Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 7 2021 #79086
    Dr. D

    “[Australia] Reaction? More lockdowns. Which have failed for 18 months now.”

    It’s interesting, because the less people resist, the harder it is. Let me see if I can rephrase that: when they come out and openly tangle, like the Baptist South has, they know what to do and just go after them with their open (information) arsenal. Meanwhile, in Fauciist Australia and Canada – the young lions of Tarsius – they’re like: “We’re all winning, let’s go further and drive it home: full Stalinism under Justin, Great Leader.”

    That’s their mental deficiency that they can’t stop: they always go too far. Ego, one, and narcissism that says they’re great geniuses and all the people are idiot cows who deserve to be slaughtered. Same as Elon says every car is pure magic, universal genius and does not actually burst into flames everywhere worldwide, mostly after heat-seeking any police or firetrucks in a 10-mile radius.

    So although they’re not wrong, and they’ve got an awful lot of buy-in in Oz and Canada, my reading is that O Canada’s about to pop. If ever they go over the edge, boom, that’s it, they’ll never get them back. Suddenly Canada will be collective resisters, not necessarily to the narrative, but to the actions of Fauciism and eternal martial law, as Justin says, with no more elections again, ever. ‘Coz “emergency”, “Reichstag fire”.

    We’ll see because that’s one of those chaos theory “tipping points” and you don’t cross the boundary until you do, but I think they’re awfully close to collectively snapping. Not against the virus, as I’ve said, but against the behaviour. Perhaps Oz is too.

    “Military Members Say They’ll “Quit” If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine (ZH)”

    Excuse me, but I didn’t know quitting was an option. I guess if they did, who would chase them down and arrest them? Themselves?

    “Dershowitz Predicts Charges Against Trump Org’s CFO Will Be Tossed (ZH)”

    Against who? Like I said, the one they focus on is the one with power. The one they ignore is without power. They ignore Biden. How do they not know this? This is Bernays 101. Goebbel’s favorite book, along with the other U.S. advertising textbooks. Where do you think he got it from?

    “The Wealth Effect Creates Wealth Disparity (WS)”

    Yes but only for 100 years, so let’s not be hasty.

    Just tell your sister to go to the tractor store in Oregon and buy some. It’s really easiest. And isn’t HCQ really a refined quinine? That’s always available as a daily support. There are even high-end drink mixers who are selling fresh, real distillations.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2021 #79021
    Dr. D

    ““Lambda Variant’s ‘Unusual’ Mutations May Make It Resistant to Vaccines: Researchers”

    So, say it with me kids! “Vaccines don’t work.”

    Answer? Do it MOAR! Science! When an experiment doesn’t work, you just didn’t do it hard enough!

    No wonder billionaires who can are leaving the planet. I would too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2021 #78999
    Dr. D

    Adding: “How” to make them waste time today? Actually, for a small fee you can file a lawsuit against them for any reason, regardless how stupid, and force them to defend it. Worse, they are legally required to HELP you, non-lawyer private citizen, press that suit. If it’s like CV or something, you just act the stoopid and say “Duh, wow, I didn’t know, but now that you TOLD me…” …I’ll file another, different suit. Since they spent $5k defending your first suit and are in gear, withdraw the suit and for $30 post a different, more helpful suit. I mean, you ARE a citizen, and it IS your right to ask, right? Can’t fault a guy for being patriotic and trying to ask.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2021 #78996
    Dr. D

    Winning! Most gun-free city in the U.S. has 96 shootings for 4th of July! It’s almost like criminals don’t obey the law! And it’s almost like honest people do and are completely defenseless. …With no help from the police who violently disarmed them. Hey, Black Lives Don’t Matter…in Chicago. There were 3,500 lynchings in all American history. At 100 a weekend, you’ll have more shot in one year in one city than all lynchings of all time. No one cares! Your facts mean nothing to me! We’re the greatest, #1, top, most caring, Progressive, bluest, most awesome ppls evah! We ain’t gonna stop now.

    Really? IF ONLY we could go back to the 19th century, some black people and neighborhoods might survive the Blue onslaught: Helping. That is, the worst racism of all, the real core of the Plantation mentality: they’re too ignorant, child-like, and incapable of handing their own affairs without Mommy and Daddy treating them as little children, caring oh-so-much, and helping. Meanwhile the people who believe all ‘races’ are sovereign people with free agency and responsibility, equals to all men, are the “racists”. As proven by the comparative LACK of black shootings in all the Red cities, supposed home of White Supremacism. You know, the one that was invented a day after Tuesday, and is so small there’s only one FBI agent remaining in his department since there are like 3,000 KKK members worldwide? More people are furries, are “waterkin”, or think the earth is flat than are W.S.

    The greatest threat to America is that half the nation is dangerously delusional and neither facts nor failures can shake them from it. While they’re chasing Jackalopes, an obvious fraud, Facebook is the undisputed largest site of child endangerment and trafficking. Hard to hear of the sound of their non-stop moralizing. And censoring. At the government’s specific direction. Against every know law, including the 1st Federal Law ever wrote. But hey, it’s Tuesday, so yes.

    “How clear is the bible on this?”

    Well, the word “Vaccine” is not in the Bible, so prettymuch “We make s—t up.” But how’s that different from every other day?

    Funny how the sin of “thinking of others” only appears when they want. How about “thinking of others” when you buy Chinese products made by slaves who have poisoned every river to the sea with rare-earth runoff? Nope! Doesn’t happen then, ask Apple. Reminds me of people who quote homosexuality is a sin. You know what else is a sin? Failing to testify against a wrong. Perjury. Adultery. Lying (that includes accounting fraud). Stealing. Dishonest weights and monies. Perverting justice in favor of the rich or connected. Reckless disregard for life. Jealousy for the rich. Abandoning your parents. Avarice. Failing to help the poor. That last one is given as the real sin of Sodom. “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Ezk 16:49 Sound familiar? Apparently when you do that, your cities burn. Familiar yet?

    So pretty much, “Whatever I say, whenever I say it, words mean anything I want them to, but only til I don’t.”

    Not to pick on them. That’s human nature worldwide. Which is why we need free speech to check each other.

    For barbed wire, the comment on F15’s is illuminating. They think that the F15s protect them from US? Hahahaha. They’re crippled and trapped by having to have billion-dollar bases PROTECTING those expensive, rotting assets. Meanwhile, all we have to do is nothing under the weight of their idiotic, unnecessary bankruptcy of fools. If they did the will of the people that would be no issue, but when they don’t, the F15s they can’t use ALSO mean they can’t send soldiers down to tell the PEOPLE what to do.

    So the barbed wire and the $1.2B AOC “Fund da Police” are the funniest thing ever. What did they get for it? Waste and mockery. Discrediting.

    This is like any war. The best possible thing is to make your enemy gear up, hump up, show up, and find no battle while you’re home eating hot dogs and watching their foolery on T.V. Their Jackalope hunt. It’s IMPOSSIBLE not to win under those conditions. You feint, they react. They HAVE to, since that’s the nature of their narcissistic mental illness. Trump tweets, they run in circles and poke their eyes out, writhing on the floor. More, please, more. How can I make them waste time and cry today? While I obey nothing?

    Speaking of, this is my lament about not getting the memo. Exactly, Trump created the jab, it’s a disaster of the first order, will kill everyone, and they’re FOR Trump and his initiative. A thousand compass needles on the ground, every one points in only one direction, including that one. But it’s an accident. Nobody’s up there, nobody has plans, there is no “Memo.” Everyone does the same thing telepathically. The King Jackalope Xenu telepathically reaches into their minds and using dianetics, has the archons direct the underwear gnomes to tell all the true Thetans which news stories or medical practices are real. …Why not? It makes more sense than what we ARE told.

    Here’s one though: If the Right is a cult, why do they overwhelmingly reject the recommendations their cult leader? Is that the action of a cult? A: Yes. In #OppositeLand, and that nation’s paper, the NY Times. Meanwhile people who attack all questions from anywhere, any time, and tell others not to seek information and sources or you’re evil (CNN) are NOT a cult. Of course. Because anything is true if it’s in my mind.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2021 #78991
    Dr. D

    That would be the single worst idea ever as aren’t eucalyptus uniquely and perpetually flammable? “Northern Hemisphere” is pretty big target though. I don’t think they’re going to take over Montreal and Newfoundland.

    Would that be the Moderna that couldn’t get their only product to market after 10 years of continuous failure and was at risk of going bankrupt if not for the Covid miracle? Now if only I could identify a motive…

    Hey, flashback! CovFeFe. Covid-19 Iron Iron. Months ahead. Made a major installment in having Kennedy cover vaccines. Instantly Kennedy became a Republican and a White Supremacist. Nobody knewd nothin’.

    Wiki page (yes really. Typos have a Wiki page while reality is ignored): ““Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’ ??? Enjoy!”[16] White House press secretary Sean Spicer implied later that day that the tweet was not a typo but rather intentional: “I think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2021 #78965
    Dr. D

    “a destabilizing de-risking”

    Yeah, who would want to have less risk? That’s just silly. And appropriately pricing and owning risk? Never. If the correct people openly knew and bought the risk voluntarily in an open market, that would be totally crazy. So crazy that if people could have voluntary action, it would be “destabilizing.”

    Yup, that’s it. …Or maybe just in a world where everything is NOT voluntary, all risks are lies, hidden, and mispriced, all losers are protected and all winners are punished, maybe then returning the world to normal, logical, and legal just might be “destabilizing.”


    Headed for $2 Trillion a day. Double sheesh. Is there any end to bailing out corrupt idiots by harming honest men?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2021 #78935
    Dr. D

    Wow, wonze upon a time, one’s pangolins escaped.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2021 #78934
    Dr. D

    “I might want to go the extra mile to be cautious enough to make sure that I get the extra added level of protection”

    He can still say this after releasing his own emails that said he’s medically certain masks don’t work.

    Talk about low-information voters!

    “HSBC in Big Trouble in its Biggest Market, China (WS) “

    Nah, all the Anglo banks are irrelevant now. The largest banks are in China. Just like the irrelevant, self-important Anglos themselves.

    “Two scientists who were fired and forcibly escorted from Winnipeg P4 laboratory”

    Nope. Never happened. Didn’t happen here! Didn’t come from a lab, and if it did it was in China. Yup yup yup. Just ask us! We’re the once who told you a bat kissed a pangolin. While not giggling hysterically. Don’t blow it now Winnepeg, we’ve got a $10T war going. 6B people gotta die.

