Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2022 #111847
    Dr. D

    At the wind farm PR event, Biden said he was going to declare a “Climate Emergency” to pass “Executive Orders” to stop “Climate Change”.

    Except that none of those three things exist. I didn’t know the President could just do whatever he wants without any input or money from Congress. Must be some new form of government I haven’t heard about.

    But that’s what he said: “Everything I do now, and heretofore plan to do in the future, will henceforth be entirely illegal.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2022 #111845
    Dr. D


    You have to wonder sometimes. And it seems like there are two camps, and if you start one, you keep going somehow. Hail Seitan, Lord of Protein.

    “We Decided to Stop Paying”: China’s Mortgage Payment Boycott Spreads as Property Suppliers Refuse to Pay Their Bills”

    Spot check run down this morning. Yes, Powell raising rates hammers the Eurodollar market. It’s risen 20% in a few months, and all dollar-denominated contracts in Europe are getting savaged, which to same extent is more contracts than the United States. As Luongo says, they are our enemy to democracy, and deeply tunneled in to our system at this very late hour. But they’re not the only one. Sri Lanka will have dollar problems. China is pegged to the dollar. Certain places in S. America are either pegged, or have too many dollar contracts now up 20%. So you can imagine emerging market debt to be the first to fail, as usual. Like Panama and Peru. We’re really just on a death watch to see who goes first. My bet remains on Europe, but China shows it doesn’t have to be.

    China ALREADY cracked, but as we’ve seen their authoritarian structure means the flow runs differently, and possibly not at all. Or not in a way. Lockdowns magically happen wherever they have financial and protest trouble, just like our Repo market in 2019. Now we don’t walk away from this, but we do fail last. And before then, foreign money should try to hide on Wall St. with international capital flows.

    Other notes: Saudi says seeding clouds is a mature technology that they spend a little money to use there. The U.S. have any explanation for why this isn’t true in our southwest, like Lake Mead? No? Physics is different here, we don’t try things…that we ourselves invented? And are so old we successfully used them in the Vietnam war 50 years ago?

    Europe? Your rivers are down, it’s a bit hot. Are Physics is different in Europe too?

    “Tesla announces it has sold 75% of its bitcoin holdings for $936 billion.”

    Sold at a loss, it seems. And why not? When you can print money, you buy BTC, store it, then hammer the market with it as a well-paid favor for your banking friends. They just need a vehicle to manipulate the market in this larger size now. As SEC stands for S.E.C. it seems, why not use Tesla? Tesla is a stock-manipulation company that also sells some cars. Among others of course. …Last time they bought the Japanese Judge holding the Mt. Gox coins. That was way cheaper I’m sure, but points to the same problem: as long as they can print money, most problems are solvable, and all markets – therefore all objects — are corrupted. Ah, it’s a beautiful world.

    But, if you were wondering about dollar alternatives that people would flee to. Legarde says all off-ramps must be shut our they’ll leave our system (of slavery).

    2021: No medical curiosity about why weight has occurred. No interest in the extra deaths 100x Covid. No 100-year interest in how that weight erases our military readiness. Huh. That’s odd. It’s almost like they want it, and also can blame us for their active poisons.

    CNN: Behold! The Green Horse! …Trojan Horse that is. Why does he ride with War, Famine, and Disease? Because their Green agenda will kill more people than war does. Greta approved. AOC sanctioned. AOC has caused more refugee flight from NYC than WWI and WWII combined. They’re all following her mother to Florida.

    Much as I hate Gingrich, I appreciate him naming their weird, selfish, mass-murder as a fundamentalist cult and religion. They are terrorists, and I mean that in the accurate sense of the word. The only thing that might mitigate that is their use in positions of government to execute their acts of terrorism, which would therefore be Democide instead, a Socialist specialty.. And relentless psychological terror, as seen with CNN’s climate fabrications. It’s one HUNDRED degrees! In Texas! Say it ain’t so, the world is ending.

    Ukraine Must Win by Winter – Zelensky Aide (RT)”

    True but impossible.

    “US and UK Want ‘Real War’ between Russia and EU – Lavrov (RT)”

    Another example of their religion of mass-murder. However, let’s not be sloppy: the “U.S.” is not one thing. WHO in the U.S.? This weird religious death cult. Clearly Blinken and Austin want war that will kill 1/3rd of Europeans – personal opinion: especially the white ones. The CIA agrees. However, the Pentagon does not appear to want this, as they have taken no actions. Without them, Russia just runs over Europe and de-Nazifies not Ukraine, but Brussels too.

    “The notorious leader claimed” WHY do they say things like that? Do they have an orgasm each time? Why do they say “Unprovoked”? If it’s actually unprovoked, there’s no need to protest to much, padding your valuable article with useless adjectives. Why do they say “without evidence”? If there wasn’t evidence, there’s no need to say “Without evidence” because the statement is sufficient in itself.

    You publish, “Vladimir Putin said.” Period. The reader can draw their own conclusion, from facts and evidence you provide, not emotional innuendo fabricated from Roget’s extensive section on adjectives. The minute they say/use this, the entire article is suspect and I more or less toss it. Because clearly THEY tossed it. Off. Into my face. The use of even one such structure demonstrates you’re not a serious journalist but a propagandist and a hack. You’re fired.

    “Ukraine Offers Itself as a ‘Testing Ground’ for NATO Weapons (Antiwar)”

    Not true. What weapons are there? Our new lasers? Exosuits? But if they ARE a testing ground of NATO’s new high-heel and makeup training, then they lost instantly and bitterly. Every fancy thing they’ve planned and done is a dismal failure, smoke in the wind, just as it was in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, the Yale tiddlywinks playoffs…

    “EU rationing gas”

    Too late. And if you thought citizens were pissed before, with riots and protests continent-wide, you ain’t seen nothing yet. How did Finland go, not being able to bake bread even in the summer? Did Russia turn them back on and give them reprieve? The most comprehensive propaganda campaign in world history has not moved the people. Guess it had to happen sometime.

    Europe has no one to blame”

    Actually, they blame us for not murdering all our red-hat-district, highly motivated capable sons on their behalf. Like the Pentagon let on they would back in 2021. They blame Trump for telling Germany they had no army, were low-life contract-breakers failing their NATO-GDP demands, and that they shouldn’t plan on fighting a war with the nation that gives them their war oil. Also they blame Susan Sarandon, of course. Because she lost the election for Hillary. Who knew one 70 year old ex-actor was the kingmaker and had so much power? But that’s what I gather from the Left chat boards. It’s Ralph Nader and Susan Sarandon’s fault, not Obama, Hillary, and Biden’s.

    “Billions of dollars in weapons the military did not seek..”

    Yes, because it needs time to be recycled into the elections. As in: election-fixing. What else would you call it when you use taxpayer dollars to fund your personal campaigns in illegal dark money? I don’t think there’s a different word. Same with Ukraine’s money, as nearly zero reaches the front lines, just like all foreign aid money over all American and world history. It just is parted out and a percentage reappears in Biden’s bank accounts. Through payments from a foreign nation, which is illegal and potentially treason.

    “Much like Biden’s surprise entrance in 2020, Democrats will see her as their savior, an experienced politician able to bridge the left”

    He’s crazier and more psychotic than I thought. Thank God for free speech. Like Podesta telling the PNW to secede.

    “Trump is in trouble. Trump is in trouble.”

    Bombshell. Walls are closing in.

    “He didn’t act. He did not take action to stop the violence.”

    Sure. Except 12 minutes later he did. And for weeks leading up he begged Nancy Pelosi and the D.C. mayor to bring in National Guard and extra police, because they have sole jurisdiction and not the President. And the FBI knew all this and had dozens of people embedded. And the President knew that.

    So other than warning them for weeks, making both unofficial and official requests, saying so publicly on Twitter, other than activating the FBI and putting the military on readiness, other than tweeting out to calm down when it happened, other than basically nothing happened anyway, other than there were no guns, no plan, and therefore no insurrection to begin with…what have the Romans ever done for us?

    What a jerk. As info was coming in, it took him 12 whole minutes to make a decision. Impeach. I think generally the American people know it, each in their own way. Generally, that way is, they’re off with a self-serving, self-interested, self-aggrandizing circle jerk while we all suffer and they’re too self-absorbed to even notice.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2022 #111844
    Dr. D

    The concept is, Globalists make each nation make ONE thing. Then it has to be shipped worldwide in trade. This gives them a prefect tollbooth for rentier class, where international banking – and ONLY international banks – as well as Oceana’s Navy, control everything and extract their tax. We have always been at war with Oceana.

    At the same time, each individual nation is helpless as they are not self-sufficient, and whether it’s oil or chips, they can’t break free, go to war, or do any other sovereign action because the rentier banks will shut down the tollbooths and embargo them. As we see every day in Venezuela and Ecuador.

    This is why Russia is such a threat, and to some extent, America.

    WES, yes, but then the 2nd Army exists out here, with the People. And we will mop the floor with them, nit just because every wargame showed the American people destroying the Army in a war, but because all decent soldiers, who have morals, follow orders, and don’t wear high heels (and aren’t vaccinated) will be out here with us. Oh and the flower of generations won’t be shot, maimed, and killed overseas like the last 30 years, but at home in their towns building stuff.

    The only downside is, in that situation it may be necessary to have a civil war to prove the point of who’s master. Who’s in control. And the U.S. Army would then be so feckless they would shoot randomly, shoot each other, drop bombs on the wrong target, and sail the wrong seas like Liz Truss does. However, facing off in the woods with the enemy that is law-abiding Americans, they would not be a threat to us in the slightest. They don’t believe in guns or in following orders.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2022 #111791
    Dr. D

    Yes, but if you repeat what President Sarkozy said on national TV, it’s sudeenly false and you’re a conspiracy theorist.

    “once we build a “system”, we delude ourselves into thinking that the system will be self-sustaining.”

    True, however WE are the system, not the Chamber of Commerce, not the aquaducts. Nothing works unless WE do work. Everyone is trying to suck off this one system or other whose energy was put in 40 years ago. But you can’t protect people from themselves. If they are violent, selfish, self-serving, lazy, shiftless drug addicts, the only thing the systems or governments do is make the collapse harder and more sudden. Like the NHS right now. If no one expected help from anywhere, they’d have already made 1,000 different plans. Everyone expects a free check for eating cheetos and playing WoW and are fatally unprepared. YOU are the answer you seek.

    Apparently Donald Trump is still the most important person in the world. Every headline on MSNBC is about him. Thanks, MSNBC, I’ll keep that in mind when we talk about who’s relevant and running the country. Brandon who?

    “AOC and Ilhan Omar Pretend to Be Handcuffed During Supreme Court Arrest”

    Boy, she sure hates power and doing her job. The Supreme Court gave that responsibility to YOU, the Legislature. But, I’m sure she has time for this since she’s not passing a Roe law, nor proposing one once in three years. Sadly, we have learned she, and Omar, are pathological liars, incapable of the simplest action. And also certified morons. But they are Congressmen after all.

    Attali. Same as Bignew Brzezinski: planned for Ukraine since geez, probably 1938.

    Years ago Klaus said “We must prepare for an angrier world” Why is that, Klaus? What will they be angry about in this future you propose? Who is “we”? You mean like the Yellow Vests are angry since you’ve taxed their livelihood into penury? The Dutch farmers since you’re having your organization steal their farms and put beach condos on them? Because although there are states the size of Belgium that can grow little besides cattle, you want us to eat bugs with parasites on them, while you eat imported salmon in the Swiss Alps?

    And again, eat the bugs? These guys ACT like bugs. Everything must be orderly. Centrally controlled. Hive Mind. They ruthlessly cull the sick and the drones for the good of the collective. They grow in a straight line and destroy all other ant peoples they meet with ruthless efficiency. You are just worker bees that live and die for the Queen. If there’s a winter, we just chuck you out of the hive to die. That’s just logic and common sense. There is no resistance. Insects in a hive do not have such mental variation for anything but the will of the collective. They have no ‘self’ and cannot make trouble.

    However, that’s not the way humans act. That’s the way insects act. Now they have been discussing how different mental states that humans normally have can be removed, drugged away to make humans more compliant and near-identical the way insects are. Religion was a key one, them thinking it’s a brain deformity with a specific location that can be removed, but there are others. Suspicion is one, and doubt. This was prototyped in the USSR with lifelong psych arrests for dissidents.

    Now: why? Humans don’t act like that. They act in a different way. That is quite messy and has a lot of innate variation. However, it has a lot of creativity and is able to change plans and try a thousand things at once until something works. Therefore, although hive-mind may be fine for insects, it is fundamentally against natural law to impose it on humans, just as if we tried to force human variation on a beehive.

    “Iran will be able to call on Russia should someone start hostilities against it…”

    Yes, but that will begin to stretch Russia too thin.

    “It was precisely after 1991 that the use of the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a pejorative phrase became widespread in the USA.”

    They’ve learned they can always keep it going by adding more violence and fascism. Have a problem? Clamp it down and roll a few heads til they shut up and get in line. Arrest a few reporters, whose cars suddenly zoom up to 100mph and crash into a tree. Works ‘til it doesn’t which is probably why there are unavoidable arcs of history. And we’ve gone over the top of the wheel, which Russia rises up from the bottom.

    But don’t worry: like Rome we’re going to hold Senate hearings on what gender angels are as they dance on the head of a pin. That’s the proven road to success and prosperity.

    “the rest of the world and its GDP, it produces only a smallish amount of oil, gas, food, fertilizer and manufactured goods.”

    This is true, however you have to respect that we CAN produce a tremendous amount of all five in a very short time, like 5-10 years. We used YOURS, and our shallow mines are untouched. Some 1/3 of our land is fallow.

    “Peace negotiations with Moscow will make sense only after Russia’s defeat on the battlefield,”

    In other words: never. Now watch not anybody’s talk but their actions. What has the Pentagon done? Well, nothing at all, BUT: started the war in Ukraine, a violent, corrupt, congressional-laundering, human-trafficking country. I mean, if you have to have a war somewhere, let’s not make it Hawaii or Wakanda. Second, they promised Ze, but also Joe, they were right behind him. No problem, all in! Let’s Roll! And so THEY ALSO TOLD ALL EUROPE. Which WEF/Davos – which is Europe – “We will fight Russia for you.” And why wouldn’t Europe believe us? U.S. soldiers have been cannon fodder for Davos and London every other time, every tiny thing they wanted for 50+ years. That’s why they don’t HAVE an army (and do have health care): they exclusively use ours.

    So Europe got neck deep, then over their eyeballs in just a few days. But what has the Pentagon not said, not promised, but DONE? The Pentagon has arranged for Europe to collapse. Russia hasn’t even touched them. It’s still generally following all contracts even. Yet Germany is fallen, France isn’t far behind, and the entire Euro/EU project – 30 years’ work – is at risk in an afternoon. Zero U.S. soldiers are in Ukraine. Essentially zero U.S. soldiers are in Poland for that matter. Zero reinforcements are in Germany. Zero people have been activated. Zero tanks and anti-tanks have been manufactured; they just let everything run out. Just promises, which are delivered one HIMAR at a time, to be blown up on the launchpad, fully exposed.

    Who is running it? Well the CIA is running the Ukie army. The CIA is booking the mercenaries. The CIA is accessing and delivering the satellite photos. The CIA is targeting and radio coordinating. These are CIA functions, which the Pentagon – over time becoming their arch enemy as seen in many books and movies – they cannot stop the CIA from doing without opening a domestic civil war between branches of government. Already the CIA and U.S. Army were openly shooting each other in Syria and no doubt elsewhere, as the CIA is self-funding with drugs and human trafficking, as per F-stan.

    So the U.S. Army doesn’t need to call Putin on the phone. They just posture and Rus gets the message. They tell Joe, “we’ve got your back. They’re weak, we’ll get away with ethnic cleansing in Donbas” then when Russia sends but one missile, they change their tune after everyone’s committed and the music’s started. Europe is fully committed, they cannot reverse money, gas storage, or their anti-Russian posturing without whole governments and paradigms collapsing forever. Just like Jerome Powell, the Pentagon has gone “America First”. Why are we the world’s army, fighting for Ukraine which we have no stake in? And the people are behind this idea as well, Joe and da Boyz are exposed, it just needs to play out.

    But the WEF/Davos HAS NO ARMY. Without ours, they’re sending the local constables in a white Peugeot to fight the Russian Army. All we had to do was stop, and we have. All we had to do was force Davos to commit at last, then stay home.

    Now this is why Ukraine, top news forever, no other news possible, has suddenly gone “We were never at war with Eurasia” and there are zero Ukraine stories overnight. Jan 6. Cases of monkeypox = 5. Never Amber Heard of it.

    “Costs of Ukraine War a Test for European Leaders – and It May Get Worse (G.)”

    It will definitely get worse, and the leaders are all completely exposed before the cold and hungry public. Exposed as trying to run a war without an army, and without food or fuel. Exposed trying to kill everyone in Europe with their bad ideas and offensive behavior. The people could have stopped them before, but they didn’t, so it takes whatever it takes.

    “US Army Cuts Force Size Amid Unprecedented Battle for Recruits (AP)”

    Obviously when you have no recruits, you should purge and fire all your soldiers and national guardsmen for not taking an illegal, Nuremberg-denied experimental vaccine. When “We’re in a war” as Joe tells us. What war is that, Joe?

    “Do we lower standards to meet end strength,”

    Trick question: they’ve already RADICALLY lowered end strength to accommodate women, risking every soldier in the platoon. However, in the 50s – or really since WWI – they used to have a general U.S. health initiative to get enough healthy men that they could murder them at the Somme. That’s what all the doctor checks, food pyramids, school food, eat healthy things were for. Like nuclear fallout shelters, we very specifically gutted and removed them all, leading to complete military unreadiness, and complete exposure of our national security. Why? Why do we not own our ports, bridges, and utilities? I thought we wuz fighting Osama bin Laden, takin’ off our shoes at the airport or something.

    I’m in favor. The U.S. needs a militia army of citizen volunteers. “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State,” They own and pick up their own rifles, which needless will happen only if WE are invaded, not when a sparrow falls in Kazakhstan and Bolton gets a mustache hair.

    Ex-Trump Official in Demand after Twitter Backs Down on Covid Censorship (JTN)”

    Burden of proof. They ban anyone they feel like then make you prove you are innocent. Not just innocent, but SO innocent, SO ideologically purity-test, that they can’t find even a minor infraction to pin you on. GFY. Nothing stops until you are “Innocent until proven guilty”, not “Star Chamber’d running day and night” like Chile under Pinochet.

    “ Paul Pelosi $1M Chip Stock Purchase: A Long History of ‘Timely’ Buys (JTN)

    Yes, there’s a fund and service that just lets you follow Pelosi’s and Congresses’ insider buys. Highly profitable. …But there’s no corruption. That’s a conspiracy theory. Vote for Burr!

    “You’ll be getting vaccines every year because that’s how vaccines work (but only since 2019)” – Time.com

    Uh-huh. Now you see why you can’t let them change the definition of “vaccine”? Follow the Science that follows the money. Newsflash: basic premise of “vaccine” is that it gives you life-long immunity.

    Simpsons: yes, we’ve been saying this since before 2006. For the 30 years as Saker said, that they added control, Party-affiliation, and ideological purity as a means of installing fascism.

    Assange: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

    My thought exactly: who’s also setting fires in London in the heat? It’s not to keep warm. Save your firewood and burning barrels for winter.

    They put straight poisons into honest tobacco to make them go out. There is quite a book of regulations about it. Now you wouldn’t think putting a dry fire extinguisher powder into your ciggie might cause cancer or something would ya? Too early to tell: pharma/tobacco will withhold their science for 30-40 years.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2022 #111742
    Dr. D

    “A lone suspect entered the food court area of the Greenwood Park Mall, located on Highway 31 on the south side of Indianapolis, around 1800 local time. The suspect was armed with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and immediately began firing.

    A law-abiding citizen with a permit to carry a handgun responded in seconds and was able to shoot and kill the suspect, ending the rampage.”

    When seconds count, police are just 77 minutes and 19 dead children away. The first responder is YOU. Quite probably the only responder.

    Los Angeles DA Stops Notifying Victims Of Attacker’s Parole Hearings

    “This systematic and pervasive violation of victims’ rights appears to be motivated by one goal: to release as many murderers, child molesters and rapists as possible from prison,”

    Yes they clearly are, and why?

    “[Rhine] lowest for the time of year in 15 years,”

    In 15 years??? You really had me going there. That’s just normal low, not epic, end of Europe low. We’ll all be fine.

    “we can be sure it [$500 oil] won’t happen”

    You’re not wrong, but negative $40/bbl “happened”. It’s certainly capable of being there, but there are consequences. Yes, probably it hits that number but can’t do it for long.

    Repeating the problem is that $500 oil means that renewables are also 10x the price.

    Solar Panels Subsidized by California Are Winding Up in Landfills, Contaminating Groundwater with Toxic Metals”

    Sounds like we should cover all Dutch farmland with them. That’s green! And Chinese ones last 10 years, not 90 like the originals.

    However, we don’t have any problems since Iran, Russia and a few other places have a generation of oil at reasonable cost. It’s only the idiots in the West and depleted Saudi Arabia that have run out of easy stuff. …But still have near limitless at 30,000ft under the Gulf (clearly, it polluted three states) if we can figure out how to lift it.

    Of course that means only Russia and Iran and can field armies, and Europe can’t. “Liquid Hegemonic Power” so I’ve heard. The End.

    Pentagon Nears Deal with Lockheed for 375 F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets”

    Great, now we’re going to have to walk everywhere and shoot at the enemy with bows and arrows. But not in bad weather or lightning storms.

    “Russian Economy Expected to Thrive by Year’s End (RT)”

    Thus why it became illegal for us normal people to buy the Ruble and Russian stocks. Morgan and Citi can though!

    Looking for -20% on Eurostocks, Euro at 90, which makes the dollar “Strong”, and therefore BTC/metals “weak”. (in reality it’s all about bacon vs BTC) We’re not there yet, but the steps have been released exactly on time to hit the Sept/October crash, right on the election. However, that won’t help the election as they are going to so screw it 100 years from now we still won’t know who was elected. That’s the point. Adding chaos and lies is the whole PURPOSE, and it’s not that hard to do. The only way to prevent that is to add morality, self sufficiency, #Logos into the hearts of the people, who WANT truth and justice and will follow it if it kills them. Not there yet, obviously.

    “Ukraine Treated Donbass People as Sub-humans, Making Peace Impossible (Ugolny)”

    Don’t batter people until they are tough, determined, in the moral right, and have the cold fire of vengeance in every pore. You won’t beat them, but it will be ugly. Like half of America.

    “20 degrees above normal at around 100 degrees”

    100f in the Dakotas? In summer? Yeah, that’s perfectly normal. Maybe you should ask questions about why the grid has been so hollowed out for 30 years that it couldn’t handle the load. Same as Afghanistani and Ukrainian weapons: we the people pay for things, those things are stolen, written on a ledger, and don’t exist. Like improvements to transmission lines and power stations. Is theft, fraud, and no property rights, “capitalism”?

    “The debate about recession risk is pointless. We are already in a recession. Real GDP in the United States declined at an annual rate of 1.6% in the first quarter.”

    We’ve been in a Recession since 2001 except for a few quarters. They claim inflation is 1% when it’s 9% and therefore those 8% are “Growth”. This is what Socialists do: spread misery widely. Reduce the economy to subsistence level, and keep all the palatial estates for the Party Members, aka “The Club”.

    “House Democrats Push Bill To Add Four Seats To Supreme Court (JTN)”

    What do you say to a group where: everyone hates their platform so much, they can’t win anywhere, and instead of improving to “the Peoples’ Platform” just change the rules instead? Roe, M4A, Minimum wage, student loan relief.

    “The Supreme Court is “making decisions that usurp the power of the legislative and executive branches,”

    No, in Dobbs, they did the #Opposite. But in #OppositeLand, the #Opposite of the Opposite is the Opposite. That is: The Supreme Court HAD made a decision that usurped the power of the Legislative, and STOPPED doing that, wrote EXPRESSLY that’s what they did, and sending it BACK to the Legislative, at which time Biden and Pelosi did nothing. Therefore the only standing laws presently live at the State level, but don’t have to.

    The Court put YOU in charge. And they’re mad at it. I guess because they’re immensely ignorant, blindingly arrogant, and too pinheaded to read anything? Pass the law. It’s really that simple. But then they couldn’t whine and blame others. It’s always somebody ELSE’S fault we didn’t do our jobs for 50 years in a row.

    For my part, again, where is this authority written in the Constitution? I believe their argument is, you have a right to privacy, but not with warrants or vaccines, but only if you commit murder.

    AND the lies in Ohio this week, where they EXPRESSLY have a medical safety clause, but went to Indiana so they could protect a 30 year old child rapist illegal immigrant from jail. The doctor thought this was awesome and didn’t report anything. I guess the 10-year-old had immaculate conception or something? Why would you do that? Explain it to me in court.

    “How many jabs did Fauci get?”

    Yes, but getting the disease means the vaccine WORKS now. That’s #Logic! Or #FauciScience!

    “The Russians end up with control of the Black Sea and probably the Ukraine bread-basket as well. So, now, Europe will starve and freeze.”

    Following the expansion of Luongo, we have oligarchic power blocs, Davos vs Wall St. The Fed, and probably the Pentagon, are taking out the extraordinarily dangerous Davos crowd. That’s the war + the rates. LeGarde said, “Central Banks have to make it their mission to do Green New Deal/ESG lending exclusively. (and therefore kill 6B people)” Powell said, “No I don’t. My mandate is for employment + the economy. The U.S. Economy, NOT THE WORLD.” LeGarde had a mental meltdown on camera, realizing what that meant. Now these months later, Powell has very slowly and deniably been utterly destroying ECB with rates, even as the Pentagon has crushed all Europe (in cooperation with Russia), and now their head-monster, Germany. Lost war, dark winter. Collapse.

