Formerly T-Bear

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  • in reply to: Bankruptcy For Moderna, Definitely Pfizer #102687
    Formerly T-Bear

    Maybe lay down the parameters: 1) germane to subject(s) of your postings. 2) informative. 3) comprehensive no ‘flow of consciousness/sequential postings’. 4) for general readership – not for personal or private communication. 5) blather, inanity, profanity, ad hominem free. There may be other bugbears that can be added. Violators will be asked to create their own forum (and see how they fare in their comments) as they will be blocked at your site with further transgression.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102304
    Formerly T-Bear

    Thanks for the chance to give voice to my opinion in conversation, not speaking at but talking with, an art sadly disappearing from current discourse, now given to eye caca provided all to easily by the social medias, fb, twits, YT, etc., all displacing the capacity to effectively communicate. YMMV

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102287
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ V.Arnold
    Not me, I’m not the one seeing these things for the first time, you are. It just happens the Arnolfini portrait is a moment in time and place, the “Shamrock Tea” is a journey through time, space and perspective from a master storyteller. One augments the other but that is only my conclusion from my interpretation from my unique experience with these artists. It applies to no other and may limit another’s appreciation if given authority. Would prefer not going there if possible; leave that to those who know all about everything.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102284
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold above
    I thought you might be interested in the Arnolfini picture, that it generated another work of art in an unrelated form – literature. The author made a journey through the painting and the artefacts contained contriving their story, or history, or importance to the portraiture. I merely pointed out a few of the objects I had recalled (having read the work some quarter century ago). It intent was to try to get the observer to use their eyes to see for themselves what was before them. I failed. The woman’s dress showed little or no unambiguous sign of the body underneath, only face and hands gave medical indication of the woman’s estate, the bulging dress provided only an assumption of estate that may or may not have been indicative. Boscohorowitz kindly provided the image of the mirror enlarged, removing the eye’s exercise in seeing it as part of the painting but did give the detail it contained unambiguously. The book created a kaleidoscope of those details, treated in differing styles or manners, taken together weave a word tapestry that equals the pictorial version. The book is one of the treasures in my library that I thought to share with your interest in art.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102228
    Formerly T-Bear

    FinalGravity at # 102223

    What an accelerating thought you have given us. (/rhetorical_sarcasm)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102225
    Formerly T-Bear

    R.I.M. at # 102208

    More likely dab of Royal Jelly, sip of Holy water, drop or two of anointing oil and some communion wafers (that might be confused with your list). Nobody will know for sure, tis between Herself and Royal Surgeon.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102207
    Formerly T-Bear

    I see Queen Elizabeth II has had something positive happen in her life recently.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102109
    Formerly T-Bear

    Something to be remembered, the Japanese bombing of Darwin 80 years ago and its echos today:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102068
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold at # 102034
    If you can find a copy, Ciaran Carson wrote a Granta masterpiece “Shamrock Tea” with this van Eyck – The Arnolfini Portrait as its centre piece, taking note of objects in the room and constructing “a galaxy of esoteric and entertaining knowledge of saints days, herbal cures, animal symbolism, miracles and transformations” (quoted from front cover). It seems much of Dutch art entails inference to other meanings, stories, archaic knowledge held by the objects presented in a painting. Much is lost to the modern observer, unaware of the original significance and multi-level presentation. Did you notice the woman is in a state of pregnancy shown by the hands and face? Or what was reflected in the mirror?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101435
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold at # 101339

    Would observe that old time condition of ‘first impression’ still works its magic. Few of the ‘commentariat’ here at TAE have ever improved their starting marks, quite a few have succeeded in lowering theirs, almost as hard as raising them but like plumbers can tell you, gravity has its ways. For most having neutral starting marks, they will be looked at, most likely given a full reading and then forgotten. Those having either a low or negative starting mark usually end in the world of flyover, not worth the candle. One, a Dr. D (uh), began there and after all these years is still flyover world material although once they did a fair reproduction of the essay form and I did give favourable comment, but was likely not noticed. My input here is of little note anyroad. Thank you for voicing your observations, of the art and now of the quality of presentation in the commentariat. Not often will an image through a clear mirror be given that we might see our selves as others see us. Again Thanks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101019
    Formerly T-Bear

