-La. We know what’s best for you. That’s why we occupy these high positions of power and you don’t.

    “What! Would you so soon put out, with worldly hands, the light I give?” – Ghost of Christmas Past

    Yes, put out with worldly hands any light that tries to shine forth to illuminate truth. Anything that might lead to a “reclamation” – a turning from the path of destruction. Turn it on its head. Stomp on it. Censor it. Kill it if you must. Yes, kill the light. Kill truth. Give us Barabbas!

    A little over-the-top, you say? We shall see.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2020 #65397
    Maxwell Quest


    Yeah, it really sucks when your work goes POOF, and then you want to pull your hair out. That is why I always craft comments in Word first, copy and paste to the TAE comment field, and make sure to keep a copy until it actually gets posted. Usually within the hour. Any text entry tool will do the job if you don’t have MS Office.

    @Mister Roboto

    Recants don’t surprise me at this point, although as a rule I don’t believe anything from the WaPo. Just remind yourself what is at stake, and how much work and high-level coordination that has gone into fixing this election for Biden. I would guess that there is a great deal of pressure coming down on anyone who is coming forward. Remember Seth Rich? You just know that the death threats are flying fast and furious right now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2020 #65390
    Maxwell Quest


    Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes after posting I notice something I want to edit. Every so often after a quick edit, everything disappears after hitting ‘Submit’. Last time that occurred I waited for hours for my post to show up, but it never did. This time I just reposted immediately, but not before you had commented on the earlier post which vanished. In this case, behavior that portends an actual software “glitch”. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2020 #65386
    Maxwell Quest

    “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie.” – Miyamoto Musashi

    Words to live by. Why? Because our desires are like a lens through which we see reality. The stronger the desire, the greater our perception is warped. That is one reason to avoid the Trump-hatred phenomenon, even though the man is a lightning rod for such feelings. The effect is also the same on the other side of the coin, which is why it’s often said that “love is blind” – referring specifically to the attractive/craving aspect of what we erroneously call love.

    Where have we seen this? Why in Russiagate, of course. Note that those who had the deepest loathing for Trump were also the greatest enthusiasts of the media’s Trump-hating campaign, waiting expectantly by their televisions for the next Trump-bashing broadcast. They are also the same ones who are now crying tears of joy, dancing in celebration over his defeat and humiliation. They will not see any voter fraud, and in fact will turn on you like a wild animal if you even suggest it. They live in an altered reality, an untruth, a lie.

    in reply to: Anomalies and Deviations #65355
    Maxwell Quest

    Up and Over

    in reply to: Anomalies and Deviations #65345
    Maxwell Quest

    My specialty as an engineer was to analyze computer chip designs from every possible perspective in order to ensure the highest possibility of success upon manufacture. This involved the configuration and execution of many highly-expensive software programs, and then sifting through volumes of data reports looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Over the years one learns to synthesize large amounts of data without the brain “seizing up”.

    I took this ability for granted until an experience while serving on a jury years ago. The prosecution presented a flurry of technical evidence in support of their client. While I had one of those “holy crap!” experiences, the rest of the jury appeared dazed. Their minds were either deaf to the technicalities or just plain went TILT.

    Then the technical “hired guns” were trotted out to explain “what it all meant”. One for the prosecution and one for the defense. As you can imagine, they each argued as they were paid to do. Because, in the eyes of the jury, the language of the data was incomprehensible, the jury was forced to determine the merits of the case based on whose interpretation of the data was “more believable”.

    This is what I fear will happen with all of the statistical data that is coming forward from the 2020 election. The “holy crap!” response that all the statistical data should trigger with the public will instead turn into a verbal battle of media “hired gun” experts. That is, assuming any of this is allowed to see the light of day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2020 #65340
    Maxwell Quest

    FWIW, ever since Greenwald left the Intercept he’s been like a journalist reborn. Very refreshing to read him again. And Dr. D is as hot as ever. As always, many thanks to Ilargi for all his hard work, along with the many others who post here.

    in reply to: Biden IS the Swamp #65337
    Maxwell Quest


    Didn’t want this thread to end without saying how much I enjoyed your post. Keep writing. You have the gift.

    in reply to: Biden IS the Swamp #65302
    Maxwell Quest
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2020 #65294
    Maxwell Quest

    After what happened in 2016, the Deep State was leaving nothing to chance this time. But idiots that they are, they left behind a trail of election tampering evidence that even Barney Fife could follow. Don’t worry yourself though, because they control the media and legal system this mess can all be made to ‘go away’, like Hillary’s email server, Russiagate, Epstein, and Hunter’s laptop. The ‘cleaners’ are already at work with their mops and plastic bags. Over the next few weeks Trump’s fingers will be peeled off the White House steering wheel one by one.

