Forum Replies Created
ParticipantUmmm. The point is, the variants were detected before any vaccine was administered.
ParticipantAll variants of any consequence have appeared ONLY as a reaction to the vaccines.
This Delta mutation was detected for the first time in October 2020 in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
The first person in India to be vaccinated did not receive that vaccination until January 2021, around three months after the delta variant developed.
The Alpha variant was first found in the UK in September 2020.
The Beta variant was first found in South Africa in May 2020.
The Gamma variant was first found in Brazil in November 2020.
The Delta variant was first found in India in October 2020.
The Eta variant was first detected in multiple countries in December 2020.
The Iota variant was first detected in the U.S. in November 2020.
The Kappa variant was first detected in India in October 2020.
The Lamba variant was first detected in Peru in December 2020.So, tell me again- how did the vaccines cause the variants?
ParticipantThe Israel story could be a real world example of Simpson’s Paradox with very important consequences.
1. There has been lots of talk about recent data from Israel that seem to suggest a decline in vaccine efficacy against severe disease due to Delta, waning protection, or both.
This may have even been a motivation for Biden's announcement that the US would be adopting boosters.
— Carl T. Bergstrom (@CT_Bergstrom) August 17, 2021
ParticipantI imagine that this is what madamski cafone is like in real life:
Matt Baker from Ocean Beach, completely unhinged.
— The Activated Podcast (@TheActivatedPod) August 17, 2021
f. they are just kind of comfortable with white supremacy and Nazi symbolism
Participantmy goodness, now we’re Nazi for defending free speech, no matter what that speech might be … how low can we go?
People can say and do whatever the fuck they want. My question was- how the fuck is Nazi regalia even tolerated at Sturgis- or Trump rallies? These two groups typically like to project a level of patriotism and love of America, that it just seems completely out of character for their ‘image’ to be tolerant of Nazi symbolism at their events and rallies.
How low can we go? Looks like you can go pretty fucking low.
ParticipantWow. We have reached Nazi rationalization right here on TAE! Awesome!
If you aren’t anti-fascist, what exactly does that make you?
ParticipantHow the fuck is this shit even tolerated- especially by the ‘tough’ motorcycle riding segment in America? Or by the ‘tough guy’ Trump supporters? I attended several rallies over the last two years and saw Nazi tats, Nazi / SS patches, and Nazi flags being carried during Trump rallies. And also by Trump supporters who showed up at BLM protests or vigils for George Floyd.
Just your typical 'nazi stuff' display from a street vendor at Sturgis
— Gritty is the Way (@Gritty20202) August 17, 2021
ParticipantYeah. Thaaat Robert Malone.
The mRNA Vaccines Are Extraordinary, but Novavax Is Even Better. Persistent hype around mRNA vaccine technology is now distracting us from other ways to end the pandemic. COI disclosure – I have no conflicts of interests to disclose regarding NVAX.
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) June 24, 2021
ParticipantHillsborough County Public School Board will hold an emergency meeting Wednesday after 5,599 students and 316 staff have entered quarantine for COVID. The Tampa-area district, seventh largest in the U.S., has only been in school four days.
ParticipantMost vaccinated country on earth. They work great. UAE=9.7 million people.
• UAE Covid-19 Death Toll Exceeds 2,000 For First Time, 1,189 New Cases (AlA)
That is quite a headline. “Death Toll Exceeds 2,000 For First Time.” Raul then says “Most vaccinated country on earth. They work great.”
At first glance, someone might read that headline and get the impression that there were over 2000 deaths in one day? But, it turns out, we are really talking about 2000 total deaths. Is there really a way for UAE to exceed 2000 total deaths for a second time?
UAE is averaging about 4 deaths a day since about March.
So out of ~9.7 million people, 2000 have died, total? What is the insinuation here? 72% of the population is fully vaxxed. Is it really hard to believe that there could be like 1400 cases a day? Or is Raul saying that the vaccines really are working? I assume he was being facetious.
I am not sure if I am missing something?
I am sorry that my lack of intelligence is so bothersome to you. I didn’t know I was involved in some “who can be wittier” pissing contest. I read something the other day that made me think of your cryptic posts:
“I’ve watched him speak for over half an hour and somehow not manage to say anything. There’s a masturbatory inclination to sophistry and pedantry on display that betrays a clarity of position.”