    So Powell, Wall St, and guess what? Probably Trump. So you can put him in the category, allied with Wall St, Jamie Dimon, the Pentagon, and they have their own interests. And what are they, in the biggest sense? Pro-Capitalism, ultimately. That is, not Soviet Socialism, as Europe is. And that doesn’t make them OUR friends and allies, but we attack first the coastline, THEN the mountains.

    If we take out WEF/Davos, I’ll be happy to pivot to Wall St and the non-Capitalism we have here, returning rule of law called the “Constitution”, and monopoly protections with honest elections here. But as Holland shows, our first line of business is EATING, which is what Davos is violently and intentionally shutting off worldwide.

    So the Russians are our allies right now (again), stopping Europe from going full Nazi, crushing them AHEAD of time, forestalling their usual “world” war cycle that goes back to Napoleon or even Charlemagne. Because WEF/Davos, and clearly BoJo, Merkel, and Macron are full Nazis among many others. Mooselini is the pet hamster-boy of actual Nazis. But the U.S. isn’t. Yet. It’s only half full-Nazi, with burning books, banning guns, and breaking windows of the untermensch (poor black neighborhoods and business owners, and gay Asian reporters).

    Each hour the settlement Russia will put on Europe and Ukraine gets worse. As Kissinger said. Russia now will take everything to the river, ‘cause they feel like it. They will probably give Poland the West Galacia. And Hungary will get the Southwest. Leaving a tiny, desperate, pointless, irrelevant Ukraine city-state we can all point and laugh at as an example to others. And when they reform themselves, absorbed into one of the others, probably NovoRussia.

    If they wait longer, there will be ever less. Russia doesn’t care what NATO says from Kiev straight through to Canada and Seattle, because they, NATO, London, and the entire combined West have no power, no men, and no relevance, and would lie anyway. Russia is going to do whatever they want, as long as they want, and Europe is going to let them. If indeed there is a “Europe” left at all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2022 #111712
    Dr. D

    “power companies are remotely turning down people’s home thermostats”

    Thus the Smart Grid. They had it all worked out…except none of it worked, and none of it is out. The idea was: instead of selling you stuff you need, we shut off the power when it’s 110f and grandma dies in her bed. Oops! Sorry. So sad.

    Oh wait: power didn’t go out in the rich blue districts? Well they just had a power upgrade and wasn’t browning out there, you understand. President Snow has it all in hand.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2022 #111678
    Dr. D

    Benton: That’s the question of “What is War?” We knew what they were up to when they immediately broke the treaty, then liquidated the country. But they didn’t send tanks. Is economic war a war? I say yes, seeing the Rust Belt more thoroughly annihilated than any nuclear bomb ever could. The U.S. themselves were the first casualty, yet they still deny it, lo these 50 years later. “Daddy wouldn’t do that.”

    Picking on electric cars again: Texas says: “don’t charge”. That’s it. I guess if you have to get to work, too bad.

    And this is the weather with bush and forest fires. Sorry, can’t charge, can’t leave.

    If the power goes out like it did in winter? Can’t go to work, can’t leave.

    And this is on top of there being no grid to charge them and no plans to make one. Ever. Is that because they expect all the poor people to die for some undisclosed reason?

    Makes you wonder.

    And Denninger just followed the latest: Truck towing some moderately large trailer? Under 50 miles, and that’s if there’s a charging station the minute you stop. No backup either as you can’t get a can of “’lectric”. Um can I say, “Not in America?” Not in Canada or Mexico either. This ain’t a small country.

    Yet like everything else, they just push and push and push and push these TERRIBLE, moronic, unwanted, unasked for, self-immolating, deadly ideas. While rejecting thousands of ideas we constantly suggest that would work for no cost.

    France? How’s France doing for electric cars with half the nukes missing? Germany? Good idea there? I’ve never seen anything like it. Their capacity for dumb is supernatural. Preternatural. Galactic. Alien in fact, as if we’ve found the dumbest species in the known universe and they’re advising our known leaders on their every move, which neither serve them, serve us, or indeed will be accepted at all without tremendous violence.

    Suit yourself. We beat everybody before now, and ARE tremendously violent. You’ll just be another loser we bury and forget ever existed. F around and find out.

    “The world over, from California to Sri Lanka, people everywhere are suffering from their incompetence.” Is it “incompetence” though?

    “ensuring the fair redistribution of profits generated during the crisis.”

    What profits? You have no industry. And they’re going to redistribute the wealth from production they no longer have? Yup, that’s Socialism. Misery, Poverty spread widely. And who are the redistribut-ors? They wouldn’t be planning on eating 5-star dinners and driving Mercedes would they? I mean, The People are all this together, right comerade?

    “could also reduce the country’s economic output by 12.7 percent,”

    He’s a lunatic, but then economists can’t count to three. If you lose the steel and glass industry as he admits, then what do you think can happen downstream? The machine screw industry? The car industry, the house industry, the solar industry? That’s right, the supply blockage of 12% upstream means… 100% block downstream. …Or you can import your glass from China and America with only half the supply, AND pay prices double with shipping at $10/gal. I’m sure it’ll all work out if you “redistribute” your money to the poor. Why don’t you print some money? I hear that makes wheat appear.

    Here’s the problem that I sort of circle around all the time: If you don’t give the money to the factories, (aka what they call “Capital”, “rich people”) we have nothing afterwards to GIVE the poor. Because we all have nothing, rich and poor alike. You have to MAKE stuff, with a SURPLUS called “Profit” in order to give anybody anything. And all that takes work that comes from US and nobody else. His plan is to liquidate a dead carcass until all Germans live in grass huts again. Population will therefore drop +90% as everyone is killed, exactly as the WEF and them there Guidestones suggested. Which is just a coincidence and isn’t related to anything because rich people never talk together and never make plans.

    “Germany’s new leadership has gone “all in” on its alliance with the US, overturning a strategy that had underpinned its success”

    Sad to see, and has ruined their negotiating position and all leverage, but it won’t last long. Europe is not going to live in grass huts when all they have to do is throw German Politicians in the Baltic sea and buy heating oil. Heck, we’d throw politicians in the sea in winter for no reason and don’t need an excuse.

    They must, so they will. MacKinder isn’t going to stop them, and the Empire can’t make them. But maybe Germany has to be reduced to the level of Lithuania first.

    “Republicans Wince as Their Ukrainian-born Colleague Thrashes Zelensky (Pol.)”

    You can say anything but the truth. The Truth is the only enemy. For Republicans and Democrats alike. If we start telling the truth, where does it end? Then the People escape us and are free again. They’d be doing that “Declaration” thingie we don’t like.

    She drew a rare rebuke last weekend from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry,”

    The Who? Hello, what country is that? We care about the opinions of nations with a lower GDP than Delaware? Why not cower to Nairobi instead? Oh wait: I forget, Kiev is the Capital of the United States now. All our money and free health care goes to them.

    GOP national-security hawks also worry that the MAGA wing of their party,”

    The article admits MAGA is a minority of government representatives, at the same time the Democrats are pushing to arrest every listed Republican. You know: outlaw all opposition parties like they do in Ukraine. That’s Democracy! Defending Democracy by creating a one-party system where if you have opinions, you’re arrested.

    “granted anonymity for the same reason offered a blunt reply: “What the f-ck.” A third House Republican granted anonymity to speak”

    Um, they “Granted” him free speech? Who is doing the granting and permission-giving here? McConnell? Well, one good thing here: They’ll all collapse when Ukraine does then, since they lashed their ships together.

    “Russians are not letting up on the grinding of the Ukrainian forces, the West has already lost interest”

    Because the West are drooling morons. Russia is barely touching them. They haven’t shut off the power and water and haven’t even sent the Russian Army yet. And weapons? Russian just buys the HIMARs from Ukraine, then shoots them back. You could fight this war for loose change. I could probably get a 2nd mortgage and fight this war. HIMARs shall not be infringed, and they sure aren’t in Ukraine.

    “there were bound to be severe repercussions if their core security concerns were ignored”

    Yet the bubble has not popped. It may take shelling Biden’s personal house – or worse, his crackhouse – for any message to hit home, and even then I doubt it. This is what being “Violently mentally ill” means: you can’t look to rationality for anything. You simply adjudicate and lock them up, restrain them for the greater good because regardless of what you say or do, reality will never come back to them if indeed they ever had any. I don’t know why this is so hard.

    “But this crazy person keeps acting crazy!” Yes. And then…? Pretty sure we have a procedure for that.

    “Italy May Soon Be Unable To Arm Ukraine – Foreign Minister (RT)”

    Case in point. If the U.S. and Germany combined can’t arm Ukraine, but Italy can? What would you say of a guy who would go to war with no men, no guns, and no gas? Crazy, right? Okay, how about one man, one .38, and one 5-gal can? Still crazy, right?

    So how is this any different? They’ve clearly said you need 100 tanks, all the support, 70 aircraft that aren’t jammed, and 200 howitzers. Are we now pretending that wasn’t said?

    What do we say of people who say things, then immediately say it never happened? “Crazy people”, perhaps? Mentally ill and deranged? A danger to themselves and others? Yes, there’s a process for that regardless of who you are.

    “there are many more, a typical example of how modern democrats are fundamentally weak on foreign policy.”

    Yes, but all of these the Republicans also promote and agree on.

    “..a 45% drop from China’s shipments of 5.5 million tonnes in the same period a year ago.”
    • China Issues Phosphate Quotas To Rein In Fertiliser Exports (R.)”

    Phosphate is a much bigger problem than nitrogen and will be for the rest of our lives. There is also essentially no solution but turning life from a line into a circle. That P must be shipped back from NYC to Iowa again. Or better, the PEOPLE in NYC must relocate to Iowa to be closer to the circle of land. There’s no housing shortage, no food shortage, just a location, a bubble problem.

    “nationwide lockdowns that did not stop or control the pathogen”

    Every 1% rise in unemployment leads to 40,000 early deaths. They raised unemployment by +10%. Narcissistic psychopaths’ defense: “No I didn’t.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 16 2022 #111637
    Dr. D

    “Bank of Canada Hikes by Monster 100 Basis Points, Hits Mortgages.”

    You’re kidding, right? It should be 10x that. You mean “Itty Bitty Committee” barely-there atomic bikini hike. The irony being that it already crashed the system, past tense.

    “Is A US-Russia War Becoming Inevitable? (Pat Buchanan)”

    We’re already at war with Russia. Since 1989, just like the peace we had when the soldiers met on the Oder river in WWII and told not to celebrate or talk. We’ve been in open war with them since the 2014 illegal, violent, civilian-killing coup. Now of course they are using our money, training, weapons, and intel. Like every other time in history, Russia is mopping the floor with Europe and the idiotic Anglos and their idiotic and unlearned, unearned dreams of victory.

    Some people can’t learn, I guess, but why not when London has Germany, Poland and even the Untied States take all the losses for them?

    “The Imaginary War (Lawrence)”

    The article actually brings to light that – strangely for a war of any type – Russia has not had any actual atrocities. I mean, no baited, accidental run-over of some type that’s so easy to have. So good on ya. Much as war itself is a tireless atrocity, at least it can be only that – or so far anyway. And remember: they left the lights and water on everywhere.

    “Europe’s Thirst for LNG Is Causing Blackouts in Developing Countries (OP)”

    No kidding. There’s no LNG of size anywhere on the planet, nor will there ever be. Europe finally picked up the clue phone when they picked up their teeth from the clue-by-four and are starting rationing now, these 5 months late. Yeah, well, if you shut off all unnecessary gas, for cooking, all restaurants, every bakery, all electric generation, you’d barely survive winter with Nord I still down, and they’re not. Which is a good thing, actually, because therefore they will talk to Russia and solve this for real. Can I say hopefully by nuking the Anglos? Economically at least?

    “If the antiviral treatments are not made massively available to the vaccinated people, the highly vaccinated countries will likely experience a tsunami of hospitalizations and death..”

    No one will realize anything. No one will change anything. No one will admit anything. Ever at this point. So yes, everyone is just going to die in the next 3 years. Period. On some big-accident-no-one-can-explain because they never looked. Population will not recover from the child sterilization, oh-so much faster than making them all have transgender surgery.

    Worse news? The massive, awesome deflation this will cause will keep them in power, printing money faster than ever. The food capture economic, oppression murder plan rolls on in great order, where the cities will be concentration death camps like “Escape from NY” and the countryside will be vacant, desperate hunting lodges where they go on rape safaris like they learned on the Rez. Fun times. And the people approve! Not a lick of morality showing yet.

    “Health Experts Are Quitting the NIH and CDC in Droves (DM)”

    Two years too late the save anyone, but it’s something.

    Medical spot-check: Nurse staffing now down 40% and falling. Hospitals, administrators, Surgeon General still DO. NOT. CARE. Let every hospital close everywhere for all we care. Even in the cities. I mean, you see this in the news anywhere? They’re attracting and hiring nurses by offering them free ballpoint pens. And the EXTRA glossy brochures. Spare no expense.

    “ Elon Musk Wants to Push Twitter Trial Back to 2023 (NYP)”

    Again the hilarity of the board FORCING Elon to buy them and fire everybody. I mean: really? But if Twitter and Elon start shelling each other with lawyers, Twitter will be leveled before very long. Fine with me: there’s no win on their side anyway, but this can drag it out longest.

    “Human reviewers randomly sampled 100 accounts per day (less than 0.00005% of daily users) and applied unidentified standards to somehow conclude every quarter for nearly three years that fewer than 5% of Twitter users were false or spam. That’s it.”

    Yup, that’s the state of Science™. It’s fraud all the way down.

    I’m so glad the CDC supports Q at last. It’s QchatSpace. We can all be one after all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 15 2022 #111603
    Dr. D

    “This ‘consumed in access’ component – known here as the Energy Cost of Energy, or ECoE – has been rising relentlessly,… Because ECoEs are rising, prosperity is decreasing.”

    No. It’s rising HERE. WE are not pumping. WE are not drilling three coasts. WE are not importing from Iran.

    RUSSIA has no ECoE, THEIR prosperity is not falling. This is US only. Not the world. And for the moment because of what WE are doing, intentionally, knowing, purposefully, NOT because of physics. Those physics may be out there, but not for 40 more years in Russia, China , and Iran yet. Probably not 40 more years in the U.S. either.

    I’m sorry WE want to shut down pipelines and WE want to waste what we have and shut in our supplies. But that’s a choice.

    Yes Benton, that has many steps that won’t be done. But look at the key step: IF the people come home from work one day and say “This is immoral, I won’t be part” then the machine stops. The End. If they also say “I won’t be quiet” then others can’t run it instead.

    It’s really that simple. All the psychos and narccists have to do is create the plausible veneer of “I didn’t know”, of “it’s not my job” of “But I’m thinking of my family, really” and the people pounce on the excuse like a hungry mongoose. The excuse is both false, is does not excuse, AND they are going to not pay you and kill your family to keep you quiet. I don’t know why this is no complicated for people. Have they never worked with low lifes before? I can’t swing a cat without running into a hustling low life trying to compromise me, so I don’t know where they live.

    You can’t commit a felony. Then your co-felons blackmail you. You can’t hang around with people like that. They’ll drag you in, then your family. You just can’t, which is why your daddy said “don’t.” Not even once.

    Phoenix: There are many unproductive poor, but you are, of course, correct. There are a lot of unproductive rich too. I guess I phrased it that way because a nation, household, or any organization lives by the work of the members. Our plan here is to never help those who work, and always help those who don’t work. If you work, you are at 100% risk. If you stop working, your health is 100% covered. That’s like a $20,000 benefit. I can take a hint. So has everyone else. That communism: no work = you get all the benefits anyway. “Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.” Outcome = Collapse.

    in reply to: A High Chance of Meatballs #111602
    Dr. D

    “America’s F-16C /D, [c. 1976] which is currently being withdrawn from service in the US Air Force and replaced by the F-35”

    Great, that would leave us defenseless as the F35 can’t fly, can’t shoot, and can’t land.

    “four to five tank brigades (each numbering 120-140 main battle tanks) equipped with M1 Abrams” …and all the supporting equipment, APCs, tank bridges, repair shops, tank towers, and all the parts. And also 2 years’ training on all the F16’s and Abrams.

    That’s probably more tanks than we own here.

    And Ukraine would sell them all to Russia for half off.

    And the movie is great, charming, and worthwhile.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 15 2022 #111583
    Dr. D

    So AOC says Capitol Police opened the doors and let Jan 6 in. No kidding… But, this means we can now take it as official, widespread reality? And also, WHO let them in? Is AOC so dense, so out of the loop, so dumb that she doesn’t realize it’s Nancy Pelosi and that’s WHY there’s no investigation of them? Or of Ray Epps?

    Well, take victory where you can. Let’s all line up in Congress and ask. WHY were the 5,000 pound Columbus doors opened from the security booth inside? What does that mean for the accused who shook hands and took selfies with police?

    Speaking of investigations, can we have a list of prominent people who’ve had Covid for the 2nd or 3rd time after being vaxxed? Let me start: Fauci. Trudeau. Elmo. (but I repeat myself).

    Can we have a list of prominent people since 4th of July? Rajapaksa. Bojo. Abe. Kallas. Draghi. (Mrs.) Trump.

    Deutsche Bank Now Modeling German Households Chopping Wood to Keep Warm This Winter”

    There’s not enough wood in the general sense. And wood burned this year can’t be burned in the next. These things are possible, but it would take a lot of forward lead time, change in locations, setting up extensive forays into hauling dead wood, and changing to kindling. Then how do the ashes get back to avoid depletion?

    Universal Health Care: They need to start the video a little earlier, where you can’t get an appointment for 9 months. Then a few years after when like Britain the entire system collapses because no system feedback = spiraling costs and waste.

    Also, obviously it’s not free. Canada has eye-wateringly high taxes, 15% GST and PST. We also pay but it’s through the insurance system. Canadians then come here and say “I’ve got free health care”. Really? What are you doing in Florida then? “Oh, the cost of living is so much lower here.” No kidding! I wonder why? And aside from a whole industry of going to American hospitals because Canada will schedule in your surgery a few months after you’re dead.

    Now I’m going to say despite all that, Americans still have the worst care at the highest price worldwide. However, it also essentially makes everything said in that video false. Despite unthoughtful uninformed chatter, our problems are the same as everybody else: deep corruption, no feedback in the medical system. We don’t cut out the poor in our paid-for system. We don’t provide free services UNLESS you are poor. In which case you get all the care you want. It’s only if you’re productive that you can’t get care.

    “There is no substitute for energy. If you run low, you can’t switch”

    Yes, we can. We must waste like 50-75% of our energy on sheer nonsense. We just WON’T do it. Even in a “war” (What war is that, Mr. Biden?) there is no diversion, no rationing. Driving 30 miles to work then 10 miles to soccer practice every day is standard. A/C and heat is in every room. Lights are never shut off. We blow the power of a whole nation just to have street lights at night when no one’s on the street. We are not a serious nation, and made of not-serious clown people. We are about to starve for using our diesel on empty, $60,000, double-long suburban pickups instead of for harvesters and grain silos, but suit yourself. Nothing gets through, so you have to learn your own way.

    What happens then? Prices revert to reality. True price discovery. You’ll find out which is valuable, food or McMansions and leather-lined pickups that can’t withstand a raindrop.

    Yes, amid all of the economic damage created by western leaders and their Build Back Better efforts, the geopolitical world is having spasms as the rulers are being rejected”

    They’re front men and puppets. I want the guys behind the rulers. With cold fury of the people they just won’t leave alone.

    “Macron’s Minority Government Defeated on Vaccine Passports (SN)”

    NY was also ended. There is no legal authority for lockdowns. That took almost 3 years to get your rights back and still they ignore it (like the USSC gun ruling). Apparently it doesn’t matter what the courts say. Does that mean we need to send the army to remind them?

    “[..] The Phoenix food bank’s main distribution center doled out food packages to 4,271 families”

    Is that soup line long enough for you? Are the tent cities in every major city not enough like Hoovervilles because they’re not in black and white? That’s what they thought/printed in the paper in 1930 too. “Green Shoots!” “Just around the corner!” “Stock market doubles!” “The Sun’ll come out tomorrow!”

    But we’ve improved from then. 1921 took 1 year. 1929 took 10 years. Now we’ve got it up to 25 years: these Hoovervilles started under George Bush in 2000. #Helping! Don’t worry, just like last time, when they write the history books, all these government programs will have worked wonders despite poverty increasing every year, income disparity increasing every year, hunger increasing every year, and inflation from stimulus checks increasing every year out of control. Just like last time, when the Green New Deal worked perfectly…except for the part that the economy never budged for 10 years straight until we blew up every other factory on planet dirt.

    What’s the solution? Honest money, honest markets, honest law and property rights. All three would make the rich lose their corrupt, unearned power so they will never happen … voluntarily. Nature bats last though. Math isn’t fooled.

    “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don’t like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”

    …Showing they are the dumbest people in the room, dumber than Zippy the Pinhead. YOU’RE NOT GOING TO GET YOUR RETIREMENT. Ever. From anyone. You morons. But you’re ESPECIALLY not going to get it if you kill every (working) American, all kids 25-40 and collapse the entire U.S. economy. You think we’re really-really a’gonna pay you then? For the service you just provided? Hell. No.

    Greg Hunter has this on USA Watchdog: “I’ll give you info as ex-government, ex-CIA/ex-military guy, but I can’t come on record because I need my pension”. AYFKM? You’re not going to collect your pension, moron. If you don’t speak up the government itself will collapse, probably past-tense. What pension? You’re defending NOTHING. You sold out your country by not speaking FOR NOTHING, you AWOL traitor derelict of duty.

    Hey, you get what you get. You bought it with these actions; now live with it, the lot of you. Cowards and fiends, avarice, love-of-money as god. You know people are being murdered and you want your PENSION? And you think we will give it to you?

    If you all spoke up and all left, they’d have to stop. Then you’d get re-hired in a reformed system and get your pension back.

    “Democrats, specifically, believe the founding document is rooted in racism — 57 percent.”

    And I was just in a discussion as to why oh why people think that Democrats aren’t patriotic. “They stole R flag from us!” Whut? You burn the flag proudly at every opportunity. But go ahead, be patriotic and take it back: you’re not a victim of the Right, the Patriots. Oh wait, yes you are: that’s the purpose of that sentence, to blame, accuse, and be a victim of the nebulous they’r everywher Right for not doing a thing you yourself are in control of. Really, it’s pathological.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2022 #111578
    Dr. D

    AfewKnow – I think TAE just posted a chart last week showing the long term CO2 levels. We are nowhere near the geologic highs for whatever that’s worth. Since scientists know that and it’s not in doubt (we have the ice cores) AND the CO2 appears to LAG the temperature, meaning CO2 is not the cause, why are they posting knowingly false data? It makes a guy sus. That’s not to say weather isn’t changing, but if it’s not CO2 causing it – and if it lags it can’t be – then what is it instead? Why is every planet in the solar system warming? They don’t have CO2.

    I’d say maybe we don’t care since the cures would be the same: using less and greening more. However, all the cures are NOT the same, since zero people are advocating conservation, yet they are creating a new worldwide untracked currency of Carbon Trading, run by the same supercriminals of Sachs, the Governments, and Industry, highlighted by universal war and oppression. I’m sorry I can’t trust a word such people say, when they say it from a yacht and have never conserved a thing in their lives, oligarchs, ministers, and professors alike.

    AZ planting is very specific, I can’t be more helpful although I’m aware there are special Hopi varieties of corn and squash whose roots drive meters into the sand for water. You take a stick and plant the seed a foot underground to begin with. I was thinking as a test case, to convert a quarry into a garden, maybe you can chisel a hole in the rock and start a vine of some sort. It’s essentially container gardening, but unfortunately it can’t be discussed because all things are local. In this case hyper-local. Sepp Holtzer has some of this, on the rocky mountain sides of Austria. Someone’s idea was to clay-ball every native seed, then just toss them out everywhere, or in all the likely places. Someday maybe 2-10 years from now, rain falls enough to grow them and it starts the process of a tuft of life, making more life and soil.

    There was a very simple invention, basically a pan that funneled any rain into a single spot where you plant the tree. I think it was for Libya. We have the things, the knowledge, the process, but there is a perfect resistance to doing work with living things. They hate them, yes, it doesn’t pay, yes, but also animals in that type can’t be fenced but pastured, those sweet spots won’t follow any rules and are random throughout the landscape. They must be open borders with general rules (not to them steal them), and we have neither. So any advance you make will anger someone and also be stolen immediately. You can see why generally no one undertakes the work of planting trees under whose shade you will not sit. And will also be hunted down and chopped up, and you with them.

    Leave the people alone. It’s the unrelenting force of cold, calculating fury that they’ve pushed so many people into now. But the mentally ill can’t help themselves. I’m more worried about the mental midgets who abdicated all duty and let them. What good is it to jail the villains if the people themselves still have no belief, no duty, and no work? The upcoming hardship may be necessary to cure them of all that, or at least cure their children.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2022 #111523
    Dr. D

    Quite right about living soil, but dirt isn’t that hard. Chemical will kill soil. True. Fertilizer kills soil basically by making it resparate too fast. There are free components in the soil, and like steroids, fertilizer makes them “oxidize” and get used too fast: that’s what fertilizer is, create fast growth, but not just to your crop, bacteria, algae, whatever’s there. In a few years, the “available” resources are gone because you’re just running the clock faster. P.S. if you have access to a rototiller it can do the same thing: adding air to the soil, which make oxidation, growth, but then more rapid depletion.

    Because free items have been consumed, it is “dead”. True. But it’s also easy to bring back. What “Frees” the components in the soil for plant use? A specific and galactic ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, etc. These invisibles, and for science, essentially unknowables.

