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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle March 8 2022 #103772

    @dr-d You are consistently rolling sevens! I end up reading most of your post out loud to my wife.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 1 2022 #103243

    Some interesting work here from 2018 and may work into the present situation going on in Europe. The conclusion at the end of part two is what made me sit up.

    A Practical Exercise Suggestion for Peak Oil Sceptics

    And so the ominous crossing of the lines (which would define the probable time of serious conflict between the nuclear powers, whilest ignoring the 4,000 millions without nuclear weapons) would take place…. In 2023!!!

    The author admits that in this initial excercise there could be some data missing. He could have made a mistake, made unreal suppositions. He has discounted the dicovery of gigantic oil finds which have been overlooked up till now, seeing as they have not been discovered in the last decade with all the modern exploration technology available. He could have underestimated that the change to a 100% renewable world is going to appear with stratospheric velocity, with electric scooters, bikes and cars for hire, with the unprecedented advance in carsharing or carpooling or carkfaking and other possible nonsense.

    For all of this, I offer you the page of calculations which have led me to arrive at these conclusions. They are freely accessable to the public reader, so that if they wish, they might improve, correct, estimate in a different way, add in the data they deem reasonable, justified or opportune, and send it back to us. So that they might perhaps arrive at projections of a different orientation.

    in reply to: Spartacus Returns #103211

    Holy shit! It’s even worse than a prophet of doom such as myself would’ve dared imagine.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102930

    @susmarie108 I’ve been watching things dry out, up here in Nova Scotia for literally two decades now. An old unused road that I walk to get to one of my favourite fishing spots. All through the sixties and up till the turn of this century when walking this road it would lay wet and muddy until mid June early July. Since 2000 +/- after three sunny days it would be dry enough to travel in joggers and not get a soaker. Even in late April with ice and snow in the well shaded areas it would dry up between the patches of still frozen ground. We have insects and algae blooms that weren’t even heard of pre 2000. Last summer we had folks that worked out doors all there lives that were suddenly having hydration problems myself included. The energy in the system now is sucking moisture from everything at rates that were unimaginable just a couple of decades ago. For every one decree Celsius there is 7% more moisture in the atmosphere. The atmosphere isn’t smoothly distributed as storms demonstrate only too well. The warmer this gets the more energy in the air so the faster it wicks the moisture from the surrounding areas and the faster it goes. It seems logarithmic! The increases are faster and closer together with each minuscule increase in moisture content. To rub a little salt in the wound water vapour dwarves the heat retention of co2. I’ve spent three decades agonizing over this predicament. It’s only been the last half dozen years or so that I’ve gotten through my grief, I think? Any which way you cut it, love is all that’s not been corrupted to this point. All though it would seem the powers that be are working hard on that problem. There is no solution that will keep our way of life going forward. Finding a way down is unlikely when you consider that the tech we now enjoy will not scale down. To live like the west did in the 50’s is also not possible due to the lack of easy access to raw materials. Live your best life, help in any way you deem sensible for you. Not very up lifting I’m sure, but reality more often than not just sucks, both natural and manmade.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102897

    From Kiev this morning a conversation with Alex Christoforuo and Conzalo Lira in downtown Kiev
    Starting at the 40:00 minute mark.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102888

    As the media are abandoning COVID, they’re taking aim at AIDS instead. The timing of AIDS-related articles and announcements is indicative of a coordinated PR campaign, which must have a specific purpose

    While Prince Harry’s fame is milked for all it’s worth to get people to start thinking about getting HIV-tested, the discovery of a new HIV variant in The Netherlands has also been announced. The variant is more contagious, and causes more severe disease, twice as fast. There are 109 known cases of the HIV variant in The Netherlands

    The COVID jab may be causing AIDS-like illness by decimating immune function. Researchers have also warned the COVID jab may raise your risk of HIV infection. Is the media’s focus on AIDS an attempt to cover up COVID jab effects?

    What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102887

    “What upsets me about Ed Down and his follow hedge fund buddies is that his ‘revelation’ about the vaccines causing injury and death comes a year or so after anyone paying attention with the slightest curiosity figured it out.”

