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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 2022 #123315

    re. prev. TAE describes an US vs. THEM narrative.

    Idk about the Twitter Files, so, a general take.

    For sure there was censorship / triaging of twits by IT types at Twatter, in support of ‘Dem.’ narratives – pol stances – aims – cover-ups – agendas – trends to be encouraged – etc. Including ‘boosting’ (sic) x y z ‘facts.’

    Now typcial now of IT, in the US first, as an ex. Profess. middle-class, middle-manag. types, who must find things to do, for good pay. They band together in a quasi-cult like atmosphere. In-group fervor substitutes for any reasonable actions, including the survival of the company and their jobs, which then take second place. Under semi-control by some political factions, how the money circulates, idk.

    I suppose Musk tried, is trying, to wrest control, change the mindset, culture, structure – hierarchy – control mechs.. some supression or censorship is by now unavoidable, choices must be made. Free speech has always been for the ones, not the others, and never for all without restrictions.

    I read that Twatter had 7.5 K employees (see link.) My imagination which may be quite wrong is that to run a Twat thingie, maybe 1- 2 K ppl are needed. (Outside of watching posts by humans, not algos, and censoring / boosting, so maybe one can hire a bunch to do that..) So it all looks like a groupie party, a kind of jamboree of the ‘virtual’ economy, extracting as much as possible via ads, data licensing, and/or, plus, getting funding from outside parties (i.e. non-commercial inputs.) At some point the inputs diminish, die off, other opinions, propaganda, etc. get a grip… ??

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2022 #123233

    Micheal Reid, the Pastreich interview was interesting, specially on Covid (Hopes re. US politics, hmm.)
    Afewk, Brian B. is v. professional and smooth, yes.

    Figmund, that clip, thx for posting it. Oh Man.

    The polished, suited, groomed, Sunak meeting the deliberately down-dressed in crummy T shirts and tired camouflage fatigues, Zelensky, and his protectors who accompany him, similar.

    While the Servant Staff is impeccably turned out in plummy elaborate rigged-up uniforms.

    As in a silly, boring movie. The noble fighters in tired dirty T shirts, signalling: We are of the people, real fighters, determined, no dress code for us real warriors, we ‘is’ the supremo lance of opposition to Evil, etc.

    Massive fail. Who is brought on board with Ukr-USuk war with these kinds of images? Zel. has a TV / movie / prop,. background, producing easy BS stuff, financed by oligarchs, but is completely lost in Intl politics, he hasn’t a clue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2022 #123162

    Re. Assange. Afewk asked, at

    Debt Rattle December 10 2022

    Why a sudden U-turn by the Guardian and company now?

    1. Trump can be blamed for the indictment in 2019. Obama held off. (see 2 links below) So, Dems => Nobilis, Trump => Horribilis!

    2. The pro-Assange cause is quite successful WW. Russia and Xi have both ridiculed the US for their hypocritical *free speech* screechy BS by pointing to Assange, a non-violent person, a journalist, reporter, blogger (depending on def.), made to suffer horrors. Mega embarassing -> no counter-argument is at hand. Australia is being blamed as well, why do they not defend their citizen?

    3. The Guardian (and maybe similarly the NY times, to a lesser degree .. ?) were publishing some of Assange’s docs, takes, etc., and very keen on the *New Journalism* (wikileaks, the new era, internet, public participation, etc.) as that might make them more relevant, better ‘news’ purveyors, which would surely rapidly augment revenue.

    At the Guardian, Brit. authorities intervened pronto and forbade all wiki news, even destroyed servers (I have read.)

    So some MSM have a grudge against their controllers, and want to claim more leeway, independence, etc. Vassals aren’t happy all the time.

    one news link, Chicago Tribune

    indictment Assange US official doc

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2022 #123108

    from prev. thread.

    Merkel’s ‘confession’ may be ground for tribunal – Moscow

    Maria lashes out at Angela.

    Merkel should just keep her mouth shut, she is making things worse. Not a consideration for her, I guess, she is trying to get in with the Zeitgeist (pro-Urk more violently than she was,) Merkel was good at pushing problems away, sending them down the road. She did perpetual ‘balancing acts’ – like going for Minsk and NS 2, which at the time, was perhaps reasonable, or looked clever, in a way.

    Imho the Minsk efforts were not straight-out duplicitous, just a lame effort to look good (Europe loves peace efforts even if fakey), Rightio. Hollande went along but tried to duck commitments and media on this, he didn’t want to be involved as he had other problems.

    Now she exagerates her ‘duplicity’ and ‘evil’ side with a ‘confession’, trying to get xtra brownie-type points. Argh.

    Putin’s public riposte “near zero trust from now on” is a political theatre to R ppl, there were no mysteries about all this, anyone who cared to look knew what was happening on the ground.

    The Minsk Protocol, 2014, had as a first condition a cease-fire. That was broken in under about 10 days or so. All continued along as usual, with shelling of the Donbass, as nobody reacted.

    The UN Resolution 2202 (2015) was aimed at re-enforcing, promoting, Minsk I, with higher authority clout, as there were (? idk, guessing) NATO ppl trapped in the Debaltsevo cauldron.

    It had no effect.

    At link Samantha Power said .. it was ironic that the Russian Federation had called the meeting to adopt a resolution on a conflict that it had fuelled…

    What we see is Intl’ orgs., Pols, making statements, taking positions, empty posturing, jockeying for kudos, following agendas of some big players (Corps), etc. for many different reasons. Merkel seems to feel she can still be part of the game.