    “Asymptomatic spread”

    Here’s one of those: Do we do fake medicine or do we tell the truth? moments. ALL diseases – essentially – do not have asymptomatic spread. Although a bioweapon may be an exception, this one wasn’t. However, ALL diseases CAN spread asymptomatically. What? How? In those super-rare cases, to a super-vulnerable person, there are exception conditions that allow asymptomatic spread. Is it MUCH? No, like way under 99.9%. Is it RELEVANT? Well it depends if it’s facial Ebola or not. Which we were worried about at first, but it wasn’t. See the problem? No simple answer. Does it? Technically yes, practically no. But we live in a practical world, not a theoretical one. “Except when there’s money or sex involved” –Frail Grasp of the Big Picture, The Eagles.

    Then: “$cience!™”, not science.

    Also in that: “Even if one of them was to read a newspaper cover to cover / that ain’t what’s going on – journalism’s dead and gone.”

    in reply to: The Great Big Delta Scare #78932
    Dr. D

    “The U.K., where half the population is fully vaccinated”

    The UK is only 50%? But the U.S. is more than that? Uh-huh. I smell a big pile of steamy goodness spread from sea to shining sea.

    “The USA is being bombarded with a Private/Government PsyOps campaign.”

    Did you really think we’d escape? Whatever is done elsewhere will eventually be done here. What is that, “no man is free unless everyone is”? (I think Thoreau). Yes, because if there’s a black man in the gutter, there has to be a white man in the gutter with him, holding him there. If your have bad men in prison, you have “free” men in prison too, as the guards. So don’t do it to others, and you won’t do it to yourself. Problem with nations is the time-delay. THEY got the benefits and dies happy, their children pay all the costs, so ha-ha.

    “the West is run by a rich cult that believes that there is no such thing as society.”

    Yes. And if ONLY Mammon were their god. You can see it in hundreds of their actions. They’re willing to take, cause, encourage ENORMOUS losses, the death of whole industries like CNN, to push their real religion, so it’s not “money” they’re after. That’s when there’s clearly profits – stunning opportunities, RIGHT THERE that they firebomb or make illegal to prevent profit from happening, delivering to the people what they actually want and not this trollop.

    “Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin may have agreed to end NATO’s Ukraine aggressions.”

    This was in Luango, I think. Quite subtle at this point, and work watching closely. Russia defeated the West again, and this time with a lot less casualties. All the deaths were on our side this time, self-inflicted on purpose.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 4 2021 #78928
    Dr. D

    TikTok vaccinate (starting 2:20)”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 4 2021 #78927
    Dr. D

    Rototiller: aw, it didn’t post. Maybe you could break the post so it can.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 4 2021 #78862
    Dr. D

    “He said government moves often lagged behind choices that individuals made to mitigate their risk”

    They’re missing something else, the main point: nobody obeyed the government recommendations anyway. Never do, never have, never will. We have a fake lockdown. Sure, people wore masks in blue states, compliance was over 80%. Things were shut, people stayed home and didn’t work. According to the high-view, there was compliance. NY, NJ, CT, MA, all the worst states – worse than Calcutta – did and got everything.

    Not only was WalMart open, with 300 people at a time, but people hove zero protocol, zero sterilization, just take off their mask as soon as they won’t get in trouble. Working on a road crew, or a plumber. Down to meet their dealer. Their two babes on the sly. Visit with others, if you’re a friend, you’re not infectious, you see! That’s rude. I’M not infected. So from this, you can see compliance only matters if people obey from the INSIDE, with logic. ‘Cause they will always pretend compliance on the outside. …But perhaps in your country there’s no drug use and no one speeds.

    Fantasy. But since everyone in power is incompetent, mentally ill, narcissistic mid-wits, they don’t realize that when they say things, NOBODY DOES THEM ANYWAY. They pretend to. But I’m sure there are no affairs at your church after the pastor warns against adultery. With children.

    The strangest part about this to me is not that the narcissists themselves are above every law and all their cronies are too and should know better about compliance, it’s that ALL humans do this ALWAYS, at every age, through all time, doing drugs and murders in Leavenworth, and they STILL can’t get it through their heads. It must be a deep-seated need not for control, because they clearly do not have that and never could, but the magical BELIEF of control. Over power-over. That you’re big and important and everybody obeys, even when you KNOW, you know, not even your wife and kids, not the mailman, NOBODY, actually does.

    So it’s all about the fantasy. The un-reality. And also that they don’t actually care if anyone DOES comply as long as it supports their delusion. That’s why it didn’t matter if WalMart was open with 300 people and the hardware store with 2 people was closed. Or if lockdowns worked, or didn’t work a whit as clearly shown in every blue state. Or if we had lockdowns AND intentionally, medically murdered 20,000 people then gave ourselves Fauci-medals of honor. That was never the point. The point was an expression of deep mental illness, psychosis, of denying, controlling reality. That’s also why liquor stores, casinos being open doesn’t trouble them at all, but someone questioning them – even while wearing a mask, or when writing a letter – goes for any arrest, prison, fine, POWER they can fabricate. Like that gym in NJ where the police went in and broke the sewer system of the whole complex rather than bring logical, legal, appropriate, and supported charges.

    And on it goes. Because the wider population is also so mentally ill, or so inured to the universal mental illness and abuse from their parent figures, that it no longer even occurs to them this should be unusual or counterproductive, fatal. It’s just “how things are.”

    That’s not the point. The point is POWER. That’s why they sabotaged an entire landlord’s mall complex, or drone-striked Polish priests in Canada. They’re mentally ill. But mentally ill in this particular way. They cannot tolerate the disruption in the entirely fake ILLUSION of control and like other mentally ill people, will lose their s—t, meltdown, and are capable of any action, regardless of how bizarre, irrational, or violent, if you interrupt their delusion. …Them, and most of the general population too. And how are you supposed to be the one-eyed king?

    San Francisco policy requires all staff to report their vaccination status”

    It’s a cultural purge, similar to the police and army. Get anyone who isn’t an unhinged psycho – or rather an unhinged psycho LIKE ME, with my religion – to quit, then either erase the force and replace with praetorians, or backfill with compliant anti-legal psychos. Pretty simple. They’re up to purging the army so we’re defenseless to ChinaCo, and Federalizing the police, which is a standard, given, necessary Fauccist move if you plan on trampling, rounding up and shooting everyone. Local sheriff ain’t gonna shoot his schoolteacher and brother-in-law, and we can’t have people who are reluctant to murder lounging around.

    This is the essential problem of Libertarian vs Authoritarian outlooks, or really of Aggressor vs Defender. Free peoples withdraw, don’t work in hierarchies, and avoid fighting if they can, while the other side obeys anyone, bug everyone, and can’t leave anyone alone while being in a dense, if small force that tries to kill anything that moves if it doesn’t obey, instantly and slavishly. And probably then too, as we’ve seen. The aggressor always has the initiative, so the question is, when do the defenders turn and defend, align, etc.? Takes a while, especially here, where if we get angry, we start Sherman’s march, then nuke people. So it’s wise to work slowly, even if it’s frustrating and antagonizing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 3 2021 #78812
    Dr. D

    “But the benefits still outweigh the risks, says the Irish health body. Who are these people?”

    Where do you think we’ll be when doctors are discredited and nobody does what they say anymore? Won’t take drugs, won’t finish the round, won’t go in to get checked. …A lot more deaths than Covid. It’s a win-win. Believe us and die; discredit us and die.

    Goes to show it’s a lot easier to break things than to build them. When your plans depend only on lies, chaos and destruction, it’s certainly easy to march forward. The alternative is a culture that believes in truth, work, and the sanctity of keeping your word. And with an “or else” With shame and hardship if you don’t. Nobody wants that. They wouldn’t be able to shave a dollar off their brother…while the top shaves 10,000 dollars off of them.

    Indonesia smashed records with “high of 539 fatalities”? AYFKM? They “smashed” it alright, as it’s so close to zero in a nation of 260 million that choking on shrimp is higher. Idiocracy. Some numbers or something. You said “math” and I passed out.

    Tracking, Censoring ““dangerous lies” Like the Wuhan lab leak, or don’t go to Chinese New Year’s Parades? Those kind of “disinformation”? I swear to God every human on earth will be dead before they discredit the one running around stabbing them with scissors.

    “Vatican In Push Against Vaccine Scepticism (RT)”

    Well Christians like it now, so vaccines must be BAD then, right CNN? I mean the Pope is hateful and discredited, right, so surrely whatever he says is wrong. So why is it again that no matter who contradicts whom, all narratives are always in the same direction? Coz this?

    “Sudden Shift In COVID-19 Lab Leak Narrative ‘Mysterious’: Bret Weinstein”

    Change is not the important part. The interesting part is, how did everyone know one Tuesday in June, that “We were never at war with Estasia. We were always at war with Eurasia.” One minute everyone was banned, AMA license removed, for stating the obvious. Next minute, everyone always knew and we had always discussed it. Okay, great: who’s giving the orders? How did every CNN, NYT, BBC reporter know within 6 hours to report the opposite of yesterday?

    “former Salk Institute researcher often credited with helping develop mRNA vaccine technology, has been suspended from LinkedIn,

    Trust the doctors. Whatever doctors Chad from YouTube, an Philippine intern with no medical experience tells you to. Chad is your doctor now. He says Dr. Lexus is da bomb, not epidemiologists from Duke and Cornell, or Dr. Malone the Salk Institute. CERTAINLY not Nobel Prize winners for Iv and PCR. Only Chad, who quotes Dr. Gates and Dorsey.

    “My first wife was ‘tarded, bro. She’s a pilot now.” For British Airways.

    To reach goals “the U.K. would need a 20% increase in UK-generated electricity,”

    Not if 20% of the people die from Delta vaccines, amirite? No grid, no resources, no food, no problem! Dr. Fauci fixed everything. He’s your Daddy, and daddy always loves you.

    “Biden Aide Charges “Sabotage” Of Harris (Axios)”

    I’m not surprised since she’s a maniac and a psychopath, but the news is that the news reported it. Blackout on 100% of everything. WWIII in the black sea, Hunter’s laptop, meetings of Biden with Hunter’s setups, China saying they’re taking Taiwan and building 100 ICBMs to do it, Joe being laughed and exposed worldwide at the meeting. Nope. But Harris was mean? That’s reported. Like Cuomo’s bad pickup lines vs 20,000 murdered with the rousing support of the AMA.

    The answer of course, is to make Pelosi President. Easy-peasy. Don’t say she didn’t tell you! Just a minute ago. Did you think she was kidding? Why would she be kidding?

    Assange: The rest of us turn 50 in isolation too. In worldwide martial law and the breaking of families over politics. You’re not next: you’re already in the soup. Stop lying and admit it.

    Now let’s go do something useful. Problem is, if I make anything useful, Idiocracy will steal it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2021 #78762
    Dr. D

    They sure make a mess in the meantime.

    That’s the problem with the moral, correct, defensive position. You can’t act until attacked, and most probably injured.