    Best of TomDispatch: Todd Gitlin, The Tinsel Age of Journalism
    [Note for TomDispatch Readers: On the weekend that precedes Presidents Day, consider this my way of saying goodbye to an old friend. Todd Gitlin died this month at age 79. He had indeed once briefly been a president — of the radical group Students for a Democratic Society in the 1960s. He (like me) was involved in the anti-Vietnam war movement of that era and later became a critical scholar with a special focus on the media. I edited five of his books, including two novels and his penetrating study of television, Inside Prime Time, when I worked at Pantheon Books. In that context, I can’t resist quoting Susan Sontag’s classic blurb for that book: “From this resolute non-watcher of TV, it may seem a small compliment to say I’d rather read Todd Gitlin’s book than watch what it recounts, but Inside Prime Time is a remarkable enterprise of description. I was instructed, entertained and properly disheartened by it.”

    In the last piece he did for TomDispatch back in 2013, he caught the essence of the then-fading press (that is, for those of you who no longer know, the news on actual paper) in a way that remains memorable. He noted that the factors likely to determine our fate on this planet, whether in economic or climate terms, had been desperately ignored by the media of that moment — as, to a large extent, they still are today. I’ve kept my own 2013 introduction to the piece as well.

    So long, Todd, I’ll miss you. Tom]

    Is the Press Too Big to Fail?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102882

    “A planet ever more battered by climate change, one in which neither an American nor a Chinese “century” will have any meaning, will certainly need a newly empowered world order that can supersede national sovereignty to protect the most fundamental and transcendent of all human rights: survival. The environmental changes in the offing are so profound that anything less than a new form of democratic global governance will mean not just incessant conflicts but, in all likelihood, disaster of an almost-unimaginable kind. And no surprise there, since we’ll be dealing with a planet all too literally on the brink.”

    While the author seems to have a decent handle on the coming “attractions”, I don’t believe any one entity as we know them now will survive much beyond this decade. Before this decade is out there will be major global grain supply issues. The temps in the major grain growing regions will exceed the nominals required for decent production. We are already seeing troublesome climatic conditions. The overnight lows that are rising faster than the daytime highs, are of particular importance. If they don’t drop low enough for the plants to reach a rest point then the quality and quantity suffer dramatically as the number of nights in a row mount up. These temps are reached long before 35c wet bulb extremes are reached on a wide scale. This alone will produce more refugees and calling it a migration is a misnomer as migration implies a return trip, ain’t going to happen voluntarily. On top of all that the droughts, floods and wild fires will only serve to exasperate the situation. These wild swings in local weather patterns are evident everywhere now. The comfortable weather stability that we once enjoyed in our own “neck of the woods” is notably shorter between extremes. The rates of increase in notable extremes in weather are going exponential it would seem. I’ll go out on a limb and say that global grain shortages are going to start to show up inside the next five years. Add to this the various strains on the industrial agriculture system with broken supply chains that can’t be restored to their former glory, lack of fuel and fertilizers quite possibly this coming growing season and things are looking quite dire. If MSM and the western think tanks are allowed to describe the coming events, well…. you know it was Russian meddling or some such.

    in reply to: Bankruptcy For Moderna, Definitely Pfizer #102688

    It continued, “Reinsurance Group of America, for example, reported a profit in Q4 2020 when the most of the population was unvaccinated and amid a deadlier strain of Covid-19, yet they registered a loss in Q4 2021 with more than 60% of the country fully vaccinated (and around 75% who have received at least one dose).”12

    In other words, they paid out more in death and disability benefits in late 2021, after the shots became widespread, then they did at the peak of the pandemic, when no shots (or only a small number) had been issued.

    Funeral Home Stocks Surge, Death and Disability Payouts Soar

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 23 2022 #102663

    Thanks Dr. J. Day. I checked out the new address and subscribed moments ago.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 23 2022 #102660

    A conversation between R. Heinberg and D Meadows

    RH: Of all the recommendations you made then (or new ones), what is the single most important? Is there a pebble of an idea that can start an avalanche of change?

    DLM: The recommendations we made back in 1972 simply aren’t relevant now. So, although I could say, in theory, stopping population growth or increasing people’s concern for those far away might have been the most important things we could have done 50 years ago, now it’s really too late for that. If I were trying to start a new momentum for change, it would be on understanding the nature of human perception. Why is it that we tend to focus on the short term and the local, when in fact, the fundamental solutions to these problems are long-term and far away? And there’s a lot of research to be done. Economists have predicated their recommendations on the assumption that GDP will continue to expand forever. Certainly, it will not. We need to understand the implications of that and try to think through what practical policy recommendations could be implemented in response to that fact. I think about those things, but I certainly haven’t come to the point where I’m able to spell out a set of detailed recommendations.