    But the answer is simple. The earth thinks your soil is a new sterile glacial till. You simply stop poisoning this (this may take a while as some poisons are resident, while death causes strong imbalances) and offer a tiny amount of area ‘bacteria’ to a soil with some way to protect it. This is usually done with manure. And the new Amazonian method of adding charcoal, which is probably creates safe harbors for the organisms. This is why you can make compost tea, with just a little manure in a lot of water and spray it on. It cultures the whole area and any area where it can make a beachhead. Which can be a bit harder at first than you’d think, but it’s the same process as yogurt.

    But if you just left one fallow furrow for a “hedgerow” then sprayed the 1,000 acres with compost tea in a huge rig, added crop rotation, you’d probably get soil back in just three years. Or in some areas: not talking Arizona where it’s hard to grow sagebrush. All ag is local.

    What is soil then? The “bacteria” (loosely) takes these tiiiiiny rocks and dissolves them into solvents. Other micro-critters capitalize on this. The liquid nutrient soup is taken by plants, who add shade, conserve water, for the microorganisms, and drive channels deep into the hardpan (i.e. “Weeds”). The plant matter then dies, creating that liferaft-beachhead material far more easily dissolved and digested, transmitted to the next generation of plants. Particularly with concerns for water, but also pH, phosphorus, etc. Circle of life, why it’s so important each thing grown on the farm stays there and goes back. Not shipped to NY and Miami and flushed into the sea. That NY sewage is gold, but not if it’s straight poison, heavy metals, and laced with drugs esp hormones.

    Soil can be increased by as much as 3” a year. And what “Soil” is, is what exactly? Compared to subsoil? I can turn bedrock into soil, but they’re not on bedrock in most places, so what they mean is this living part. You shouldn’t let it go downstream, but it’s not our real crisis. Give me a man every 50 acres and re-mix the animal husbandry (which sounds like we’re going to do anyway) and I can have it fixed in no time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 14 2022 #111494
    Dr. D

    Comments I thought are getting better than ever. Maybe it’s because what was hidden is now out in the open so we can discuss it clearly.

    “Democrats Demand $650 Billion in IMF Aid for Ukraine War Relief – In the Form of SDRs”

    Half a trillion? Are you mad?

    Sure, we just print half a trillion at a pop now. Every week or two. But your money’s still valuable: fight real hard for it. And the issuer isn’t the United States, which means we also lose control and sovereignty.

    “A port being snarled somewhere else in the world can lead to shortages in the U.S.” says Pete Buttigieg.

    Ohhhhh! So it’s the container ships stuck off of somebody ELSE’S Long Beach! I did not know that. The rest of his initiative is about lowering carbon – elsewhere. Building up infrastructure – elsewhere. Buying an electric pickup truck with your own money, without Pete’s help – elsewhere.

    So after we give free health care to Ukraine, free infrastructure to Ukraine, free military budget to Ukraine, then YOU can buy your OWN darn pickup truck. That can’t make it from the ranch to town and back. Hey Pete: there’s going to be a nationwide train strike next week. They’re down I dunno, 6 THOUSAND employees? Every rail is failing, every bridge is collapsing, we have no ports, the subways have failed past tense, our airports are worse than Bolivia, all the nuclear plants are clocking out. Any thoughts?

    His thought is he put up a website. And signaled. Presidential material.

    “Peter Oborne Demolishes Boris Johnson’s Legacy”

    He has a legacy?

    “Fauci Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect”

    Whut? Was that ‘cause you got it anyway? Again?

    “could not force the BRICS plus major Global South players to isolate, sanction and/or demonize Russia.”

    Discussing what WEF and co-puppet thought/planned. This may be the play here. I think they were screwing down Russia and didn’t expect anyone to punch back. In fact they said so.

    Teal: Oh, man. I’m shot to sh-t.
    Kayce: Don’t you know about my family? You didn’t think we’d fight back?
    Teal: No. Nobody ever fights back.
    Kayce: Until now.
    Teal: No. No, please! Not on a toilet. I don’t want to die on a f–king toilet!
    Kayce: I promised my wife I’d kill you. All a man has is his word.” –Yellowstone.

    That and they are planners. As minions, they follow plans. They don’t make plans. Apparenlty those come from the Bril Maidens from outer space. If you screw their plans, it takes a lifetime for them to get new orders for new plans. Their 100 year plan, widely published, the “Three World Wars”, BigNew’s Ukraine attack on Russia for 40 years, HRC’s sworn oath to attack Russia and start WWIII on schedule, all thrown out with a tiny plan of a President taking over at that time and…accomplishing exactly nothing. Schedules are all screwed, balances and focuses are all split. RussiaRussia now looks stupid, and Europe is weaker than 8 years ago when they wanted, or 25 years ago that Cheney wanted. No Syrian pipeline for gas to Europe. No green energy substitute. No population dieoff freeing up war resources. As the plan was already screwed, these were swung into to cover the adjustment and each failed. They had effects, but were parried and inadequate.

    So now another attempt which Powell is doing well is to raise rates. Yes, this will crack Europe, but won’t it crack the Global South first? Steal their money in financial crisis first? Like every time in the last 100 years?

    No. They can crack, but if they don’t run to London banks and the IMF, but China and Russia, then it’s inadequate. Yes, money can flee to NY, but it doesn’t change the balance. The South will drop the U.S. currency, happily default, cheer, throw a party, (“Take a Load Off Fanny”) and re-attach to the East. Look at Argentina: they default every 10 years for 120 years in a row. You think they care if they default again? And especially not if they can upturn the table and start a different game where someone listens to them. This G7 meeting didn’t make that, but it’s now open and public. Previous meetings had everyone meeting, nodding their heads and agreeing, but giggling and doing exactly nothing the U.S. said, and I noted it at the time. Now they won’t even do that. The U.S. can’t topple or bomb them, the Empire is helpless and a powerless Empire is not an Empire at all. Just a nation. Where the Nationalists won. Enter Constitution.

    Instead of raiding and isolating the South, Europe has just cut off and isolated themselves. Just like instead of grinding up Russia in a long war, Europe has sapped and depleted and themselves in the war. Attacked and bombed themselves.

    “potentially shut down almost a third of the country’s farms.”

    A month after the PM’s brother positioned half a billion dollars to purchase those distressed farms.
    “a decoy by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to put the farmers out of business and control the food supply,” Was the personal position of profit by the PM and government themselves a clue? How much more obvious do they need to be? He has to dress up in a sheriff’s uniform, strap on a six gun and go serve the eviction personally? HE. IS STEALING. YOUR LAND.

    And they keep saying “nitrogen emissions”. Wtf does that mean? Cows fart nitrogen? Because if it’s manure, that’s not waste or pollution, that’s now black gold. As they’ve never used science in the last 30 years, I doubt that their argument makes a lick of sense this time.

    No doubt sacrilege, but they should really rebuild the Acropolis and area. Imagine all those places restored with bright banners, gold leaf, lit fires, and used in tunics as they were originally intended.

    Notes for nothing: If you listen to coffee-table prophets, just regular-class psychics, the change is happening more or less right now for us Americans. Doesn’t seem like, but it is. Now this depends a lot on our currency position and access to food, but this same economic and social collapse is going on here into the fall. At the moment, dial it way down. All the things predicted, shortages, ATM outages, stock falls, social unrest, crime, riots will all happen, but way, way less than you might think.

    I agree. The baby formula run, the bank account attack and Rogers outage communicate to the people that we’re not kidding and the time is now. Get your stuff, get some cash out. Both seem too good as a means of forced alert and forced readiness to not have been arranged by someone, whoever that someone might be. Ball Jars are sold out again months before harvest and chickens are more popular than ever.

    If it runs like this, with Europe cracking this time and money hiding in the U.S. but with a general GFC2.0, it would match the sort of thing they see as these readers are not focusing on Europe. Earlier and more prospective reads of Europe have enormous roving groups taking over Rothschild castles and other locations, Sri Lanka style. Of course there’s not enough there to feed a crowd, but it will make quite an impact about who’s really in power now. It seemed that would happen with the migrant trains, but it didn’t materialize then.

    It’s “Chaos” in the Globalists sense of “The World isn’t obeying my Order(s)”. Humankind self-organizes internally, has emergent rules, internal to our souls. So although it may look like “Chaos” in Europe, really it’s just broken the hierarchy and devolved back to families, local communities to support each other. It’s not Up-Down action like all our lives, it’s Side-to-Side actions of going down the street to make sure everyone’s okay. And mostly will be if the read is right, but very different, difficult, and disorienting. I don’t follow Oz or the 40-mile strip pressed on the border that is Bad Canada – as opposed to “real Canada” – in this regard, maybe somebody can.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 13 2022 #111435
    Dr. D

    NYC has PSA for nuclear war. Kiss your -ss goodbye. One bomb will take out the city all the way to Connecticut. That and there is no hardening, you can’t get out under traffic even on a normal day. How long would it take? Weeks? Months? To evacuate? None of that matters. What matters is: Who told them to post the ad? Bad optics for Biden, bad for election. And the ad — and most of the advice — is total crap as part of being released for this same purpose.

    On the Sevens, the magic of 22: 2/22/22, start of the war. 22/22 Russia decides to turn the gas back on or not. This isn’t a dinner party, it would be funny if normal things happened, the market tanked 20% as expected, the worldwide GFC2.0 kicked off, and two days later Russia got it up and running as they always intended. I mean, they don’t want to be the cause of a worldwide collapse of a billion people. That’s what Biden is for.

    Regardless, German power prices are 7x. Imagine that in your own home and budget. And nothing’s happened yet. Dodge this. Russia hasn’t laid a glove on you, isn’t 500 miles from you. You haven’t lost a single tank because you never sent any. This whole thing is in your mind. Shut up your mind and be a normal person for a few minutes.

    For Consciousness of Sheep: “Britain is an economic basket case for which no cure exists.”

    That’s not true in the slightest. All their/our problems are perfectly solvable. But that would take truth, hard work, and no doubt a substantial decline in energy use. Probably for generations, since that’s how long it took to get here.

    Although they’re not going to do it, it’s important to say, and to say how terribly simple and easy it is. Any leader can stand up and say, “This can happen, this national mission, this unified idea, we can do it, we must do it, we will do it. The nation we dream of is happier, safer, homier, stronger, and better than the one we have now, and will have all the important things in life.” That is, families, food, farms, children climbing trees, but not cell phones and Gucci handbags necessarily.

    And this WILL happen, as I say, because it MUST happen. So why wait? Jump to the end. Live the happy ending.

    No? Okay then, what’s the per capita energy use now vs 1959?

    50% higher. And why? You have more LEDs than ever. You don’t have any industry. Tell me why you own all these things that don’t make you happy, do all these things that make you empty, vacant, and mad. You’re not doing anything but spending 50% more energy to not do it.

    Solvable in 9 months, like other addictions. They just won’t.

    Now the Western water problem? That might take a little longer. But here 120 years after the steam shovel how much Permaculture water collection management have you put in? None? Or just close to none? I can do it with a shovel and 9 teenagers.

    Other than that, good article. He doesn’t expand but shows he’s aware E. Germany and the Wall were the result of currency abuse. And that dollar-short will wreck the world and therefore the currency.

    “during two years of lockdowns, new mines did not get dug, oil and gas deposits went undrilled, chemical feedstocks were allowed to deplete, firm electricity generation went unbuilt, factories were never set up, and the incomes of productive workers and businesses were allowed [forced] to atrophy. 

    Only the oligarchs and corporations sucking on the teat of central bank handouts were allowed the fiction of financial growth… and only then provided that none of it leaked into the real economy.[i.e. ‘inflation’ and wage growth.]  But even this “paper” wealth – largely based on trillions of hypothetical dollars in derivatives – will evaporate before our eyes as international debt becomes unpayable and as a host of states around the world follow the path being laid down by Sri Lanka.  Nor is the coming sovereign debt crisis limited to the third world.”

    Speaking of, short story Sri Lanka: What were they reforming and why was it too fast? They were ESG’ing NITROGEN – sound familiar? – for brownie points with the WEF, sound familiar? – and shut it off last year. Surprise! Crops were a fraction of normal and therefore no income, no food, enormous need for imports. They’re a freeking jungle and they can’t grow what they need to eat. Total collapse of the nation, total anarchy and despair. That’s Socialism for you, or in this case, Democratic Socialism, like AOC’s New Deal.

    Listen up, Holland! If anything you’re going way too easy on them.

    Now although nitrogen is a GOOD thing, not bad, farm practices do need to be reformed. Just slowly and very carefully, testing each step of the way. I’ve got an idea: undo all the brilliant bright ideas you’ve had for the last 50 years that turned from family farms to foreign-owned MNC petro-based agribusiness state-protected monopolies. That’s all you: tax structure, incentives, rules on amortization, inheritance, compliance, and so on. What’s that? Bayer doesn’t like it? They won’t like it when the people burn them to the ground and dance on their ashes either, then go up there and chuck Parliament into a vat of Atrazine. Knock it off.

    “Even with low rates, interest costs were projected by the CBO to become the most expensive item in the federal budget and consume half of all tax revenues within a few decades.”

    No they won’t. We’re not going to pay. We’re going to default, like Adam Smith said we would in 1775. The US$ will cease to exist in its present form, and probably already has.

    “Democrats are now defending the Trump administration officials responsible for initiating those misguided policies.”

    And his vaccine. Loyalty and adoration of Trump drives that vaccine agenda. We must all love great leader god-emperor. Take his rush-rush love juice.

    Then Newsweek defends Scott Atlas: “It was only when Dr. Scott Atlas arrived at the White House in July 2020 that the government made more tests available to nursing homes.”

    It this making up for some Libel lawsuit underway?

    The Trudeau government’s plan to reduce the use of fertilizers in Canada in the name of fighting climate change is the kind of thinking that globally applied, will lead to skyrocketing food prices and famine.”

    The writer knows this, everyone knows this, yet they still do it. On purpose. Knowing it will cause high prices, famine, and widely killing the poor. …Who will probably then kill the middle class, who will then try to topple the elite.

    They demonized having no symptoms…and normalized strokes and heart attacks for fluffing sheets.” and it worked like a charm, nobody blinked an eye and believed every word. Even suggesting this isn’t true makes you a kook…because I wrote it on the Internets.

    Meanwhile, when I write same words on same internets, my words are colored differently? In a different font? And they aren’t listened to at all. Appeal to an authority…that has been wrong about everything and screwing you, every day of my entire life.

    Malaysia: wasn’t that the time Zoolander tried to kill him for trying to end garment wage slavery in South East Asia?

    As above, hundreds of world leaders in the positions to know say these things. They are on camera, in books. Our own top General, winner of WWII, Eisenhower said so. Our most beloved President, Kennedy, said so. But they are false. But me, looking up from TikTok, having no clearances and never looked into it once, totally know that isn’t true. QED. I am the world. I am the God-master and know all things by simple act of being born in America.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 12 2022 #111415
    Dr. D

    I mean, if you’re having a heart attack or stroke: ambulance. But this is one screw up makes another — all easily fixed. IF you arrive in an ambulance (And you’re too poor so ain’t paying anyway) THEN someone will come out and see you. If you drive in you wait six (or sixteen) hours and die on the floor. If there is like here anyway.

    It’s not that hard to staff so the one doesn’t encourage the other and saves money, directing resources to their best application. An ambulance is not a taxi, which the true low-lifes call if they want to hit the bars near the hospital. No joke. And I pay for it.

    Covid restrictions could RETURN to ‘protect the NHS’ ”

    OMG does it end? Because they worked so well the last two years? They are creators of mental illness: wash your hands and say two Hail Marys and one “We’ll All Go Together When We Go”, then click you boots together three times and not notice every single obedient sciency nation is wildly worse than darkest Africa.

    “How Many Mistakes Does an Expert Have to Make Before They Are No Longer an Expert?”

    There’s no such number.

    Next up for non-science: Ninja Covid! A Covid you don’t know you have! And. Why. Would. I. Care. Then?

    Same with Shiff’s vaccine. If it works, I’m happy for him. Then he’s safe from me and I’m safe from him. 924 days of non-science illogic word soup and counting.

    If all you have is a hammer …. VAXX! VAXX! VAXX!

    More like, if all you have is fish, hammer hammer hammer!

    PS the Vaccine is illegal. We have had viable therapeutics for years perhaps.

    Natural Immunity 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID-19 After 14 Months”

    Not only that but everybody’s had it. THEY said it was contagious, didn’t they? So if it’s contagious, who hasn’t had it? Omicron? So approaching 100% immunity. Why vax? And why it still around?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 12 2022 #111387
    Dr. D

    Fox Video: “Whah, whah whah. Reeeee!”

    Congressmen: “They are doing nothing.” Huhwhut? YOU are supposed to do something. YOU. Impeach the President. Cut off all funding to the FBI, or everyone in the whole Federal government. Call a 30-state cooperation strike. You’ll get their attention real fast. GOP: “Yes but then I’d take back my power, not complain, and be responsible!” STFU. And you wonder why I don’t complain about Republicans. I might if they ever did anything. “Mr. Speaker, exactly how big a majority do we need before we do what the American people sent us here for?” — 1994, to Gingrich. Wasn’t passed then, nor a single day including now.

    Actually, AOC also said this last week. “You need to hold me to account; it helps us get things done.” What? Like when you said it was “Violence” (literally) to hold you to account on “Force the Vote” (M4A)? That’s WHY they elected you. Now not only do we need to elect you, but watch, call you to get you out of bed every morning, and make you not vote for Pelosi every day? No, that’s YOUR job. Our job was getting you there. She’s like “Yeah, but we have no power.” As a CONGRESSWOMAN? From NY CITY? …Same as the Republicans. No matter what position you put them in, one, some, or all, they somehow never have any power to enact anything. …Gee, maybe you should have told me there’s nothing you can do and will have no power before I donated and voted. I coulda had dinner with that $30 bucks which would have been something.

    The DNC’s call on this, after 50 years of not following the rules and passing Roe? “Get out and vote! We need a donation now more than ever!” Whyyyyyyyyyy? You haven’t done anything for the last 50 years we did AND showed up for Bernie by the millions. You paid for war with no health care in a pandemic.

    “Russia is contractually committed to turning the gas back on 10 days later,”

    Hahahahaaha! You so funny. “Contractually obligated”. Or else what? You’ll steal our bank accounts? Send the Ukrainian Army?

    “July Shutdown of Nord Stream Pipeline Has the EU Worried (ZH)”

    Like I said, because it only shows up later they’re too stupid to realize without that gas running, storage can’t be filled. Every day Canada stalled meant five thousand more German homes will go dark. But there’s nothing you can go to make morons take life seriously. Not even hanging them from lichtmasts.

    “Uber Paid Academics Six-figure Sums for Research to Feed to the Media (G.)”

    Where did Uber get the money? Or BlackRock? 0% Fed loans for insiders. Jim’s Taxi gets zero, 20% interest for him. This is why so long as the money is corrupt nothing can get done. Free money makes idiots and thieves succeed and good working people fail. Otherwise, what’s the point?

    Note: this is “Science”, social science, but still. Follow the Science which follows the money (which follows monopoly banks).

    “The Euro is the greatest monetary success of the last 150 years, and it cannot be jeopardized by risking the independence of the European Central Bank”

    Hahahaaha! You are kidding, right? The Euro was a failure from get-go. First the EU couldn’t be legally passed anywhere. Second, everybody knew before 1999 that it had structural failure that would collapse. Armstrong details this, and yes it is the issuance of nation-specific debts it’s dying on this very minute. Along with the “EuroDollars”, a running demonstration of failure. And the ECB is “Independent” from what? From the will of the people? From their national economic good? So who are they NOT “Independent” from? The banks? The State-Merger fascist insider monopoly corporations?

    And the risk of having built it, getting rid of national currencies, national sovereignties, and national safety valves will be proven to be 100x worse than not having it.

    It could have been done well done, but it wasn’t. Obvious from day 1, playing out now, which is very quickly in geopolitical terms. God save us from the Utopians. Making earth a living hell.

    “Doctor Files $5M Defamation Lawsuit Against News MedPage Today (AFN)”

    Video of Kory on same thing: https://usawatchdog.com/guilty-are-now-hiding-humanitarian-catastrophe-dr-pierre-kory/

    Outlines the process better. The Med Board, etc is in violation of all their own rules. If there is “Disinformation” it requires that the Board then provide the correct information to the Doctor – I mean, obviously. As Science and medicine is always 100% in flux with differing opinions, if you want to go on, you can face the Board, a council of doctors, and make your opposing medical argument to them. That’s how medicine advances – again, OBVIOUSLY. None of this has happened nor ever will. Science has stopped and all we have now is belief and dogma.

    “The fact that the physical market for crude oil (bullish) doesn’t seem to match the futures market (bearish) suggests there is a serious disconnect between the two.”

    This is for yesterday, since they are trying to keep all prices artificially low, there is instead a break and therefore shortages.

    Elon must buy Twitter! He must, MUST I say! If he doesn’t buy me and root out the leftists, we leftists will Suuuuueeeeee!!!

    Meanwhile, Twitter collapses. So Trump can buy it through his recent stock trust offering. Okay, if you insist.

    Now that Twitter is the one suing Elon, HE GETS DISCOVERY. Unlimited fishing trip, forever until they fold. That’s why he just posted “Chuckmate.”

    “Chinese Bank Run Turns Violent after Angry Crowd Storms Bank of China Branch over Frozen Deposits”

    Chinese banking and finance is collapsing. They are a wreck. That’s what the lockdowns are for. Same as here.

    So is California. Newsome is using taxpayer money, with a 14% State tax rate, to pay for ads in Florida begging citizens to come back. Um?

    “The US promised this month to supply Kiev with four additional HIMARS launchers, bringing the total number sent to Ukraine to 12. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal on Sunday, Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov called them a “game-changer”

    Four whole guns? Be still my heart. You’re right: four guns will DEFINITELY stop the entire Russian army.

    Pretty sure that picture was a German float parade, a few years ago. I think it was Cameron in his bum. It probably had the Trump float a little before the God-Emperor float in Italy.

    “wake me up when the bread lines are here are as long as the ones I saw on TV in 1956.”

    Like the mile-long car lines for months in Texas during CV? They’re still universal here, you know.

    “China Credit Growth Explodes to 4th Highest Ever in June… It’s Still Not Enough”

    China is in trouble. It’s an interesting trouble, but it’s there. Not like WE don’t have the same problem, our economies being Siamese twins. They are using lockdowns to deal (as are we, actually, or even possibly ATM outages) but China has a long history I don’t fully understand about this. I believe they can keep it up for some time, decades perhaps, but it won’t do them much good. They are losing the Mandate of Heaven, what we would call “Consent of the Governed” here. If people psychologically stop believing and set up alternative connections, eventually they will be undermined. History says they will fracture and break away since there are the “Han” running roughshod and then there are like 30 other relevant ethnic groups. We’ll see since it won’t be fast.

    At the same time, the big forces remain: China needs food. The U.S. is nearly the only exporter. The U.S. can re-make manufacturing from the mine face down, but China cannot re-make food production, or at least hasn’t tried. Maybe they should import some Dutch. If we call it “food nanotech” would they take it seriously?

    And the U.S., the only exporter, might not export much. The fields are planted, etc, but with a stiff shortage of both fertilizer and pesticides, yields will drop noticeably. The planting/harvesting charts can all be thrown out — nobody knows. And that’s even if we have diesel, parts, and drying propane at harvest. You export on the margins, doing yourself first. If we have a 20% margin over our own needs, it’s easy to drop 15% or 25% on yields.

    Actually a bit dangerous, since if the USDA says “X planting = Y yields” the market, people, and government will all be suddenly and utterly blindsided at harvest. Or I could be, if things go well. Point is, no visibility, but someone taped a picture of a clean open road on the windshield.

    This was interesting: “CNN: “What do you say to those families that say, ‘listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?’”
    “This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.”

    Who’s this “We”??? Was it “We” when you stole my house and gave it as a bonus to the banks for MERS fraud?

    Then quotes Kissinger’s Book “World Order”. Boy they sure hide this stuff well! There sure are some kooks out there believing weird stuff! …That this doesn’t exist when it’s printed regularly. On CNN. Since George H. Bush.

    What is it with “World Order”? Well, with humans you have the opposite: “World Messiness”. That’s how we always act. And if you’re not human, or mentally ill, that drives you crazy. Wouldn’t “Order” be better? Work better? Make at least some kind of sense? Get more done? Stop wasting resources left and right? I mean duh, not asking the world here.

    Short answer: no. A good example is IBM’s Token Ring system. It’s the internet, where when a computer wants to talk on the network, it gets a “token” – the magic feather – and can talk for its turn before handing the token to the next computer who talks without interruption and so on. Very simple, very efficient. One problem: it doesn’t work at all, ever. The slightest issue with any computer either clutches the token or doesn’t pass it. No other computer can talk. The whole company shuts down, or at least that floor.

    Compare with “Ethernet,” supposed to be a wireless protocol but used even on wired lines. In Eth, it’s like a beehive. Everyone shouts at once. As much and as fast as they can. Everyone shouts chaotically, everyone moves chaotically, some guy’s stuck in the corner repeating the same packet 10,000 times for 6 years and nobody cares. Exactly the same as the Mainframe vs PC system. After 50 years of this, and other metaphors in the hundreds of years before you’d think they’d learn, but no. Because: Mental Illness. It’s like a version of “People OCD.” There is no order in humankind, but there SHOULD be, so when the humans do what humans do, and don’t make much sense or order, the only way to establish that order and get some rest is to KILL THEM ALL. Or the “Disorderly” ones, which is most of them. This is “Government” but especially Socialist-style ones, because they attempt a far greater involvement and overreach. Only then can I finally rest. Only then can there be peace, as Hillary said.

