Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2022 #102824
    Dr. D

    Press conference, 2:22pm. Biden surrendered. No troops or actions, not even SWIFT. That was quick; I would have lost that betting pool.

    Okay now for the deeply irritating part: I can’t figure out what’s going on in Ukraine because everything every adult in the West says is a guaranteed lie. Do you see NOW why we don’t do this? Yeah, now I might need to totally be on the side of the U.S., of immediate intervention in Europe, and I’m not because you cried wolf for 80 years. At least since bombing Serajevo and some aspirin factories, but why not as far back as Chiang Kai-shek and Korea?

    The first thing that comes to me? They are running the U.S. on the Russian 1917 playbook, and thus the idea is to take us down in a Communist civil war. I mean duh. That’s why they were all wearing color revolution purple back during the 2016 inauguration. That means they are at that point with us. 1917 was from Russia losing, or rather mis-prosecuting the war, which caused a break in the military and dissent at home. Sound familiar? Although their plans are off-kilter, and we are as a people and economy and a history wildly different from a medieval, serf-run, no-property Russia, put that in your hat.

    Next thing? What are they attacking? Chernobyl? Oh yeah we TOTALLY want that, and not like they would set it off (again) to annoy and involve Europe in the war. No, how about this? With no F-stan, no opium airbase in Turkey, in their toppled state, the whole West and WEF psychopaths depend on UKRAINE for their multi-billion drug, people, and money laundering.

    Suppose – beyond getting a hold of all the records on Hunter Biden and Trudeau family funds there – he simply SHUTS IT OFF? That is, the money laundering, the bribes to all 500 Congressmen? And EU, and Parliament, and…

    But they WILL get the records. And the U.S. won’t do s—t about it. How can they? Biden’s plan shut off, split and fired the military. They can’t send the Army into the meat grinder even if they wanted. Since Biden was bluffing with crayons, had no forward material, dumped all the oil reserves, they couldn’t get there in time anyway. Not to mention Putin would take out all Nato, all the Polish bases, and drop a tsunami on the whole east coast in like 30 minutes and Biden knows it.

    “I wonder if nuclear fallout can provoke heart disease, cancer, and immune system disorders.”

    That had been the original 16 year plan, where HRC vowed to personally and immediately start WWIII with Russia in Syria. With an bomb exchange, high prices, decay, disorder, and then no U.S. Constitution, they’d send the U.N. to us and – later – release the CV, or some such. Then no one could distinguish the pandemic from the background health problems. This is what we’ve been saved from, much as you might not like this. That sort of plan is the same one they’ve run at every debt parabola since they first go started in like 1500.

    Master blames the minion, … and takes over the minion’s authority.”

    This is why evil fails. In all the cartoon tropes. Minion! “Stimpy, you eee-diot!” “It can’t be, it’s Impossible!” Why? Because they were too far from the ground and trying to decide too much. i.e. “Not a Team”. It takes a village. And the village idiot, among others, but the other weirdos too. Leave them alone, they – their existence – has more wisdom than you know. Stop helping. Stop pulling levers.

    Or as Bernays told them – a guy who worked – you can’t make people do things radically out of people’s belief and will. Armstrong would say, “You can’t reverse the trend.” Or maybe, you can’t fight the Dao, the Way? The Will of Heaven? God law, if you will?

    #Logos. #AntiLogos.

    Well I for one am thrilled he surrendered. And I’ll look forward to seeing those laundering docs published shortly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2022 #102767
    Dr. D

    Not sure what’s up with revoking the War Powers, but the next casualty is they look like they have no idea what they’re doing. Taking a guess, compounding the guess that it was really the banking system: they found out that doing that backfired and was worse than if they hadn’t. Banks immediately called their paid servants and told them they don’t care if they look like the Three Stooges on national TV, reverse it. So the MPs, being wholly owned subsidiaries and paid monkeys, did as the bankers told them, and happily looked like idiots, discrediting all themselves and the whole government, perhaps worldwide.

