D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97737
    D Benton Smith

    It’s time to ignore @deflationista again. Mr ( Ms ?) distraction seeks to deflect.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97736
    D Benton Smith


    Verily !!

    And when Doubt doesn’t get the job fully done we can fall back on the rule of thumb that the veracity of everything should be checked one more time, just to be sure.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97723
    D Benton Smith


    This video from Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD ( he’s a real doctor, not a scammer in the least) discusses the process of autophagy induced by serious fasting, which might assist your daughter-in-law.

    link: https://youtu.be/RuOvn4UqznU

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97718
    D Benton Smith

    This video just in from Reiner Fullmich : https://www.brighteon.com/2b36ce94-a9bc-41a1-9261-4d49a4cb23bc is why the smartest people are freaking out the most. In a nutshell, it is proof (as in literally, factually, PROOF) that the vaccines are fully intentional planned genocide.

    Might want to let that sink in for a few moments. Logicians and number crunchers will be the first to get it, with philosophers in third place but closing fast.

    One might say that the velvet glove, slipping from the iron fist, is revealing the hand of God.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97713
    D Benton Smith

    Psychopathy is what happens when a more or less logical AI System has a bad algo.

    Bureaucracy, for example, is simply an organic AI rather than an electronic one, but they both run on the same basic principle: The principle is that decisions ( for examples, yes or no, zero or one, whether to go one way or another way, etc.) be made strictly according to a predefined process (a policy or algorithm) rather than be decided on the whims or desires of an individual human person. In other words : Rule by the Bureau .
    This turns out to be a very bad idea because in an ideal bureaucratic process (all decisions made made by policy enforcement, not by personal awareness or desires) there is no point in the process where the goodness or badness of the decision is consciously decided by a living entity capable of understanding what good or bad even mean. The goodness or badness is thereby made invisible to the bureaucracy itself, and any individuals who are wholely devoted to it. They are literally “officially” blind. Blinded by the algorithm that bureaucracy is.
    And a wicked person could, conceivably, figure out how this all works and choose to turn that bureaucracy into a weapon made up of people who more or less understand the game and are quite happy to be such a weapon.
    Such an arrangement leads to mischief too lengthy to list.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97703
    D Benton Smith

    The irony about people who sell their honor and loyalty to the highest bidder is that they don’t actually HAVE either of those things to sell (loyalty or honor), and that not only are they selling themselves into slavery for nothing, but the slave buyer is being cheated at the same time! Now THAT’s funny, in a really dark and cosmological sort of way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2022 #97607
    D Benton Smith

    The solution to everything is as simple as it is dangerous : flood the world with truth.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2022 #97586
    D Benton Smith

    Human civilization is a Boeing 747 cruising through the sky at 35,000 feet. It is both a collection of parts and a single systemically unified thing. Because all of the parts ultimately depend upon the sufficiently adequate functioning of all of the other parts one can say with complete certainty that there are NO small problems at 35,000 ft.

    And brother, THIS civilization has PROBLEMS !

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2022 #97533
    D Benton Smith


    “Why does everyone refer to Deflationista as a male?”

    Good question. I jumped to the conclusion based on speech patterns, but I sure wouldn’t put serious money on that bet. Maybe Deflationista could give us the preferred pronoun. Don’t want to gender offend anyone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2022 #97515
    D Benton Smith


    Oops. Your vocabulary is showing (not to even mention ego, arrogance and malice.) Thought you were supposed to just “one of the guys” .

    I’m pretty sure I remember what a denominator is (although it was a LONG time ago), and therefore am pretty sure that Raul didn’t need one or use one, so rather a moot point. No need to get all heated up. Relax. Stay calm. I’ll let go of you pretty soon. Meanwhile, it’s simply fun to watch you squirm.
    – The Hall Monitor

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2022 #97507
    D Benton Smith


    You asked, “If I never had covid, did I survive covid?”

    Ask me again after Covid is gone, and if you are able to do so, then the answer will be yes you did.

    And at this time I must confess to a wicked and defenseless bad thought that I’m not sure which side of that contest I am rooting for. That’s a joke, by the way. I would choose you over the virus at least 9 times out of 10.

