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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2022 #100555


    Your conditions for supporting a fellow protestor are unnervingly similar to the statistically recommended conditions for choosing a partner: did you know that the longest lasting relationships are those where both partners share the same values? Maybe you are single, searching for that one partner and confusing the aim of achieving a political goal with the aim of achieving a personal goal?

    Life involves compromise at all levels: you use money yet protest against banks: somewhat hypocritical?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 7 2022 #100328

    Went onto to search for “gas chainsaw” as I know a lot of them – maybe all – are produced in China. I could not find a single price for a gas chainsaw: plenty of listings, but nothing in stock. I am not looking to buy – I live in Hong Kong and can get one from – but I take this as an indication that is having to prioritise its shipments from China and chainsaws are low down the list – something that won’t be noticed – while phones and the like are getting into the high priority containers or even moved by air freight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 6 2022 #100235

    Which globalists will win, the China/Russia team or the North American/European team?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 6 2022 #100218

    @delationista Is this the Ryan Imgrund that made mathematical models that predicted we were all going to die from Covid? Your sources of lies have already been outed, like relying on Trudeau to tell us who is protesting – white supremacists, racists etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2022 #99917

    The border changes mean that vaccinated New Zealanders returning from Australia will no longer need to go into quarantine from the end of this month, and vaccinated New Zealanders returning from the rest of the world can skip quarantine by mid-March.

    Ardern still promoting the punishment of the unvaccinated: authoritarians just hate being disobeyed, especially the dumb ones. I will not return to my home in New Zealand until the current regime is voted out of power by my neighbours.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2022 #99916

    “It’s a really unique study,” Prof Christopher Chiu, from the Institute of Infection, at Imperial College London, said.

    When does this bunch of prostitute scientists pay for their crimes against the people of the UK? Why are there no plans to close this institution and get rid of the virus of lies it spreads to the news media?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2022 #99913

    @deflationista Here are your 50 protesters (as reported by your oracle, the police)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99868

    @deflationista In your opinion, has anyone in a position of authority ever deliberately told a lie with regards to Covid? If the answer is yes, would you kindly let us know when and where?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99853

    Australians appear to be taking delight in removing the rights of their fellow citizens. Have they lost the ability to step back and see what this means for themselves and their country? Puting the noose around your neighbour’s neck is puting the noose around your own neck: the difference is only in the timing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99852

    Liberal billionaire George Soros called for the replacement of Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday

    If someone called for the same treatment of the Israeli government then the victim train would be out and we would hear the wailing of “anti-semitism”. The hypocrisy of the Jews.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99851

    “Anti-Semitism!” when critics fault Soros’ political work

    The woke are happy to forgive Soros selling Jews to gas chambers but not happy to forgive Hitler: they are pro-semitic, anti-germanic!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2022 #99850

    Almost one in 10 people in the UK – 9% – have still not had a single dose. Health experts and policymakers are urgently trying to figure out why.

    “Health experts” are either very stupid or the Guardian is lying: after two years of this both possibilities are actually certainties: the experts are stupid and we will never know what they say because the Guardian cannot stop lying.

    That is the problem now, you know they are lying and you know the experts are no such thing: as a result you don’t care whether or not they tell you what the experts say as their words have no value to me. Yet there are still people unintelligent/lazy enough to believe the Guardian, assuming that somebody still reads this tripe, so their words have some value to the powers that be.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 29 2022 #99439

    These days, the charge of misinformation is deliberate misinformation.

    Especially given that Mr Young is not qualified to comment on what is true or false from a medical perspective. He is expressing his view regarding the political aspects of Covid – as a voter – and his political stance is pro-pharma censorship despite him trying to hide behind the “misinformation” trope which has simply become a “scientific” way for cowards to express disagreement.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 29 2022 #99438

    Really? All truckers are fascists now? Wow.

    I have contempt for such disdain: this just plays into the WEF agenda at high eventual cost to all of us. Why are people so happy to hate their neighbours? That is not where people came from – village life – and is not where happiness is to be found.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 27 2022 #99267

    @Veracious Poet

    Trolls are characterised by the ‘Dark Tetrad’ of personality traits, including psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism and sadism.

