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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102948

    @kultsommer said:

    Right of anybody to have an (uneducated) opinion about anything cheapens that field of human endeavour

    You imply an uneducated opinion but retain the primary meaning of any opinion cheapens a field of endeavour. How can a positive (uneducated) opinion cheapen a field of endeavour? As with many art critics, much of what you say comes out the wrong end.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102947

    @Raul said:

    Art is a journey, for both the artist and for their viewers. In the end, though, art is about the heart, not the brain.

    It enriches our lives, how we receive those riches will differ, and some of those riches will not be appreciated as riches at all but as junk … such as Tracey Emin’s Bed. The great thing about art is that we are all entitled to appreciate it, or not appreciate it, in our own way, there is no right or wrong or way it should be done or any necessity to educate yourself with respect to art.

    When I look at a Rembrandt portrait I very rarely get any emotional reward but I am in awe of his talent and often wonder about the painting process, such as how much time was spent on painting the clothing versus the face. His technical ability was incredible and his physical painting talent is a revelation of the craftsmanship of which humans are capable. It doesn’t do much for my heart.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102944

    @Oroboros said:

    What upsets me about Ed Down and his follow hedge fund buddies is that his ‘revelation’ about the vaccines causing injury and death comes a year or so after anyone paying attention with the slightest curiosity figured it out.

    They are only doing it now because their clients have given the all clear …. they have sold their Pfizer shares, have taken their profits and will not pay any of the injury costs … classic reason why modern markets will always encourage corporate corruption.

    Of course, the system could be easily changed so that the share holders at the time of the offence were also liable, but then the elite criminal billionaires would not get so much corporate profit based on crime … nobody is interested in that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2022 #102943

    @Red said:

    “A planet ever more battered by climate change, one in which neither an American nor a Chinese “century” will have any meaning, will certainly need a newly empowered world order that can supersede national sovereignty to protect the most fundamental and transcendent of all human rights: survival.

    Not the WEF global cooling/global warming/climate change fairy tale again. Was it the Davos crowd’s cut back on private jet/yacht/cars/jet skis etc carbon emissions that persuaded you? Maybe the Davos crowd selling off all their seaside properties persuaded you? The massive rise in seaside property insurance that persuaded you? Maybe it was the Davos crowd’s fleecing of the tax payer to fund new sources of energy provided by the Davos crowd that persuaded you?

    The aversion to critical thinking is the problem, not climate.

    in reply to: Bankruptcy For Moderna, Definitely Pfizer #102842

    @boscohorowitz said:

    So, getting Huffy and all about it, thanx for all the fish but I’m very much done here.

    Not another nappy change? You need to work on your oversensitivity, maybe some baby powder will do the trick.

    in reply to: Bankruptcy For Moderna, Definitely Pfizer #102841

    @DBS Appologies for appearing disrespectful, I had no intention to do so. My point is that I read alot of similar claims in CEO literature, where the CEO is desperate to show that their company is on top of all the latest technological innovations. These CEO people will never understand anything about the technology even if you educate them for 100 years. Their goal is to appear to be ahead of the tech curve. I see the same talk in the WEF document and as a result it does not bother me because my experience is that most of this talk produces nothing and is discarded and forgotten when the trend moves onto the next big thing. I am more concerned about WEF taking existing Chinese populaiton control tech and applying it to the western ex-democracies.

    I acknowledge that as technology constantly advances it becomes more and more scary. As biotech moves on we will probably end up killing ourselves through some incompetent biologist thinking he knows it all and releasing something accidentally infectious and dangerous. After all, in 10 years time every biologist will probably be able to create viruses in a lab in their home.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102646

    @DBS said:

    No disrespect but I am an engineer, the number of bullshit documents I have to put up with, such as the WEF documents, is the bain of my life. There is nothing frightening in that document, it is hopeless rhetoric, the sort of shit that CEOs eat up then spew out. The sort of document aimed at investors who pile into stocks that say they are into AI. It is pathetic. The WEF documents are standard cheap shite, only an amateur investor would take any notice.

    Web services, blockchain, AI …. the number of technologies adopted by CEOs to promote their businesses because the market has jumped onto that bandwagon is endless. How many businesses have an AI project but know nothing about AI, or a blockchain project but actually know nothing about blockchain. It is pathetic.

