Dr D Rich

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2023 #146168
    Dr D Rich

    aspnaz and Celticbiker ballin’ today making Dr D look amateurish.
    I told my kids, 3 sons, many years ago that when they come for us after the “proverbial shit hits the fan” they’re gonna take all of us.
    “But dad, aren’t you a good guy?”

    There won’t be an offer of sparing like Sodom and Gomorrha…son, but it’s not fair and I’m gonna hurt quite a few of

      their people

    on the way down.

    aspnaz’s best today:
    “Apostasy is the path to redemption,”
    “The karens managed to get Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates implemented, why can’t they stop the Israel genocide?”

    Partial answer, they’ve (The Karens) been too busy successfully taking out White Male deplorables as evidenced by the only demographic which enjoyed a decline in longevity over the past decade. Everyone else is ascendant including those Karens, the apostasies.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2023 #146125
    Dr D Rich

    Dr D curtailed.
    On purpose?
    A good thing?

    Kunstler, my how the mighty have been exposed.
    China bashing has appeal on this blog.
    “We emerge from this catastrophe a nearly medievalized society with a steeply-reduced population, unable to resist China’s attempt to colonize us.”

    As for an indictment on humanity’s indifference to the killing of children, I beg to differ. Both sides, Dems and Repubs, still find appeal in presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump despite both being responsible and still held unaccountable for the murder of two children, 8yo Nawar al-Awlaki and 16yo Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.

    The Faulkner quote and its many variations gets played routinely despite ol’ Will being quite the ass about blaming young people for just about everything.

    If we in America [inserr Israel] have reached that point in our desperate culture when we must murder children, no matter for what reason or what color, we don’t deserve to survive, and probably won’t.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2023 #146080
    Dr D Rich


      In a cockfight, nobody in the betting audience cares about the injury or death of the roosters. The roosters don’t really know why they fight, and the people who arranged the fight are unknown and collect their fee, and control the masses. This is the world today

    Which leaves ‘Jew’ and ‘Israel’ as the hidden hand’s constructs meant to divide opinion, take sides?
    Is that what you meant?
    I’m uneasy about the farm animal symbolism, “rooster”, as it runs up against the Zionist/Bad Jew construct of Goyim, Beneath Contempt lives, farm animal.
    Rooster is exactly the analogy opposing counsel and their psychiatrist expert employed at length to describe me. No one took exception, not my counsel nor any of three men of dark robes, the bench, Trier of Facts, Judges. Their female Army flight surgeon also denigrated my hairdo by stating [he] “shaves his head”, an allusion to Skinhead, right? Rooster has an estimated IQ of 3, as in THREE, but I like a rooster never once shaved my head or kept company of A Skinhead. Although the latter, I doubt, would ever interpret my exceedingly White skin and semi-bald head as true faith and allegiance to the same.
    Symbolism as mind controll

    No Mennonite, Quaker, Chinaman, Vietcong, Amish, or Wiccan ever called me a Skinhead or Rooster-brain.

    Sure, don’t take the divide-n-conquer bait.
    Reductio ad absurdum?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2023 #146006
    Dr D Rich

    dbs and jb-hb workin’ overtime today.

    aspnaz and celticbiker the ball’s in your court.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2023 #145918
    Dr D Rich

    aspnaz is back on his/her game.

    Welcome back OG!

    in reply to: The US is Losing #145910
    Dr D Rich

    As if on cue, a lover of Israel and everything Zionistic, (neologism), State Governor Ron Desantis former stupid-ass Navy JAG engaged in foreign policy on behalf of Israel’s defense Department.

    Sedition with capital S.

      Florida’s Republican governor has raised eyebrows and hackles by using state resources for a series of actions and operations since the Israel-Hamas war began that come under the purview of the federal government.

      They include “evacuating” hundreds of US citizens from Israel on charter flights; exporting humanitarian aid and claiming to have procured weapons; as well as activating Florida’s militarized state guard “as needed, to respond” to an overseas conflict.