    Let’s not forget, these are the same people who are willing to kill millions wherever needed to establish their ‘Dominion’, do you really think they’re going to let a TV reality show host get the better of them?

    However, because they had to resort to such ham-fisted tactics in order to control both the primaries and the general election, an increasing number of voters were jarred awake by this downward slap in the face. Not least were Bernie supporters and most recently Trump supporters. All these have a smarting red welt, but are now wide-eyed and wiser. They can’t be put back to sleep, neither will they forget the painful lesson of their betrayal – that the US electoral process cannot be trusted anymore. Period.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2020 #65271
    Maxwell Quest


    Those who don’t want to see it, like the Biden supporters referenced in my previous comment, will not see it, nomatter what evidence is put forth. It is all there online, with mathematical certainty no less. I would suggest that you use Google Search, but that is also compromised, and may require you looking through several pages before you find something relevant to controversial subjects. On the other hand, if you are only looking for the latest football scores, then no problem.

    Every researcher has their sources, but in the end, you must judge for yourself using your own instrument of reasoning and deduction tuned by a life of experience.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2020 #65267
    Maxwell Quest

    In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Compromised Is Tallying Votes (ZH)

    There, fixed it.

    As a former engineer with several large programs under my belt, I can assure you that this so-called ‘glitch’ they keep talking about on the news is in fact a ‘feature’ that allows the Deep State to swing elections via remote control of the vote tabulation software. Since the fraud has been discovered, everyone is using the term ‘glitch’ to explain away the vote transfers because it makes it seem so innocuous and innocent. A ‘glitch’, you see, is a random software bug and nobody’s fault. It happens all the time. We’ve all been victims of these little devils.

    If they were to come right out and tell you the truth, that parties in the Deep State determine election outcomes rather than your votes, there would be a complete loss of faith in the democratic process, followed by a mass uprising. Therefore, Lie! Lie! Lie! Coverup! Coverup! Coverup! Distract! Distract! Distract!

    However, what’s really an eye-opener is that Biden supporters seem perfectly content with the fact that systemic vote fraud occurred, since it favored their candidate. Ethics are no longer important, only winning. Barbarians dressed in suits, as on Wall Street.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2020 #65251
    Maxwell Quest

    Oh, did a Voteball Happen? | CushVlog 11.04.20 | Chapo Trap House

    Loved Matt’s podcast. Thanks, Mr. House. This is what resignation looks like as one exits the Matrix of capitalism’s political theatre, designed to keep the lumpen chasing their own tail.

    “There’s only one button on the fucking machine, and it’s ‘More Profits’. That’s the logic of capitalism. That’s the algorithm.” — Matt Christman

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2020 #65248
    Maxwell Quest

    “You don’t think this is being done on purpose?” – Mr. House

    Whether people like Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff are driven by some higher purpose other than their personal thirst for power I know not, but you make a good point: if I’m reading you correctly, there does appear to be supranational forces that are intent on destroying any remnants of national cohesion and culture. This became apparent to me when the EU was formed and immediately began their insane open-border immigration policies.

    I’ve often felt that the monied interests are intent on knocking down any of the remaining obstacles that impeded the efficiency of their global wealth extraction machine. Nationalism is the keystone holding the opposition together, so therefore must be destroyed, so that the global Hunger Games can commence.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2020 #65242
    Maxwell Quest

    “People trying to change the rules to this methodology [mail-in ballots], which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion, is reckless and dangerous. And people are playing with fire.” – William Barr

    It’s too late now. The illusion of free and fair elections in the good ol’ USA is finished. The idiot establishment couldn’t resist playing with fire and just burned down another pillar holding up the republic. They didn’t learn their lesson when Russiagate destroyed trust in the media, our Fourth Estate. What’s next, a currency that can no longer be trusted?