    I did see the link to MoA but post is long enough.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2022 #122921

    On arms sent to Ukr. Mentioned in top post.

    I listened today — to Xavier Moreau, his latest bulletin, in F. from Donesk, he is mostly outraged at the bomb damage on schools, etc. but he had nothing to say about Arms though that is one of his areas of competence.

    — To radio France Soir, featuring Jaques Baud (some of his pieces have been posted here, see Postil magazine, ex, link below) and Francois Martin, in F,

    Where what happens to the arms sent to Ukr. was brought up.

    Ukr. has since 1991 been a huge arms seller. When the USSR dissolved, all ‘atomic’ capacities were returned to Russia, but all other arms, be it stocks, manufacturing capacities, patents, etc. became the property of the new ‘regions.’

    Post 1991, Ukr. sold huge amounts of arms that they had in stock, for mega profits (Oligarchs, greed.) This trading in arms is a staple of Ukr. commerce, and continues, the imports (aka gifts) from the ‘collective west’ are sold on, to Russia (in first place, unsurprising, they are close by and can pay), to Albania, W. Africa, and gangs in Finland, to quote some exs.

    An estimate put forward was that light arms (including anti-tank) only 30 – 40 % reached the front line in Ukr. All the rest is sold off left and right, v. cheap.

    interview with J. Baud, ex. text in eng.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2022 #122919

    Oroboros, prev. thread. 🙂

    In France Macron’s nick-names don’t make those historical comparisons, that would be too grandiose, flattering. ( -> was to Napoleon and Alexander)

    Some exs., a selection,

    Jupiter my favorite, it was invented by those who worked on his first campaign -> imperial, dominating..

    The small powdered Marquis (by another pol, meant to be insulting)

    The Mozart of Finance Odd? as Macron is v. poor at math wasn’t a successful banker …. except at convincing ppl by charm, etc.

    Play on his name: Micron, ok; Macrotte (my shit ball), Macaron (sweet, sort of hard outside and soft inside), etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2022 #122848

    Top post, Jeffrey Sachs:

    JS is Chief of the UN Sustainable Development Group, and advisor to Gutteres (UN head) for some matters economic. Idk what position, what influence he wields. So, anything coming from his mouth or pen cannot be trusted (ask afewk.) Rightio.

    Some high-up figures, perhaps Macron in first place, others, note JS quotes Macron amply, are calling for negotiations re. the US-Nato — Russia proxy war in Ukr.

    JS, quotes: “There is no military way out” – “A disaster for everybody, a threat to the whole world.”

    At heart, those calling for ‘diplomacy’, ending the killing in towns and fields, and sitting down at the table, whether sincere or not, are peace-washing their images: We tried, we wanted, we did out best, etc.

    USuk (poodle EU, NATO) has clarioned that Russia must give up Crimea, the Donbass, all ‘occupied’ lands. This hard line has held fast for now, *ensuring* that no negotiations can be engaged in from the Russian side, as they cannot ever give up Crimea and some parts of East Ukr. Macron and the like ignore that or pretend to do so. So the war goes on.

    Oroboros, Alexander looks very like Macron.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2022 #122759

    Drug trade Afgh – Taliban.

    Afewk, The brookings inst. can be wrong about many things, slant stuff, be right about some others, as I pointed out they seemed to ‘excuse’ or explain by various factors, the Taliban’s actions re. drugs.

    The top Bosses (Amrikis previous – Taliban now more in charge) control the drug trade, in part directly, and for another part ‘mafia style’, take rake-off payments, while organising / doing nothing much except ? some meddling in the hierarchy, who is top boss etc., “Amir has to go home, leave the biz,” that kind of thing.

    Many articles, studies about the drug trade since the flashy US withdrawal from Afgh detail that the trade under the Taliban has a new super profitable life.

    Which doesn’t mean US actors are no longer involved, btw. Though the first collabs. are the Pakistanis, but as they also seize drugs for their profit — then what happens Idk..

    From the Atlantic Council, yikes.. Yet the content may be of interest.

    Afgh. drug trade is booming under the Taliban, R. Stone. Aug 2022

    The UN has studies, articles, surveys, position papers, action proposals..


    The global trade in illicit Afghan opiates has become one of the world’s greatest transnational drug and crime threats, with severe consequences for health, governance and security at national, regional and international levels. Illicit Afghan opiates are trafficked to almost every continent in the world, with the exception of South America, and are trafficked along three broad routes …

    I’m NO fan of the UN, think the WHO shoudl be shut down, but they do publish studies etc. which are OK. The split between procedures set up long ago, carried out by employees – int’l collabs., and capture / manipulation of narratives by political / more powerful forces is evident.

    Abut NZ Idk. And I have never been to Afgh. either though II wanted to visit it – past tense as it looks like I’ll never get to go there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2022 #122686

    Along the lines of “Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus” at top post, C. Martenson, vid: “Fauci lab-leak cover-up revealed via e-mails.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2022 #122673

    Afewk posted: (…) When the Taliban began discouraging poppy planting and harvesting, that really was the last straw for the criminal gang that controls America, and they commenced their futile war on the anti-drug Taliban. The pretext for the initial attack was ‘women’s rights’, with a bit of harbouring ‘terrorists’ thrown in.

    Imho, no, not really … as the Taliban did not discourage poppy planting. They destroyed x area poppy fields because prices had sunk desperately low, caused by a glut. Later they expanded somewhat, while prices rose slowly.