    At the waste of space and time a.k.a. Sumac Carol # 101008,

    How much time did you waste on that raging screed you just posted? Of late your commentary shows that you have the same failure of judgment as the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Oh you are erudite as can be and can weave your point of view into a cloak that conceals the deceptions you feed yourself as to the morality and sanctity of your self. Morality is an absolute and is the foundation stone of all dictatorships known. It was this tribe, following the deceits of R. M. Nixon’s ‘Law and Order’ that opened the doors of destruction o the historical U.S. constitutional government – the repugnant ‘Moral Majority’. I trust you are still proud of that fifth column political escapade.

    Also in the indictment charges against your tribe is the destruction of labour as a political force and as an economic force that at one time stood athwart managerial paths to power. No more, the juncture and fusion of business and governmental powers now is complete, thanks to your ‘morality’ and self deception. You are about to reap the moral winds you’ve sown; enjoy the whorl-winds of your plantings. Needless to say I find the recent facet of your character repugnant so shall second the advise about the door and your derrière. In future your commentary here will join deflationista’s and bozohorrorwitz in flyover worlds. Careful of the door behind yourself.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 11 2022 #100749
    Formerly T-Bear

    Watching Trudeau address parliament, one is reminded of a four year old having a tantrum. The P.M. of Canada needs to grow up and when he does maybe then he can become the Queen of Canada.

    Must be something in their feed. Notice when certain jejune characters are told ‘No’ they hyperventilate, believing insurrection or rebellion is facing their very person and position. Nancy Pelosi introduced this phenomenon to the public discourse and now is followed by the man-child P.M of Canada. Good god! would you ever trust the judgment of a person who had done to their face what Nancy had done to hers?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 4 2022 #100014
    Formerly T-Bear

    The new virus found only in France:

    Oh! Macron!!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2022 #99876
    Formerly T-Bear

    The next national election in Australia will be a national IQ test. Returning any currently holding public office will determine (inverse proportion) the Australian’s IQ. Curious what that will be (but subjects will be subjects).

    Same for Canada in their next national election. Returning the PM will start the count at zero and proceed downwards from there, counterbalanced by whatever current MP gets themselves replaced for allowing the current state of affairs. How will the subjects vote?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99870
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold at # 99855
    I’m not sure about irony in:

    you have to behave as though you believe and trust everyone

    Seems more pathology of lying to oneself; Shakespeare’s famous ‘spin’:

    This above all: to thine own self be true
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man.
    Hamlet act 1, sc. 3, 1. 78

    Don’t become another Quisling by appearing to support those engaged in the behaviour; oppose, withdraw consent from those institutions offending, resist visibly. Best definition I have encountered for “Politics” is the art, skill science of persuading, convincing, influencing another. One does not find coercion or deceit in that definition but instead under fraud. To thine own self be true.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2022 #98906
    Formerly T-Bear

    @ 98900 Correction:

    EU diplomats NOT now withdrawing from Ukraine, but

    Israel is evacuating ALL Jewish from Ukraine.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2022 #98900
    Formerly T-Bear

    This morning (from RT)
    EU diplomats leaving Ukraine.
    UK diplomats leaving Ukraine.
    US diplomatic dependents leaving Ukraine.
    Wassup? Diplomatic consequences? Dumb politics?
    Is it either popcorn or bomb shelters?
    Are there refunds on the tickets to this showdown?
    So many questions unanswered.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 23 2022 #98805
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold at # 98797
    Since your first inquiry was rhetorical ….

    The only other question is; when will the rest wake up to this ongoing insanity?
    Never is my guess…..

