Formerly T-Bear

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2021 #89913
    Formerly T-Bear

    My Parents said know at # 89871,
    Thanks for the mention. Knowing that, the effort became a worthwhile investment in time.

    Vicious Poet at # 89896,
    I see you have bought into psychobabble hook, line and sinker and now would feck up a wet-dream.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2021 #89862
    Formerly T-Bear

    Bringing this forward from DR 12 Oct 2021

    Oxymoron at # 89844 has an interesting POV that parallels the development of the species. Early on in that process the child encounters the magic and power of the word ‘NO’ and embarks on a voyage of discovery on how to use and to manipulate that simplest of words; also known as the ‘terrible twos’, who hasn’t been in a checkout line and witnessed some episode where a toddler encounters mom’s ‘no bomb’ and counters with tantrum, which works until it doesn’t (at that point the age of negotiation begins on the child’s journey to becoming an adult). On that journey, something has become amiss in the process of socialisation and those lessons are apparently forgotten, the power and magic of NO! Silence is not a response when a NO! is needed to some demand, nor is begrudging submission to authority when a stiff, resolute reply is actually required, coupled with a challenge to the basis of that authority to make such demands. Often this requires that retort be issued in a forum that speaks the language of the authoritarians – a court of law, that for some moments will have the authoritarians attention. This needs to happen universally until a leash is installed upon those wayward authoritarians and some manners put on their remits, otherwise they will continue unrestrained as is their nature.

    Maybe it was the increasing urban size that produced larger groups in the schools that allowed some group of ‘kool kids’ to precipitate out into a social elite but without the ability to experience the responsibilities of governance that may lay root to the failures of all elites to responsibly govern. Elites have always occupied positions of authority, a key to the success of the species but they always were firmly embedded within the population they ruled. Nowadays the chasm between the governors and governed is beyond bridging and the consequences are becoming apparent to wider awareness. This trajectory will end poorly; nothing in the experience of the species supports such conditions. Much if not all excesses could have been thwarted by a well placed NO!

    Blather away about morality, beliefs, and cosmic conscience to our hearts content but it remains blather. The species developed a bicameral central nervous system that has two methods of conduct; one emotional, ephemeral, quickly reacting, the other rational, slower but sounder, evidence or factually driven. Both are needed but in balance. Achieving that balance was once what becoming an adult measured. This no longer applies for any organisation outside the size of tribal organisation. It has become necessary to revisit those qualities that made the tribe a successful organisation and then trace those qualities through the increasing social organisations and see how those qualities developed or changed. This will be an interesting journey of discovery and may possibly contain some answers to the questions now facing the species. Bon voyage!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 12 2021 #89859
    Formerly T-Bear

    Oxymoron at # 89844 has an interesting POV that parallels the development of the species. Early on in that process the child encounters the magic and power of the word ‘NO’ and embarks on a voyage of discovery on how to use and to manipulate that simplest of words; also known as the ‘terrible twos’, who hasn’t been in a checkout line and witnessed some episode where a toddler encounters mom’s ‘no bomb’ and counters with tantrum, which works until it doesn’t (at that point the age of negotiation begins on the child’s journey to becoming an adult). On that journey, something has become amiss in the process of socialisation and those lessons are apparently forgotten, the power and magic of NO! Silence is not a response when a NO! is needed to some demand, nor is begrudging submission to authority when a stiff, resolute reply is actually required, coupled with a challenge to the basis of that authority to make such demands. Often this requires that retort be issued in a forum that speaks the language of the authoritarians – a court of law, that for some moments will have the authoritarians attention. This needs to happen universally until a leash is installed upon those wayward authoritarians and some manners put on their remits, otherwise they will continue unrestrained as is their nature.

    Maybe it was the increasing urban size that produced larger groups in the schools that allowed some group of ‘kool kids’ to precipitate out into a social elite but without the ability to experience the responsibilities of governance that may lay root to the failures of all elites to responsibly govern. Elites have always occupied positions of authority, a key to the success of the species but they always were firmly embedded within the population they ruled. Nowadays the chasm between the governors and governed is beyond bridging and the consequences are becoming apparent to wider awareness. This trajectory will end poorly; nothing in the experience of the species supports such conditions. Much if not all excesses could have been thwarted by a well placed NO!