You “have mastered the ability to speak at length with big words and self-assumed profundity without actually saying anything coherent. And then dismissing criticism as the inability to grasp the enormity of what they have just uttered.”
I have only posted links to articles or tweets and I have ranted here on occasion. I wasn’t offering anything else. Is anyone else?
ParticipantThis is from last year regarding the 3 digit covid cases “phenomenon”. When it was written, covid was only raging for 3-4 months. Now we have a whole years worth of data. Is this really that shocking?
ParticipantRaul posted the “vaccine accumulates in the ovaries article”. Is it really possible that no one here is aware that this has been soundly debunked for months? But yet, it keeps being recycled as if the numerous refutations don’t even exist.
I recommend reading this methodical strip down of this “accumulates in the ovaries” bullshit. It provides links, history, and background information on all the player responsible for spreading this misinformation. It also, most importantly, delves into the actual study cited by Mike Yeadon and provides a fairly good look at how actual data can be twisted into a narrative to further an agenda:
“COVID-19 vaccines are going to sterilize our womenfolk,” Take 2
ParticipantThe storyline is being written right before your eyes:
Unvaccinated = Anti-Lockdown Extremist = Conspiracy Theorist = Domestic Terrorist = Jihadist = Al-Qaeda.
“..though there are currently no credible or imminent threats identified.”
Unprovoked brutal assault just now in DTLA on journalists including @TinaDesireeBerg by Proud Boy Adam Kiefer, Capitol rioter Tony Moon, and antivaxxer Roman Gilbert from Covina. As usual the LAPD lets it happen.
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) August 14, 2021
ParticipantI posted it, because frankly, I have seen almost every line of her pathetic ramblings echoed in some way, right here, in the hallowed halls of TAE. And I posted it, because it is relevant to current events. There are a thousand more just like this one. Some more eloquent. Some more violent. Some threatening doctors with future retaliation for their testimonies. And some warning school board or city council members that ‘there will be blood’ if any mitigation efforts are enacted to protect the public or children.
Dr. D reminds us every day about the fallacy of accepting expert opinion or authority. That they have lied and lied and lied, and we should never listen to them again. Ok. I can get on board with that. And I agree for the most part. But then we seem to be encouraged to accept some other “authority”, some other sets of data, from more ‘reliable’, less mainstream, sources. Ok. I can also go along with that as well. But, really, that is what brought me to even pipe up in the first place. I saw the FLCCC propaganda being passed around as an example, I suppose, of this ‘other authoritative data’ that we should trust. And, apparently, we should trust it simply because it wasn’t from some corrupt, lying mainstream source. But their data stinks. I pointed it out in various ways. If I am not supposed to trust what the proven liars are telling me, why should I just blindly accept what the alternative sources are telling me if they also are lying? Does anyone even consider that the alternative narrative that you gravitate towards could also be just as deeply flawed? Which brings us back to the question that DarkMatter asked. How do you know who to trust? It is the million dollar question, I suppose. It is always the “others” who have some agenda. Money, fame, reputation, clicks, book sales, product sales, etc.
According to some of the paranoids, I have some hidden agenda. One piddly ass person comes in, posts some stuff you don’t normally read here, and viola—- “troll alert”, “CIA alert”, “NSA found us”, “it was only a matter of time”. Yesterday, upstateNYer simply told me to “eff off”, just for posting, and Mister Roboto can’t even use my real handle anymore, childishly referring to me like Harry Potter refers to Voldemort- “he who shall not be named”. What the fuck is going on here? I ranted. I stepped on some of your toes. I said some things about Trump. I said some things about liberals. I made fun of anti-vaxxers I know personally. I posted some tweets and articles that might provide just a tiny bit of relief to the prevailing narrative here. Big fucking deal! Time to put your big girl panties on. I mean, Raul won’t read an article because of the title and my choice of words when framing the description of it. And now he is telling people to ignore me? I ranted about this phenomenon too, because it is fucking stupid. And this is also what is happening in the real world. Not just in here. It seems really fucking weird to see the reactions here. The quick ad hominem. Yeah, I’m guilty too. I say some asshole things. But like I said in my rant (reminder: IT WAS A FUCKING RANT)- sometimes you just get sick of seeing obviously shitty material being floated as hard fact, and you decide to say something. Guilty as charged. Raul has posted a lot of FLCCC propaganda here. Do any of you even question some of the links that are posted here in this comment section? America’s Frontline Doctors for fuck’s sake??? Somehow, though, it’s myyyy posts that are the problem. I have posted nothing but tweets of people thinking the same things. Like Mish. or Yuri Deigin. Some counter narrative articles. I’m not a big fan of the mainstream either. I posted that Fuller article and I appreciated Dr. D’s breakdown of it. I get it. You can break it down and pick it apart. I didn’t post it as some iron clad piece of journalism to change minds. I posted it because it was fair and thoughtful. Two things that seem to be offensive to people here. I get your analysis and pretty much agree with your points. But I also understand the greater thrust of Fuller’s struggle to confront the Bret Weinstein/FLCCC narrative, so I appreciated his take on it, just as much as I appreciated Yuri Deigin’s less diplomatic analysis of the same situation.
