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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 28 2023 #149300

    “By virtue of being virtually on this blog today, neither have/has been impoverished, silenced, deplatformed, blacklisted, disappeared and eliminated.”

    Fascinating isn’t it! Almost like controlled opposition, but seems weird just the same. All others that were questioning the sanity have been deplatformed. Why not these guys? Or more to the point why not Ritter? He would have had to sign a NDA I’m sure so has yet to violate that? If there isn’t more to this this meets the eye……. well blow me dry and call me dusty.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2023 #149241

    The first three minutes is Trudeau admitting everything pretty much.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2023 #149225

    CT: What are your thoughts on Greta Thunberg and the movement surrounding her?

    DR: It is sad and pathetic. The movement is a testament to the success of the global propaganda project that I describe in my report. The movement is also an indicator of the degree to which totalitarianism has taken hold in Western societies; wherein individuals, associations and institutions lose their ability for independent thought to steer society away from the designs of an occupying elite. Individuals (and their parents) become morality police in the service of this ‘environmentalism’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2023 #149224

    tboc yes rom doesn’t die on its own. Give it back its electric and its up and running again. There are vast amounts of personal info on severs that will disappear should the severs die. As well as a lot of financial info that with die an ether death. This could prove out to be beneficial to joe sixpack in the long run. Going analog as much as possible would also assist in dragging the monster to its grave. Somehow leaving as much of the digital world on its own has to become fashionable if these social credit schemes are to be avoided. You don’t have to be a clairvoyant to see the road ahead but you do have to be looking up more often than not.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2023 #149211

    How many Black Mirror episodes are now reality? Here’s one that just aired as it was on hold due to lock downs and is already true. No news to most here, still the slide into fascism is almost complete. The big question is: How to change this trajectory? Individually you can “bug out” or go full luddite, but that won’t stop the beast. The only way my small mind can see is to take away its power. By power I mean electricity. This will only work if all electricity is gone from the entire planet for an extended period. That would be disastrous for all to say the least. As I see it though, as long as there is electricity the information that is now used to run the system will never be zeroed out of the equation. Solutions to this problem need to be discussed in a reasonable manner and implemented somehow. Ideas on how to accomplish this need to be put forth and hashed out. As it stands most here see the monster clearly yet solutions to this issue are not forthcoming. Hoping that this thing will crash under its own weight isn’t a strategy, it’s wishful thinking. The gorilla in the room is how to neuter the surveillance state without killing both host and parasite? Anywho if you haven’t seen episode 1 of season six black mirror and are a fan spoiler alert:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Boxing Day 2023 #149176

    “She went on to claim that contrary to its professed adherence to democracy, the bloc tramples on the will of the people when it runs counter to its own agenda.”

    Everything the bloc stands for is not for the benefit of “the people” wherever those people are. Everything they stand for is against the people, on purpose, it’s the new new world. Like it or fuck off and die peasant.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2023 #149103

    Dr.D sense? Making sense of the machinations of psychos? Is this not folly? Senselessness is senseless. Trying to find some thread of sense in senselessness is senseless!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2023 #149047

    “Ukraine cannot exist as a monoethnic and monocultural state in its 1991 borders,”
    It can’t and it won’t. It’s most likely to return to it’s borders of 1900.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 20 2023 #148841

    Neil Ferguson is a cunt of high order.

    The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia
    While many are now familiar with the manipulation of predictive modelling during the COVID-19 crisis, a network of powerful Malthusians have used the same tactics for the better part of the last century in order to sell and impose their agenda………………………..

    Neil Ferguson’s Sleight of Hand
    In May 2020, Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson was forced to resign from his post as the head of the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). The public reason given was Neil’s sexual escapades with a married woman during a draconian lockdown in the UK at the height of the first wave of hysterics. Neil should have also been removed from all his positions at the UN, WHO and Imperial College (most of which he continues to hold) and probably jailed for his role in knowingly committing fraud for two decades.

    After all, Neil was not only personally responsible for the lockdowns that were imposed onto the people of the UK, Canada, much of Europe and the USA2, but as the world’s most celebrated mathematical modeller, he had been the innovator of models used to justify crisis management and pandemic forecasting since at least December 2000.

    It was at this time that Neil joined Imperial College after spending years at Oxford. He soon found himself advising the UK government on the new “foot and mouth” outbreak of 2001.

    Neil went to work producing statistical models extrapolating linear trend lines into the future and came to the conclusion that over 150,000 people would be dead by the disease unless 11 million sheep and cattle were killed. Farms were promptly decimated by government decree and Neil was awarded an Order of the British Empire for his service to the cause by creating scarcity through a manufactured health crisis.