    I really suspect they shot themselves in the head, but with a low-caliber round like .25. The bleeding begins and can’t be stopped.

    “Only 40 percent of rural hospitals in Texas offer labor-and-delivery services, and with staffing shortages, many deliver babies only a few days a week. There are 71 counties in the state with no hospitals at all. Across the country, 22 rural hospitals have shuttered in the past two years. According to one 2020 study, 453 more are in danger of closing.” –NYT

    Remove all health care from an area and watch them die. Classic genocide, generally apartheid, as covered in South Africa, Israel and Palestine. This was all well published in Agenda 21 and others, well-directed by Congress, and well-rewarded with profits by insurers.

    1) Murder people. 2) Steal their stuff 3) Profit! 4) Find more people and repeat 5) You did nothing and there’s a knock at the door.

    I’d say hold the over-posting in proxy but that doesn’t solve the problem: Raul would have to read them all anyway and who has time? My own posting is already way out on the edge but I try to provide ideas and facts that are new and relevant. This is just self-regulating culturally. He’s the host, we’re the guest. If you can’t behave yourself, then there’s no more dinner parties.

    in reply to: Bankruptcy For Moderna, Definitely Pfizer #102765
    Dr. D

    Not sure but these companies had 2 choices (or more). One, tell the truth and help people. Two, lie and profit. They chose two as completely predictable and will more or less cease to exist in present form. This was actually in Mr. 17’s postings once or twice. That goes for IVM too, which does (cures) more than this. There are a lot of known cures out there that the AMA makes illegal. That goes way back to the 40s.

    But here we are, playing it out. Notice that health, or rather sick-industrial-complex is the size of the Military Industrial-Complex, yet interacts with more common people and is far more dangerous, as well as better PR. “You’re killing grandma!” What I’m saying is that no other sector, not even government – and certainly no one man or team of men – can take them down. So it has to go like this, and there may be casualties, as Cheeto probably is. If so, it were worth it. That’s a fair trade of pieces on the big chessboard.

    They also need to be discredited in public, and that’s from 100 years of solid PR pretending they’re the good guys, not the creators of new opioid epidemics for profit and a top cause of death, perhaps 100x that from guns. It takes time for these things, and people need to feel it. As each person processes information, emotional turns of betrayal, resetting the compass and beliefs, then the aggregate of those people is far, far slower and takes years. Not just for information to distribute with each person having about 10 free minutes a day to hear it, but also to internalize and credit what they’re seeing. It’s pretty fast, actually, although it frustrates me to no end.

    For this article, they’re going to win all the lawsuits – eventually – but there is no money to pay out. Clearly even Pfizer cannot pay damages and death for 200 million people. Nor was that a problem: already J&J got in trouble for, you know, knowing that their baby powder caused cancer, covering it up, and when caught, shunting the division into a new corporate subsidiary that could go bankrupt. I mean, causing cancer for babies? Just another day at work for America’s Pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.

    And when all these companies are bankrupt, who prospers then? Who does the research, makes the pills? First level effects and second level effects. In “capitalism” they go bankrupt, rightfully, and assets and employees are picked up for pennies and then directed by someone who is not a criminal perpetrating murder or fraud. Or in Pfizer’s case, a literal convicted felon (where naturally no one went to jail). But you have to understand, the same entirely immoral liars and data-fabricators ARE THE ONLY EMPLOYEES THERE. Their lack of morality, straight from Harvard, as publicized by the editors NEJM and Lancet, where effectively zero medical studies are repeatable, is not a thing that can be cured. To create an employee base of non-fabricators and non-liars takes a generation and who’s going to create them? Their lying parents and lying professors?

    Other points: this is exactly what we said would happen, and was happening. Great, yay us. We told you as hard and as often as we could, but it’s a free country with free choice. As the good guys, we won’t use violence to stop you from yourself.