    Gettting back to your arithmetic point, however, the actual answer is that it is literally impossible (arithmetically or otherwise) to definitively answer the question in the form that you ask it, because it is not possible to determine WHY you did not have covid. Perhaps you were not exposed? Perhaps you were exposed but the virus faailed to replicate? Maybe you are innanately immune and/or have such ferocious T-Cells from Hell that pathogens run away in fear. What I DO know is that , at the end of the day, those who have not died have survived . That’s a useful answer for folks in general but not so useful to scientists (who for some reason really like numbers.) In other words, you asked a dumb question.

    Either reframe your question or drop the subject.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2022 #97500
    D Benton Smith


    Remedial arithmetic courses are available through your local Department of Education. Of course you have to be triple tapped (two jabs and a booster) and double masked, but, hey, I’m sure you’re all geared up for that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 6 2022 #97179
    D Benton Smith

    There is no period in the history, prehistory or the archeological record of the existence of sentient life on earth that was free of the phenomenon of wilful political bullshit for nefarious purposes. Hierarchical systems are baked into the cake of life itself. The so-called “Law of the Jungle” is just another way of saying “Hierarchy”. Big fish consume little fish. The Big Dog eats first. King of the Hill rules the hill. These patently obvious truths are as dependable as the fact that hierarchy ALWAYS devolves into “Authoritarianism” as a consequence of those who are not actually superior seeking to hang on to power anyway (which they don’t deserve by virtue of any REAL superiority) by using other means at their disposal . . . usually violent, dishonest, deceptive, and evil. That predictably ill-fated authoritarianism (born as it is out mass formation psychosis) will always end in cataclysmic destruction, failure and horrendous quantities of death. From the ashes of that collapse then rises the next iteration of the eternal cycle. Luckily for life the cycle is not precisely circular. It is upwardly “spiralish” . I call it spiralarity. Other folks call it “Evolution”. In any case, it’s the only game in town, so you might as well get good at it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96766
    D Benton Smith

    The reason (i.e. the motive) that the eltes are trying to kill off a big chunk of the human race is not hard to understand. Hell, you yourself might feel the same way if roles were somehow reversed.

    Basically it’s this : when the bulk of humanity remembers, figures out and/or simply understands what the authorities and institutions and “owners” class have done to them . . . and why . . . they will rise up and execute those responsible. They will HAVE TO , in order to survive. It’s a no brainer sort of computation.

    Well, the elite know this , too, since it is so patently obvious. Therefore they (correctly) identify that faceless mass of downtrodden desperados as a serious existential threat. The authorities view their victims as a real and present danger of extreme significance. They see us as THE ENEMY , and mean to kill us before we kill them. The world is racing toward that inevitable confrotation at accelerating speed.

    Don’t worry about it TOO much, because the institutions which enable that sort of power will themselves collapse and lose much of their effectiveness as the showdown approaches. There will be casualties on both sides , of course. There may be a LOT of casualties (there have been quite a few millions already) but humankind will live through it, and we as individuals and as a culture will be a whole lot wiser and thus better able to survive even longer.

    Do your part. Save some lives. Enjoy the excitement. LEARN from what you’re experiencing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96762
    D Benton Smith

    The purpose of authority is to keep you so ill-formed and confused by shit -that-don’t -make -no -sense . . . that you are emotionally (and or physicaally) compelled turn to authorities to give you answers or save your ass from some really scary thing or aanother.

    The profound implications of this obvious truth cannot be overstated.

    To authority the sin of all sins is the relay of true information which enables people to reach their own satisfactory conclusions without the need for turning to authoritarians for salvation.

    This the very heart of the Mass Formation Psychosis mechanism.

    Tat mechaanism is also the most vicious “feedback loop” one can imagine.

    Periods of history in which large numbers of people escape from the phenomenon are called “Awakenings”.

    We are presently in the opening stages, first highly visible stages, of just such a time period . . . and I, for one, am just fascinated by how interesting, fun and exciting it is to be alive to experience at least part of it. ( to be fully honest, I think we will all experience all of it, because we are essentially immortally conscious beings.)

