Forum Replies Created
Participant‘election deniers’ went mainstream MSM at the speed of light.
ParticipantElection day observations new to me. Several unattended police vehicles set up near polling place entryways with no police to be seen. Drove to another ward, same thing. In the past poll workers used to do a great potluck spread for themselves making waiting voters stomachs grumble. None of that this year although the crock pots were simmering away at the last primary election. Strangely there were zero candidates/surrogates outside the polling places handing out vote for me stuff. I assume in person voting is coming to the end.
ParticipantupstaterNY. My sympathies for your loss and thanks for your show of strength in tough times it encourages me.
Thank youslimyalligator
Participant@ Ilargi
This must be the last time they got him in a straightjacket. As they say, it all went downhill from here. What a man. RIP.
The man was a turning point for music. Off topic we have been enjoying the early Salvador Dali features which blow my mind considering later work.
Thanks yet again.slimyalligator
ParticipantDr. D “Truss stayed for three Scaramuccia. So 3 Scaramuccia = 1 head of lettuce?”
You are aware sir, you’re threatening comedy writer’s livelihoods.slimyalligator
ParticipantDoctor D. Are you a fan of Jonathan Winters by any chance?
Participant@ Maxwell Quest. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Of course keep an eye on the O2. I feel fortunate for RIM’s early COVID coverage and John Day’s contributions.
ParticipantUS Strategic Oil Reserve blather is strong at this time. Basic geology question if you will. If we pump out all the oil for votes do the salt caverns collapse and need repair? I do understand the “solution mining” camp, but fresh water is becoming quite dear. Thank you.
P.S. I think the strategic oil reserve was a good idea at the time. Control of same should have been the bailiwick of the DOD and Department of Energy not the D.C. sleazeballs.slimyalligator
ParticipantI for one question the validity of the recent Nord Stream pipeline damage images. Reminds me of surgical images presented to a recovering surgery patient.
ParticipantI imagine this link showed up here at TAE before. E63: Europe’s electricity market: the scam of the century? 9/8/22 About a one hour round table video.
Warm regards.slimyalligator
ParticipantBishko at #118503.
I can, however, see how this could easily be used as a new hobgoblin to get the masses to demand safety regardless of their lost liberties. It has already been used to funnel hundreds of billions into unknown hands.
Good comment, thank you
ParticipantFor those who are not tired of the Kerch Bridge explanations John Helmer has one up at ‘Dancing With Bears’. Y’all getting tired of shit? United Nations? What’s the point? I invite world leaders to a 32 wicket Croquet game with one ball and two end posts. Participating nations may enter up to three of their top politicians and no professional Croquet players allowed. Playing grounds, wickets and end posts are provided by sponsor who will not provide medical care or remains removal.
ParticipantI’ll stick my head up out the trench forTulsi, where it goes is anyone’s guess. Apparently it is wise to avoid French petrol stations during prime time.
ParticipantA good indication on how well the spat in Ukraine is progressing will be when the Offshore Sportsbooks add Putin to the 2024 Presidential betting market. Even with or slightly ahead of Trump.
Good comment. Got odds?
ParticipantBishko and MPSK, I’m sure we have more than a few ‘trash pickers’ here at TAE. I’m gazing at a refinished bookcase gathered 50 years ago from Buck Hill Falls Company’s dump. Great place to shoot rats by the way in the 1970’s. Real rats with four legs.
ParticipantAFKTT, hot damn, thanks for posting ‘The Electric Eel’, fascinating.
ParticipantBishko, thank you for the informative post. I’ll need to read through it a few times to grasp the the fine points. Plant potatoes indeed and a few extra hills for your ‘keto’ neighbors.
ParticipantRoadway not Rodway. Apologies
ParticipantSafe and Effective video. If you’re thinking of sharing the vid with the vaxxed up you might as well splonk face doom on the nearest rodway to be run over at least twice.
ParticipantTaj Mahal ‘Cakewalk Into Town’.
Participant@Dora.Unfortunately a large majority of ‘Rooskie’ haters are unaware of the shenanigans in that part of the world and Karl just scratched the surface. I did my share of dive under the desk, run to the basement drills here in the USA. I find it difficult to have an open conversation about the the conflict in eastern Europe with fellow folks. I’m less then pleased about the money we’re shipping to Ukraine. Lots of landmines and rattlesnakes ahead.
Participant@ Mr. House, Quite a bit to unpack from your dozen word comment. Hard to find Reynolds in the hood for my hat at this time. Vaccines induced mental decline among our betters and the proules? Grim.
ParticipantI always appreciate Illagi’s use of Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes strip. Comedy, yes but also social commentary from way back but it still works for me. Lots to unpack from four panels.