    Awareness might occur when: Mathematics becomes a lingua franca in daily life; logic is understood; intelligence is appreciated and socially valued. ‘Never’ is a good approximation. As long as letters after one’s name suffice as ersatz accomplishment rather than the beginning of education, little drive to improve will happen. Just the way the cookie crumbled, the crumbs are rapidly being consumed by “Lord of the Flies” savages. YMMV

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2022 #97702
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. A. at # 97684

    Where are your seatbelts? Why aren’t they fastened for the events unfolding? The President of the European Parliament has just died from “immune system failure” at 65 orbits. Mighty young for a member of the economically privileged and ruling class that. One securely fastened will notice that no version of SARS Corona Virus II was mentioned as cause which opens the door to what vaccinated state they had, obviously fully and completely to the highest level. And that, opens the door to the question of the vaccine used being the direct cause, something that will be avoided at ALL COST.

    With seatbelts fastened, one can become witness to what the Buddhists refer to as the ‘maya’, the illusion of ‘reality’; in this case the delusion of ‘reality’, but seatbelts are required, the path is rough going. Hang in there V. A., you are privileged to live in interesting times, indeed. Bear witness well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 5 2022 #97041
    Formerly T-Bear

    There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Fauci’s Science.

    Fixed – No Charge

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96743
    Formerly T-Bear

    Dr. D Rich at # 96740
    There are more than this sandbox that need cleansing of cat droppings. Only accredited medical practitioners are qualified to have a medical opinion or are competent to pass a medical judgment. No judge, administrator, politician or any other in an authoritative position has any competence to make such findings; at best an informed opinion of a medical opinion can be generated. Medical practitioners have their own sandbox to play in. The problem is a systemic one, nothing personal, that must be addressed if the practitioner/patient relationship is to survive against the immense powers of the forces arrayed against that primal relationship. Failure to rout and defeat those powers will change medical practice into an inconceivable monstrosity beyond all ability to control. Not my choice to make, this time must be different. Again YMMV

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2022 #96739
    Formerly T-Bear

    A thought occurs that the state of current medical practice, the economics of which does not allow much in the way of private or small group practice given both the costs of personnel and equipments needed and the prohibitive costs of insurance against mishap. Only established specialists may have the patients to support such practice but must still, like their more generalist practitioners, depend upon the aggregate provisions and protections of organisations of large numbers: the large clinics and hospitals.

    Any threat to expel most practitioners from their medical practice places enormous pressures to conform to administrative determined policies, not necessarily medically desirable, thus the enormous silence of most medical practitioners concerning the narrow approaches used in the Covid-19 epidemic.

    Nonetheless, most medical practitioners must endure a review of their accreditation to practice medicine to continue their careers, paying the price for their professional silence to authoritarian policies inimical to their patients best interests. Those refusing to take responsibility for their failures as providers of medical services should lose their accreditation to practice.

    Those driven from provision of medical services conflicting with authoritarian policies demanded must be restored to their positions with damages to reputation and incomes fully restored. The primacy of the Dr./patient must be restored regardless of cost and the relationship between Dr. and organisation made subsidiary to the former. Administrative power must be curtailed, limited to organisational needs only and made responsible for misprision. If the public interest is to be served, such review is required.


    in reply to: Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan #96683
    Formerly T-Bear

    About the only NY wish I can think of is directed to Dr. Antony Fauci of the medical pharmafia, that he encounter a street light pole with his name on it this year. Other than that ill, the NY is a wait and see.

    Took an antigen test: a head cold is just a head cold, no lasting immunity involved. Bother!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2021 #96573
    Formerly T-Bear

    Re: chooch at # 96572

    Omicron is sweeping across the globe in a matter of weeks.

