D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2023 #148605
    D Benton Smith

    I know where the missing binder is.

    So do you.

    Now all we need is for Monty Python to go fetch it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2023 #148604
    D Benton Smith

    I’m still looking for those two missing cow that I had back in the day.. They were f-ing great cows. Best cows in the whole world, ever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2023 #148568
    D Benton Smith

    Sorry that I missed out on the role call but I was out all day searching for my two cows that suddenly went missing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148211
    D Benton Smith


    I basically agree with your complaint, but sometimes ya have to take the long-way-around to get through to particularly thick headed twats who are fucking with the forum.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148210
    D Benton Smith


    Since I was talking to (and about) three specific shitposters who had a go at me and Dr D today let’s acknowledge that I was talking to THEM, not to you. Lucky for you, right? That means I don’t NECESSARILY think that I’m your better, but that could change if I see that making such a silly claim would get your goat and get you talking to me directly, like an actual human being, like you just did.

    So now that I have your actual attention for a minute let me take this opportunity to say to you what I actually think. First of all, in reality I am completely sure that I’m not “better” than any of the jerks that I just snarked at, but at the same time I also know that they’re each very heavily invested in the ego department and that they avoid actual engagement with others in conversation. To them it is always some sort of contest. They view conversation and debate as a zero-sum game with a “winner” and a “loser”, rather than as an opportunity to actually learn something. They can’t learn because that would require them to first accept that they might be (or ARE) wrong about something, which would result in appearing to “lose, which they can just never ever allow to happen.

    “Disrespecting one’s betters”, is not a statement about anyone being actually “better” than someone else. It is a figure of speech that means showing ignorant disrespect toward another who should rightfully be respected and at least listened to for understanding, rather than attacked and deliberately misrepresented.

    So, what do I think about you, in particular? I think you are smarter than you let on to be, and get better traction with the larger TAE audience when you express more of your thinking and rationale, and skip the polemical JEW JEW JEW thing, which is far too generalized and imprecise to be of much use. There are those who loudly profess to be Jews who are fully self awarely NOT Jews, but who pose as such for very specific (and explicitly known) reasons. Their existence has been known and documented (piecemeal) for literally thousands of years If you deep dive history, scriptural archeology and linguistics you will discover that to be a fact, too, and I think you would find it very interesting. Check out Robert Sepehr and James Tabor for starters.

    P.S. I’m not Jewish. At all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148204
    D Benton Smith

    Sunday is typically a “slow news day” around here, but not this day. This Sunday is a blast (which means very very entertaining in the parlance of half a century ago). Not one, not two but (count them) THREE shitposters having a go at their betters today. Hey, @aspnaz, glad to have you back, buddy. Still got yer panties in a bunch I see. And still dumb as a sack of hammers, too.

    You can assume I’m Jewish if you wish, but you know what they say about assumptions.

    In closing I want to remind you that the only thing of mine that you’ve ever demolished is my opinion of your ability to set ego far enough aside that you could have a thought which wasn’t aimed at defending your own errors rather than advancing toward the possibility of gaining greater understanding about things you don’t know jack-shit about.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148196
    D Benton Smith


    DBS and Dr D can opine ad nauseam…during what Dr D loathes as some overly emotional state.
    Or what DBS guessed of me, delirious, demented, psychotic, intoxicated.

    Haha, no doubt.

    Dr D’s world is full of rainbow win-win hand shakes and smiles with true merit winning in the angel-singing glory, and yet,”

    I’m guessing that not only the irony of what you said, but the psychological projection of it, escapes you.

    Allow me to explain it. Right after saying (and I quote) “Truth is Love, not hate.” you launch into a hate-filled diatribe against Dr D and me without even taking a new breath.

    You say: “Both of you worms- Dr DBS, conflate anyone speaking truth in anger with being hateful.
    You are liars. Liars are hateful weasel fucks who steal truth.”

    By the way, wherever charged you for swearing lessons should refund your tuition. Allow me to quote you again, “Liars are hateful weasel fucks who steal truth.” That’s just pathetic. I feel embarrassed for you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148195
    D Benton Smith


    I would be happy (or at least entertained) to have a piss fight with you . . . if I could just figure out what the fuck you were even talking about.