    In 2002, Neil used his mathematical models to predict that 50,000 people would die of Mad Cow Disease which ended up seeing a total of only 177 deaths.

    In 2005, Neil again aimed for the sky and predicted 150 million

    The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 12 2023 #148292

    “Arestovich recently announced that he would stand against Zelensky for the presidency, and would campaign on a platform of peace..”
    Didn’t we hear this same rhetoric by someone in “14.

    Dr.D they’re talking about the west and only the west as all others will have moved beyond swift and old methods of tracking no longer apply.

    “If the global economy were to fragment into two blocs based on UN voting on the 2022 Ukraine Resolution and trade between the two blocs were eliminated, global losses are estimated to be about 2.5 percent of GDP. But depending on economies’ ability to adjust, the losses could reach as high as 7 percent of GDP,”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2023 #148243

    Oxy: the US is the eagle. The bald eagle is considered a scavenger before predator, if the shoe fits.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2023 #148242

    Dr Michael Yeadon had prepared a video recording for the event hosted by Andrew Bridgen in Parliament yesterday. However, there was said to be a technical error, but according to Dr Yeadon, there must have been two errors because they had received his recording several days before and confirmed that “it was working” and “Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom” but a technical error prevented it from being seen.

    “It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed.” “Why didn’t they want me to speak?” he asks.

    Why indeed?

    Video: “The design of the so called COVID-19 vaccines was intentionally to harm people.” Dr. Mike Yeadon

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2023 #148037

    Long read.

    As a recovering mainstream economics practitioner, I can attest to the author’s denunciations of “Neoclassical” dogma as pure hokum at once consecrating and shielding capitalism from a materialist critique.—Editor

    At this point I do feel that I may actually be insulting the average five year-old, so I do offer my sincerest apologies to any reading this paper. Of course, the planet we live on is finite and therefore there is a limit on the scale of humanity’s call upon it before we exhaust it. This fact is of course blindingly obvious to every sane person on the planet, except for your average economist of course. I do realize that I just placed economists in the population of the sane; I will reconsider that later in the paper.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147952

    T.Murphy believed in the jab. I wonder what exactly happened?

    I now think a significant portion of my adult life has been mis-spent. Scientific institutions (and university STEM departments) are, to me, a sort of day camp for smart people. Our society approves of these institutions and rewards its practitioners, in part based on the misguided notion that this is where solutions to our problems will originate. Instead, science/technology is far more likely to produce the seed corn for another generation of ecological destruction.

    For one thing, most people are working on efforts that either do not relate at all to our pressing concerns, or when they are, it tends to be more of a doubling-down on the kinds of hair-brained things that got us into this predicament in the first place.

    Confessions of a Disillusioned Scientist

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147942


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147940

    Michael Reid how are things with the wind turbines? It’s that time of year for us in the great white north when making our own electricity is difficult. Over the past seven days I’ve run my generator about six hours to make up for poor weather. I need to produce approx.120 amp hours a day to keep the batteries in top condition. I use about 70. I can run two days without any but that is hard on the battery bank. To think that the PTB are trying to sell us on “green” tech to run business as usual when I can’t run 24/7/365 a small, 1200 sqft well built and designed home for efficiency. Laughable really, just try it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147938

    Most here know.

    New Zealand COVID whistleblower Barry Young of joins The Alex Jones Show with guest Steve Kirsch of in his first interview following his arrest for spreading public data to the public.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147937

    “Guterres, “The Age of Global Boiling has arrived”

    Oh it’s boiling alright, just not the atmosphere. It’s the geopolitical elite.

    As John Kenneth Galbraith astutely observed, however:

    “People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. Intellectual myopia, often called stupidity, is no doubt a reason. But the privileged also feel that their privileges, however egregious they may seem to others, are a solemn, basic, God-given right.”

    The ruling class is thus not at all interested in creating a more sustainable system. They have a different motive: staying on top, no matter what. Thus they will take every opportunity during this long emergency to concentrate power, to squeeze out political opponents while trying to maintain the flow of profits to an ever smaller round of donors. Again, a system entirely dependent on autocratic technologies cannot evolve into anything else than an Orwellian dystopia.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147887

    Most here won’t be surprised by this:

    In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.

    One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.

    We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)/ The Pentagon, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

    And current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

    CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation exposed as Masterminds behind Deagel’s eerie 2025 Depopulaton Forecast; COVID Vaccine Death Data confirms they’re right on track!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147886

    Like you say Dr.D no sense in the market with war raging in the ME and Russian sanctions oil presently falling? WTF! Index’s off as well although anything under 1% is basically flat.