    Now their depopulation gambit in order to retain their fascist dictatorial powers – as openly published for the last 40 years – seems to have failed. Great. However, suppose death rates stay elevated at +40% for five years? Some children are perhaps sterile? They knew. They are religious zealots. As such, they do not work for money but sacrificed these companies into oblivion to serve their god. Including CNN. Did it openly and happily. Nothing will make sense until you understand that.

    My belief: yes they are self-serving, murdering fascists. But they are also alien ant farmers, smarter and better than you. They figured out in the late 60s that the planet was unstable and these cycles happen. We would go into an Ice Age or food disruption as published in the 70s before they fixed on the “Global Warming (and it’s all your fault)” BTU carbon taxation repression plan of the “Technocrats”. But wasn’t that what YOU would do? If you know there will be 1/3 less food in 40 years, it will topple governments and cause wars in a nuclear and biotech age, perhaps the whole planet a cinder, wasn’t reducing population a GOOD thing? Saving people, actually? And isn’t having a truly random lottery the fairest, most moral way possible to have a mass dieoff without ending art, culture? …I mean while keeping all us sooper-important people fully in charge. Can you see it from their side?

    What were they supposed to do? Tell us? As with stock markets, the minute you tell us there’s a bank run, the bank runs start in earnest. You’re making things worse, not better. If you tell people there will be a 200 year weather crisis and food shortage, they will start hoarding and arm themselves up into warlord bands in 1985. What good does that serve?

    Not to leave it hanging, NO, they were entirely wrong in this. Yes, you need to tell people, though maybe not on the first day. Telling the truth is what makes you the “good guy.” But what you HAVE to do, is REDUCE CONSUMPTION, and thus GDP, thus taxes, and never-ever, EVER pave anything. You need to go green with local gardens, you need to shut down profit central distribution systems. You need to distribute the military like Switzerland. You need to shut off the factories and promote workshops. You need to open rails and shut down road subsidies. You need to promote nature and families and demote Congressmen and billionaires. You need to live like it’s “Ecotopia”, Or gosh, there are so few Sci-fi examples I can hardly name any. They did the opposite of all these things, with non-stop printing, non-stop creation, non-stop tax subsidies for construction and sprawl, non-stop centralization with will shortly lead to non-stop death. And said, “aw heck, we’ll have a death lottery, so I can fly in my d—k rocket.” And be too flaccid to even reach ‘space’.

    Well, you’ll just have to do it all despite them. At home. Collapse early and beat the rush. Gas at $14/gal should create great motivation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 23 2022 #102652
    Dr. D

    Did Biden surrender yet? Want to start a pool on what day that happens?

    That leaves the problem, like Russia, is not if that happens, but when. I expected Ukraine in like 30 years – after the West falls and stops dumping money into Russia-hate like they have for 70 years, then Russia is much less-bad, and a new generation appears that has some horse-sense that all their commerce and flow comes from there, and that may yet happen, aside from attempting another genocide in Donbass.

    Yes, despite news this week attempting to gin up a war, Ukraine has more or less been shelling and sniping all along. They “accidentally” blew up a Russian border point. Yeah, that been happening from time to time as well. 10 solid years of killing their own citizens? Sounds like the United States.

    Okay folks: thought-time. What if I’m looking at this all wrong? What if – stay with me here – the protest, the emergency, all that DIDN’T MATTER at all. What if – as we already know – the real problem is behind the scenes, in Evergrande and China? Now here we have the weirdest thing, that totally destroys all Canadian banking, all federal legitimacy, all control of Canadian press, in one hour, with the arrests and Emergency Act. Which is now forcing the people to transfer to a general strike, of which I approve.

    So what’s really going on? How about this, as no one could be that dumb: Canada was ALREADY collapsing, or its banking system was. The protest was fine, but comes out of nowhere at the same time? After all protests so far got no traction? And when they arrive, are of no peril whatsoever, as I’ve said, are asking only what the WHOOOOOLE REST OF THE WORLD already has, England, Denmark, etc., and only what the medical science says: Omicron has stopped the pandemic for now, there are no risks. As Pancake said of every state but Maine?

