Dr D Rich

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle May 17 2022 #108085
    Dr D Rich

    A reply to TAE Summary and that carpenter guy/reductionist I forget his moniker:

    I’m not so sure this… “The Peter Doocy Principle: People in government tend to be promoted to their level of incompetence at which point they become White House Press Secretary until they can get promoted to CNN or NBC”… isn’t the standard applied by Human Resources and OPM everywhere.

    Because we have this person, one of 20% journalism majors in each class (80% must science/engineering) at the U.S. Naval Academy and first non-aviator to command an aircraft carrier after Congress changed the law in 1999 to strike the fear in our adversaries…paper, pen and live blogging. I digress.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 17 2022 #108069
    Dr D Rich

    Twitter = Wells Fargo = Scott Ritter = Don Arthur = Dave Tam = Jeremy Boorda = Patty Horoho = Tonie Fauci = Enron

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 12 2022 #107811
    Dr D Rich

    Some people are confused.
    The daily news invariably provides an example as Tony Fauci is one of the painfully obvious masters of the craft alongside his wingman Frank Collins.

    Acquisitive projective identification (API) where someone takes on the attributes of someone else – versus attributive projective identification, where someone induces someone else to become one’s own projection. (Projecting a negative internalized object state onto a targeted person is more commonly labeled by laypersons, you know carpenters and such, gaslighting, blameshifting, and character assassination)

    Real life working example of API curated by this website’s host:


    in reply to: The Greatest Generation #107698
    Dr D Rich

    I was born in 1962 and my fitness report contains a number in the Block entitled Days in Combat. Not for one moment was my Marine unit aware whether our contribution to the combat effort was consequential any more than the Marine general who commanded us knew what we were doing at any particular time. However, The General briefed us to expect 1/3rd casualties by the end of the first day’s battle we were about to enter 2 hours later. War is grotesque dumbfuckery no matter Ritter’s exposition. Ritter should refrain from telling anyone for what they should be grateful.

    Scott is a narcissist as his writing is infused with “it’s all about him” and his track record pursuing teenage girls. What he saw and what his family members did doesn’t confer a damn thing on him just because he observed it. Brokaw exhibited the same behavior. In America we have a whole class of people who “adopt” the traits, characteristics and accomplishments of others. We call them Jaycees, politicians and C-suite creatures. Their magical tool is acquisitive projective identification and they wield this defense mechanism with skill and perseverance.

    The slaughter of young people for a Megalomaniac’s ambition is always repugnant.
    At least Russia’s WWII sacrifice was in response to an existential threat.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 10 2022 #107683
    Dr D Rich

    Kipling was ignorant or indifferent to the prospect of his son’s death, well, at least until his son died at war a fate I’d wish upon no father.
    Denial of such an outcome doesn’t fit Kipling’s prodigious intellect.
    And every father knows you fight for your son…now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 10 2022 #107677
    Dr D Rich

    March 6, 2017.
    Another distraction from Barack Obama.

    January 5, 2017
    The Oval Office

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 9 2022 #107603
    Dr D Rich

    I’m so glad Naomi Wolf is on it.
    How did I ever cope without her…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 7 2022 #107479
    Dr D Rich

    Or how Narcissists/Borderlines/Psychopaths ensnare the Therapist/UN Secretary General in delusional scheme and committing an act antithetical to both the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions:


    This act by Guterres reminds me of the rationale/justification put forth by Bush, Winkerwerder, Tornberg, Arthur, Rumsfeld and Ritchie for rape and torture at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and Bagram some 18 years ago.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 7 2022 #107477
    Dr D Rich

    @Dr. D

    Man (or woman), sometimes you get it and it is The Wounded Couple dynamic vis a vis America’s (The West’s) interaction with Russia. (Hat tip; projective identification)

    I almost like this, your rendition here, because there is whole cottage industry, couple’s therapy, devoted to saving “the coupled relationship” at the expense/identity of the abused side. Of course that’s before one ever touches on the species of men and occasionally women, The White Knights, easily bamboozled by the manipulative narcissist/borderline defenses:

    “For the Russian part, what’s the point of talking? Russia’s ex is an abusive, mentally ill psycho. Words only inflame a flashpoint, cause her to have psychotic episodes. You don’t call her on the phone. You don’t respond to her ridiculous accusations. You merely do what must be done and hope for a resolution. Only your actions will prove your case and your honor now. Like other crazy ex’s, you could destroy her in 60 seconds if you wanted to. Russia does not want to. That is the harder road, and the man is always guilty unless overwhelmingly proven otherwise.For the Russian part, what’s the point of talking? Russia’s ex is an abusive, mentally ill psycho. Words only inflame a flashpoint, cause her to have psychotic episodes. You don’t call her on the phone. You don’t respond to her ridiculous accusations. You merely do what must be done and hope for a resolution. Only your actions will prove your case and your honor now. Like other crazy ex’s, you could destroy her in 60 seconds if you wanted to. Russia does not want to. That is the harder road, and the man is always guilty unless overwhelmingly proven otherwise.For the Russian part, what’s the point of talking? Russia’s ex is an abusive, mentally ill psycho. Words only inflame a flashpoint, cause her to have psychotic episodes. You don’t call her on the phone. You don’t respond to her ridiculous accusations. You merely do what must be done and hope for a resolution. Only your actions will prove your case and your honor now. Like other crazy ex’s, you could destroy her in 60 seconds if you wanted to. Russia does not want to. That is the harder road, and the man is always guilty unless overwhelmingly proven otherwise.”

    Don’t international relations with Russis sound like this?:
    “”Wounded couple” – projective identification ensuring that each carries the most ideal or the most primitive parts of their counterpart.[32″”

    And this:

    “The recipient of the projection may suffer a loss of both identity and insight as they are caught up in and manipulated by the other person’s fantasy.[10”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2022 #107451
    Dr D Rich

    As to any question who is in charge and running the show.
    Yesterday we had Bill Burns CIA Director executing foreign affairs instead of the Secretary of State.
    Today, whether true or not, Israel extracted an apology from Vladimir Putin, deserved or not.

    Israel is always the belle at ball.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2022 #107372
    Dr D Rich

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken = CIA Director William Burns.


    “The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States
    Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs.”

    Once again rather than tolerate defiant impudence from the Saudis, it’s far past time to seize their yachts, sanction each king queen prince princess, repatriate all petroleum drilling/processing and pave low the Arabian peninsula with macadam…
    in retribution for killing Yemeni children.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2022 #107352
    Dr D Rich

    @Dr. D

    Or anyone else really.
    Here’s a little puzzle and maybe a small critique.

    You mean to tell me Elon Musk really isn’t the richest $200billion dollar guy in the world?
    That Elon never received a single billion dollar interest-free, instantly forgiven “loan” in his life?
    That Elon thru only his hard work, sweat and toil made his billions the old fashion way like Bezos’s 300000 family seed money or Those F*ckedUp Saudis drilling their own oil?

    Tell me it isn’t so!!

    Okay find the error in this news clip. Hint; who is running all these shows that D and others instantly recognize as fraudulent bullshit. No fair using the google search:

    “It was revealed this week in The Wall Street journal Secretary of State William Burns recently traveled to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where he held a secretive meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
    The purpose of the publicly unannounced visit, held in mid-April, appears to have been another attempt to try and heal souring relations with the Biden administration”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 3 2022 #107222
    Dr D Rich

    “…leaking a draft of a SCOTUS vote is unprecedented and appears to be a clear attempt to instigate left-wing riots across the country to pressure justices…”

    No it won’t. We have The January 6th Committe and Dead-eye Dick’s daughter Liz to redirect their gaze and protect us from all those deplorable white supremacist grannies and grandpas who might find common cause with the liberal agenda’s dinosaur.
    Talk about a circus of monumental distraction. Christ…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2022 #107156
    Dr D Rich

    Trevor Noah, pleasant ineffectual guy and watched his speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Someone will have to explain what they saw that I didn’t hear.

    Quickly, Tulsi Gabbard = Controlled Opposition

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 1 2022 #107113
    Dr D Rich

    @ Dr. D

    This extract is the most important part of the Twitter-Musk fiasco or as I’ve tried to analogize to family/friends, ‘Twitter; The New Wells Fargo Purveyor of Fraudulent Accounts’.