    Blather away about morality, beliefs, and cosmic conscience to our hearts content but it remains blather. The species developed a bicameral central nervous system that has two methods of conduct; one emotional, ephemeral, quickly reacting, the other rational, slower but sounder, evidence or factually driven. Both are needed but in balance. Achieving that balance was once what becoming an adult measured. This no longer applies for any organisation outside the size of tribal organisation. It has become necessary to revisit those qualities that made the tribe a successful organisation and then trace those qualities through the increasing social organisations and see how those qualities developed or changed. This will be an interesting journey of discovery and may possibly contain some answers to the questions now facing the species. Bon voyage!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 10 2021 #89670
    Formerly T-Bear

    Django at #89667

    The Polish.

    maybe others.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2021 #89182
    Formerly T-Bear

    Keep up the spam defences by all means, otherwise you could be seeing an advert for ‘Briss Overnight Bag’, give them a couple, three loving strokes and a two suiter is yours. (smiley thing)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2021 #89090
    Formerly T-Bear

    Re: Afghan War Vet Faces Dishonorable Discharge For Refusing Vaccine (JTN)

    Had the military command issues an order that all military personnel have a face tattoo, it would be just as legal as that order mandating all take the experimental jab called a vaccine. The mandated injection order cannot be considered a legal order unless all command have accreditation for medical practice and have personally examined each and every member under their command (which should keep them off the streets and out of any wars for quite some time).
    The British Admiralty was always a group of gents with their cocks up their hats; hence cock-ups. The Pentagon has now equalled the British Admiralty’s accomplishments; wonder what phrase will ensue.

    Just acknowledging John Day at #89029 yesterday’s DR; Thanks for reply.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2021 #88943
    Formerly T-Bear

    Huh, what?

    Several hours w/o movement, sleep time U.S. contingent, thus: Commentariat all on D.R. 1 Oct.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2021 #88939
    Formerly T-Bear

    Since the last Debt Rattle (30 Sept.) is apparently dead, reposting the final post there.

    John Day at #88907
    Appreciated your reply. After sleeping on the matter, I would have addended to my comment that your action would have given the opportunity for the others similarly effected a basis for a class action, multiplying the enormity of damages to the life investments involved. It too would help reestablish a balance between labour and management; a level, equitable playing field for future relations, something that no longer exists.

    I would also advise great caution concerning ‘morality’ and one’s relationship with such. It was the illusion of morality that has led to the delusional ‘morality’ warping the world today if you recall the ‘moral majority’ that put St. Ronnie of the Ray-gun into power. It seems you are trying to define the tao in your quest for morality, striving is like defining and if done becomes not tao. Tao will come of its own accord, like fog, creeping silently into your being silently as a cat and you will find it there when you are ready. Be careful about hiding behind your desire and lose the opportunity before you.

    I began my comment by trying to avoid any appearance of authority and shall close by disavowing authority, this is only a heart speaking, nothing more.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2021 #88921
    Formerly T-Bear

    John Day at #88907
    Appreciated your reply. After sleeping on the matter, I would have addended to my comment that your action would have given the opportunity for the others similarly effected a basis for a class action, multiplying the enormity of damages to the life investments involved. It too would help reestablish a balance between labour and management; a level, equitable playing field for future relations, something that no longer exists.

    I would also advise great caution concerning ‘morality’ and one’s relationship with such. It was the illusion of morality that has led to the delusional ‘morality’ warping the world today if you recall the ‘moral majority’ that put St. Ronnie of the Ray-gun into power. It seems you are trying to define the tao in your quest for morality, striving is like defining and if done becomes not tao. Tao will come of its own accord, like fog, creeping silently into your being silently as a cat and you will find it there when you are ready. Be careful about hiding behind your desire and lose the opportunity before you.