    Yet they called an Emergency War Powers Act? Yet they froze bank accounts? Which will cause massive capital flight?

    Huh. How about this: there was ALREADY massive capital flight. Canada was ALREADY collapsing, but economically. They ALREADY needed to call war powers – truckers or no. So they use truckers as PR cover, the excuse to close the Canadian bank accounts and freeze Chinese bank accounts from leaving and collapsing the Canadian, and therefore western, banking system. That’s why they didn’t care, and only did a bunch of PR catch-and-release. Because Canada is not “small” exactly, 1/10th the U.S. Yet they have proportionally FAR more Chinese money per citizen than the United States. So it’s only logical it would happen there first. But as all these banks are especially interlocking, if Canada – 1/10th of the U.S. – goes down, the U.S. will go down with it. Maybe not soon, maybe they have a lot of ways and means, but there’s no way to avoid it if Canada goes and everybody knows it.

    Now doesn’t that make a lot more sense?

    Yay Docktor, you’re the bestest and so smart, you win the booby prize. No: the point here is YOUR BANK HAS ALREADY COLLAPSED. Or is that close, behind the scenes, only barely being kept from the public. Like I said, isn’t an ATM outage “rationing”? Isn’t national house arrest “rationing”? Isn’t social credit score “rationing”? Because products have stopped flowing with the disorder in the money system, like 1932. But half the “Rationing” is in banking, in cash, in money, not exclusively the goods – which we already see in shortages in all groceries and car parts nationwide. Answer: blame the truckers.

    Again: take ACTIONS, if your bank is shaky, ACT. If goods are intermittent, ACT. You don’t need me for that, you don’t need explanations as to why.

    “ Pentagon Considers Sending National Guard to DC ahead Of US Freedom Convoy (DM)”

    This is why you don’t convoy. Stay home. But people are emotional and don’t get reved up for that. Oh well. I don’t understand it, only strategies that win and work, but that’s human beings for you. It draws fire, but it gets press, and that’s vital.

    • Blackwater Is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion (Dinucci)”

    Translation: Biden funds and arms Neo-Nazis worldwide. Got it. Should work great in the midterms.

    Here’s a new cause of heart attacks, along with fluffing sheets, eating breakfast, and breathing (Not kidding) “Infertility treatments may increase risk of heart problems” –CNN

    And this: “A fourth Covid-19 shot might be recommended this fall, as officials ‘continually’ look at emerging data” –CNN

    Really? A shot against what? Delta is gone and it doesn’t work on Omicron, provably.

    Anyone seen Fauci? Nope, he put Walensky on the podium to take the fall. I can’t believe people let him, since he’s the guy who broke the law to PAY for CV to be created.

    “ Bill Gates-Linked Lab Developing Vaccine that Spreads Like a Virus (NP)”

    So the White Hats stopped Fauci’s paid CCP virus with an airborne vaccine. Gates and co (again the NAID) are grabbing the ball and creating an airborne Anti-vaccine, as they said the vaccine going everywhere and curing everyone was very “Sad” and disappointing to them, their profits, and the hope for human mass murder depopulation plans. Got it.

    “1) What’s the source? Is it a reliable media organisation? Is it backed up by other reliable sources?

    2) How likely is the fact? The less likely, the greater the burden of evidence.

    3) Is there anything out there suggesting it’s fake? Rather than looking for evidence to support our beliefs, can we search for evidence against our beliefs?

    4) Can we emotionally accept our belief might be wrong?”