    CEOs are like chimpanzees peeling bananas: they know nothing, they operate on instinct. Marketing is everything and WEF is 99% marketing – just look at their people like Trudeau, Ardern etc, you are not looking at intellect, the future of intelligence. The WEF documents you linked are pathetic, sorry, just plain “Annual General Meeting” speak, so mean nothing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102611

    @tony smyth said:

    Nanotech found in Pfizer jab.

    I find this fascinating, especially the idea of networking devices together throughout the human body. I have read some of the supposedly scientific papers and they seem like total bollocks to me, my training being in embedded systems engineering, so I feel I should be able to understand this concept, given that this is a form of embedded system. Maybe it is just too scientific for an engineer.

    Power supply is what makes me doubtful. Passive devices, such as an RFID tag, have to be powered up by the reader which sends radio waves to the device’s antenna and then uses the received energy to transmit the ID signal back to the reader. The greater the distance, the more power is needed and the bigger the antenna. One foot max is typical in clear air, it will be much less through the body.

    I have also read reports of vaccinated people transmitting ethernet MAC addresses as if on a network. MAC is the link layer protocol ( which means that the nano devices would have to already e very sophisticated and the physical layer technology able to transmit using a considerable amount of energy. This I find very difficult to believe as the entire energy technology would have been hidden from the rest of us, despite it being a technology that would have made billions for the billionaires. If it can run a wifi network card it can basically run your mobile.

    I have also read that graphene matrix (as shown in the images) is used to reinforce a basic material such as metal or ceramic to increase the strength of small devices – same as fibre reinforced concrete or glass fibre – and I have read that the matrix appears to be referred to as a network. I wonder if this is where this story came from?

    I am keeping an open mind on this as I have had no exposure to nano devices so cannot be sure and maybe technology really has moved this far in the military sector without the rest of us being aware of it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102601

    @boscohorowitz said:

    As for mRna vakzines and saving lives: the one thing that they do of benefit is their short term ability to prevent covid from going ballistic in a person’s body. One pays considerable risk-price for this benefit, but that much about the vakzine is real.

    Rubbish. All the other promises that came with the vaccines have proven to be lies, why believe this? Given their track record, you have to assume that this is also a lie. Why do they keep this claim? It looks like this is their desperate attempt to not have to admit that the vaccines do absolutely nothing for anyone. They would then have to explain why they paid so much money for something that doesn’t work and excluded all other solutions, again for something that does not work.

    The “it reduces your suffering” line is the bulshit they need to not make themselves look like totally hopeless crooks. Australia paid for 10 shots per person, when do you think they are going to admit that that they signed such a stupid contract because the owners of big pharma promised to ensure that they will regain their seats at the next election?

    Their track record and ease with which they lie and fiddle the numbers means that I would need rock solid proof of this claim before believing it: and not proof from the government health departments. Unless multiple independent studies are done by independent contrarian doctors across multiple continents which prove this to be the case, I will assume that this is yet another pick out of their bag of lies, like all the other nonsense we have been told about the vaccines which then turned out to be lies.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102593

    A minimum level of response needs to be maintained so that we have the ability to rapidly scale up and deal with future waves through pharmaceutical interventions rather than restrictions – as we did with Omicron.

    Their answer is digital ID and “emergency” laws. They could just monitor the sewers to see when the next variant arrives, it would be incredibly more reliable and cheaper but no, they want to be able to control you and this is their excuse – “readiness for disaster” is their lie. The justification for genome sequencing will be the next thing to appear – a paper from Joe Bloggs saying that your risk is to different harmless variants depends on your genome – which will enable them to judge your faux risk (this zero versus that zero) and tell you to get another injection. Science is the new prison torturer.

    We all know they are putting us in chains, but nobody seems to be working against this enslavement. Of course, it does not look so bad at the moment, but it will get very bad, believe me. The answer is to use technology to circumvent or corrupt their systems.

    My very slim hope is that given the number of computer programmers on this earth, and that more and more are being driven to the dark web, those solutions will not be far away, but who knows. But the reality is that these countries need to be fixed by their military forces, the third world solution to the west’s third world problem – hyper-corruption expressing as political dictatorship.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102442

    @deflationista said:

    This website is run by a bunch of lawyers, why do you believe lawyers more than a government? We all know how you hang on every word of the government as if they were Jesus himself. Is it because this is the Indian government and darkie governments are not as trustworthy as lawyers?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102441

    @deflationista said:

    No shame is using a 6 year old disabled boy as a tool for your own anti-vax propaganda campaign.