    From Brookings, long, sept. 2021:

    “The Taliban’s 2000 ban on opium poppy cultivation was an isolated and likely unsustainable policy move by the Islamist regime. In the post-Taliban era decreases in poppy cultivation and opiate production that periodically took place over the previous two decades have largely been the result of the saturation of global and local drug markets, poppy crop disease, inauspicious weather such as drought, or temporary coercive measures…”

    Heh, sounds like even making excuses for the Taliban, by dragging in many factors (crop disease, etc.) while the motivation was purely financial.

    There was no ‘last straw’, the US, the Taliban, and all others knew this trade would continue, via perhaps some different routes, markets, refineries (mostly in Pakistan), profit margins, etc.

    How Opium profits the Taliban by G. Peters, 2009 is interesting. (Haven’t re-read it, so ?)

    The real scandal is that this agri. crop could not be made legal (as many, incl. the UN, pushed for.) Afgh. could have been the no. 1 producer of legal medecines based on the poppy. The US opposed it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 4 2022 #122590

    Pfizer’s chief executive Albert Bourla, Ph.D., is in hot water for claims he made during a BBC interview late last year about the company’s then-unapproved COVID vaccine for younger kids. The claims have reportedly been branded “misleading” and “overly promotional.”


    That’s the latest finding in an ongoing case at the British pharmaceutical marketing regulator the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), The Telegraph reports. 

    more at:

    FIERCE PHARMA. (scroll down a bit)

    Article downplays ‘the case’ – ‘hot water’ is not a legal term for ex. Some kind of attack on Bourla took place and maybe a small wedge against him / Pfizer was lodged. Will anything further happen? I doubt it. For the mo. + No MSM reports afaik.

    > see other articles on the site to see what BigPharma is up to and how it dresses it up. It is proudly put out public info.

    That the MSM doesn’t report continues to be very efficient, because ppl have to fit in with what others know/believe to continue to live in insecure harmony with others.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2022 #122546

    “Declassified Australia exposes and analyses a massive secret propaganda operation being run out of the US, that has been buried by Western media.” by Peter Cronau. 22 Sep, 2022

    ‘We believe this activity represents the most extensive case of covert pro-Western IO [Information Operation] on social media to be reviewed and analysed by open-source researchers to date,’ say the researchers from Stanford University and internet research firm, Graphika.

    The researchers found most of the Information Operation ‘likely originated in the United States’. From there it ran a massive, interconnected web of automated ‘bot’ accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

    Lots of analysis….

    from declassified australia.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2022 #122535

    By Fabio Vighi, long.

    A self-fulfilling prophecy: Systemic collapse and Pandemic simulation.

    Fleshes out the idea that the Pandemic was pushed forward to deal with, and conceal, an economic disaster. excerpt re. one aspect:

    The only thing that matters for the clique directing the health emergency orchestra is to feed the profit-making machine, and every move is planned to this end, with the support of a political and media front motivated by opportunism.

    If the military industry needs wars, the pharmaceutical industry needs diseases.

    It is no coincidence that ‘public health’ is by far the most profitable sector of the world economy, to the extent that Big Pharma spends about three times as much as Big Oil and twice as much as Big Tech on lobbying.

    The potentially endless demand for vaccines and experimental gene concoctions offers pharmaceutical cartels the prospect of almost unlimited profit streams, especially when guaranteed by mass vaccination programmes subsidised by public money.

    Why have all Covid treatments been criminally banned or sabotaged? (…)

    From the Philsophical Salon.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2022 #122528

    SPLASH (add it to sites to visit..) has an interesting article about the oil price cap. ( -> EU has agreed on a $60 a barrel price cap on R seaborne oil.)


    Market players manage to evade sanctions on Iranian and Venezuelan oil through ship-to-ship transfers, illicit tanker trade, and crude blending. Refiners and other buyers will probably find ways to beat the proposed requirements for trading Russian oil. They may seek letters of credit from multiple banks or use several subsidiaries ..


    Russian shipowners are facing refusals from the Chinese authorities and companies regarding the recognition of insurance documents for ships and cargoes issued by the above-mentioned insurance companies,” he said at the conference on Tuesday as reported by RIA Novosti.

    dec 2 2022.

    Import of R oil to the EU (non-EU Europe excl.) has sagged but by no means to the degree that ppl imagine. This chart is from Statista (paywalled, link is to pirate copy at Reddit) gives an overall glom.

    -> in volume. There is def. a trend down in exports from R – note the big rise from Sept. to Oct. 22.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2022 #122108

    UKR. Lavrov, interviewed for a film on Extremism, treats USSR/Russia – UKR. relations, nazism, etc. Worth a watch.

    26 mins, eng subs.
    Bosco posted re. Putin-Russia following the plandemic playbook,

    My answer to my own question is that Putin is too busy winning a war of existential survival against the NATOstan bloc to deal with that stuff.

    Imho what happened in Russia is very much the same as all over the ‘developed world’, a belief and trust in the WHO declaring a pandemic, and Big Pharma jumping on the gravy train. (Sputnik vax is just as crap an any other, imho.)

    The WHO-declared pandemic prev. to COV19 was the Swine Flu.

    It certainly wasn’t a pandemic according to common sense, or basic nos.

    A vax scam was ready to go, but after under 50 deaths, the vax was banned. In France, the Health Minister, Bachelot, ‘quit’ as she had ordered X millions of vax doses, which had to be junked, were unpaid, etc. Her background: Pharmacist.