    Totally agree. Is it reliable? Let’s see: CNN, BBC, CBC, Fox, NBC, Reuters, WaPo, NYT, totally, totally wrong, year after year. 20 years running, and when important, 10 years before that. Completely unreliable, every day, covered with provably false statements, unchecked facts, and obviously false, misleading framing, no attempt to distinguish Opinion from News. That is to say, anything coming from MSM is false unless proven otherwise. That goes for anything allowed on FB and Twitter. Rogan may air false stuff, but he’s not saying it’s true. He’s not a fact-checker, he’s interviewing OTHER people and THEIR opinions.

    That follows for other organizations as well. The CDC, WHO, AMA have been entirely, totally dead-wrong for 2 years running. So anything they say now needs all supporting evidence…which the CDC and Scotland just said they refuse to provide. Because that’s what you do when your evidence and data totally support your claims: Hide it from everyone, call them names if they ask rather than provide it, go to court to keep anyone from seeing for 75 years.

    No 2, How likely is the fact? Well, the whole Covid thing was against all previous mask research, against all previous pandemic protocols, but also against all immediate logic. They said all things AND the opposite. They had magic thinking, like “6 feet” and magic one-way cloth on masks. That is, YOUR wearing a mask doesn’t work, it’s only if the OTHER guy wears a mask can it work. They had the magic viruses that could tell if you were in a restaurant or not. Viruses go to sleep during the day, so we had to have rationing I mean curfews at 10pm when the virus woke up and got out of bed. And ESPECIALLY the viruses knows if you’re in a Church/Temple or a casino or not. Casino/liquor store = safe, Church = deadly.

    How likely are those facts? What does it say about the credibility of those reporting them earnestly, with full belief? Or Commenters who repeat them? I’d say it’s more likely that Queen Elizabeth II vacations on Mars.

    That goes for 3 and 4, what could possibly suggest that viruses wake up only at 10pm exactly? Can we emotionally accept that bandanas might be permeable in BOTH directions AND be 10x larger than virus particles? No we cannot. We are far too emotionally fragile to accept the social expulsion we would experience by even SUGGESTING reality and science might exist, much less saying and acting like it does. Ask me how I know.

    How’s this for logic: the road to riches is to buck the entire system, all press, and risk getting your license pulled by the AMA in order to make…more or less exactly what you made by NOT doing that and NOT prescribing IVM. How the h—l do you grift when you make LESS money for MORE problems than just going along to get along? Whut? Yes, it’s certainly a new low to risk everything for nothing like that. I’d say the “grifters” are the ones who can’t be arsed to read research, which appears to be almost all doctors worldwide. Speaking of No 1, credibility of the speaker, what’s the credibility of a billionaire corporation that regularly pays fines for murdering 10,000 people with bad drugs? What if that corporation has ALSO paid the largest fine ever for killing people AND is a convicted felon for murder? Comments, Pfizer? Looking at you. Credibiltiy? Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, how can a CONVICTED FELON FOR MASS MURDER be the source of credibility for their OWN drugs? Do you hear yourself right now?

    They say the same things about Greenwald and Pool who get battered daily to make half what they would signing a fat contract and reading the script. Yeah, all the Grifters are poor and arrested while all the non-grifters like Maddow and Lemon live on Central Park and eat 5-star every night. Think a little, will ya?

    Dr. Day, as you know, never trust your data with other people. I don’t have to tell you to keep your own copy of everything so you can cut-paste it back into another blog/site somewhere else. 100% predicted this would happen and we’re only just getting started — they haven’t even shut down the internet and blamed Russian hackers yet. If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. It’s fun to let WordPress or whoever take the traffic costs as they try to direct your head in the noose, like WalMart to pull the lever later when they have a state-monopoly merger, but why let them when you can keep your own copy, minus traffic costs, for free? Anything on the internet can be stolen. The pages are just HTML code that is copy-paste, roughly. Then when they pull the plug, set up a website, hit “paste” and email your people.

    Good point that TAE might not be far behind. I think the Russians did it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102490
    Dr. D

    Leery of the nanotech. What would such a circuit DO? Where are its inputs and outputs? If it doesn’t communicate with the outside world, why would I care?

