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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2023 #134508

    I have been away, in Italy, Piedmont and Lombardy.

    Of intererest: the new big biz is ….FIREWOOD.

    Italy used to be the biggest consumer of wood pellets (per capita) afaik, they were nutty about them, and wood pellet stoves were all the rage. Wood pellets are made with gas (for heat) and electricity (for the machines) and their price has risen…and risen…and often now they are unavailable, stories from there, – I haven’t checked.

    Everywhere I went, wood piled up drying, trucks with wood on them, courtyards with big volumes hidden under coverings, previous forest type places not the same, etc.

    What many on the ground don’t seem to realise is that the State (Regional + ) can claim ownership of trees, forests, in their jurisdictions – not the land itself in these rulings, just what is growing on it. The law is fairly recent (under 5 years, I don’t recall ..) Obviously, energy probs. were expected.

    I just looked up: 67% of forest land, that is measured in SURFACE, in Italy is in private hands. The link, a long EU report about Forests in Italy, in F, does describe in vague terms ‘eminent domain’ legislation re. wood. So that fits.

    What local news from other people?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 25 2023 #134072

    On various articles at top post re. UKR.

    USuk plotted and entered with arrogance into UKR, since 2014 at least.

    The plan relied in part on 5th generation warfare.

    1st is hands on with lances, arms held in the hand, mano a mano, horses might be used.

    2nd and 3rd are like WW1, 2, in function of more sophisticated, deadly performing, armaments.

    4th is using ‘terrorism’, ‘guerillas’, shadow killings, ‘color revolutions’ etc. – as a low cost option, often effective.

    5th is using propaganda, mind bending, cyber influence, cyber attacks (e.g. preventing com,, etc.) ‘law’- fare, hugely better propaganda, control of oppo. populations, and at the top, sanctions (economic in first place), bis, etc. which will (it is hoped) cause collapse of the enemy.

    Heh. So Russia brought the W idiots back to WW2… to shoot it out.

    The ‘Collective West’ (i.e. the US and its hapless vassals) are running around confused, what, help, our super sophisticated NEW WAR plans are reduced to…how much ammunition we can muster?

    Just one take, others are also good.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 23 2023 #134013

    To Oroboros + others, prev. thread.

    I use public transport, volunteer for a charity, speak to ppl around, frequent the train station, cafés, etc. (CH) The Ukr. ‘fleers’ / ‘refugees’ here come in two classes, surprise.

    The Rich are downtown shopping and in Hotels and maybe (idk) staying with powerful ppl. They mostly got rid of their cars bearing Ukr. plates and use rentals, I have heard, and seen, at the start of the war there were many lux cars with Ukr plates.

    Leaving Ukr. via Poland, destination Europa, having the guards turn a blind eye to men 18-45 (say) costs 10K Euros, I have heard — a right price imho.

    So some rich men are here with ‘family’ and to my eye they are very anxious, angry, defensive. (From the street, the shops, etc.) Their wives and children are submissive and subdued, unhappy. While sporting the latest Nike shoes, Designer handbags, etc.

    In the class notches below there are handicapped men, physical mostly, mental also, but not only. Men with more than 3 children under 12 (or so, age varied, was 14 at some point I read) were exempt from the ‘draft’ for a while, so there are a lot of them. The rest are grandparents, 55-60-or +, with daughter Mother, and some number or children.

    Ukr. ‘refugees’ (does NOT tally the Rich ppl, they are tourists or temp. residents, etc.) 75 K in CH. > pop 8 million.

    In France 110 K ‘refugees’, 80% are women (MSM.) > pop 68 million.

    Another story…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 22 2023 #133919

    Ukraine is already broken up and in (some?) part owned by Mega US Corps.

    As organised by Poroshenko and the Fin. Min. US person Ms.Jaresko, granted Ukr. citizenship.

    Now links like this don’t lead to any conclusions, yet are interesting.

    The effort to track, in Ukr, land registry (never really existed in solid archives imho) leases, ownership, Corp control, Gvmt. ownership, rulings, various deals, etc. n a country now destroyed by war, by any individual person, citizen/group, association, is simply impossible.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 22 2023 #133916

    Sweet Kenny posted:

    So they’ll have a chance to kill a 3rd Kennedy?

    4th if you count in John-John and his mysterious death on his private plane, sadly accompanied by his wife and sister-in-law.

    Robert Kennedy will not be killed or harmed in any way, he will just be marginalised, derided, shoved away.

    In any case, the DEM candidate will be anointed by what one usually calls “The Central Committee” (which sounds more scary in other languages, like German or Russian) — RK will not ever be considered as a possilbe candidate. He is a minor player, exploited, allowed to speak, to show ‘plurality’ – ‘taking into account many povs’ etc., showing that a lively political scene exists, etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 20 2023 #133809

    Ilargi top post, previous, map of demos, protests, in France:

    A list for the reasons of the protests, on different rubrics.