    From where I’m sitting, the “shining city on a hill” is in flames.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2020 #65216
    Maxwell Quest

    It must now be apparent to even the dimmest bulb, that the power establishment has hated Trump from day one. At first, he was an entertaining straw man set up by the DNC/media for Hillary to knock down so that the illusion could be formed in the public mind that she actually won the presidency, instead of having it handed to her on a silver platter – which was the deal made eight years earlier when Obama was given the tap over Hillary.

    We all know what followed, one attempt after another to, at first sabotage his candidacy, but when that failed, to remove him from office by any means necessary. Why does the establishment see him as such a danger? It can’t be because of his ineptitude. We suffered with George Dubya just fine for 8 years, so that can’t be it. As Caitlin Johnstone points out: Trump puts an ugly face on Empire, but I don’t think that’s their problem either.

    During the last 4 years, every time Trump attempted to scale back militarily (or make nice) with any state on the US hit list, the establishment went ballistic. On the other hand, whenever he took aggressive action against the same, trumpets were sounded in the media. For example, when he fired missiles at Syria: “I am guided by the beauty of our weapons”, sung Brian Williams. And “I think Donald Trump became president of the United States last night” crowed Fareed Zakaria on CNN.

    I believe the main reason that Trump in a thorn in their side is because his anti-war leanings are an impediment to their global hegemony plans. Therefore, he has to go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2020 #65214
    Maxwell Quest

    “the U.S. voting process is rife with major systemic failures and doubt-sowing inefficiencies that can be explained only as a deliberate choice and/or a perfect reflection of a collapsing, crumbling empire.” – Greenwald

    It’s a “deliberate choice”. The best way to hide mischief is by covering it in a shroud of chaos and complexity. Just ask Wall Street. Then, if all the so-called “watch dogs” are in on it (aka captured), it is guaranteed that one’s crimes will never see the light of day.

    I’m in agreement with Basseterre Kitona, that it appears incongruent that Republicans could do so well in other races, only to have Trump unseated. And it certainly raised a lot of eyebrows when Trump’s battleground leads all seemed to disappear magically overnight. Almost as if it’s easier to get away with criminal activity under the cover of darkness. Lots of smoke here! A big story just waiting to be uncovered by the press. Oh yeah, they’ll get right on it… never.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2020 #65143
    Maxwell Quest

    “They love Donald Trump because no-one else loves them.”

    Wow, that sent chills down my spine. Tucker Carlson is really exposing the ugly roots of our ruling elite. Even if Trump loses this time around, the ideas which he planted into the national consciousness will continue to grow and gain power. And the all the Deep State shenanigans and conspiracies that were brought to light because of his unexpected win cannot be rehidden. The “genie is out of the bottle”, as they say.

    If you can spare a few minutes today, I highly recommend that you read the article which John Day referenced from the Strategic Culture Foundation website: Plutocrat Violence and Election-Night Horror: Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa Is Fascist.

    I’ve often wondered why I was so elated and engaged during the early days of Occupy Wall Street, but yet when Antifa/BLM came along I had absolutely no inner “pull’ to get involved or side with their cause. Was I just getting too old for political activism? Nope, that’s not it. Rather, on an instinctual level I was repulsed by their tactics and goals. The referenced article helped in many ways to clarify why.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2020 #65066
    Maxwell Quest

    VP Joe Briben

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Halloween 2020 #65044
    Maxwell Quest

    Wow! Just watched the Carlson/Greenwald interview that Ilargi posted above. Now that his Intercept collar has been removed, Glenn is really letting loose with his true thoughts on the US state/media partnership.

    “162.8 million Americans lack meaningful broadband,”

    Ah, but as James Clapper would agree, it’s not really a lie when you insert the ambiguous adjective “meaningful” into the statement. Lawyers could haggle for months over exactly what constitutes “meaningful” broadband. So much of today’s news is crafted in just this way: to outright lie by using vague adjectives as an out. Look for it. It’s everywhere.

    Great work, Dr. D!

    in reply to: Try 2021 #64944
    Maxwell Quest

    Ilargi, I always enjoy these articles wherein you get to expand on your thoughts. Many thanks!

    I know it’s hard work and tiring, and the situation often seems hopeless; however, like it or not we are at war, and it would be shameful to sit idly by, watching the conflict from a safe distance.