    For example, “Or what DBS guessed of me, delirious, demented, psychotic, intoxicated”

    You said it, Doc. Not me.

    And I mean that literally. In other words, you say that I guessed of you several things that I never did guess, or think or say about you. Ever. The fact is (and I mean this as no sort of insult) I have never bothered to give you or your comments very much thought at all. Your posts are just too convoluted and fragmentary to make any sense of. As often as not they sound like you’re telling an “inside joke” to yourself. Since I’m not privy to the inner workings of your mind the joke isn’t even understandable, much less funny . . . or even offensive. That’s why I wrote a few days ago that I would like you to speak more intelligibly if you didn’t mind.

    Well that approach didn’t work out very well. Seems to have just pissed you off. My words may have fallen upon delirious, demented, psychotic, intoxicated ears, but that’s just guessing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148191
    D Benton Smith


    David Cohen of course may not be a real person with a genuine opinion. Note: “The horrors of October 7th present us with an opportunity, that we might lose forever..”

    Yeah, it may well be that both the identity and words of the purported Mr. Cohen are “constructed” semi-fiction, but I still do think that they are an accurate statement of the rationale and position that the Zionists want Jews and their allies to believe and act upon. It is, essentially, what Netanyahu has already argued on public television, and has been echoed by “man-in-the-street” interviews in Israel and America.

    It doesn’t matter whether those speakers (like the alleged David Cohen) delusionally believe what they’re saying or are just bold-faced lying to excuse a blatant land grab, because it is totally unacceptable as an excuse for theft and murder in either and both cases.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2023 #148185
    D Benton Smith


    There are many other news sources in addition to the one linked above that starkly report the sheer, almost incomprehensible magnitude of the carnage being wreaked upon hapless Gaza by Israel’s so-called “defense” forces. It does stagger the imagination. In just the past 24 hour period over 450 strikes on largely civilian targets throughout the length and breadth of that tiny walled-in prison of two million innocent and non-combatant prisoners. There is not even a way to count the number of women and children being coldbloodedly and methodically massacred by the hour. Arithmetically it has to be at least dozens. And the clock is still running as we speak.

    Seemingly only the murder of all two million of them, by thousands of separate and individually deliberate acts of criminal violence (by at least thousands of individual perpetrators) will be sufficient to prove that Zionist Israel is the most evil political entity that has ever existed in the known history of the Earth. That conclusion is not hyperbola. It’s simply a fact.

    There have been larger genocides (Stalin and Genghis Khan killed more), and maybe there have been more cataclysmic mass murders (America’s atomic bombs vaporized entire cities in the blink of an eye) but up until Gaza there have none none that are so publicly open, protracted, deliberate and explicitly intentional as to CRIMINAL motive and purpose. Zionists are carrying out their stated aim of stealing a land from its occupants and killing literally ANYONE who obstructs that blatant violation of the most fundamental of all human rights: the right to exist in the place one is born into.

    There are further aspects that make this travesty even worse, if such is even possible. One of these factors is that Israel holds itself out to be the repository of Divine Scripture and sole representative of the land and people of God Himself. In similar hubristic psychosis The United States of America claims to be the fountainhead of Liberty and Justice for all, portraying itself to be the bastion and shining light of Democracy. In other words, these two political entities (Israel and the United States) are claiming to be the very standard of high virtue while acting out the most vile depravity in living memory.

    These two entities are committing unprecedented crime, while defiantly refusing the pleas of the entire civilized world to cease, or even curtail, the terrifyingly violent murder of children in Gaza.

    Is the United States merely backing Israel’s insanity? Or is the US driving it’s smaller and utterly dependent ally to do its bidding as a proxy? Or, and this is a distinct possibility, is there some ZIONIST entity which is controlling both of those Countries from behind a thin and disintegrating curtain?

    In any case, one thing is clear to every sentient being on the planet. The Zionist US and Zionist Israel have slipped the leash of common human decency and become evil incarnate, ripping apart the very fabric of sanity, fair contest and life, not only in Gaza, but within their own respective countries and colonies as well.