    In the Navy alone, Lobaczewski couldn’t have imagined the concentration of stupids like Ron Desantis, Dave Tam, Lisa “CNO” Franchetti, Richard Dick Nelson, Kevin Amick, Michelle Howard, Cate Wilson, Helen Yitzhak Pearlstein, but that’s exactly what Andrejw predicted. That the concentration of idiots, unqualified nitwits and their psychopaths handlers HAD to reach critical mass before the implosion/explosion or housecleaning took place.

    in reply to: The US is Losing #145900
    Dr D Rich

    Enjoy that beer.
    You have no idea the enormity, the scale of it, nor the temperament of the men…running things underneath the waves. Everyone responds to existential threats.

    Russia knows each submarine is marked and always has been. That’s for starters. World without end Amen.

    There’s a few folks here at this website that might have been required under the pressure of a passing grade and time constraint calculate the yield of a thermonuclear device like Scott Ritter claims to have done from the safety of Norm de Schwarzkopf’s sumptuous bunker. Could he do it faster than the baller Systems Engineering PhD teaching the class?

    So, yeah, as I wrote earlier. Let’s wait it out.
    The concentration of psychopaths and Spellbinders hopefully reached critical mass as theorized by Andrejes Lobaczewski.

    The Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan before it and now Gaza are demonstration projects before the Big Game.

    My guess, most of these psychopaths and their hangers on are too chickenshit to pull it off

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2023 #145889
    Dr D Rich

    Personally and from my personal observation, I disagree with Lobaczewski on a major point only in part due to the events of the past 4 years…COVID hysteria, hucksterism and mindlessness.

    The majority DO NOT instinctively resist and they can’t even be dragged kicking and screaming to The Table of Reason.
    Authority and authority’s exclusive claim to institutional violence reign supreme in the minds of the majority.

    Let it run its course or pretend to exert some influence like I’m doing right here, right now

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2023 #145886
    Dr D Rich

      “There are various identifiable stages of pathocracy described by Łobaczewski. Ultimately pathocracy dies because the pathological are promoted to positions of power, even though they have little or no talent or abilities.”

    Tam, Amick, Biden, Arthur, Howard, Lisa Franchetti, Milley, Mike Johnson, Blinken,

    Conjurers versus Alchemists

    If you hit someone hard enough, you might knock some sense into them. On the other hand, Tim, you’re so thick, I’m gonna have to hit you hard enough that it might create new matter.

    Cosmic ray spallation, also known as the x-process, is a set of naturally occurring nuclear reactions causing nucleosynthesis; it refers to the formation of chemical elements from the impact of cosmic rays on an object

    Chemistry joke

    Conjurers versus Spellbinders

     A network of psychopaths gradually begins to dominate, and they begin to eliminate the brain-tissue damaged and those who genuinely believe in the ideology. At a certain point the minority block of psychopaths has a showdown with all those they’ve usurped.

    A full blown-pathocracy is known as a totalitarian state and characterized by a government turned against its own people. A pathocracy may emerge when a society is insufficiently guarded against the typical and inevitable minority of such abnormal pathology, which Łobaczewski asserts is caused by biology or genetics.

      Ultimately pathocracy dies because the pathological are promoted to positions of power, even though they have little or no talent or abilities.
      The root of healthy social morality, according to Łobaczewski, is contained in the congenital instinctive infrastructure in the vast majority of the population, and while some in the normal population are more susceptible to pathocratic influence and become its lackeys, the majority instinctively resist.
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2023 #145883
    Dr D Rich

    aspnaz, man/woman, you lost cred when you went all tits up under some rather lame criticism from D dr and dbs. I thought perhaps it was all a contrivance. Hell, it’s the internet. Ppl make shit up…pose as tough guys, etc
    Let me know how all that marching and public protesting works out for your cause vis a vis January 6th

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145831
    Dr D Rich

    Tulsi IS NOT fooled by Israel, Jonathan Greenblatt, or Zionist-Christo-Fascists like Lindsey Graham. Gabbard possesses certitude.

    She doesn’t say the LGTBQA++ is/are brainwashed, propagandized, or misguided. Tulsi certified them to be stupid.
    I for one believe that Tulsi believes what she says

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145830
    Dr D Rich


    Re: #145794

    I hear you, mank(ind).
    It’s a tough crowd.