    Meanwhile at the FBI, they indict everyone: “FBI Investigation Implicates Entire World: ‘There Is None Righteous, No, Not One'” –BBee

    Why not? Not like they need evidence.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2021 #78757
    Dr. D

    “Face Masks Cause Children to Inhale Dangerous Levels of Carbon Dioxide (LDS)”

    As I was saying. O2 disease we cure by??? Reducing O2 as much as possible. Oh and enforcing no exercise with the weight of the state and full force of law. BTW, scientists researched it but it’s not science, cause it’s science and we said so. Trust Science, not Science.

    “the Capitol Hill “riot” could prove to be America’s Reichstag Fire – a fake attack, blamed on an invisible enemy and used to rush through restrictive legislation and emergency powers. A 9/11 sequel,”

    Absolutely. As OffG says, ANYBODY could have seen this coming, the slightest reading of the usual suspects would have told you. Here’s the thing though: it DIDN’T happen. Bombs all planted on camera didn’t go off. Crowd waved into the Rotunda by the police were polite and didn’t break anything. No one was armed. No police or security were killed or injured at all. Must drive them CRAZY. What’s a guy got to incite to get armed, toothless hillbillies to take a swing?


    Imagine if it DID. Imagine? Yes, then all their blowhard statements and measures would make sense. So as always happens with these things, THEY JUST PRETENDED IT DID. They printed their pre-written articles. They posted their photo-ops with Antifa, CNN-paid John Sullivan, and guys with a communist tattoo. They wrote police were killed like flies. They wrote they were “Overrun”, it was beyond a riot, an “insurrection”, that AOC was nearly killed 3 hours earlier and a mile away, that Trump incited it although it happened before he was done speaking a mile distant. They said 200 unarmed grandmas – who do indeed own weapons – decided to topple the entire U.S. Government by showing up unarmed, with no plan, no leadership, and going home having done nothing. Without F15s and nukes which you need to topple them. So they nearly toppled, ‘natch, ’cause A = A A ≠ A. Power creates reality. The only truth is power. There IS no truth, no God, only power.

    They said a lot of things. Point is, since THEY planned it, planted it — as we now know by the FBI records and who was charged, who was paid – they obviously set the stage with all the P.R. and subsequent laws. Since that DIDN’T happen, which is the funniest thing ever, they had no choice but to go forward with it and look like idiots, saps, and sissies every minute since. They have to, because they needed the barbed wire to keep out the expected Trump-Military takeover of the bad election. They had to because they needed to pass these unconstitutional fascist laws. They had to so they could keep it going and spark that American Civil War.

    Since that’s your enemy’s plan, what happens if you just don’t show up? Take a break? Go golfing like General Washington? I can’t say it’s a pure win, but any day you keep the open civil war off is a day you win and prevent China — and Biden/Millie — from winning their plan of erasing the U.S.

    So the point is, once you see this , it’s transparent that THEIR side pre-planned and pre-set it all. Because then they had no plan but complete hysterical make-believe in 1/6. That lands tone-deaf on the whole nation, and seems off-kilter even to your own base.

    Control the time and you control the war. Ask the Viet Cong.

    So for their point, yes, because of their position, and unexpectedly having Joe IN instead of complaining of being a victim — their version of a prophet, saint, and god — to spark that war, the increasingly small, powerless, shrill minority now has as their enemy not the hillbillies, not the far larger GOP, not the tiny remaining anti-war Left, but EVERYBODY. Their enemy is: everyone in America that isn’t them. All 300 million who won’t “Do what they’re told.”

    Okey-dokey. How long do you think THAT can last? I mean you got AOC to sign up with McConnell and Pelosi, but you really think your own party is going to tolerate an attack on Democratic Socialists and Bernie Bros? Anyone who’s slightly anti-oligarch and anti-war? Uh, no. Not even that.

    “The Self-Made Billionaire Who Is Sacrificing It All For God (Fed.)”

    Yes, Hong Kong is exactly how hard the Anglos will fight for Taiwan. That is, they go in, reveal and expose all dissenters, so the CCP can name and kill them when they take over. Good job, Brownie. Never trust the Anglos, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy in the universe.”

    CA killin’ all the folks. Power’s out again, and will be all summer. Green Deal win-win. First spend billions and bomb the planet, knock down mountains to put in (un)green power. Next, kill every grandma on CPAP machines and needing A/C back home. Fewer people = “Good for the planet, Good for the profits.™”

    More CA successes: “NBC News Crew Held At Gunpoint During Interview With Oakland Violence Prevention Chief.”

    AOC says it’s a myth. Don’t be hysterical. That crime has doubled in her district.

    Psaki says it’s only Republicans who defund the police…except for 100% of cities who did it, that are all DNC. …And for 50 years. I don’t mean to be cruel, but what can I do? NOT say it? It’s the truth. Excluding those 12 cities, U.S. gun crime is the same and nations with no guns at all.

    “Ohio Judge Makes COVID Vaccination Condition of Probation”

    Another war criminal, but the nation is so chock-full of them, no one notices. Like RobinHood. Only JUST got busted for insider trading, lying on contracts, lying in executive statements, fraud on their customers, allowing them only to buy and sell what RH allows, naked trades meaning they are a bucket-shop not actually trading shares, paid a fine. …Next day, IPO. SEC is all into that. Probably RH is the LEAST corrupt brokerage on the Street, so that might actually make sense. Clearly I need to embezzle a couple mil from a brokerage then use the cash to IPO, since that’s legal now. Then back-hire the regulators from the SEC. Live, from the Land of the Lost.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2021 #78756
    Dr. D

    Bill: There are in fact Covid indicators. Hospitals and ICUs were actually overrun — probably in Fauci states — and not just with screening delays and 2nd effects. Here’s the thing though: suppose you have an ICU of 100 beds. Generally that’s tuned to run 80-90% capacity. That’s 20 beds open (or not really “open”, but people whom it’s even possible to shift to lesser wards). So 20 severe cases in an area maybe 1-2h drive, as hospitals are spaced, would overwhelm the hospitals. Needless to say it was more than that. But put that way, doesn’t sound like a crisis or an epidemic, does it? Sounds like the state voluntarily shut a lot of hospitals to keep up profits, while reducing the flexibility of the remaining wards and assets.

    At the same time, they shut off the screenings and surgeries of everybody else. But those cancers and heart attacks happen at home, so who cares? If we don’t count them, they’re not dead. Of course, that’s all based on encouraging terrible, terrible health, no exercise, overweight, no Vitamin D, Type II Diabetes, and so on for +60 years. But profits are LOST if that’s fixed. Answer? LESS exercise, Vitamin D, less O2, while sitting at home on the couch next to the fridge. Science!

    Now that we’re out, or had a break, did they say, “Hey, weight and health is the #1 risk factor, outpacing everything else by multiples, get out there and improve your health before fall flu season”? Not on your life! Cuz that’s Science!

    Hippocratic Oath: “We only give pills. Otherwise, f–k off!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2021 #78709
    Dr. D

    * Sounds ironic coming from me.

    ** The “cool cats” who strictly practical, “roll with it”, and don’t get involved. Are Wall Street. It doesn’t matter how wrong; My family will be better off if I PARTICIPATE, then use the money to buy gold and a bunker in Idaho. …Which are in record-sales along with guns, btw.

    No. No, you’re not. That’s not safer and there’s no safety in ‘money’ when the dogs of war ride and there’s no property rights, you fools. Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — fight for these things.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2021 #78708
    Dr. D

    CJ Hopkins on “War on Reality” https://consentfactory.org/2021/06/29/the-war-on-reality/

    Good news is, every “War on” they’ve had they’ve lost almost instantly. And there’s a lot in there. But I keep searching for a quote once, I think pre-WWII I thought was really common, but can’t find.

    “The War on Reality is not an attempt to replace reality with a fake reality. Or it is that, but that is only one part of it. Its real goal is to render reality arbitrary, to strip it of its epistemological authority, to turn it into a “floating signifier,” a word that has no objective [truth].

    Imagine if what determined reality was actually just a question of power rather than facts.”

    This was the lost quote’s point. Hopkins has it exactly. They’re not “losing”; the narrative doesn’t have “holes”: no one has “escaped”: the narrative is specifically paid and encouraged to contradict. So we’ll fight each other, which is super-funny, yes, but also so THERE IS NO REALITY. The quote said, before the war, the height of super-cool was to believe one’s self so elite, so cynical, so jaded, that it was just taken for granted that any hard-boiled Sam Spade believed in nothing at all. There was nothing to believe in. Like Hemingway and the “Lost Generation” believing in anything, fighting for anything was for saps and fools.

    This was the overall drift of the smart-and-able people in Europe. Fight to defend France? Why bother? What’s the difference between one stupid oligarchic king’s court in Paris and another in Berlin? While the idealists – and in fact BECAUSE of the nihilistic cynicism of the “Smart Set” – turned to an equally-destructive Communism. Sound familiar?

    So when the war came, they were helpless, didn’t lift a finger. …Until suddenly all at once they realized. O M G, what are we saying??? There are INDEED things to fight for. Reasons to live. Things that are necessary. Heroism that exists. Horrors that must be opposed. Too late! And the hopeless saps and hillbillies from those idiotic small churches and towns in America had to come to restore order from the outside. Oops.

    Creating 100 idiotic, mostly-wrong ideologies is just softening them up. For “invasion” and murder and colonization and extraction.

    “Imagine if what determined reality was actually just a question of power rather than facts.”

    So you’ll obey POWER, not yourself, not reason, not reality. “How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?” A: It doesn’t matter. Whatever you say. Or put another way, “The Law is in my mouth.” That’s why CRT, AntiFa, etc exists and why they work hard but not as successfully on the Proud Boys, trying to wrest them away with their FBI informant and channel them into a prefabricated script. If you resist being killed, we’ll kill you anyway but call you a racist too. It’s required to have the brownshirts, or in this case, blackshirts, out there on the street, protected by all major city D.A.s. That REALITY is there. The only way to cover a crime that big – just like 1939 – is with a BIGGER lie, division, and constant confusion. Specifically planned, paid, engineered, and daily defended.

    And the point is TO BREAK RESISTANCE. To break you. Into complete compliance. Compliance to whatever — That’s why it doesn’t matter the specifics. The point is to make it so illogical, so pointless, so chaotic, you submit to anything. The Iron Order comes later. …Also when you demand it from THEM rather than creating it YOURSELF. It’s an old, old plan, at least as old as October ’19. It works. Why change it?

    The point is jaded nihilists, and chaotic irrationality. What did you think the horseman would ride as? Truth? Order? Those are his enemies. Obviously as lies and the absence of reason, the end of cause and effect. So that the only logic is POWER. The cool cats, the practical people just live with it, roll with it, don’t resist on some boring, idiotic dead-white “principles” like human rights.

    Don’t do it. As that man discovered after 1939, there IS reason, there is goodness, and there are things worth fighting, or even dying for. That’s the nature of the universe itself, and cannot be suspended. In the end, when the enemy is spent, order, reason, cause and effect return, wash over them, and are go on.