    There is no question that they will be stopped. The truly inviolable laws of the Universe will see to that. The question is whether there will be a human civilization left afterward.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 9 2023 #148130
    D Benton Smith



    @NumerousOthers (you know who you are)

    While we are all so earnestly engaged in heated debate over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin (Capitalism? Socialism? Communism? Etc……. REALLY?) there is a reality taking place all around us that could really use some immediate attention.

    Get back to the task at hand you guys. In other words, get back to work instead of getting back to your favorite hobby horse abstract distraction. I’m as guilty as anyone probably, but that’s no excuse for anyone either.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2023 #148091
    D Benton Smith


    Your postings might be profound works of genius, or totally maundering tripe, who could tell? It’s impossible to know which (although I have my suspicions) because you only write down half the words. Maybe there are complete thoughts knocking around up there in your noggin, but the writing you post typically reads like “notes to self”, or hand scribbled pharmaceutical prescriptions that make sense to the originator because the scribe knows what the unwritten parts consist of, but don’t make sense to anyone else because the writing consists of disjointed words and incomplete phrases that just don’t parse out into complete sentences and logically cohesive paragraphs.

    I don’t have a problem with anything you may have to say. I just want to know what that is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2023 #148080
    D Benton Smith

    Putin’s entourage in Saudi Arabia: Chechen leader Kadyrov and central bank head Elvira Nabiullina

    Arguably the top three most individually powerful personages in Russia, meeting with one of the most individually powerful personages in the entire world. I believe therefore that it is safe to conclude that they were not meeting for a purely Diplomatic (i.e. just for appearances sake) sort of Photo Op Tea Party.

    It was more of global pole shift kind of event in that regard. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud decides who gets energy and who does not. Putin (and his TOP two partners of necessity) are the only military force that has proven, on the battlefield, that it can lick the collective West. Take careful note of the fact that MBS chose Russia over China for this singular honor. In other words, this was a quite a meeting.

    The meet-up went well too, I think, because if the formal alliance between the world’s (provenly) strongest military and the worlds (provenly) most influential energy supplier had not already been determined down to the finest detail, then the formal meeting would not have taken place in the first place.

    It’s a rare thing when something takes place that affords us an incontestable fact in the foggy realm of geopolitics (or anything else, for that matter) but this was one of them.

    In a nutshell, the East has won and the West has lost. Victory (and likewise defeat) are now historically in the PAST. All actions hence forward are strictly in the related categories of the victor performing mopping up operations and the vanquished attempting desperate “last stands” which are indeed last stands.

    The so-called Great Western Empire led by the United States of America can now be regarded as factually and formally defeated. The implications are vast (as we all know), and things of this size take time to play out in their fullness (as we all know), but neither of those truisms should be allowed to distract us from the underlying FACT because that fact shall shape our lives and for many generations to come. We should therefore ponder and reconsider the implications yet again because these are things that are going to play out (i.e. actually happen) no matter what.

    The so-called “West” (whatever that actually meant, and whatever that actually was) has LOST. This might take some time to sink in (especially among the losers.) The time delay is due to the anesthetizing “hope” factor that lingers in the hearts of those who have not yet been rounded up and shot, metaphorically speaking of course. Except not so metaphorically in some cases.

    I am not saying that the situation should or should not be. I’m saying that it simply IS.

    So what IS this entity that has just slain Goliath? Who are they exactly, and what shall they proceed to do by way of carrying out their future plans? What ARE their plans, by the way?

    I don’t think anyone of this forum has a very clear view of the situation on the ground. The Battle lines up til now have often been very very VERY fuzzy. Some are in plain sight and some have been effectively obscured. Do the BRICS (et al) intend to proceed to enslave the world or are they the ones who stopped that enslavement in its tracks? Let me know your thoughts.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2023 #148019
    D Benton Smith

    What better place to wield censorship as the doomsday weapon of choice in a bogus war against “hate speech”, than the birthplace of irony. Ireland? Must be the Luck of the Irish (definition: Very bad luck, that could be worse) Come to think of it, it actually could be worse, they could be Englsh.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147978
    D Benton Smith


    How can an owner be made into a tenant?”