    Shouting into a howling wilderness.
    Tug on Superman’s cape.
    Spitting into the wind.
    Pull the Mask off the ol’ Lone Ranger.
    Be anyone except Scott to tarnish Ritter’s globe and anchor (EGA) eagle on top.

    Mess with America’s political sweetheart…T.Gabbard….not polite or acceptable.

    Nov 1, 2023
    ‘America’s poli-sweetheart, Tulsi, appears to have voiced her requited support in defense of murderous Rabbis over LGTQBIA+-killing Islamicists…the LGTQBIA+ marching in support of Palestinians. The Latter, Gabbard said, is stupid or idiotic or moronic behavior because they don’t know like Tulsi knows.

    Let the parsing begin”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2023 #145761
    Dr D Rich

    America’s poli-sweetheart, Tulsi, appears to have voiced her requited support in defense of murderous Rabbis over LGTQBIA+-killing Islamicists…the LGTQBIA+ marching in support of Palestinians. The Latter, Gabbard said, is stupid or idiotic or moronic behavior because they don’t know like Tulsi knows.

    Let the parsing begin

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2023 #145745
    Dr D Rich

    Grains of salt need not be taken to lessen the understanding.

      “Yesterday, Israeli right-wing journalist Amit Segal shared a letter from 45 influential Israeli rabbis (initial list), addressed to “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu May His Light Shine, the heads of state and security apparatus,” explicitly affirming the right of the state to bomb the Al-Shifa’ hospital in Gaza – the main hospital in the strip.”

    Reminds me of the omniscient, insightful and enlightened Bishop Connare, Greensburg Diocese, who transferred the priest-rapist of at least one 10-year old boy to our godforsaken (one word?) parish in western Pennsylvania to rape, assault but NOT bomb to smithereens boys and girls when I was a 10 year old altar boy. The Catholic church locally still enjoys a few loyal parishioners but its insignificance hopefully should sherald the future and deserved decline of these rabbis, synagogues and their devotees.

    Grains of salt….

    Israeli rabbis tell Netanyahu that Israel has a right to bomb Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2023 #145732
    Dr D Rich

    “They look for and hire people who are psychopaths.”

    Perhaps, Scott Ritter can explain this as only a victim, perpetrator and insider can.
    Does Scott recall his one or more of several personality inventories The Marines subjected him to? His career trajectory and autobiography seem to indicate him having been “hand-selected” for something other than grunt/frontline duty.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2023 #145661
    Dr D Rich

    Says Dr D:

    “They’re living rent-free in your head. Therefore, they own you still.”
    “Let It Go.”

    The question IS do they live comfortably as in what form of parasitism do they take in your brain, Dr D?
    Normal commensal?
    A psychologist’s projection is transference or counter-transfernce, yet projection just the same.

    ‘A life unexamined is not worth living’

    I can’t wait for aspnaz’s reply.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2023 #145530
    Dr D Rich

    I read Dr D again….geezuss.

    D wrote; worthless, lazy, whiny bitches, who literally don’t have the brains to even attempt to avoid Leavenworth, having never seen consequences once in their lives, OR, as these Zoomers and Millennials say, go draft all the Right-Wing Red guys who do know guns…who spend their time talking about how they will shoot and take down the Government ACTIVELY, with guns and mortars, and not passively, by whining like bitch.

    D, were you referring to Mike Johnson and Scott Ritter?

    Speaking of Speaker of the House…does anyone else see The Mask on Mike Johnson?
    The Hair,? he Designer Frames? THE BEARD for a wife? The LSU institution of higher learning? The Skin status post “Facial’, Exfoliation?

    My Gawd, this guy is impeccable. What is it with The Gays and Fastidious Hygiene?

    Ask and Ye Shall receive…The Mask of Sanity is no match for Mike’s eruption of Christian Zionist. That zeolatry knows no bounds, eh Mike?