    Vaguely ordered the list a bit, without judging importance, weight.

    Officially, in the Int’l MSM it’s all about raising the retirement age. (A questionable take, that isn’t the heart of the reform. Not going into that here.)

    Millions oppose XYZ, therefore support the oppo to the retirement legislation:

    —> Gilets Jaunes are of course on board, without their jackets

    —> “Inflation”, i.e. huge! price rise of ordinary goods, Why, what?

    —> Macron’s arrogance and disdain for ordinary ppl (this counts..)

    More. State violence, top-down command, centralisation:

    Paris is running the periphery, Police violence, Law-fare crack down on those arrested in demos, Gilets Jaunes previously mutilated, etc.

    Extravagant illegitmate use of article 49.3 to force into law ABC. — equivalent to US Prez. executive orders but with far grander powers, scope, etc.

    Present or expected ECOLO rules. Imposed by the EU Commisson, enforced by the F Gvmt.

    Banning fossil fuel-run vehicles in 2035, banning older ppl from driving (not done yet) – enforcing use of renewable energy – v. excessive insulation on housing, heating, v. strict criteria.. Private property owners won’t be able to rent or sell; or even occupy sometimes – it is said.

    Degradation of the SECU (social security) in particular health care in hospitals. Imho, as in GB, state health care is being dismantled in favor of the private sector, tele medecine, etc.

    The Covid contradictions (mask, no mask, no entry to shops, vax, etc. etc.) and disaster, particularly the Gvmt. repression of the likes of Prof. D. Raoult, who treated covid patients with success (it is claimed) with hydroxychloroquine, off the shelf meds, and proper care.

    — Other, there is much more….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 18 2023 #133698

    Thank you Henry for putting this together, in 3 posts up top. Excellent.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 17 2023 #133608

    On “China Speaks the Language of Pragmatism” (> top post)

    China’s *One Belt One Road* initiative did not only seek to augment trade, or create new trade routes (e.g. land vs. sea) or whatever, but imho invested in a policy of seduction, thru investment and cooperation, that would bring some of the periphery, and specially some African states, into the Chinese orbit. With investment that could be, or was even expected to be, a loss. A forward stake: “Well we will see…”

    The US uses the stick, the promotion of conflict, perpetual ‘wars’, interventions, manipulations, attacks, engineered color revolutions, murdering popular leaders (e.g. Saddam)…

    The Chinese are using the carrot, and mouthing about peace, harmony, and so on.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 16 2023 #133601

    citizen x, Chicago looks like France in the vids…but the reasons for the disorder / demos / incipient v. serious violence / revolt are different.

    In France, following on from the Yellow Vests, oppo to Macron, his Gvmt., his moves. I.e., a State (Gvmt., milit, police) vs. the PPL on the street, are in open oppo.

    In the US it looks more like faction A (blue PM liberals and their aspirants) against faction B (social conservatives, etc, the demographics are complex etc. .) which imho is deliberately orchestrated along the ‘divide to conquer’ line but perhaps more tellingly ‘who cares what the plebs do, they can’t do anything’ line.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 16 2023 #133598

    Roto, thx for your response, clarification. I have a faint memory of WebFairy, was a popular site at the time iirc…

    Lira likes to make fun for sure, but outing a ‘tactic’ of the PTB_MSM and then saying he himself is fooled, or has to follow with that script — surely he should add some further remarks, analysis. Anyways…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 16 2023 #133559

    On G. Lira, at top post, re. Spring Offensive.

    Gonzalo Lira in his “Poisoning the Well” video argues that those who try to impute crazy stuff to ‘dissidents’ have an agenda, aiming for all ‘dissidence’ to be rejected as some claims they make are ‘nuts’. OK, rightio — pretty basic, not new.

    Then he goes on to say that he will ban, block, anyone who denies, questions, the Moon landings! Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, no doubt about that he says. There were 5 or 4 missions he forgets.. they were Succesful !

    Plus — re. 9/11, anyone who claims a plane never hit Tower Two (? what exactly he means by this Idk, maybe he is reffering to building 7?)…? And they believe Elvis is still alive he says! 🙂

    > see vid.

    Happily, the comments are cynical, soft or harsh, or questioning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 14 2023 #133455

    re. prev. thread. On Scott Ritter discussing J. Biden’s statements after the ‘summit’ in Geneva (what was said there is still not known, other topic), vid.

    — Back to the past —> Here Biden slags off Ritter for being against the ‘Iraq War’ – final line..