    I began my comment by trying to avoid any appearance of authority and shall close by disavowing authority, this is only a heart speaking, nothing more.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2021 #88876
    Formerly T-Bear

    John Day at #88863
    Some advise from someone without letters after their name:
    That month will go quite quickly, use some of the time to find a good and sympathetic lawyer and prepare a case for wrongful dismissal with the demand for just compensation for the time and effort invested in becoming an accredited physician, for the damages to credit caused by loss of employment, to damages to investments and contracts made under contractural employment, ask compensation for lost income. Then ask that funds be provided to establish your own clinic, for staffing, for insurance, for income level guarantee and whatever auxiliary needs that arise for a five year period needed to firmly establish your practice in the community. The sums involved would frighten the gods on Olympus itself. They might frighten that clinic’s administration into second thoughts if they are rationally inclined. In the event the clinic’s administration chooses to be rational and forgo their policy the lawsuit can be dismissed, but do not forget to make good with the lawyer; it’s bad karma to create a hungry lawyer.

    Thank you for all your efforts to educate on this site. Bread cast upon the waters (chumming) return tenfold (if you have a fishing pole or net).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 11 2021 #86885
    Formerly T-Bear

    Late post last Debt Rattle, (with small editing).

    The President of the United States of that space between Mexico and Canada IS NOT QUALIFIED to prescribe medicine and should consider his position. Resignation is the least he should face. A military firing squad would be more appropriate. No apology for his inane stupidity should be accepted – ever. But first remove the occupant of the Vice Presidency, let Nancy have the job and get that feckless perfidious c^nt out of Congress.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86882
    Formerly T-Bear

    The President of the United States of that space between Mexico and Canada IS NOT QUALIFIED to prescribe medicine and should consider his position. Resignation is the least he should face. A military firing squad would be more appropriate. No apology for his inane stupidity should be accepted – ever. But first remove the occupant of the Vice Presidency, let Nancy have the job and get that feckless c^nt out of Congress.

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86625
    Formerly T-Bear

    John Day
    Add another kudos to the collection, finding a practitioner of medicine is becoming a rare occurrence this era, difficult at best in the orthodoxy minded European profession. European media not only follows their counterpart in that space between Mexico and Canada but earnestly tries to outdo them, failing miserably as well.

    About your potential problems at the clinic. Maybe they should be reminded that with proposed dismissal, the cost of your education and training in time, effort, treasure plus the costs of opening one’s medical office, the insurance costs encountered over a period of five years to become reestablished professionally, just might be asked of them in front of a judge. Ask them if they would be willing to take such a risk. Would be strong grounds to negotiate from.

    Am awaiting a parcel to arrive to obtain prophylactic substances for an anticipated trip to counter what ever exposure may occur. Am un-Vaxxed male, 78.5 orbits, sleep apnea, overweight (99.5 kg), and wonky (atrial fibrillation) all being treated pharmaceutically. On Lixiana 60mg for blood lubrication. My question is taking IVM 12mg x 2 per protocol use be a problem or maybe a beneficial course. Oh yes, the D level 68 ng/ml by recent analysis. I am neither worried or stressed about this virus, after all those 80+ with problems have an eighty percent risk of living according to a Swedish university study in 2020; up to 79 is still 95.65 percent risk of living for the risk adverse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2021 #85701
    Formerly T-Bear

    Please ‘splain these:

    * Is it a break-in if the front door is open? Why is it a break-through when no preventive protection is given?

    Enlighten me about the ‘logic salad’ in this paragraph:

    The team’s second major finding was more reassuring: People who never develop symptoms during a “breakthrough” infection carry very low levels of virus – a finding that should ease concerns that vaccinated people are unknowingly fueling the pandemic. However, vaccinated people who do have symptoms had the same levels of virus as infected unvaccinated people – so can spread the virus. This confirms a finding first revealed weeks ago by a CDC study in Provincetown, Massachusetts. “You’re essentially as infectious as someone who was unvaccinated,” he said. [..] Vaccination is not to be blamed for the increase in variants with these mutations, Chiu said. Because we naturally produce antibodies in response to exposure and infection, the virus is constantly changing to survive. “The virus is going to evolve to become antibody resistant, whether or not you deploy a vaccine,” he said. “But because we have a vaccine, there’s a way to prevent the virus from spreading and evolving further.”