    Here’s Mike unMasked, exuding his true allegiance thru that Facial, and acting like Dr D’s term, “a bitch”:

    Mike Johnson, the new GOP Speaker of the House, tells Sean Hannity: – “We can’t allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine” – US “boots on the ground” may be required to “stand with Israel” – Supports Israel directly attacking Iran – Russia, China, and Iran are “the new Axis of Evil”

    Paraphrasing Dr D, “where do they find these bitches?”

    Man O Man were the American People punked by Kevin McCarthy-Jim Jordan-Steve Scalise-Donald Trump Faux candidacies for Speaker.

    From our host, a rhetorical question perhaps:
    Wonder where the info comes from
    My answer: Scott Ritter?
    Do I win prizes?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2023 #145397
    Dr D Rich

    DISTINGUISHED SERVICE for a distinguished service medal in The Army’s estimation and judgment. I mean if we’re expecting ppl to be perfect nothing ever gets done or Dr D’s axiom. Tata also graduated from the same Dwight D. Eisenhower school.
    All that and THEY still gave him a star and a big medal.
    I say at least he wasn’t labeled Hannibal Lecter and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

    Tata did not contest the finding of adultery, and Army leaders did not penalize him over the finding.[19] The OIG investigation also concluded Tata’s ex-wife’s other allegations were “not substantiated.”[19] OIG’s conclusion rejecting the allegation of failure to pay child support was based on a supposed 2001 Georgia court order submitted as evidence by Tata and his lawyer.[19] It was later determined, however, that the document was fraudulent, with the signatures of the Georgia judge and counsel having been forged. Tata and his lawyer acknowledged that the court order they had produced to OIG was “not genuine” and later produced the genuine order, which was substantively different.[19] OIG never determined who created the false document and forged the signatures. Tata and his counsel said they did not create the document.[19]

    Upon his retirement in June 2009, Tata received the Distinguished Service Medal.[19]

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2023 #145329
    Dr D Rich

    Hear Here

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2023 #145328
    Dr D Rich

    Dr. Peter Kory:

    “In medical malpractice causation, the evidence standard for cause is that which is “more likely than not.”

    Peter already acknowledged this very reason when he put forth one of his credentials as the reason attorneys seek him out for his testimony. Peter gives them what they want to here. Can you imagine how easily credulous judges and exceedingly credulous attorneys can be bamboozled by the words “expert” and “credentials”?

    Then Peter says:

    “I found no evidence that Mr. Floyd’s respiratory drive (rate) was significantly suppressed, despite the fact he had opiates in his bloodstream, an agent known to suppress respiratory rate”

    At least the reader could recognize Peter is being contradictory without saying he’s disingenuous.
    Perhaps, what Peter could have said was this: The presence of opiates in a user or abuser is unhelpful in a life or death struggle because Peter doesn’t often prescribe opiates to ICU patients amidst a life or death struggle.
    Most importantly, neither Peter nor others understood Floyd’s opiate tolerance level and they could never produce expert evidence to describe Floyd’s altered physiological response to opiate tolerance in extremis because Peter should say no one wil pony up the money to study the situation
    (John Day don’t get me going on CHF and morphine)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2023 #145183
    Dr D Rich

    War crime as qualification or Fallujah for General Glynn.

    Glynn et al held siege to Fallujah multiple times AND target children in that city for collective punishment, but yeah, this about “serve” and “mitigate”:

    “before that served in Fallujah, Iraq during some of the most vicious house-to-house fighting following the 2003 US invasion. Glynn will reportedly advise Israeli forces on “how to mitigate civilian casualties in urban warfare,”

    Perhaps Dr. D can loosely opine on Dwight Eisenhower making his way into combat or Harm’s Way for the first time. Oops, that is the USS Dwight David Eisenhower

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2023 #145132
    Dr D Rich

    What did Ike know, the dummy? He was just Supreme Commander of the army for 3 years, then President with complete Secret Access for 4 years. That’s how we know he’s a nut who has no idea what he’s talking about when he tells you directly on national TV. 

    And ordered the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik, American, Polish descent.
    Ike served out his WWI combat tour(s) in scenic Subic or Olongapo…Presidential or Supreme Allied Commander kinda timber.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2023 #144809
    Dr D Rich

    “…my stepfather survived Auschwitz, Dachau and Majdanek”. Impressive, that’s three concentration camps in a row.”