    2022 gonna be a rip snorter.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96757
    D Benton Smith

    @absolute galore

    I agree with everything you said , and may that sweet funny and humane lady continue to experience the best that the Universe has to offfer . . . but those things are not related to the point I was trying to make. My point is that the topic is verboten because everybody in the world was rooting for her to joyously cross that century mark in style. They are not happy that the goddamned vax tripped her just short of the line. Everybody knows it, but no one is allowed to talk about it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96748
    D Benton Smith

    Regarding “risis In Authority” :

    Authorities attain the status of being “authorities” by virtue of us . . . the hoi paloi (the unwashed masses, the lazy ignorant, etc.) turning to them for vital information and answers to important or even vital questions that we are unable or unwilling to figure out for ourselves. Thus it is in the interests of those “authorities” that we NOT be able to figure things out for ourselves, and towards that purpose these same “authorities” are rather prone to hiding facts, outright lying, and stirring up crises of fear and uncertainty to compell us to turn to them for answers and salvation. Occasionally this shit-show of self-serving-evil-masters leading wilfully ignorant lazy slaves really gets out of hand. It is especially likely to get out of hand when too many smart slaves start to wake up and talk about all of the lies that the “authorities” are showerig us with. When that gets going then the authorities really open the spigots (and mann up the gas chambers) and dump AMAZINGLY false and COPIOUSLY numerous lies down upon us. The message is simple : “Acknowledge our authority or you will die.”
    This works remarkably well even when it is patently obvious that it is the authorities themselves who are creating the mortally existential threat that might kill us ! They don’t care. All that THEY care about is that we turn to their authority for the solution.
    Well, duh ! Don’t do that ! Do NOT turn to collective authority or irreparably corrupted institutions for the power to protect yourself. Just protect yourself. As for them ? Fuck ’em. They are NOTHING except YOUR stupid acknowledgement of their illusory power. They get it all from you. When you stop giving it , they stop having it.
    For example : Fauci is nothing more than the squinty little mobster that he looks like. Awaken to that fact and that little nightmare sleeps with the fishes faster than you can say Mac the knife.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96746
    D Benton Smith

    Betty White’s cause of death is being side-stepped, evaded, euphamised and covered up. . . and there is now only one possible conclusion as to why. She died from the vaccine, and to let that extremely high profile fact become a topic of public discussion is absolutely forbidden.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 29 2021 #96549
    D Benton Smith


    you wrote, ” Help me understand. Am I missing something here?”

    You’re not missing anything, but are adding (or assuming) something that isn’t there: you are assuming that Pfizer has an inate desire or intention to be fair, logical or understood. They do not. Their only desires are to make money by selling the vax and to avoid prosecution by very very carefullly managing the legal technicalities. For those purposes they are being deliberately dishonest, knowingly illogical and purposefully misunderstood . Vax given under the EUA is exempted from liability. There is no liability exposure from the Comernity because that “version” Iidentical in every way EXCEPT the legal technicality of its having a different name and thereby a different legal identity . . . bcause the Comernity version has not beeen been injected into anyone , and never will be.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 28 2021 #96458
    D Benton Smith

    Big Pharma must get approval for the vaccination of children so as to obtain the carte blanche immunity from prosecution that comes with that approval. That sweet little legal/financial protection plumb is legislatively attached (as a pre-condition) to the official approval for giving the experimental mRNA injections to powerless children. Both the company and the government KNOW that many children will be injured or killed by the program which of course would NOT have died if the medically useless program were not carried out. . . but ehri hands are legally tied, see?
    It’s nothing personal. It’s just computerized accounting reality. No individual gov or pharma person can be held accountable for wilful murder, because the decision to carry forward was not in their individual hands. It’s what the computer algos require as the only acceptable way forward.
    Welcome to a world LITERALLY run by synthetic, “AI” , intelligence.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2021 #96389
    D Benton Smith

    In the absence of life, social justice is a meaningless assembly of alphabetical characters. Using the value of life as the paramount value against which success and/or failure are measured, is completely sensible. Using it as the standard of measure doesn’t guarantee or even imply efforts to achieve it will never fail or fall short. But it does guarantee that success and failure can at least be measured in terms that make sense to the only enities capable of listening or caring about it : living things.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2021 #96376
    D Benton Smith