    “Twitter now openly admits to fabricating user numbers, a felony of material reporting to the SEC. But that’s a law. Yawn. We don’t enforce those.
    Obviously also reversing their shadow banning/paid bot numbers. Obama and Katie Perry lose +200,000/pr. That’s a lot of people! Conservatives pick up +10,000 apiece. Trump Jr was like what 5,000% higher than average? That would be a lie of material reporting to the SEC. But also it was a lie under oath to Congress that they were not shadow banning, honest injun”

    My fellow western Pennsylvania White Deplorables are getting goddam impatient with $33 billion U.S. dollars being shipped off to finance a war between white Peoples, Russians v Ukrainianstanians, and the yet-to-be-indicted-or-arrested by the SEC, $17 million a year f*cker/fraudster Victoria Gadde from Twitter WHEN my people are besotted with collapsing bridges, black-legged ticks spreading anaplasmosis erhlichiosis and Lyme, January 6th Non-insurrection prosecutions and the embedded Tick equivalent of Punjabi immigrant leadership of Pennsylvania medical institutions namely VA Pittsburgh and UPMC et al.
    The People Grow Restless.

    I have an idea. Since the Democrats showed as President Trump isn’t untouchable then maybe corporate attorneys like Gadde can and should be hounded unmercifully to ends of the earth.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 30 2022 #107064
    Dr D Rich

    Barack Obama versus Fidel Castro.

    What a perfectly delicious juxtaposition for the end of the post…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 29 2022 #107037
    Dr D Rich


    If ur gonna get all biblical on me while, i think, defending Ritter then:

    That rebellious jew also gave an unambiguously stern warning to those who would harm so much as a hair on child’s head.

    Predictably the act which got Ritter convicted wasn’t his first goat-roping rodeo.
    One of the priors resulted in the prosecutor being fired for her unfortunately favorable decision, classifying the case as Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal.
    So if you’re defending someone as creepy around kids as sleepy Joe Biden then best wishes with that. If I interpreted your post 180 degrees from your intent then my apologies.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 29 2022 #107023
    Dr D Rich

    As if on tune special dispensation and another strawman to deconstruct
    And yet he still whacked his pee pee during the entrapment. God bless him, right?
    The point is all those other men unforgiven by TPTB and in Murtha’s case medically murdered never whacked their peepers online for an FBI agent posing as a 15 year old…allegedly.

    So why is this Felon Marine Ritter accorded both credibility and access to information that he could only fabricate on his own?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 29 2022 #107003
    Dr D Rich

    And Ritter advocated for the US and UN “to get tough with Saddam Hussein” long before he didn’t. Of course, Biden was correct back then to state that Ritter was punching above his pay grade because Scott indeed was in a rather low position.
    Let’s give the Marine some credit for changing his mind, no small feat.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 29 2022 #107001
    Dr D Rich

    @Dr . D

    If as you said “Therefore they are lying. How dare you criticize your betters! Don’t you know how I am? We have titles – titles demonstrating our nobility, our superiority over the likes of you and we’ll have you doxxed, tracked down, and shot”

    And as you wrote “No one is enforcing them. From the dog catcher to the President”

    Then how do you account for the special dispensation afforded The Arch-Nemesis Scott Ritter?

    After all, the good choirboy Scott has been spared the Ehren Watada, Joseph Darby, Dr. Richard D, Joseph Nacchio and John Murtha treatment.
    You know, the spectrum of care Society and Government routinely apply to recalcitrant men that includes isolation, retaliation, prosecutorial harassment, untreated disability, underemployment, death and yes doxxiing deplatforming and public humiliation.