    “It is above your pay grade” – w. v. nasty smirks. Ritter stays impassive / nothing else is shown by the cam.

    April 2002

    Germ, thx for the updates though they are horribly depressing.

    I always wondered how, why, re. COV19, Bojo’s (let it rip) and Trump’s (natural immunity, Ivermectin, etc.) original attitudes were flipped.

    After the op, whatever it was, Bojo was obfuscatory and bombastic (as usual) – Trump went all out with the WARP SPEED, USA BEST meme (as usual.) I supposed that both had been told the virus was a bio-weapon and extraordinary ‘measures’ were needed. – WAR ! ! etc. (Not a great expl, but maybe playing some role..)

    Eugyppius has a v. interesting post about that, March 2003:

    Re. Covid, “From the Belly of the Beast” by M. Setty is ++ on the ground reporting,

    I attended the 23rd World Vaccine Congress in Washington DC. This is what I saw and heard…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 9 2023 #133111

    Epic Post Dr. D. thanks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2023 #132973

    Past history, July 2005.

    Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US:

    “A senior Chinese general has warned that his country could destroy hundreds of American cities with nuclear weapons if the two nations clashed over Taiwan.”

    — just a snippet from the history bucket.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2023 #132971

    Germ, yes the article from France Soir (F MSM news outlet, v. big readership) puts Covid + Vax solidly into bio-warfare territory, but without outing any Gvmts / Corps, or refering to Latypova and the like.

    link again,

    What about this, you probably saw it:

    Skidmore article on Covid vaccine uptake and injuries retracted:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2023 #132965

    Dr D Rich, yes, those pix are epic..

    from prev. thread.

    Debt Rattle April 6 2023

    Ursula von der Lies and Jupiter (Macron), have a big problem they have no idea how put off, put on the back burner, ignore — or manage, treat with diplomacy, solve, never mind radically changing the situation in any way. Lost in the wilderness or on twitter!

    They need (as does Germany, see Sholtz flying off to China with a plane load of industrialists making nice…) to keep good relations with China for commercial and ‘globalist’ reasons, for supply chains, world commerce, the functioning of Big Corps, and so on.

    Yet, they are subservient to the USuk (or .. other descriptions) and seem to push for and stupidly attempt to convince China to not “support Russia, join with Russia, be on its side..”, trying to create some kind of wedge between the two, which is laughable and only discredits them and makes them look like idiotic fools who don’t even understand what is going on.


    All money is Fiat money.

    It is never backed up by ‘secure’ .. ’solid’ goods, commodities, anything physical.

    E.g. one can have paper that certifies one is the owner of ‘x amount’ of gold. And then what? Besides that physical gold is not delivered for x, y reasons to some private person, company, group (that is a whole other story), what is the holder of gold to do with it, provided he has it?

    Sell it for ‘money’? What ‘money’?

    Hmmm… Exchange it for goods, services, paid with ‘money’ in the sense of dollaris? Or if paid with ‘gold’, how? (In the world today ..)

    If there is no standard accepted and **enforced** value for ‘gold’ coins / holdings of gold for exchange / store of value purposes (i.e. fiat standards) there is no point to it at all.

    It can only work because everyone believes gold is ‘precious’, or is a ‘for now’ agreed-upon benchmark thingie. That can collapse in 1 day..

    Anecdote. I have a very nice diamond and gold ring. It came down to me from my granny, who tried desperately to sell it to Germans so she could eat. Gold was worth nothing at the time. The Germans didn’t pay for it any longer, not interesting, they already confiscated most of it and a ring? ..Nein. They wanted super Art Works…

    OK, I have a non-conventional pov on finance, money, etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2023 #132616

    From Nov 2014, the Guardian.

    The Ukrainian president has been heckled by relatives of 100 protesters killed in Kiev’s Euromaidan revolution at a memorial ceremony for the victims.

    The relatives, frustrated by Petro Poroshenko’s failure to bring officials of the previous government to justice, shouted: “Who is a hero for you, Poroshenko?”, “Where are their killers?” and “Down with Poroshenko!” They also attacked him for failing to keep a promise to confer the title of national hero on the victims, which would bring financial benefits to their families.

    (…) The US vice-president, Joe Biden cancelled a planned visit to the area off Kiev’s Independence Square, apparently for security reasons.

    Poroshenko and Biden had been due to lay a wreath together at the memorial but instead met nearby and shook hands before the US vice president headed for talks with the prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

    Speaking afterwards, Biden condemned Russian behaviour in Ukraine as “unacceptable” and urged it to abide by a September peace deal by adhering to a ceasefire and removing military forces from the country. (…)

    Russia has warned against the US arming Ukrainian forces, with the secretary of Russia’s national security council, Nikolai Patrushev, saying the conflict in eastern Ukraine “will grow” if this happened.