    Property tax does that pretty effectively, and the “owner” tenant tolerates it because without the backing and authority of that powerful government he cannot defend his rather delusional “ownership” against other claimants.

    The two co-dependents (the “owner” and the governing power that charges him property tax) are more or less just co-gangsters working together in the game of “profiting” (i.e. stealing) from those lower down on the food chain. It’s just pathetic, especially when they both piss and moan about how tough they both have it because of the low-life powerless peasants they’re both robbing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2023 #147975
    D Benton Smith

    I just heard a terrifying rumor that the government has seized control of the government and is refusing to give it back. If true this could be the end of us, but hopefully it will all get sorted out next November when the government promises to hold an election to let us all decide who’s the government.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147905
    D Benton Smith

    “From Each according to his ability, TO each according to their need.”

    Or, another way of saying it, from the viewpoint of the Owning/Governing Class, “From everyone according to their ability, to ME according to my need.”

    The way that seems to work out is that they start out by taking just a small amount and giving ALMOST that much back in terms of goods, services, and security. Thereafter, each time the arrangement changes it changes in the direction of them taking just a little bit more, in exchange for giving back just a little bit less in return. Price up, value down. Forever, apparently, if they have their way.

    Meanwhile, the only punishable crime seems to be saying or demonstrating that you’re not happy as a clam about the arrangement. The more you disagree, the greater is the crime, and of course the enforcement punishment that goes along with it. When disapprobation or monetary fines are not sufficient punishment to quiet down the rising clamor of complaints, then their solution is to enforce bigger and bigger punishments for smaller and smaller crimes.

    At this point we are at the stage where the crime of not proactively shouting from the rooftops one’s enthusiastic approval of theft and murder, carries the death penalty.

    If you don’t like being denigrated, lied to, robbed, injured and killed then you must be summarily executed. No formal charges. No trial. Just extermination by whatever means the government sees fit and efficient. Starvation, mandatory poison “medicines”, fire, war or pestilence makes little difference. Whatever gets the job done is fine, and the job is the utter removal (democide) of everyone who is not 100% supportive of the people who are living off of others like unrepentant vampires.

    This impossibility is starting to get interesting as the end-game plays out.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147892
    D Benton Smith

    Xi Jinping’s big epiphany on dealing with the monster which was devouring the world (with China high on its list) was, “Hey, why take the risk and go to all of the trouble and expense of defeating the great western empire in war when you can just hire them, WITH THEIR OWN MONEY, to do the job themselves?”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2023 #147890
    D Benton Smith

    Every single statement , policy, law, and action of the United States (regardless of how abstruse or senselessly wacky it may appear on the surface) can be understood and explained by a very simple fact. It is that all of the institutions of United States are carefully designed to pay, protect and empower only those persons who support its form and function as a machine designed to pay, protect and empower those persons who support its form and function as a machine designed to … et cetera ad infinitum.

    That may strike you as distinctly circular, irreparably armored against all efforts at reform and potentially about as evil as evil can get. Yeah, well, that’s the point. Works like a charm until everyone’s dead, but up ’til then it’s one helluva party for the boys in charge.

    It looked great on paper and inspired some really swell songs, but other than those few bright spots it has essentially been a lying, cheating, thieving, mass murdering monstrosity since the Mayflower in actual fact, which is about what should have been expected from a bunch of fucking Illuminated, Luciferian, slave holding Free Masons rich men north of Richmond.

    Ya get what ya pay for. Caveat Emptor.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2023 #147654
    D Benton Smith

    Kissinger thought he was the smartest guy in the world because he had mastered what he also thought was the smartest trick in the book . . . CRIME (lying, cheating, stealing, killing, etc.). It was easy for him to sell that idea (along with his personal services as the worlds smartest one trick pony) to other psychopaths because pretty much all psychopaths think in much the same way. Basically, they are all halfwits because they are only thinking about HALF of what they are doing. (the half that they see as a benefit to themselves.)

    They are extremely deficient in seeing the other half of what they are doing because giving much thought to the ultimately inescapable consequences of what they are doing might kill their buzz.

    Turns out that Kissinger wasn’t really even a one-trick-pony, much less very smart, because he only knew HALF of the trick. In that sense I suppose you would have to say that he may have been the world’s dumbest half-trick-pony.