    “Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live — at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!!” – William Wallace (Braveheart)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2020 #64937
    Maxwell Quest


    “I still can’t get over the enormity of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

    I’ve had a couple thoughts on this… Seeing that Hunter is indeed a drug addict, his life might be such a ball of chaos that the laptop fell into the background noise and disappeared from whatever available consciousness the drugs left behind. Therefore, utter drug-addled carelessness.

    I lean more toward this next thought: that Hunter is not as horrible a person as his behavior implies, but is just trapped in a crime family from which he cannot escape. Bullied by his father, and continually troubled by his conscience, he turns to drugs and sex as an escape. The abandoned laptop, conveniently loaded up with enough evidence to bring down the whole kit-and-kaboodle, represents the proverbial “cry for help” — the trail of clues left by someone who desperately wants to be caught so that the whole nightmare can end.

    However, I’m not a real psychologist, but only play one on TV.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2020 #64924
    Maxwell Quest

    “Gustav Klimt Pine forest I 1901”

    Got a chance to see Klimt’s “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer” (aka Woman in Gold) while in NY a few years ago. A beautiful piece! When I tried to lean in to get a better look at his gold leaf work, a couple of guards responded immediately to head me off. Tourists can be such blockheads.

    “Last Round-up at the Wokester Corral (Jim Kunstler)”

    Kunstler gave voice to an issue that so many of us have had to deal with since Trump took office: where TDS, fanned to an intense heat by the bellows of state media, has driven family and friends apart. I remember posting a comment on this problem a couple of years ago when someone from the UK responded, “Tell me about it, you should try dealing with Brexit.”

    “Trump: VOTE”

    Is it just me or did anyone else think this was well done? It may have been the first time I actually made it to the end of a Trump video without stopping it partway in. With President Obama I never bothered to start it. His schtick aside, at least with Trump you can sense that his vocal cords are still connected to the core man; whereas with Obama, it always seemed that several layers of obfuscation separated the two.

    “Crickets in the MSM.”

    Compared to 2016, the state/tech media complex appears much more ham-fisted in its attempts to control the outcome. “They don’t even try to hide their bias anymore” is a common refrain. This has to be jarring a few people out of their media-induced trance.

    Of course, it pleases the Trump-haters immensely. The law and constitution be damned! No institution is more important than the emotional satisfaction of destroying Trump. If Carl Jung were alive, he could give a timely lecture on the dangers of the shadow; but then he’d have to be escorted out of the building under armed guard, while the frenzied crowd chanted “Burn him!”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2020 #64888
    Maxwell Quest

    “Lincoln Project Trump-the-Dictator ad”

    No candidate. No platform. No vision. Just fear-mongering. It’s interesting that this ad targets the undeveloped mind, the ‘lizard brain’, which operates by emotion rather than reason. In this case, it only inflames the Trump-hatred that the media has worked tirelessly to instill over the past four years. It will have no effect on MAGA voters.

    “Hillary Clinton Says Trump & Russian Media ‘Stole’ Election From Her (RT)”

    “Hell hath no fury…” as a woman thwarted in her rightful destiny to sit upon the throne of power. The image of Emperor Palpatine comes to mind, surrounded by generals, all suggesting new ways to hasten the construction of the Death Star. To bring peace to the galaxy of course. “Set your course for Alderaan!”

    “People who knowingly lied us into the war like Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, the Beltway neocon “experts,” and most of the media, faced neither punishment nor professional shaming for their acts.”

    Is the dutiful employee punished and shamed for completing his assigned project to the satisfaction of the boss? So what if it was over-budget, just print more money and increase layoffs, the main goal was achieved and that’s all that matters. Here’s some more stock options and a promotion. Good job!

    Punishment and shame are only meted out to those who fail. In the game of global hegemony, one is always rewarded for achieving progress toward the goal.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2020 #64777
    Maxwell Quest

    “The obvious double-standard guarantees that the tech platforms will henceforth be viewed by a huge portion of the population as political censors instead of standards enforcers, and moreover that mainstream press pronouncements about such controversies will be deemed automatically untrustworthy by that same population.”
    (Highlights added)

    The above quote is the summary statement in Matt Taibbi’s recent article: Facebook and Twitter’s Intervention Highlights Dangerous New Double Standard.