    1. asymptomatic carry low levels of virus and do not shed virus significantly. How then can “a finding that should ease concerns that vaccinated people are unknowingly fueling [sic] the pandemic”? BUT “vaccinated people who do have symptoms had the same levels of virus as infected unvaccinated people – so can spread the virus” even though the jab is understood to give just that protection? However “Vaccination is not to be blamed for the increase in variants with these mutations” when the mutations are driven by the presence of jab produced antibodies? Then the ‘duh’: “Because we naturally produce antibodies in response to exposure and infection, the virus is constantly changing to survive. “The virus is going to evolve to become antibody resistant, whether or not you deploy a vaccine”, this statement is of the obvious to be followed by “But because we have a vaccine, there’s a way to prevent the virus from spreading and evolving further.” for which there is no evidence, given what the manufactures have claimed their jabs do NOT do those things.

    That whole paragraph needs go back to the editor shop for re-examination before being released to the public readership. BUT given the state of ersatz journalism … abandon all hope who enter there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84623
    Formerly T-Bear

    How closely related do ‘The Great Reset’ and ‘The Great Cull’ appear to be?

    Again, the world’s first trillion-airs will be the law partners in the firm handling a class action suit. The respondents myriad; governments, pharmaceutical industry, medical establishment, academia, media being the prime subjects but these do not exhaust the deep pockets involved. Invest in popcorn!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83519
    Formerly T-Bear

    If your fear levels are down and need a boost, there is always this:

    England will be as cold as it is supposed to be.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2021 #83439
    Formerly T-Bear

    Am starting to think a new vocabulary is needed to reduce the fogs generated when greater educated meet the warm moist emotions of the lesser educated, like a cold air mass meeting tropical air. First on the agenda is the problem of distinguishing between accredited medical doctors (Dr.s) some of whom actually practice the arts of ethical medicine. They should be acknowledged as accredited medical practitioners (AMP-Dr.) while those prescribing covid-19 jabs be known henceforth as just Dr.
    The trouble is all too many medically incompetents are dispensing medical advise and should be held liable for all damages caused (assuming a viable legal /judicial system is in place). None without proper accreditation should ever be allowed to prescribe medical treatment; no judge; no priest; no politician; no administrator; no governor; not even a dog catcher. Any doing so should feel the heat of forceful revolution that clears the decks of such dregs. The streets of Wuhan were NOT filled with bodies. Achieving a virtual population reduction IS a method to reduce viral spread without actually reducing population. Unknowns will eventually become knowns and change the operational environment of contending with a pandemic and must be altered when a pandemic becomes an endemic at the time this factor changes (covid-19 pandemic was over summer 2020 and became endemic from autumn 2020). Authority must be held to account for their actions. Viral particles easily passing through a mask are effected by Brownian motion more than anything, the mask do filter droplets which may carry significant viral particle loads capable of infection.

    From this point, the verbal miasma of the covid-19 swamp muck might be cleared.
    >Some meat for TAE Summary<

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2021 #82438
    Formerly T-Bear

    French Constitutional Court rules health pass, mandatory vaccination of health workers constitutional amid nationwide protests.

    So long 5th Republic, nice knowing ye. From arrogance (Chas. DeGaul) to authoritarian (Macron), when will the French learn how to do ‘Republic’ and get it correct? WAG probably when they get into a double digit Republic, maybe 14.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 4 2021 #82351
    Formerly T-Bear

    Mad Amsky (+ tale) seems on the manic portion of their cycle. Probably can’t find the meds, deflationista hid them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 30 2021 #81569
    Formerly T-Bear

    > Archie #81559/60

    Mad Amski (+ tale) became flyover some time ago for those very reasons – ubiquity breeds distain this case although coloured with sadness for the loss of their voice. Squeaky wheels get greased. YMMV

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 30 2021 #81525
    Formerly T-Bear

    > those darned kids
    Could it be that <*a href… html should be used (remove * and finish the linkage equation)?
    just asking.