    Says the supporter of child vaccinations, a person who supports increasing of 40% in the rate of death amongst the pre-lifespan population, a person who cannot comprehend that people can be bad, that the west is in full-spectrum collapse. My suggestion is that you change your name to virtue delusionista.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102439

    @deflationista said:

    Maybe you don’t realize how stupid you sound?

    Ironic that such a contrarian should appeal to status to insult others.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102437

    What will be interesting to see is whether the Canadian system has any way of containing a runaway government, one determined to destroy the country and its constitution. Is Canada like the USA, totally at the mercy of the billionaires?

    I am now starting to see the advantage of true nationalism that exists in third world countries where the military would step in, overthrow the government to defend the nation against external interests. Of course, the military soon gets bogged down in its own corruption, it is impossible to turn down the power of cash.

    I do not expect such an event in Canada where the military are probably too busy playing video games and would not want to risk their pensions for their country.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102434

    Re: Rogan Maajid Nawaz and Rogan

    The salient point missed by that clip is that these are “digital” IDs. A digital ID is very different to an ID: most countries give people IDs, whether social security number, national insurance number etc.

    The difference between an ID and a digital ID is that the digital ID will be combined with millions of digital ID readers which can be used to control your every move. For example, to enter a restaurant you have to swipe your digital ID which will let the restauranteur know whether you are allowed to enter the restaurant.

    How does it do this? The system keeps thousands of lines of data on each person and thousands of rules in a central database. It decides whether you can enter the restaurant by feeding your data (as identified by the number in your digital ID) into a few of the rules used for this type of restaurant. The rules make a decision based on your data and the result will be either yes or no. This is done in less than a millisecond. The rules can be expanded and changed as required: for example, one of the rules will force a YES for people with VIP=yes in their data so that they can get anything they want. But if your data contains VIP=no, then you do not get the assumed yes and the other rules will decide your fate.

    The next stage is to implant your Digital ID chip into your hand. As you enter a restaurant a detector reads your chip and determines whether you can enter. If the answer is no then a your ID picture is flashed up to the patron who throws you out. Alternatively, the local police are informed and you are removed from the restaurant and thrown into the gulag.

    I was part of the development team for a similar sort of system for airport baggage handling. The chips were in the baggage labels and the bags were routed to their destination by readers and actuators along the converyors. The readers could read the chips from the edge of the belt so there was no need to get too close to the baggage. The system could even identify which user owned which bag as well as where the bag should go. This was 30 years ago so I am sure the remote chip reading technology is now far superior.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102252

    @phoenixvoice said:

    He is a narcissist and she had to conform to his image of who he expected her to be.

    I believe that to be true, but what scares me most about billionaires is that they must be incredibly driven and driven for a reason: there must be something in their brains that makes them want to win at all costs, all costs meaning no compromise. To me that is scary, being with someone who would destroy you if you stood in his way, having no consideration for the joy of life, the features of humanity that make life worth living. Instead their only goal is success, whatever that means to them and why does it mean so much to them? What went wrong?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102250

    @Boscohorowitz I should be thanking you. I appreciate your commentary and dialogue which I read over breakfast here in Hong Kong.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102248

    @EoinW said:

    I’m not expecting us to go the CCP route. Doesn’t mean our rulers won’t destroy society. Their aim is total control, not chaos.

    Living in Hong Kong, on one of the small islands, I thank human nature for one blessing: the CCP focuses mostly naturally on the people in the cities. They are easier to control not only because they are more densely packed, but also because there is no “village society” factor.