    When ‘branding’ and ‘promotion’ of vaccines resembles that for luxury handbags, or sexy pyjamas, supported moreover by Med. Authorities, and the State, it is the end of reasonable health policies, a give-over to Big Corps who count only profits.

    The authoritarian impulse of ‘officials’ to control the ‘plebs’, by forcing them to x or y, tracking them, and so on, works in many places.. The Mayor of Moscow, Sobyanin, was, is, a huge supporter of testing, lockdowns, vax, etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2022 #122029

    Finis Sinarum, by Pattberg for the Saker, link in top post.

    “… Most nationals do not realize this, but the West controls education globally. Not just all the standards. Not just the Anglo-Satan BA, MA, MBA, PhD degrees, publications, and university structures, but also international exchange, scholarship, and permissions. Chinese degrees, Benke, Shuoshi, Boshi, etc., on the other hand, are invalid.

    An Englishman who carelessly studied in China on his own, with no UK governmental backing, is holding a worthless degree. UK universities, including Cambridge and Imperial College, prohibit their students from studying in mainland China unless they are part of their many state-supervised exchange programs. The entire West has huge barriers to its citizens learning in China unsupervised. (…)”

    There is a lot of truth to this. However, ‘the West’ should be labelled USuk.

    France no longer controls anything in education, except on its own territory (incl. Martinique, Guadeloupe — not in Algeria for ex..), ex. who gets to go to the top schools, etc. Even its ‘French Institutes’ abroad have sagged or been dismantled. (Haven’t looked this up for a long time, so?)

    Italy, same, though it makes v. good money offering Arts to Foreignors, very popular with Americans, that’s all very sweet, but has no pol/ tech/ science impact (from It. industry is another matter.)

    Germany’s top tech (+ Switz) turns out ppl who are highly competent and can get jobs all over the world in many ‘crucial’ fields. The internationalisation of Science sees to it that English is lang. no 1, that top Science Journals are in Eng. and basically managed by USuk, so many richochet effects, long story.

    Russia is more independent, and about China…heh it is hard to make a summary.. I’m not competent. Schwab admiring it (link in top post) is just the standard *control the ppl to serve the powerful* > Go ,China, Go. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2022 #121957

    chooch, thx for the link prev. thread. Velina Tchakarova was new to me.

    Very tortured arguments I thought, typical ‘expert’ obfuscation, while making some good points like “Bifurcation”, ok. 100% anti-Russian while sounding ‘analytical’, purporting to present a knowlegeable, intellectually solid, world overview…(heh)

    She says: There are no plans in Europe of what to do “When Ukraine wins the war” (stated as a certain forthcoming result ..)

    (implied, >> EU leaders better get with the script and admit Ukraine will win)

    The questions pre-suppose: “There is a great chance Russia will collapse…” says the interviewer.

    She says: “Russia is eager to present itself as an actor for fake peace talks” (paraphrase)

    (>> Peace offers from Russia should be dismissed out of hand as they are ‘fake.’)

    (summary) She taxes Russia w. Nuclear Blackmail, Information Warfare, Food and Fertilizer and Energy Weapons. Russia has been carefully preparing for 8 years, and they have been waiting for the right timing to start it.

    (>> Russia is the epitome of evil and has been planning to conquer / fight war on Europe for 8 years, EU leaders better react, and fast)


    Main reasons for USuk, the collective poodlish West, to declare that Ukraine is winning, will win against Russia:

    — to hide what this war is about

    — to keep the EU public on board, victory is close, keep the funding up, make sacrifices for noble Ukr., give up heat and your job, life will eventually become normal, once the Evil Putin is régime-changed. We ARE winning, just a little more effort…

    sidebar. Laying everything on Putin as a madman is necessary, as Europeans like Russia, Russians, their Christian brothers, the people they know, have met, collaborate with, married, are on the same continent, etc. Not to mention the commercial / energy / etc. ties, incrediblly vital to all, ease of travel, property ownership, etc.

    — to assure those fighting in UKR and all support for them (arms, finance, media prop, etc.) that USuk, EU, have your back, you can’t quit, your sacrifice is not in vain, victory is yours to take. Vile lies, nobody in power in the W cares about Ukr. deaths, suffering.

    — to fool and control Zelensky (mind you he has no autonomy so that is pretty much pro forma, just to furnish talking points.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2022 #121765

    sorry, wrong link to Guardian, see here,

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2022 #121764

    On: Germany rejects Boris Johnson’s claims it said Ukraine should fold to Russia.

    from top post, Guardian:

    While BoJo may be semi-loopy, and blithely ignoring hard facts, heh, in this case what he said in the CNN interview is spot on.

    Of course the top economic ppl in D, the industrialists, saw disaster looming, were for a short war, as the least bad option, the speedy capitulation of UKR the best outcome, so as not to disturb exchanges / trade / pipelines / etc. in Europe. Which makes perfect sense from their pov, + for the D public ppl’s interest.

    That Macron was in denial or oblivious (or seemed to be so) is also unsurprising, he has problems at home, avoidance, was on another track, etc.

    Be in no doubt that the French were in denial right up until the last moment .. Johnson also said. Heh.

    All this shows that Eur. ‘leaders’ are uninterested in representing their countries, their ppl, and interact amongst themselves in an informal club, such as a local golf club, a pol. party meet, where some can suddenly be championed, hailed as a visionary, others excluded, snubbed. Very much like Anglo Clubs in Colonial Times (I have been reading, A Passage to India by E. M. Forster), except now the ‘Natives” are the locals, citizens of Europe, whom the Pols are supposed to represent, but are to be cancelled, subjugated.