    Certainly been a long time though. The more (oil) energy you have to waste, the longer it takes for reality to prevail. “Oil is liquid hegemonic power.” …And what did Stoneleigh mean by ‘power’? Power is not a gun, it’s enforcing your WILL. …And why would you do that, ever? If things are going your way, you’d just wait. Only if it’s against the WAY, the way things wanted to go if you didn’t use outside energy to (violently) force your will. That is, to oppose reality.

    Liquid hegemonic power is being used up. It’s stopping. What’s next?

    A: to dissolve. Re-localize. While they attempt to use the remaining small power to enforce their central will.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2021 #78703
    Dr. D

    “How do we go from here to trusting anything they say or do anymore?”

    This is why I hammer Science so hard. Okay, if they are illogical, untrustworthy, and actively harmful-for-hire, what’s the alternative? If they can’t clean up their act, millions more will die than even caused by them, hard as it is to believe. We’re doing what? WebMD diagnosis and homeopathic care? Or is it $1,000/hr — a month’s rent — for the most basic tests?

    “I honestly mean this: I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science. Science has in many ways helped ease the suffering of this pandemic…which was caused by science.” — Jon Stewart, 2021 (also Mary Shelly, 1818)

    If they don’t clean themselves up: the Dark Ages, essentially. China will find us easy pickings when Americans live in bark huts and caves. Don’t.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2021 #78644
    Dr. D

    It has been suggested that is due to brain problems from the vaccine. I hope not. It’s early to tell, but that’s what you would see.

    Suppose it is true: apart from the obvious, you now have no heavy-machine operators, doctors, and as we know, no pilots. Taiwan has no Air Force. You have no air-lifted kiwis from Zealand, but also no medicines perhaps. DHL takes twice as long. Your lawyer screws your inheritance. You get rear-ended on the way home. …Getting the idea?

    Life would change. Now, and permanently.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2021 #78640
    Dr. D

    Remember kids! All hyperinflation is transitory.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2021 #78638
    Dr. D

    $1 Trillion in repo. Someone noticed.


    After my own heart.

    The “zero” key didn’t break yet, though. There’s a lot more zeros everyone can add. And won’t they be rich then?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2021 #78614
    Dr. D

    “Before it’s News” yesterday. A suspect source, but you don’t have to credit Cahill for nothing. All she’s doing is reading the 10 years of mRNA research to you. It causes exactly this, which is why it couldn’t get approved and isn’t now. I appreciate any expert stating the obvious as a nice change of pace, but it means she’s “Literate.” …Here’s the problem: even as a top doctor, with other top doctors, quoting 10 years of Moderna’s own research, she’s still considered an “unhinged conspiracy theorist.” “Believe the Science, believe the doctors.” Which ones? “The ones we say, of course. Believe the doctors, not the doctors. The doctors know, unlike the doctors.

    Now why are the people confused? Who cares? Their confusion in the ranks allows us to kill them by the millions. Te he.

    “Covid vaccines has now registered almost 6,000 deaths, just in the first five months. Compare this to 2019, when there were only 605 deaths reported in the whole year, for all vaccines combined. That’s more than an order of magnitude increase.”

    Don’t look at the VERS report, look at the VERS report! Can’t you see it’s safe? Science!

    “Yes, I have been locked out of Linked In and my account has been shut down.” Robert W Malone, MD

    Trust the doctors. And they’re not speaking out. Gee I wonder why. LinkedIn is your doctor now. Chad at Facebook makes your medical decisions.

    “being obese was associated with nearly ALL the risk that Covid would lead to intensive care or death “”

    Ouch. Suggestion: is obesity mostly a disease of inflammation?

    “The BIGGE$T Lie -Perhaps Ever (Kamen)”

    While I despair anything can break through – even Deagle’s death of 200 million, door-to-door leaving 200m business cards – something like this is their Chernobyl. WHY or why did it take any Chernobyl to discredit the USSR? What on earth could that add? Besides, I figure it was a western paid attack as sometimes suggested. But it’s pretty widely felt that it is. Humans would rather die than change. Hello? TIME is change. “Time is One d—-d thing after another.” Their sole enemy: reality itself.

    Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.”

    That is, it’s the new Soviet Union, and just as equitable. But they told you all along, every day. Surprise!

    “emergency use authorization, which is a rigorous process that includes clinical trials.”

    Hahahahahaaha! Except for the part where it’s the OPPOSITE. #OppositeLand. If we said it, it’s false. If it’s Health, it kills you. Since in #OppositeLand, reporters are both uncurious and illiterate, they didn’t look. Then the readers didn’t read, and the fact-checkers didn’t check.

    “immunity might last years, possibly a lifetime”

    Which is why we never, ever, EVER allow antibody tests. EVER.

    mirrored natural mortality, and that didn’t drastically increase historical death rates, but was nonetheless totally apocalyptic.”

    This is one of those “despair” moments. If anyone told you, if they said they wouldn’t even have to try, you’d say there’d be overwhelming resistance. Ha. Ha. Ha. No resistance. The only resistance is TO the truth in DEFENSE of billionaire multi-national corporations that kill a hundred thousand a year for 50 years, and nations that attack 7 brown nations with banned weapons against all international law and kill 6 million people. But Robbie on the corner who wants more vaccine data, he’s the dangerous, untrustworthy one. DOCTOR Robbie, M.D.

    “Votes: How many of these over the past 5-6 years?”

    All of them. None of the Congressmen, Governors, or Presidents or D.A.s were actually elected. Nobody ever supported their policies. It was all a fraud. I mean, obviously. If voting worked, it’d be illegal.

    “majority of non-profits are looted by their own management”

    Because the credible, well-meaning supporters (employees AND donors) are all as gullible as fish and twice as trusting. “Daddy would never do that. He almost won a Nobel Prize for child protection.” Yeah, you had me at “Nobel Prize.” Since 2008 that means he’s a mass-murderer. You’d think they’d notice. Try, TRY to have the normal suspicion and cross-checking of a five-year-old. Try.

    Yes, as you say, it was well and specifically engineered. But it takes us abdicating all duty and honor for it to work.

    Toxic Corporations are Destroying the Planet’s Soil (CP)”

    You have bigger problems. Okay, but these products are the only thing that allow large-area monoculture, like tens of square miles. If you want to re-create soil health and get anything but scrub, you’d have to add totally inefficient animal husbandry and human-scale tilling. That means no mega-farms, they’d have to shrink from the size of townships to 200 acres. And still have lower yields. (excluding inputs, which is not a fair comparison. Inputs (aka ‘profits) are so high you’re not far from breakeven when you remove them)

    So how are you planning to undo 140 years of land use? Put up the log cabins and barns you knocked down, re-install the hedgerows? What? Re-create local and regional markets? Quadruple food prices when most of the nation is urban? Uh-huh.

    Ya done f’d up now! God himself cannot help you from your stupidity. Based on selfishness.

    I say extradite Assange, put him before Congress under oath and book 120 hours of CSPAN time. Have a party!

    “Supreme Court Leaves Eviction Moratorium Intact as Roberts and Kavanaugh Join Liberals”

    As the Supreme Court is illiterate. But we knew that. And Roberts and Kavanaugh are pro-state, therefore anti-conservative. But we knew that. Roberts was put in for Bush because he believed in an unlimited, dictatorial Executive. Illiterate.

    “No State shall … pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.”

    Yeah, they’ve done all the other things in Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 too. Ex Post Facto? All the time, but a bit fuzzy, to change tax rates most of the way through the year, Mr. Biden.

    “Arizona’s Maricopa County Will Replace All Voting Machines After Audit”

    They cleaned the voting machines, so obviously they immediately swapped them. Executive. While Elections are the sole prerogative of the LEGISLATURE. STATE Legislatures. The executive constantly overrides this, did so in multiple states, it’s openly unconstitutional, probably stole a country and their nukes, and no one is arrested.

    Justice Thomas says “..the current federal policy on marijuana as “a half-in, half-out regime that simultaneously tolerates and forbids local use of marijuana.”

    Yup, because it’s LEGAL for all our friends and golfing buddies, and ILLEGAL if you’re poor or give me any lip. “The Law is in My Mouth.” It’s a “Friends and family” plan. Hunter is family, duh.

    Law = Law. Law = Not Law. #Logic! Hell is the absence of reason.

    “WH Press Secretary Blames Republicans for Defunding Police”

    Yeah I remember when that never happened. I’m not great on the police, but clearly one of the faults of the GOP is that they support them not-absolutely, not blindly, but nigh-unto. But now it’s the Opposite.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2021 #78571
    Dr. D

    I believe Hopkins is an American, but he lives exclusively in Germany. So his description is of daily life there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2021 #78569
    Dr. D

    Thinking: Okay, yes, if you had Covid, your body attacks itself, but if you DIDN’T have Covid, it attacks itself too. Clarify: the body with antibodies is primed to attack, while the fresh body has to start creating the very first Spike, THEN attacks that first Spike with a first antibody, which happens slower. This is key, cytokine-storm style. That may or may not be an advantage, my impression is being a fresh patient is better. …Symptomwise.

    Obviously, it would seem native immunity is superior, not just for SARS, nor for anti-body tests, which they refuse to make/try/study or /do, but because it recognizes all (probable) variants. So natural immunity is Delta-immune too. They are going to try to create the opposite impression, lying to protect the vax and blame the unvaxxed for being the host reservoir for a disease the vaccine should have made them immune to if it worked at all to begin with. Also can’t be true because there was essentially no time to create a better variant. Delta claims to exist, what 2 months after vax? And it’s also barely different?

    Next: According to themselves, not ONLY does it have no Delta immunity, but no base immunity either. 50% of vaccinated get Covid anyway. (U.K. reports)

    According to themselves, that immunity has near-zero duration. They want a booster at 2 weeks and 6 months, possibly forever. Since the mRNA under their science will only about wear off by then (in theory only, cells disposed and no longer making spikes), they’re saying it does not protect you.

    Essentially: IT’S NOT A VACCINE.

    I conceded for no special reason that even though most present vaccines are not whole, weakened viruses (the Sinovax is exception) but are experimental RNA therapies, by function they are vaccines. That is, they are meant to create a long-term immunity from a certain disease.

    However, that’s wrong, isn’t it? It has NO “long-term” protection: it has short-term protection only. If you must re-take every 6 months, or possibly 100 more doses before death starting age 20. Worse, it has no immunity at all since U.K., Israel, and Seychelles show higher cases immunized than in vaccine-free zones. While you’re supposed to “get it” – just with no symptoms – almost certainly they are finding worse symptoms than the unvaccinated. First, I think the hospital numbers show a 50% split as well. Second, why would vaccinated people be getting tests if they had no symptoms? The numbers would be strongly skewed toward the unvaccinated (who would suspect they might have it), and they’re not. If anything, it’s the other way.