    Village living provides many protections, for me the main ones are:
    – you rat out your neighbour and everybody will know it was you within a day.
    – police have family in the village so will be very reluctant to enforce certain regulations.
    – outsiders are easy to spot, they are known to cause trouble by reporting non-compliance.
    – fellow villagers are forgiven for their quirks, such as never wearing a mask.
    – fellow villagers know they depend on each other.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102239

    That is, it creates both B cell and T cell immunity. … Bill Gates

    Actually your immune system creates the immunity, not the virus and definitely not the vaccines which are like using a coal-fired steam hammer to perform a circumcision. I see where this is going: Bill Gates wants his vaccines to replace the natural immune system? Dodgy as Windows 10.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102238

    “Sadly, the virus itself – particularly the variant Omicron – is a type of vaccine…. ” – Bill Gates

    If Omicron is a vaccine then every virus is its own vaccine: why is this particular to Omicron? Yes, its sad for someone who wants to see people locked up and dying in huge numbers, but not for the victims of WEF. Remember, this is the guy handing out cash in a bid to take over the world. Gates is as dodgy as Windows 10.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102146

    @ Boscohorowitz said:

    How about you mind your own business …

    You need a nappy change?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102145

    @ Dr D said:

    And the idea of pre-planning collusion is something criminals and businessmen never do. And the idea of a “profit motive” is inconceivable. Would people lie and kill for money? Not if they’re Gates, Morgan, Sachs, and Pfizer they won’t!

    People are a puzzle, mostly because they know about the mafia killing people for money, they know about drug dealers killing people for money, they know about political dictators killing for money, they know – maybe – about the history of kings and queens killing each other for money, they see General Soleimani assasinated as a gift to the Israelis, yet they refuse to believe what seems obvious to some of us: every billionaire will have murdered, blackmailed, bribed, their way through life. They are clever, so they will not get their own hands dirty and are likely to do such things through international corporations but they will have done it. 100% certain.

    The consequences: Look at all the resource hot spots in the world, such as Nigeria, Amazon rain forest, etc and only the ones in first world countries are not controlled by thugs. Those thugs are empowered by the billionaires, they would be replaced if they stepped out of line. The people they kill, bribe, blackmail are being dealt with so that the billionaires get their money, the same applies to politicians, they obey or are replaced. You don’t get to be a billionaire without breaking most of the laws of this world, even if you pretend to be a nice guy, like Elon Musk.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102142

    @ Dr D Posting links to the Guardian? My firewall is set up to prevent me accidentally receiving data from the Guardian, in the same way the U-bend in the toilet prevents me from accidentally receiving turds from the sewer. You are asking me to take away the U-bend and look at the turds in the sewer? It must be April fools.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102139

    Gates, the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told the audience that a potential new pandemic would likely stem from a different pathogen than that belonging to the coronavirus family (maybe Ebola, perhaps?). But he added that advances in medical technology should help the world do a better job of fighting it – if investments are made now.

    In other words, invest in vaccine passports, invest in social scoring, invest in authoritarian laws, invest in prison camps, invest in pandemic police, invest in secure quarantine facilities NOW as we will need them when my foundation releases the next pandemic … any bets on which virus Gates will choose for the next stage of the Gates genocide project?

    Total tyranny and the people are lobotomized: suddenly our world is all about “health care” provided by the “Munsters”. Nobody noticed that the rest of our lives, the productive, creative, human bit has been relegated to be subservient to “faux health care” run by a self-proclaimed geek, doctor, expert … yes, Gates is definitely one of the “experts say” group.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102138

    Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition”

    The oppressor always accusses the oppressed of their own crimes. When WEF takes over Canada, the people will realise they have been had, but by then it will be too late. For people like Carney, he is a fascist in the sense of a capitalist/banker subverting the power of government.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102137

    The pastors went on to rebuke Trudeau and his government for seemingly believing that they have the authority to bestow and remove fundamental rights at will.

    Not just rights, they will grant WEF authority over Canada, this is just the start of a downward slope and we all know that things speed up more and more as you progress further down that slope. Before WEF can take over, the government needs dictatorial powers, well they are almost there, just a matter of time.

    After they arrested, then released, protesters yesterday, you can bet they are hoping those protesters return to the protest so that the security services can justify ramping up their response to the protest. As protesters get arrested, secretly released, then rearrested, the people of Canada will support more aggressive measures and martial law will appear in pockets.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102134

    So why the heavy hand in their mission to win back the city? That’s the question Ottawa Police, the Prime Minister, Premier Doug Ford and Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson need to answer.

    My guess is that the regular Ottawa police were not involved. Why? Consider the police men, some will be heaviliy against this, others will be willing to go along with it, but in the end the police get divided into those that enjoy breaking heads and those against. It is much easier for the government to bring in a “special unit” which has no links to anybody in the local police and let that special unit break up the crowd.