    “Norman Finkelstein, son of Holocaust survivors”

    Classic ‘acquisitive projective identification’ where the writers/speakers, stepson and son respectively take credit for the identity of their stepfather and father respectively.

    Their behavior begs the following question.
    So what?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2023 #144780
    Dr D Rich

    In Reply to V.Arnold’s #144768

    “That’s a very good question: and the answer is??????”

    The answer is V.Arnold’s “leash” response from yesterday:

      Israel is presently a rogue state that needs to be put on a leash…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2023 #144779
    Dr D Rich

    POTUS, SECDEF and Joint Chiefs let White Deplorables in uniform AND General Anthony Taguba take the hit for Abu Ghraib.

    “What I found in my investigation offended my sense of decency as a human being, and my sense of honor as a soldier. I’d learned early about the necessity of treating prisoners humanely. My father, Tomas B. Taguba, a member of the joint American-Filipino force during World War II, was captured by the Japanese and endured the Bataan Death March.
    It was clear to me in 2004 that the United States military could not be the institution it needed to be as long as it engaged in and tolerated abuse.
    But the military’s path to accountability was a long, and its leaders hardly welcomed oversight. A few months after I completed the investigation, I was reassigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where i could be closely monitored Then, in early 2006, I received a telephone call from General Richard A. Cody, then the Army’s vice chief of staff, who said, “i need you to retire by January of 2007.” No explanation was given. But none was needed.”

    The Army would eventually dismiss the single conviction against Steve Jordan the officer in charge at Abu Ghraib. Taguba ascertained that Jordan was operating outside his chain of command even during the investigation after all he was subordinate to an Army Intel officer Colonel Tom Pappas while assigned at Abu Ghraib. Jordan’s only conviction was for disobeying a general order NOT to discuss his case with anyone except his lawyers.

    For my part trying to counter this malignancy, a Navy Nurse assigned me to a USAF junior flight surgeon billet in Afghanistan in 2007 as a response to my request to be assigned as Senior Medical Officer at Bagram, Abu Ghraib or Gitmo. Give the United States Air Force some credit for sensibility when they, unlike the “stupid as fuck” Navy Nurse , recognized that Navy Captain is the equivalent of USAF Colonel NOT USAF Captain.
    The USAF placement officer’s exact words follow when I didn’t refuse the assignment: “Don’t you think your commanding officer is trying to get you killed because otherwise she’s as stupid as fuck
    Eventually this “stupid as fuck” Navy Nurse ruined my career by labeling me “Hannibal Lecter” and “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. Yet, the people who raped, tortured and killed other people’s children at Abu Ghraib, Bagram and Gitmo weren’t labeled as such by that same “stupid as fuck” Navy Nurse.
    Are you paying attention aspnaz? You think there’s not one American unwilling to kill in defense of their children or your kids?

    Add that to the body count of Taguba, Eric Shinseki, Joseph Darby and John Murtha.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2023 #144767
    Dr D Rich

    Divided loyalty or just plain old cuckolding of a submissive country expressed by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin as a second carrier group is being sent to shore up Israel’s defenses:

    “The increases to US force Posture signal the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and our resolve to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this war,” Austin stated.”

    Lloyd Austin probably could not recall the USS Liberty and would not recognize the name William McGonagle. So I will.

    The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members, wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.

    “Captain McGonagle’s Medal of Honor citation does not list the nationality of the military forces which attacked his ship. This omission is highly unusual and was allegedly due to a supposed cover-up by the incumbent presidential administration, although this remains highly contentious”

    McGonagle received the Congressional Medal of Honor…not at at the White House, not presented by the President of the United States, BUT presented “secretly” at the Navy Yard by the Secretary of the Navy.