    Unforutunately, none of them understand what is going on (imho), they are confusedly concentrated on their personal positions (institutionalsied for the most part), their relations, ties that bind, to see them through. To what future they don’t know, have no vision.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2022 #121692

    Oroboros, the distance between Putin and Macron in the extraordinary pic you posted, which should go down in history, is due to:

    Macron is not vaccinated, as some-in-the know ppl state, nor is his wife, they figured the jab was dangerous, imho. Macron can be quite smart about such stuff.

    Of course Idk all the ‘true’ facts of the matter, this is just *my take* from MSM info, etc.

    Both Macron and his wife caught Cov19 once, and recovered rapidly – reported in the MSM.

    Macron refused to take a PCR test before visiting Russia (the tests are junk though he didn’t state that publicly) to meet with Putin, reported in F without any fanfare, etc.

    Gossip has it that Putin is, was, afraid of catching COV-19.

    Ex. from June 2020:

    Kremlin spokesmen Dmitry Peskov this week confirmed that anyone wanting to see the Russian president has to walk through a futuristic “disinfection tunnel,” where they’re sprayed with an aerosol mist. In April, it was confirmed that anyone wanting to see Putin has to undergo a test for the virus beforehand.

    The chamber, manufactured by a company in the Russian town of Penza, was installed in Putin’s country dacha in the town of Novo-Ogaryovo, west of Moscow, where the Russian leader retreated virtually full time after some of his officials tested positive for the coronavirus, including Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Peskov. Putin made a brief public appearance last week — the first in weeks.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2022 #121610

    *Ukranian fatigue* and *doubting Zelensky,* in the shape of reducing, drawing down, super support for the Zelensky-Kiev Régime, has been growing steadily all around the ‘Collective West.’ (See several articles in top posts.)

    A positive gloss is that the US is seeking an off-ramp, and will come to some kind of “Peace” agreement with Russia, while framing the débacle as the fault of Zelensky, who is crazy, thereby crediting the US-uk with achieving ‘a deal’ in this ‘volatile’ region where ‘oligarchs’ reign.

    Meyssan writes that the US-R are already in secret negotiations. I doubt he would post that if it wasn’t a consistent rumor (so maybe fanciful.)

    The efforts to ‘radicalise’ the neighbors at the ‘W’ border of Russia in an anti-R direction worked fine in the Baltics, Poland (see history..) bombed out (sic) in Serbia (ok, tiny powerless etc.), but the most vital territory was Ukraine: huge geographically, massive agri land, rich in ressources, an important ex-Soviet territory, etc.

    A Color Revolution, Orange, in Ukr. as a first step. took place. Pres. Yuschenko (poisoned with Dioxin, so he made headlines..) after the Fall of the Wall (Berlin) was the ‘supporting figure’ ..

    The efforts didn’t furnish rapid, satisfactory, results. Yanukovitch was legit. elected, then chased out, the ante was upped! Poroshenko and ‘our man Yats’ were installed. Yet, it turned out to be necessary (imho..) to fund and encourage ‘terrorists’ to attack and kill ethnic Russians, R speakers in the Donbass, to impell the Rada to approve stiff anti-Russian legislation, and to ensure that the Minsk accords were not respected.

    Poking the Bear into some kind of radical action in the borderlands, Ukraine, a military one..which worked.

    Potted history, so it goes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121393

    Blinken and Nuland are all from the chosen ones camp I think, Nuland for sure.

    Redneck wrote.

    When Blinken was appointed I was curious as to his background and CV.

    Background. His maternal grandparents were Hungarian Jews.

    His paternal great-grandfather, Meir Blinkin, was born in Perjaslav (now in Ukraine.) He moved to the US in 1904 aged 25. He was a famous author, very ‘innovative even scandalous.. He also wrote for Zionist and Socialist papers (common alliance at the time.)

    In 1965, the literary critic Dovid Shub noted that Meir Blinken was the first Yiddish writer in America to write about sex.

    A Brief Blinken Family History: From Pereiaslav to DC and Back

    (Blinkin – Blinken same name, changed at some point.)

    His paternal grandfather, Maurice / Moritz Blinken, born in Kiev, was a backer of Israel.

    His parents are Vera and Donald, here a blurb from the Open Society Archives.

    > All from wiki-msm-etc. Note, Meir moved to the US in 1904, and Tony’s grandfather was born in Kiev? .. ?

    see also, fron 2020.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121307

    apologies, i’m always late.

    anticlimatic posted:

    The Poles seem to hate Russia even more than the Ukrainian Nazis. I can understand them hating Communist Russia but I have no idea why they have a hatred bordering on insanity for the current regime.

    They are willing to support the Ukrainian Nazis who venerate those responsible for the murder of 60,000 Poles in WWII.

    Imho. The Poles and the Ukrs actually loathe each other, but are now joined in a ‘we have a common enemy’ spiel, which is basically the work of the top ‘Leaders’ aka the ‘controllers’ (not the populace) who are on the hunt for mighty profits, mega funding conduits, etc.

    New rules about rights of Ukrs. in Poland are impressive… the authorities seem to be happy to meld the two countries. Imho Poland is still dreaming of taking over Galicia, heh.

    Let’s recall that the USuk has been boosting anti-Russian *hate* in some peripheral regions, see, the 3 Baltics, Ukr., Poland, since, at least the fall of the wall (Berlin.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120988

    chooch, thanks for that response, part of it is (from my pov) faintly optimistic.