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Narratives #81297
    Formerly T-Bear

    > Mister Roberto

    And nobody knows what transpires around the borders (+2-300 miles) of that space between Mexico and Canada under the jurisdiction of their border ‘police’? The effect is not in one direction keeping folk out only although the traffic is predominately inbound but that could change dramatically on very short notice under certain circumstances no longer inconceivable. Careful consideration must be given concerning risks to travel to that space; one false accusation and the traveler can disappear into the ‘oh so legalish’ gulag-amerikkkan. Not long ago a young Russian lady discovered this when she supported the U.S. Second Amendment (to her discomfort).

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Narratives #81267
    Formerly T-Bear

    – Masks, distancing and lockdowns are mostly ineffective

    Masks, distancing and isolation may not be efficient preventing transmission each by themselves BUT they DO provide a virtual reduction in population hindering rapid transmission of viral pathogens; effective when other counter measures have not been developed for a given pathogen. The simplicity of the statement makes it deceptive and sadly untrue.

    in reply to: Rage Against the Vaccine #80861
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ Red #80855/6

    Wise move, rend as large a hole in Total Information Awareness as you can. I(diot)Phones are a good first step, whether you have things to hide or not. Never bank online another step. Amazon can peddle their goods door to door for their sales. This could turn into a lengthy comment from examples, the idea must be planted though. My phone is good ol’ second generation Nokia, flashlight but no camera; batteries last a week with some use.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80746
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ TAE Summary #80734

    – Vaxxed vs unvaxxed divide unbridgeable; Logical people can’t understand the other side.

    – Vaxxed [sic] vs unvaxxed [sic] divide bridgeable – called an injection of purported ‘vaccine’, a one way bridge only, no going back, a Rubicon bridge.

    Logical people can’t understand the other side. Logic has little to do with understanding in this event; a reflection of profound, irreconcilable political division a better descriptor.

    Thanks for noticing, nonetheless. (smiley thing)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80727
    Formerly T-Bear

    Anecdotal note:
    “What we have here is a failure to communicate”, the divide between pro and contra vaccination has become unbridgeable, the failure of communication profound. Many factors enter into that equation: deterioration of the educational system into a state of disutility, illiteracy, innumeracy leading factors; Information systems setting records for depths of uselessness meeting needs of polity; social coherence in tatters after half century under unparalleled attacks, just to list a few factors leading to cultural and political dissolution.

    The novel corona virus has brought all to the fore and illuminated the corrosive effects the degeneration of most major institutions have had. Add to that the destruction of the social memory – history has been modified beyond recognition to meet demands, mostly irrationally, emotionally made to assuage rage for wrongs real and imagined. It is no wonder the public cannot be reached with relevant information given the profound loss of direction being suffered through those failures. Unfortunately there is no remedy for overcoming such a situation other than to let time run its course and suffer the losses inflicted, preparing the groundwork that will be needed for a reconstruction at some future, more favourable epoch whilst honing the survival skills and strategies that will be needed throughout the collapse of complexity into a sustainable and stable level of existence. As current power comes from the control of complexity, those institutions will either be swept away during the collapse or will become reorganised into socially supportive organisations that survive the collapse – time alone has that answer.