The point is, is that some of you here are real quick to make weird conspiratorial connections to anything out of the ordinary. It is on display for all to see. It’s not my intention to point that out all the time, but if you think it is- have at it. I don’t even give a shit if any of you change your minds. That is your choice. Because, you’re all about freedom of choice at the moment. You should know that while your narrative may make a lot of sense, there is always room to make holes in it. And it should be you looking to do that. Try to prove yourself wrong. Not me. Don’t just be quick to blame some shithead who has more time than you. Time they have been granted because their dying mom can’t stay awake during the day, which allows them to post some articles or rants. Someone posted something about Sagan’s Baloney Detection Kit. Maybe some of you should read that. And when you do, don’t quickly look to say “that’s exactly what “THEY” do.” Instead, say “do I do that?”. Sagan knew that you should always try to prove your own theory wrong. Otherwise, I don’t know what the fucking point really is. Or maybe you want to trick yourself? Maybe get back to that Sagan tradition. Maybe in a global fucking pandemic, you need to be a bit more nimble in your thinking, and be less willing to believe your own bullshit. It doesn’t mean the mainstream is right. It doesn’t mean you are either. It may just mean that no one really knows what the fuck to do, and all of the typical predators descend to do their thing. Capitalism likes to encourage capitalizing on things. And that may simply be what we are seeing. From politicians to corporations. From vaxers to antivaxers. Everybody capitalizing. But does that somehow mean that the scientific community, with their data and research, is also trying to capitalize? I don’t think so. And I think we can be smart enough to know the difference. And on top of it, the political leaders and corporate CEOs are notorious for never letting anyone see them sweat. So they purposely try to exude confidence. They say shit confidently in an attempt to boost their likeability ratings and job approvals or to get social media clicks and to lay the groundwork for their next campaign. This confidence can lend to the conspiratorial narrative because most of the time they get shit wrong, especially when they try to use science as their source, because scientific understanding is always attempting to evolve, to know more. So if Sleepy Joe says the virus is losing the war in April, he is saying so because he is “following the science”. But science didn’t really know that the delta variant would spread so crazily at the time. So, as a result, Joe looks like an idiot by August. This can all be spun EITHER way into a narrative. A more traditional, political narrative is that Joe is demented, which he certainly appears to be at times, and he was wrong about declaring victory and he can’t be trusted and this fact will be broadcast into nightly news casts and lampoons for better ratings and leverage in the next election. And it could also be spun into a greater conspiratorial narrative that says Joe is simply part of the plan attempting to clamp down on civil liberties and install communism or socialism and his “virus victory speech” in April is proof that the powers that be are the one’s pulling his strings and they needed more power, so they saaaaay there is a new variant that justifies vaccine passports, lockdowns, mask mandates, even though there is no new variant. They say cases are rising, even though theyre not. They say kids are more vulnerable. They say even vaccinated people can still get it and spread it. They say we all need new boosters so they can make more money. It’s all just a way for them to install their plan though scaring the public. So the conspiratorial story goes…
There are and have been so many dudes and dudettes out there spinning conspiratorial/coincidental/theoretical narratives based on historical evidence into a “well researched” narrative. Mainstream and not. I mean, look at the russia narrative/conspiracy. That was a mainstream concoction. In many ways just as silly or more than the counter narratives being spun about covid. I had a whole bunch of those “coincidence writers” at one time- bookmarked- I will try to dig up links. Loot at David Icke. Gary Allen. Hell, even Mike Ruppert. Some of it makes a shit load of sense. And following their “logic” can also make sense. And all the coincidences seem to align right in line with the next coincidence. But, at some point, you have to pull out the baloney detection kit. Aliens parked behind the moon? Lizard people hybrids creating a new world for alien races? Dr Fauci spent half a century studying viruses just so he could trick rednecks into wearing paper masks? It takes a lot of effort to follow the “logic” of all the varying threads. Some