    Your argument ignores the most salient and crucial axiom of all medicine, all law, and all ethical systems : that the most fundamental criterion for right and wrong is based upon the instrinsic value of life itself. There is nothing, literally no thing at all, more valuable than the value of life. All other values derive from that one, and are subordinate to it. Your so-called euthanasia ( “good” death) places a whole basket of lessor, worthless or even inverted concepts as being of comparable or even overriding value. Nonsense on the face of it.
    The reasoning supportive of euthanasia is absurd to the point of proactive evil. Its promoters and practioners could , however, start with themselves as ;proof of concept’ examples of what a great idea it is. Then if that works out well for the rest of us we will express our appreciation by carving something grateful on the volunteers’ gravestones.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2021 #96372
    D Benton Smith

    As the volume of shit hitting the fan increases there will be more (and more easily seen) instances of scenario #1 and scenario #2 playing out in public view.
    Scenario #1 : people with inordinate quantities of too much stuff will be caught up in violent efforts to protect and keep that “wealth” from folks who need or want to take it without permission.
    Scenario #2 : people fatally deficient in stuff (like food, shelter and know-how) will be caught up in violent efforts to take that stuff from people who don’t want to let them do that.
    Both parties in both scenarios will therefore be directly in harms way . . . not a strategically advisable position to strive for.
    Don’t fall for or get trapped in either of those scenes. Seek the middle way. Have or make the stuff you’rre going to need, and/or learn how to do so . . . and then share / exchange those assets and skills with like minded people, even if you have to go find such people somewhere else. Strive for the MIDDLE, which becomes harder and harder to reach as conflict pushes folks to one or the other of the two extremes (greedy selfish armed guards vs starving desperate thieves). The middle becomes the only place where survival is likely, but is simultaneously the hardest place to get to.
    There’s not a lot of time left to pre-set the conditions for the one you want.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Boxing Day 2021 #96311
    D Benton Smith

    So it seems that Canada ( Hi there Trudy , baby ! You uselessy effete quasi-decorative department store gender neutral clothing department mannequin) has spent the last couple of years tracking every single cell phone in the whole damned country. Which accomplished pretty much fuck all except an overwhelmingly ordinary sort of run-of-the-mill dystopia whose only real distinction was it’s utter lack of anything that might set it apart from any of the other covid dystopias. Even itsy bitsy New Zealand showed more entertaining originality in its attempted evilness. Canada might as well have been hibernating.

    And the moral of that story is that all of the information in the world, and the mightiest AI algos, are pretty much a waste of time when there is no consciously aware human mind making useful sense or use of it. In other words, even the most pervasive surveilance and powerful AI’s make LOUSY tyranical dictators. Apparently even evil requires a certain amount of self aware concscioussness and creative thinking. Otherwise it just runs like an old refrigerator full of old Holiday feast leftovers. . . slower and ever-less-efficiently until it just stops from lack of maintenance or interest.

    You can imagine what the contents of the fridge look like by that time.

    in reply to: An Open Letter to Friends #95832
    D Benton Smith

    For the most part, and for most of the time, individuals simply don’t give a shit about the tribe or the species . . . because they’re neccessarily too busy taking care of business for themselves and their tiny cohort of family and close friends.

    Now there is a challenge to the tribe ( AND the species ! ) and suddenly humans wake up (SOME of them, PARTIALLY) to the hard cold fact that Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit about them OR their species and is perfectly fine with just rubbing out the entiree lot in the blink of a “pandemic” (of one sort or another, be it viral, cognitive or spiritual matters not at all).

    One thing that is crystal clear to me, and that is that species do not last, and that the current one is smack in the middle of its own E.L.E. and not doing so well. A new virus (let’s call it MoroniCon) is sweeping through the herd so fast that even the vaunted Internet cannot even track it. Will Homo Sapiens Sapiens survive ? Sure don’t look like it. Looks instead like roughly half of them are fixin’ to kill the other half . . . which by my mathematics is two halves equals one whole.