    One thing that surprised me when Sholtz took over the premiership was the apparent silence or absence of the German industrialists. (A bunch of them accompanied Sholtz to China, but the MSM afaik ? has not reported on their words or actions.) Weird. Merkel certainly listened to them at every turn, and Schroeder was their pro-Russian champion…

    As for the Euro, Mitterand and Thatcher (…) told the Germans who were extremely reluctant to adopt the Euro, that if they did, they would allow re-unification of Germany.

    That the world is on a trajectory of splitting into two camps is clear, I have previously expressed the hope that the non-aligned could remain so. We will see. As one of the maps from Twitter that you posted show, European countries trade more with the US than with China, but that depends on what you measure and how (dollar terms are not enough), what is exchanged and why it is needed, what the transport / replacement costs are, etc. And then the final accounting, nobody knows.

    What I see is that Sholtz and Macron (2 ex.) are very frightened. Everyone here remembers the bombing and break-up of Yugoslavia.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120930

    Xavier Moreau, ex-military man, graduate of St-Cyr and the Sorbonne, in the arms biz, in the security biz, political commentator (books – one ‘against’ the F left which I plan to read..) lives in Moscow, seems to be saying, in his last 3 weekly bulletins, that the Ukr. proxy war will only be concluded when the two main protagonists, the USA and Russia, at present Biden and Putin, meet and agree the conditions of the termination, the partition of Ukr., security guarantees, etc.

    XM calls the forces on the ground on the one side (trans) NATOKEEV forces.

    > Many US ‘trainers’ or ‘inspectors’ on the ground in Ukr, for sure, whatever that amounts to, idk, but Polish and Romanian force, soldiers, as well. + 700 French soldiers in Romania waiting for orders…cold and hungry it is said…

    XM states / hints strongly at / my interpretation, that there are, or will be, only two winners in this conflict: the US and Russia.

    The US will ‘win’ by killing off German Industry (> EU industry) and consolidating the dollar, stealing some industry to go back home, etc. Russia wins because it branches out in new trade relations, conduits, commands new respect, etc. In short, the weak + small are crushed while the big + powerful triumph (my words.)

    At present, neither of the two parties will sit down, because both are pursuing their interests with (some? they think?) success.

    USuk (imho short-sightedly) is triumphant after blowing up NordStream, preventing the Vassal Germany from expanding and becoming a partner of Russia — and, Russia finally decides (for the moment) to junk Europe, and prosper via other ties.

    XM. Bulletin 107, in F.

    Calls to ‘cancel’ Lavrov at the G20 meet, not dine with him, talk to him, have pix taken with him – signal that no negotiations can take place. Ex. Guardian.

    > see +, first in list at top post

    Yes, so very British, send ppl to Coventry! The main aim is to prevent any stabs at reasonable discussion, negotiation, concessions, etc. The secondary one is reinforcing a long-time trend, divide to confuse, get the public to loathe, shun, ppl who have ‘different opinions’, ‘are conspiracy theorists’, ‘Putin lovers’ etc.

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120854

    The plight of mirgrant workers in Qatar, by France 24, in Eng (some subs.)

    General, not specifically about how the stadium for the World Cup, was built, etc.

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120839

    Re. previous Dr. D’s post hiked to top, on Nov. 11, about conflict in Ukr.

    Russia Is Fighting A Land War In Asia

    Dr. D reminds us that the line of contact (Russian forces vs. Ukr. forces) is extraordinarily long. Much of the countryside on and around it is mostly open land, some forest, some villages, etc.

    Victories and losses along it are no doubt fluid and possibly even difficult to describe exactly; what is reported is more a constructed narrative aimed at various parties, such as “We won a battle” Triumph story from Ukr-USuk, and “We retreat to save lives” (as Dr. D points out), from Russia which may hold some truth, but the nitty-gritty is that the position in Kherson was – is – untenable, and throwing more ressources at it, for what? would have been useless, migsuided.

    At heart, as well, R. is not interested in conquering territory (it has plenty of it now, too low population, etc.) but only in guaranteeing its security and ‘defending, protecting ethnic Russians’ (this can’t be given up) and showing it has the ‘upper hand’ in a certain ‘smart’ way, while challenging and opposing the US and its confused thrashing about vassals.

    How Ukr. will be partioned will be decided in the Corridors of Power, and will not be specifically related to ‘victories’ / ‘losses’ along *that* line of contact.

    A last point: Imho Russia will not accept the Ukr-USuk-NATO vs. Russia conflict to become a frozen one, with endless fighting, loss of life, etc. (See Syria.) They will go all out to put an end to it, settle on some resolution, victory or defeat (depending on how one views that, and what the spin is.)

    All IMHO, just one view at the present moment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120760

    From article about Greece, top post,,

    According to the Labor Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE/GSEE), since April this year, the minimum wage has lost 19% of its purchasing power. In 2022, when inflation is hovering at around 10%, the losses are greater for the lowest incomes, reaching 40% for households with a monthly income of up to 750 euros. Note this too: In the first half of this year, Greek natural gas providers had the second highest profit margin in Europe.

    (…) The answer is because competition doesn’t work in Greece. Instead, we have the “market of cronies,” where easy and big money is made.

    In 2008-9 the Debt Crisis in Greece exploded.

    The main event was the F + D banks had to be saved as they made super imprudent loans, etc. and Austerity, selling off National holdings, was imposed, on Greece, by the EU, that is Germany, first of all, the IMF, others, leading to dire poverty for some.