    “So too, the elite class that lords over the Westphalian System (known in our time as “globalism”), will not go easily into that good night. Via technocratic authoritarianism, promulgated under harmless sounding platitudes (“recalibrating” your rights, “reset” the system, “re-imagining” your future), it will cause immeasurable harm and destruction, only to ultimately fail for the sole reason of trying to shoehorn outdated modes of organization (top-down force of the state) on a new, incompatible reality (decentralized networks secured by public-key cryptography).”

    “…These machinations include these incessant and frantic rebranding exercises. The aspiration behind all of these labels is that they are trying to condition into your psyche, as if it were objective fact, that the natural order of things is that they get to set the rules and we get to follow them. However the growing perception among the public, is that with every policy failure and each rebranding iteration, these elites are conceding that they are, in fact, losing control, losing relevance”


    Yes, the Kunstler thing is the perfect example of the problem. And him falling for it anyway is the perfect picture of the mental hazard. Because, if not, what then? Do nothing but buy a wood stove and drink tea for 30 yeas of the worldwide collapse? Yes, probably, and that’s chilling to realize.

    You could look at it the other way: we are going BACK. We are becoming “Conservative”, in a certain sense, not exactly socially, not exactly economically, but also yes becoming conservative in both of them. That is, in 1951, you would have led a simple life, with a simple car. There were only four wrenches. There were two types of bread. There was nowhere to go, and you generally never left to spend money, nor did Sears Catalog leave boxes every morning. Got up in the quiet, had Chok-o-Nuts coffee, went to work, came home in the quiet again, raked the coal boiler and played Spades at the kitchen booth table, one light on in the whole house and a wind-up Westclock. You own 5 shirts and only two pairs of shoes.

    In other words, we didn’t make $35k just to lose $35k. That was for gamblers and chumps. We just never had it, never used it, therefore “conserved” 100% of zero trouble, zero input. Life had only work and time. Things happen only by slow effort, there being no “money” to rocket ahead and shortwire everything. School, profit, promotion, purchases: nothing but slow savings, slow effort to slow measured reward. And if things get disrupted, it all falls to pieces. Relationships, jobs, locations. Therefore nobody’s re-choosing what name or gender they are today. It would get in the way and distract from getting useful things done.

    Try that today, people would think you are bona-fide, I N S A N E. They’d cut you out in days and steal your kids in weeks. If one circuit board broke and you didn’t have hot water, the Sheriff would take you out in chains for your own good. World Order, you see.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2022 #111332
    Dr. D

    “Ukraine Military Used Nursing Home Residents as Human Shields (CTH)”

    We don’t use them as shields. We just kill nursing home residents daily for spending money in the United States. Everyone is fine with it, so it’s little wonder when we train others they would murder civilians and nursing home residents for some actual reason elsewhere.

    “the Ukraine military, intentionally and with purposeful forethought, using civilian locations to embed their military units,”

    Yes. However, note these are industrial buildings with parking and facilities. You expected they should take up in a 2-bedroom house or a garden shed? If like the hospital they close it and remove the civilians, the papers and UN should be honest about it. But there is no truth in them. If they didn’t lie, it would probably burn their mouths.

    “Uber Broke Laws, Duped Police and Secretly Lobbied Governments (G.)”

    We know it. It’s been reported hundreds of times, but neither the people nor the governments care, loving corruption too much. Or too widespread. Or atm, too powerful, so no matter if you catch a top pedophile selling girls to princes and presidents, nothing happens. Protecting every list, every insider, every corporation, every secret, the old “rally round” of “The secret handshake and the old school tie.”

    “When one voice rules the nation
    Just because they’re top of the pile
    Doesn’t mean their vision is the clearest
    The voices of the people
    Are falling on deaf ears
    Our politicians all become careerists

    They must declare their interests
    But not their company cars
    Is there more to a seat in parliament
    Than sitting on your arse
    And the best of all this bad bunch
    Is shouting to be heard
    Above the sound of ideologies clashing

    Outside the patient millions
    Who put them into power
    Expect a little more back for their taxes
    Like school books, beds in hospitals
    And peace in our bloody time
    All they get is old men grinding axes

    Who’ve built their private fortunes
    On the things they can rely
    The courts, the secret handshake
    The Stock Exchange and the old school tie
    For God and Queen and Country
    All things they justify
    Above the sound of ideologies clashing

    God bless the civil service
    The nations saving grace
    While we expect democracy
    They’re laughing in our face
    And although our cries get louder
    The laughter gets louder still
    Above the sound of ideologies clashing” – Billy Bragg, 40 years ago.
    Special shout out to Boris on this one.

    “the Oath Keepers came to Washington to commit an armed insurrection.”

    By bringing no arms? How long does this nonsense, idiocy, and mental illness go on? No arms ≠ Arms. There’s a difference between armed people and unarmed people, as the DNC daily tells us. If being unarmed is the same as being armed, why not scrap all the gun laws? And the OathKeepers own 5 guns apiece, so NOT bringing them is quite a statement of intent.

    When you reach the level of women = not women = woman, and gun = not gun = gun, seamlessly flipping back and forth without even being able to recognize it, you’re dealing with the seriously and chronically mentally ill and there is no longer debate or discussion to be had, only action and ignoring. Which is exactly Russia’s position concerning us.

    “•EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production (CTH)”

    In postwar Germany, the Anglos had the bright idea to totally destroy Germany and murder all the German citizens by erasing German industry and returning them to the level of Chinese agriculture. It was called the Morganthau Plan and I’m glad to see Germany has finally installed it for us. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan

    Goes to show propaganda, the pen, really is mightier than the sword. If you work long enough, and get all the kids young enough, you really CAN teach them all to murder themselves and save you the mess and trouble of it. And the kids are gung-ho slap-happy to do it. “What does Greta want? Murder. When does she want it? Now.” “Save the Planet: Go Kill Yourself” Slogans and posters hung in every school. Hey, why child suicide rate so high? Why them dying their hair blue and stabbing themselves with razors, have to be drugged all day like mental patients? Can’t figure it out.

    “The New York Times and Washington Post suddenly discover that Biden is old and frail on the exact same day.”

    And then what? I ask. They might need Kamala in until February to giver her two terms, but she can’t even work two days much less two terms. They hide her in the basement for her and everybody’s safety. Most popular vice President in world history, 80 million votes. 10% more votes for her than voters!

    4chan Users Claim Hack of Hunter Biden’s iCloud Account (JTN)”

    Good timing. But there’s no White Hats out there. You’re all alone. And this could have been avoided if they admitted it in 2020. Or 2008 and not run him then. Or 2000. Or told him to cool it or cut him out of the party in 1990. 1980. 1973. I mean, he’s against Roe v Wade, and FOR imprisoning the whole black community, how did he get in there? (A: Ceaseless, tireless, roving, Media lies). So, the Media runs things? Because Joe sure doesn’t. Who runs the media?

    “Follow the Science that follows the money.” Same thing for media.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2022 #111331
    Dr. D

    Posting broken again. Vanishes, then says it’s posted.

    “Army General Suspended Over Tweet To Jill Biden: “Glad You Finally Know What A Woman Is”

    They say this is “mocking.” Huh? How do they know he wasn’t being serious. I mean, I’m being serious. Is it normal for people to not know, then know, then not know things? Pretty odd. I’m not kidding at all, I’m dead serious: so you know what a woman is now, one day after not knowing? I’m curious and interested how that is, not mocking you at all.

    “’Rationality Itself Is Under Attack’: CEO of the Babylon Bee”

    Is that a joke? Because they keep fact checking the Babylon Bee. If so, I presume CNN and the fact checkers believe it’s a real news site.

    “New York Times announced another crash. In a story entitled, “Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a ‘Perfect Storm’ of Fear and Panic,” –Taibbi

    Yay! Bitcoin Obits, 12 years in a row. Yup, now that it’s the national currency in two (three?) places, and settles trade for Russia, Uruguay, and Iran; now that it’s trading on the Comex, Samsung is a billion into Theta, and Microsoft is several billion dollars deep in ETH programming, and XRP is owned and programmed by the major Western banks, NOW it’s going away. Cuz: “this time it’s different!”

    NY Times: “Trust me! When have we ever been wrong?”

    “Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency trading platform in the United States. When a customer stores cryptocurrency in a Coinbase wallet, those funds in theory can only be accessed with a cryptography-protected key, making it, again in theory, the unique property of the customer.” –Taibbi

    You are kidding, right? Like bank account and stock account, those coins are obviously property of the exchange. That’s not shady or unusual. It’s the most usual. Just like gold in your possession vs gold in a Swiss bank. They do different things, and one of the two things involves trust and lawsuits in case of bankruptcy.

    “This type of protection is supposedly what’s at the heart of the crypto revolution”

    Yet everyday smart people like Taibbi, Shiff, Holter say these things without asking, or presumably being told many times, without listening. It’s not that it isn’t a problem, but let’s just be honest about what tools can do and don’t do. Let me say it again: GET YOUR OWN COINS. DO YOUR TRANSACTIONS ON THE BLOCKCHAIN.


    Leave Joe Biden Alone!

    Is that why they won’t leave him alone?

    “How can doctors be so sure they are safe over the long-term since they are novel EUA with no long-term followup studies?”

    Magic! I mean, Science! What do you mean they’re not the same thing? Is the sale of Fauci candles down this week?

    The ‘Rape Russia’ Plan Backfires (Vilches) The war in the Ukraine will be short, not long.”

    It’s over already, which is why I’ve turned to looking at Europe, the winter, and the next step. NATO-Russia part II? Financial collapse?

    It’s been floated that the present example isn’t the 70s or 30s, it’s a much unknown Panic of 1893. Wiki has a very poor, almost useless article on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1893
    What are the keys? No rule of law. Relentless, unstable stock and business expansion, until bubbled beyond any plausible support, in railways, for instance. At that point of immense over-leverage, Barings Bank invested in Argentina. However, poor crops meant they didn’t come through. As forever in history, Barings then attempted a political coup but this also failed. Anyone want to ask why/how banks get to arrange coups and pick governments for hundreds of years? And why we deny this happens even now in an age with the IMF and “Economic Hit Man” published widely?

    What else? The bubble depended on high commodity prices, and that changed to low. The money depended on high silver prices, and that changed to low. Wizard of Oz and the Cross of Gold. These were being held up with sheer force of governments, in the U.S., forcing the national purchase of silver to levitate prices and make a few miners rich.

    In this structure, the “Panic” was not on stocks as the article says. Yes stocks failed, businesses failed, commodities failed causing immense hardship in a farming-mining-steelworking economy. But the failure was really confidence in National Governments. Why? Because like Sri Lanka, the national government had used all their power holding back the tide. They were stopping the cycles of history. Commodities high? Are you nuts? In 1870 sure, there were fields left to plant, and only rough means to get it to market. But you’re going to keep it high with railroads in every town, agri-tech increasing yields and production for decades? Silver is high? Sure, but what happens if as happened, we find more silver mines than the Incas, and have mined enough coinage to support the nation for 30 years? Do you go find another planet to mint coins for?

    Does this sound familiar? because it’s the same/mirror of today. All planet now requires LOW commodities — especially oil — or the entire economic system blows up. The governments have stopped the normal tide from a decade back and refuse to allow them to rise – because of the explosion – and artificially low prices = no production = worldwide shortages. Silver’s price is approaching zero, and like 1890 has been held so for decades. Gold is double the 1980 high, silver is half that, a 4x difference. All other commodities are many multiples of these two, as you can tell from any trip to WalMart. Wouldn’t you love houses, cars, eggs, steak to be ONLY 2x the 1980 price? Bacon, $1.69, Milk, $1.59, Margarine and Bread, 50c. Pork and Bean, 40c. Do you see how ridiculous this is?

    Not only is silver possibly the most undervalued commodity in world history, in mirror of 1893, there isn’t any. None. There are essentially zero silver-only mines, and almost all silver is a byproduct, usually of copper. Copper was $1 or half that in 1980, it’s $3.50 now. Not only that, silver is used in everything. All our modern batteries, electronics, solar panels.

    Now WHY is it so low, constantly below production costs? Like other commodities, wheat, milk, to make cities happy, the government – the Silver Users Group – have paid government to rig the prices down. So simple cartel bribery to commit ceaseless felonies. This has been charged, admitted, and paid many times – as much as a Billion dollars last time – but the felonies continue larger each week.

    So what can break it? Or what would breaking it mean? Since the full force of government is placed on these few actions: commodities, silver, then breaking it means breaking government control. And vice versa, IF it were to break, it would mean that (Western) Governments have generally LOST control. In a world where that control is the foundation of all national currencies, I.e, the dollar. That is, then the dollar would “collapse” and have to be replaced. In 1893, that was DEFLATION, not inflation. That can still happen, as it’s the “Synthetic Dollar Short Position” — not us, but the whole WORLD needs US$ to pay debts. If not, the debts default, Depression. If people die, Deflation. If housing falls because it’s 10x income, Deflation.

    Anything else?

    This was the height of the Gilded Age. Idiotic shows of wealth and income disparities were at a world high, never surpassed until 2008. The party was the Republicans, leading this prosperity. The collapse happened immediately on the Democrats taking power, and the backlash was such that they lost all government for 40 years.

    And the collapse which spread worldwide happened when the “West”, that is, London, the Anglos, and their banks, attempted to increase their power to forestall their collapse by instigating a coup and conquest in an otherwise non-vital country. Just like Ukraine.

    Now can you see why this is similar, and if you were a White Hat of Republican leaning you might browse the history books for a template that would win?

    I don’t see how commodities can be prevented from rising this time. I mean, they have, but only to cause government-collapsing shortages and government-collapsing discrediting of Parliaments. It’s hard to see, in a world where governments lose confidence, that national currency could possibly stay stable and not inflate. With 150% Debt-to-Income ratios and no Industries. And inflate against what? Silver and gold. All the gold mined is probably somewhere, but silver? If silver rises, and therefore the people buy into it having no other trading market going up, how do you fill the demand? They themselves shut down every silver mine on earth and we still need it for industry. Government currencies it seems would find a loss of faith and people would rotate into something non-government, and with too-high stocks, non-stock and possibly non-real estate too.

    That’s what a “Panic” is.

    In good news, the economy, being an ecosystem not a machine, has little trouble creating a new equilibrium in just 4 years. However, it ruins and chucks out everyone made rich by the previous structure and leaves scorched ground for the new. Because they are powerless, and new power isn’t built yet, they people aren’t being sapped and enslaved for a bit and this is a boom for the people and their ideas, inventions, and improvements, as it was from 1890-1929, probably the highest point for humanity on earth so far.

    It’s a structure, and you can feel the shadows arranging for it. But will it actually happen? No one knows.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 10 2022 #111285
    Dr. D

    So how did Sri Lanka go so bad?

    Why is it such a test case for us?

    I think it’s an example of adding centralization, adding fragility. So they burned the house of the President down, but if it’s anything like here, he wasn’t in charge of anything, more like a caretaker, a middle manager for the system around him. It’s fine that maybe they need a more active manager with different skills right now – like a General – but shouldn’t most of this just happen on its own? What does the President have to do with Apu’s Quickee Mart importing oil? What would the docks? What would the trucks? What would the fishermen, the stores? I mean, unless you’re being invaded, next to nothing.

    However, if you, the Central Government, add rules, add involvement, “erect a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance,” well then yes, Chandra can no longer just grow food and take it to market. Then because of your centralization, import exports ARE run through banks and institutions that are merged with the central state. Therefore, since you are all merged, and all run everything, then when one part goes: banking OR Government OR Market, OR farming, then they all collapse together with no backup.

    See why I don’t WANT them involved in medicine now? In the economy, in banking? If the government isn’t running most things, isn’t paying most things, isn’t doing most things, then the people will be less troubled as they default and reform. However if the central state does everything, there’s no second state hanging around to back them up and take over – that’s called a Civil War and a revolution.

    Let’s put it this way: distributed network. Diversity of ecosystem. Go Bitcoin.

    “Hispanics, Blacks Disproportionately Dinged by Crypto Crash”

    Didn’t see that coming. BTC regularly drops 90%, but I don’t keep meticulous track of the races involved because: not racist. Don’t care. People live on merit, as individuals with free agency and free spirits.

    In any case, the work and solutions come from US. Not the President. The reason Sri Lanka is having trouble is the above, yes, but also why are the people burning the President’s house down? What do they think he’s going to do? What do they think he ever did? If he’s not going to save you, you wouldn’t be fixated on him to solve everything, give you everything. That’s not his job, that’s YOUR job. He’s just a parasite that keeps the streetlights on.

    In a similar vein, is Joe going to meet his masters in Saudi Arabia this week? What happens when Mabus tells him “No”? No: we’ve signed with Russia already. No: we have no additional barrels able to pump. Isn’t the Petrodollar, Saudi oil, 1974, somethin’ somethin’???

    “ ‘Drinking The Kool-Aid’ on the War in Ukraine (MoA)”

    Every day Russia gets stronger. Still haven’t figured it out. If Germany and everyone had run in there first day, this might not have happened. (and we might have had a nuclear world war) But that’s not Europe, is it? They’re still meeting with the original 1999 EU committee on paper clips and haven’t decided yet. That can be a good thing, so why doesn’t Europe try to use their personality tics to advantage instead of stamping out who they really are?

    “the ‘west’ can no longer produce enough new weapons and ammunition to cover those losses.”

    Yes, but Putin should be very careful gloating about it as he did yesterday. The entire combined West makes some s—t up and comes back in 2030 hungry, cold, and desperate can defeat them, as they still have no men. And 1/3 of Russian slavs were just killed by Joe Biden in Ukraine. On plan and purpose.

    We can defeat Russia up to or even past a nuclear war. It’s just a matter of will and cost.

    “Over 30,000 Dutch farmers have risen in protest against the government in the wake of new nitrogen limits that require farmers to radically curb” … the creation of food and fertilizer. While they also shut off food and fertilizer shipments from their neighbors in Europe.

    “The Netherlands is the world’s second largest agricultural exporter after the United States, making the country of barely 17 million inhabitants a food superpower.”

    Worth repeating. It also tells you how much technology (greenhouses, etc) can increase food supply and that we’re not 100 miles from world population limits at 8B people. Israel proves the same. That’s the name: the “Nether” Lands. That is, the land of the swamps and people that live underwater, a name going back to Rome and before. Like the American prairies, it’s solely Dutch hard work and ingenuity that made a nation of useless swamps and sea-marshes into a major power and exporter. For centuries. They could have just sat around and complained like in Scotland. Now I too think we’re living too heavy on the land, but I’m not going to lie about how easy it is to feed more, nor am I going to kill everyone to get a better view for my manor house. (this used to happen pretty regularly that whole towns and villages would be erased for garden aesthetics, and the people therein. Like today.)

    I suspect the future will use these high-tech greenhouses rather more toward the manufacturing of food than the growing of it. But that’s just telling you how wrong and how far off the tracks the WEF and Club of Rome are on this.

    You guys are fond of Limits to Growth, one of the originators, Dennis Meadows with Nate Hagans.
    Much of what you would expect.
    There was a good line that encapsulated the whole nut though,

    “The climate models are energy blind. I saw the International Energy Agency predictions out to 2050 that GDP is going to increase 3% a year and we’re going to use 27% less energy between now and then...which is just divorced from a bio-physical worldview [i.e. reality].”

    In any case, back to Sri Lanka, their goals didn’t seem bad, but one of the key mistakes was trying to change too fast – the bane of Utopians. Of master planners with their master plans. (And who is the “Slave” in their “Master” plan? Me.) That’s what Holland and (Northern) Europe have been trying to do here. And why the people will now kill them all on sight. And they may not mean to. But since they’ve been punched, each person gets one slap, kick, or punch in to the leader in fair and equitable retaliation. However, one man will die after a mere 40 punches, with 899,939 people outside left unsatisfied.

    But it tells you THAT’S how much abuse governments cause their populations. Yes, it’s as if they stole one bagel, gave one black eye at a time, to all 21 million, 800 thousand of them, and we’re pretty sick of it.

    “ Police Chief: Officer Who Shot The Tractor Made ‘A Wrong Assessment’ (NOS)”

    Passive tense, ‘natch. Do they use a lot of passive tense construction in Dutch? Or is that one of the 20 special ways Anglos use to lie? Sir: there was nothing anywhere near that tractor. Wide open road. You thought he was going to finish the 30 miles drive to Ultrecht and THEN run somebody over? And your argument is, you would be happy to shoot him if he’s 18 ½ but not 16 ½? Or 63 ½? So it’s all about appearances, isn’t it? And you don’t care at all, do you? That is, he’s not the Blue so he’s a normal citizen and Scum.

    Anyway, I’m sure we’ll all glad the policeman is “over it” and recovering his mental health fine. Wouldn’t want him to be worried or put out or anything. Collect disability for mental strain caused by unnecessarily murdering children.

    “[Germany] the unprecedented step of restrictring heating at night,”

    Boy, sure glad we forced vaccination on grandma so she can freeze tonight. #Caring.

    They wanted this war. They were blood, gore, guts, and veins in their teeth for it. Well, here’s what happens in war. A tiny, almost barely perceptible taste of it. That is, the other guy shoots back. But that’s not what my movies and video games say! You’re supposed to be the villain! You’re supposed to have the aim of a Stormtrooper in the A-Team. My job is to talk tough, then your job is to lose. You’re doing it all wrong! Reeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

    Russia hasn’t god-damned touched Germany yet. Give yer balls a tug.

    “Real Estate Agents Got Billions In Covid Relief Loans. Few Repaid Them (NBC)”

    They were supposed to repay them? (Not kidding, I read something about this back when, like people called to ask and got no response?) And look at the prices: destroyed entire occupation for 2 years, perhaps permanently, no income at all, and paid … $13,000? As much as half the poverty line? And now we’re supposed to be mad or something? If you bring this up again, I’m only going to be mad at government who never passed any laws, mad at the CDC, who broke 1,000 years of medical practice to instate this — illegally, without the slightest plausible authority — , mad at people for thinking $1,800 was a years’ wage in America, and in awe of Americans for being able to side-hustle so much they could shrug this off like nothing and not go burn the country down.

    Goes to show thanks to our approach to life here, we’ll be fine. We won’t like it though.

    “Julian Assange ‘Will Die’ If Extradited to US – John Pilger (SCMP)”

    You are kidding, right? Our Federal prisons are no worse than Belmarsh. Is England considered a land of special snowflakes now, where prisoners are put on a resort fantasy island like in Norway? 50 years after the Guildford Four, Maguire Seven, and Birmingham Six? Oh and I’m sure from what we’ve seen the last few years British justice has much improved and doesn’t politically railroad people now. Not reporters or Supreme Court Justice Dankula teaching his dog tricks. Nor let rape gangs run free through the North on the opposite side. Gimme a break with that stuff. If he comes here he can put all his stuff into the Federal Judaical Record to be acted upon shortly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 9 2022 #111226
    Dr. D

    Clearly the Saker is doing accurate journalism. If they were reporting Bigfoot on the Moon no one would touch them.

    Astonishing lies by NPR, not even for any known reasons. They headlined Abe’s assassination as “A devisive, far-right, ultra-nationalist”. I am quite sure not even one of those is true. They also report that his assassin wasn’t politically motivated. What? He thought Abe was a street bum and tried to mug him while on stage? With a specially-made double-barrelled zip gun?

    Are you guys even trying?

    –Looks up from minesweeper on Windows98 – “Uh yeah, don’t bother me right now, I’ll have that Abe story to you in 5 minutes.” —Copy-pastes AP Presswire, who did the same thing from ” Shenzhen Daily.” Some plagiarism all ’round.

    Biden was AWOL. No comment. Left it to Trump to put out a plausibly sounding “Abe was a unique and powerful man who will missed and cannot be replaced” statement.

    Who benefits? Abe was still the kingmaker in Japanese behind-the-screen politics. So someone removed the King. Because Asia’s and specifically Japan’s response is pivotal in Taiwan? NPR didn’t know this and reported Abe as the death of Kim Jong Il because their donations come from why? Sure. All just a big, dumb accident.

    “Senators Blumenthal & Graham Call For “Hand-to-Hand Insurgency” In Russian-Occupied Ukraine”

    Excellent idea. …What do you mean Lindsay and Richard didn’t want to go? Are they in a wheelchair or something? Well put them in the drone room in Kerkov.

    Not that it matters, but I’m not sure you can shoot out the tires of a tractor that size. It’s likely the hole would self-seal, or even bounce off which would be extremely dangerous. It’s hard to fathom the toughness of such tires. Nearly 100 years later, sitting in the woods, they are almost as tough as the day they were made. In any case, there was no attempt by the police to “Stop”, merely to murder. Thankfully, unlike the U.S., this sort of training does not seem to be widespread, because the farmers are certainly making a mess of things with their literal-go-anywhere-machines. But not straight over a police cruiser yet, although that would be so easy I’m surprised it hasn’t happened on accident.

    “Ukraine war: Accept our terms or brace for the worst, Putin tells Kyiv”

    Europe still hasn’t sunk in to their retarded, inbred heads that they have nothing. No leverage, no power, no moves. Therefore, even more than ever, Europe is going to do nothing, and Russia will do whatever they want, more or less until they get tired and bored with it.

    “Prophesy” of sorts, although this is distilled from computer predictions: European migrants that have been such a bother are going to have an awfully hard time of it and may even go home. Why? Because if you’re from Somalia and you popped up to Stockholm for some free welfare, you’re not designed for a real Baltic Winter. Not just for Vitamin D which will make you very ill, but I believe your body also is created around the food and conditions of your youth that takes decades to re-alter. When this first popped up of course the interpretation was that some economic turmoil would probably lead to violence, perhaps immigrant vs anti-immigrant. But no, appears this will be simple shortage of gas, tightening the belt, which Swedes, Germans, etc won’t have too much trouble just putting on a sweater, and born Africans will shiver for 9 months in horror, being certain they’re in imminent death.