    Omicron swept across the globe faster than Santa in sled pulled by ten reindeer on reindeer go-juice after shipping delays delayed normal departure that night.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2021 #96571
    Formerly T-Bear

    Re: oxymoron at # 96569,
    The best of the Australian breed descends from those ‘not worth a rope’; the worst were spawned by their warders. An opinion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2021 #96570
    Formerly T-Bear

    It is amazing this omicron version showed up, in summertime S.Africa, with the same symptoms as the common head cold, at exactly the same time it normally breaks out in the N. hemisphere, with the same degree of virulence. Probably coincidence – no? The common head cold has been hijacked by the Italian version of Dr. Faustus and his NIH. My Solstice +4 comment was directly based upon a video clip of Dr. Fraud ordering cancellation of the holiday with one’s family – fear, fear, fear for the sheeple.
    Then in retrospect, a variant found in India was also hijacked, rebranded with a ‘D – Delta’ conveniently timed to cover statistics threatening to reveal ADE to the vaxx, with just the right virulence and infectivity to match and cover the Covid-19 Vaxx failures.
    Was it only happenstance the avoidance, the degradation of, the deceits with statistic records all in relation with Covid-19 became apparent or was this also required to befuddle the public?
    As having a long time exposure to ‘Alice’s Restaurant’ one cannot but wonder how many more coincident are needed before we get to conspiracy?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Day 2021 #96215
    Formerly T-Bear

    Happy Solstice +4 (code to avoid awakening the woke)!

    Was ordered to show my ‘health’ credentials yesterday for the first time. Do you happen to recall where in the archives a ‘specially prepared’ QR code was presented, the one that formed an outline of a hand with fingers in a particular array of extension? Thanks in advance. Afraid these lockdowns will continue until you are filled with more injections of Christmas Cheer Fear.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2021 #94855
    Formerly T-Bear

    There are no courts of law in the kingdom of the once great Britain, only pig styes for ‘judges’ to contentedly wallow in the mud they create. The mercy the the British crown has shown should be repaid with the summary defenestration of ALL the royal family that possibly could take the place of Elizabeth II from the Tower of London, followed by the crown itself after the great diamond set there is returned to its rightful owner and then send the queen down to cover the remains. What will happen to the British sheeple after a millennium of autocratic subjugation will be hard to predict as scant experience is to be had in the political skills needed for self governance. This cannot end well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2021 #94137
    Formerly T-Bear

    John Day @ # 94135

    Had read somewheres the rate of mutation could equal the rate of replication, about an hour or two. Would that place the birth of the variant line somewhere about the beginnings of the pandemic if 30,000 mutations had occurred in the spike protein alone since the mutation rate would not be steady or consistent? There would also be some question as to the numbers of mutations measured being 30,000, would there not? So many questions, so much unreliable information to work with, no?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2021 #94125
    Formerly T-Bear

    This just seen on RT:
    Gold medalist athlete, 24, dies 2 weeks after contracting Covid — RT Sport News

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2021 #93771
    Formerly T-Bear

    Too late for yesterday’s Debt Rattle.

    Youngsters have been having heart problems on the pitch well before this virus and its untested experimental goop showed up. Some of the times the collapse on the pitch happens is due to an undiagnosed Atrial Fibrillation that may have many causes. The French have a saying that one digs their grave with their teeth; curiously enough, autopsies have indicated in genetic assays that carries protein has been present in the heart, possibly involved in the fatal incident. Some folk wisdom the French have. Even before the SARS C-virus, it would have been advisable to have a defibrillator that could be connected to a local hospital and controlled by phone and special training given to the coach or staff who would be present at all or most of practices or matches; this is even more urgently needed now in all sporting activities everywhere.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2021 #93308
    Formerly T-Bear

    V. Arnold at # 93303
    Had I omitted Dr D from mention concerning bandwidth an accusation of discrimination could be leveled, no defensible reply could be made. I use the D(uh) as a relic of my first impression of the Dr’s early essays those many years ago, when reading one would come across some assertion, either narrowly or excessively broadly drawn that was arguable and reading would halt at that point, the greater fraction of the piece unread. However, over the years, practice has tended to smooth those obstacles slightly. Recently the good Dr produced a short essay that was concise, focused AND coherent, drawing a posted comment from me (IISRC). Your milage obviously differs but I can live with that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2021 #93300
    Formerly T-Bear