    E.g. parents who put their children in an orphanage to take them out in the w-end for at least a day with family 🙁

    Curiously, all thru this crisis, no mention was made of:

    The Orthodox Church who owns *a lot* of land, pays no taxes, had, has, its fucntionaries, ‘priests’ paid by the State (link just an ex. top of goog.) About the land, I tried to find out, but Greece had no official public land registry. After 2008, some European countries contributed money to create it. CH paid a lot to that (as it was a politically neutral issue) but Idk what happened in the end, nothing I guess.

    The shipping industry also paid, pays, no tax, thru foreign ‘registered’ schemes, special tax deals. Complicated, OK.

    Greece also was, is, a big military spender in Europe (per capita comparison) because of fear of Turkey. The spending funds outside powers, arms producers. (Though it has sunk since 2000 about – still – where does this money go, for what?)

    Other – I won’t go into now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120591

    re. twitter from June Slater, up top. “V de Leyen under investigation”…

    Ursula von der L.’s husband was a low – or medium-level wheel in the bio-pharma sphere. Gained higher status I guess since Wifey rose to power! *Heiko von der Leyen.* (See wiki, etc. Idk anything particular about him.)

    It has been clear for a long time that V der L was in cahoots with Big Pharma, note she, and the EU Com. are unelected, it is a buddy-buddy pick yr friends kind of scene. She was prev. Def. Min. of Germany, heavily disapproved of, and then ‘kicked sideways and upstairs to be the Head of the EU Commission.

    There was a similar ‘essai’ in France, re. Swine Flu, 2009. The Health Min. Roselyne Bachelot (originally a pharmacist!) ordered XYZ – huge nos. of vaxes from various Cos. but the State surveillance and Regs. held up and after about under 30 vax deaths, the vax was banned, and Bachelot quit / was forced out. This exercise provided a lot of info, imho, for the next try, Covid 19.

    I’m guessing – purely hypothetical – that Big Pharma undertstood that the corruption of the WHO (which has been going on for a long time, 20 years at least), was the way to go. The WHO could declare ‘a pandemic’ of world scope, and overide National Gvmts. Advisory for vax application, etc. would be part of the package..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120573

    Veracious Poet, Yeah I usually use Firefox w. blocker but was on Safari (which is actually better for some searches) and the clash between mad consumerism and Anglo war poetry sorta struck a chord? Heh…:)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120502

    I goog this poem by Robert Graves on Safari,
    the screen is filled with ads for Extra Virgin Olive oil,
    outdoor benches, sexy underwear, kayaks, more… heh…

    To you who’d read my songs of War
And only hear of blood and fame, 

    I’ll say (you’ve heard it said before)
’War’s Hell! ‘ and if you doubt the same,
Today I found in Mametz Wood
A certain cure for lust of blood: 

    Where, propped against a shattered trunk, 

    In a great mess of things unclean, 

    Sat a dead Boche; he scowled and stunk
With clothes and face a sodden green, 

    Big-bellied, spectacled, crop-haired, 

    Dribbling black blood from nose and beard.


    WarTearsOrg – afaik..? is a serious R. site, has some Eng. trans, listing the Ukr. dead..have a look…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2022 #120425

    Reading “Germany’s Moral Collapse inside China…” by Pattberg on the Saker blog, posted up top.

    OK! A rant! Couldn’t access the parts, I, II, > 404.

    Imho. Scholtz went to China, heh, for one day, too brief for any serious meets. So, pro-forma, half-hearted, unwilling to talk the real…?

    As the Pattberg rant says, the accompanying parties were Tops from German Industry.

    Scholtz’ aim was to try to maintain D – China industrial relations. (Econnomic ties, dependencies, etc.) He spoke about “economic cooperation” and even said it should be augmented.

    Imho, he was pushed to make the trip by German Industry, trying to save, keep up, conduits, exchanges, partnerships, w. China. (Lacking Russian gas, energy, D can’t keep up some of its industries… other topic.)

    S. was at the same time enjoined to castigate China on Human Rights, etc., and probably did so, maybe mildly, idk.

    Baerbock and other mad-hatters in D expressed extreme disaproval of this visit by S. to China. Their position: Russia and China are to be cut off and shunned, no matter what it takes, ALL must comply.

    **Realpolitik RIP**

    Scholtz is so weak, the message he delivered to Xi was most likely confused and contradictory, superficial, Xi went Ho-Hum, understanding where it all comes from. (Chinese press painted the encounter as positive, Europe was not cutting off China…as far as i saw..)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2022 #120342

    On “Amnesty” re. Covid, prev. thread.

    jb-hb, yes, ‘amnesty’ made no sense, as I said, as you wrote.

    re. the article by Emily Oster,,

    is word salad. Imho, the obfuscations are crafted for one purpose only, to keep on board the authoritarian vxx enthusiasts in the public (CDC, Gvmt, is another matter) which = in the US, > a certain class of ppl, middle-class, Dems, other, another topic.

    The article proposes excuses “We didn’t’ know” – “Times of uncertainty” (my words).. the aim is to reassure vxx enthusiasts that they are fundamentally good, correct-thinking, moral people, who did, do, the right ‘thing.’

    Basically sanitary criteria imposed by State orgs. replace ethnic ones, so that is all OK, let the prejudices and hatred and divisions rip, following a new ‘scientific’ rubric.