    Stealing, you see, is only half of a thing, just as lying is half of a thing, and killing is also just half of a thing. Whenever that “half-of-a-thing” is created the OTHER half is also created, at the same time, every time, no exceptions. And the other half ain’t good at all.

    The WHOLENESS of what they are doing is simply that stealing creates an impoverishment, lying creates an ignorant fool, and killing creates all manner of resentments, hatreds and desire for vengeance. And all of those crimes create injustice, which endures forever unless (and until) it is set right.

    So old Henry was selling the notion that it was not just possible, but actually desirable, to win at all costs. That’s because he was a halfwit who thought that “winners” could go just on winning virtually forever, or at least for as long as they were willing to continue lying, cheating, stealing and killing.

    He was a halfwit because he could not comprehend that those “things” (lying, killing, and so on) were only half of what they, their own damn selves, were creating each and every time they lied, stole, cheated and killed. They were also creating the other half, as well. The half that made him insane, relegated him to the cesspit of history, and eventually killed him even in his own estimation.

    For he is not just merely dead, he’s really quite sincerely dead.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2023 #147615
    D Benton Smith

    What Elgin dd when he went to Athens:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2023 #147529
    D Benton Smith


    But what if we are NOT cowards, and are NOT undisciplined, and NOT afraid of being labeled antisemitic by a bunch of pseudo-semites? In other words, what if you are mistaken in all of the conclusions that you have leaped to because you lack the discipline required to think thoughts all the way through to their unavoidable conclusion?

    Don’t get side-tracked by your own anger, because that anger (at me or imagined others like me) will distract you from the original question and answers that you were headed toward before you got pissed off and changed course.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2023 #147527
    D Benton Smith


    That’s more like it. Fact is, I agree with much of what you say except your premature conclusion that the Cabal starts or ends with Jews just because there are so many Jewish criminals working so hard hard in the middle. Yeah, the Cabal can easily be made to to LOOK like it Jewish, but that’s only because camouflage is SUPPOSED to make a thing look like it’s a different thing. The actual fact, however, (and there is tons and tons of very good evidence) is that the Cabal is older than Judaism by thousands of years, at least. When the shit really hits the fan the true Cabalistas will throw the Jews under the bus to be torn apart by the angry mob as scape goats (some innocent and some guilty) and act like they never knew them. (it’s an old trick, but a good one)

    That one liner at the end about watching Matlock in the Community Room was a goodie. Thanks for the chuckle.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2023 #147504
    D Benton Smith

    My basic problem with both @aspnaz and @Celticbiker about “The Jooze” is that the cognitive cubby holes in their narrow minds are too few and too small to hold more than ONE overly generalized category of thing at any one time. A bunch of Jews are easily proven to be key members of an obvious global conspiracy to crash the world and feed off the carcass and BAM! they stuff the entire complex mess into ONE cubby hole and that’s that. End of story, and end of rational thought and further investigation along with it.

    As far as solutions go, well they don’t even bother. The “Jew” cubby hole is already crammed full to capacity with the hodge podge of crap they’ve already stuffed into it. No room for anything as detailed as questions like, “Well, which Jews are you talking about in particular ?”, or “Are there different flavors of Jewishness, and what exactly does Jewish actually mean?”

    One thing the two haters have in common, though, and this should come as no surprise, is that when they don’t understand something (like Jews) that they don’t like (such as people like me who try to make them think) , their solution is simply to hate it. I guess they think that if enough people hate the same uselessly broad generalized labels (like Jews or thinkers) that they do then the people maligned by that pejorative label will just magically go away and the world will be a better place.

    I’m tempted to call out that kind of mental and moral retardation as being childish bullshit, except that the consequences are hardly childish. The blood soaked depravity of the actual consequences are too grisly to be easily contemplated, so adjectives such as like childish, stupid or lazy just don’t quite cut it.

    Better trolls and agents provocateurs than they are have been trying (and failing) for YEARS to drag TAE into such evil stupidity, and it is extremely unlikely to work this time either.