    All was clear at the time..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2023 #132603

    on: Without Russia the UN would loose its meaning (from top post)

    While the UN started out as a replacement for the failed League of Nations, with perhaps good intentions, it is an ‘association’ / ‘club’- like institution, financed by its members.

    As per usual, the biggest / er chippers-in control it. At present, and for some time past, => USA, China, Japan, and Germany. For about half the UN budget.

    The financing mech. is explained in more detail here:

    The veto powers at the UN, ultimately control all that goes on there (the widening of councils, rotations of diff. countries to boards, etc. to be more ‘democratic’ etc. are just for show) are held by the winners of WW2:

    Russia, who did most of the fighting, China (ppl forget its role in WW2), the US (imho only joined the winning side when the loss was seen as inevitable), France, who managed to weasel itself in (while it was heavily collaborationist), and GB as a still sort-a powerful coloniast power at the time and seen as ‘plucky’ and taking heavy losses, etc.

    The UN will find it difficult to survive as different factiosn set up other ‘inernational’ institutions, forums, agreements.

    Ex. The new, Democratic Rules Order, Summit for Democracy.

    Today, President Biden and the leaders of Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and the Republic of Zambia opened the second Summit for Democracy, which gathered leaders from around the world to spur further action to strengthen democratic resilience, demonstrate how democracies are delivering for citizens, and highlight how democracies are best equipped to address the world’s most pressing challenges.

    As a testament to the shared desire of people and governments around the world to advance lasting peace, prosperity, and human dignity, the United States is pleased to join over 70 governments and authorities in endorsing the 
    Summit for Democracy Declaration.

    This effort seems to have fallen flat, so what is next, we will have to see.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2023 #132461

    Trump indictment. Stormy Daniels.

    Some time before Covid, don’t remember the date, I was in train in CH, going to Vallorbe (N. CH, border town), it was a school train, filled with children, teens.

    The landscape was snowy and frozen, it was very cold, we are all wearing boots, bulky jackets, capuchons, etc.

    These ‘Regio’ trains are v. ‘lux’ as compared tot trains elsewhere, there is room to sit, tables to write, it is warm, etc. Digital screens give Intl. news clips, weather predictions warnings, train connection info, ads for State Initiatives, and so on.

    Stormy Daniels, flash news, appears full screen!

    She speaks (no sound on these clips, some vague sub-titles), giving her version of her relation with Trump.

    How come trains in Switz. have screens that clarion personal, trivial, sex relations, between power-ppl, half a world away?

    Many answers are possible but Idk what one should pick,

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2023 #132454

    yes Wes. Plus the younger daughter is an Instagram – cute child love-me interest with very suggestive clothing and poses – though I haven’t checked on that for 2 years – don’t like it. She is two years younger than Greta.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2023 #132307

    no edit function.. apologies for the not-closed tag…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2023 #132306

    daily skeptic article, top post, 28 March:

    One of Britain’s leading climate ‘experts’, Professor Kevin Anderson, has provided a valuable insight into the increasingly bizarre demands that surround the promotion of the collectivist Net Zero political project.(…) He argues for Net Zero within 12 years, complete with a refit of U.K. housing stock, a withdrawal of all combustion engine cars in favour of expanded public transport, electrification of industry, the roll out of ‘zero-carbon’ energy, and the banning of all fossil fuel production. (…)

    Madness. 20 years ago, someone speechifying this way in France (which has v. stiff + nasty laws concerning cults) would have been branded as a ‘cultist’ (setting aside the nationality) and would have been shut down.

    Re. the reactions to Global Warming / other mysterious threats ..

    Greta T. was recruited after an essay competition in Sweden (such a caring country -> not) re. the dangers of climate change. The winners all refused the post of becoming a media figure, and the organisors turned to the runner-ups, Greta with her pudding childish looks and Media Parents (Mom official singer of the Gvmt, competed in Eurovision, Pop in Films, Sister btw is an Instagram star for photos I won’t describe, etc.) were a lock-in, i.e. her parents agreed.

    This is just one ex. of media-op-prop organisation. The .. ‘Society of the Spectacle’ – Greta meets and is photographed with Obama, the Pope, Trudeau, David Attenborough, Prince Charles, Merkel, Ursula von de Lies, and so on. But… she “wouldn’t have wasted her time talking to Trump.” (see Google images.)

    Those who receive her play the game of seeming concerned for young ppl, ‘climate change’, caring for the future, and so on. All a sham.

