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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2020 #66556

    Here is a link to an excellent assessment of the vaccines and their impacts. Jon Barron may not be known to most (not an MD) but he is extremely knowledgeable in the area of immune systems. He sells herbal pathogen destroyers and other products prepared for elite athletes but his assessment of the vaccines is that they are useful. Note: according to him, you need to have some reaction to the vaccine (fever etc) to indicate that your body has generated an immune response. Worth the read and written for the lay person.

    The COVID Vaccines and What They Mean

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2020 #66538

    Mr.House so true that so many of the covid rituals are about as effective as religion (some may be worse owing to their unintended consequences). It is as if suddenly everything we did health-wise has no significance. All that matters is that we carry out the rituals, which are pronounced from on high – our gods.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2020 #66513

    So sad on the climate change front. Speculation in water – wow, just wow.
    On rising fruit and vege prices – so if Aussies have to pay their own folks a living wage (instead of paying foreign workers a substandard wage) then prices will go up? Lots of stories like this in Canada too. Pathetic excuses for countries if we can’t pay our own nation’s workers adequately to provide one of the few things we literally can’t live without.

    in reply to: PCR Tests and COVID Vaccines are Useless #66331

    Thank you to all who have contributed to this discussion and dug into the details and provided clarifications. As someone who has to get regular testing I am less concerned about what the test is doing. I also appreciate the info on the increase in total deaths in the US – was looking for updated figures (beyond the April figures shown earlier) but hadn’t found them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2020 #66237

    Those of you with a strong artistic sensibility, please continue to share – for those of us who do not have much to offer in this Dept, it is like a breath of fresh humanity.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2020 #66190

    I miss V. Arnold too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2020 #66189

    Teri thank you for your analysis above on election fraud.
    Re Turchin’s predictions: he says that government debt (inability of government to cover its financial positions) is one of 3 key factors leading to mayhem. However, my understanding is that Steve Keen says that private debt, not public debt, is the biggest problem.
    Wading thru Graeber’s book on debt over 5000 years. Here’s a link to a review:.

    Predictions are hard -especially about the future.

    in reply to: Automatic Earth in Athens November 2020 #65928

    Victims of circumstance -for sure. The talk about need for jobs and job availability – remember this lack of jobs for working class people in the west was brought about by trade agreements and policies off-shoring jobs to places with no government standards for workers or the environment. A get rich quick scheme for hard-working Richie Rich folks. If only we had no government standards in the West, then we could all have “jobs” and work in slave-like conditions making plastic toys. And then we can sit back and wonder why people lose respect for society.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2020 #65827

    The COVID 19 RNA Vaccine According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Rashid Buttar, and Del Bigtree

    Having trouble posting today.
    It would be interesting to hear Taleb’s take on this vaccine, since he is do cautious around genetic modification.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2020 #65479

    If it is true that the PTB are planning for a reset, making covid financial support contingent on massive neoliberal changes, it would seem that any country, such as Sweden, that decides not to follow the “lockdown everything hard and often” approach would represent a serious threat to this agenda.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2020 #65208

    If this story is true, it looks like Sweden is having similar problems to everyone else.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2020 #65106

    No actually Ilargi I said test, not vaccine. Would you not need to continually change your test as well, due to mutation?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2020 #65105

    Right -I missed that – phenomenal post John Day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2020 #65103

    I get it now Ilargi -self-test needed instead of one administered by a health care person.

    Would it be a challenge to create covid tests for a virus that continually mutates?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2020 #65098

    Apparently in Canada there are quite a few covid tests that have been approved by Health Canada for ‘point of care’ use.
    In Canada it is the government that does the approval, although typically studies are carried out by he manufactures and Health Canada reviews the studies rather than conducting studies themselves

    Loved the spider Halloween costume.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2020 #65060

    Dr. D that info on testing is astounding. The testing testing testing strategy looks like it goes out the window – essentially it appears that we have no valid tests for covid. Therefore, we are navigating this disease based on garbage data. This of course will impact validity of covid death counts (which also felt on tests). My comment above on covid rates comparison between Sweden, the EU and the US kind of goes out the window too – who knows what those numbers mean?
    In my neck of the woods you could get whiplash following the instructions to the public on testing. Initially, the public was told to go get tested, and we were admonished for not being tested. Next we learned that there was a backlog in the processing of tens of thousands of tests, resulting in some tests being sent to California to be analyzed. I have been deemed an essential visitor to my mother who lives in a retirement home and I am not high enough on the priority list to get tested at this point, because testing capacity is so limited. I used to feel guilty about not being tested. Not anymore.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2020 #65059