    On the positive side, schooling these foul mouthed nitwits into saner modes of thought and behavior continues to provide us with plenty of grist for the mill. So please do continue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2023 #147503
    D Benton Smith

    Ah, @aspnaz ! Welcome back. You remind me of the customer (John Cleese) in the Monty Python skit where he was trying to buy 5 minutes worth of argument and accidentally entered the wrong door and got several minutes worth of abuse before realizing the mistake and proceeded to the next office down the hallway to receive the argument services he had paid for.

    Pleased to oblige. Which one are you here for today?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2023 #147461
    D Benton Smith


    And D Benton, go fuck yourself, pompous douchebag.”

    Thanks for the offer, and I’m sure it would be great, but I’ll take a pass for now. By the way, how’s the troll biz working out for you? Enough shekels to cover the cost of a new soul?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2023 #147434
    D Benton Smith


    What does it feel like to know you invested your entire life in the status quo?

    Isn’t that what we have all done? I would call the status quo that which is the conglomerated sum total of everything that we have all invested our lives in. It’s what we have accepted (or not) as being real, so far, even if it isn’t necessarily what we will be willing to accept in the future. And so we keep trying to make it better, to our way of thinking and THERE [as the old saying goes) is the rub.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2023 #147429
    D Benton Smith

    I was just reminded (over on Zero Hedge) of an old old advertising and marketing play/ploy known then and now as ” Buy Now, Pay Later”.

    Jeez I love that phrase for its absolute veracity across the entire spectrum of human endeavor. Truer words have never been spoken.

    Buy now. Pay later.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2023 #147427
    D Benton Smith


    Sort of related: what happened to Aspnaz? I thought I was just getting through to him on my position. Or Redneck and Chooch either?”

    Don’t despair, Doc, there will be other trolls, morons, shills, agents provocateurs, and similar ilk coming along soon. They have no choice. They are compelled by sone inner (or outer?) demon to cast themselves upon the rocks of reason. It is your task (as a rock of risible rationality) to assist them on that journey.

    They come to TAE for whatever reason (call it a challenge, a compulsion or a death wish, I dunno) but whatever the reason the compulsion must be substantial and real because they just keep on showing up. And after having their head handed to them on a platter they then go away.

    It’s just a plain fact is that TAE is the hill they choose to die on. Like a sort of “elephant burial ground” for the morally &/or intellectually challenged, TAE is where trolls come to die.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2023 #147159
    D Benton Smith

    I can almost experience sympathy for “Morning Joe” as he delivers his latest “reality-detached” nonsense to the television pseudo-audience which I must assume he imagines to be listening to what he says. It must feel to him like staring down into a bowl of cold oatmeal at the breakfast table, and delivering thereto a long and rambling soliloquy of utter madness, all the while imagining that the oatmeal hears, understands and is thereby moved to agree.

    Of course Joe knows (just as you and I know) that the only audience he needs to worry about is the one that signs his paycheck and helps him pretend to be a media celebrity.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2023 #147065
    D Benton Smith


    Ritter has lost his cool and is responding emotionally now. Israel might not exist, but more probably it will, but no one can foresee what’s going to happen right now.”

    It’s a rare day indeed when I disagree very much with what is posted by our deservedly respected resident genius, but in this case I must, because he is seriously wrong about a serious matter. It’s the sort of thing that can get you dead if you get it wrong, so I really do feel that it’s necessary to point it out.

    By every measure that I know of Scott Ritter is a man whose words should be taken very seriously because he has walked the walk to a degree that few others could match. He’s the kind of scholarly warrior that Thucydides recommended, and as such should be respected in the same way that you should respect a friendly silver back gorilla. Yes, he is friendly, and ALSO yes he can rip your arms and legs off, and WILL DO SO if one does not pay attention to clear signals regarding the gorilla’s boundaries of acceptable behavior.

    When a guy like Ritter calmly states in a cogent and civilized manner that there are certain red lines which must not be crossed (as he has done in regard to Israel’s treatment of Hamas, non combatant Palestinians in general and minor children in particular ) it is highly advisable that his words be taken very very seriously by all concerned.

    When those words of warning are NOT taken as meaning exactly what they say, and if one is very very lucky and he likes you very very much (as is the case with Israel) then he MIGHT give one last warning before ripping arms and legs off.