    As for the Kevin Anderson, his bio..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2023 #132241

    Afewk posted: Just think! We are in the early stages of a re-enactment of the Permian Mass Extinction Event, when the Earth’s average temperature rose from around 13oC to around 33oC due to volcanic activity (Siberian Trapps) de-sequestering sequestered carbon and putting it into the atmosphere in the form of CO2.

    But whereas the Permian Mass Extinction Event took place over many thousands of years, the Anthropocene Extinction Event is occurring over just a few decades.

    Debt Rattle March 27 2023

    Where I live (Rhone Valley, 500 m.) the temperature has risen, from before, or getting into, the boom of the industrial age, 1860 or thereabouts (when measures were logged) about 3.5 degrees.

    today, official Fed. website:

    En Suisse, les dix dernières années (2013-2022) ont déjà été 2,5 °C plus chaudes que la moyenne préindustrielle 1871-1900.

    = In CH, the ten previous years were 2.5 d. hotter than in pre-industrial times.

    Of course, it all depends on what one compares present temps to.

    Many don’t know that the IPCC standard for comparison of today’s temps is 1961 – 1990, which is.. hmm late. That comp. standard is used all over without giving the dates.

    Looking at this graph, it is easy to see that whatever standards of comparison are used as a bench-mark, in terms of ‘average years x – y’ will change the ‘estimation’ or ‘result’ of temp. change wildly for Switz.

    Ok, it is local ‘weather’, a local situation, a landlocked country, with snow capped mountains, glaciers, which for a large part have melted down, are no more.. Oh man.. the temp. change in my parent’s life-time and mine, it is staggering, a different world. The heat wave in 2003 killed off a huge amount of vegetation …I could go on but will shut up.

    What precisely are the multiple causes, and what actions (if any) should be implemented to halt, counter, manage (etc.) the rise in temp. is a whole other topic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2023 #132169

    Dr. D Rich posted:

    Are Europeans as beguiled by Obama’s “lit state” as Americans ignorant to Biden’s senility?
    Can delirium, alcohol intoxication, alcoholism, and dementia (any subtype) be a continuum the recognition of which rests upon an observer’s position? That in America from my mountain, Obama is abhorred not adored for a degree of self-possession that exceeds general measures of malignant narcissism. Yet, few recognize the public Obama smirk as the result of drugs, albeit the drug alcohol, by which he ties one on to relax any manifestation of social anxiety (stuttering).

    Well …Obama (Nobel Peace Prize as a LUV-U coronation) was adulated by the French as soon as he was elected. Family members of mine flew to California to party with ppl they did not know well, to celebrate. He was a new SAVIOR figure.

    Back in time, say 1920s and on, and particularly after WW2, Paris was a destination for Black ‘artists, intellectuals’ who were adored, as Americans, confident, uppity, and if Black, oppressed, so touting rebel-type ‘cool’ counter-culture, playing music, acting, doing super whatever, writing great books, etc. A touch of ‘exoticism’ played a role….

    Ex. Josephine Baker, show person, even today well known, admired. James Baldwin, author. Looking for a 3rd name, I see wiki actually covers this (ok it is wiki..)

    As for Biden as Prez, as a stumbling senile figurehead he is mocked and despised. All over the world.

    Ppl are astonished that the most powerful, belligerent, country in the World is headed by such an incapable puppet, not just a nobody, like a Joe or Debby on the block, waving flags, making silly rah-rah speeches, but a sort of animated corpse-like puppet who can’t even glom the teleprompter…

    As for the Kamala…it appears that even the US MSM can’t publish vids of her..

    And the US is supposed to be the TOPS of propaganda, image, advertising…?? (I heard this 3x today.)

    in reply to: Zelensky Admits Ukraine Already Ran Out Of Ammo #132166

    Re Seth Rich. Maxwell Q, happy you appreciate. (> for me it was 9/11.) Dr. John Day, yes, I wonder if we will ever know the full story, I doubt it somehow.

    in reply to: Zelensky Admits Ukraine Already Ran Out Of Ammo #132106

    John Day posted:

    This is interesting. Seth Rich almost certainly downloaded the Clinton Podesta emails and got killed going home from the party, and Wikileaks got them, and we all figured Seth sent them to Wikileaks, and he miht have.
Israel had them, too and sent an operative to Roger Stone to try to get some leverage with Trump. Moon of Alabama has the story. Bernard keeps putting “hack” in quotes.

    The spin about Russian / Slav hackers, Russian interference in US elections, was blatantly nonsense right from the start. IIRC, there were computer nerds, experts, many commentators, I recall even Sy Hersch chiming in this story was BS… Blaming Russia was a clumsy cover-up, the question was, a cover-up for what?

    It was clearly a US – USA internal affair, and as I posted insistently at the time, it was a “Leak” and not a “Hack..”