    In which case there will soon be a new dominant species, which may or may not be of the family Sapiens or even the genus Homo . . . because the current iteration of “Big Dog of Life Forms of Earth” . . . has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that as a species it is just smart enough to get into extinction level trouble , and not even close to being smart enough to get out of it.

    Don’t worry one little bit. Mom will fix it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 20 2021 #95738
    D Benton Smith

    Murder is evil. Suffering murderers to operate freely is stupid. The evil are currently murdering the stupid. Neither of those conditions is completely avoidable, and restoring balance between them is going to cost a lot of blood.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2021 #93476
    D Benton Smith

    In my opinion Australia’s Michael Gunner is the sort of bloke who would personally order killings out of self righteously hot blooded anger. Better keep an eye on that one, mates. He is very close to the snapping point.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90540
    D Benton Smith

    Have y’all heard the latest about Facebook’s intended makeover? It has been more than rumored recently that Zuckerberg, having totally shit the bed of social media, now wants to hastily move on to bigger things ( and away from the retribution which he and Facebook so richly deserve) before the posse of public opinion catches up to him like a mob with a rope.
    Hey, I’ve got an idea ! His dreamed of rebranding of Facebook into “Metaverse” could include providing augmented reality services for the hundreds of millions of permanently physically disabled people left in the wake of his foray into Covid-19 experimentation. Those victims probably couldn’t make it out of their convalescent beds to join a necktie party anyway, so instead they can lay there trying to breath, while wearing the his new AR gear to imagine a brave new Virtual world, and pretend to be actually alive like they were before the Zuck and his psycho- buddies turned life into hell.
    I’m reminded of the tired old joke that to err is human, but to really screw things up you need a computer. It should be updated to read, “To err is the new normal, but to FUBAR you need a network, with Mark Zuckerberg in control.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2021 #89082
    D Benton Smith

    If you’re wondering about the peculiarly “wholistic” nature of the evils that have been assaulting us lately (and how literally EVERYTHING seems to have been weaponized against any and all divergences from the so-called “narrative”) consider THIS:

    The very act of collaboration itself has been weaponized. For example, If you cooperate with others to achieve some worthy goal like clearing a little piece of jungle for your small tribe to grow enough sweet potatoes to feed yourselves, then by that action alone your tribe is infringing upon the staked-out territory of Monsanto, Archer-Daniel-Midland, and General Mills . . . who reckon that THEY are to be the sole provider of food to the planet. And those food giants will do more than just bull-doze and criminalize your little plot of taters. They will use the power of their institutions ( Law, Media, Military, Finance, and Governance, etc.) to prevent your tribe from even PLANNING to grow sweet potatoes. The act of constructive collaboration (itself) is thus made illegal . . . because it is that human-to-human communication and cooperation that is the real threat they perceive to the power of their hegemony.

    PEOPLE (common human beings simply being and doing what human beings naturally do) , are seen as the literally hated competition. And competition is the thing which no monopoly can long endure.

    A little organization for the common good is a good and necessary thing. It is “No man is an island” kind of stuff. But too much of that good thing does seem to be a bit too much.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2021 #88360
    D Benton Smith

    The only way we escape from the jackboot face stomping we’re experiencing from the Authoritarian Control Structure (that WE built !) is for those sane Authoritarian Control Structures to lose their authority and their control . . . which is going to leave the world in an uncontrolled state, generally lacking in things like authority and structure. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. No wonder no one is in a big hurry to kick that ball rolling. Chaos is so, I dunno, chaotic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2021 #87866
    D Benton Smith

    Can you feel it ?

    I do.

    The “Everything Bubble” (and I mean Power, and Hubris as well as Money and “Assets”) is about to pop.

    It already has, actually . . . elsewise these words would not even be happening.

    Indeed, we can SEE thst it has popped, and we are now just waiting for the sound to arrive, like the blast wave following a distant nuclear explosion. (sight and that light waves it’s based on is always quite a bit faster than sound and the shaking of “solid” foundations).