    A little messy. Thoughts?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2021 #78555
    Dr. D

    Madam: as understood, Covid’s closest relative, SARS, has +10 year immunity. Period. There’s every reason to think CV will as well, but they won’t look. Not just a useless, paid-for add-on, it seems anecdotally that if you had it and get the vaccine you get a much worse reaction, as your body, making spike, attacks ITSELF. Which is obvious, of course. Totally obvious. It’s clear malpractice to give a vaccine you don’t need even if it didn’t, but when it certain WILL… This is some component of the complex range of bad reaction no one is having. Nope, not at all.

    I’m guessing some of the other messiness is the vaccines are not at all the same, even from the same manufacturer. As “experimental” they can change the formula, put anything in them, Arsenic and old lace, Covid itself, or tap water. Although none of those would shock me, think maybe different flavors of lipid-wrap plus flavors of the nano-iron. J&J then looks for the medical record Rorschach pattern and gets 150 million free lab rats, killing some 10% that get the wrong combo, while being able to tell the press “Look! It’s safe, it killed hardly anyone! Only 30x all 70 other vaccines combined!” Yes, but that sub-vaccine you cooked up killed 90% of the takers, and you hid the bodies in the noise like any good serial killer.

    Point: Get a test if you’re going to try it. If you had Covid, 1) you won’t need vaccine 2) very likely have terrible reaction that can’t be calmed down. What say the doctors?

    Speaking of Capitalism: 49 states, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma are going to pay California for all the COVID back-rents. …To Landlords, of course. So FROM the poorest, TO the richest! Capitalism! The American Way!

    Oh and both halves totally illegal, as they are prohibited from interfering in private contracts. ALSO illegal as the CDC is an advisory board with no legislative or executive power. ALSO not “from each according to his ability” but the OPPOSITE.

    Remember, if you believe in Federal law, you’re a terrorist! If you even DISCUSS it, you’re a terrorist. Says the FBI, and they sure don’t follow any law.

    Legal, ethical Neo/Con/Lib/Feudalists always take from the poor and give to the rich. Now why you guys in Gary, Indiana so mad? Don’t you know hundred-millionaires in Oakland need your cash?

    “a city that has sadly been named Murder Capital of the Country”

    https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2017/09/22/tully-dont-dismiss-gary-indianas-amazon-dreams/685009001/ (article begging Bezos and Amazon instead of arresting them for tax fraud and anti-trust)

    “Learn to code.” “If they’re too dumb to rent a U-haul”… “Bitter Clingers” If they’re so smart, why ain’t they rich like California is? ..You’re gonna say “Wall Street” again, aren’t you?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2021 #78542
    Dr. D

    Vaccines stand guard? They haven’t even got everyone on the first one before the very first, weakest variant wipes every vaccine and their hosts out. We didn’t even have TIME for VDB’s selective evolution to happen. First horse out the gate kills. Just liek 10 years of research proved.

    Day 200 of “Vaccines don’t work”. No one notices. They fight to the death.

    “I’m waiting for reports of the first stonings of the unvaxxed.”

    They shot and stabbed people who didn’t mask, does that count? Speaking of shooting people:

    “”Just Another Summer Weekend of Mayhem”: 77 Shot in Chicago as Understaffed PD Braces for July 4th”

    Black Lives Don’t Matter. No interest, no coverage, no marches. They’re perfectly happy. Chief, Mayor, right up to the President. Everything good here!

    How many were registered? How many with an AR? I won’t even look: Zero. Prove me wrong. How many in Laramie and Haskell, Arkansas? Zero. But it’s their fault, those mean rural people who have no gun crime: get ‘em! They made Chicago do it with their stupid hats. Remove their rights! So we in Chicago and the 12 cities can keep shooting 77 a day in gun-free zones for another 100 years.

    Day 174 the FBI has no idea who planted the bombs on 100 cameras in D.C., nor have any idea who opened the KYC Coinbase account for the Colonial Pipeline. American Heroes. Stunning and Brave. Now why do we get suspicious? Just because 0% of white-collar crimes are arrested and 100% of mass crimes the FBI interviewed them ahead of time, even according to the NY Times? Huh. Honest mistake I’m sure.

    Entire article on LYING. https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-books-are-already-burning

    Baris Weiss (NY Times) discusses the ACLU, aka “book-burning central” “Fahrenheit 451”, and the Left (unfortunately) that all privately write “Keep fighting! We all agree!” while also saying, as yesterday’s scientists “We all know it’s totally irrational, illogical, illegal, immoral, and violent, but I just CAN’T tell the truth and admit 95% of us Leftists ALSO agree with you.” Presidential campaigners, Professors, Doctors, I just CAN’T tell the truth – ever – but must live in fear because: smaller house and car, you understand! No Peloton and scuba vacations!

    So 5% of the nation bullies 95% who DO NOTHING. Good men do nothing. Daddy, tell me about Germany again? Tell me about the USSR where the Great Leader told families to snitch on each other, where the slightest variation in belief was “Domestic terrorism” punished violently, outside the law, using the paid psychological industry, just as Joe NeoLib says yesterday not only 75M Trump voters, not only anyone who believes in Federal Law, but also all SOCIALISTS are domestic terrorists. (And people who AREN’T religious for some reason, although they act the opposite. Was going to go into the quote but, open mouth: all lies, why bother?)

    “The fear these silent supporters express is rational. Even the most ordinary comments can get you branded as persona non grata, some flavor of ‘phobe’ or ‘ist.’ Hardly a week goes by without a story of some professor being reprimanded, a starlet losing a job, or a young reality TV figure abjectly apologizing for something he said that was completely obvious and true. Others have faced more profound threats — parents to the custody of their children, journalists and even editors of scientific journals to their physical safety. People I respect have lost livelihoods and marriages.

    And so, for over a year, I responded to those silent supporters with thanks and reassurance. You don’t have to speak out, just send me your documents — I will expose it for you. No need to stand up for me publicly, just tell me what you know. For a while, this seemed a decent bargain.

    But then, a few months ago, … The standard response didn’t cut it this time. I wrote back as politely as I could: That’s just not good enough. You are a doctor. We aren’t the same with regard to medical scandals. I can continue to seek and publish the truth. I can interview experts and report what they’ve said. But you can appeal to your own authority. You took a Hippocratic oath…”

    But that means nothing. Life, death, their sacred oath, their honor, logic, truth, reality, mean nothing. Only fear. And I’m supposed to support raw, craven cowardice? Reckless disregard for human life that leads to mass incarcerations and deaths everywhere? Cowardice is a vice for reason, you know. Life ends if you succumb to it.

    “what keeps them from speaking up in the face of what they know is wrong is fear. Fear not primarily of unemployment, though that is a pressing concern, but fear of ostracism.”

    Oh noes. Ostracism of violent liars, thieves, and craven cowards. How will I survive without the constant approval of felons and the mentally ill? “The pain is real” she says, as I said yesterday. However tiny a microaggression if it’s the first time you’ve lifted a finger, eaten solid food, taken a step toward being an adult, it IS hard. The pain is just as real as for any general or Assange lifting far more. But you just have to do it. Maturity is nothing people want, but it’s part of the implicate order that is the basis of the universe.

    Evil works against that, the “Implicate Order,” the “Logos,” the “Tao”. That’s why it’s “evil.”

    Book-burning ACLU defending BLM members burning more black blocks than the KKK, claiming to be the goodies? Evil. And it’s not that hard to tell. If you’re on the side of billionaires and MN Corporations, the FBI, government, the side of burning, wrecking, accusing, with rules that say “everything I do is good by definition, by any means necessary, regardless how harmful or wrong”, if it’s the broad and easy way…pretty sure it’s going to be evil. Good will be hard and narrow, hidden, uncertain, unpraised work.

    From Day’s link, Smith keeps stating the needed obvious. https://www.oftwominds.com/blogjune21/expedient-saves6-21.html

    “Greece Offers Youngsters 150 Euros to Get Vaccinated (K.)”

    Why doesn’t Greece offer cash to drink Coke or buy Exxon? A: they do. Fascism is worldwide.

    Why Giuliani’s Suspension Should Worry All Lawyers (Turley)”

    Why not? We’ve already thrown out 1,000 years of law in the Magna Charta, and lawyer-client privilege. McCarthy and the Red Scare got nothing on us. So. Proud.

    “Defense stocks took off like a rocket when Biden was elected, now up 40%.”

    Stunning and Brave. Our President. The one who now says BOTH Trump voters AND Progressives are Domestic Terrorists. …Thus where they plan to drop the 40% bombs shortly. On Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, Lee Camp, and now probably Jon Stewart. AOC got on the right side of history and is Pelosi’s adopted daughter now, a 3-way love child with John McCain and Ted Cruz. They fight for YOU by having no $15/hr, NO M4A, and pro-corporation, pro-war as far as the eye can see. But she got that tax break for the student loan forgiveness you’ll never actually get, so you got that goin’ for ya.

    What was I saying? Fascism is worldwide. That’s what happens when a Protected, Private Monopoly on money combines with government to print $1 Trillion a night for the world’s richest and can’t give a second check for $400 for the lowest people who lost 25% of income due to the same said private, protected monopoly paid entirely by government…this time the medical ones.

    Freedom! Capitalism! Ain’t it grand?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2021 #78541
    Dr. D

    “Bitcoin is “created” by supercomputers that only those who are already generously endowed by the current system will ever be able to possess.”

    Profoundly, and thankfully, this isn’t true. Any PC can hold a Bitcoin, although it would be luck indeed to mine one in these last exponential days before BTC mining is closed forever. You could mine many others with any PC though. You can hold one on a piece of paper. Nor can quantum supercomputers crack wallets. They can, of course, but it would take a month of setup on a hundred-million dollar rig to crack just one wallet. So since you shouldn’t hyper-concentrate your assets anyway – the point of the experiment was distribution – the gummint can’t steal your wallet. Unless you’re John McAfee, in which case they’ll just arrest you on fake charges, hit you with a $2 wrench, and take it anyway.

    So go here, print a wallet and download $5 bucks to paper. https://bitcoinpaperwallet.com
    /bitcoinpaperwallet/generate-wallet.html?design=alt-litecoin See? No supercomputers.

    Ezlxa1949, does that mean when this all comes out Oz will be twice as discredited? Or is it “You can deceive a man far easier than you can make him believe he’s been deceived”?