Participant@oxymoron ‘I mean I’m into it but the timing is eerie. Never let a problem go to waste. Sudden Adult Dirt Syndrome’. CORPSE RECYCLING DAY. October 1st, 2022- 9am-11am or Until the truck is full.** Borough will Pay Recycle Charge for 1 item per residency** NON CONTACT!! YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR CAR & AND WEAR A MASK!! Please have exact change prepared for additional items Envelope preferred. RESIDENTS ONLY WITH ID
Participant@upstateNYer. This old faht would love to see a glossary for ‘newspeak’ terms and acronyms. I plead guilty to having never texted anyone. I always desired to be a curmudgeon and now I am one.
I’m slow.slimyalligator
Participant@Afewknowthetruth Thanks for the Moldava video it’s a good starting point to try to understand the regional conflict.
ParticipantAs we age, the rate of change seems to grow exponentially, while the desire to change approaches zero,
Ding, Ding, Ding! A winner at #115790slimyalligator
ParticipantI wonder what’s going on in Ukraine. We all are Bill 7. You can spend your waking hours trying to make sense of the issue, but at the end of the day nobody has a clue to what’s going on. Here in the ‘hood’ most minds are in denial. Folks have no idea about the Ukie/Russkie conflict nor do they want to coming off the COVID 19 thingie. Personally, I’m sensing escalation down the gravity funnel, things are not too bad at the top of the funnel then down you go. We all are hoping for a display of maturity from our world wide assholians. A Phil Alvin song I like.
ParticipantY’all please educate me. Does the Brit monarchy have any effects on policy? If so or not so what’s the uproar about?
ParticipantJohn Day. Thanks for your help on ivermectin prophylaxis. I’m up in air about the idea at this time. Good advice on the mushrooms.
ParticipantBill7 I wonder what’s happening in Ukraine, Thousands getting slaughtered. Response, ‘my cell phone bill doubled, gasoline price is down and the NFL regular season starts this weekend ‘
ParticipantIvermectin. Off topic yet again. Is there any wisdom out there on taking a two day prophylactic dose every three months like we do with our four legged friends? John Day, Germ and others? Some scuttlebut has surfaced about fewer cancer events with people taking Ivermectin on a regular basis for river blindness. Thanks in advance.
ParticipantBreaking. WES and V. Arnold are AWOL.
Commentariat are getting squeezed every which way.
Commentariat are getting testy.
Memento mori is creeping into our heads.
Eastern PA Tomato report: Absolutely tasteless fruit, no balance of sugar and acid even with heirlooms. Yield way down, drought. Phytophthora rot i.e Buckeye rot showing up after a 5 year crop rotation and so it goes.slimyalligator
Participant@ Bill7 Not an affront Bill at all and I appreciate your contributions to TAE. I’ve been schlepping around the rock too long and I’m grumpy. I always wanted to be curmudgeon and I got my wish.
ParticipantBill7 @ 115237. I’m not sure when the ‘walk back’ term gained traction in our political correctness era, but it is a bullshit term. Walk it out say what you say and walk it back. The walk it back rhetoric is on the backburner ready to be served again. Rural school tax bill hit here today with an explanatory note about fuel budgets going to Hell. Putin’s fault not the big ass pickups and SUVs. Yep.
ParticipantFarmer McGregor, agree with your post regarding the CO2 bloom from mechanical cultivation being beneficial to crops, another benefit is a dust mulch for water conservation. I loved the linked video of the Shangri La farm, flat as a pancake and no stones. Farming the glacial till belt in PA we pick stones every spring, you do not pick up any humpers smaller than your belly. At cultivation time you would say I need to go on a diet PDQ. The issue with mechanical cultivation is it burns up organic matter (CO2 bloom) which has a work around. Crop rotation. Cheers.
Participant@ Bill 7 and D Benton Smith. I agree with DBS on the Foxfire books which are probably very affordable at online used booksellers. Anecdote, I had a very fortunate experience years and years ago to help build a timber framed replica of an icehouse (rough carpentry at best). The old timers showed up, surveyed the tools assembled and said power saws are okay, metal saw horses are not, leave your routers at home, bring chisels and read up on board and batten (‘there is only one place for one nail’) . We got it up the next weekend. 30′ long, 15′ wide, 12′ high. We cut ice every other year now since we’re swilling Chardonnay now days as opposed to sucking down beer.
ParticipantCorrection V. Arnold @ 113918 instead of 113718
Still yep.slimyalligator
ParticipantWes, hearing issues. Have you considered cochlear implants? I’m running two.The first one was year 2000. The bilateral was 2008. You will never hear well in notice ever. You will need to be close to an implant center say 140 kilometers or less for the first implant for frequent programing. You’ll also need a close associate with decent hearing to identify new sounds. Crows cawing, wax paper making a noise and noise from onions sizzling blew my mind. Outpatient surgery, OTC pain medications and skip the prescribed antibiotics. A week’s downtime for me. Advanced Bionics implants are the way to go. I will be glad to give you my email addy just ask.
ParticipantV. Arnold at 113718
Yep -