    Using electric to form carbontubes on demand? Now THAT I understand. And why they were hell-bent and perfectly silent on setting up huge 5G boxes throughout Manhattan (hey, is that where the sick rates were really high? Like other 5G areas Italy and Wuhan? Huh.) I remember articles on NYT trying to find out wtf was with all these new mystery boxes appearing in NYC and why nobody would admit what they were. Like seriously: if Verizon is installing awesome, widely-promoted, super-speed 5G network, you would just admit it, and proudly.

    So why the denials if they’re putting in 5G? Because anyone with a brain or a wifi-meter can prove you’re hard-core microwaving NY’ers brains every day as they walk by? And why the fever? 5G still isn’t in place hardly anywhere. Yet they absolutely, positively HAD to have these boxes in place by 2020 for some reason. And Carbonanotubes are solidified into clots by it.

    Well, you tell me. I don’t know. And what the circuit would do. It’s your theory. Sell me on it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2022 #102488
    Dr. D

    “US prepping for citizens in Russia to exit country, citing possible “attacks in shopping malls, metro, and railway stations”…

    So that’s their plan. Use CIA terror attacks on Russia directly. Uh-huh. I guess they just can’t stop poking the bear. F around and find out.

    Soooo, I’ve got an idea. Don’t go to shopping malls, metro, and railway stations in America and England because Russia will be bombing them back. Plus substations in L.A. if history is any indicator.

    “Putin Recognizes Breakaway Ukraine Regions, Heightening Tensions” — Barron’s Online

    CIA Says They’re Going to Bomb Russia, Heightening Tensions.

    Whyyyyyy? Can you kids just knock it off?

    Although qualified (has anyone read the “Minsk” Agreement?) I am taking a loss on the “Invasion” prediction. If it is an invasion, since Biden promised non-stop bombing, ten thousand civilian casualties, and invasion of Kiev. Specifically. But Russian boots on the Ground is good enough for me. “L”. And the breadth of the Right Internet also wrong as well, as Pancake warned. But hey, everyone’s right sometimes.

    So they’re going to stop NordStream over this? Really? And what, just let Germans live in caves, shutting off gas pipes all the way to Glasgow? The U.S. has f-all for gas. Never did. Their plan – not publicly of course – was to attack and conquer Russia and have the Anglos’ puppet government kill all the Slavs (again) and sell that gas back for THEIR profit. And UAE, Syria, the same. But somehow OUR gas got underneath THEIR sand and snow. Anyway, so Germany just shoots themselves in the head at London’s behest now? Why wait, they could have told all Germany to commit suicide 30 years ago and saved the planet.

    …I don’t think this is going to work out. Not for Germany, nor for London. Like China, America is devolving, has no government, and will go “Isolationist”, that is, “Mind our own dang business.”

    [Yanukovitch] was removed for his refusal to sign an association agreement with the EU.”

    “Removed”? Really? And this was legal how? UN approved how? That’s right: we are without rule of law. Specifically in the EU, US, NZ, Canada, and Australia. Hey wait, are those the Anglo countries? The whole “West”?


    “[Freeland] had consistent, remarkable access to gangster-oligarchs like Boris Berezovsky, who appeared in her Financial Times articles described as aw-shucks humans just doing their best to make sure “big capital” maintained its “necessary role” in Russia’s political life.”

    “Years later, [Freeland] is somehow Canada’s Finance Minister, and what another friend from our Russia days laughingly describes as “the Nurse Ratched of the New World Order.”

    Huh. She had amazing and unprecedented access to the robbing oligarchs who funneled Russia to the West and London. I wonder why. Oh, she also loved Putin, but they all did.
    “It looks as if we’re about to fall in love with Russia all over again…” Awwww. A Russia lover! RussiaRussiaRussia.

    And that link adds a Video of her saying she’s going to crush all protest and the banking system. Beaming with joy. Tears. Never been happier. A life’s mission, finally accomplished.