    What (((entity))) controls another nation and its military through time and space?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2023 #144673
    Dr D Rich

    Where are the ‘good C-E-O-s’ to counter these absurd malignancies?
    Btw, The Guardian ought to know (((they)) already have CANARY MISSION to carry out the mission proposed by but unknown to at least 2 great Leadership((s)), C-E-O-s named Bill Ackman and Jonathan Neman. There’s no f*cking way Ackman and Neman can be smart enough to be C-E-O-s and dumb enough NOT to know CANARY MISSION has been carrying out ((their)) proposed mission for years on behalf of Israel, Zionists and Jews.

    Cee……Eee……Oh….how in the f*ck did we get to this place of worship?


    Seth Moulton, a Democratic congressman and former Harvard student, said he had never been more embarrassed of his alma mater.

    “This is outright terrorism, and terrorism is never justified,” Moulton told WBZ-TV. “I think young Americans on college campuses need to live up to American values and be willing to have a really important honest debate, but not censor.”

    Jonathan Neman, chief executive of Sweetgreen, the restaurant chain, tweeted that he would like the names of the students behind the letter.

    “I would like to know so I know never to hire these people,” he said.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 11 2023 #144600
    Dr D Rich

    Dr. D,
    Are your ponderings genuine?
    Genuine as in literary license or an author’s bonafide ignorance because I think you know how “it” works.
    The things, issues and events that appear confusing or mysterious to us are NOT felt the same way to them before one considers the prospect they probably don’t feel “it” at all.

    We are all being induced to act out their self-hatred, live within their grotesque fantasy.
    Then when we become ((their)) projection, we’re supposed to accept their condemnation and vilification while the chorus, family, colleagues and friends participate. Add money, alcohol and a few psychoactive substances then a cult or religion emerges.

    Their way is not a technique, haphazard occurence or disease to be remedied.
    Their behavior is an intractable method from which they never deviate, an automated function not dissimilar to taking a piss or vomiting.

    “The moment when you recognize them, they know you”
    Their methods are mesmerizing, hypnotizing and entraining but not in the good way a newborn’s voice should seduce us all to care, give, share and protect…until we’ve prepared that child for individuation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 5 2023 #144212
    Dr D Rich

    Oxymoron’s critical reading skills were honed to a fine edge.
    What a find that perfectly represents the tenor and tone of our time OR how professional liars lie.

    First the quotes that Oxy’s reference relays:

    God bless the Chinese
    “Chinese journalist asks the committee this question. “With the mRNA, we don’t know the long term effect yet. Do we have any concern over that?” Hear the answers from Professor Sandberg and Professor Olle Kampe. “The mRNA given is very transient” “The amount of side effects noted to date is extremely limited, so I don’t think it’s a major concern” “Well it can’t be integrated into the nucleus, into the DNA, and that’s a safety precaution.” “The effects noted are mostly myocarditis and pericarditis, mainly affecting young males, but that normally resolves without any long term effects”

    Obviously Kampe and Sandberg do not know. Kinda reminds of the end scene in Se7en where Kevin Spacey’s character John Doe tells the unsuspecting but recently widowed Detective David Mills played by Bradd Pitt that “Ahh, He (they) doesn’t know” David’s recently deceased young wife played by Gwyneth Paltrow was pregnant

    However, in our mRNA Nobel case, the femme non-fatale is very much alive AND we should believe her when she disputes Sandberg’s and Kampe’s defense of her selection as Nobel co-laureate.

    Katalin Karikó said

    I didn’t have a research team when I was doing the key work. “I am so unlikely a person to win the Nobel Prize,” she says, noting that she did the biochemistry experiments with her own hands.

    I for one believe a biochemist doesn’t possess the manual dexterity to manipulate mRNA alone and she says she was alone.
    I find it unsurprising a dude named (((Sandberg))) stepped in to take credit too. I await Celticbiker and aspnaz opinion

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2023 #144106
    Dr D Rich

    (((They))) took away my Irish Catholic mother’s right to vote for John F. Kennedy in the 1964 U.S. Presidential Election.
    So, I can assure you, contrary to Tucker Carlson’s monumentally asinine statement, that my mom is still waiting some 60-plus years later for something more upsetting to happen in American politics.

    Perhaps, Carlson doesn’t intend to further whitewash Kennedy’s assassination on behalf of his (((payers))). I don’t know.