    At the same time, I supposed the rest of those men weren’t allowed to re-enter society to similar Public Acclain because none of them like Marine Ritter whacked off in an “adult” chatroom with a 15 year old AND obviously death prevents such re-entry in the case of Congressman John Murtha.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 27 2022 #106904
    Dr D Rich

    Alfabank article reveals more than what our host says “what a cesspool”!
    This article reveals the depth breadth and extent of the RICO case developed by Durham. I’d also venture, by the absence of everything-Obama in 1-Durham’s casefile and 2-no mention of Obama in any subpoena testimony that the Gov’t is ALL IN for protecting the CIAs role and Big Guy Barack Obama. Clearly, every player, each witness and Durham himself know Barack Obama has been indemnified by higher authority.

    So, who or what is the Higher Authority that can make A. Congress in the 2 Trump impeachments B. ongoing January 6th Non-insurrection Investigation C. FISA court corruption by Democrats for political expediency D. MSMs nonstop gaslighting of Trump and Trump’s supporters E. CIA in its surveillance and plant/manufacturing of evidence against the Trump campaign/presidency F. DoD in its destructive debacles in Afghanistan and Ukraine…..all dance to the same drummer.

    Critical excerpts from the article:

    1. fairly large file of Trump related materials’ that had been assembled for production to the office of Special Counsel Robert [Mueller] or the DOJ.”
    “We are unable to locate such a file,”
    (Of course they did none of this “unable to find the file horseeshit” for free)

    2. DARPA-funded research on the Yota domains was shared with Joffe or other outsiders.
    (Next time Defense Department folks exercise the states secrets/it’s classified/national security exception to answering a question just hit them with this new precedent)

    3. Further, the data provided to the CIA was deceptive by omission and peddled to trigger a CIA investigation of the sitting president of the United States of America.
    (The very heart of RICO, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act which makes the January 6th Insurrection Congressional Investigation a “crime in furtherance of an ongoing criminal enterprise”)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 24 2022 #106715
    Dr D Rich


    Hear, hear!
    Or is it…Here, here!
    Perhaps this time is the right time to abandon legalisms and managerialisms for your expression of medical logic and a U-turn back to the scientific method.
    As you adduced, “something is wrong” with the students at the universities. Without keen powers of observation and equally potent diagnostic acumen similsr to yours, Kassandra, there are no Fauci’s, no Walenskies, no medicines, no mRNA technologies or interventions to justify the effort, time and cost to combat a disease or threat that even the best diagnostician cannot recognize.

    Even on the pages of this blog, two facts were recognized long before the mainstream in one case (shared psychosis) and Kirsch/The Acturials (more ppl were dying and dying from something other than enhanced COVID-19 counting could account for). Yet, genuinely learned minds on this blog shied away from acknowledging the ugliness beneath the thinly veneered masks of my nation’s leaders.
    The Mask of Sanity

    It’s not too late except Medicine writ large is overrun by Nurses obsessed with being managers, pharmacists obsessed with being pseudo-MDs and Doctors focused on playing well in the sandbox in legitimate fear of losing their sumptuously appointed C-suite offices, well, to Nurses, Pharmacists, Administrators, Nursing assistants and Navy corpsmen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 23 2022 #106648
    Dr D Rich

    So, now the Democrat Party deigns to insult President John F. Kennedy.

    The inimitable words of Lloyd Bentsen still apply:
    “I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Jack Kennedy would never smoke cigarettes in an obviously effeminate manner like Barack Obama. Senator (insert Zelensky) you’re no Jack Kennedy.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 22 2022 #106612
    Dr D Rich

    So…it was experimental after all. And yet this monumental ass gets cause and effect, and the scientific method perfectly inverted. Attorneys like Obama truly are a bunch of arrogant morons obsessed with their own form of perverted illogic.

    So says Barry: “Despite the fact that we have now essentially clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide. Around 1 in 5 Americans is still going to put themselves at risk… rather than get vaccinated.”

    To think the Powers That Be thought this malignant fucker was the best candidate of my generation to be a President let alone the first half Black POTUS.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 21 2022 #106532
    Dr D Rich

    So….the CIA’s decision becomes clearer with each passing day AND article curated (there it is love that overused word) by TAE.