    I see that here, where your normal natives are out in Bermuda shorts at 40f, while the African heritage are wearing down parkas until it’s +65f, and three layers with a hood at 75f. …So do Floridians, btw, but it certainly makes one think about moving in a way that northerners moving south doesn’t.

    As above, Schwabinator certainly has arranged the Climate Crisis from the ground up. THEY have arranged for there to be no energy, anywhere. No reliability, anywhere. And presently, no food, anywhere. All of which are voluntary, were advised against by everyone, and are specific consequences to his specific, forewarned, resisted, highly-imposed policies. THEY are the near-single cause of hardship, hunger, and violence.

    Now much as we need to get them and return to what might best be named “not-murdering”, I also want the people and funds BEHIND the WEF. People like Nike, Google, and Facebook and their interlocking boards of directors out of Vanguard and Blackrock. Without also tracing them we’re chasing our tails.

    But first is to recognize practically all the troubles we’re having are a direct and transparent result of their meddling. Most of which is illegal in the first place. Not passed, having no authority, basing itself on illegal market-rigging, and illegal monopoly practices that propose a sovereignty these companies and people involved do not possess.

    If you’re on a train track, and you keep the throttle open after 30 warnings and 10 near-misses, and eventually a dozen people are killed, you go to jail. These gentlemen have had 10x that, and are still wide open on killing, say 1 BILLION people. Does that suggest arraignment and jail to anyone? When you are specifically responsible for the reckless deaths of a crowd?

    And they still don’t understand. They think the police are there to stop criminal violence. They’re not. The police are there to protect THEM from US. That is, you criminals: the police are your best friend and salvation, compared to the victim or businessowner taking out justice on you personally. Pray for jail.

    “ US, China Top Diplomats Voice Cautious Hope In Rare Talks (Barron’s)”

    Blinken who? Isn’t he the spokesman for “batacafcare” and “trunalimunumaprzure”?

    “What are the “solidarity lanes”?

    They just picked two random words out of the dictionary like usual. I wouldn’t make too much of it.

    “One solution on the table is for the EU to import liquified natural gas (LNG) from the United States.”

    Hahahaha! Please, it’s too early in the morning to laugh that hard. Show some decency.

    1) All of Europe is going to freeze and starve.

    2) Refer back to #1.

    The End. It’s already too late to stop now, as Putin warns. For example: it takes all summer to stock gas into the salt mines in deliverable locations. They have not. Therefore, God himself cannot save you at this time. Buy a down comforter and add a drain to your waterpipes because they will shortly freeze.

    But if you need some U.S. crude, ask China. They’ve got our Military strategic reserve barrels, during a “Wartime” as Biden says when Pa’s Gas-n-Go making 50c/gal need to tighten those belts. Remember, the UN says “hunger is good for you”. (Or good for US, actually)

    “History will judge the United States and its allies with abundant harshness for its foolish policy on Ukraine.” –Mearsheimer

    And he has license to say so since he told them years and decades ahead of time, and not just after.

    “bifurcation between Russia and the West will be permanent. And it logically follows that this will impact the economic model of European countries, particularly of Germany.”

    This is, of course, MacKinder. Which is 120 years out of date now. So: they won. Germany won’t merge with Asia. #Winning! …And therefore Europe itself will cease to exist and become a 3rd rate, 3rd world colony. Hope you’re happy. Don’t worry, when the next “MacKinder” comes around, they’ll still believe the Anglos, hook, line, and sinker. 400 years into perpetual, unceasing lies.

    “Nobody supported the Western regimes. That is why they are fuming now.”

    Since they are clearly retarded, this was a surprise to them. When “asking” any body, at any time, any distance before the war would have made this clear. At this point they have lost Ukraine right to the Polish border and STILL don’t grasp it. “Don’t you know who I am???”

    Yes, you’re the guys trying to murder 1 Billion of my people. And we’re being incredibly generous about it towards you.

    “ Army Cuts Pay, Benefits from 60,000 Unvaccinated National Guard, Reserves (Fox)”

    Since we and the Army are broke, they are paying the zealots and cult members, and not paying people who lack personal loyalty and a hatred of the Constitution. Clearly, as ever, this MUST be done since the vaccines work so well that if YOU don’t get one, *I* get sick. That’s what “protection” means.

    ““Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests”

    This “Science Farming” is called the “Green Revolution” and they are all over it and refer to it constantly. It’s their GMO sales brochure. That is to say, they are 100% aware that population on earth depends exclusively on factory-nitrogen delivery and its curtailment will therefore murder billions. As they shut off all nitrogen (and phosphorus) and kill billions. The Billions then say “No they aren’t. It’s the Republicans.” …Who are all farmers.

    “hurting the Agriculture sector and, more importantly, hurting farmers.”

    No it won’t. Prices will rise in comparison, and lower yields will make higher prices in perfect equilibrium, killing the cities instead. That is why Holland had to specifically outlaw certain things, so bank-funded, perhaps foreign, monopoly agribusiness could force them out and steal their land at a discount. That is, legalized, legislative theft. Probably TO the legislators. So they need a 1-2 process otherwise it just savages politicians in front of the mostly urban voter base. …Who are also retarded, since they support the global warming actions nonsense that will murder them in their beds. What can I say? If they want to die, let them. Just don’t take the rest of us with you.

    “In the current situation, the wide range of shortages highlights a serious problem. As with prior shortages, this one is due to government policies.”

    That is, Central Planning. Meaning we are in a de-facto Soviet Socialist System, with a Politboro of central pin-heads like the genius Krugman yesterday, telling us about the “Biden Boom”, a year after warning us of the “Trump Collapse” of 2017. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. But being a Party member means whenever you are wrong, OTHER people die, and you get a promotion. Probably a Nobel Prize. The more comrades you kill the more that’s left for the Party Leaders. Especially their Dutch or Canadian farmland for hunting lodges, and their daughters for my airplane.

    “expressed concerns, without any apparent evidence,”

    Whoop, there it is. We must always add “Without evidence”. It’s like a verbal tic for morons. Fascist Tourette’s. I’m sorry CNN, did you call and ASK for evidence? For a “Statement”? Did you READ his release? No, because you are illiterate, IYIs. It takes about 10 seconds “Hereletmegooglethatforyou.com” to come up with reasons – right or wrong – that he might think that.

    Okay then, geniuses at CNN, IF that is true, WHY did he begin this process only to back out and get a whopping big lawsuit out of it? Because he’s a dummy? Sorry, that’s two words ahead. I haven’t made up the sentence and the logic that far yet. I don’t know what I think or what is true until I’m done speaking. If it’s popular, it’s true. If I get downvotes, it’s false. That’s the standard.

    I haven’t found the comments to be more than usual. Unless they mean me, still going long. Some people come, some people go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2022 #111169
    Dr. D

    “Ukraine Could Be Wiped Off The Map – Douglas Macgregor (RT)”

    I think we’re past that, but MacGregor is trying to bring it into public awareness for us.

    “ The Immuno-epidemiological Consequences of the Mass Vaccination (Geert)”

    I can’t see a lot here colloquially, but if it’s the variants, why does it seem only the vaxxed get it? And yes, I see not just “Covid”, like crappy tests, but Covid symptoms that are quite serious still going around here. In high summer. All that says bad immune systems to me, but you need wide and careful statistics to prove it.

    “Lockdowns Have Demolished Our Immunity (DMA)”

    Sitting at home destroys your immune system. Well, all the Kansas farmstead over all time will be interested to hear that. They’ve be isolated out at the ranch for 100 years off and on now, along with all kinds, like isolated Fjords, fishing islands, Alaskan miners, Canadian trappers, Bayou cabins, and thousands of other sorts yet this never happened until May 2021. Huh.

    Well, what can I say? The rules of Science change every month or two now. Physics is just in flux like that. It wasn’t until people like Pfizer injected multi billion dollars into research that we realized it.

    Let the memeing begin:


    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2022 #111168
    Dr. D

    From Pye, every thing he talks about Boris is great. Savaged, may have ended his political party. Yay! Discredited the nation. Yay! Discredited all Covid response and everyone in it. Yay! May lead to the breakup of what little remains of Great Britain, perhaps re-unifying Ireland. Yay! Scotland might have to do some work on itself rather than blaming others. Yay! Nation has no respect and therefore no ability for influence. Yay! Savage nationwide recession, meaning they have no ability to project a war. Yay! No one would fight for these tossers even if they called one. Yay!

    Man, I probably would have voted for BoJo (I mean, look at the alternative) and if so, I for one am proud and awed by what he has achieved in the destruction of the undue power of the nation state over peoples’ lives, and therefore will undercut and destroy the undue power of the corporations that depend on government for their own power.

    It’s a great day to be British.

    If you’re in Germany buy a German goosedown. It’s not in shortage, it’s small, you can take it with you, and it’ll be useful later.

    I had a thought about your Dutch protests. Yes, not CO2, but they are dropping nitrogen specifically. However, nitrogen it’s what’s in shortage. Nitrogen = fertilizer. So I thought that with Russian fertilizer and it’s feedstock, Russian gas were shut off, we would all have to “go organic” and use manure and animal wastes. Well, here you are. Instead of harboring what must be Dutch gold right now, they’re sinking 1/3 of farms to stop this gold from being created.

    Go Green New Deal! Stopping green by every mean! What do we want? Pavement. When do we want it? Now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2022 #111167
    Dr. D

    Comment has vanished, won’t let me re-post. This happens under a lot of circumstances but I got tagged this morning. Starts like this, but I’ll be back later to check. They often are there but I can’t see them. (Intro:)


    “the UK political establishment will replace Johnson with somebody even worse.”

    Please please let it be Liz Truss.

    Please please let her start a British invasion of Russia.

    Don’t worry, no one will get hurt: This is Britain after all. They don’t have ammunition, nor do they have steel to make any. Anyway, Truss would probably invade the Great Salt Lake.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2022 #111164
    Dr. D

    Obviously Saker is not an accident, it’s an attack. It was covered yesterday and the workaround is merely to use the same Http:// Not Https:// Spread the word.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 7 2022 #111110
    Dr. D


    “Dutch Government Announces Plan to Defeat Climate Change by Outlawing Food” –BBee

    They outsmarted Climate Change this time!!

    Watching that video, Holland Police shot that tractor for no reason whatsoever. He was stopped, then drove around a margin and safely off to somewhere else. Not attempting to harm police or their cars. Just police being annoyed he wasn’t obedient enough. So therefore: murder. Do what you’re told. Submit or Die.

    Note: if all the farmers are on the roads, they are NOT on the farms, making food. Sure the crops may be back there but do you think they plant seeds and watch TV for six months? If they are away for a minute, somebody will starve. Past tense. You may not know it ‘til harvest, but the actions that cause the upcoming starvation happened three days ago.

    Again, repeat over and over: COWS DO NOT CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING. Cows emit CO2. Where did the CO2 come from? From Grass. Where did the Grass get the CO2? From the atmosphere 3 months ago. So they are releasing CO2 that was already free. Net Zero. Unlike every plane at Davos, every limo in Amsterdam, and every gas tank in the Dutch police force and the entire EU Army. If you had a choice to remove real CO2 between the city and the farms, you should DEFINITELY shut down the city. The farm isn’t a rounding error in comparison.

    Ah, but then “I” would have to do something. Instead of ordering YOU to do something. It’s all about who pays the costs. Not me! I’ve got iPhones to order online, made of rare earths, having circled the earth 6-8x using fossil fuels, delivered to me using more fossil fuels, packed in 8 boxes using more fossil fuels, to be discarded in a landfill in 2 years using more fossil fuels. That’s environmentalism! Unlike farmers growing grass. Growing green things is #Not environmentalism. Endless square miles of pavement and server farms using the wattage of a small city every day IS #Environmentalism. If I want it, it’s good. If you want it, it’s bad. What’s complicated about that?

    …As proven by the CO2 levels over geologic history. But…but, the earth will be as hot as the sun if it gets any higher…says the chart where the earth was lush and fine with it multiples higher. “Follow the Science…which follows the money. 100% of the time.”

    In the news, whole new levels of oppression. Jordan Peterson was banned for speaking about Psychology. Hey, that’s not strange though! …Except that he is a Professor and has degrees in psychology. Anyone can speak except those who are qualified #Experts! Chad at Twitter is your psychologist now, suckers. Anyway, THAT is normal at this point. What is new Oppression is Dave Rubin was banned for saying, “Jordan Peterson was banned”.

    You see, when Stalin photoshops you out of the group photo, you no longer exist. Now you must voluntarily and retroacatively edit all your speech to reflect this, like Winston does. “We were never at war with Estasia.” “What Jordan Peterson?” Never heard of him, he was never online yesterday, nor was he ever a accredited professor in Toronto.

    Ironically, and AS ALWAYS, the reason Peterson exists is BECAUSE they attacked him. Before that, he was just some guy, nobody would have read, nobody would have known, like 5,000 other professors. It was exclusively their bad publicity that created his fame, and now the power and leverage that comes with the fame. So, thanks, I guess? Keep making new soldiers every day, morons, with your jack-booted stomping. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Peterson

    BA Political Science. PhD Psychology. Harvard. McGill. Toronto U. Like all the other experts: not an expert. Like all the other Doctors: not a doctor. Cuz Chad sez so.

    And thanks to them, new one born every minute. Last minute: Macy Gray saying trans aren’t women, it takes more than that. Bette Midler, now questioning the Trans premise. I guess it’s time Bette no longer exists again, and is now, and has always been, far right wing. Yup. That’s why she headlined on “The View”, because that is ALSO a far right wing show, along with Joy Bahar, Whoopie Goldberg, Meghan McCain, and the whole gang. Transphobes and White Supremacists the lot of them, especially Goldberg.

    Chad sez. “Reality is in my mouth.” and it changes from word to word.

    “San Diego Loses 22% of Its Police Force Due to Vax Mandates”

    Vaccines against what? So I wonder how many hundred thousand calls SD doesn’t respond to. Odds are strongly in your favor if you want to murder someone, thanks to these councilmen. Even them.

    “Biden DOJ Sues to Block Arizona’s Proof of Citizenship Voting Law”

    Well that should be a real short trip. The Feds have zero authority over State voting methods. And why is the DoJ interested when no illegals are voting and that’s just a Republican talking point? “We must stop Bigfoot voting too!!!!!! I will not rest until these Bigfeets are brought to justice! The FBI has stopped all other work and is searching Bigfoot!”

    I mean, unless there ARE citizens of other nations who are illegally voting. Are they mail-in voting from Guatemala City? Or why not Paris? Moscow, naturally, since you don’t need to be present, nor a citizen.

    So, Garland wants Moscow to vote. Got it. Not checking who a person is makes elections A) more secure? or B) less secure? Garland wants elections less secure. So he’s inventing a Federal power no one ever claimed and they do not have specifically to make elections less secure, because Biden was the most popular President in world history. Got it. No need to say more.

    “Very Unusual Situation”: 2% of All Global Freight Is at a Standstill In North Sea Due to Historic Congestion”

    Wait: the economy stinks, nobody’s buying, but containers are backed up for months? Explain?

    Escobar: “Afghanistan was occupied by over 40 nations – while repeatedly bombed and droned by the Empire, which suffered no condemnation for its aggression; no package after package of sanctions; no confiscation of hundreds of billions of dollars; no punishment at all.”

    That’s your UN and Western consensus. The Article is actually about them stealing $3.5B from the brokest, most mistreated country on earth. Because the U.S. is bankrupt and pirating things to stay afloat from day to day. If not, hush money stops and Hunter’s laptop breaks free.

    He’s been hot lately, but very, very good Luongo:
    “China Queues Up to Join the Davos Beatdown (Luongo)”

    China Queues Up to Join the Davos Beatdown

    terror that Germany’s vaunted industrial base can collapse, and with it the banking sector, if Russia pulls all natural gas supplies. So, finally, after destroying their own economy, the politicians in Europe are considering the right question, “Did we do this to ourselves?”
    The Euro’s collapse this morning to a new twenty-year low below $1.03 is answering a resounding, “Yes.”

    “US Imposes Sanctions on Iran Oil Producers after Failure to Revive Nuclear Deal”

    So…If Iran doesn’t hurt themselves, we the U.S. will hurt OURselves? Sold! Sez Iran. Hurt yourself. We’ll sit over here and watch. Oh, ow, boy dat briar patch sho’ does hurt.

    “As the crypto winter deepens, only the staunchest Bitcoin investors are still holding onto their tokens — but not on the exchanges.”

    This is relevant as most of the coins on exchanges are hypothecated, fake. So instead of a 2:1 drop, it’s a 200:1 drop. Second problem: if everyone is sitting in their cold wallets, what is the exchange? It has no liquidity if only 5 Xbox kids are trading in it, and therefore is not setting an accurate price. That means you have, can have, wild volatility that will read as “Bitcoin going to $12,000” when in fact almost no one is selling/contracting at that price.

    How can I say that? These are all the exact mechanisms used to manipulate the gold and silver markets for the last 40 years. We’ve had silver at $10 and actual sales on eBay and shops at $25. So…you’re saying the Comex “official” price is off by 100-150%? Are you high? That’s not a market, it’s a scam. Yet everyone keeps playing as they love lies and fraud so much. You would think everyone leaving patently fraudulent exchanges would help make the prices more real, but not in this structure.

    As seen in today’s gold derivative chart. But also you should look at the Comex chart of derivatives. It’s like 10:1 in corn, iron, wheat, etc — every normal commodity — and 300:1 in gold, 1,000:1 in silver. The regulators say there’s nothing unusual about a commodities market where producer of the commodity doesn’t show up, the concentration of the position is 99% among 5 banks, and there is no actual delivery of product for years. P.S. the BTC commodity contract doesn’t deliver either. There is no delivery mechanism or clause in it whatsoever.

    As per the article, it’s not just “unallocated” which as they’re not charging you storage, clearly doesn’t exist, because there’s nothing stored and guarded with expensive bank guards. Duh. No. Switzerland was also sued 100x for there being no gold in the “Allocated” gold accounts either. And they WERE charging you storage for something that didn’t exist, which is fraud. After paying millions in fraud, they went on their way continuing to do it, as universal with banks and finance. Now in the case of Saudi, they actually GOT the gold, it was shipped to Switzerland, allocated, and paid the not-inconsiderable expense of guarding it. The Swiss guards STOLE 100% of Saudi gold, sold it into market to rig the price (aka London Gold Pool) and couldn’t give it back. They paid Saudi (and others) “money” to settle. Saudi HAD the money, they don’t want “money”, that’s why they traded the money for gold. JHC this is not complicated. If they wanted money, they just would have kept “money” in the first place.

    Anyway, since that would collapse Switzerland, Europe, London, and the United States’ Western banking system entirely, Saudi had to accept the money and buy in Shanghai where there IS gold. They might nuke them, or they might be blamed for causing a worldwide collapse that kills billions, but in either case they wouldn’t get gold bc London and Switzerland don’t have any: they have fraud. So if you wonder about shutting up about the largest bank heist in the history of the universe, that’s why. And here we are, 10+ years later, nothing’s changed. Like Einstein’s human stupidity, fraud is infinite.

    “Corporate Media Insists Eating Insects Is “Really Delicious”

    What is up with these idiots? Do they really think this will happen? 2/3rds of the country can grow beef without really trying, but this is your goal now? Chemical plant lab meat and maggots? And you wonder why people are now suspecting you’re non-human agents.

    Western’ Media Spread Copium to Prolong the War In Ukraine (MoA)”

    As Lira says, once the Ukr army is utterly wiped out – which Ze and the West seem to want, desire, and pray for – Russia can/will walk all the way to Poland and Hungary barefoot with a Hawaiian shirt on. They will then do whatever they want with both Ukraine, and most of Europe as it’s landlocked from Odessa on the East side, and energy-embargoed on the West side. Dodge this.

    “the current President of Ukraine is nominally Jewish.”

    He’s not nominally Jewish. He’s converted and his kids are both baptized. Unless you believe in the “One drop of Jewish blood” race fallacy.

    “Why Doesn’t Africa Support the West in Sanctions War Against Russia? (Lumango)”

    Because: all recorded history? Talk about being an “interviewer who is Astonished.” There hasn’t been a minute since Islam fell that the Euros haven’t attacked Africa, 1,000 years ago.

    “[Russia’s] recent underperformance notwithstanding,”

    Yes, taking over a country the size of France with 1/3 of the troops using gear from 1970. What is it with people talking a normal sentence, then having to throw in a lie? “Honey, I’m taking the car to the store for a minute! (Realizes he hasn’t lied in almost 15 minutes of his waking day) …And then I’m driving to outer space!” (Woman, realizing she hasn’t HEARD a lie in almost 15 minutes: ) “Have a nice time, honey!”

    Of course the classic is to throw in “Without evidence”, which at this point means, “Totally with all available evidence.”

    “new calls have emerged for the United States and allies to use naval power to ensure that Ukrainian grain can safely transit the Black Sea.”

    Lie! Ukrainian grain can ALREADY transit the Black Sea. No one was ever stopping them. However, Ukraine mined the whole sea from Odessa to Turkey on accident, then Llyods wouldn’t insure it. Note the passive tense where the reporter suddenly forgets facts that are just as easy to state as to exclude.

    “called on Washington to pull out of the Alliance. “The American people do not want war with Russia, but NATO and our own foolish leaders are dragging us into one,” – Greene

    One leader has common sense. 534 more to go. As usual with these things, she is considered the crazy one.

    And this: “A war that no one will win.” –Greene

    No. Someone will will it. Russia. Completely and utterly. Nato has no men, no food, no tanks, no shells, no oil and no plans. They haven’t mobilized the brass band and the little drummer boy. Russia hasn’t the slightest need to escalate to nukes in this situation.

    “Lab-Designed GMO “Carbon Capture Plants” to Replace Pastures (Chudov)”

    So the roots are toxic, non biodegradable, and build up in the soil. Got it. I’m sure that won’t poison the fields for generations or nothin’. Oh and cows and deer won’t have any problem eating it? None at all? Uh-huh. Sure, just like GMO corn which has pesticide in every cell.

    “You don’t violate the rules of being a staff aide without consequences, after all.”

    You do if you’ve been recruited to say hilarious and false things by Trump’s side to totally discredit J6 for all time. And the DNC is so sea-slug stupid as to fall for it and let you, ask you, beg you to do so. Okey-dokey, if you insist!

    “The CDC Is Breaking Trust in Childhood Vaccination (Tablet)”

    It’s frustrating, but this is what it takes, I guess. People have been screaming since they first started doctoring vaccines to harm children in the 80s-90s, but weren’t getting any traction while generations were poisoned near to death. So what can I say? Life’s hard, but it’s harder if you’re stupid. They wanted and needed it to be harder, so here we are. It has to stop, so we have to do what is necessary to stop it.

    BBC reporter is spinning, disoriented, having never met a human with principles before. They don’t get that at the home office, funded as it is by MI6. But don’t worry, as Churchill says, he’ll just pick himself up and shrug it off.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2022 #111059
    Dr. D

    Never miss an opportunity to make fun of Chicago and their failing failures of fail. But speaking of their shooting: “We’re Witnessing a Stunning Breakdown of Law & Order, and the Overwhelmed Police Seem Powerless to Stop It”

    Chicago had 400,000 police calls they didn’t respond to. In case you were wondering about Bob. 90% of murders aren’t solved, most aren’t pursued. If you wonder why he thought he’d get away with it.

    Oh, and he passed a background check. So I guess the play now is they no longer have time for the long game. They are going for all guns, right now, or nothing. No rules, no background checks, just outlawed right now. Like in NY. You can have them, IF you’re a party member AND if you never take them anywhere they are useful.

    “Putin’s Fridge!” Remember the old “9-11, Buy an SUV or the terrorists win!!!” Same thing. So, smarty-pants, where are you going to get the new fridge? China? Where did you get the steel? Mariupol’s Azovstal? “Dump it” to where? China’s steel recycling? So. Unbelievably. Supernaturally. Dumb. AND it’s less environmental to replace before necessary, AND the new one will last half as long, AND it needs chips from Taiwan that can’t be repaired.

    “..capitulating to the West is no option for Russia, at this point. Things have gone too far.”

    Um, we don’t capitulate to losers. Who utterly lost. And have no army. And no credibility among their own citizens (<40%). I mean, is this a charity? Where after Russia takes the whole country they just donate it back to the EU, who is a broke, diseased, drug-addled, violent, abusive, raving street-bum?

    Lira’s video:
    “The Dutch are incredibly easygoing, incredibly patient, and also immensely rational.
    The Dutch Farmers have now shut down 80% of the country.
    If they are protesting to this level, the government must have gone crazy (because the people aren’t)
    Also the borders between Holland and Germany.
    The idea that there could be enough nitrogen to shut down 1/5 to 1/3 of all farms is crazy.
    This is evil. I used think these people were stupid. This is beyond stupid. This is evil.
    They think the people are the enemy and they want to destroy the enemy.
    The people are with them.
    Complete media blackout.

    I’ve always been skeptical there is this New World Order, the WEF, and these master puppeteers…because there is so much stupidity going on it’s just that. But now, I’ve reevaluating if it’s just stupidity…”

    While calling us crazy because we could see more, or somehow fell into clearer positions than you. We’re hearing that a lot, suddenly, everywhere, not just from Lira. It was always clear to some of us, for whatever personal situation, that this was true, and most of us had to have this same threshold realization he/they are having.