    Julian Assange and Craig Murray hinted heavily that Seth Rich was the leaker.

    Btw, Assange offered to testify about this matter in exchange for immunity, to the US. He was refused. (No link sorry.)

    ok I found the Hersch tape,

    quote from the descr.…”The FBI found that Seth Rich had submitted a series of documents & emails from the DNC to a protected drop box of which wikileaks was able to access before he was killed.”

    Imho he (Sy) knew some stuff but not too much…

    The interview of Ed Butowsky is important:

    Stated: The Rich parents knew that Seth (and bro, extra add-ons to the story) had downloaded the e-mails from the DNC server and sold them to Wikileaks. (Me: Wikileaks doesn’t pay and refused to pay.)

    The interview of Rod Wheeler (Fox News)

    is another essential piece. Seth was having problems the DNC…

    Kim Dotcom claimed he helped Seth get in touch with Wikileaks.

    His statement I couldn’t find, Newsweek has a blurb,

    To wrap this up, Seth (+ Aaron..) were the leakers, why, how, etc. I won’t say.

    Imho on the night of the attack, Seth had been identified (thru computer examination) as a leaker, and was hastily, clumsily aggressed, in a panic. Seth was alive when he arrived at the hospital.. whole other story… He probably had another thumb drive on him which was taken, the aggressors (2 men, white imho) had no interest in his phone, wallet, etc. Follows the ‘botched robbery’ story.

    // Analyzing one event / case / etc. as far as one can is often very rewarding and informative. I learnt so much..//

    The MSM news, the day-to-day panic, the hype, stops ppl from remembering pasts events, analyzing them, drawing conclusions, taking relevant actions, moving forward…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2023 #132049

    About China. This text, from 2017, anticipates much of what is going on today.


    This document, which general Qiao Liang has allowed us to publish, was delivered at the University of Defense, China’s top military school, where the general is in charge of the education curriculum for the officers. The speech therefore must have the endorsement of the leaders of the school and ultimately also of the president of the Military Commission, Mr. Xi Jinping.

    Title: One belt, One Road.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2023 #132048

    Re. Germ’s post featuring Lassalle.

    Jean Lassalle, a F pol, he not being part of the in-crowd, thus injected, not informed, is understood by many.


    – in 2003 Lassalle stood up in the National Assembly during questions to Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy and sang the Occitan anthem “Se Canta” in protest

    – in 2006 Lassalle undertook a 39-day hunger strike, in protest at a threat to jobs in his constituency

    – in 2013, Lassalle walked around France for eight months from April to December to meet people

    Not your smooth forked-tongue regular pol.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2023 #131661

    Formerly T-Bear, yes, I forgot Saddam! (1) Also, didn’t mention South America.

    The point I was trying to make is that the US – while traditionally murdering, condemning, ‘outside’ forces, ppl – has now turned inwards in a way, an ex-President driven out by rigged / stolen / dodgy election is to be ‘arrested’ for xyz crimes…so to discredit him in some serious way. Bananas anyone?

    Imho ppl in the US do not understand that Biden as president exposed the US to dislike, cynical laughter, ridicule and serious questions about the US Gvmt, all over the world. Any respect for, interest in, US leadership, sank, died down, very quickly.

    Ppl cannot understand, grasp, that the glorious US has a senile Pres. who can’t string two sentences together, and has a son who is “reportedly” a coke addict, a financial corrupted cheat, maybe a pedophile, etc. (I am not saying he is any of these things, but this is the perception.)

    So this is very surprising to many ppl in Europe, as they adored Obama. Specially in France. Obama was the all timeHero.

    1. Saddam effected one of the best land-distributions schemes in the world, with support to farmers, and more. It is one of the reasons he ‘had to go.’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2023 #131606

    Milosevic must go!

    Khadafi must go!

    Yanukovtich must go!

    Assad must go!

    Muslim leaders must go!

    Putin must go! …… Putin MUST GO!

    Trump must go!

    All over the world ppl can now see some contradictions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2023 #131601

    On Credit Suisse.

    Bunce’s LinkedIn page says they go by she/her/they pronouns and that they are the Director/Head of Global Markets Technology Core Engineering Strategic Programs at Credit Suisse. – Newsweek

    This guy or gal who appears as a man or woman on different occasions. (No pix, it isn’t funny.)

    Here you can see CS employee reviews, US (for sure these are in part genuine, in part censored /…) it all looks very WOKE.

    one on the front page: over 20 years of experience, not the same place. company constantly in financial distress. became very top heavy. cut loyal employees on the bottom so top execs get their money. stay to get experience then get out…

    Adhering with fanfare (often fake imho) to WOKE stuff is a sign of submission to specific political, corporate, MSM forces who are joined together in hyping, promoting, trivial issues as glorious social advancement that has no relation to reality on the ground, but is brandished as a symbol of adherence. Like a secret handshake, say.