just don’t pass the sniff test right off. Some just get spun in real time. Like the covid one. And every action or inaction by government, corporations, banks, militaries, nations, media etc. can be plugged into the narrative no matter what action or direction is ultimately taken. It gets sewn into one long story that can be told alongside the “official” narrative like some weird spin on a “choose your own adventure” book. Two parallel universes, both using the other as validation for their own existence. A global pandemic should be a time where we pool resources and attempt to find some deeper value and connection. Maybe an opportunity for enemies to lay down arms and fight together against common foe. Just like they said we all came together in world war 1 and 2 and 911. But what it really does is just makes us more suspicious of the freedom grabbers. We cannot trust anything they do, because they fucked us so many times before. We “just know” that it was all an excuse for “them” to take away our liberties, our guns, our rights. That very well may be. Capitalists capitalize. We are so tits up, collectively, that it is no wonder people are willing to kill their kids because of a prevailing, twisted, and pervasive conspiratorial narrative. Yeah, that dude was fucking crazy, but it seems like the line is getting thinner and thinner. How far behind him is the gal from the video I posted? Being down and out and in debt to their ears, abused for decades by a predatory socio-economic system, leads people to whatever narratives can make it all make some sense. And sometimes the predators are there too, just waiting to capitalize on their fertile minds. Sometimes, maybe all times, these “comforting” stories we tell ourselves in our darkest of hours, might just be really fucking wrong. Maybe human societies, or any society, cannot move through the bottleneck without destroying themselves. That was Sagan’s biggest question and concern. Are we smart enough not to destroy ourselves? Are humans smarter than yeast? Maybe world population is just too fucking big, and like I ranted before, maybe this is their plan. The plandemic. Or maybe, we are just too fucking stupid to mitigate a very basic coronavirus, because we would rather use it as an opportunity to declare how free we are, because we are infinitely stupid, just like Voltaire said.
ParticipantThe only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity. –Voltaire
This makes me so sad for her and for everyone, really.
So this happened at a city board of commissioners meeting regarding masking in schools last week. (Link to board’s original post in comments)
— Jerri Jamz (Mastodon = (@JerriJamz) August 13, 2021
ParticipantAn elegant coup de grâce to @BretWeinstein and @HeatherEHeying’s antivaxx misinformation campaign by @fullydavid. For anyone to keep believing their completely wrong messaging would require real lack of mental acuity.
— Yuri Deigin (@ydeigin) August 13, 2021
ParticipantColeman told authorities that he was “enlightened by QAnan and illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife … possessed serpent DNA and had passed it onto his children,” according to the complaint.
ParticipantThanks phoenixvoice.
I appreciate your fair and thoughtful words.
ParticipantRaul- I disqualify it by calling it fair and thoughtful? What the fuck does that even mean?
You don’t know where “they” come from. You didn’t read it. That’s your choice. I called it fair and thoughtful, because David Fuller is friends with Bret Weinstein and he presents a fair critique of those attacking FLCCC and those who accept what they say without thought.
So, go ahead and take your ball and go home. That is the wise choice.
ParticipantAnd here is David Fuller’s longer investigative article as referenced in the Areo article I posted above. Both are worth a read and some contemplation. People here asked how you find any truth in a world where both sides think the other is completely wrong. This article and the Areo article attempt to begin that conversation:
ParticipantHere is very thoughtful article by David Fuller, who finds himself directly in the middle of the Brett Weinstein/FLCCC debate. It is well written, fair, and contains some insights that might benefit us all.
“The narrative of the heroic rebel fighting orthodoxies seems to seduce many of those who are intensely sceptical about mainstream narratives into blind acceptance of heterodox claims.
We all need to be much more open about the warping effects of the media platforms we are using, and self-reflective about the dynamics that our audiences and incentives create.”
On Bret Weinstein, Alternative Media, Ivermectin and Vaccine-Related Controversies
On Bret Weinstein, Alternative Media, Ivermectin and Vaccine-Related Controversies
ParticipantThe fundamental problem is that people are seeking confirmation, not information.