    Written by a retired Indian policeman: those bobbies are experts at everything!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 27 2022 #99266


    I would be the first to line up in support of a leader who was clean.

    Trudeau is not “clean” and you are lining up behind him: Please don’t lie to us, we get enough of that nonsense from the government and their mouthpieces.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 25 2022 #99062

    @defaltionista He was giving Spotify an ultimatum and he identified Rogan as the reason

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 22 2022 #98758

    This week was amusing here in Hong Kong for the desperation in China to avoid any loss of face over Covid: their latest outbreak is being blamed on “imported” frozen food, an outbreak in Hong Kong is being blamed on “imported” hamsters (pets), another outbreak in Hong Kong (2700 people locked down in one building) is being blamed on a “super spreader”: apparently this means someone who has the virus, yet tests negative but can spread the virus – in other words a meaningless explanation.

    Notice how in all cases the Chinese didn’t do anything wrong? It is never the fault of the Chinese: expats have been blamed, philippino maids have been blamed, foreign hamsters have been blamed, foreign frozen food has been blamed. You have got to wonder who will be the next foreign villain.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 21 2022 #98655

    @chooch Travel and social distancing restrictions …

    Interesting how these figures are attributed to Travel and social distancing. Living in Hong Kong I can assure you that hardly any social distancing happens. The worst social distancing restrictions are that only four people can sit at the same table in a restaurant, but that does not stop people pulling two tables to within a few inches of each other.

    Most people here would attribute the low death counts more to masks than to social distancing.

    As for travel restrictions, the border to China has been open for a long time during the pandemic without any quarantine restrictions. I notice how China and Macau (which is also China) have a death rate of zero per 100,000 to just demonstrate again how China’s numbers are simply not believable.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2022 #97962

    Israeli professor, Danish newspaper, both coming out to admit that the pandemic was mishandled and now the SCOTUS decision: this looks entirely like a messaging campaign aimed at skeptics to weaken them by giving them hope, hope that our fellow citizens have seen the light and that everything can now go back to normal.

    Don’t fall for it, this is the calm before the storm. The SCOTUS decision is bound to be somehow made irrelevant by the vaccine passport people at WEF. My guess is that the vaccine passport systems will be brought online and trialled by the faithful. Then they will release another pathogen and another vaccine but this time the gloves will be off.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2022 #97928

    @deflationista Why does nobody die of flu anymore? Why does my friend tell me that an old colleague died of Covid and when I ask for the details I discover that he actually had brain cancer, but they are calling it Covid. Why do all your heroes, the sellers of vaccines, need to spread so many lies and uncertainties? My wife’s theory is simple: if the vaccines were any good then 99% of people would have voluntarily got them, as it is most people who got them were bullied, coerced etc into getting them. So much for the vaccines riding on their merits.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2022 #97926

    Despite the massive failure of the vaccines to do anything positive to end or even attenuate the pandemic, the politicians are still pushing ahead with the vaccine mandates. What does this tell you about the aims of the politicians? They want to end the pandemic or they want to extend the pandemic to justify vaccine passports. Them being dumb is not an option as they are controlled by the likes of Gates, Buffett, Musk, Bezos, Soros etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 7 2022 #97361

    The armed forces are being deployed to help hospitals in London deal with a surge in Covid patients because the Omicron variant is leaving so many staff sick and unable to work.

    So the vaccine doesn’t work and Omicron is super dangerous, making people really sick. Really, are you sure they are not just positive cases rather than actual infections? After all we all know that PCR does not work. I suspect a lot of the staff are not that sick but are just pissed off with their political managers.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Boxing Day 2021 #96276

    ‘I am all in favour of free choice but there comes a point when you cannot lock up 90 per cent of the country who are vaccinated for the ten per cent who refuse to be.’