    Embracing WOKE culture is a covert plea to be considered as ‘part of the club’ and obtain advantages such as ‘bail-outs’, recognition and kudos in the Int’l arena, consideration for joining xyz agreements, alliances, groups, with, of course, a steep fee, hard concessions, to be paid.

    Credit Suisse has been in trouble for at least 15 years.The purely financial aspect, is another story, very complex, can’t post about that.


    WES posted prev. thread:

    One of the little publicized consequences for Switzerland breaking it’s neutrality, in regards to adopting sanctions on Russia, is it’s banking industry lòosing a great deal of business from China.

    Well WES (as you know), Swiss neutrality took a beating with the end of banking secrecy -> long story. Billy C. took the first public international attack move, with the ‘jewish accounts ww2’ scandal, which was really a lot of BS. (Billy C also repealed Glass-Seagal..other story..)

    Just one event, to show it has been eroding.

    Now some Rubicons (heh like there is a lot of them!) have been crossed, with the application of sanctions on Ukraine, outside of those approved / dictated by the UN.

    CH only joined the UN in 2002 (55% for), while it had been a member of offshoot orgs like WHO, UNESCO for many years

    In 2022 the Fed. Coucil of CH took the step of adopting EU (CH is not part of the EU) sanctions, including freezing accounts of Russians, which of course spelt big problems for the banking sector.

    How this came about, who was a big mover, etc. Idk. It is much discussed, no solid conclusion(s) from my end.

    Official statements, Fed. Gov. in F.

    Credit Suisse is in bad shape (see top post) has been so for a long time previous to this scare, it is the most disliked (..) bank in CH by ordinary ppl. Many ppl here want it to fail!
    I can read this FT article for free, about the bail-out of CS.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 15 2023 #131321

    On Glazyev. ( > top post.)

    Flash back (I appreciated Germ’s flash b. in a prev. thread, so now we do flash-b.)

    9 years ago,

    Senior Russian Official warns against the US interfering in Ukraine – was Glazyev.

    Vid less than a minute.

    Here he is in June 2014 condemning Kiev’s actions in the Donbass, explaining the role of the US arming certain factions, what happened in Georgia, and *much* more, points out .. that the US ‘profits’ from war in Europe…

    10 mins, eng. subs. MSM Russian TV.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 13 2023 #131139

    On: An insulting cartoon about Zelensky was released in Europe (top post), heh, it looks pretty good, the French are tops for adult ‘graphics’ – comics, stories, satire, adventure, and more.

    Zelensky really did it to himself, in the sense that as a ‘comedian’ he mocked… his future self!

    Here he is in 2014 in a comedy show, a few minutes.

    Note the audience laughs and claps, but is also hesitant, see ppl turning their heads to others, checking for reactions, some are uneasy, overall, something about it….is off… not funny…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 12 2023 #131057

    NATO’s Trojan Horse Behind Europe’s COVID-19 Response – Part 1: Vaccinating Europe With a Military Experimental Biodefense Countermeasure.

    Did the US Department of Defense, NATO, and the EU coordinate a military response, employing tactics like 5th Generation Warfare and military-grade tools to hide the truth behind the release of a US DoD synthetic bioweapon into the European member states under the banner of “COVID-19 vaccines”?

    21st century wire, March 8, 2023.


    It seems that Sasha Latypova’s work has spurred ppl on!

    From CH. All instituted certification procedures concerning medical products (drugs, vax, etc.) were by-passed, that was clear from day one.

    Re. the vax: Medical doctors and accredited pharmacists (here, they are licensed for a lot) were not allowed to administer the vax.

    Verboten! Vax were carried out in Bio-labs (yess), in special emergency facilities, all over the place, in pop-up tents by ‘pharmaceutical personnel’ – mostly ppl hired to do only that.

    See the official Gvmt. advisory for ppl who want the vax. It was updated in Feb. 2023 and shows that the only vax pharmacists and Med. Docs are allowed to administer is the Booster Bivalent Moderna.

    In eng:

    I know one person who was hysterically desperate for the vax and called, called, e-mailed her doc, but the doc refused, he was not authorised to do the deed.

    So…did this extraordinary state of affairs alarm, lead to the Gvmt., the MSM to question anything? No.

    All was blanked out, covered over, with blaring EMERGENCY! PANDEMIC! measures.

    Whee—wheeh the ambulances all over the places…oh…some of my neighbors were carried away .. ppl prayed ..