    ““And I can’t understand this without reference to non-human, no-material reality. In other words, I actually think this is a Satanic attack on humanity. And I’m not a woo-woo person. I never talk about this stuff in public but I think we have to face it. These are meta human powers, I think we’re up against.” https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/no_author/we-have-entered-the-last-stage-of-tyranny-dr-naomi-wolf/

    They say this. And why? “These people are so evil and their attack on humanity and on the West is so comprehensive … I’ve looked at this attack on us for the last two years from every level and it’s so global in scale, it’s so well-coordinated, it’s so kind of demonic in its imagination; so comprehensive – and I also have studied politics and history my whole life. In no other circumstance – not even in Nazi Germany’s ascent – have I seen such a supernatural amount of coordination…”

    Actually Nazi Germany was more similar than she’s saying, but also the Nazis were an occult religion specifically channeling occult, dimensional forces and weren’t secret about it. The Brill maidens figure pretty quickly, and their use in advancing technology. Remember, WWII started with recruiting horse and mule brigades, and ended with jets and A-Bombs. Both German. B1 flying wing stealth bombers. German. What is that, “The greatest trick the devil pulled is to make people think he doesn’t exist”? And so with atheism, spiritualism, that further out thing the ignorant call “magic”, or the “occult” at the same time that the same atheists measure that your consciousness is affecting experiments and have to keep Quantum computers in a lock box to prevent the contamination of the intent and consciousness on physical reality, that doesn’t exist?

    So the real mental Maginot line of defense and control is that there is no magic, no spirituality, no god, no demons. …Or aliens, or trans-dimensional critters of some sort, however you want to name these same things the same way everyone has recorded them steadily throughout all human history. I don’t care WHAT you call them: just when 100% of all humans before us said there is something, that you don’t say “But we’re better than all humans ever, smarter than all humans ever, and gosh darn it people like us” Why not stay open to that things are possible, While your quantum physics and actual, physical daily quantum computing say and demand and prove that this is real? Because you think science and computer admins are doing all this to pull your durn leg? We publish papers on Physics but are only kidding?

    Well at least we’re getting somewhere with it. It’s hard to fight an enemy when everybody denies BOTH that there is a fight, AND that there is any enemy. It would be worth it just to settle that.

    I’m a bit agnostic on it. There’s plenty enough evil for humans to get up to without needing to hypothesize an outside, non-human force. But that is what THEY say. That is how THEY act. Not me. So THEY believe it, and again, aren’t all that secret about it. And who should know better what they do? Me? Or them? Why in my position of no information shouldn’t I generally believe what they most clearly tell me exists? And clearly indicate their lives are like? Until proven otherwise? In any case, most of this doesn’t matter at my level, so long as THEY think it exists and it creates THEIR behavior, that’s all I need to know, predict, and confirm. So long as they think there are underpants gnomes and behave accordingly, then I can predict their behavior accordingly, which is my only practical demand.

    And this IS what they believe, say, act, and print. This outside force is their god, and they obey its un-human commands. You can see it in their actions every day of every week of your life.

    We know this because they LOSE money, go around money, refuse money, blow money to accomplish these other ends. Conservative media is the fastest-growing, THAT is where the money is. They refuse it. Twitter is a money furnace: they shovel BlackRock’s money and power into that furnace by the trainload. It’s not about money. Although it’s mostly about control, it’s not even that. Holland is LOSING control with these actions – very obviously – not just now, but will risk control, capture, and all oligarchic power decades into the future. They don’t care. They don’t care therefore something larger is driving them.

    Countries will not just “be compliant”. Countries do and always have, just say “We ain’t paying.” In fact as Adam Smith wrote, that’s the ONLY thing that ever happens: nations ALWAYS default, they NEVER pay. So why not now? Start early. They can switch alliances and always have, they can tell the IMF or even the U.S. Army to go f– themselves because apparently the Army couldn’t defeat Rhode Island. The IMF is a nobody. So you can’t tell me “They can’t.” They can, always do, and always have. BlackRock is a zero if everyone ignores/sues them. They have no power but what you comply with. And all those things are not happening, yet anyway. Why?

    Nobody’s being blackmailed, there are no Blackmail-ers, and yet they act against their own and their nation’s interest every minute of every day forever. Or would it be more logical to suppose that, in the human world, in human history, there IS such a thing as blackmail, and therefore Blackmail-ers who have specific plans of self-interest.

    Let’s end with this instead: The events in Holland, like so many worldwide, REVEAL THE EVIL, and THEIR EVIL PLANS. As I’ve said so many times, we’ve said for 70 years this is what they wanted, what they published but no one would believe the people WHEN THEY WROTE IT THEMSELVES. It takes empty shelves and idiotic, unnecessary death to clue-by-four these knuckleheads into believing what is obvious. Therefore, the ONLY way to stop them is to do this: have them overreact, too fast, and reveal themselves and their published, open intent to kill all humans in Holland, Europe, the U.S. and worldwide. Only then can the people react and respond seriously and accurately. And so we are. They tried every other way, but the people wouldn’t have it, so we have to try this way, which is now working. Even in patient, logical, Holland.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2022 #111010
    Dr. D

    Go Australia! Masks and Social distancing. All Covid happens after the vaccines. Yay Science! No curiosity at all.

    USDX rising. And in fact, rates falling.
    Dollar short position comes into play.

    This does a lot of things, commodities down, BTC down, possibly US Dow relief (foreign flight to strong currency). But more importantly, Europe has no control over the EuroDollar system. If a shortage of EuroDollars, Europe cracks, which is already expected. If all Western Banking fails, the U.S. cannot escape. But atm, Russia, China, and the South can, thanks to our sanctions.

    Following Patriot Front (wow that is a fed-plant name or what? No Right person in their *Right* mind would choose that. “Front” is near-universally Leftist Communist idiom.) apparently this “Front” leads back like 20x ways to Ukrainian Oligarchs. Thus the dipshit name and dipshit clothes. That dipshit works in actual dipshit White Supremacist Nazi countries like Ukr, but not in the U.S. But the dipshits are too stoopid to figure that out. (Not unlike the CIA using color revolution “White” in Ukr, which was the traditional color of collaborators. Too stoopid to ask, too arrogant to listen when the locals told them?)

    No not the Feds, perhaps which explains why they were so, SO laughable. Even the FBI isn’t THAT dumb, and that’s really saying something for a group baffled by Jussie Smolett. Again, for the lol’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7JaE7QJx8k Dore, and we didn’t even BOTHER looking further.

    But why not? We’re a nothing country and apparently Kiev is our capital. Why WOULDN’T a Ukrainian Oligarch like Molinski think he could run our clown show the same way as back home? Same people, same rules.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2022 #111003
    Dr. D

    “Six Dead After Gunman Opens Fire At Chicago Suburb 4th Of July Parade”

    Well if only they had some gun control in Chicago, this wouldn’t have happened! What’s that? Chicago is almost the most controlled in the nation and also has almost the most shootings? Well shucks Cleetus, dem criminals ain’t followin’ the law again!

    Police: “Shooter is wearing a backpack.” Um, could you be a leeeeeeetle more specific? Next up: FBI knew all about him. News in this morning: yes he is a Leftist. I mean, duh: he’s from Chicago.

    “DHS Issues July 4th Warning As Roe v. Wade Reversal Has “Heightened” Threat Environment”

    …This is because the only cause of all violence and all trouble, not just in America, but worldwide – The Right – are so busy celebrating that their drunken revels and glad handshakes are a threat to all. …Or is it NOT “the Right” they’re thinking of? Maybe somebody else who is mad about Roe and not happy about it?

    Nah. ‘Round ’em up like the Chicago shoot sez.

    Lawsuit: “”It’s no accident that Twitter violated its own COVID-19 misinformation guidelines…” concerning licensed doctors

    Yes, but only every minute of every day for 2 & ½ years.

    “[Germany] will ration hot water in homes and limit maximum heating temperatures”

    Excuse me, how are you going to do this? Wasn’t this the point of Smart meters and smart appliances? I’d say you can control the gas but not what uses it, but not even that: the pipes are always on and you either need to send a crew to shut the whole neighborhood or the each of 2M houses one by one.

    Also it won’t work. If you were buying time for your own wells and pipelines, it’s a bridge event. Europe has no solution whatsoever but murder. We care about grandma so much we shut off her heat. And gave her a vax. You care when it’s medical but not when it’s physical?

    “Top German Trade Union Head Warns Entire Industries May Collapse (ZH)”

    Already did according to the export numbers. Note: some of these industries like steel, if you shut the plant flow for any reason it take millions to re-start as internal components must all be rebuilt. That only adds unnecessary cost to already high prices and already wide shortages. For instance, as we saw in the non-Covid lockdowns, it wasn’t a lack of milk, etc, it was a lack of bottles to put them in. Spread widely over hundreds of products.

    “‘We Were All Wrong’: How Germany Got Hooked on Russian Energy (G.)”

    Trump wasn’t. He told you to your face and you laughed about it for years. Conclusion: Trump is still wrong.

    “I can’t imagine what will happen when babies start dying. It’s going to be horrendous.” -Ed Dowd

    They’ve been dying for two years and more for different reasons decades before that. Everyone loves it and denies it so it can keep growing.

    Sydney: Since Permaculture deals largely with desert water, Sydney had better put every possible water system in place and even that may not be enough. Other places too: they’re not alone.

    PS. I thought AGW was going to cause only worldwide desertification, not a single greening anywhere. Isn’t that the opposite of rain? Or does science not have a single clue what they’re talking about, ever?

    Sacred honor: A number of others collapsed in debtor’s prison in the long economic unrest following the unrooting of British systems. As we know, that lasted far past Jackson. We’re going to do that again right now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 4 2022 #110918
    Dr. D

    “Several Hit by Gunfire at Copenhagen Mall, Police Say”

    But I thought they had gun control!

    They do have more restrictive abortion laws than we do/did. Practically far-right religious fundamentalists, those Danes.


    Goes to show economic bombs are far more effective than nuclear ones. Visit any city in America. ANY CITY. And EVERY city in several states. Ohio and Michigan come to mind.

    And you think these guys will enlist and support the war in Ukraine for the “Liberal World Order”? Since they’re pissed off and also dumb, Biden probably put a target on the foreheads of the mostly not-same “Liberals” in the U.S., the same way a few annoying fringe weirdos have now put a target on all gays’ foreheads. This is not deadly dangerous yet, but it is ominously and very likely to become dangerous quite suddenly. You could not go backward any faster than this, nor kill your own supporters any more thoroughly than this. I also can’t think of a quick way to reverse it. Make the people smart and detail-focused?

    To Avoid Civil War, Learn to Tolerate Different Laws in Different States (Mises)”

    Yes, but it has the word “tolerance” which they don’t have in the slightest. The response to Roe, where they have MORE abortion rights than ever, proves this. Laws are for everybody else. Everybody else’s situation is my only concern, never my own. That’s what lemon-sucking religious scolds are. Even if their religion is scientism and progressiveism.

    “this is a time of war and global peril,” Biden tweeted Saturday. “Bring down the price you are charging at the pump”

    It’s always somebody else’s fault: the poor and powerless. And if this is a time of war, then I think you’re legally required to declare it. Here he says “We”, the United States, is in a real and direct war. With whom, Mr. Biden? Russia? You also said we are emphatically NOT in that war. We are in a war but none of our troops are there? None of our hardware? No jets?

    Strange war. Strange because it’s merely a campaign to murder Ukrainian civilians.

    NY to Require 3 Years of Social Media History for Gun Carry Permit (PM)”

    This is what happens when you allow them anything. That’s why it is and has to be “Not Infringed” At all. Ever. Why not a blood draw and a family tree/race test? Political party membership, which is what they’re doing here. They’ve already shattered all veteran/rural male seeking mental health care for the same reason: they will DEFINITELY take your guns. No health care for you! So anyone with a gun would be slightly MORE likely to need mental health support than average, a great example of governments causing the opposite of their goals 100% of the time.

    Like the war on drugs, war on crime, war on poverty, the minute they get involved, things get noticeably worse. #Helping. They haven’t declared one, but they started a war on guns and gun crime many years back and it’s already several times worse. Clearly it’s near-impossible for Americans to learn anything, 100 years after starting this behavior.

    Next, USSC will overturn NY immediately. NY doesn’t care. Like Biden, they will just change 1 word in the law, pass it again, and make you sue them again, which takes 5-10 years and several million dollars. Forever and ever until the sun burns out. The burden is always on the citizen who is guilty and loses all rights by default, instead of being innocent and keeping their rights by default. Hey wait: isn’t that illegal too?

    NY also delineates you can carry a gun, except in all and every place you might need one. The USSC was just CRYSTAL CLEAR on that, saying your house is the LEAST likely place to defend yourself, clearly you are more likely to defend yourself outside, in your town. NY knows this, read it, doesn’t care. Their own state is most restricted AND most dangerous, AND from the Left, as the Brooklyn shooter showed. Not embarrassed, doesn’t care.

    It’s the law: we don’t follow those. We follow the #Opposite. But this is NY, so, state’s rights. Ah but The right to bear arms is in the NYS Constitution as well. They. Do not. Follow. The law. Ever. Unless you’re rich, famous, and in the club. Like baseball players and comedians didn’t have to follow the mask law since they were interacting with all the public nationwide? Like Epstein getting caught 20x in Manhattan?

    When this is true, NY is worse than a Kingship. It’s more like a prison colony.

    “Are the Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe? (Kulldorff)”

    His argument is a pancake since they refuse to test for Covid antibodies. It doesn’t matter if it’s better in theory. They will die before helping you. Or make YOU die before helping you. That’s medicine.

    How’s this: I would just assume 100% of all people HAVE had Covid by now and therefore ARE immune. I mean, YOU said it was wildly transmissible and posted the numbers right? So unless YOU prove otherwise with an anitbody test, we should assume NOBODY should be allowed an unsafe, unuseful, experimental vaccine.

    “extremist far-right and militia groups” “Interrupted”.

    Ooooooh. Sounds like life in prison. How dare they “Interrupt”? If this “Interrupting” goes on, boy I don’t see how America can survive. It’s “Extreme” Interrupting.

    If you’re an actual extremist group and not a made-up one, don’t you have to, I dunno, firebomb +20 clinics or something? David Koresh: Interrupter at Large.

    I’d say these guys are a joke, but apparently it’s us the people that are the joke.

    Since that’s a low point to leave on, here are some of said “Radicals” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7JaE7QJx8k

    There is NOTHING these guys could do to look more stages, made-up, fake, Police plant, and anti-Right. Nothing. They even ordered all their pants out of the same catalog, tags still on, clearly, like the flag they fabricated up at the trucker protest. Like when the week before, the bullhorn they used had the words “FBI” painted on it. Oops.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 3 2022 #110867
    Dr. D

    “Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030”

    2030 again. That’s practically tomorrow. Who sends the memo “2030” and not “2035”? And Saudi already left the U.S. and joined Russia. But they’re moving slow enough not to break things: it’s a big machine.

    USAW: We see a run from the DNC, all they need to do is wreck things and muddy the waters. That’s easy. Biden says it’s legal for illegals to vote, they do, and the entire midterms are in doubt. It gets sent to Supreme Court. Yeah, but who cares? You can’t undo an election. They will just say they won, so make me. And you’re going to go up there with rifles? Then they win again: Civil War is their GOAL, it’s nirvana, it’s the reason all this is happening. Since the 90s they’ve taken every move imaginable to cause it. You need to cut them out of your life, work together, then throw a general strike.

    “This is old school racketeering, and it is no different than the mob in the 1920’s.”

    Actually it’s just murder for money. Far worse than general racketeering. Mass murder for mass money, industrial scale. Cattle car, shower-class.

    “Washington State Governor Makes Covid Vaccines a Permanent Requirement (JTN)”

    Ideological loyalty test. Like the police. If they’re not corrupt, complicit, and slavishly obedient, they must be purged. Works like a charm, every time.

    P.S. what are they vaccinating against? Delta’s been gone for a year and everyone got Omicron.

    “one group of whites called Liberals against another group of whites called Conservatives,” –Malcolm X

    Ouch. Totally correct. So the Conservative Justice Quotes Malcolm X. The Liberal Justices quote Hillary Clinton. The Black Panthers are pro-black-gun. The DNC are anti-black people owning guns. Any questions?

    “Liberal whites have not begun to address themselves to the real problem of black people in this country”

    That might be fair then. But now 60 years later, we look for the worst conditions in all America for Blacks, and they’re exclusively in Liberal Blue zones: cities, states, locals. I don’t know what to say about that. Perhaps no one notices this is near-universal fact because nobody cares? Black Or White? Like Malcolm said? But to get anywhere, you have to at least admit and recognize it and imitate stuff that works instead of repeating what hasn’t worked in lifetimes. Still waiting.

    “appear to still be in the tank even during a month that saw the blockbuster January 6 hearings.”

    Huh? The Jan 6 ratings were a stunning failure. That’s the opposite of “Blockbuster”. Perhaps they mean, “expected blockbuster”? Daily Mail then goes on to say how awesome the ratings were, which is the opposite of everything I’ve read. But, Daily Mail: no facts, evidence, or checking. They get their facts from MI6 with a monthly cheque, like Reuters does. …Which is what happens when you have no circulation and no ratings. It’s the alternate plan. We’re now an organ of state government. Government owns the means of production, or a merger of Corporation and State with an emphasis on propaganda and war: i.e. fascists. THe opposite would be free speech without State Repression of competition, aka “Capitalism”.

    More men are seeking vasectomies now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe” — MSNBC

    So clearly a large number of men were using Abortion as birth control. More, since only a fraction of states have acted on it, so only a minority of citizen have any impact.

    “Black men feel ‘helpless and hopeless’ as Black women brace for post-Roe America” –MSNBC

    As Malcolm said: always selling hopelessness and helplessness to da black man. Nice! Thanks, White Liberals! Glad to see you think so much of us. Clearly this headline could only be the case if Black men and women were using it as primary birth control. And again, where? In NY and CA where they now have MORE abortion rights?

    “11 people are registered to vote at an old farm in Loving County, Texas. But the sheriff says no one lives there.” So MSNBC is saying there is extensive voter fraud. Huh. Sounds familiar somehow. We have all the voter fraud except we also have none and we know it’s the most secure election ever because we haven’t looked.

    “Russian strike hits shopping center with more than 1,000 people inside, Ukraine says” MSNBC

    1,000 people were for some reason in this shopping mall that has been closed for over a year. (says their Yelp page) And all walked there since the pictures show no cars in the parking lot. So many lies, so little time. But NBC finds the time. MSNBC: All Stupid, All the Time.

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    You know what no birth rate means? MASSIVE Deflation. MASSIVE. Unprecedented, perhaps never before seen since the Black Plague. Demographics is Destiny.


    MASSIVE Deflation means what to them? …This is nuts, but it means they can continue to hyperinflate their golfing pals without the system melting. That’s crazy? They’ve literally just been doing that for 15-22 years and it’s working great. They think they have it all under control, they own the levers, and if they run into trouble about it, they’ll just kill another million people.

    Inflate or Die. So how do you forestall the blow off top? Use the Inflation-power to drop Deflation nukes. This also wipes out the Global South’s leverage, so I can’t think of a single reason why not to.

    This goes with Vax/lockdown/CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. You can only spend from our account WHEN, in what AMOUNT, and in the LOCATION of our choosing. Then we can always inflate and always shut off the consequences of our inflation. (By killing you with shortages) All the same thing.

    Since Inflation must always compound or crash though, doesn’t that mean fascist repression must ALSO go vertical? Into a totalitarian police state without escape?

    Yes. The entire human race is at stake. Forever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2022 #110864
    Dr. D

    I think we’ve got a problem in translation, not only from Chinese to English, but more importantly from Ancient to Modern.

    It says clearly in the text, what is the opposite of being “Dull”? Being “Clever”. That’s what he’s describing, a bunch of clever schmartz monkeys, too clever by a half and monkeying into trouble. His contrast is more like “Pu”, “The Uncarved Block”, that is, things in their natural state. As this is one of the origins of Wui Wei, which is “inaction”, all this monkeying around with frenetic energy comes to nothing. Push the butterfly with just the right force, and the whole system unravels like magic.

    I don’t know what he would say about studying books in that context, as I’m pretty sure he read a lot or every one of them. But there is a pitfall of intellectualism which although troubling in China, has no counter balancing force at all in the West. His “dull” I think would mean a butcher does butchering, he goes home, he knows his round and his business. And as every other occupation also does only their work, all things get done. That might even suggest scholars also do their work, perilous and perhaps useless as it is.

    What they don’t do is outsmart themselves thinking they know more, have clever new plans to re-invent finance, power, ecology, gender, law, marriage, DNA, and also destroy to re-invent every thing they lay eyes on that they lay eyes on. Build it Back Better, if you will. This is the siren’s call of Progress and Utopia, and it can/does ruin not just themselves, but their entire nation and the world with their frenetic, hebephrenic super-smarts.

    If you leave people alone to be a charcoal-maker and a potter, does that really happen? The West may have overrun China in the window of which you speak, leaving China a rural backwater. Okay, and also have destroyed the entire planet and also themselves, perhaps irreversibly. Who’s smarter then? Should we emulate a West that created bombs that erase life and people Schmartz-enough to push the button without thinking? Hmmmm.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2022 #110795
    Dr. D

    So did I get this right, that Europe is not just setting the price of Russian oil but reserves the right to sink ships carrying that mis-priced oil to India and China?

    I guess we’ll see who’s really Crazy Ivan if they think that’ll go over with literally anyone, even Yanks and Brits.

    “Biden Admin Halts 2nd Largest US LNG Plant from Restarting”

    Or if they’ll tolerate that either.

    “AOC Accuses Supreme Court of a “Coup” and Calls for It to Be “Done Away With”

    Great! We will stop obeying the court. …And what happens next? “We all do whatever is good in our own eyes.” AOC and all of Congress refuse to pass laws, which is how we got here. 50 years too soon to do your job? It’s always somebody else’s fault.

    “”Worst Start Since 1788″: A Closer Look at the Catastrophic First Half Performance

    “if you bought stocks in H1, you lost; if bonds, you lost; if commodities, you were doing great until recently; if crypto you lost; if the US dollar, you were fine” but lost purchasing power to inflation.”

    Um, I don’t think so. 100% of things cannot go down. Everything is “priced” in relation to something else. They’re complaining about commodities; if the dollar is going “down” they don’t mean per Euro, they mean per bacon. So bacon is going up. If commodities are no longer fine, what you have is systemic instability where prices are gyrating willy-nilly. So only speculators and traders make money. You can’t sell actual stocks and buy actual freezer-bacon that fast. To Which I say “Yes”, that’s what hyperinflation is and why everyone goes broke by it. Except like 20 stock-jobbers. Who then flee for their lives with the mob behind them and lose everything too.

    If stocks, bonds, crypto all “fell” then Cash dollars rose in relation. QED. Commodities were rising but we appear to have caused Powell’s “Recession” which will be GFC 2.0. So if you are in commodities get out for a bit, or if you were just in cash bank account buy that bacon for your freezer shortly before it goes up again and while it’s still available. And buy Crypto, we’re almost there. $400 Eth dead bottom, $12,000 BTC. No hurry though: it won’t recover overnight and you can phase into it. Probably the US$ will continue to RISE as all debts are priced in $$ and people will very shortly be trying not to go bankrupt seeking dollars at all costs before repudiating them. Which puts an end to our system, Thank God.

    Please, can we go back to paying people to do work now? And not clicking buttons trading all day? Corrupt money = corrupt incentives. Incentive not to work, and not to be productive and useful.

    “White House Tells Americans: ‘Suck It Up’ for the Sake of the “Liberal World Order”

    No, literally. They said “Liberal World Order.” And you should die for the cause. Those extra 1,000sq ft for Al Gore’s mansion. This is Socialism: some people have to mop floors and some people have to jet to chalets and be Presidents. Don’t hold it against them that they’re rich, beautiful and really, really stupid and pass their no-work jobs to their worthless children. We all have our crosses to bear.

    What does that mean for everybody not in the White House? “Worst Stock Performance in 50 Years”
    “One Of The Worst Downturns In Recent History”

    You ain’t seen nothin yet.

    So Lithuania, with an army of just 8,850 active-duty personnel and 5,650 reservists, is now enforcing a blockade of sorts against Russia”

    Yes, but not really: Lithuania was clear they were taking orders and passing the buck exclusively to the EU. That doesn’t get them off the hook, but it invalidates his premise that it’s Lithuania’s fault, not Joe and NATO’s.

    Lithuanian officials have a sense of preemptive martyrdom.”

    Yes, it’s a strange part of the world. Like Korea does too. They keep being marched on, but at the same time then they need to do something different and break the cycle. Poland is both constantly belligerent but then makes Europe’s worst tactical decisions against foes they cannot possibly withstand. For centuries. Have you thought about encircling with a maginot line and going neutral while arming every citizen like Switzerland? At least that would be different.

    “Its key message will be that Moscow will be allowed to use the transit route for all goods,”

    “Russia will be permitted”...access to the treaty everyone signed. But not really. We want to be sure to be in violation of that treaty more or less 100% of the time.

    “rationed hot water and fuel consumption including the amount of time that Herr Habeck himself spends in the shower”.

    I’m quite sure this is false and he consumes 10x any normal German citizen. With his motorcade, but in the shower and 3,000 mile ceasar salads 3x a day too. I for one am going to follow his example. I from here forward will only use the exact amount of carbon Al Gore, Herr Habeck, and AOC use. No doubt that will be a 10x increase in my use of carbon.

    “Now freedom is represented by Z.”

    Great. Now I have put up with stupid propaganda from both sides. Like one wasn’t expensive and pointless enough?

    “instead of the peaceful country of Ukraine, its authorities would make it miserable”

    Are you kidding? Ukraine was one of the most violent and corrupt nations in Europe, if not the world. Its former misery was legendary for all the same reasons.

    “The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. “

    You know, I like to take issue with everything, but this is quite probably true. Since they – and we – couldn’t learn their lesson in Panama, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, it now comes to this.