    At least our authoritarian oppressors have a sense of humour: protecting the obviously fragile vaccinated from the apparently infectious unvaccinated makes you wonder whether the vaccine just turns you into a completely useless fragile moronic waste of space. Once the pandemic is done, what are we going to do with all these fragile vaccinated sheep?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 20 2021 #95804

    @Voracious Poet

    Then there are the lunatic fringe cynics that decry, hate & besmirch the AMERICAN experiment (usually those that deep down hate themselves & everyone else), having not one better system than what John Locke + the Sons of Liberty espoused (usually they crave government akin to anarchism), only focusing on the failures of history, whose events themselves were in violation of Natural Law.

    Are you seriously referring to the majority of people on this planet as “lunatic fringe” and people who “hate themselves and everyone else”? Looking at the actions of the US government over the last 70 years it appears as though they want everybody to hate them, even their own veterans.

    The US destiny has been obvious to most of us for decades: democracy has been corrupted because the people allowed certain individuals to become so wealthy and powerful that they decided they did not need everybody else and could just buy the government. The government allowed them to get their stuff made overseas, even helped subsidize it at one time, and soon the rich people started to question the value of their fellow citizens back home, especially as the average income reduces and the overseas market becomes more important than the home market: ask the likes of the NFL.

    Their contempt for the home market is further demonstrated by their refusal to maintain the integrity of the nation, opening the borders to allow anyone it, showing you that they consider you all equal: citizen and illegal alien.

    When individuals in the USA can own their own armies, when government does the bidding of corporations and oligarchs, and when most stuff is made overseas, then there is no “serving the people”.

    The US “experiment” worked for a while then failed, as it was destined to, but the time for protesting that failure was when the jobs were being moved to China – all part of the USA’s cold war victory – now it is way too late.

    By the way, it is not the system: empires come and go regardless of the system, the same as all living creatures, the reason being that the individuals that run the show are flawed and end up actively destroying their empire which they will no doubt miss once it’s gone. People are idiots.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2021 #94905

    In recent days, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has sharply criticized the Biden administration’s social welfare agenda.

    It must be galling seeing all that corporate welfare being redirected to common people: Musk has to be the global champion corporate-welfare junkie, having built all his businesses on government cash.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2021 #93847

    Covid travels by TV: you should turn off the TV to protect yourself from this and future variants.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93756

    Austrians face fines and even prison time if they refuse to get jabbed after a February deadline.

    Austria is going to put 35% of its population in jail? Interesting to see how they do that: NATO troops maybe? Even with the upper hand of 2:1, the vaccinated will not be sufficient to force the unvaxxinated to do anything. And while two thirds are busy restraining the unvaxxed, who is going to be productive and keep the economy going?

    Consider the scenario: Austrian police grab child, force-inject the child. What do you think dad is going to do? Now multiply that by millions and you will have a lot of very agrieved male adults probably willing to get together and do something very bad as revenge for the assault on their children.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93755

    Brennan1 formulates a broadly representative OTV-type argument in terms of an ‘enforceable moral principle that prohibits people from participating in the collective imposition of unjust harm or risk of harm’.

    As Covid is one of the smallest risks we run in everyday life, how is this moral principle going to be applied to all the other greater risks, such as transport, environment, government etc. Or is this a Covid-specific moral principle that you just pulled out your ass?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93565

    Time for a new vaccine that will target the new vaccine-resistant strain: I wonder how many will fall for this bullshit a second time and get stabbed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93564

    German Euthenasia Association competing with Pfiser? Sorry, the vaccines have killed way more Germans than you have, but I understand the idea: get someone else to kill them for you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2021 #92436

    Bezos’ “Slaves in space” project, otherwise known as the “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” project. The psychopath thought process: how can I screw over these people to my benefit.
    He wants to save this unique planet for his kids. Only!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2021 #91760

    @boscohorowitz: In this century’s first decade, the Republicans bred abundant armchair generals willing to bomb the flaming crap out of anyone they felt didn’t have enough democracy.

    Hitler was not an armchair general. Hitler, if you believe the generally accepted Holocaust narrative, massacred a significant minority of his fellow citizens. An armchair general is trained to fight external enemies, Hitler did this as well, but he is notirious for being like the Democrats: they are intent on destroying their fellow citizens, either through cancel culture, vaccination mandates etc. You could see their hatred as soon as Trump was elected: they would rather remove democracy than have to put up with Trump (although they didn’t work that out for themselves, they were trained by the media). It is the attack on fellow citizens that make them armchair Hitlers, not their attack on external enemies or defence of the homeland.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2021 #91735

    My position is we must make the lives of the unvaccinated a total misery and just keep escalating the exclusions until we crush the resistance and break their spirit in order to force compliance and so they learn not to resist government mandates.