    That last warning might be emotionally charged, or even screechy, because as a tested warrior who knows himself well, Ritter KNOWS what happens next if the warning is not heeded, and he really does not want to go there, because violence and killing are very bad.

    Personally, I would not want to be Scott Ritter’s enemy but I also think that the Israelis have done just that. They have made themselves his (and many others’) enemy. Consequently, Zionist Israel as a nation state is about to come to an end, and those who support it are going to die. My own advice is to not be one of them.

    Does that sound more convincing if one says it dispassionately?

    When the killing starts that won’t matter at all, and THAT stark and deadly fact is why Scott Ritter is so emotional about it. He is trying his damnedest to convey that this is a final warning to stop. Not recognizing a FINAL warning can getcha dead.

    I’m with Ritter on the Israel thing. The whole idea of an exclusively “Jews Only” Homeland for Zionist colonizers has been criminally insane bullshit from the start. It’s time to end it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2023 #146682
    D Benton Smith


    There we have something to be in complete agreement about.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2023 #146597
    D Benton Smith


    US population – 336 million
    government employees – 24 million
    312 million citizens defeated by 24 million government (local, state, federal) employees”

    I’ve got two comments on your observation, actually, but before going into them I first want to assure you that I mostly agree with it, and completely appreciate and align with the point you make.

    First off, and to paraphrase my third favorite philosopher of all time (outranked only by Socrates and Jesus), we’re not defeated until its over, and it ain’t over until it’s over.

    Secondly, I think that the actual math is somewhat different than the numbers you posted. The ratio of 24 million apparatchiks defeating 312 million citizens omits the factor of money (and that the whole concept and practice of money is an inextricable key factor in the very definition of “citizen-ness”.)

    The cash income (the money income) of the entire 336 million COMPLETELY depends upon the ONE million people (give or take 99.9%) who decide where the money gets spent. The money (not the tangible goods and services, but just the MONEY) gets “spent” into existence when it is poured in from the top by the guy who believes that he owns all of the money and therefore has the unabridged right to “spend” it any damn where that he wants to. And how can ever tell about the veracity of his claim, really? Maybe he DOES own all of the money!

    The point is that NOBODY below that position has any money at all until that owner at the top “spends” it into existence by transferring “ownership” of the money to someone lower on the totem pole who then counts it as their “income”. And so on down the line. All the way down to the poorest pauper at the bottom, who might live out his entire lifetime and die penniless while still waiting expectantly for the first penny to arrive.

    The deep irony is that the only reason that the top guy had to “buy”/”spend”/”borrow” [i.e. get something for nothing] in the first place (instead of just having it already) was that he didn’t know how to do that. So, to his way of deficient thinking, the only way he could obtain what he needed or wanted was to get it for free from someone who could. In other words, he “borrowed” the thing that he needed or wanted, with the promise that he would give it back, while knowing that HE COULD NOT GIVE IT BACK BECAUSE HE DID NOT KNOW HOW. He did so by trading “money” (an IOU) for the thing, which means that the money is nothing but a promise to give the thing back (or some other thing of equivalent value.) “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Here, take this really valuable “money” as a durable symbolic record of my promise.”

    That sort of arrangement CAN work. It can work quite well actually, IF the “borrower/spender/buyer” was willing and able to keep the promise to pay it back. But alas, they are not. They are not willing. And they are not able. And the reason that they are not willing is BECAUSE they are not able. That is why they must also be deceitful. I mean, would YOU lend money to a known grifter when you know for certain that they are an unrepentant grifter who will never repay the loan? They are deficient and they are disabled and thus they are deceitful. This deficiency is very well proved by the fact that if they they were , actually, ABLE to create value then they would not have had to “borrow” it in the first place.

    At each stage, and be absolutely aware of this fact, the money that the guy at the top “spends” is not spent without expectation of return. The spender extracts something valuable in return for his expenditure. Perhaps the something of value expected to be received in return for the money is COMPLIANCE with the spender’s wishes? Perhaps the wish is for wine, women and song, with a little unquestioning obedience thrown in to sweeten the deal. Well in that case then that wish is what the spender shall receive! Otherwise he will simply take his business somewhere else, and “spend” (i.e. loan into existence) that money on someone more willing to agree to provide whatever the spender wants. Wine, women, song, and ANYTHING else. No problem. Which children do you want to rape and kill? Coming right up. And how about legal protection from ever having to answer for your crimes? Yours for the asking, because you asked, and I need the money.