    Same question for Aspnaz. Will Simpletons ever turn? I realize this: like Idiocracy, what we have is the same number of ignorant people, but they are FAR MORE CONFIDENT. Filled with certainty, like Yeats. They are discussing with people who have educated themselves, as I say, “Are simply literate” and it’s not an equal playing field. Hundreds of hours of research, study, and the ignorant – and Doctors – just say, “no it isn’t.” Did you read anything? “No, but I’m more certain because I did NOT read. The most certain of all actually, and by NOT reading, I can determine your facts are wrong and you’re crazy. Now go away or I shall taunt thee a second time.” There’s a name for this I’ve forgotten, but how did the ignorant get so much more confident and resistant than usual? Appeal to (government, media, and expert) authority? As Idiocracy would say: Not Sure.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2021 #78474
    Dr. D

    “The Delta Variant Will Cause ‘Very Dense Outbreaks’ in These Five states, Expert Says” -CNN

    …Say the people who said Florida was terrible, Sweden would cease to exist, and opening Texas would kill millions, who said NY was best and restaurants were the main spread in Tennessee. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Want to bet $500? Or just flap your gums and be totally, deadly wrong again?

    In the article: “Fortunately, evidence so far points to the US being equipped with powerful tools to protect against the Delta variant’s spread.”

    WRONG! Again, this is AFTER they already known for weeks that vaccines have no help against anything Delta in UK and Israel. It’s easy to be wrong when it doesn’t cost you anything. The wronger you are, the more-er you get paid. So really you’re on contract per-death-caused.

    Yummy yummy dead people. A CNN favorite. Just follow Joy Reid’s recent call that “It’s Team Red who’s defunding the police! Team Red wants to end the military!” Huh? Da fuq? Yes, as a call to action for Team Blue to double-down on police and military budgets, support bombing brown people in Syria and Yemen. Pro-war, all day, every day. This message is Raytheon-sponsored, Raytheon-ready. We’re in a live-action death cult, moving fast. Can no one get an Operation Valkyrie in here and get back control of this plane?

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. If they said it, it’s wrong, it’s a lie. It kills people. YOU. This is what happens when you have no consequences. This is what happens when you don’t discredit lies. Tell the truth. What was last week’s article “We scientists all knew it was a lab leak but we lied for a year because Orange Man said p—-y?” So you lied and got people killed, then slept like a baby, safe in your lies. Got it. Stop lying. The immune system of the nation, the rock of the people: Seeking truth.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2021 #78471
    Dr. D

    BS News, whoops! CBSNews says “WHO Urges Fully Vaccinated People to Continue Wearing Masks.”

    Because vaccines don’t work. How many ways do they have to tell you? Get the vaccine? Great! 50% chance of getting the virus, PLUS no behavior will change and you’ll remain under martial law.

    So we got the vaccine why? To go back to normal? Nope. Because “Do What You’re Told!” Yes, sir, lying, mass-murdering world-bombing maggot, sir! Anything Daddy says! Sigh.

    Oh, and I think that’s the opposite of what WHO said yesterday. But it is CBS, so it’s a toss up if it’s them or the WHO that’s lying.

    Why do they never have the WHO lie and say, “Lockdown!” while CBS then lies and says, “No Lockdown”? Just a coincidence every lie aligns every time, one direction only, forever, amen. FOR dictatorial power, AGAINST all human rights. “Alas!” the NY Times says, “If only we were North Korea, singing ‘All Hail Great Leader’.” Like Britain. Then we’d be the Utopia we dreamed of. High prices. Supply disruptions. Going well as planned.

    So the next time someone says, “So we can go back to normal” tell them…well, why bother, they won’t listen anyway.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2021 #78467
    Dr. D


    With binoculars you can Rickards perched waaaay up there at the top.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2021 #78453
    Dr. D

    “Georgia & Ukraine Agree to “Commitment” Seeking NATO Membership”

    Which is, according to our 1994 agreement, an act of active war. Nice going! But since those with home bunkers WANT a war, so you billions will die and keep them in power, it’s all systems Go!
    Remember Deagel and Georgia? Billions. They declared war, but not on Russia: on YOU.

    “Biden Orders Series Of Airstrikes Along Syria-Iraq Border”

    Beautiful bombs. He’s finally our president.

    Speaking of Fear, the mindkiller, the sole and only cause yesterday:

    “Mish” Shedlock @MishGEA: “It seems like fearmongers have forgotten (or simply don’t care) that daily deaths in the USA have gone from 4,464 on January 12 to 92 today. The continuing message is to spread fear.”

    No! We can not, WILL not, stop fear. I MUST be afraid! And you have to be too, or I’ll arrest you and cut off your food. Afraid yet?

    Actually, no. I’m not afraid: you’re just a dick.

    Government, Helping, only matters if there’s a problem, if you’re afraid, if you beg: save us!
    Fly a kite. You’re the same guys as Katrina. Same guys I hear on the news are ethnically cleansing black people. Trust us.

    3rd Wave propaganda? The only thing mutating lately is their bulls—t explanations.

    “Thousands of Flights Cancelled as Vaccinated Pilots Fall Ill or Die (CH)”

    Hopefully just need to hold out until reality gets too large to ignore. But after a lifetime of this, I figure they’ll deny it unto very death, and take you with them. No, no!!! You’re MAKING UP the 600% cancellations that are strictly, easily measured. There’s a 600% increase in Red pilots, who just suddenly got a phone call from Cheeto personally, sleepers activated! It’s Russia! It’s their fault!

    Looking at Phoenix. Just drag your feet for “concerns” and hope the tide turns in time. Dark path.

    “Why Most People Who Now Die with Covid in England Have Been Vaccinated (G.)”

    Okay, 42 is a very small number but “vaccines don’t work”.

    “either myocarditis or pericarditis—were found in young adults and children”

    Children are highly recoverable. Can anyone confirm that heart damage is really permanent, even for children?

    ““New Covid-19 infections have increased by more than 50 percent over the last two weeks in under-vaccinated states …”

    So many lies you need a flow chart and supercomputer to track them. What did Mish say? 92 deaths? An extra 40 people is statistical noise of very small numbers. It COULD mean something, but we’ve seen known liars lie like the lying liars they are, and cherry-pick the start and end dates 100% of the time. Remember new CDC director crying – boohoo! – for the instant, imminent disaster, that like every disaster, never came? At all? She backed that by picking only very specific start and end days that only showed her case, although cases were down 90% at that time. Liar. Cheat. Fearmonger. Murderer. Dedicated to #AntiScience. How can I make her cry again today and every day until she’s jailed?

    “Instead, the federal government will try to convince hesitant Americans to get vaccinated by working with state officials and trusted community members to communicate the benefits of the shots,”

    Lie matrix, there’s so much here: The “Federal Government” will convince the “hesitant”? Hahahaha. They’ve already got 100% saturation. And they’re going to do that by trotting out “Officials”? Hahahaha. You mean the ones that were wrong 100% of the time and the “hesitant” noticed? “Trusted” members? “Trusted” officials? “Trusted” news sources? Hahahahaha. You’re at 20% trust rate, dummies. And you didn’t “communicate the benefits”before? No one has heard your sales pitch before? What have you been doing up to now? No, people have heard your stupid sales pitch just fine, but you’re less than trusted: we know if you said it, IT’S FALSE. Do the opposite of what you, Fauci, CNN, Krugman, and Gartman say and you’ll be both totally safe and a multi-millionaire in no time. (P.S. Living legend Gartman has gone long. SellSellSell!)

    New Covid-19 infections have increased by more than 50 percent over the last two weeks in under-vaccinated states such as Missouri and Oklahoma”

    Uh-huh. And 50% in UK and Israel. LIARS! Lying liar-face lie-frauds.

    “A theme I’ve commented on 1000 times. No inflation without increasing velocity of money. Some prices may rise for different reasons, but not inflation.”

    Sort of. There’s been non-stop inflation since they started really printing with Greenspan under Clinton for the election of ’96. It’s just been in FIRE, financial assets. That’s because there’s no price discovery on planet earth, all and only Duma Central-Planning. This was put in Larry Summers’ paper on the gold standard. He said if you could break the gold price – rigging it by stealing U.S. gold under Clinton: there’s no audit, the seals were all broken – and using it leveraged 300:1 in the Comex. Jeff Christian from Sachs admits the leverage at 300:1 or higher, Comex and banks have paid billions in fines for rigging 100,000x. All official. So break the thermometer according to Summers and there’s no heat! No inflation!

    What happens when you get in a jam as even the whole U.S. gold is gone, as seen by their having no bars, no serial numbers, Germany’s bars were all newly-cast, double bars in the GLD ETF lists, and starting to have 90% cuts which is clearly melted coins? Duh: you start 7 wars on brown people, steal Libya’s gold, and when you can’t get Syria’s, steal Ukraine’s. Steal Venezuela’s, and when anybody asks, deny gold shipment from London, pay 20% over in cash to avoid delivery from Comex, everywhere.

    This would ruin everything. When Tesla rises, it’s good! Industry! Cars that light on fire! Yay! All currencies like Euro, JPY are printed in unison. The only thing that would reveal the non-stop high-inflation is another currency. You know: like Bitcoin. Rising 21,000%. You know: clear, obvious Hyperinflation.

    So the inflation is there. But with official, admitted, open price rigging of all commodities, all stocks, all markets worldwide…or we’ll bomb your country…inflation only in DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD. The stocks of Friends, you see. No enemies, tsk no. Not food, mines, infrastructure, heavens no. In houses, in Halliburton, BlackRock, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, you know, companies that have never made a dollar’s profit in their sorry lives.

    Oh we’ve got inflation all right.

    Rickards is a smart cat but crooked, insider, head of the LTCM bailout-for-billionaire-pals. The “velocity” is true, he’s not wrong, but as Armstrong says, it’s a loss of CONFIDENCE, in the government, the system. How are you going to capture and predict the psychology of crowds, when there’s a tipping point? Clearly he can’t because his same idiotic, dork-riddled, complete failure, Nobel prize-winning idiot-sons predicted LTCM too. They said Russia would never default, they easily and obviously did as any idiot would see they had to, and then robbed the U.S. taxpayers, via violent, illegal extortion, financial terrorism, of billions and billions, breaking the legal system too. How’s his record? Did his models see that coming?

    He can’t see “velocity” coming either, and for the same reasons. Because he’s an “expert.” Every time he loses, he wins! So who cares if the model is right? It’s impossible to be discredited, so say anything you like! Wrong every day, and paid!

    Trying to be nicer: His whole model is WRONG. It’s been wrong since Keynes, but proven dead wrong in 1974 with impossible stagflation. Never fixed it. Still denying it. No one cares. Hyperinflation ALWAYS happens against a BAD economy, not a good one. Holy duh. I’m not sure there’s ever even BEEN a hyperinflation in a good economy, that they constantly defend against as they fight against higher wages like the plague. Nothing about Covid or the economy has anything to do with velocity, or at least not in that sense, as has been proven for 100 years since Keynes.

    After being wrong 100 years in a row, broadly, also personally, also specifically in the 1970s here and other nations worldwide, is there anything that can discredit their failed, violent, oppressive, extractive theories that every day transfer half the nation’s wealth from the poorest to the richest?