    It is nice to see Boscohorowitz, Triviality4eva, Dr D(uh), Phoenixvoice and several other interminable wannabe essayists and other serial commentators share their bandwidth with you for your offerings. (/sarcasm)

    Starting to look like the splitting point where the species become separated into two (or more) incompatible species: the vaxxed; the unvaccinated; the trans-vaxxed (yet to be determined).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93051
    Formerly T-Bear

    RT reports AI has created 9 million new designer drugs:
    Just where are they going to find 9 million hippies t test them on?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90505
    Formerly T-Bear

    zerosum at # 90499 DR 20 October 2021

    @ T-Bear
    ‘What might be done?’
    Excellent expose of our social/economic system
    When we have left this existence who will know, and be able to pass on this knowledge

    Clue: there used to be a Celsius 233 on these pages. Recall how knowledge and literature were preserved in the original book.Secondly, establish groups to explore and discuss history, literature, knowledge, science, medicine and law, biographies and autobiographies of the distinguished are important as well. Share knowledge, experience by discussing with others, help ignite their curiosity. From my experience, anecdotally, I had found three books in an abandoned house, the histories of Egypt, Greece and Rome. I recall the names; West and Meyer belonging to two of those books. By the time I began the fourth grade I had read them all; all were university level text books I discovered later. They ignited my interest in history and later economics and other social sciences. Make sure some autodidact may come across whatever trove you might put together – your best hope for the future. Does this answer your question a little?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90501
    Formerly T-Bear

    Per request:

    In Venice between the Doges Palace and the prison behind it is a bridge over a small canal, the Bridge of Sighs which has written over the Palace entrance the advice “Abandon hope all ye who enter here” such was justice then. Not much has changed since, the world is a much larger and more populated place than it was then, but the advice still holds well in another empire finding itself past the premonition of collapse.

    The political arts in that empire have developed means and methods to acutely divide the citizenship to the point that minor, statistically invisible manipulations can determine election results by application of enormous sums to assure bipartisan tribalism so intense that political civility no longer exists, indeed the ability of political communication has become impossible. Fierce shoals for the good ship ‘Republic’ to founder on; all passengers, crew and treasure lost, a howling gale rendering sails into shreds, the captain’s voice unheard through a dementia of fear.

    A virus has rent the body politic irreversibly, a Rubicon has been crossed, no reversion is possible, a costly sacrifice has been burnt on the public high alter, the self appointed priests searching the entrails for guidance find no entrails to read but report imagined dooms to the fearful public, order obsequious obedience ingesting concocted palliatives to assure protection through magic invisible invincibility cloaks courteously the public purse, but one must completely believe in the magic for it to work. Seems P.T. Barnum underestimated the rate of birth for suckers.

    Assumptions taken that this time will not be different, that things will reset into conditions status quo ante are , as bending the popular phrase has it – NOT ‘highly likely’. Emotions and hurts are too deep and too deeply felt for facile rapprochement, enmities built will be hard to retract. Those excluded will not likely be welcomed back to former positions, Skills atrophy through disemployment; the higher the skill set the shorter the period needed for atrophy to occur, particularly in quickly evolving industries or high knowledge level required services. Once, when times were more stable, it would have been unthinkable for any government to tax gardens as a source of income, rebellion would certainly ensue. Given the state of the State, taxing gardens will happen because the State has the power to do so, and will do so. What then?

    As finance has developed the creation and control of revenue streams as their objective, that model will work for governments as well. The 1776 revolution was exactly built upon the fact that the power to tax was the power to destroy. That has not changed in the intervening period; only the subject being taxed has and the effect is a noticeable inequality in retained wealth – notice those who are being destroyed are congruous to who are bearing the tax burden.