    Dennis Meadows on the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Limits to Growth

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102456

    German economist and journalist Ernst Wolff believes that many of the national leaders included in the Young Global Leader program have been selected for their willingness to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns in recent years without asking any questions, and that their impending failure (as evidenced by in a growing dissatisfaction of the masses) will be used as an excuse to create a new form of Global Government where the old nation states become largely obsolete.
    A new global digital currency with Universal Basic Income (UBI) can then be gradually introduced to replace our doomed monetary system.[3] This conclusion partly coincides with my own.
    It is also supported by Paul Raskin‘s scenarios from The Great Transition Initiative on how a totalitarian “New Earth Order” is established, to be replaced in the long run by a global democratic government (Earth Federation) with a World Constitution.[4]

    World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102455

    Take away what you will from this, looks like all are now the enemy. As if that’s news to most here.
    Who in you circle will be first to be disappeared?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102242

    The truth is no defence!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102241

    Mis-information, dis-information, mal-information all explained very clearly right here:

    25 minutes of a fun run down on the above.

    Pre-bunk the de-bunk before the bunk is discovered to be bunk? Follow that? Ahh the fun never ends.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102213

    Former NDP MLA in Nova Scotia tells what it was like for her over a couple on terms in government starting in opposition and then moving to power. Some very interesting stuff and I know her personally and have for my six plus decades on this orb. Not sure how long this will stay up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102039

    Kunstler “We will rip off their masks and the rule of law will be restored.” But whose’s law?

    Doc.D” I was right. Where’s my apology and restitution for losses forced?”
    I’ve some friends who told me in the spring of ’20 that it would be all over in a year. I said that it isn’t about the “vid” and it wouldn’t be over anywhere near that time line. Same friend, and yes a life long friend, told me a few weeks ago it will be all over by this summer. Ah huh I said but you’ve told me in 2020 that it would be passed by the following winter and we are now in our third year. His response was “it isn’t three years”! Technically it wasn’t two years as we’re still in February. So it will be done and dusted by the end of this March huh? Reply still not three years. Hmm I didn’t it was three years, I said we’re into our third year. Thousand yard stare. Does not compute! Waste of time, lets get the card game moving and talk gardening, something we can both agree on. Not looking for an apology. Never wanted to be right on this and was hoping to be wrong as wrong can be. Still would be nice, if at least my being a prophet of doom was acknowledged. Hasn’t been yet on anything I got right.

    V.P. “completely unable to unite into a “force” for good, a “culture” where there is No shame & anything goes ~ Just imagine a group with leaders spouting homoerotic porn imagery as a punchline to their statements…real unifying there mate.” and just to put a bit of backup as if needed: The leftist push for pedophilia acceptance If this isn’t revolting you are part of the problem.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101897

    There is also the timing of it all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101896

    Make of this what you may, but wouldn’t make the arrests illegal since they were done with the thought that they would be backed up when the writ goes through, assuming it would get through the senate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101890

    Attitudes change with time and social conditions and these are changing now at rates that are quite astonishing. The link below is interesting for that reason only.

    “When will human beings go extinct? Perhaps sooner than we first predicted
    Britons are less sure than they were that humanity is here to stay. The number of those who believe human beings will never die out has dropped by seven points since 2016 to 23%.”

    The link below, if you just scroll the headlines, does give those changes above some reasons to ponder.

    18th Feb 2022 Today’s Round-Up of Climate News

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101879

    The Ukraine fiasco is blinding to some other actual military things going on globally. China and Russia have agreed to have each others backs quietly in the background over the past months/years. There is a real Russian military build up happening in Syria that seems as if it is going unnoticed. Hmm? So you have China starting to look hard at US control of the shipping in the pacific and now with Russia setting up camp, that may have the ability to sway/control the mediterranean, and already has an overly large piece of the energy mix in Europe the “west” may well have already fallen. Check out what Alexander says starting around the 29:00 minute mark. If there is any chance this plays out the real panic and confusion has yet to start.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101773
    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101768

    Rumours of a Canadian bank run, anyone want to report?
    Only hearsay so far but it may be taking off . Some branches of the big five were said to be closed early yesterday. I don’t do business with the big cartels, so no personal interaction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101740

    I wish you guys would shut up I’m trying to talk to myself here!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2022 #101582