    Readers of Taibbi, author of the 2017 bestseller: Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus, will notice that the statement is thoroughly devoid of his typical biting and incisive wit. In fact, the whole article, in my opinion, is toned down, so as not to unsettle the bulk of his Trump-hating readers. This tells me that Taibbi, seasoned political journalist that he is, smells a sea change coming and is cautiously writing about it; which he must if he cares to avoid the fate of his sniveling colleagues and retain any future credibility as a journalist.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2020 #64632
    Maxwell Quest

    teri wrote:

    “I’m just not sure why I should care more about Joe Biden’s kid making book off his father’s position than Trump’s kids making money off his position…”.

    If it were just about Joe Biden’s kid trying to make a buck off his dad’s name, then we might equate the two families; however, being sleazy opportunists is not criminal. What IS criminal is laundering foreign bribe money through certain family members and their front companies, with the understanding that they will not only cut you in, but act as a financial conduit for the entire family – a sketch of the Biden Crime Family as outlined by files on Hunter’s abandoned hard drive.

    On the other hand, it seems that the same establishment which is currently protecting Joe Biden, spent 4 years investigating Trump hoping to find some pretext to initially prevent him from taking office, and later to run him out of office. They came up empty. Even his tax returns, which they screamed about since 2016, when finally exposed through some clandestine mischief, were a big nothing burger.

    One of these things is not like the other…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2020 #64619
    Maxwell Quest

    “More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

    That was easy. We can add 50 more names to the list of conspirators attempting to subvert the rule of law. It’s so much easier when they come forward willingly, instead of having to ferret them out one by one. If only we had a branch of government to hold them accountable. You know, a separation of powers sorta thing.

    “This morning, John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, stated categorically that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

    Mr. Ratcliffe appears to be smelling something in the air and is positioning himself on the winning side. Possibly that massive Stalin-like Purge looming on the horizon.

    “Wikipedia Says Hunter Biden Scandal ‘Debunked’ (RT)”

    More evidence that Wikipedia is thoroughly compromised. I learned this years ago, but there are still some that use it as a source for their arguments, further proving that they are out of touch.

    “…trailing rather pathetically in the primary elections after being dubbed an old racist by his opponents, and drubbed in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe somehow managed to sweep the table on Super Tuesday…”

    Gee, someone else noticed? Almost as if the presidential primaries were some sort of orchestrated TV show with a cast of characters, a suspenseful plot, followed by a celebratory resolution.

    in reply to: FBI = Disinformation #64568
    Maxwell Quest

    Great analysis, Ilargi. It’s why TAE is a staple in my daily reading.

    As more and more Americans get wind of what is actually going on, and instinctively jump out of the DNC’s handbasket to hell before election day, we may have just one more chance to turn things around. It’s difficult to say what a second Trump term would look like, since he seems to have no plan or driving principles other than self-promotion, but the alternative is clear, and it’s ugly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2020 #64497
    Maxwell Quest

    Dr. D’s really killing it today. Many thanks for his commentary.

    The spotless administration of Saint Obama, the world’s most admired man, isn’t looking so pure lately with the release of the Biden emails. It just goes to show how one’s image can be polished to a high gloss when every western media outlet acts as your own personal PR firm. Hunter’s emails have just made their job much more difficult.

    Can you imagine the number of meetings and conference calls that are occurring at this very minute in an effort to mitigate this PR disaster? I say PR because the DOJ has been aware of all this corruption from day one and has only acted to shield it from public scrutiny, so I don’t expect any legal action to result from Giuliani’s revelations.

    What will they do when the slime trail from Hillary’s private email server finally sees the light of day? You know they’re out there somewhere. Will Saint Obama finally fall from Grace, his memory sullied, when they discover that he presided over one of the most corrupt regimes in US history?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2020 #64454
    Maxwell Quest

    “What’s the biggest story, that Joe and Hunter were less than honest about Burisma, or that Big Tech tries to bury that they were/are?”

    I’m sure you meant this rhetorically, because it’s a ‘no-brainer’, as they say. The higher a politician climbs, the more of an expert liar he becomes. No story here. The fact that Silicon Valley media giants have chosen sides in a national political campaign and are actively censoring the content on their platforms in order to influence the outcome of said campaign is the big story.