    Most of the population is involved with procreation and raising the results thereof, little time is available for other pursuits outside of providing for a family’s needs, wants and desires, mostly through some form of labour. A few will have at their disposal some sort of estate devoted to some form of economic production such as farming, small business enterprises, working investments, professional services; all small scale. The industrialisation created large efficient economic entities, the nature necessitated, resulted in few controlling an industry – monopoly, or a few controlling the output of an industry – monopsony having the resources needed for large scale purchases (such as grain companies). Once finance companies serviced large industrial production benefitting all parties, but finance found greater profit in controlling production to obtain the revenue streams generated, and now look to create those revenue streams through innovative servicing, credit cards being an early example that drained revenue from banks. Finance companies had grown from a historical ~4% of the economy to over 40% of economic activity, obtaining everything not nailed down by prior possession of the economic privileged. This process was marked by centralisation of economic activities to fewer and fewer firms that grew in economic power, often exercised in the destruction of labour and the government that provided an equitable field for all parties. Once that was achieved, finance began an assault on government, first by usurping control of law enforcement, suborning the courts, and controlling regulatory authority. Having accomplished this, the legislative branch was neutered, and the executive branch was bought. Little remains of constitutional governmental power, little effective remains of the constitution itself, and the Republic has become a convenient myth clothed in democracy’s wardrobe, all brought to you curtesy of your friendly local ‘Law and Order’ folks and your sterling ‘Moral Majority’ who breached the separation of belief and State bulwarks to give the nations treasury to the most perfidious assortment of scoundrels and near-do-wells ever assembled. If you dream of displacing them peaceably at this stage, you need get some professional help. All institutions that once created and effected FDR’s ‘New Deal’ have beed suborned, bought, displaced or duplicated out of the revenue streams finance has created and finance is not going to give up their good thing for anyone.they cannot buy off – get yourself some other delusion.

    ‘What might be done?’ some will ask. The answer is multi-part: Withdraw consent, support; resist by word and deed; contest with fact and considered opinion; fight through non-violence, assertion, non-compliance and defence of historical prerogatives using every forum, streets, political forums, courts and every place that if nothing else puts sand into the machinery, plans and policies of the would be authoritarians. If not you – WHO?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2021 #90469
    Formerly T-Bear

    In Venice between the Doges Palace and the prison behind it is a bridge over a small canal, the Bridge of Sighs which has written over the Palace entrance the advice “Abandon hope all ye who enter here” such was justice then. Not much has changed since, the world is a much larger and more populated place than it was then, but the advice still holds well in another empire finding itself past the premonition of collapse.

    The political arts in that empire have developed means and methods to acutely divide the citizenship to the point that minor, statistically invisible manipulations can determine election results by application of enormous sums to assure bipartisan tribalism so intense that political civility no longer exists, indeed the ability of political communication has become impossible. Fierce shoals for the good ship ‘Republic’ to founder on; all passengers, crew and treasure lost, a howling gale rendering sails into shreds, the captain’s voice unheard through a dementia of fear.

    A virus has rent the body politic irreversibly, a Rubicon has been crossed, no reversion is possible, a costly sacrifice has been burnt on the public high alter, the self appointed priests searching the entrails for guidance find no entrails to read but report imagined dooms to the fearful public, order obsequious obedience ingesting concocted palliatives to assure protection through magic invisible invincibility cloaks courteously the public purse, but one must completely believe in the magic for it to work. Seems P.T. Barnum underestimated the rate of birth for suckers.

    Assumptions taken that this time will not be different, that things will reset into conditions status quo ante are , as bending the popular phrase has it – NOT ‘highly likely’. Emotions and hurts are too deep and too deeply felt for facile rapprochement, enmities built will be hard to retract. Those excluded will not likely be welcomed back to former positions, Skills atrophy through disemployment; the higher the skill set the shorter the period needed for atrophy to occur, particularly in quickly evolving industries or high knowledge level required services. Once, when times were more stable, it would have been unthinkable for any government to tax gardens as a source of income, rebellion would certainly ensue. Given the state of the State, taxing gardens will happen because the State has the power to do so, and will do so. What then?