    “The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster,”

    So if they fail, And if the failures are expensive, WHY are they so seamlessly promoted and supported? Without the slightest hesitation, embarrassment, or variation? Even aside from the old boys club, that is quite a reach. Surely they must be accomplishing something for someone even larger, above them, or this would not be possible. So Who? And Why? What is that group/person’s goals? Why are their goals so much different from ours? And if they are promoted 100% of the time against the wishes of the entire electorate, Right and Left, do we have a representative democracy at all?

    “the White House issuing executive orders to get around a recalcitrant Congress.”

    Transparently against the Constitution and structure of government, there is no such thing as Executive Orders. By issuing them, the President is admitting he is playing favorites with the laws he is enforcing for Congress. That’s an impeachable offense: he is required by law to enforce ALL the laws, and also NEVER to enforce laws they have NOT passed. But all government works lockstep against all people, all the time. That includes the courts. THEY are the club, anyone not-government is NOT in the club. Police are a good example of this attitude. Police drive drunk and with no traffic rules. Who would arrest them? And the solution is…More Government? Or maybe less, such that their inevitable bad behavior can be minimized because they’re asked to do so little. They localize the regulation and enforcement to the lowest, smallest possible level. We, the Society, then regulate ourselves in their stead.

    “The ruling also tends to foil the World Economic Forum’s effort to re-set Western Civ as a transhuman technocratic “green” nirvana.”

    More and more people are commenting on how these dottering centenarian dinosaurs are simply trying to enact Disney’s “World of Tomorrowland” they saw once in 1964. With flying cars, sterile houses, robot delivery. Kissinger was a child of the 30s. Klausinator was 1960? So their shrill and increasing desperate whine is that they are going to have their erector-set Lionel train Red Ryder BB gun future, IF THEY HAVE TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET. I mean, we’re all over 70, we’re running out of time here, and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT. Always the fault of the poor and powerless.

    As Mr. K says, We are not going to have a electric technocratic future at all. We’re going medieval, or most probably a lot less. But certainly local and most probably “conservative”, in the sense that we “conserve” and no longer have the energy and free time to muck about with things that aren’t already proven to work. We’re going to do a lot of things in the world by hand.

    “Ukraine, which is so not going well that it is hard to find a comparable strategic fiasco in history.”

    True. Not quite “Napoleon 1812” fiasco yet (wait til NATO and the Western economy collapse), but certainly “Land War in Asia” fiasco. And Russia hasn’t started yet. They’re still kidding around doing demos and army exercises.

    Remember all those humming factories we won the Second World War with? They don’t exist anymore.”

    As I keep saying, these 100 year old dinosaurs don’t realize this. And they think Russia is the Soviet Union. Every Day. Irony being, if Russia was the USSR, they would be Socialist, and an ally to our own Soviet Socialism here. AOC being an example, literal card-carrying Socialist member. What is it that these guys have to die in order to change their minds? In order that we can progress? …Into the 1970s, since the crop of thinkers behind them is nearly as old?

    Biden Admin Delays Decision on Expanded Offshore Drilling (JTN)”

    A delay is simply a no. For now. And how is the President in charge of this? Wouldn’t this require Congress and all bodies? But so long as we get green oil from happy, Democratic states like Saudi Arabia, and trample all human rights, beat gays, kill reporters, start endless wars, bomb civilians, and support dictatorial Kingships, AND lose billions of money, Joe is happy. Do NOT pump our own oil and #Profit. That would be REALLY bad, unlike now.

    “Why do I get the feeling Cassidy was/is a plant?”

    Yup. And like always they walked right into it. Say something, anything bad about Trump: he’s a lizard person from Mars, and they will 100% believe you without looking and put you on the stand. Downside being, 1/3rd of the country will ALSO believe them without looking. Dore said all his Liberal friends were in awe and ecstasy: “Did you hear??? They got him!!!” …Caught him…arguing with his limo driver? This is…imprisonable? Or impeachable for a guy not in office? Yeah, I guess you won then. WTF? What is even happening?

    “More than one-in-four U.S. voters are so alienated from their government that they believe it may “soon be necessary to take up arms” against it”

    Those are the Republicans. 80% of Democrats believe the opposite, that “Government should take up arms against the people.” shoot and imprison them all for wearing red hats. Or maybe it’s 100%, since it’s all I hear on the news all day. See, the violence is the same, it’s just the method of delivery that’s different. Naturally this is the media, so they have reported only one side. It’s “objective” to report only one side: I have promoted my “Objectives”.

    Dore was discussing Pelosi’s fundraising. IF ONLY you had voted Democrat, they would have encoded Roe into law. Wait: what? DEMOCRATS RUN GOVERNMENT RIGHT NOW. They HAVE the House, Senate, and President, so just pass it. We DID vote you in. Many times. And YOU lost 2-3 Supreme Court seats for us. So what is my donation for again? So you can NOT pass it for the 51st time in a row? GTFO, you’re ridiculous.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2022 #110717
    Dr. D

    Aaaaaaaaand, Poland. We’re about to kill them all:

    “Biden Announces Permanent US Base In Poland, America’s First On NATO Eastern Flank”

    Goooo, Poland! Die for Hunter’s meth dealer. Die, Die!

    “Biden says high gas prices will continue ‘as long as it takes’ to defeat Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” –Yahoo News.

    High prices = high profits for Putin, but nevermind that. You’re going to suffer for as long as it takes. We’re going to send all of your money to Eastern European oligarchs for as long as it takes. …For as long as it takes to BREAK you. Until you DIE. Everyone from Elizabethtown to Sacramento, and half the people on the coastal cities too.

    “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” – V. Lenin

    It will make the Reset easier, or even possible. We’ll only take it if the entire middle class is destitute and desperate. People with property don’t want socialism. They don’t want YOU to own THEIR property while they own nothing.

    “Biden Announces Support for Ending the Filibuster to Pass Pro-Abortion Legislation”

    Uh, Biden doesn’t run the filibuster. He has literally nothing to do with it. Maybe he’d like to call the morning lineup for the Baltimore Ravens too. But like Idiocracy if nobody knows what a “President” does, then he’ll do whatever you let him.

    US, UK Unveil a Combined $2BN More in Ukraine Security Aid, Including “Offensive” Weapons”

    Headed to $60B. Since the CIA is mostly black-budget and we found out they are mostly there, are we at $80B? $100B? $500B using their illegal drug-trafficking money? We will make YOU sacrifice forever, whatever it takes for our 51st state to restore her corruption for Hunter. Gas $20/gal here we come, no price is too high, no sacrifice is too great (for YOU to pay. I’ll have my limo drive to my beachside mansion).

    Following yesterday, Luongo extends the idea.

    So they were trying to deplete Russia, industrially. Okay, yes. Why? Because they thought that, like us, Russia would only use ultra-high-tech, rare-earth, billion dollar weapons. You know, like morons in America do. So THAT’S why they shut off sanctions, to keep them from getting chips and super-rare, fragile components for their hypersonic missiles, maybe the machines that MAKE the hypersonic missiles. Russia would be helpless. Like us.

    What happens when Russia uses WWII-era artillery technology instead? Russia isn’t depleted, it gets STRONGER, as she is building more factories and smoothing supply chains for this war material that works. Total fail. But the West only promotes failure, so that’s no surprise.

    But there’s a flip side: Russia has exposed the WEST now has no industrial capacity whatsoever. Zero tank production, ZERO anti-tank production, near-zero howitzer production, no shells. Germany won’t even send rifles. …And not like this is an issue with no one left in Ukr to use them, but…

    So rather than the West grinding down and hollowing out Russia, it’s the other way around. As we have no factories, no railways, no mines, Russia has hollowed US out in just 100 days. We are industrially incapable of fighting a war. Ever. Not for decades. Now this isn’t smacking us in the face yet, but at this point if I know it, every captain, colonel, general, knows it. The relevant CEO’s know it. And China, Brazil, and outer Mongolia know it. Peru could beat the United States right now in our condition. And are. They’re invading by the millions into Texas already.

    This goes further. As we all said at the time, Bush’s foray into a total world war of conquest (“What are we doing today Pinkie? Trying to take over the world.”) Obama’s adding 15 new wars have shattered the United States and their readiness. Also the willingness of our all-volunteer army, now wearing high heels and rainbows. But we’re talking industrially.

    The U.S. and West are so depleted we no longer train. One of our huge strengths, like the flight hours of our jet pilots. That is, back in Reagan let’s say, we were prepped for a “Land War in Asia” massive European tank battles against Russia. But these guys are so many hundred years old, they think we’re still like that. We haven’t been like that for DECADES. We don’t have tanks, clearly, we don’t have APCs, we clearly don’t have the depth to move them even if we did, but we’re also so broke we’re not even training our men in their use. Too busy with pronoun videos. Why? Sending 50,000 to Lithuania and merging our men for war games is really, really expensive. And then those men clock out a year or two after you train them. So we don’t do that anymore.

    That long, repetative article from the Polish general on the NATO meeting in Spain demonstrates. NATO has hundred thousand men on tap. NONE have been activated, moved, supported, armed up. Not a single person has been moved. That is, NATO HAS DONE NOTHING. They only talk. What’s the point of a Nato – which exists solely to stop Russia – if Russia attacks the largest country in Europe and NATO does nothing for nobody? Won’t pop a tent, turn on a light bulb? What then, because they didn’t pre-activate, clearly Russia can take a comatose Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, even Poland. Because Poland isn’t activated. “Being activated” takes money. So there is no “Pay NATO to stop Russia”, because they didn’t lift a finger to stop Russia. Germany won’t send strudel, nevermind mortars.

    But the West is going to send “Money”. Well their “money” isn’t activating their military, so what’s the point? “Money” isn’t an “Army.” Ah, and that’s my next point: So if you activate an army, the combined armies of say Poland, Germany, a little France and England just to brush up, train, and position to the potential front, it takes food, right? 200,000 men is 200,000 mouths. Put in cans, mailed to the base.

    Go further: 200,000 men moving is 200,000 DRIVERS. At 10mpg. Moving that army isn’t just that money isn’t “things”, EVEN CALLING READINESS WOULD DRAIN EVERY GALLON IN EUROPE. There would be no petrol remaining for the population, instantly. They are so industrially depleted, they cannot even make a minor foray into readiness. If they did EVERY CIVILIAN IN EUROPE WOULD KNOW they not only can’t fight a war, they can’t even fight a peace.

    “It takes a staggering amount of energy to fight a sustained war. The West is at the mercy of Russia to get that energy.

    Ultimately without energy or the money to procure or produce it, there is no real conventional war. Industrial warfare having returned, as is the premise of the RUSI article, has already determined the outcome in Ukraine.” – Luongo.

    So like WWII, we’re going to build a new oil tanker every day and fill it with Texas oil to send to Europe? Hahahahaahaha! We couldn’t build ONE. NOR can we fill them. Europe’s war energy comes from RUSSIA. Every gallon.

    We said this in broad strokes, but highlighting the details is also illuminating.

    So, no food, no energy, Europe does this: “Dutch Farmers Livid Over EU’s ‘Green’ Nitrogen Rule Block Border Between Holland And Germany: “The Minister of Nature and Nitrogen Policy expects about a third of the 50,000 Dutch farms to ‘disappear’ by 2030…”

    They still want LESS oil, LESS food. Clearly if people are eating at all, we still have too much. Shut more farms. Stop more fertilizer. Close more plants and pipelines.

    “[Obama] had the EPA step in with newly discovered authority to force states to cut … power plants.” Yes, like that.

    “Biden Has Weaponized the FBI And DOJ Against His Political Opponents (HE)”

    Sadly, no, Hoover started it. It was the purpose of creating the FBI in the first place. Illegally harassing my political enemies is Job 1. Otherwise, what’s the point of even having a government, really? Power exists to do the #Opposite of the right and natural thing, because if it was going to happen anyway as a natural order, you wouldn’t need to pay to have it done. As the Tao te Ching says.

    Roe warning:

    It’s fair enough that we do not know the mysteries of life. If all things are alive, life neither begins nor ends anywhere. But that’s a cop out that doesn’t guide anyone. The tangibles or realities are not uniform and cannot be encoded. Nor quite possibly known to anyone, experts, nor even the participants themselves. And in that unknowing state can still wound you fatally.

    Worse, as we don’t know, containing this, outlawing this, would require * Permission * and review from the state, one which is terrible at everything AND can’t move in months, years, decades, much less give you a solid judicial review in the 48 hours you essentially have in that situation.

    So it’s not like I think I know anything here. I just know if you don’t want a problem, don’t make one. Avoid that first. We were told if there were far greater, un-repressed sexuality, we would then talk and be open about pregnancy, birth, birth control, and in that state there would be practically no need for abortion. It was all the Christian Conservative uptight repression that actually was the cause of it all. And so we all tried it, but it turned out the opposite was true. All these mistakes and tragic events turned out to be 10, 100, 1000 times more common under an unrepressed, rule-free sexuality, just like poppa/grandpa (or my grandma) said in 1960. Every word, every warning was realized, in fact, they wildly undersold it. Both THAT these things would happen AND the family/life tragedies it would cause. Undersold the dangers by orders of magnitude. 25 million dead in just 50 years? A million more each year now? That’s 1 in 150 since half the nation claim to be men.

    So what to do? To me of course it’s always social, because like everyone else in America, I don’t follow the law. It’s just some hazy suggestion nobody follows: not the rich, and not the poor. So legalizing/un-legalizing means nothing to me…or anybody else. It’s up to us. So what will we do? Admit we’re on a bad road of madness and death? Or just keep going?

    Phoenix, “God has left it up to the woman to be in charge of the unborn”.

    No fathers then. Glad to hear it. Mothers don’t need me for anything, so I’ll be ramblin’ on my way.

    …Unless you DO want me for something. In which case, it’s left up to both of us, not one alone is in charge.

    In fact, would you not say the greater family(s), even society has responsibility, since it may fall on them as well? Therefore they should have some say since they’re the ones who will have to pay? Then the circle of who is “in charge”, who has rights or responsibilities begins to widen.

    I agree with the Quickening, as life accrues on this possibility. Problem is, we have no method of telling if, when, or how. “The Quickening” is when the SOUL attaches to the embryo. What’s a soul? Do we have a soul-meter, a soul-test?

    They might say life starts at conception, but fertilization may not implant. So a pregnancy vanishes and no one knows. Maybe at implantation, but perhaps they un-implant more often than we know. This is what women mean when they say it’s a clump of cells, don’t make too much of it. Let’s say at day 1 conception we are closest possible to being not-alive. At 270 days we are positively, very sure it is “alive.” After they’re elected to Congress, no one’s sure, we suspect neither alive nor having a soul. I can work with soft uncertainties like this. However, the law cannot. But the law cannot, but also can’t get out of its own way either?

    In this case perhaps we can err on the side of love, support, and life, no? Again, why is “Law”, “Government” your answer to everything?

    George Washington Carver, “eight cardinal virtues” whose possession defines “a lady or a gentleman”:

    Be clean both inside and out.
    Who neither looks up to the rich nor down on the poor.
    Who loses, if needs be, without squealing.
    Who wins without bragging.
    Who is always considerate of women, children and old people.
    Who is too brave to lie.
    Who is too generous to cheat.
    Who take his share of the world and lets other people have theirs.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2022 #110679
    Dr. D

    “IEA: Europe Will Have to Cut Gas Usage by Nearly One-Third

    The rich people have all said It’s their war, they’ll take the national one-third cut at their chalets. That’s only fair.

    “there are some surprisingly blunt admissions coming out of Western officials over the Kaliningrad crisis, such as the following in Reuters: “We have to face reality,” said one person with direct knowledge of the EU discussions, calling Kaliningrad “sacred” for Moscow. “(Putin) has a lot more influence than we do. It’s in our interest to find a compromise,”

    Been thinking about Russia. If you were the West, what was your game plan? Well we know they demanded Russia blitzkreig and attack Kiev street-to-street because I haven’t seen them so upset and crying “Nooooooo!” since Trump’s election night.

    So we know the U.S. has no industrial base and can’t hold a war six weeks. (“If this war should last longer than six hours, consult your doctor.”) And we know the U.S. miscalculated because we said so. Since we got nothin’, we can only push countries around if they DON’T go full war and fight back. Like we put one carrier group of Iraq. That should be able to be sunk in a few weeks of work, blowing a hole in our illusions of invulnerability. We have the quotes they didn’t want a war, they wanted to be bully and encroach again, one foot at a time until they’re in your bed with their pants off. (Literally, says Ghislane)

    So since we have no industrial base, I THINK they wanted Russia to go in guns blazing, and likewise use up all THEIR far larger industrial base. How do you make Russia helpless? They have hypersonic missiles. Yes but how many? 12? 30? How many per month? So you get Russia to attack Ukraine and Ukraine, being huge, uses up the Russian warehouse stores and industrial base of Russia which being small can’t refill them any faster than we can.

    Okay, 3, 6, 12 months later they’re spent. THEN what? We say we wanted a “long war” since we’re babbling idiots and self-aggrandizing narcissists, we just TELL them our plans. …Good guys never lose, of course, because Western reality is created entirely from drugs and movies. Once Most of Russia’s war material is gone, we then suddenly take umbrage at “Wot’s this war all about then?” and COUNTERATTACK out of Lithuania or Poland. …’Natch because then the Anglos can fight Russia to the last Pole, Lithuanian, and again, Slav.

    Have we heard the cries and whinging on to Mars about this? Yes. They’re essentially cries of “Not Fair!” because being the bad guy, Russia is required to fall into our master plans of paint cans and slingshots because war is one big episode of “Home Alone” we saw when we were 12. Yup, that’s war! You have to stand in JUST the right place…

    Since the West can’t keep their mouths shut and prints everything we think on the internet, probably Tweet to the minute updates of our motions and plans, Russia has taken Ukraine with their Vietnam era gear, so they don’t have to dispose of it in a landfill. They held most back in reserve for the real attack. And they did not overextend in an enormous country, but took only the friendly areas and also wiping out the entire Ukrainian army with can’t avoid but come contact them, since they were massed for genocide in Donbas.

    And then? Well, as minions, we don’t make plans, we OBEY plans, so when the plan changes there’s like two guys locked in a closet somewhere they reluctantly pull out and consult. And they’re both 100 years old and drooling, like Kissinger, thinking that the USSR is still communist and still exists. So we got no plan yet. It takes forever, NATO is hollowed out, all the nations can see if Ukr needs 100 tanks, and likely more since those won’t rail to the front, and Joe is sending like cotton candy and silly string, then what’s the use, really? Why be with Nato OR the Americans? Suits me fine because Americans don’t want an empire anyway. There is nothing these guys could do that I could add to. There is no discrediting or decisions they could make that would speed up or improve on the collapse, dissolution, devolution, they are doing for themselves. I’ll just go to the beach and check my phone, you’re doing fine winning for the U.S. State Nationalists, really. Keep talkin’, Liz. Just keep her and Kamala in front of a mike all day.

    As the war is on Russia’s pace, they are taking the only area worth a lick in the whole country: Donbas and the ports. The rest is a dead loss. Kiev is a population which is a food-suck. All cities are. The West Ukr empty fields are screwed if they don’t control the ports to export with, so who cares? They will then use Donbas’ industrial base and manpower to re-fill their Russian Army munitions. They can do this because, what is Europe going to do? With 1/3 less gas and no functional currency for 2/3rds of the world’s population and production? Attack? Attack with what? We just demonstrated that every tank in Germany would bounce off Russia like a pea shooter and the Yanks ain’t coming. Ever.

    So falling back, Europe can rebuild their military or not. If so, they will even MORE desolate since with no gas, oil, or metals, no currency and no economy, they are then diverting the small remaining GDP exclusively to war. WWII rations to infinity and beyond. You think the population is going to sign up for that? They won’t sign up now when we’re NOT doing that, and it’s not winter yet either.

    Otoh, Russia WILL rebuild their military and industrial base, using the new NovoRussia. And have no trouble doing so, although it will take some years.

    Since as I said, the West has one brain cell and they have to unplug it to give to the two remaining centenarian war planners, they should have plenty of time to accomplish this before our 8” floppies and dot-matrix printers that runs our nuclear codes print out a response for minions like Austin and Blinken to follow.

    Empire to Expand NATO In Response to War Caused by NATO Expansion”

    Yup, prettymuch how we do everything. Debt to solve more debt. Manipulation to solve overmanipulation. Lies to solve more lies. Fraud to solve more fraud. Oppression to solve resistance to oppression. It’s what useless, unthinking cults do. The cult of MOAR.

    “Port of Houston Marks All-Time Container Volume Record”

    Moving U.S. functions out of enemy-controlled territories that were embargoing us, aka “California”.

    “Biden Admin to Deploy 1.6 Million Doses of Monkeypox Vaccines in “Enhanced” Strategy”

    Employing 1.6 million vaccines to stop 20 cases. Are they planning on dropping it on them at a great height? Maybe adding cement and building a locked house made of vials? No, the Crime Syndicate needs to move money between branches again. They shake down the people, move it from their government arm to the Pharma arm, then move that money to elections and illegal biowarfare labs to shut down election night. Use the election win to shake down more people, move more money, sell more bombs, rinse, repeat.

    “Biden is Radical” Who is this Jon Freedland character? Biden could not possibly less radical, or less Democratic for that matter, if he tried. Campaign trail, 1st order of business: send Roe. Nope. The decision was leaked and they could have rush passed it. Nope. M4A? Nope. Student loans? Nope. Minimum wage? Nope. Did shut down pipelines so the the oil can derail on trains though.

    This is a constant complaint, since Mr. Freedland couldn’t “Ask” anybody using a “telephone” or logging on to the “Internet”: the Student Left, or even the base thinks Democrat heads and candidates are actually DeFacto Republicans: Pro War, Pro Billionaire, Pro Business. They have a good case, except there are no Republicans either, it’s just the UniParty: the Big Club WWE that you’re not in.

    Biden has also been a complete failure in everything he’s done, both for the Left, the DNC, and the UniParty. So as we often ask here: who is this article for? Why was it written? So the French Left can become even more incompetent and useless than now?

    “Europe can’t do anything in three months, or even six.”

    No, but they can SIGNAL. Thinking things, saying them, and doing them are all the same thing when there is no #Reality, and all the universe is merely your Ego. The voter base is exactly the same and sees nothing wrong, perfectly satisfied with 50 years of “Signaling” about passing Roe and never doing it once. Vote for the same people again and never blink, don’t feel double-crossed at all. So why not keep it up? It’s working.

    “Quadruple-Vaxxed Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again (Celente)”

    Ah, but it’s working so well he needs to be quintuple-vaxxed. Getting the disease all the time is how you know it’s working. Unlike all the unvaxxed, who no longer get Covid, so you know it’s not working. He also quarantines himself because it’s working for everybody else and they’re protected. That’s Schmartz.

    “Why We Should Doubt Cassidy Hutchinson (Athey)”

    Because I’m dense, I missed one of the other implications of this fake story they wrote: their testimony proves Trump knew nothing and had never planned an insurrection. IF he knew he was causing an insurrection to stop the electors and seize the election, (carrying no weapons and having no plans) THEN in the car, with the USSS, he would know which building to be in. Wouldn’t he? And as Jimmy Dore says, he’s this amazing new Hitler, the great dictator who is taking over the government when he can’t even take over his own car.

    So, Cassy’s testimony: aside from being false, their statement definitively proves Trump’s innocence.

    And Cheney is down what 28% now in Wyoming? When she wins again, will anyone think it’s suspicious and look into the elections there? Nah.

    Russia default: Russia wins again. The West helps Russia every day, every way they can. Now Russia no longer needs to pay creditors? How do we as a nation and as students, and as former medical patients get in on this plan?

    It’s taking an amazingly long time for the economic side to crash and explode, I’ll tell ya.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2022 #110614
    Dr. D

    Roe warning:

    From Naomi, “understandably, frightened and angry young women are protesting; screaming”

    Well I don’t understand it. Not just because it gives them MORE abortion, not less. That’s just being dumb, incurious, and unread. It’s the second part: what exactly are you doing in your life that you expect very definitely to be in the situation that you need an immediate, no-questions abortion? It is your body, your choice, now did you make a bad choice with large consequences last Saturday night? And did he? Because unlike you, he can’t avoid his responsibility.

    I’ve followed this a while, but the reaction is even far stranger and less attached to any reality than I expected. Link: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/on-losing-roe

    Also Naomi, “The DNC chairperson called the Supreme Court “Illegitimate.” Sold! We will follow not any rulings from it then, erase “W”’s inauguration, and including and thereby supporting Dobbs and erasing Roe. Can I have “Coherency” for $500, Alex? If SCOTUS is no more, everything devolves to the states: gun rights, abortion, health care, speech maybe gay and race rights who knows? I hear Blue states now support segregation and oppress people on basis of orientation. Devolution. Devolution has a tendency to be a Conservative lean because you leave people alone. Authoritarians and fascists MUST all power concentrated in the central state. Central Authoritarians are the opposite of (American) Conservatives.

    So the DNC Chair is now…far-right Conservative? Looks like.

    “in no way, hard as I have tried, can I see how women can have basic equality or self-determination in any society if they cannot choose to terminate a pregnancy within the first trimester.”

    That depends. Is it murder to terminate a viable human? Let’s say my son is in the hospital. He’s on life support but there’s a 99% chance he will survive in perfect health if only we can sustain life support for six months and have a relatively minor surgery at the end. But we pull the plug on him instead. SIX MONTHS IS JUST TOO LONG! It’s too inconvenient. People will find out! I know I wanted the child, took vigorous, sweaty actions to have him, but I changed my mind. He and the hospital are expensive and keeping me up sick at night.

    If that were the case, could you see how terminating your child’s life 6 months short of saving him might not be just some abstract equality of self, self-determination? More than a choice only YOU are having? (Without the father, but of course.) I don’t quite understand it. But go on.