    So the mathematics of the situation is not that 24 million people defeated 312 million people (with all which that that implies about the 312 million). It is that a few hundreds or thousands defeated the whole damn bunch. All 336 million of them.

    So far.

    I say “so far” because we haven’t got to the end yet. Like I mentioned earlier, it ain’t ’til it’s over, and this inescapable accounting of who owes what to whom is WAY not over. First, there are a whole bunch of people who have some IOUs to make good on (or not) so that other folks can make good on theirs (or not), and so on until we find out who’s stuck with the bill.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2023 #146582
    D Benton Smith


    And the silence that fills the space is just everyone waiting for the shoe to drop. Or maybe a better visualization would be as a supersaturated liquid solution at a temperature already well below freezing. All it will take now is the jiggle of a single atom to set off the near instantaneous chain-reacting crystallization of the whole thing into one big ice cube.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2023 #146531
    D Benton Smith

    Voting is compulsory. There is no way to avoid it. You vote with the actions of your life, and the tallied up conclusion (the vote count) of the election is called current events.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2023 #146504
    D Benton Smith


    Thank you very much for posting precisely the thoughts about the forgiving & unforgiving mind, and your own thoughts about it as well. These are exactly what I need to be contemplating today. When things like this happen (when someone else presents something that I truly need to see at the moment) it occurs to me that the event is not purely random coincidence. Thank you again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146481
    D Benton Smith


    If you keep talking to people the way you just did to Oxymoron folks might get the idea that you’re a troll working for those sneaky sneaky clever Jews to stir up the hatreds that they use to hide behind, which would kinda make YOU the “Jewbot”, wouldn’t it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146478
    D Benton Smith


    Just one or two bad Jews- got it.”

    No, citizen, you definitely do NOT get it. You take a single word, a single label, a single broad sweeping and all-inclusive generality and use it to define all 15,000,000 Jews in the world. You are either unaware of, or choose to ignore, that included within that 15 million person group is the full spectrum of human possibility, from the highest degree of noble grace to the lowest condition of defiled degradation.

    Why do you do that? Do you want me to hate fine people that I have never met? Or do you endeavor to encourage and nurture the regrettable human propensity to punish groups for the crimes of individuals?

    I strongly disagree with that mindset. It is unhealthy, illogical and dangerous. How ironic that it is also a trait of that subset of Jews who you seem to hate. Psychological projection, perhaps?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146463
    D Benton Smith

    It’s not difficult to tell right from wrong. What’s hard is to admit that you see it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146438
    D Benton Smith

    The American 2024 theatrical production that is currently being billed on page 3 as a National Election has been downgraded to side show status, and by showtime it will be downgraded again, to comedy skit. What I mean to say is what does it matter who is ostensibly in charge of Ukraine…. Oops, I mean Washington, DC. ?

    Who cares (and what difference does it make) which moronic puppet sits in the Oval Office, when the office has absolutely no control over the machinery of state? It may provide distraction and entertainment, but other than that you could just as easily put Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the big chair and still wind up with the same result.

    The East has suckered the West into a war of attrition, for which there is only one possible outcome. Of course to pull that off took some impressively adroit back-stage work over a quite a few years. First the West had to be perceive that there was a serious threat to its continued existence, and then it had to be suckered into thinking that it could win. All that it took was money, really (politicians come cheap). The harder task was capture of all the other institutions, which took a LOT more money (thanks, Black Rock) and more than a little black mail (and postmortem thanks to you, too Geoffry)

    I think we’re there. Washington, DC has been successfully filled to the brim with the necessary idiots (thank you, China) who have gone all in on the Zionist dream of world domination. Sun Tzu would be so proud.

    Now if all goes to plan it’s just a matter of running the meat grinder for a few more bloody years of unspeakable carnage and dead children.

    Why is it always the most innocent who pay the heaviest for the worst crimes?

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