    In short:
    1. the CIA is in charge.
    2. The CIA is funded by big tech supplanting cocaine/heroin revenue.
    3. The CIA decided Hunter’s Big Guy will be The Fall Guy beside His son Hunter Biden.
    Look back no further than the January 5th 2017 Oval Office Meeting of the Principals chaired by Obama, attended by CIAs Brennan et al which launched Cover-up-Gate spawn of Russiagate spying on the Trump campaign.
    Every event which followed the January 5th 2017 Meeting can be observed as a furtherance of a criminal enterprise:
    1. 1/05/17 Obama Oval Office Meeting
    2. FISA court enhanced harassment of multiple individuals including Gen. Flynn, Carter Paige, George Papadopoulos etc.
    3. Impeachment #1 of Trump
    4. Impeachment #2 of Trump
    5. Fauci/Walensky COVID coverup controversy
    6. 2020 Stolen Presidential Election
    7. Inverted Controversy of January 6th 2021 non-Insurrection
    8. Ukraine War in support of hyper-Nazism.

    Cui bono? HRC and BHO and CIA and Big Tech financiers


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 19 2022 #106375
    Dr D Rich

    Delusional, self-deceptive or Mr. Nobody’s version of Obama as the admirable apparatchik keeping the trains running on time Or Saul’s manifestation of Dictatorship of Reason, you know, the intellectual elite ruining the modern world.

    Says Mr. Nobody: “Or probably Barack Obama, who is likely the real power behind the throne. I was never really a big fan of Obama, but one thing I appreciated about him was that he had the horse-sense to know how far was too far.”

    On the other hand I see Obama as the crystalized embodiment of psychopathic personality bonded with faux-intellectual organism. The tip off being the barely disguised speech impediment and self-hatred projected as contempt toward “ordinary” men. Notice Barack can barely tolerate being around a befuddled old white man, President Biden when polite society says tolerance, compassion or respect are appropriate for the occasion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 12 2022 #105956
    Dr D Rich

    Perhaps now, Black Lives Matter, BLM, should be recognized for what it is and has always been.
    Anti-Black Panthers

    Oh hell while we’re at it
    Barack Obama, the anti-Malcolm X despite effecting the exact same sartorial splendor with none of principle, morality, integrity or fearlessness.
    Barack is definitely no George Jackson.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 9 2022 #105762
    Dr D Rich

    Signs of the anti-Narcissist
    “I knew Jimmy Carter!”
    Standard reply: “But does Admiral Rickover know you?”

    For the credulous, here’s more grist for the mill:

    “The U.S. was then called in to help with the clean up the site.

    Carter, a trained nuclear engineer who had worked under famed Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the Navy’s nuclear program on the atomic submarine “Sea Wolf,” was asked to lead a team for the clean up operation.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2022 #105652
    Dr D Rich

    What’s with this tarnishing the Army’s reputation by linking to the hide of Hunter Biden?

    It was the Navy, D!
    THE. NAVY!!

    Commissioned an ensign at age 43, but not dismissed until he popped positive for cocaine in 9 months.
    You see I take exception to these inaccuracies because around the same time that same Navy saw fit to ruin this Captain’s life and career on the personal whim of a former junior high cheerleader. That species of RN convinced the Army to make one of them the Army’s Surgeon General. The Navy’s version of the RN as commanding officer didn’t like one of my subordinates ensnaring her in his private practice-disability compensation gig.

    Upon my discovery and subsequent reporting of this subordinate’s perfidy and RN CO’s corruption the Navy turned the guns on me. Suddenly labeled “unprofessional”, “a menace to subordinates”, and in dire need of “mental health care”, they encouraged me to leave in lieu of court martial.
    The isolation was as immediate as the humiliation. 14 years of entry level employment with no end in sight while no longer being managed by an RN but nursing assistants.

    Why? My subordinate was performing IMEs for Lockheed’s subsidiary, QTC. Look it up.
    Each person who witnessed this corruption and made testimony favorable to me were fired by the Navy.
    One man who helped me, Congressman John Murtha, penned a very personal letter pledging intervention. Murtha died a few days after I received the letter….and as you might have guessed, after Navy Medicine butchered Murtha’s lap-chole at Bethesda.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2022 #105058
    Dr D Rich

    Knee jerk maybe. “Jump to” never and not so much
    Have you heard of synovial osteo-chondromatosis?