    I asked some ppl in the med. community (+ bio-tech, etc.) what gives? Nobody had any answers, it was just so, it was an *URGENCE*, everything was pas comme d’hab – not as usual.

    Idk the reason(s) why Docs / accredited were not allowed to inject, it has to do with SwissMedic (like the US FDA, but only for med products) who did not certify the safety etc. of the vax…and/or protecting Med. Docs. from liability suits / other reasons, idk.

    Note, nobody is discussing the topic, it is all in the past now.

    This is typical of what happened all over Europe, with some differences, which is why I post.

    Still, the confusions and ‘other’ make it that in CH only 70% are vaxxed with two or more doses.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 11 2023 #130992

    The story about Brigitte Macron suing XYZ for defamation, the article from RT, top post, gives the essentials, and is correct.

    The story, the fantasy is, Brigitte Macron is transgender, she is her brother with a new identity, she never had 3 children, and all this kinda-proves the Macron couple are creepy weird, Macron is gay, or was gay, whatever..

    Some self-proclaimed ‘journalist’ – active on social media, Youtube, put the scandal out there. Looking for fame, perhaps, or other (paid), idk.

    The theory became extremely popular, and didn’t die down for a long time. Still quite present, imho.

    Support for the story comes from the fact that Bibi’s brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux, has disappeared, without dying, moving abroad, etc., as far as can be ascertained.

    The Macrons have not spoken about Jean-Mi and he has not come forward. If you see signs in F protests, *Où est Jean-Michel?* that is the reference.

    The story is nonsense as records show Brigitte had 3 children, they are all alive, etc. No alternate ‘mother’ of those 3 can be identified, though some attempts were made. (Her first husband, a banker, died recently.)

    The establishment media, including tabloids and some ‘alt’ news, who publish ‘allowed’ gossip, rumors, even very scuzzy stuff, not denied or only occasionally so in a ‘fake’ outraged way, were appalled that an unknown provincial b*tch and the internet could garner so much attention, stealing it from them and affecting their revenues..

    The Macrons are very tight with the pic-MSM (Paris-Match and the like, who blatantly worked to get Macron elected) and this was surely a jab at the MSM, showing amateurs to be serious competition in clicks, hype, internet buzz. Forcing the MSM to treat it, as everyone is talking about it. ..

    MSM – see pic, J-M is the small boy on the left

    Brigitte sueing is a sign of weakness of the F Gvmt. Who advised her to do it idk, why Macron allowed it idk. Bad move.

    This is just one minor example of why “W” Gvmts. are desperate to crack down on the internet, going for disguised censorship under a ‘safety’ rubric, scaring ppl about fake news, porn, harm to children, etc. (See the UK.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2023 #130933

    I see link didn’t show, maybe …

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2023 #130931

    UKR. Not saying this interpretation is predictive, the best, etc.

    One of many poss views of events going forward, brings up *some* elements that play a role, etc.


    If the fighting goes on like this, Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, destroyed country. – Catherine Austin Fitts.

    On Dutch TV, interview, Feb. 13, 2023. 36 mins. After an intro in Dutch, in Eng.

    About the depopulation, yes. How many ppl are still living in UKR? Since 1992 (say), massive emigration to Russia, Europe (Poland..) and other places, etc. With now war…Imho any reasonable estimate shows a pretty empty land…parts of it bombed out, destroyed…etc.

    A large, geo-important placed country, emptied of much of its population, needing re-construction, what happens to it? — USuk-EU have already put funds aside for ‘re-construction’ .. not that any of those announcements are worth anything.

    Could this be the first time the USA officially takes over another country, giving up the usual puppet-dictators we control him script? Much of Ukraine already belongs to Corps, thru privatisation, land, communications, (under Poroshenko.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 9 2023 #130869

    The absurd invention of UKR saboteurs being responsible for the blow-up of NS2 is a sign of weakness.

    Controlling the media sounds, feels, oh starry eyes, power wow, super !! fantastic, at first blush.

    However, if the stories don’t add up, don’t have proper continuity – ascribed motives, follow-up, etc. and aren’t coordinated (movie scripts are not a model to be followed.. they work in a two-hour circumscribed window..) with other ‘facts’, ‘news’, the whole effort falls flat and looks pathetic. Then whatever has to be rapidly superseded by some ‘new, next’ story. And so it goes…

    Of course, one aim is to keep ppl dependent on, and believing in, the Gvmt – MSM narrative, Putin the ugly dictator invades stalwart anti-Russian democratic Ukraine, brave Prez. Zelensky is fighting for his glorious nation, etc. etc.

    So, the lies and prevarications are aimed at ordinary ppl, and as they are considered to be idiots / untermenschen, it matters little what ridiculous story-script or BS is blasted out.

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