    Exactly who that unit would be? Probably the security services. The security services tend to operate outside the law and are not held accountable, a perfect bunch to resolve this situation. Whether the security services will enable Turdo to turn Canada into a police state is likely, which government department ever turned down the opportunity for more power?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #102019

    China can be so depressing, mostly because sectors of society can be so primitive and psychopathic, with very little empathy for their fellow creatures. The most shocking recent story – after the skinning alive of dogs, the massacre of sharks, the forced labour of Uighurs etc – is the one about the Chinese female slave trade …

    The Chinese open a window to raw human behaviour, behaviour that is not tempered by religion, is not focused on happiness, but is based on cash and the survival of the family name, a form of Chinese superstition combined with the necessity of having children to look after them when they are old. The government basically providing jobs and the minimum of services needed to support those jobs.

    Even though the Canadian authoritarians would undoubtedly chain up a woman as a sex slave, we can still be thankful that the worst of the Canadian people have not yet sunk to the level of the worst sections of Chinese society. Maybe that is yet to come.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #102000

    Big pharma managed to get together a vaccine for the original variant in a matter of weeks. But they are still vaccinating people with the original vaccine, now at booster number 4. So, why are they not updating the vaccine and making it relevant to the later variants?

    I can only think of a few possible reasons:
    – They manufactured loads of the first version so needs to get rid of the stock: not very convincing given the delays in delivery.
    – They do not want to go through the FDA licensing process again: unlikely as they bought the FDA decades ago.
    – They know that the original didn’t work so why would an updated version work: unlikely as the FDA could use the variants as a reason to give big pharma even more grant money.
    The first vaccine was not actually based on Covid, so the change in variant makes no difference: this is the most likely explanation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101849

    @Dr D said:

    Point at Walter Langowski’s phone (noting AlphaFlight) and BEEP, he has the money to buy diesel.-

    Not that easy. Having money in an account is not the issue, getting it out of the account and spending it is the issue. Unless the person selling diesel is using the same currency (say bitcoin), the question is how to exchange that money for the currency that is accepted by the diesel seller? The diesel seller will have to have a bitcoin account at some exchange so that he can exchange the bitcoin for cash and pay himself and his suppliers. How long will it take the government to close down his CAD account once they see him receiving cash from, say, Coinbase?

    The misnomer “wallet” is confusing to many. The wallet is a device (paper, usb stick, PC, mainframe, super computer, tree truck, tattoo etc) that stores your digital currency account number (often referred to as a key). The wallet does not contain any money, the money is held in the distributed bank (on something called a block chain) on the internet and all you can do is to receive/send it, using your account number, to someone else who has an account number in the same currency. To do this you need the internet, so no internet, no transaction. To convert it to cash, you send it to a company such as coinbase who will convert it from bitcoin into CAD.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2022 #101676

    @boschhorowitz said:

    Putting aside that you appear to have dismissed the bulk of your fellow specie members as retards, an attitude worthy of George Soros (think about it….), I’ll note that the etiology of this ‘retardation’ is not really known.

    No, I have commented on the westerners in humanity, not all of humanity and nowhere near a majority.

    So perhaps the problem with these “retards” is neither an abundance of emotion or paucity of logical cognition, but the natural consequence of being raised in environments ill suited to healthy human development.

    I would certainly consider that as a contribution, but it is so obvious that I didn’t bother.

    Feelings are hugely important parts of any logic which is why an AI a zillion times smarter than a man will still misread humanity in its predictions and suggested strategies.

    Sorry, your understanding of AI is not correct: AI is a form of statistical analysis, the analysis is an approximation (limited data) based on learning (limited interpretation) which attempts to convert the statistical analysis into an algorithm of sorts – all computers exclusively run on algorithms. When AI “misreads humanity”, as you call it, the most common cause is that it was never trained with the required data to provide a statistically valuable analysis, and as AI has no “common sense” (as there is no cognition involved) it is unable to work out a reasonable versus unreasonable response. The best way to address this is to use a conventional algorithm which limits the actions of the AI analysis. AI analysis, like lots of stats, is a form of mathematical modelling used to guide decision making: this decision making is not the same as humanity’s decision making.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2022 #101669

    @EoinW said:

    PPS Mask mandates have one single purpose: to humiliate people. No one can show their face in public without the government’s permission.