    It would seem not.

    Breaking the thermometer doesn’t fix the weather. The piper remains at the door, waiting to be paid. With confidence. Or the lack of. Tick Tock.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 27 2021 #78446
    Dr. D

    Yes but this is an anti-Marek vaccine. The unvaxxed are no worse off while the vaxxed get the higher risk. …Exactly as 10 years of mRNA research showed. Thank God. So all you need to do to not take on higher risk is to do nothing. …However, that’s the single thing they are not capable of. Can’t stop meddling, can’t stop helping. I’ll MAKE you take my help, if I have to tie you up and throw you in a well to do it! Mommy knows best. She loves you and will never-ever-ever leave you alone.

    Food banks are getting common. I can’t calculate how much food is wasted. All of it? Food banks here have someone pick up – mostly Church people since they think “charity” and do actual work – and they can never give away the amount of food received. People complain about food instead, because we like complaining far, far better than acting, far more than eating. It’s a bit discouraging. Also they’re like “I’ll DIE rather than talk to a church person! ” (who won’t say anything, has a car, and will feed your kids.) Yeah, that’ll show them. Can anyone figure? A tiny approbation on ego, which you could laugh in their face for is more a primary goal than digging yourself out? Or your kids? Yes, actually. This is totally true. So piles, school-size carloads of food are wasted. High-quality gourmet stuff.

    Expiration dates mean nothing. Products used to have them, but thanks to “Helping”, the government required all companies to put dates on. Being a science-free society, obviously nobody paid half-a-mil for 20 years of research of how long canned beans last. What would “expire” mean anyway? It’s not peak? It will kill you? So companies said, “What’s the shortest date I can get away with while hoping all my customers throw away their dry pasta like scared ninny-pants and buy my product AGAIN? 12 months for a 30-year item? Done.” Yogurt and such obviously expire, but is no better. One batch might be fading on the date while the next it still fine 3 months post-date. But we gotta have those people starve! It’s for their own good. Do NOT let them decide, as self-actualizing human beings with free agency what they want to do. “DO AS YOU’RE TOLD! Now I told you to starve and I expect you do it with feeling! It’s funnier to me that way.” Do NOT use cream 1 day past date although you do that all the time without noticing in your fridge. And that tag on your mattress? Boy-howdy if we catch you… Your kids can go somewhere safe like the foster system kids vanish into regularly.

    Please make use of food banks. There’s so much food you could be a millionaire and no one would ask or care. And make use of your common sense as well. You’ll be the only one in town.

    Maybe TDS and CDS have the same root: fear. Irrational, animal fear, easily leveraged according to Bernays by AVOIDING logic and argument. This is why religious people are more immune: if you go through it, you’re more inured to your ultimate death, more focused on rules of morality and what life is for. So mental children are susceptible to it, which is not meant to be a slight. Many people have to mature in ages of single digits, while many very old have never had to face the Meaning of Life, which is not small. We come in our own time, but you do have this weakness until you go through it, harden up, deepen. Obviously easy living keeps men in puppyhood, wearing tattoos and clown-pants far longer, thus the cities, Blue areas have the great luxury of fearing trifles like “microagressions”, not working 18 hours and getting wrapped around the shaft of large machinery 2 hours from a hospital. The fears are real to THEM. It’s the same psychological reality, and your fears of death or dislike, or whatever are just as small and silly from an even higher view. But it’s FEAR that does it. People who fear, are encouraged and rewarded for fear, and fear everything, and those who don’t. One victimizes themselves, even to refusing gourmet food, and the other usually takes responsibility and action as the usual response to fear.

    Saying that: imagine a war in these conditions. Everybody afraid of everything and begging to surrender every minute of every hour of every day. …As if surrendering doesn’t mean you’ll be trampled and wiped out far worse than fighting.

    That’s why it’s scattered all over. You’d think tough living in Code Blue lie South Philly would protect you from fear, but not until YOU overcome it, which means taking action. There’s no choice BUT to take action in Team Red since you’ll die as no one will help you unless you ask and act. So no perfect template, but looking layers in, it’s there.

    “Fear is the mind-killer”, the discussion-killer. The evidence and the friend-killer.

    Tactically we can’t abandon Code Blue, as the strategy is to cut off the coasts, the ports, and have Red surrounded to kill them off. You can’t allow China a foothold in PNW, California, to block the whole West but the desert. Sorry, there can’t be a divorce. Red wouldn’t die: Blue would, colonized and treated as an African colony as planned. Red would be laid low though, and pressed to penury from all sides. …I mean more than now, if that’s possible. For both our sakes, please come back to a standard of logic and human rights.

    I guess cutting off the bloodsucking cities from their state hosts would be an important first step in bringing them to heel. What was that about “representation”?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 27 2021 #78373
    Dr. D

    “journalists are bound to the government by ideology rather than law.”

    As I’ve said, Leftists, how did you get here? The FBI/CIA Congress, police, are your ideology, not the worker, the poor? And they are now definitively the party of the rich, both corporate and private. Go back, go back!

    Well at least they are dead last in credibility. However, 20% is much too high.

    I wonder how that Cotton thing got started. Nearest I can tell, one of the key factors was NYT can’t tell the difference between News and Editorial Op-Ed anymore. And no surprise when 100% of the articles are opinion/editorial. Still strange it would go the other way, but opinions are violence, I guess, while violence is NOT violence: it’s speech. #OppositeLand

    Being totally on the side of the police, AOC defunds the public police in NYC, which doubles crime for the poor. This mildly inconveniences the rich, but NYC rich easily pay for security and they therefore have their “police”, and all the guns, which the poor don’t. …That’s why we invented the police to begin with: for equality under the law, the thing she/they are reversing.

    Carrying on with helping only the rich, she then votes for $1.2B for police in the 10 wealthiest zip codes in America: Washington, D.C. So really, she’s violently pro-police, but anti-poor. And this is true not of her as one example, but the party in general. They have the right to self-defense, as they buy $30,000 in armed bodyguards: mayors, social justice actors…but Lou Jackson in Baltimore and Chicago and Trenton has no right to self-defense even in his bed. Literally. In New Jersey, if someone aggresses you, you are required to retreat infinitely. So if you have a murderer, a burglar, or a street riot that burns your home, you must get up out of bed, and leave your T.V., your computer, your work tools to the criminals, and retreat to…where exactly? They just took over your house and possibly burned it. You’re supposed to find safety under the stop sign at the end of the street, 2am, 20f, in the middle of a violent mob?

    You haven’t the right to self-defense allowed to a cat or dog. Die, maggot, and we’ll hose up your body on the Miracle Mile, take your stuff to the state and say tsk, tsk. Guess he should have been rich! This is where the party has got to, and it’s incredible to me how long it can go on.

    But what can you say of a group that supports China and openly coos over the censorship of North Korea? (Both examples NYT but is extravagantly widespread) Well, like I said, if it’s opposite, their religion does it. If it’s NOT our job, we do it, while if it IS our job, we don’t do it.

    Like the Fed. THeir job is stable prices. They don’t do it, they do the opposite. Their added mandate is employment. They have worse employment than all 1,000 years before they were born. Meanwhile, they have NO mandate, are prohibited from, setting public policy for Social Justice, it’s illegal for them to be involved in Global Warming, and they have no basis for either buying, or levitating the stock market, including stock markets and stocks overseas, like Toyota and UBS. So they do all three. Of course! And this causes???

    “ US Food Banks Warn Soaring Prices Will Affect Distributions (ZH)”

    Powell says inflation is a good thing.

    We also hear that it’s “Hyperinflation” and “Transitory Hyperinflation” (BoA). As we’re about to be in it, as we’re in 20% inflation already, use the words correctly or you can’t think straight. Although there is no clear definition, “Hyper” inflation is very high. Certainly well over 50%p.a. and probably in the multi-hundred percents. What they’re talking about is just “inflation.” And while high inflation can go on quite a while — 50% inflation in young, productive Brazil went on many years — “hyper” inflation is indeed transitory. Because it’s the signal that confidence in government has collapsed. And government collapsing only takes a year or two. That was true of high inflation in Brazil as well, it’s a consequence of confidence, but hyperinflation is everyone fleeing government and going “private.” Usually because the government itself has indicated their total absence of the rule of law, and usually rapacious attempt to save their corruption with open theft and widespread confiscation.

    Wiemar, the usual example, lost confidence when it seemed Russian-style communists might take over, and then started confiscating everything. They had been printing astoundingly since WWI all along without effect. How did they, and France, restabilize? They created a “backed” currency – although backed by lies – in the RentenMark, that is, a currency backed by real estate, rents. France did the same back by (stolen) lands, mostly Church. …Because any group that does this, that breaks property rights, can’t be trusted with a hatpin, both later fell as usual. But it was CONFIDENCE that stopped it.

    But there’s your inflation. So when I say “Is there anything that can discredit them?” that is what will happen if “credit” is lost. But Powell says it’s a GOOD thing when prices rise for the poor, so not to worry! He also says the only BAD inflation is when wages rise, for the poor, even a tiny bit. For 40 years in a row.

    “bureaucratic process” to marry…

    The State is our God. Why the feck would you ask, consult, care, if the STATE will allow you to marry or not. Just do it. It’s YOUR thing, not theirs. Same thing I said about gay marriage. And? I wouldn’t ask them to shine my shoes because they’d steal them, much less oversee my marriage. “...But there’s inheritance, legal rights you get…” So it’s all about the money? You’re talking marriage, and that’s all you care about? Fine, hire a lawyer and contract them instead of the state, I guarantee it’ll ultimately be cheaper AND better.

    If they want to get married, join hands, wrap a ribbon, you’re done. Heck, bring him a corn pudding which is how the natives did it. They won’t even notice. Boom, all set. The State…is there anything that can get people to stop begging murderers and criminals for permission to live and breathe? Stop looking to them. You’re the ones giving them power which is the SAME power that keeps Assange in prison. Get married. They literally can’t stop you. They don’t even have to know and it’s better if they don’t. Later they’ll take 90% of your money in divorce courts, dividing it between the judge and lawyers and go golfing. JHC.

    Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, was recruited by US authorities”

    Speaking of. That is, “perjury-for-hire.” Or even blackmail him. Just like all FBI cases. What was it, the year before Trump, the NYT had an article that 90% of all terrorist cases were completely manufactured, with cash, by the FBI, not one of them would have happened? But then, Lo! TDS, Jan 20th, the FBI became lily-white and were best friend and sole source for the NY Times, and remains so to this day. When you’re violently anti-free speech, as they are, it only makes sense your core ally is the FBI, which is against all 10 Bill of Rights plus most of the Federal Register.

    I’d be amazed if you could FIND an FBI case that was real, organic, unpaid, unpolitical crime. They certainly were defending Whitey Bulgur for years, keeping him out of prison and killin’ folks. …That was Mueller, wasn’t it? The Boy Scout?