    As finance has developed the creation and control of revenue streams as their objective, that model will work for governments as well. The 1776 revolution was exactly built upon the fact that the power to tax was the power to destroy. That has not changed in the intervening period; only the subject being taxed has and the effect is a noticeable inequality in retained wealth – notice those who are being destroyed are congruous to who are bearing the tax burden.

    Most of the population is involved with procreation and raising the results thereof, little time is available for other pursuits outside of providing for a family’s needs, wants and desires, mostly through some form of labour. A few will have at their disposal some sort of estate devoted to some form of economic production such as farming, small business enterprises, working investments, professional services; all small scale. The industrialisation created large efficient economic entities, the nature necessitated, resulted in few controlling an industry – monopoly, or a few controlling the output of an industry – monopsony having the resources needed for large scale purchases (such as grain companies). Once finance companies serviced large industrial production benefitting all parties, but finance found greater profit in controlling production to obtain the revenue streams generated, and now look to create those revenue streams through innovative servicing, credit cards being an early example that drained revenue from banks. Finance companies had grown from a historical ~4% of the economy to over 40% of economic activity, obtaining everything not nailed down by prior possession of the economic privileged. This process was marked by centralisation of economic activities to fewer and fewer firms that grew in economic power, often exercised in the destruction of labour and the government that provided an equitable field for all parties. Once that was achieved, finance began an assault on government, first by usurping control of law enforcement, suborning the courts, and controlling regulatory authority. Having accomplished this, the legislative branch was neutered, and the executive branch was bought. Little remains of constitutional governmental power, little effective remains of the constitution itself, and the Republic has become a convenient myth clothed in democracy’s wardrobe, all brought to you curtesy of your friendly local ‘Law and Order’ folks and your sterling ‘Moral Majority’ who breached the separation of belief and State bulwarks to give the nations treasury to the most perfidious assortment of scoundrels and near-do-wells ever assembled. If you dream of displacing them peaceably at this stage, you need get some professional help. All institutions that once created and effected FDR’s ‘New Deal’ have beed suborned, bought, displaced or duplicated out of the revenue streams finance has created and finance is not going to give up their good thing for anyone.they cannot buy off – get yourself some other delusion.

    ‘What might be done?’ some will ask. The answer is multi-part: Withdraw consent, support; resist by word and deed; contest with fact and considered opinion; fight through non-violence, assertion, non-compliance and defence of historical prerogatives using every forum, streets, political forums, courts and every place that if nothing else puts sand into the machinery, plans and policies of the would be authoritarians. If not you – WHO?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2021 #90087
    Formerly T-Bear

    Dr D at # 90049
    Superb essay; concise, focused, to the point. Nicely done.
    It does occur that you are giving the recently re-emerged SS_Triviality4EVA full credit for thinking up the malarky they present all by their very own. This cut and paste artist, for that is all they are, can only curate what others produce and does so without regard to the actuality of the subject to reality. This one has unlikely ever encountered a conspiracy theory they have not liked, and is always eager to share with all who will give them the time of day. Easy, don’t give their likes the time of day or even a glance; flyover territory for certain.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 14 2021 #89979
    Formerly T-Bear

    my parents said know at # 89976
    Simon Schama’s “The Embarrassment of Riches, An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age“, ISBN 0-394-51075-5 may reveal that answer in affirmative. Worth reading anyway; most Dutch wealth has its genesis from that period and still maintains its possession while realising the flowering of the renouned visual arts and artists. The Rijksmuseum has a fabulous world class collection.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2021 #89914
    Formerly T-Bear

    Oops! that was Veracious Poet; must be a fraudian slip.

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