    Two members of the family have allowed injection of themselves ‘to travel’. No effort to communicate beforehand had attention paid, no rational explanation was listened to, no factual material was appreciated. Two genetic lines have been altered until they cease to exist. No telling of the genetic damages that have been and will be effected. Boy have they bought ‘a ticket to ride’. The brother has long been beyond reach, starting with severe TDS and now the covid-19 circus. A sister will be saved from exposure as she has yet to encounter a conspiracy theory she doesn’t love and covid-19 is such a beast. My vitamin D level stands at 68.0 and the future looks bright. (/anecdote).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 10 2021 #79415
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ laffin_boy; Germ; Oroboros # various places

    From somewhat eclectic readings a differing point of view arrises, what has been popularly filed under psychopathy, psychopath here is actually a vital species survival mechanism. Given that there are two methods of solving problems used by the species; one using very quick emotional response, the other using somewhat slower but rationally response based upon memory and experience rather than emotion to resolve a problem. Once tribal respect for their elders is one of the results of that difference in facing problems. Modern social complexity has rendered that solution asunder allowing some of those displaying ‘rationality propensities’ to develop without guidance or direction into destructive behaviour the popular ‘culture’ likes to use to scare and frighten us with. To use the vernacular definition in a professional manner can only lead to misprision of professional vocabulary. The English dictionary has surpassed a million words, they all deserve to be used correctly. YMMD

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 10 2021 #79379
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ laffin_boy #79374

    You might find Kevin Dutton’s book “The Wisdom of Psychopaths Lessons In Life from Saints, Spies and Serial Killers” ISBN 978-0-434-02067-6 of interest. Professor Dutton is a research psychologist at Magdalen College, University of Oxford and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. He has organised his thesis in the form of an old fashioned book, complete with definition of terms and vocabulary (to avoid mistaken understandings) which is of considerable value to communications. An easy and engrossing read (hard to put down) that will definitely increase your understanding and appreciation of the subject.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 10 2021 #79371
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ R.I.M. 79353

    How crazy is this headline? Is it just me?

    Top 5 symptoms for fully vaccinated

    Was looking for symptoms like:

    Able to leap small puddles of water in a single bound, otherwise walk on such water.

    Sneezing when faced with facts.

    Cannot see rationality in a mirror., or Dracula either.

    Cannot hear anything disagreeable.

    Inability to civilly respond to alternative realities, assumes form of a tightly closed clam.

    or something along those lines, but No!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2021 #79008
    Formerly T-Bear

    Dr D @ 78996

    It’s almost like criminals don’t obey the law!

    Of course they do not obey the law, they obey the rules. Rules are bent, the law can only be broken.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77607
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ DarkMater #77604

    Thanks, the (/curmudgeon) was for the risk of misunderstanding. The development of legal fiction of corporate development in Roman Law, styled on the structure of the family can be found well described in Sir Henry Sumner Maine “Ancient Law”. Maine founded comparative jurisprudence and casts a brilliant light on how the corporate form was established and developed to meet functional needs of Rome. Highly recommended reading. Still valid a hundred sixty years after first published 1861.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77601
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ DarkMatter #77595

    Thank you for the contribution but I used the word I wanted in the manner I wished to paint the word picture I desired. Monopoly and monopolistic (a small number controlling some subject or market) adequately conveys my intended observation. Little in today’s world does not fall under that description: economically; politically; governmentally; socially or culturally. YMMV but feel free to substitute whatever word you fancy for your own amusement but I will stand by what I wrote; thank you again.
    (/curmudgeon) (smily thing)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77600
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ Raúl Ilargi Meijer #77582

    “Illich wrote about this 50 years ago, when nobody saw it happening.”

    Fifty years ago R.M. Nixon was in his first term presidency, law and oder ruled the day and the country (by appearances). Nixon’s presidency marked the beginning attacks upon traditional law, trying to instil order upon both civil rights advocates and anti-war protesters not to forget the concerted subversion of U.S. labour through ‘right to work’ enactments. One could have forecast much of what would transpire given the conditions then prevalent taken to their logical conclusions. The archives of The New Yorker are filled with contemporaneous observations if one takes the trouble to look. The Nixon administration ideologues were reassembled under the moral majority leadership of Ronnie Raygun (40) and his number one sidekick G.H.W. Bush (41) to continue their unrestricted treasons. Some were awake though, try Art Buchwald While Reagan Slept for a satirist’s perspective. No, another Nostradamus isn’t in evidence here, only another one aware of the transactions being enacted and their consequences although such memory probably does not show up on one’s smartyphone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77581
    Formerly T-Bear