    So let me throw some excrement on that whitewash

    I do know (((they)) took away my opportunity to vote for JFK’s son John Jr.. Perhaps I could have been his Surgeon General.

    Consider this:
    A (((Jew))), John Podhoretz said the following about John Jr.’s death

    July 16, 1999, John Podhoretz wrote a piece for the New York Post titled “A conversation in hell.” He was fancying Satan telling JFK Jr.’s grandfather Joe: “Every time you think your family is on its way back to glory, I just have to do something. Like I did this weekend with your grandson John.”

    One interesting thing about this piece (which is still on the net, by the way) is that, while saying that the death of JFK’s son was a price for the anti-Semitism of JFK’s father, Podhoretz omits JFK himself from the equation. It is as if he was dying to say that JFK was killed in retaliation for what his father did to the Jews, but could not say so explicitly, and seized with delight the occasion of John Jr.’s death to say it implicitly. It is one thing to write that John Jr. paid for his grandfather’s enmity to the Jews, when people believe John Jr. died in an accident; it is an entirely different matter to say so about JFK, who was murdered by yet unidentified forces.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2023 #143993
    Dr D Rich

    Self-made: a definition


    How the US’ richest physician became a self-made billionaire
    Paige Haeffele – Friday, September 22nd, 2023
    Text Size
    The most wealthy physician billionaires on Forbes’ real-time billionaire tracker are varying degrees of self-made. Thomas Frist Jr., MD, the richest self-made physician billionaire in the U.S. — worth $21.1 billion — earned a “self-made” score of seven.

    Forbes scores each of its listed billionaires with a “self-made” score ranging from one to 10, with one through five indicating someone who inherited some or all of his or her fortune; while six through 10 are for those who built their company or established a fortune on his or her own.

    Dr. Frist got a head start from wealthy parents and an affluent background, but is primarily responsible for his own fortune.

    A former Air Force flight surgeon, Dr. Frist founded Nashville, Tenn.-based HCA Healthcare with his father in 1968. He owns more than 20 percent of the company. Although he does not hold an executive position at HCA, his sons are board members”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2023 #143992
    Dr D Rich

    Milley’s, that self-disrespecting fat-ass waistline 50 to 55, oath and duty ARE defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The enlisted oath requires obedience to the (commissioned) officers appointed over them. If you don’t like those facts, then tell your kids, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to pursue a commission. They’ll find very few if any Sikhs, Jews, or Chinese in that pipeline. I wonder why.

    The foundation IS Title X U.S. Code.
    Milley General 4-star betrayed that oath, his duty, the Constitution and his Commander in Chief President Trump on January 6th 2021 as that Ass consorted with Nancy Pelos to undermine and embarrass the President.

    That Ass’s braying during Milley’s change of command is simply the virtue signaling of a coward hoping to curry favor with his (((handlers))) should the proverbial shit hit the fan when he’s brought to justice pnce WW III and Civil War II don’t go as he expects.

    After all, Milley has to contemplate a few Polish Catholics recall the tender mercy another Army General 5-star Ike Eisenhower showed Eddie Slovick, executed by firing squad for being afraid, far less a transgression than General Milley demonstrated on January 6th and allegedly with regard to the Chinese. One man’s cowardice can easily be misconstrued, perhaps, as shrewd political maneuvering that kept West Point’s finest, future Supreme Allied Commander, future 5-star General and future POTUS, one Dwight David Eisenhower out of the meat grinder…World War I.