    “.. the talking point that Russia “hacked Burisma in January” and was somehow the source of the documents was seriously making the rounds on Wednesday afternoon.”

    Red herring! There is still some gas left in the “Russia did it” tank, but the government/media complex has been pushing this pedal so hard lately that the needle on their credibility gauge is quickly sliding toward “E”. It won’t be long now before it sputters to a dead stop.

    “A first for ‘Hacked Materials’. And again, there is no proof that anything was hacked.”

    It’s hard to come up with a good lie… er, I mean excuse when the clock is ticking and someone is breathing down your neck. “The dog ate my homework” only has a chance of success if you actually have a pet dog.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2020 #64363
    Maxwell Quest

    “In mid-2016, the FBI got word that Russian intelligence believed Hillary Clinton’s campaign was planning to frame Donald Trump as colluding with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to hack her computers. Yet somehow, the crack agents never connected the dots when handed the Steele “dossier” commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign that claimed Trump was colluding with Putin.”

    “Yet somehow”? Really, Post? Talk about non-reporting! This article is an FBI ‘white-wash’ special.

    “Nor did it connect the dots to another “Russiagate” lead, the third-hand rumors passed along by a Clinton-allied diplomat that supposedly implicated another Trump aide, George Papadopoulos.”

    Wow, such incompetence! All those big dots with bright flashing arrows pointing in the direction of the Obama regime. What a puzzler! So confusing! Getting dizzy!

    “The news of the 2016 intel comes from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe’s gradual release of Russiagate records — which show that the true scandal was the investigation conspiracy itself.”

    There, fixed it.

    “The Russians had determined that Clinton wanted to blame Trump for the hacking of Democratic National Committee e-mails to distract from the growing scandal over her use of a non-secure home-brew server for official business as secretary of state.”

    As Secretary of State, why have a secret, unofficial email server? That’s not suspicious at all. What would those emails have shown? That Hillary leveraged her position in a pay-to-play scheme to stuff the Clinton Foundation with hundreds of millions in tax-free cash? No dots here.

    The Post really put their crack team on this one, the Editorial Board, all hand-picked, not for journalistic excellence, but because of their loyalty to the establishment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 12 2020 #64333
    Maxwell Quest

    “RIP in 2020 to the credibility of: Chris Wallace, the FBI, Steve Scully, the CDC, Susan Page, AP, John Durham, CSPAN, Keith Olbermann, the DOJ, the Commission on Presidential Debates, Bill Barr, Judge Sullivan, Chris Wray, Dr. Fauci….”

    “Breaking: The #1 unanswered question since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency is “Why has no one been held accountable in “RussiaGate”? A close second is definitely “Why is there this double standard for people like General Flynn versus Former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe?” These questions have been asked more than any other since 2017.”

    Gee, it appears there ARE people out there who DO ‘notice’ and DO ‘care’ about double-standards, injustice, and corruption. That is not good for the establishment, for when the tide starts to turn against them, which it always does when fundamental human ethics are continually subverted, the pent up anger and disillusionment of millions will fall like an avalanche on their heads.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 8 2020 #64228
    Maxwell Quest

    “If the press was truly free, this would be plastered all across the mainstream media.”

    “A dark week has seen the MSM turn a blind eye to Democrat failings and exaggerate the extent and severity of Donald Trump’s illness.”

    After an early retirement, I went back to school to reboot those parts of my brain that had atrophied from lack of use in my career as a specialist. During the 2008 banking crisis it seemed like a good idea to use this current event as the topic for an ECON research paper. It was eye-opening to discover that the media’s reporting had little in common with the rampant fraud I was daily digging up in my research. WTF! Establishment pundits, in brightly lit studios with cameras rolling, were lying to the public – lies of both commission and omission. That was the catalyst which caused me to shitcan all establishment media sources and seek out independent media.

    Since then, Ilargi’s TAE has been a mainstay in my reading, along with many other indie sources. I still have friends who believe they are well informed because they also include PBS and the BBC in their info diet, as if buying your Twinkies at Whole Foods will be healthier for you. They are still trapped in the old paradigm that the US stands for truth, justice, and apple pie, and will fight tooth and nail to defend this illusion.

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