    Does anyone want to wade in on the deaths per capita chart from yesterday, the one showing that Sweden had about double the death rate of the EU until August, at which time the EU went into an exponential rise, exceeding even the US, while now Sweden’s rate is about one fifth that of the US and EU? Sweden is also a northern country, not benefiting from vitamin D provided by sun exposure, yet somehow by the end of October their rate is very low. Numbers like these beg for explanation, especially since the policy response was so different in Sweden. Here’s a theory, based on the analysis made by my health guru Jon Barron at the outset of the pandemic: if people restrict exposure to pathogens, their immune systems will become weaker, like a muscle that has not been exercised. This is the downside of lockdowns. I understand that Swedes voluntarily reduced some activities, but the stark differences in the data between the EU and Sweden seem to suggest that the unique policy response (much less restrictive lockdown) played a role.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2020 #64895

    I echo the appreciation for many of the thoughtful and well-written comments on this blog. It is an effort to take the time to craft such comments and we are fortunate to have you in our midst.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2020 #64848

    Way to go Oxymoron! The original research on hardwood chips and their ability to create fungally-dominant soil (helpful to support the creation of those underground communication networks between trees, supporting tree health) was done at Laval University in Quebec.
    Yesterday I finished up my final orchard spray of the season (neem oil, compost tea, effective microbes, liquid fish) — kind of like a natural vaccine for trees to induce systemic resistance to disease.
    Connecting this to covid– all the hand – wringing about when a vaccine will come along, but no talk by our political leadership about how to feed each individual person’s natural immune response (things like don’t kill your intestinal flora by eating antibiotic-laced meat, get your vitamin D, eat fermented foods to build up your intestinal flora which account for at least 70 percent of the body’s entire immune response, eat healthy nutrient dense food so that the body is capable of mounting a response to pathogens).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2020 #64625

    John Day thank you for your extensive info on Vitamin D supplements-makes me rethink my own strategy with regards to this for covid.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2020 #64459

    I realize the Biden story is enormous, but less we forget the small covid absurdities of every day. Here’s one: before visiting my mother in a long-term setting, I was required to watch YouTube videos showing how to put on and remove full personal protective gear (gloves, gown, mask with viser)
    However, on arriving at the residence, I learned that there is in fact none of this equipment available.. How’s that?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2020 #64201

    And we call vaccine-hesitant people crazy. What’s crazier than all of this?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2020 #64198

    John Day -this is awful -they will potentially make people ill while killing so many sharks.
    Oui Madamski, malheureusement.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2020 #64191
    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2020 #64190
    in reply to: The Early Treatment of Trump #64164

    If only Trump’s recovery would being about a paradigm shift. But I just don’t see it. The situation is too politicized (it involves Trump) and it makes a good chunk of the health bureaucracy look incompetent or worse (intentionally withholding life-saving treatment). Considering all of the lies that our elites of all stripes manage to pass off as truth (for their own benefit), I won’t be surprised if Trump’s recovery story is rewritten (eg he was not really that sick,; naughty fellow took experimental treatments that must undergo full studies before they can safely be provided to the great unwashed general public, etc). No way TPTB will so easily lose control of the narrative.
    A question in mind is why the refusal of health authorities to give any kind of endorsement to these other therapies to begin with? Is it just the legal concerns (risk of liability due to lack of formal complete studies) or is it ensuring the ability to herd people to lucrative treatments provided by cronies)? Not much money in people taking zinc and vitamin D. ‘I’m guessing the latter.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2020 #64058

    Re the AAPS: I thought they identified some valid issues of concern related to vaccines. Unfortunately they have some very unscientific positions on other issues, which undermines their credibility.
    Re Taleb’s note of the day: if only we really followed this idea. In Europe you have refugees living in squalor. Here in Canada we have Aboriginal people living on reserved located in the most polluted places, without access to clean water, often in homes that regularly get flooded. Access to health care is terrible, high rates of suicide among youth, high rates of substance abuse. Drives me crazy when people (invariably non-Aboriginal) day what a great country Canada is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 2 2020 #64011

    Very funny Madamski!😀
    Up here in the capital of Canada land (where we live in igloos) our health care system is in crisis again because of covid. Personal Support Workers just got a raise of $3 per hour to attract more workers.
    In schools, so many teachers are self-isolating or sick that they are looking for pretty much any warm body (inviting parents and university students) to come and teach.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2020 #63958

    Taleb also seems to have an inflated idea of the robustness of the hard sciences. Remember all science, even the stuff that uses fancy measurement equipment, is conducted by flawed imperfect humans prone to seeing what they want to see. “Progress” in scientific understanding is sometimes described as a process in which holders of outdated, inaccurate ideas die off….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2020 #63957