    Fat challenged Milley evinces an absence of self-discipline in his personal demeanor that makes him unfit to be a commissioned or flag officer. Yet his body habitus appears common among the undisciplined flag rank.
    I kid not.
    Google the following:
    Navy Surgeon General Richard Dick Nelson, Vice Admiral
    Navy Surgeon General Adam Robinson, Vice Admiral
    Vice CNO Michelle Howard, Admiral 4-star
    CNO journalism major Lisa Franchetti, Admiral 4-star

    Call it what you want, Civil War redux, Internecine Conflict, an American Insurgency, but I agree with aspnaz and Celticbiker. My people are losing for the time being.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2023 #143544
    Dr D Rich

    Original video is not available, but Frank Dully’s Sex and the Naval Aviator remains the standard… I suppose.the emphasis should be on ‘controllers’ and ‘mission’ AND how the latter translates into the perception of courage or bravery in some minds.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 13 2023 #142978
    Dr D Rich

    Tedros Boutros Boutrous Galli didn’t take the C19vax.
    Good enuff for me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2023 #142560
    Dr D Rich


    Pattern recognition resides in your brief take on Vivek Ramaswamy and Barack Obama…
    A Priori versus Empirical.
    Political evil

    If you don’t think you’re onto something significant, then observe (((Wikipedia))) placed the subtitle ‘obsolete medical term’ beneath (((their))) entry for Political Ponerology.

    Better watch out or you too will find yourself medically obsolete when you are detected to possess The Gift, the ability to see it clearly, unguided, untrained, and inexperienced.

    ‘Spellbinders’ are both men, Barack and Vivek.
    Neither should be trusted.

    By way of Andrzej Lobaczewski:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2023 #142486
    Dr D Rich

    I too look forward to John Day’s discussion on:
    GCA, temporal arteritis,
    non-arteritic AION vs arteritic-AION,
    accuracy of superficial TA biopsy versus clinical findings in assessing GCA.
    MRI, ultrasound and retinal angiography role and accuracy in detecting GCA/TA

    Best wishes for an optimal recovery to your family member, FS. The road is long, difficult, and aggravated by side effects from prolonged corticosteroid use.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2023 #142191
    Dr D Rich


    Declan Hayes, Irish Catholic, unsurprisingly so in his brutal literary assault on our Pope that one might have been confused the takedown was authored by Dr D or one of God’s chosen (((people)))


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 25 2023 #141956
    Dr D Rich

    @Dr. D

    “Popery and Papism are sometimes used in modern writing as dog whistles for anti-Catholicism or as pejorative ways of distinguishing Roman Catholicism from other forms of Christianity that refer to themselves as Catholic, such as Eastern Orthodoxy, Lutherans of Evangelical Catholic churchmanship or Anglicans of Anglo-Catholic churchmanship.”

    “Papist is an offensive term for a Roman Catholic, used by Protestants to show contempt”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 25 2023 #141940
    Dr D Rich

    Oh we get it RIM with regard to double jeopardy applied to President Trump. Most folk to their core are enamored by authority. Even on this website Celticbiker bent to your administration.
    Other posters are okay with Marine driven posse comitatus on Maui.

    OTOH We got a journalism major installed as acting CNO….that is over the Navy. Lisa Franchetti, 59 years old and height impaired. I’m 61 years old, clearly her contemporary, and better at her than everything. Apparently one can aim low, strive not and win big prizes. Her Betters insist image matters but her’s doesn’t. Franchetti’s installment just about invalidates everything about the Naval Academy’s mission as there are no journalism or nursing majors in Annapolis. The latter, most might agree, IS one of many glaring deficiencies.

    Apparently today the ONLY qualification for boss, commanding officer or CEO is “I want to control others”, the very definition of megalomania.

    Perhaps that’s the intent.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2023 #141773
    Dr D Rich

    Dr. D says a lot today:
    “XRP appears also to be the basis of many CBDCs worldwide.”

    Yet, NSA, William Luther PhD and Crowdstrike “say/said/do” Monero:XMR is the backbone for “WannaMine to leverage WannaCry’s exploitation code, EternalBlue” (courtesy NSA). Monero mining software is surreptitiously installed and cryptojacking, cryptomining begins.

    So, is it Monero:XRM or XRP:Ripple or a crypto pump n dump?

    I notice your allusion to the Catholic Church, China and (Papists) Western in today’s post. No doubt deservedly, right?

    So let’s hear it for:
    1. 1/10th-ers here in the United States, Catholics 21% vs 2% Jews (interchangeable with Leftists, right?),
    2. Kabbalists vs Papists (derogatory, usually?)
    3. Israel vs China in the disproportionate misrepresentation

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