Here’s an interesting case study of how “do your own research” misinfo works. Last month, CDC announced that at the end of 2021 it would withdraw its request for Emergency Use Authorizarion of a PCR test for COVID.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) August 11, 2021
ParticipantDr. Pierre Kory and his family contracted covid last week.
Too bad they didn’t follow the FLCCC recommended protocol for preventing covid.
I hear it really works.
ParticipantA thread that some of you might appreciate. Probably not.
“What the crank is giving people is the *illusion* of not trusting an authority—unlike all those sheep who trust the *mainstream* authorities. A bit like the media elites who win large followings by telling you not to trust media elites.”
ParticipantSummary results for ivermectin for COVID-19 from the large TOGETHER trial were just released
No benefit whatsoever for ivermectin on risk of hospitalization or mortality in a mild outpatient group
— Health Nerd (@GidMK) August 12, 2021
ParticipantPlay stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.
Mississippi’s Hospital System Could ‘Fail’ In 10 Days, UMMC Warns As Feds Rush In
I guess begging the Feds to help is OK now?
ParticipantThe telling line of the Mike Lindell conference, directed at networks like CNN, who the speakers regularly complain don’t treat their material seriously:
“You guys need to start reporting this stuff and stop fact-checking it!”
ParticipantI challenge you to tune into the My Pillow Guy’s Cyber Symposium that has been airing live on OAN network over the last two days. It is some bizarre attempt by him to present ‘the case’ that the presidency was stolen from Trump.
For me, this symposium, like much of the commentary here, is a window into how sincere people can be so thoroughly convinced by their narratives and so deluded by their biases. Mike Lindell and his people at this “symposium” are so sure about their message, that they cannot even see how weak their arguments are or how crazy that they all appear. To them, they have uncovered the holy grail of truth. They have mountains of evidence that they are presenting. And as soon as the world watches it, they too will be convinced by this evidence and Trump will be reinstalled in a few days.
Just keep telling yourselves: You have the truth. Everyone else is being deceived. Trust no one who doesn’t agree with you. Never, ever change your perspective. And always, always go down with the ship.
Aye, aye captain.
ParticipantThe commentary on this site reads like a special segment from the My Pillow Guy’s Cyber Symposium. And, just as factual.
The misinformation and fear being thrown around in here is truly astounding.
Dude. I’m out. I don’t think my postings were off topic and they were not meant to clog the works. Not sure how opposing messaging can get through without at least trying to do so, but the reactions to those attempts seem to add too much noise. I stopped posting a decade ago on all social media because of the dynamics I described in my long rant. I made the mistake of responding to every reaction to what I said.
Best wishes.
ParticipantDon’t worry Mister Roboto:
I won’t be sticking around much longer. You’l be able to go back to your comfy delusions without any challenge.
I came in to get a read on how, a bastion of truth from my past, managed to go completely bat shit crazy. I thought it would be fun to kick the tires a bit, just like old times.
But, man, I never expected it to be this……….. cuckoo.
What the fuck goes on when there isn’t anyone to provide a different message? One big circle jerk of confirmation bias? It’s no wonder there is a QAnon. People seal themselves off into communities like this and just fester. I came in to investigate the stench leaking out through the cracks.
You guys will be able to get back to the echo chamber. Seems to really be working out well for ya. You might want to look through this list of confirmation biases. Many of you suffer from two or more of these and might explain how you can probably rationalize walking further and further out on that thin branch that you’re on.
Cognitive biases are systemic errors in thinking that negatively impact decision-making quality and outcomes.
THREAD: 20 cognitive biases to learn (so you can think clearly and make better decisions):
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) July 24, 2021
ParticipantMcGill: The Disinformation Dozen
— Barry Ritholtz (@ritholtz) June 20, 2021
ParticipantDuH. Freedumb.
7 states now account for 1/2 of all new cases & more than 1/2 of the new hospitalizations.
They are the lowest states in vaccinations.
— Andy Slavitt 🇺🇦 (@ASlavitt) August 5, 2021
ParticipantThese are your peeps:
The crowd is demanding a re-vote @BuncombeSchools board has motioned for a recess. Board members have left the building.
— Hannah Mackenzie (@Hannahh_Mackk) August 5, 2021
ParticipantRemember though: some folks here say there have been no excess deaths.
Tracking excess mortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic with the World Mortality Dataset
Participanthaha, mr. roboto, we’s a-groupthinkin’! yeehaw!
You’re now two for two.