    Education in a social science is ignorance? So David Graeber’s book ” Debt the first 5000 Years”, which relies on anthropological (social science) research, should be tossed in the garbage according to Taleb? And I guess we should stop listening to Steve Keen because, as an Economist (social scientist) he is ignorant! Honestly, sometimes Taleb seems to say things just to grab attention.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2020 #63920

    Susmarie good advice for how to live the collapse -I’m going to try to do this.
    My better half reminded me of the portrayal of societal meltdown in the movie Brazil – all the ordinary banal stuff (facelifts etc) carried on unchanged, while life behind the billboards was in ruins.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2020 #63896

    I guess today’s news is not from the happiness file! Utterly incredible and irredeemable. This kind of information is what makes conversations about abortion and employment equity seem insufficient – without addressing our inhumane global economic and political systems that are rotten to the core, we won’t meaningfully address these other things.
    Just had a chat with several other small organic farmers discussing our situation. The realization came that, by relying on off-farm income, we farmers are all in the charity business, subsidizing the cost of food. Our challenge is to find a way to continue to produce food in an environmentally sustainable way, within this corrupt, environmentally-irresponsible economic system.

    in reply to: Vitamin D #63895

    And being in the sun with skin exposed of course!

    in reply to: Vitamin D #63894

    V Arnold and Susmarie I totally agree with both of you. Just about all the vitamin D supplements the average Jill will buy are synthetic isolates (made from stuff you would NEVER consider as good). Not only that, but again, as is the case with herbal medicine, the body is not good at absorbing these isolates -it needs the whole complex of stuff around the target vitamin to get effective absorption. A great link explaining the problems with synthetic isolated vitamins below. Better options for vitamin D? Lard from pastured pigs and eggs.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 28 2020 #63808

    On the Amy Coney article, I think far too much emphasis is placed on the socioeconomic impact of access to abortion. For sure it plays an important role, but we live in a brutalizing neoliberal economic system and merely ensuring access to abortion does not change this, with all the human suffering and degradation it brings with it.
    Amy is quoted as saying the greatest thing anyone can do is look after children. Of course, all good. Is it not also a great thing to do to devote ones life to engaging environmentally to preserve other life forms? Or engaging politically against oppressive governments? Here’s the thing: doing these latter two things gives you almost no public accolades – people just think you are a misfit and your efforts make them uncomfortable because of the cognitive dissonance your efforts bring about in them. Ask Assange, Glen Greenwald and others like them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2020 #63754

    Why is making a connection between climate change and covid unnecessary? The arguments are that (1) we will have more such disease outbreaks due to climate-related releases of new pathogens and (2) covid government responses show in spades that unthinkable social changes can be made to existential threats, but we are as a whole unwilling to make such changes for climate change, while we are willing for covid.
    On covid second, third, etc waves, nowhere (other than on Jon Barron’s website) have I seen mention of the fact that not having ongoing exposure to pathogens weakens the immune system (think of the immune system as a muscle that is not being exercised). According to Jon Barron, this isolating we have been doing virtually guarantees that subsequent waves will be worse.
    Interesting take on the whole discussion of supreme Court judge selections, reminding us that these justices are very much a reflection of the values of society at any given time, and not very progressive at that. Way too much reverence to such institutions when real social change comes from grimy political action by ordinary people,

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2020 #63602

    It’s good that you mess with our minds – pushes us past our (my) thoughtless knee-jerk responses.
    On this issue (judge-selection) this reminds me that judges may be all-too-human. Does religiousness matter? It would seem that religions have formed the basis for the moral codes for many of us non-believers. Some religious people do not accept all parts of their chosen religion. Better maybe to look at stated positions of judges on relevant issues that may impact their role as a judge.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 18 2020 #63378

    Boggles the mind how the whole world could have mixed up infection fatality rate and case fatality rate. And who benefits. Or just humans under the influence of “herd mentality”, in the words of Mr. Trump

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2020 #63315

    Just watched a documentary on young adult DACA Mexicans in the US. Striking was their level of maturity -concern and care for parents and family. Educational aspirations thwarted by requirement to pay international student fees and familial obligations. All were politically active. Risks taken by their parents to get across the border. Life must have been pure hell in Mexico for them to have made this choice.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2020 #63229

    V.Arnold -I wonder now if concrete specific comments are even worth making anymore -we are so far gone. Your high-level observations seem to be right for the time, and beautiful to read.
    Off to grab more grapes…

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