    From the baltic ex.
    Actual Chg %Chg
    Crude Oil 72.892 0.148 -0.20%
    Brent 78.004 0.026 -0.06%

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147885

    Dr. D not all wamen are like that:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147883
    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2023 #147792

    The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

    For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:

    “Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

    Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

    FDA and WHO guidelines consider the amount of residual DNA in a single dose of traditional vaccine should not exceed 10 ng (one billionth of a gram).

    But this limit – used for traditional vaccines – is unlikely to be relevant to the mRNA vaccines whose lipid nanoparticles can penetrate inside cells to deliver the mRNA efficiently.

    A recent preprint paper by Speicher et al analysed batches of the monovalent and bivalent mRNA vaccines in Canada.

    The authors found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose.”

    Speicher et al also reported finding fragments of DNA larger than 200 base pairs (a measure of the length of the DNA) which also exceeds FDA guidelines.

    Notably, the authors commented that for the Pfizer product, the higher the level of DNA fragments found in the vaccine, the higher the rate of serious adverse events.

    Some experts say the risk of genome integration in humans is very low, but a recent publication in Nature found that around 7 percent of cells are integrated when mixed with a transfection solution containing linear pieces of DNA.

    Is the FDA Concerned?

    FDA Shuts Down Enquiries about DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 2 2023 #147737

    Fuelling the resource wars are gonna cost someone, and that someone is you.

    It’s Not About Saving the Planet, It’s the Big Daddy We Need To Look For

    …and declining production is making the situation a bit worse. Go green they said to save the planet. I say go green to back the war effort, more likely.

    July Non-OPEC and World Oil Production

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 2 2023 #147736

    Although about the UK it summarize the west in general fairly well. The present global conflicts are really resource wars just getting started.

    The term “neoliberalism” refers to the political consensus which emerged out of the crisis of the 1970s. Although usually attributed to Thatcher in the UK and Reagan in the USA, its origins date further back, to the UK’s 1970 to 1974 Heath government. Its broad form is a return to the “laissez faire” economic policies of the early industrial revolution, but coupled to a new brand of social liberalism which began with the equalities legislation of the early 1970s… social policy which had little economic cost to the ruling classes.

    Heath was scuppered as much by entrenched factions in his own Tory Party as by the trade unions and the opposition Labour Party. Indeed, if the February 1974 general election had been proportional, Heath would have won. But because of Britain’s electoral geography, Heath’s votes piled up in constituencies where they weren’t needed, while Labour pooled just enough votes to emerge with more seats – although not a majority. But after a brief and failed attempt to revive the corpse of the post-war social democratic consensus, Labour’s Jim Callaghan and Denis Healy began implementing the neoliberal foundations which would pave the way for Thatcher’s neoliberal revolution.

    Although it is doubtful that any of those politicians had a detailed map with a clear end point, the essence of what they were doing was simple. Faced with a falling rate of productivity gains following the exponential growth between 1953 and 1973, the aim was to lower the single biggest cost centre in business and government… that is, workers’ wages! It is equally likely that they had no idea that it was really the rising energy cost of energy – the amount of the available energy we have to devote to securing useful energy for economic work – which had caused the slowdown. All they knew was that the rate of profit had fallen and that if they could lower the cost of labour, this would revive corporate fortunes.

    In the early stages, social liberalism helped by creating a reserve pool of labour –

    Embracing the collapse

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2023 #147673

    @jb-hb #147623
    Spot on commentary. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make any money at it!

    “You purposely put out product you knew people didn’t want, but which you thought they OUGHT to want, sir. Or you thought the unwanted product could force them to want the unwanted product or something. But you don’t have any way to force them to agree with you.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2023 #147382

    “The moment a species learns to manipulate its environment for gain is the moment the clock starts ticking on its demise. The Great Filter of self-destruction is a key feature of all intelligent life in our universe, and it is exceedingly unlikely for any civilization to pass through successfully.

    The experiment of intelligent life on Earth has run its course. This was always going to be temporary.

    Don’t give up trying. Quite the opposite. I think we must slow down and appreciate that we are the lucky ones who get to experience conscious life – happiness, love, pleasure and pain.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2023 #147381

    No offence taken Celtic, my shin has grown quite tick over the decades and was rather leather like from birth I suspect in hindsight. Yes the tv is Plato’s wall in my estimation as well. I love watching the people carry the mobile version around so they don’t have to look up. I use this desktop/laptop version to try and get realtime info but have my doubts it is much help. To all and sundry; may you live until you die.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2023 #147322
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2023 #147320

    @ Celticbiker “they sure as shit hate all of us. Cattle” cannon fodder brother, they like moving targets to try out their new weapons on. Static targets are no fun after the first couple.