    For trudeau the rallies should start chanting “lock him up”!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101422

    Bosco: TPTB haven’t figured out how to take/tax our funny bone yet. Emphasis on yet, all though I’m sure they are working feverishly day and night to either monetize or abolish it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101418

    Bosco and DBS you guys gonna take this routine on the road?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101348

    Starter list?
    Alumni of WEF and Members of government and leaders in the federal bureaucracy of Canada (CA).
    -Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister
    -Chrystia Freeland – CA Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance
    -Katrina Gould – Minister of Families, Children and Social Dev., Empl and Social Dev CA
    -Francois-Philippe Champagne – Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Innovation, Science and Economic Dev. CA
    -Ailish Campbell – Canada’s Ambassador to the EU
    -Elissa Golberg – Asst. Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada (State Department equivalent)
    -Renee Maria Tremblay – Senior Counsel Supreme Court of CA
    -Jagmeet Singh – Leader, New Democratic Party – in lock step policy-wise with J. Trudeau throughout pandemic.
    Does any one have more names to add?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101346

    If you were trying to start a run on the banks this just might do it!

    I am carefully reviewing the details of the authorization because according to the public statements by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, they have authorized banks, financial institutions and insurance carriers to suspend the accounts of Canadian citizens based on their social media postings.

    Yes, you read that correctly. Support of “blockades and/or occupations” are specifically noted.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101253

    Bosco I get it. Same feelings here. I’m trying to stay informed, you know fore warned is fore armed. Too much gooblety-goop. Soon to just shut down all together and go to ground. Maybe I’ve got the wrong end of the stick or even the wrong stick but it’s at least a stick. Most just seem to be running around flailing their arms about in the air. Like swatting at bats in the dark, pun intended. In the end I guess following growth for the sake of growth in a finite space leads to insanity, for some at least. What’s the old adage, being well adjusted in a maladjusted society is no measure of sanity, or something like that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101242
    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101238

    TDK I get it. Canadian life time east coaster here. Just a little black humor.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101237

    If you scroll to the bottom of the article there are 1011 listed studies that look like this:
    It is #965

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101209

    Are we prisoners in our own country or just in our own mind? Stress helps to disorient us to the point of confusion. I like to think most here have their feet firmly planted in reality. The way forward seems to be as clear as mud at this point. It was stated here yesterday the great minds think alike, as a kid in the sixties when I said such, one of my grandmothers would say “and fools seldom differ”. I live in fear of being the latter!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101205

    Things may be heating up after all.

    Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal

    The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office.

    Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.

    All of these are confirmed in the following science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency on COVID 19 regarding vaccine damage.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101204

    Will this gain any traction?

    U.K. Vaccine Crime Investigation. Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court (ICC)

    The complaints allege numerous serious crimes including misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.

    The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies; and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101203

    Brian Peckford was the premier of Newfoundland Labrador in 1981 and is the last living premier that worked on and signed the charter of rights and freedoms. It was a combined effort of all the premiers and prime minister of the day. He just might have some idea of what is in it.

    Video: Brian Peckford, Signatory of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, on Trudeau and the COVID-19 Mandates

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101200

    57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations

    A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs. We urge you to read and share this damning report.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101199

    In Canada too, judges tend to be creatures of politics but in ways less obvious than the elected judges of the United States. All Canadian judges derive their positions from selection processes led by elected officials. In the current climate, this process of judicial appointment seems to make the Canadian judiciary more prone to go along with government initiatives done in the name of fighting COVID-19.

    Corrupt Judges and Elected Politicians in Lockstep with Covid Mandate. A Power-Grab at Levels Never Before Seen in the History of the World?

    They have not seriously investigated the arguments that the aggressive restrictions on civil liberties have been completely disproportionate with the actual scale of the supposed medical emergency. Judges have not been diligent in following evidence-based science. Instead of doing due diligence, most judicial arbiters of the restrictions done in the name of emergency measures in Canada have been content to accept at face value government rationales for government policies and actions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101198

    Trudeau Threatens Canadians Who Uphold the Charter and the Basic Tenets of Democracy

    According to Brian Peckford, Trudeau’s Covid mandates violate Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
    Video below:

    Listen carefully to what Trudeau is saying in this nationwide address.

    His political rhetoric is despicable.

    He is now threatening Canadians for abiding by the Charter (CRF) which he as Prime Minister of Canada has violated:

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