    Interesting concept – institutionalisation – a fancy word for monopolisation; monopolisation of government; monopolisation of media; monopolisation of pharmaceuticals; monopolisation of medical practice; monopolisation of public discourse; monopolisation of experience; monopolisation of the public mind. All that is heard is the voice of monopolisation which is nothing other than the creation and protection of some stream of revenue (or power re government) under their control. Assets are only valued for the stream of revenue they can create. As clear a vision of the future as is possible to conjure with what can be seen. A few will prosper, most will not. One thing is for certain though, an increasing level of coercion will be required to maintain that status quo – bank on it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77221
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ V. Arnold #77219

    “I wonder, just what it will take for the rest of the planet to tell the western world to shut the fuck up?”

    Certain organs are missing, spine for one, gonads another, brains of the functioning and independent sort is highly likely the third essential ingredient .

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 9 2021 #77046
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ V. Arnold #77032

    Appreciate the feedback. Contrary to current popular conceptions, public administration of democracies and republics require the same state of mind as the administrations of monarchies or any other autacracy. If this is not accomplished, whatever the form of governance will fail, it is built into the specie’s political genome. Machiavelli discusses this in his “Discourses on Livy” and tangentially in “The Prince”. The capacity to make rational, non-emotional decisions is a species survival trait. To dismiss that trait as a pathological aberration is a serious error, instead it must be understood and used advantageously.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 9 2021 #76990
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ John Day #76971 “…(so what’s next?)”

    Really depends on what level of conflict which will be acceptable. A phrase “… prized from my cold dead fingers” sums up the how and when those in power will give it up. Already the country has the looks of a very large open air prison, those border walls work either direction and the guards are ubiquitous. The only economic vocabulary available comes from the MBA Econ. 101 school, designed not to provide workable models reflecting economic processes. Those economic models derived from historic precedent have all been discredited, dismembered or destroyed as to leave few living with a working memory teaching in academia (or anywhere else). Economic history is not taught for good reason, but all historic memory has been and is now under revisionist assault and without an accurate memory of the past, no chart is available to navigate the treacherous economic shoals surrounding us. The destruction of labour and the middle educated classes should rise warning of trending direction being taken.

    It will depend entirely upon people’s willingness to accommodate whatever level of force, even violence to protect their own interests. But before that they must determine what those interests are; ‘Know thyself’. Then the economic history from about the end of the New Deal until present day must be established in sound economic terms; only this way will knowing the adversary become realised where something might be done about realistically confronting the erstwhile adversary, not some nebulous ‘elite’. As no vocabulary now exists, one must be created, based upon sound, fundamental principles that accurately model economic processes. Without this step, nothing more than hot breath will pass and nothing accomplished. A new world must be gestated and brought to life, nothing else will do.

    An alternative is to allow the concentration of wealth and power to continue until there are no other reesources for their feeding remaining other than themselves and the ensuing feeding frenzy. It will still be important to have on hand a viable knowledge of economic processes from which to rebuild an economic edifice. The place to start might be the statement: The study of economics is the study of mankind’s ecology and the superstructures built upon it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2021 #75868
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ V. Arnold #75861

    Had lost my old password, generally had little to say, but, with lots of help got another one reestablished. Now out of the lurking shadows. Enjoy your explorations of the world of art.

    @ Bill7 #75851

    There not being a court house large enough to seat such a trial, was not expecting such to happen. Rather the comment referenced the enormity of the risk taken by vested interests with the public health using untested genetic theories for other purposes. What ever happened to that law of unintended consequences? Has it been cancelled?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2021 #75848
    Formerly T-Bear

    The world’s first trillion-airs are likely to be the partners in the law firm that wins a class action suit over (untested, uncertified) anti-corona virus injections pandered as vaccines. Deep pockets abound: pharmaceuticals; media; health industry; U.S. government; British quango government; the Brussels swamp and the damaged, uninformed victims legion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 20 2021 #75611
    Formerly T-Bear

    Test 1 2 3 test

    It seems to work. Thanks

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