    Your thoughtful explication might very well be right, but projecting your higher level analysis on to Tracey’s blank sleight might be unfair precisely because you are exactly what he is not, fair and overly generous with your projection.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2022 #105031
    Dr D Rich

    Tracey, as feckless as ever, continues to insult Trump in his effort to explain Biden’s “insanity” even when criticism of Biden should stand alone.

    However, Joe Biden suffers not insanity from the ordinary understanding of psychosis, but cognitive impairment instead. There lies the rub guys like Tracey even if he’s a girl and that his special explication invites sympathy for the dementia-addled Biden and further repudiation n of Trump.

    How convenient Tracey “fails” to notice Biden’s inability to maintain The Mask of Sanity, really his only criticism of Joe, and expresses his contempt for Trump’s propensity to communicate raw and unMasked.

    Pretentiously and false pretenses are characteristics adored by the political classes, economic elite, social sophisticates and especially the gatekeepers for the nouveau rich

    Hat tip to Hervey Cleckley and Eric Berne

    in reply to: No posts today #104967
    Dr D Rich

    9. Inversion table to passively stretch the spine

    in reply to: No posts today #104966
    Dr D Rich

    For the back.
    Every…single…day…whether you hurt or not.
    And to compliment JDay’s et al advisories.

    1. Piriformis stretch, (passive lying flat)
    2. Hamstring stretch, (passive lying flat)
    – 1. and 2. duration count at least to 40
    3. Neural flossing (look it up. It works)
    4. Planks, forward (on forearms 40 count)
    5. Planks, sides both (on forearms 40 count)
    -3. 4. 5. repeat to your heart’s desire
    6. Apply heat or cold whichever feels better
    7. Acetaminophen 1000mg or Ibuprofen 800mg or in combo whichever feels better 2 or 3 times a day
    8. Consider Acupressure, Chinese style (might provide immediate relief)

    If you experience bowel/bladder dysfunction and/or loss of nerve function in the lower extremities then to the doctor you go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2022 #104894
    Dr D Rich

    “Both sides HAD LONG HAD nonprofits, and both HAD LONG understood the importance of applying First Amendment protections to donors”


    -from a Princeton grad, 2014 Bradley Prize winner and WSJ Opinion writer which makes me think she was a lyricist for ABBA’s “Knowing Me, Knowing You”. Let’s see if y’all agree
    In the song’s refrain, the hype-man sings this in background:
    “This time (pause)
    this time we’re through
    This time we’re through
    We’re really through”

    Because remember folks breaking up is never easy, I know when I have to go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2022 #104556
    Dr D Rich

    Thanks Dr. D but Arabian peninsula encompasses Saudi Arabia, UAE et al.

    Our discussion on the Saudis turns out to be far more topical, current and prescient given today’s events, U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit unwelcomed by Prince MBS.
    The Saudis will likely be punished more for their impudent act than for any lives they slaughtered in Yemen.
    My country’s leaders look very weak.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2022 #104466
    Dr D Rich

    Thanks antidote but to be fair, Dr. D made the point and I agree with you and ARAMCO that the Saudi royals are behaving more like cocky cool Quadrillionaire$$ than simple Trillionaires.

    My point remains if my nation’s lunatic elite want this country to remain an empire and improve our moral standing in the world then take Saudi Arabia and eliminate that blight on mankind. That country won’t be missed and I doubt there will be significant casualties.
    In the aftermath, return to dealing and competing with China and Russia as equals in the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2022 #104463
    Dr D Rich

    Vis a vis ongoing dialogue with Dr. D
    My Metamucil kicked in earlier today.

    D said and I’m grateful for his response to me:

    “And I don’t know we will attack Saudi because Saudi Arabia has no oil. Gawar was at a +90% water cut even 10 years ago and their other fields are as old. That’s why they’re attacking Yemen, a war which is failing and so they can’t pump there either, not even hypothecate the drill holes they can’t make. But the point stands. As Ukraine and Syria had a sudden and miraculous uprising the minute they didn’t side slavishly FOR the West, who is looking for a new miraculous uprising today?
    I’m not sure, because I think they’re too busy.”