    Yes to landing on the moon. Being an amateur astronomer for many decades and spending hundreds of hours at the eyepiece as well as watching it live in the sixties on b/w television brought by the teacher to the classroom. Yeah we were there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2023 #147274

    No sooner finished my post to AC this pops up:

    In a previous article I initially published in February 2023 titled ‘1500 scientists say ‘Climate Change Not Due to Co2’ – The real environment movement was hijacked,’ I provided evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertion that climate change is caused by CO2 emissions.

    I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle, and that solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. This is comprehensively detailed in the books Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability and in the book Climate CO2 Hoax.

    The UN climate change, sustainable development and green economy policies over the past 30 years are little more than worldwide marketing tricks that have tragically brainwashed two generations of young people who do not understand what the UN actually is, and who is it is really designed to serve.

    This current globalised system involves the promotion of beliefs and fake science that claim to be unchallengeable truths, but are, in fact, ideologies in which evidence is manipulated, twisted, and distorted to prove the ‘governing idea’, and thus promote its worldwide dissemination. They start with the conclusion they want and then wrench and manipulate what scant evidence they can to fit that conclusion. Man-made climate change due to anthropogenic carbon emission is a major example of this.

    Institutions, including the UN, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the World Health Organisation (WHO), are privately-motivated unelected unaccountable organisations controlled by the source of debt-money creation, i.e., the world private-banking cartel; and are just clever marketing tools and political mechanisms for implementing and maintaining a corrupt worldwide system, under the clever guise of ‘fixing the problems of the world’.

    The word “sustainable” was hijacked decades ago,

    The Climate Change Mental Asylum – CO2 Fanatics Suffering from Ideological Insanity

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2023 #147273

    @alexander-carpenter #147228 yesterday.
    Thanks for that link. I had bought the climate change orthodoxy up until about eight years ago. I had faith in the “science”. I only started to question my faith when I started to look into the papers supporting this trope. A lot of the “supporting” science turned out to be studies of papers that also seemed to be, more often than not, studies of other papers. No attempts at replication of said projections, just a big circle jerk. Suppress any dissenting voices usually by ad hominem to the extreme and not by showing that they were wrong in the laborious way of doing the work to show where they went wrong. As it turns out this method of science is also the method being used in the covid scam. What I have learned from this process is to take with a grain of salt anything that the authority of the day says, if not, ignore them outright. If when looking for something closer to the reality is what you seek, follow the fucking money! That will show you where not to go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2023 #147272

    “The increase in excess deaths in 2022 is highly statistically significant (extreme event),” Dowd wrote in his report. “The results indicate that from late 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased malignant neoplasm deaths appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the UK.”

    The study’s results in the rate of cancer deaths above the historic norm in 2022 for ages 15-44 in the U.K. included:

    A 28% rise in fatal breast cancer rates in women.
    An 80% increase in pancreatic cancer deaths among women and a 60% increase among men.
    A 55% increase among men in colon cancer deaths and a 41% increase in women.
    A 120% increase in fatal melanomas among men and a 35% increase in women.
    A 35% increase in brain cancer deaths among men and a 12% rise in women.
    A 60% increase in cancer death rates among men in cancers “without site specification” and a 55% increase among women.

    Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show. Study

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2023 #147271

    Hmm sigma, is that you? It may be most here @TAE.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2023 #147080
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2023 #147050

    “Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here”. William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, 1623

    Peter Koenig’s Contemporary Analysis of “The Tempest 2020-2030”

    From 5G to 6G
    We, the People, are in a race against the Globalists committed to Depopulation; control the survivors, exploit us, dehumanize us, and ultimately digitize us, so that we can be remotely controlled by 5G;

    And, now, just “launched” by China, 6G. See China launches ultra-high-speed next-generation Internet backbone – SHINE News.

    Nobody really knows, or at least has not publicly said what 6G is meant to do, what 5G cannot already do. Incidentally, has the health impact of 6G been studied? Maybe. But nobody divulges the results.

    This is how Qualcomm describes 5G:

    5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. See this.

    Nobody has openly spoken about the health impact of 5G, though, that has been studied. Yet, the studies are not revealed to the public.

    Beyond George Orwell’s 1984
    There is “guessing”; and scientists who come forward with the truth depicting the impact caused on wildlife and humans by these ultra-microwaves, are most often labeled “conspiracy theorists.”

    This is the “shut-up” phrase for everything the mainstream, the Cabal, the Matrix, the Globalists do not want the public to know. We are way beyond George Orwell’s “1984.”