    If some wight of the mighty happens to be reading these lines for amusement while waiting to receive yet another trainload of unearned riches and/or power let me impart a word to the unwise :

    Duck and cover, motherfuckers. The peasants are coming. And that means you are going away.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2021 #87732
    D Benton Smith

    I hear that there are going to be quite a few Navy Seals looking for work after the Navy fires them for not committing suicide.

    If they’re looking for a new gig , or even to just keep the skills honed, they could do worse than taking out a few thousand of the elites.

    in reply to: I Am Afraid #87409
    D Benton Smith

    Before calling upon higher ups to smite thine enemies, first consider that such a plea invests them with both the power and the permission to smite people. That might not feel so good if they later decide to use that smiting-power to smite YOU, too.

    in reply to: I Am Afraid #87407
    D Benton Smith

    Look at the world situation from a money and power viewpoint. Strictly business. Ignore emotions for a moment.

    Every asset of every kind has been , long ago, vacuumed up and involved in the “Everything Bubble” . . . which is a Ponzi Scheme that has run out of new suckers to swindle with false promises. There is no property, no possession, nor business or powerful institution that is not mortgaged, and “Re-hypothecated” to infinity and beyond. Their exist thousands upon thousands of frothing starving bubbles within bubbles . . . and they have all run out of new victims to bilk . . . without resorting to brute physical force at the point of a gun.

    Because when the money fails it ALL fails, and right now the money people believe that the continued flow of money must flow to them through the needle of a Covid injection.

    The holders of power large and small can hold onto their power ONLY by compelling your continued contribution to the “all-things bubble” that they depend on. . . or else all of those bubbles and sub-bubbles will chain-reaction-collapse . And when the bubbles pop the power will be gone. It shall simply be no more, and its victims will extract a swift and brutal revenge.

    It don’t take no AI or quantum computer to figure that one out. . . and both sides know it.

    in reply to: I Am Afraid #87404
    D Benton Smith

    I could probably survive their spike protein, at least for a while,  but the vaxxsassins’ IDEAS kill on contact.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87320
    D Benton Smith

    Mr. Global WANTS the economy to collapse suddenly and dramatically, because that is when people will do ANYTHING to be able to purchase the necessities of life. After a week or so of no food, gas, rent or electricity they will not just accept a cashless society with magical relief money piped into their cell phone . . . they will demand it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2021 #87133
    D Benton Smith

    I recommend that instead of Covid-19 Contact Tracing, that we instead implement psychopathic ant-social directives and propaganda tracing.

    It would be useful and instructoive to see what the SPECIFIC (names named) Chain Of Command is on all of the bullshit that’s been pouring down through the channels of Power this past couple of years.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2021 #86985
    D Benton Smith

    The Mathematics of Mercy.

    Are gullibility and submissiveness heritable traits ? If they are then it’s good news for the species, because (if that is the case) then the vaccines are culling fools and cowards from the genome in great withering swathes. With submissively gullible minions cleared from the field I think the smarter braver cohort, the survivors, with their greater and more indomitable ability to survive, will swiftly and conclusively deal with the handful of psychopaths who started this. . . and with minimal ceremony.

    The mathematics of mercy is that math has no mercy. It’s just numbers.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86867
    D Benton Smith

    @Veracious Poet

    ref: ” The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one . . . ”

    Take heart. The resolution to your distraught emotional state is right there in Locke’s observation. The state of nature has a law to govern it. He isn’t saying that the Universe has a propensity, or guidlines, or tendency. He is observing that it is governed (and I would add the words “with an iron hand and no exceptions” ).

    In other words, the bad guys are not going to get away with ANYTHING. They are as governed by nature as everyone else. This means (amongst many other things) that their blindness to truths, obliviousness to the value of others, and disregard of inevitable consequences does not actually alter the true state of nature . . . which simply IS what it it IS. Truth is still true. Others continue to have value, and consequences shall occur whether they think they will or not.

    This is not the end. It is not even the begining of the end. Stay tuned.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86826
    D Benton Smith

    So “The Powers That Be” tell you that you are too dumb to make your own decisions and so they will make them for you? That’s just plain silly ! Of COURSE you make your own decisions, including the decision to tell them to go piss up a rope.

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