    It also gives people the “feeling” that the government cares for their safety, so it plays into the fantasy of benevolent government that exists in the minds of modern western retards – the majority of citizens who are primarily guided by feelings.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2022 #101662

    @ Boogaloo said:

    Following the principle of Occam’s Razor, masks are the best explanation for why Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore have done much, much, much much much better over the last two years than the West. No, it’s not the kimchee. No, it’s not the sweet and sour pork. No, it is not the sushi. No, it’s not even the chili crab. It’s the masks.

    I live in Hong Kong and I can tell you that your analysis is incorrect for Hong Kong and China. Hong Kong has quarantined all travellers for 3 weeks when they enter the country, that has enabled them to keep Covid out of the country. I believe both Japan and Korea have done the same, as has Taiwan. Quarantine is a proven tactic for thousands of years, so no surprise it worked for a while.

    Now Omicron is rampaging through Hong Kong and the government response is a combination of panic, lockdowns and trying to scare the elderly into getting vaccinated. Lockdowns include restaurats, gyms, churches etc and forcing all office workers to work from home. Masks have done nothing to prevent this despite the Hong Kong compliance rate of 100% along with strict social distancing rules. The vaccines have also been useless as a the proportion of vaccinated cases is the same as the proportion of vaccinated in the population.

    Hong Kong has a zero Covid policy which has obviously failed. They cannot change that policy until their bosses in Beijing give the nod and do the same. They will need a strategy to do this as everybody in China knows that the policy has failed (China has masses of cases, even at the specially protected Olympics) but the policy cannot be removed without a massive loss of face. They will not accept a loss of face – although face has already been lost as everybody can see the glaring failure – so they need a strategy to get rid of the policy by blaming someone else.

    My guess is that they are allowing the Pfizer pill into the country as part of a tactic to get rid of the zero Covid policy. With a new pill available that will cure people, they have a reason to update their policy and allow Covid to run wild as they have Western-medicine’s best protection. When the pill is proven to not work – as it inevitably will – the Chinese can blame Pfizer and, by association, the USA.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101533

    @WES said:

    What have the trucker achieved so far?

    Truck towing companies have exposed the government and police as helpless without collaborators.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101312

    @Dr D I greatly appreciate your daily commentary, many thanks and keep up the good work.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101158

    Ummmm. What would qualify you as “crazy” is thinking that Cheetos and Pepsi is what kept you healthy from Covid. Or that those two things helped you get better. Correlation does not imply causation. You do know that right? The thing is, I really don’t think you do. Which is odd, considering your apparent career path.

    And what would qualify you as dumb would be to consider correlation on a population of one. Oh, and correlation does “imply” causation, we are talking statistics here, not absolutes so “imply” is definitely the role of correlation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101127

    @sumac.carol Good ridance. You quoting Amnesty International is a hilarious final shot. I wish you well in finding the young girl’s “fantasy land” where all the dolls do as you say, the world you believe should exist, alternatively just grow up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2022 #101011

    @deflationista Surely, you “lovers of data” will watch this short video because you know, you “want to see the data”. Or “the papers”. Or the “proof”. But I am guessing you won’t, because you are more interested in just repeating what you want to hear and calling me a retard.

    Partially right, you are a retard, but there are other reasons and they have nothing to do with hearing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 11 2022 #100819

    The uniform response of western nations to the Covid pandemic has been one of the creepiest of the bizarre behaviours revealed by the pandemic. It is good to see people are now looking into that: after all, we all know that western government is throughly corrupted.

    What is disappointing is that a nation’s security services are supposed to vet politicians, yet the WEF people seem to have passed that vetting process with no problem. Why are the security services traitors to their own countries? I suspect that they are as corrupt as the politicians, but are just out of sight so out of mind.

    The interesting factor is that Anal Schwab is so proud of his corruption of democracy that he goes online to boast about it: face plant moment. With Anal boasting it can hardly be written off as a conspiracy theory.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2022 #100666

    Germany’s power supply

    Everybody here should have watched Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans, released almost a year ago. Yes, Michael Moore is a left wing sometimes-nut, but this documentary shows, in typical Michael Moore style, how corporates are destroying the world and that the left and right wings basically see green tech in the same light but can do nothing to fix the problem.

    After watching the documentary it will become evident how and why the Covid scam fits into the whole rape of the planet by the oligarchs.

    A link to the documentary on youtube …

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