    As for the future, jb-hb posted (the idea is ‘stopping’ or ‘cancelling’ the previous nefarious policies), yes: Minimum amnesty requirements would be….. Everyone who lost their jobs getting them back. Lifting travel and other restrictions. Canceling the EUA. Stop pushing the shots through every medium. Stop the efforts to inject kids.

    In part, low-key, very tentative, slow, the reversal is going on. many COV19 policies have been, are being cancelled, revised, reversed, etc.

    Release ALL the data. Restore all credentials, unban, unblacklist, undemonetize, undebank, etc all affected peoples. Remove all censorship ..

    In a totally corrupt society, which morevoer is breaking down, there are no legal solid standpoints, principles, avenues, that can lead to ‘just’ settlements. Past treachery, fraud, lies, murder, can’t be admitted, compensated for, victims have no recourse.

    This post from the Naked Emperor details various orgs. / ppl who threatened the non-vxx, e.g. Macron, Ahern. A “Never Forget”..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120271

    At TAE + other, there was outrage at a piece titled “Let’s declare a Pandemic Amnesty” in the Atlantic,


    1. Even on the face of it, this makes no sense. Amnesty implies cancelling convictions (typically for political prisoners), or, perhaps in other terms, offering a pardon to those who have been blamed (etc.) for acts that are no longer viewed as nefarious / illegal…or that can be wiped away for reasons XYZ. Well, there are shades of meaning, slightly different usages, ex. an amnesty is granted to those who comply with a pre-condition.

    2. In any case it doesn’t apply to the Covid Plandemic, as nobody has been held to account in any way. The only ones targetted by ‘officialdom’ – thru licensing troubles, lawsuits, various ‘cancel’ measures, are those who spoke up, or acted against, the Plandemic cult-dogma, such as brave Docs like Peter McCullough, Didier Raoult in France, who insisted on using standard meds. like Ivermectin ->…. many others.

    —- sidebar. Btw Prof. Perrone (top authority on infectious disease in France) who was stripped of some of his positions has just won the first court case against (trans from F) “The disciplinary Body of the Order of Medical Doctors.” Making it short, the court judged that as a top expert, he had, has, the right to make any of his opinions, judgments, known. – in F, from France-Soir

    Perrone was targetted because he published a book: “Is there an error they haven’t committed” subtitle, “A sacred union between arrogance and incompetence”… re. COV19.
    the book cover:

    But I digress.

    3. The article seems to imply that a pre-emptive pardon is necessary because of ‘ignorance’ etc. = nonsensical.

    So who should be blamed – accused, brought to justice, convicted, imprisoned, etc. re. COV19? Purely hypothetically, as (imho) nothing will happen, maybe 10 years on some media fuss and fines..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119749

    Dr. D posted prev. thread,

    And back to Ukraine: no, the war is not organic, is obviously and enormously paid for, wide open in the news. Like if I pay your neighbor $50B to kill you, that’s CLEARLY not organic.

    Awful Avalanche blogger has a write up of a Russian jourmos take, Darya, following travel to various regions (FSU), interviews, etc.

    Here one link. Go to posts on left side “Hate thy neighbor.” Imho, instigating hate is quite seems…

    Ukraine War Day #248: Hate Thy Neighbor [concluded]

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119747

    Adding: Which fits with Russian statements that they have proof the British Navy were the perpetrators.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119746

    ‘That Bloke’ up top, first post, is perhaps refering to (maybe other sources, none quoted)

    George Galloway:

    ‘It’s done,’ Liz #Truss messaged #AnthonyBlinken seconds after #NordStream explosion. Go figure.

    link is to Galloway MOATS show, see 4 mins in.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 30 2022 #119651

    WaPo on the US change of nuke arms doctrine.


    Russia, the documents acknowledge, presents a more “acute” threat, particularly because its president, Vladimir Putin, is actively waging a war in Ukraine and threatening to employ nuclear weapons in combat. (….)

    The document also states that while “moving toward a sole purpose declaration” remains a goal, the options its writers considered — including adopting a “No First Use” doctrine — “would result in an unacceptable level of risk.” As a result, it will be left to future Pentagon strategists and the White House to contemplate any eventual moves to articulate potential limits to how far the United States is prepared to go in its developing arms race with China and Russia.

    Quoting the WaPo because that is what many around the world, including pols, will read, refer to, they will be confused, see the second quote.

    Note the length, ambiguous language, syntax.. pussy footing around.

    Addendum. How many LNG terminals does Germany have? —Zero.

    Statista, just an overview which doesn’t treat volumes,

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2022 #119645

    afewk posted,

    The absolutely dire moment comes when all the Artic Sea ice has been melted by the general overheating that is taking place.

    It is true that pols. (West) rarely mention the Antartica Ice Melt. — Their concerns are other, say to make it short, more selfish and short-term.

    However the MSM is full of stories about it, has been for a long time. Ppl on the ground who are interested are very aware of this. Link is to a Bing search with pix.

    aspnaz, I don’t put ice in my drinks, this is Europe 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2022 #119572

    A short history of laboratory leaks and gain-of-function studies.

    By P. Goddard. Feb. 2002.

    Maybe useful for sending on, many refs.

    How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity?

    By A. Herzberg, Oct 2022.


    — In plain English, they discovered that having a “severe mental illness or learning disability” was a stronger predictor than age and obesity of becoming hospitalized and dying from covid. —

    This speaks to what I was pointing out before, the looked down, considered trash ppl, being more ‘susceptible’…and dying…what a surprise…

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