    However, you’d recognize your factual counterpoint works both ways, doesn’t it?
    If there is no oil in that God awful Saudi earth then there is no basis for Prince MBS to refuse POTUS’s calls except, perhaps, a Trillionaire (Saudi royalty) is a far different animal than a billionaire=oligarch.
    And the Russo-Uko War at least proved the billionaire-type oligarchs are fair game.

    Then the absence of “oil in the ground” also proves the antithesis that the U$D has nothing to fear from a Petro-Yuan currency which lacks a materialfoundation.

    in reply to: The West Is at War with Itself #104405
    Dr D Rich

    Once again it’s D’s overly constipated style.
    What’s wrong with constipation!
    I enjoy it everyday.

    Yet, D doesn’t see “it” either, that is, the next chess move for the U.S. to counter Russia.

    Take Saudi Arabia…
    and see how much Putin’s Russis is motivated to defend their homeland and natural resources on the Arabian peninsula. Not I think.

    Or observe how much Xi Jinping’s Sino-inscrutability protects its trading partner King Abdulaziz Al Asad. Not at all I’ll wager.

    So the central thesis is, can my country’s lunatic leaders only be motivated by their jealousy of Putin’s and Xi’s bonafides, balls and all-around chutzpah? Maybe there is something about being led by ladies, gays and effeminate men that brings about a challenge from our stated enemies.

    in reply to: Neutrality #104369
    Dr D Rich

    The only nonsensical aspect of the Russo-Uke War is the fact non-participants targeted Billionaires…of the Russian variety. We”ve been led to believe the only true division among humans is economic. That the Billionaire Class represents some monolithic , untouchable voting bloc. That is there’s the all-powerful ultra-rich then the rest of us to be divided and conquered by race, ethnicity, religious preference, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation ad nauseam.

    Yet here we are attacking Oligarchs. I suppose because by inference they’re Russian but the rest of the billionaire class is still off-limits. Oh and I forgot to note TPTB tell us that Nazism of the Ukrainian variety is to be defended with filthy lucre and maybe blood but the Nazism as practiced in western Pennsylvania, the U S. Military and Putin’s Russian shall be wiped from the face of the earth.
    Of course, it’s of paramount importance to elucidate such a working example of insanity, Bateson’s Double Bind Theory of schizophrenia, as clearly as possible.

    Still I think the solution should be to annihilate Saudi Arabia in the interest of international justice, as an expression of solidarity with the dispossessed citizens of Yemen and as a message to our main trading partner, China. China sure as hell won’t defend Saudi Arabia.
    As it was in beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 16 2022 #104317
    Dr D Rich

    Edited: why be cute?
    A modest proposal long overdue.
    It’s far past time to test the thesis of King Oil, Saudi Royalty Worth a cool quadrillion and Saudi impunity. I don’t buy it.
    The U.S. Military should avenge for no particular reason and all the following…
    A. The humiliation by MBS to its Commander in Chief
    B The beheading of the Washington Post’s (CIAs) Khashoggi
    C. The 370,000 Yemenis (70% children) murdered by the Saudis
    D. The Saudi role in 911.
    E. The 1973 Oil Embargo
    F. The danger posed to U.S. hegemony by the Saudis’ open threat to trade in currency other than U$D.

    …and “Putinize” MBS and his crew, demonize Saudi Arabians everywhere, strip the Saudis of their land/titles, seize their yachts, repatriate all American oil production assets in the Kingdom and turn over management to Hunter Biden with 10% for the Big Guy.

    Let’s see if 3 things happen: 1. whether world opinion rises against America 2. If any Saudi presents 1/1,000th the resistance as the Ukrainians, Afghans or Yemenis 3. If China, Russia or India oppose the U.S. on the Arabian peninsula or in the court of worldwide opinion. 4. If White America becomes as inflamed against MBS and everything Saudi as the current propaganda was has mobilized the Deplorables against their White racial brothers and sisters in Putin’s Russia.

    What better way to rehabilitate America’s reputation, eliminate a scourge on Humanity, and get our hands on those $2 trillion dollars possessed by the Saudi Royal family.

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