    Women were “hard-hearted and soulless if a fetus was merely “a clump of cells”, if abortion was spiritually meaningless, and if abortions were nothing more bloody or catastrophic than “personal choices. …At what point does a “right” become a murder?”

    “the National Abortion Federation writes, “By the time they turn 20, about 40% of American women have been pregnant at least once.” What does that say about abortion-as-contraception stats? Or the “My body, my choice” (the choice to take vigorous actions to definitely cause pregnancy) stats? I mean, you were there. You participated. Both of you, not just the man.

    Naomi then discusses having a possibly serious medical operation where the doctor cannot inform the parents. So you’re a parent, your daughter is 13, has a major, life-changing operation, and you’ll never know. Never know why things suddenly changed in June, 2022, she reversed behavior, shut you out, moved to another state, started drugs, joined a cult, whatever. You’re FULLY responsible as a parent, can be arrested, sued, imprisoned, yet you are allowed NO INFORMATION that would help you navigate and avoid failing, being sued, arrested, imprisoned, getting a call that your daughter committed suicide. O Rly? Go on, tell me about your “rights” and “choices”. Parents get that s—t sandwich, they didn’t get any “choices”. Is it legal to have all responsibility yet no rights? That sounds like human slavery.

    “Just about two babies out of twelve are aborted.”

    Uh, those are not birth defects of necessity. They are not rape. “Doesn’t this mean that a generation of women in their 20s, year by year — are alone without support; ill-informed about contraception, or can’t afford it; feel desperate in relationship to their choices, and are in a traumatizing state of crisis, with something awful having happened in their formative years?

    Isn’t that a national issue that should primarily concern us?”

    “What does it do to women that two of ten of them, by the time they are 30, felt that they had to, and did, choose abortions?” –Naomi

    What does it do? Just this: They feel that it HAD TO BE RIGHT. It just HAS to be. Because if it wasn’t Right, the right and only thing to do, they can’t live with themselves. Therefore, just like that street bum you all killed to join the Crips, you have total solidarity, total buy-in, total support, and belief. …And yet… And yet why doth the lady protest too loudly? Because I didn’t tell you anything, you told ME I’m judging you, sitting here eating a sandwich. Why would you think that of me when you have a clear and perfect conscience? You’d ignore me and go on your life. Don’t need me or my opinions in it. If I told you you were responsible for the dinosaur extinction you’d ignore me, why not this?

    Yes, that tells me most do NOT have a clean conscience about it. They feel bad. And I feel bad for them. They feel bad and guilty, and if so they are probably correct in their own assessment: only they would know, after all. They feel guilty, and the neuroses to assuage the guilt are harming them. BUT: they are also easily channeled by a Fix-it-up Chappie with a political Star to sell. Ka-ching! I’d say this is like Catholic Guilt, being born bad, to control masses and make whole nations insane, but it’s so far beyond that hook and control it’s almost incomparable.

    Women feel they cannot “afford to bring a healthy child to term. Surely, if you wanted fewer young women to feel driven to the choice of abortion, you’d want safe, engaging day care centers and nurseries”

    More than 20 such places have been firebombed by the same people this week, and many more doxxed with hope for more deadly attacks. Now WHY, if I’m not correct, would they feel the overwhelming need to do that? “Food…to…women…must…be…stopped…!”

    “we do not. We propose and embrace rather a culture of death, of disposable humans, and increasingly, of flat-out eugenics. …we ask our young women to numb themselves, sexualize themselves, and get on with fitting into that death culture — one in which their potential for maternality has zero sanctity; zero value;” –Naomi.

    She then rightly points out it’s not old white men passing laws. We have USSC women disagreeing with each other in the court ruling. We have front-line women disagreeing in competing protests. We have top female politicians disagreeing in Legislatures. Patriarchy? Never was, but now far more obviously fabricated than ever before, not that anyone cares.

    Now that’s the biggest switch I’ve seen in years to admit that, the deeply obvious truth. You are not a victim. You DID choose. You have the power and always did. Stop being a child and become a full woman by taking your power and responsibility.

    What is up with all that?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2022 #110613
    Dr. D

    Yeah, Clinton changes age by 20 years every other week. Right now she’s about 50. Funny since wiki says she’s 73. So I often ask: Which Hillary? Explain, anyone?

    “G7 industrialized nations issued their final communique at the close of the summit in Bavaria which condemned Russia’s “attack” on global food security and pledged an additional $4.5 billion to combat food insecurity.”

    What the actual heck? The food insecurity is mostly inflation. So you’re going to print money to stop inflation? Newsflash: money is not food. Food is food. Money is money. Food and money come from different places.

    Newsome is also printing money to stop inflation in California. Everyone cheers. But CA is just a state. Yes, a state that’s the 5th largest country.

    I’m lost – because I’m lost all the time now – why on earth would Trump lunge at anything? Do all these guys just think they’re out for a drunk drive with their friends? That’s for us chumps. Trump would merely say, “Take me to the Capitol” and, as President, they would go. BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT ORDERS MEAN. It doesn’t matter if he shouldn’t. If he would be assassinated, even. If he says go, they say “We do not recommend” he says “I don’t care, that’s an order” and off they go. Trump keeps his hands free to eat a burger. That’s what “Power” means. …Unless the Secret Service are the true rulers of the country? I don’t think that’s what they mean here. What’s an “assault”? I bumped you and spilled your coffee? IT’S WHEN YOU PRESS CHARGES. Not when some third outsider SAYS so. They don’t – and can’t – take umbrage on my behalf. STFU.

    So. Stupid. Clearly fabricated by people who have no experience with power, or are sold to people who believe anything.

    So a person wrote a note? This is insane. I wrote a note. A note where I wrote “Trump told me to bomb a McDonalds because they gave him small fries.” See? There’s the proof! It was on “Stationary”? Stop the presses that D.C. stationary was never, ever lifted anywhere although it’s not secured at all, not dated, and not watermarked. It could have been lifted in the Nixon Administration to be written on here. JHC. No wonder nobody’s covering this clown show.

    So I guess if I can counterfeit WH stationary, I’m the President now? I’m sure glad the Russians never thought of that. This is like Amber Heard saying “Didn’t you see the emails I sent my family? They’re proof it happened!” Amber darling: YOU sent the emails of which you speak. They’re proof of nothing. Maybe you don’t know the difference between “You” and “Everyone else” and think they’re the same?

    “Hillary Clinton Can Rescue Democrats in the Midterms (Juan Williams)”

    So much around this. So, background: the DNC is using YOUR donations for Leftist causes to fund the campaigns of the most Far-Right GOP candidates. What? Yes, Jan 6 is an insurrection, the Far-Right are White Supremacists, AND THE DNC IS FUNDING THEM. With YOUR money. Therefore the DNC is Far-Right White Supremacist Insurrectionists, I guess? If I read that right? If they’re J6 Terrorists as they claim, and the DNC is funding them, then the DNC is likewise a rebel-terrorist organization. Am I missing logic here?

    Back to HRC, so we know for a fact from Wikileaks, this was HER strategy, Podesta’s strategy, called the “Pied Piper”: to make/pretend the GOP was so far-right extreme they were unelectable to the Center. We also learned from that same leak that 1) Hillary personally gave Trump some $6B in free advertising, media coverage, which is de-facto illegal campaign donation, and 2) The majority of all American Media, by the fact of obeying her, are not journalists but merely the publicity arm of the Democratic Party. “Don’t let them know I’m a hack” –NY Times/Buzzfeed reporter

    Why? Well, They’re doing it again. They lost on this exact plan in 2016 – their greatest loss in living memory, outdoing Mondale by orders of magnitude — and they want to do it AGAIN. Only this time worse: 1) They already know it didn’t work and handed them a record failure 2) They are not de facto paying the candidates with influence, they are ACTUALLY paying, with checks, out of their sorely-depleted DNC Party bank account 3) Unlike 2016, the GOP candidate doesn’t have Bill Clinton’s platform, being a moderate or even center LEFT candidate like Trump was, they are ACTUAL (middle) Right people, Q followers and so on. 4) They are doing this at a time they are almost certain to lose. People are voting for gas prices, and voting AGAINST the DNC, not FOR the GOP. That means whoever you primary, the people will likely install to Congress. Therefore, a loss would mean YOU installed a Congress made of investigating, Hillary/Comey arresting Q followers and not Clinton-Platform gay-marriage-supporting GOP moderates.

    All done with blue money, from blue people who are almost certainly Progressives, as Bernie showed the Party was 15:1 for Bernie and policies, and 15:1 AGAINST Corporate war-mongering NeoLibs. (The 2016 DNC Primaries, where despite HRC losing 15:1, the delegates voted 11:1 AGAINST Bernie. And vote-tampered CA, legal fact.) So they’re using Progressive money to fund Q. Nice going! And I should vote for you why? Donate why?

    This is happening for Roe right now too. They may have thought this would come down and rally the troops for Roe, but it’s the opposite. Having screwed around and lost, the Base is pissed that they promised every election for 50 years to make Roe the 1st act of business. 50 years later, still not done. Whose fault is that? Not Republicans. It’s beginning to bite, which is why, since Obama bailed Wall St and stopped Health Care, no minimum wage, they were headed for Bernie in the first place. Why elect Democrats if they will never, ever keep their promises even with a 3-branch supermajority? Screwed up and thus got not one but TWO conservative Supreme Court Justices installed? …Which is why Bernie, and past him that same faction is now leaning 3rd Party.

    So…in that context…Hillary for President? Because she’ll use every power at her disposal to support Trump? I don’t think the whispers are real, but that anyone could whisper it – the media being 99% Blue – shows how stunningly dense they are. Thank God.

    “Ukraine has not benefited from its “partner” status in the Alliance. Sure, the country received billions in aid and weapons, but Kyiv has been forced to stand up to Russia on its own.”

    Huh? Count the contradictions here. Except for the $40B in 40 days you sent, you haven’t helped at all. Also has to explain that words and treaties have meanings? Because that’s not a thing now?

    P.S. there’s a thing called “Gravity” too. Let me explain it to you since you may not be aware of it…

    “Hitler wanted a … European Union”

    And he/they wanted it for what? TO CONQUER RUSSIA. That’s why we, Ford, IBM, Bush, armed and funded them for years. Because the Anglos took Russia in 1917 and Russia escaped under Stalin. So they needed to RE-conquer Russia and steal their resources. Sound familiar?

    Now the same: Pan-Euro superstate run by Germany. Minute that’s plausible, barely installed, turn around and attack Russia. On behalf of England: “Johnson Warns Macron Not To Attempt Ukraine Settlement Now (Pol.eu)

    It’s a great war when somebody else fights it. I can keep this up all day! Fight Russia to the last German.

    30-year mortgage rate: Volcker raised rates 5% at a pop. However, let’s try also to be fair. Powell raised rates. By TRIPLING rates in short order. The weirdness of Zero-bound numbers. So yeah, it barely rose a percent. But the 1% percent = a 30% increase in interest.

    From Blinken yesterday, he’s going to stop Russia because highest value and purpose of the Russian People is consumerist shopping and can’t get Gucci handbags and that extra ketchup in Moscow. You go with that.

    Then goes on about Yemen (!!Wow!!) Neglecting to mention the whole war is done with U.S. weapons, U.S. warplanes, U.S. intel, and U.S. support. And the U.N. by the way, who can’t get enough of it. But wow, he’s tough on Saudi Arabia in Yemen boy howdy! If MBS keeps this up we might have to reduce the number of illegal mines and illegal civilian cluster bombs we sell them.

    Again: only point that matters anymore, the U.S. has zero industrial capacity. We cannot manufacture shells to fight a war anymore than Iran can. Any war we’re in would be over in six weeks Unless you bring the factories back, and the oil to run them. Sounds like the urgent, national-security platform of a President I know. Failing that, why bother? You’re a nobody. Come back when you can back up your big yap.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2022 #110534
    Dr. D

    I sympathize.

    can you think of a single problem that wouldn’t be helped by fewer people?”

    Yes, every one. Recognize that the level of technology, of life, depends on our level of division of labor. If you have fewer humans, you have less division of labor. You then unwind all things modern, at least at first. No supply chains for computers, electric cars, for deep oil rigs, efficient and clean refineries. No high-production farms, cities.

    Suppose 20% of the people vanished today. Who would do their jobs? Do you erase them randomly, in which case 20% of jobs are undone, or Eugenically, in which case only the “Important people” and “My friends” survive? We saw this with “Essential Workers” in Covid: every essential person was put at risk and sacrificed, every non-essential parasite was protected by every means they could impose, scolding us in their pajamas, the BMW parked outside.

    But suppose, you, a genius like Lenin, erased all the “Wrong” people and kept all the “Right” people – because you could possibly know who that is. All manufacturing production depends exclusively on volume. This is the “Rise of the Robots” fallacy. Factories are efficient and therefore cheap, exclusively because they are narrow and inflexible. They can ONLY take inputs that are perfect, perfect oil, perfect gas, reliable, perfect electric, perfect plastic types, perfect parts, and they can ONLY output their one product: the case for an iPhone 11, and not 10, 9, and 8.

    Cut population 20%, you cut the market for the iPhone 20%. You raise its price 30%. The next one is not made because there is no bankroll to develop its chip because there are no sales for it anticipated. The factory then closes, splits into four factories, each making 1 of 4 components for which the market is smaller, raising costs on each sub-item 25%. This cascades through the system adding 5% to every component, closing factories, bankrupting the bonds those factories owed.

    Eventually, where would you be? A much simpler, more expensive world. 1970, perhaps, with copper lines and typewriters. Maybe you like that, that’s okay. But realize that all the solutions you thought with Teslas and iPhones nd cleap solar panels will vanish into luxury goods for the upper classes. 1700 Vienna could make watches and robots too: automaton birds complete with air-powered bird songs. But hardly any were made because the price was too high. You need mass-production. You need volume. “Volume” means “People”.

    Maybe that doesn’t matter to you. How about this: for the same reasons, food drops 30% on a 20% population decline. All the HOSPITAL science ALSO stops for the same reasons: no weird, specific, perfectly sterile hospital plastics, implants. No CAT scan machines, no labs, no tests, no drugs for anything but common uses. No lifesaving specialization in nurses, surgeons, experts in that one weird neurology. They fall back to being more generalists, in smaller hospitals with less stuff. Or fewer hospitals you can’t get to.

    Pick that if you want, but be honest about it when you sell it worldwide. You will be living in caves. You will have a far lower standard of living. There will be “Less”: less food, energy, choices, products, opportunity, leisure. Who did you think DOES all that besides “Us the people”? Erase “us the people” and it doesn’t get done.

    Would that be good for nature? Maybe, except like 1970 we’ll cut down every tree for firewood and light the rivers on fire in Ohio because chemical disposal costs too much. You notice the Soviet Union was not a paragon of environmentalism. They had the “Fewer” people you talk about.

    How do you cut the line that accomplishes both goals?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2022 #110533
    Dr. D

    “”F**k Clarence Thomas!” Shouts Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot During Pride Parade
    “He thinks that we are going to stand idly by while they take our rights…”

    This has gotten out of hand. Clarence Thomas just GAVE you your rights. Gave them. YOU, Lightfoot, in the State of Illinois, now control abortion law. The Federal government said there is no law unless Congress passes one, therefore it cannot be Federal (yet), the State of Illinois has full control over all womens’ bodies: they can force them to KEEP pregnancies, they can force them to have abortions even if they don’t want to. They can make the term 1 week or terminate after birth. Illinois has it all.

    So why is Lightfoot mad at that? Because she’s as ignorant as a dirty sock? And half the country as well, mad THEY now have the power instead of Sleepy Joe? NO! Somebody ELSE needs to have the power, the control, and the responsibility: anyone but me, I’m a child. Is that it?

    “Supreme Court Sides With Football Coach Who Led Student Prayer”

    Since the Founders or immediately after started government meetings with prayer, this is a no-brainer. There is no written church and state, what it says is they cannot force you to follow a state religion. Which is what we have now. The deep, oppressive, intolerant religion of Progress, of Scientific atheism, and anyone not part of it is destroyed. You knew Nazism was a religion, right? A New Age, Progressive, comprehensive, occult religion. Read a book.

    G7 Set to Impose “Price Caps” on Russian Oil; Unclear What this Actually Does”

    Great! Russia will ignore them and match the market price to deliver less oil. Newsflash: They have it. You want it. .:They have complete control.

    “New Bill Would Mandate Federal Reserve to Promote “Racial and Economic Justice”

    That’s easy: all my golfing friends are great guys, making life better. All your friends are racists. Therefore, all the money goes to MY friends, and none to YOUR friends. And all my friends are the 10 wealthiest zip codes in DC. Sue them.

    Has anyone thought maybe they are free to move and alter Roe because the vax just dropped birth rates 20%? (As Taiwan, here: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/depopulation-taiwan ) No need to kill that 25M if there are no hormones and no fertility. Already hormone poisoning in food, plastic have had a strong effect – they are very concentrated. Birth control is measured in the drinking water, frogs are changing genders in some places. However, it wasn’t noticeably touching birth rates. This may be a 6-sigma on birth, same as something has been 6-sigma on ‘youth’ death (18-50)

    Monkeypox vaccine for kids? Although it’s presently acting like an STD? I don’t care which vaccine we make them take, it’s in all of them?

    Certainly seems they’ve chosen MP as the disease to keep people from the polls. I wonder why? Because the more illogical it is, the more hilarious? That is the narcissists handbook.

    “Totalitarianism Always Destroys Itself”.

    That is because it is #AntiLogos, it has internal contradictions that cause it to be against itself, not in harmony with either itself, nor the Way. Aka villains backstabbing each other in all the movies. This is good news. However, it can take a very long time, and will take the rest of us with them if we don’t stand up. This is the bad news. It doesn’t stop itself. It takes you and me to act and be honest.

    Michael Stenger. I guess he’s the latest victim of the Jan 6 riots. Along with a guy who had a heart attack, one who had a stroke, and a lady the police shot in the face.

    Japan Bond Purchases. The cycle as turned. Trust in governments is failing/failed. That means “Private” bonds will rise. But which ones because that doesn’t look very likely right now. As a +30-70yr cycle, it may be true, however I expect they need to burn the deadwood first. GFC2.0 takes out the bad “private” debt, and the new ones issued are limited, but sound.

    “Wonder how Russia and China can get Saudi Arabia to join”

    Saudi Arabia joined last year. They signed that encompassing deal with Russia. How? Money can buy you all the intel you want. Especially when you own swaths of the U.S. Security State/CIA which S.A. clearly does. Who paid Obama’s College tuition? MBS then knows the U.S. is failing, has failed, and can get the deal on better terms 9 months early. You know, before the War in Ukraine is pushed or declared.

    Following CTH, I believe there are insiders and outsiders. In this case, people who thought the Derp State actions on Ukr would work, and the higher circle in the know (like Kissinger and Mearshiemer clearly) who that knew they wouldn’t. Question is, did they try them anyway as a Hail Mary or are they up to something else? Nuland and Biden, the idiot brigade I’m sure either don’t know or are too cult member minions to care. But the big money does.

    In wars you can know the enemy’s plans but not be able to stop them. Germany knew Britain would land amphibiously somewhere. I think the Big Guys are in this position, and not to say they aren’t adjusting plans to compensate, because they are. I think the CV didn’t kill as many as planned and they ran most of the plans anyway, but adjusted as with the infertility, etc. Not having any power, or any credibility and watching the Global South break away is one of those things.

    Like I said, IF CV had killed 300M like Deagle wanted, THEN there would be no commodity shortage and no pricing power. IF the biowar had discredited China, they would be too busy internally to be an ally right now, and the BRICS would not look strong enough to sign on to. Their active work on these fronts makes this next turn possible against the plans of Mr. Global and Big Money.

    Like the exponential vertical money-printing, many of these wheels are big, and when set in motion cannot be stopped, and have clocks and time-windows on them. Our White Hats for example, being vastly outnumbered, outgunned, are using the plans of the big guys against them, both disrupting time-windows and forcing the enemy to overreact and reveal themselves to the people. This is frustrating and long, but is slowly working, just like it did in 1780.

    “Thirty-two thousand troops in New York harbor. They surround our troops!

    George Washington! We are Outgunned, Outmanned, Outnumbered, Outplanned. What?

    “Any hope of success is fleeting
    How can I keep leading when the people I’m Leading keep retreating?
    We put a stop to the bleeding as the British take Brooklyn / Knight takes rook, but look

    “I scream in the face of this mass mutiny: Are these the men with which I am to defend America?
    We ride at midnight, Manhattan in the distance I cannot be everywhere at once, people
    I’m in dire need of assistance…

    “I’m working with a third of what our Congress has promised
    We are a powder keg about to explode
    We’ll need some spies on the inside

    Some King’s men who might let some things slide

    “Alex, listen. There’s only one way for us to win this: Provoke outrage, outright
    Don’t engage, strike by night / Remain relentless ‘til their troops take flight
    Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight
    Stay alive
    ‘til this horror show is past…
    We cut supply lines, we steal contraband
    We pick and choose our battles and places to take a stand”

    Therefore: “Washington cannot be left alone to his devices
    [Looks] Indecisive, [careening] from crisis to crisis”

    Get it? They are winning against a superior enemy who owns every institution of power by Not Losing. Wars take money, energy. They stay alive until the money fails and the energy input runs out. We are there now. They now have to print $30Trillion with $40B every 3 months extra to keep the system together. Powell cannot avoid raising rates and crashing the money system again.

    “Where the World Is Heading from July 2022 – Geert Vanden Bossche (Assaya)”

    He hasn’t been right yet and I don’t think he will be. For many reasons, but the vaccines don’t work. So therefore his vaccine-evolution premise is negated. They do cause immune suppression though, so some disease might work, but only on the multi-vaccinated. They constantly get pie-in-the-face because biology doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. It’s like it has a life and mind of its own. Like invasive species, stops expanding and comes to a balance and understanding, every time. Despite near-perfect record of this, they say it doesn’t because they don’t know the mechanism. …Same people who opine on Time, Space, Reality, Magnetism, and Consciousness while having no idea what those mechanisms are either. “Extraneous Factors”. That is: all reality as we know it.

    “Warnings of Mental Health Crisis among ‘Covid Generation’ of Students (G.)”

    But not mental health crisis as suicide and opioid deaths rose every year for decades? No crisis when kids were on milk cartons 40 years ago and nobody changed nothin’? Made the world 10x more unsafe? They’re an utter failure. Their goals and paradigms are empty, #AntiLife. They are entirely bankrupt morally, and soon to be economically. But they want to blame a disease that didn’t kill anyone? Anyone young? “I Did That!”

    Seeing reports from all over that young people cannot regulate their lives. At all. Barely functional, unable to plan, execute plans, etc. Whatever this is, bad education, screen time, whatever, they are not viable human animals in that condition. Which is why they do whatever they are told to do, however illogical or counterproductive. Generations are large and generalizations are difficult, but I see the trend.

    Like the Lightfoot article we started with, they are irrational, self-harming, and demand orders from someone else, require that somebody else direct, control, and take responsibility for them. There is always some psycho willing to tell you what to do, however misguided and wrong, in exchange for your daughters and some cash.

    My opinion, this is carefully engineered using the total dereliction of duty of Us, their parents. It cannot BE reversed, it will take lifetimes, and therefore a collapse. Here’s how it goes:

    “Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity – in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.“

    This is the same as “The Constitution is suitable for a moral people and will work for no other” –John Adams

    Liminalism: we must have LIMITS. As Kunstler says, there CAN be no “Nothing matters, Everything Goes.” That society will fail and collapse, and a warlord WILL put limits on you, or else cave your head in with a brick and laugh. That’s what we call “Criminals” and “Violent psychos” which we hear have essentially taken over Portland now, and the city is helpless. …Helpless because to fix it, they would have to admit they were wrong, get police, billy clubs, and jails, and no adult human ever admits they were wrong and will die first. So be it. The inland empire, the moral 3/4 of the State will pick up the pieces when you collapse. What a waste.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 27 2022 #110525
    Dr. D

    “With such a schedule, it’s not necessary to heat in winter.”

    Oh, so your pipes freeze then, you have ice on your nightstand and 4 quilts like we used to? Oh, so that ISN’T the case, it’s not even <50f because you’re just LYING?

    “He dared the Russians to match that!”

    The Russians will blow up half the houses, and therefore half the showers. Then he can shower in the refugee camps with the others.

    “I’ve pre-warned them + wife’s familia re: every crisis since 2000 dot com cra$h, yet most still believe I’m a conspiracy freak”

    This is what is truly disheartening. A) We’re family, so you know, listen and look. I take you seriously and look into things you say, why not the reverse? B) Wasn’t Uncle Bob right before and we could have made Lambo cash? Let’s listen and look. But no. Literally anything on CNN, NPR who printed “WMDs ties to al-qaeda”, “Buy Bear Sterns” “Subprime is contained” they’ll listen to, AGAIN. Anyone who was serially wrong is an expert. Any who was right is a “Conspiracy Theorist”. Didn’t see that coming; thought “if they only knew, have to see for themselves…” Right now family bidding on houses at the bleeding top of the market with interest rates rising. “If not now, when. If not me, who?” Well I ain’t doing that unless I have insurance backup plan, I’ll tell you that! Buy the house if you want, but tell me your Plan B and C should X and Y happen. Like you lose your job and the house value drops 50% so they call the loan for collateral.

    If they have African revolutions, they can install all China-friendly governments in the U.S. tradition. Like the U.S. tradition, this will go well as suddenly have access to Russian food and weapons. Everyone’s happy as the resources then leave East Africa for China at a huge discount. New boss same as the old boss. Apparently the Africans have no interest in ruling themselves except maybe Egypt and Tanzania.

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