    This is wrong on so many levels that it is difficult to know where to start:

    • The social contract does not permit the ruling party to crush the losing side. If Repulblicans under Trump had decided to re-educate or imprisson anyone who voted Democrat, then Trump would still be in power.
    • These people you want to crush are tax payers, their ancestors were also tax payers.
    • Does the government work for the people or the people work for the government.
    • Why would you want to crush your fellow citizens, are you wanting to convert the country from a democracy to an authoritarian regime?
    • Will the “resistance” still be allowed to vote?
    • Will different opinions be allowed or do we all now have to think like civil servants?
    • Is being a sick fucker one of the qualities required to be on Twitter
    • \

    • Would meet you meet someone outside your house with baseball bats? You on for that or are you just an armchair fuck!
    • Mental illness is becoming far too common, especially the mental illness of being emboldened as a result of weak people not paying any consequences for picking a fight
    • etc

    Something went badly wrong with Doug Little’s education: he has the morals of an 8 year old computer game player and does not appear to be able to distinguish real life from gaming. Maybe he should get out on the street, declare his support for mandates to a few non-compliants and learn the link between threats and broken nose: yes, in the real world pain exists.

    Armchair Hitler: he is not alone, the Democrats seem to breed this sort.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2021 #91374

    I cannot believe that a Southwest Airlines pilot would say ‘Lets Go Brandon’ during a flight. That’s so disgraceful and offensive.

    And vaccine mandates are not offensive? Would you rather have a pilot who may die of a vaccine-induced heart attack or have a pilot that may say something you disagree with? You are a retard.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2021 #91373

    How does a drug on the WHO list of essential medicine all of a sudden become illegal? Really, what’s the mechanism?

    Fear that the plebs will have an alternative to the cattle tagging ID system that the authoritarians want to inject into all and sundry. This tells us one other thing: NL customs are bent and will to steal if “following orders”, so I wonder how many of those tablets are now circulating among the NL politicians.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90533

    My wife who is a doctor, has been a doctor for 30 years, kidney transplant specialist, emergency specialist, hospitalist, didn’t lose a Covid patient has natural immunity and will tomorrow see her last day because #science. We stand to lose everything she has ever worked for.

    — Barry Sharp (@BarryESharp) October 20, 2021

    My neighbour accusses me of being selfish for not getting the jab. This poor lady is obviously also being selfish. Not sure how that works, but in the left wing progressive mind, disobedience of their dictats is selfishness. The dictats are not selfish, they are just right minded thinking by our best brains, the sort of thinking for which us un-vaxxed should be thankful.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90261

    Powell died of blood cancer of some form. Complications with Covid means he died of flu. He lived too long, more than he deserved.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2021 #90193

    I do this under duress

    America is lost to the Democrats if this passes for resistance. Your compliance takes us closer to the inevitable end game: physically forced vaccination.

    in reply to: Make It Make Sense To Me. I Dare You. #89910

    In Hong Kong, we have a three week quarantine period for anyone coming into the country from most other countries. That barrier has kept our deaths down to just over 200. A total of 200 deaths is the equivalent of 1.5 days of the all-causes death rate. Do the calculation: over the past 700 days of Covid, for 1.5 days people died of Covid and for the other 698.5 days they died of something else!

    Most expats I meet over here have taken the jab, but there is a growing divide in the expat community between those who have the jab and those who don’t, and it can get pretty ferocious. Why is this happening? The jabbed expats want to go on holiday again and so they want the unjabbed to get the jab so that they can go on holiday. Most can do quarantine to go to weddings and funerals etc, the problem is holidays. In fact, more than half of the people that I have spoken to have supported mandatory vaccination, so that they can go on holiday.

    The jabbed morons are willing to force you to lose your job so that they can go on holiday!

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