    The 6th Generation Mobile Network or 6G is about 100 times faster, more powerful, than 5G. It will be able to digitize everything.

    This is what RantCell has to say about 6G:

    Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: “Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital”. 
 UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2023 #147010

    My title is redundant for a reason, since the root of the word radical is the Latin word, radix, meaning root. For I mean to show how the use and misuse of language, its history or etymology, and ours as etymological animals as the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gassett called us, is crucial for understanding our world, a world once again teetering on the edge of a world war that will almost inexorably turn nuclear as events are proceeding. If our language is corrupted, as it surely is, and political propaganda flourishes as a result, the correct use of our language and the meaning of words becomes an obligation of anyone who uses them – that is, everyone, especially writers.

    The United States government exists to wage war. In its present form, it would crumble without it; and in its present form, it will crumble with it. Only a radical structural change will prevent this. For war-making is at the core of its budget, its raison d’être – 816.7 billion for the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act alone – a deficit-financed sum that tells only part of the story. This amount that finances the military-industrial complex and its blood money is for a country that has never been invaded, is bordered by friendly neighbors, and is oceans away from the multitude of countries its leaders attack and call our enemies. The U.S. wages wars around the world because killing is its lifeblood, its structural essence.

    In writing of the misuse of language, George Orwell wrote, “It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” So with these words Orwell slyly places us within the enigma of the chicken and the egg, a conundrum or paradox that relates to my theme in a weird way, but which I will directly ignore.

    By radical I do not mean the widespread political usage as in radical-right or radical-left or radical meaning one who plays the role through dress or demeanor. I am using the word in its primary meaning

    The Roots of Radicalism and the Structure of Evil

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2023 #147009

    “Why can’t all Arab states boycott Israel.”
    Because it’s not up to them, the bankers are in control. Most countries are “incorporated”. That is to say they are in debt to the private federal banks running their own currencies and lending it out to them. From thin air. It’s a faith based system and homage must be paid, no differently than it once was to the Roman empire and later the Vatican. Even the governments are paying taxes, it is just called interest on an idea and nothing more.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2023 #146902

    Oroboros “Aren’t you glad they did not spawn”

    Works for me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2023 #146671

    CCP’s social credit score just might be the blue print? All the conditioning from covid on preparing for the “great reset”. This is t be in place by the end of ’25.

    Latest news about the European Digital Identity Regulation

    8 November 2023 – The European Commission welcomes the final agreement on EU Digital Identity Wallet

    The Commission welcomes the final agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU at the final trilogue on the Regulation introducing European Digital Identity Wallets.

    This concludes the co-legislators’ work implementing the results of the provisional political agreement reached on 29 June 2023 on a legal framework for an EU Digital Identity, the first trusted and secure digital identity framework for all Europeans.

    This marks an important step towards the Digital Decade 2030 targets on the digitalisation of public services.

    All EU citizens will be offered the possibility to have an EU Digital Identity Wallet to access public and private online services in full security and protection of personal data all over Europe.

    In addition to public services, Very Large Online Platforms designated under the Digital Services Act (including services such as Amazon, or Facebook) and private services that are legally required to authenticate their users will have to accept the EU Digital Identity Wallet for logging into their online services.

    In addition, the wallets’ features and common specifications will make it attractive for all private service providers to accept them for their services, thus creating new business opportunities.

    The Wallet will also facilitate service providers’ compliance with various regulatory requirements.

    In addition to securely storing their digital identity, the Wallet will allow users to open bank accounts, make payments and hold digital documents, such as a mobile Driving Licence, a medical prescription, a professional certificate or a travel ticket.

    The Wallet will offer a user-friendly and practical alternative to online identification guaranteed by EU law.

    The Wallet will fully respect the user’s choice whether or not to share personal data, it will offer the highest degree of security certified independently to the same standards, and relevant parts of its code will be published open source to exclude any possibility of misuse, illegal tracking, tracing or government interception.

    The legislative discussions have strengthened the ambition of the regulation in a number of areas important for citizens.

    The Wallet will contain a dashboard of all transactions accessible to its holder, offer the possibility to report alleged violations of data protection, and allow interaction between wallets.

    Moreover, citizens will be able to onboard the wallet with existing national eID schemes and benefit from free eSignatures for non-professional use.

    Where is the final text? Which is the next step?

    The agreement reached by the co-legislators is now subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council.

    Once formally adopted, the European Digital Identity framework will enter into force on the 20 th day following its publication in the Official Journal.

    Member States will have to provide EU Digital Identity Wallets to their citizens 24 months after adoption of Implementing Acts setting out the technical specifications for the EU Digital Identity Wallet and the technical specifications for certification.


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