    Don’t look to the state. Remove their power by ignoring them and making other plans.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2021 #78330
    Dr. D

    Speaking of France:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2021 #78311
    Dr. D

    “Derek Chauvin’s sentence does nothing to address the real problem” –MSNBC

    You must keep burning down black neighborhoods until peace breaks out. Just like MLK said.

    P.S., the George Floyd area is a free-fire zone, with banana clips being shot off into houses regularly. …No police. Please disarm yourselves immediately, and the criminals will stop shooting you. Promise.

    “The ridiculous link people are making between the government UFO report and aliens” –MSNBC

    Just because there are flying UFOs with inhuman technology, and the official spokespeople say they totally, definitely don’t know who’s in them, means that we know exactly who’s in them: not aliens. We know because we officially don’t know, that’s how we know. Got it! Your cooperation is appreciated, citizen.

    ““The UFO report has landed — and the gov’t can’t explain 143 of 144 mysterious flying objects” –MSNBC

    143? We’ve been seeing them non-stop since 1945 or before, but there’s only been two a year? Uh-huh. Call me when you want to tell the truth about anything. After 80 years the world agrees: so bored and uninterested. So dumb. So don’t care.

    “Vandalism of New Brooklyn George Floyd Statue May be Hate Crime” –MSNBC

    Against a not-person. But breaking statues isn’t vandalism, it isn’t even a crime, it’s pure golden love. I heard.

    ONE news site, ONE hour, On and on, forever. Won’t stop the stupid and the madness. Or worse, “they” the institutions don’t notice when everybody else does.

    Also on the page, articles on “Best worldwide vacations” and “Swim trunks under $50”: I think they might be ads. So out of touch, let me see….You can eat for week in Charleston, or you can buy swim trunks you don’t need instead of using literally anything else. Including not having a pool, never having a vacation, and not having time for the swimmin’ hole. Eat / Don’t Eat. Eat / Don’t Eat. So hard. I know! I’ll sell meth and get both!

    This is what they mean about “clueless coastal elites” so out of touch even their smallest, innocuous unintended comments demonstrate how clueless they are, demonstrate overwhelming systemic violence, slavery, and utter contempt, casual, careless, laughable violence against…well, everyone. It’s not like the same people aren’t right there in Baltimore either: not eating. Congratulations, you’re one news cycle away from “Let them eat Cake” where even the women have had it and storm the school boards streets and kick out the French Assembly everyone.

    As you say: so tired. “WHO says Delta Variant…” Is there anything that can discredit these people?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2021 #78308
    Dr. D

    “…although 66% of Americans believe employees have a right to know if their co-workers have been vaccinated, 60% assert their vaccine status is “no one’s business but my own.”

    Most Americans Believe Vaccinated Should Be Required To Wear Masks At Work (F.) “

    These seem to be Hillary’s poll numbers. 60% think it’s private but 60% think it’s public and they should know. No one wears masks, no one cares, but everyone thinks we should wear masks. So we can “go back to normal” which is the reason we took the vaccine. 40% still fully mask? Well they sure aren’t out in public. Maybe “unchanged” means they never wore them in the first place.

    Hmmm. Look at the jab numbers. They have full uptake. Seems maybe half the nation refused. But this? Yup, it’s made up. Because they “polled” one town house in Brooklyn. …Not the Jewish one.

    “the actual effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing transmission of the virus (transmissibility) isn’t actually known?”

    Um, yeah, we do know. Vaccines don’t work. 50% of cases in UK, Israel, and Seychelles are vaccinated. Since probably 50% already have natural immunity, that’s a perfect loss.

    Revisiting the interview, Prions and not alive, unbreakable protein molecules maniacs have been obsessed with since they found them. The jab breaks down into three Prions which cannot be removed, and cause irreversible brain decay like Mad Cow. That’s what she’s suggesting so you get the gravity of it.

    Children Using Fruit Juice For ‘False Positive’ Covid Tests (Lecho)”

    Or a goat, or motor oil, or a papaya as one world leader showed. …Later found dead.

    “ECHO there is no evidence their pupils have been misusing the tests.”

    So the article is that students misused the test, but no one misused the test. Is this The Guardian or NY Times? “You sir! That newspaper is a liar!” “…but it’s YOUR newspaper, sir, your report.” “….Words mean only what I say they mean, when I mean them to say it.”

    “Narrative Soup (Kunstler)”

    They pulled Rudy’s license in the most corrupt state on earth, Funny and desperate. For what? For making an argument. “How dare lawyers make an argument! It’s unproven!” It’s unproven because it’s never been to court. “There’s no evidence” except for 400 personal witnesses and affidavits, plus live video, actual ballots, internet traffic, and everything else. “How dare lawyers bring evidence to court!”

    This is what you’ve got? What you’re reduced to? And you think, as K says, the people won’t withdraw all support for the Federal and re-localize?

    Kamala: “It’s not my first trip”.

    Opened mouth. Lie came out. At least she didn’t cackle fiendishly. She’d have to see kids in cages she rounded up and sold for that. Like old times!

    If you had a choice, wouldn’t you crash it under Biden and the DNC? What’s the hurry?

    The Fed is printing $1T a night to hold it together. $6T infrastructure plans are too small. $40T lost in the Federal budget isn’t enough to keep a lid on control. So are things nice and stable out there or what?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 25 2021 #78273
    Dr. D

    PS as TOTALLY PREDICTIBLE. I predicted it the day of the lockdown. Lockdowns will ultimately kill more people than Covid. I’z so meeeeeaaaannn. Cruel, uncaring Docktor.

    Survey Sez??? Lockdowns DIDN’T WORK. Any where, any time. Therefore EVERY lockdown death is more than Covid alone. As predicted. And as per losing 25% of your income for 18 months, dying of poverty. But they’ll say that robbery, murder, BLM burning down your black business, was not Covid.

    CRT, since they can’t stop lying. Opened mouth. Lie came out.


    Hey does that say this? ““Critical Theory” means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx…”

    So Critical Theory promotes Socialism. So what is this?


    “’Critical Race Theory’ is grounded in ‘Critical Theory’…”

    …Aaaaaaaand therefore is Socialism. That’s the real bag, the real answer to racism is for the workers to own the means of production, wut. Because Socialist places are never racist against Ukrainians and extinguish them all for breathing. Just like 5-house owning millionaire BLM founder says, “We were trained Marxists”. Trained by whom? Btw, good solidarity to the people. You let everyone stay at your five houses, right comrade? In their all-white neighborhoods? A: nope, of course not. “To get rich is glorious” as another Marxist said. “You Own Nothing” because I already own it all. I’m a Party Member. You’re a worker bee. In the Siberian uranium mines. Don’t you see how we’re the same?

    CRT. How do people buy this trollop? How hard is it to type, “CRT, Wikipedia”?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 25 2021 #78258
    Dr. D

    “I would point a finger of blame is at the economic desperation created by the lockdown policy.”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 25 2021 #78257
    Dr. D

    “• The Delta COVID-19 Variant Has A Mutation Called K417N (R.)”
    HCQ works against all of them.”

    So does natural immunity. Since you’ve got a 99.97% chance of being fine.

    “Almost 600m NHS Home Covid Tests Unaccounted For (G.)”

    Does this say 600 Million? There are only 60 million people in all of England, 10 tests for every man, woman and child. Of only this one type. Um….does this say fraud to anyone? The amounts of cash needed to hold the system together are so large they’re beginning to bend gravity and can’t be hidden even in military and NHS budgets anymore?

    “Britain Acknowledges Surprise At Speed Of Russian Reaction To Warship (G.)”

    Ok, BBC reporter is on deck. He and the Russians say that Russia dropped bombs ahead of the Destroyer when it entered Crimea territorial waters. The Captain and Downing Street deny it. Uh-huh.
    Here’s why: if they falsely claim Russia never fired – they were in a totally unrelated Naval live-fire exercise nearby that just happened !totally coincidentally! to be on top of our Destroyer – then they can claim Russia sunk the destroyed without warning or provocation in international waters. That’s how unhinged and dangerous these people are.

    BBC reporter, schmeporter! We just lie anyway. Why bother even telling him to lie?

    Okay, so London still has this bizarre unhinged conspiracy theory that they matter to anyone and run the world. That anyone like or believes a word they say. Even us. So scenario: Britain sinks their totally useless 19th century tin boat. London shouts EU and US have to rally ‘round a chum and nuke Russia. Uh, yeah, no. The U.S. says bye bye. Germany – who has already conquered Europe without a shot – says, “yeah, we like the lights on, we need Russian gas and nuclear electric. Besides: you’re not the EU! Bye England.” The Pound sinks as England is a totally sick, broken, irrelevant third world nation whose ships can be sunk with impunity. That has knock-on effect that the US apparently won’t/can’t defend themselves, their word means nothing.

    …Oh there’ll be a “Great Reset” alright, but you won’t like it.

    Americans cheer! Thank God we’re not roaming the world and are stuck at home now. Thank God we’re not the world police. Thank God the Federal level can’t do anything anymore and about ceases to exist. We voted for that all day long, 30 years running.

    Already done. Past tense. The U.S. is “balkanizing”; that is, the States are taking over, just like they were supposed to all along.

    The only thing remaining is the Discrediting > Bond fall> US$ fall > Stock fall > multi-currency non US$ decentralized system. Powell is printing $1T a NIGHT to hold it together now. Biden is posting $6T a pop and the market says, “Too small.” Printing is the only thing still working, besides the media. Lose that, the Federal level evaporates, with Federal power, the FBI, CIA, CRT, and every black hat out there making trouble.

    Speaking of the Fed, here’s how unhinged the land of #AntiLogos is: The Fed says, “Inflation is transitory”. –Subprime is contained.– Okay, the market believes the Fed, fine, that’s what people and markets do.

    Fed comes out this week says, “Inflation is NOT transitory. In fact, it’s going to go on longer than we can predict.” Wow. Really? Okay, if you say so. Market, People say, “No it isn’t. We don’t believe the Fed, we believe the Fed. Don’t worry about what the Fed says: they’re wrong, we believe the Fed.” Gotcha.

    …Just like Medicine, Fauci, the CDC, everywhere, every time, all the time. That’s it! The Fed says inflation is coming but that’s not true because the Fed says Inflation isn’t coming. A = A, A ≠ A. That’s the liturgy of religious zealots of #AntiLogos. If it’s illogical, it “R” us.

    And if “UR” not with us, “UR” against us. And are violent terrorists. Who can topple the US with an unarmed tour of the velvet ropes of the rotunda. Although you’d need nukes to topple us. Except two Afghan farmers and a goat beat us while sitting on a rock. Except we won and are going home. Which is why we’re not, we’re staying, but we’re pulling out.

    A tangled tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve”

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