    Speaking of though, so Turdeau is not the Dictator now. And I was going to say that he can’t be on his own. They all are. They let him, at every level, so they are all the “Dictator”, the totalitarian, anti-Democracy government. Didn’t allow disapproval or dissent. Didn’t even TALK to them; didn’t care. As their boss Schwab says, “You’ll get nothing and you’ll LIKE IT!

    And as the later article says, the entire PLANET is stopping mandates. Canada is nuking their financial system to uphold a rounding error of mandates: Truckers specifically, or mandating vaccines to one of the most highly vaccinated countries. Austria mandated with draconian, untermensch, no-longer-citizens, or as Trudope says “Should we tolerate these people (or kill them)?” and Austria got ZERO additional uptake to vaccines. So literally no gain. This is because it is exclusively a social-credit system to let them survive the economic reset banking-collapse apocalypse, which they won’t.

    All the world WILL, however, slowly remove their assets from the Canadian banking system. They are planning it now. So…Ms. Best-Friends-With-Organized-Crime-and-Russian-Oligarchs decided to joyfully go to war with all of Canada FOR NO GAIN AT ALL. Okay, man, it’s your country. You’re the one showing everyone who you are with your free and protected speech.

    Going to “war on dissent”? That is to say, going to war with “Everybody but me.” Truly the province of the mentally ill…and the math illiterate. Maybe they didn’t notice they’re outnumbered a million-to-one.

    Still haven’t had time to research the exact Nunchuk software method, but if it’s anything like the others, it rolls all participants’ wallets into a ball, and using the software, anonymizes them, then on demand spits out the amounts they owned before based on their authentication (password). When wallets exit, they land in a new BTC wallet address. Therefore, anonymous. Unless someone were to input and output the exact same amount at the same time, someone was wiretapping them (they are), and also crack the encryption in more or less real time.

    If they want you, they’ll just hack your home PC and phone. Put on a keystroke recorder, or just arrest you for no reason, hold you in solitary for contempt like many others. Hit you over the head with a $2 spanner. So how anonymous do you practically need to be? If every transaction has to go State-level in real time, that’s a giant obstacle, and one they’re not overcoming at the moment.

    Meanwhile, they’re overcoming I’ll-steal-all-your-cash-in-person and We-confiscate-all-gold-even-wedding-rings on trains and in cars quite handily.

    Dr. Day has the news that QE II was taking horse paste, as prescribed by her doctor, because, as Pancake-head says, “It’s voodoo that just doesn’t work, you cult-following morons.” I know the Queen always gets terrible doctors with unworking medical advice – after all that’s how she’s 90 – but they just couldn’t stop her from going to the feed store in Notting Hill.

    Don’t worry: this open reality will have zero effect on people’s beliefs, just like all evidence before.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102308
    Dr. D

    P.S. Gosh I hate talking about race.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2022 #102306
    Dr. D

    And starting to follow this story, U.S. Congressmen introduce bill to examine national security risks to the collapse of the U.S. Dollar created by El Salvador adopting Bitcoin currency.

    Guys? I thought the dollar had never been healthier. And the U.S. is great. Booming! In fact. The market is near an all-time high, record jobs, record GDP, so powerful we’re starting world wars when we don’t even have to. What are you suggesting here? El Salvador is the size of Vermont. Are you suggesting the U.S. is so rotten, so geriatric, so close to collapse the actions of a single VERMONT, 3,000 miles away, can break it?

    Well, I guess if you say so. You should know.

    “It Must Be a Fragile System If It Can Be Brought Down by Just a Few Berries.” – The Hunger Games

    We also all saw Ukraine legalize Bitcoin very suddenly. And why? Well they’re the money laundering Switzerland for violent, corrupt, human trafficking Congressmen and Ministers. And if that gets disrupted? These same violent, extorting, hijacking, corrupt, sellout ministers will need to get out of their national banks and currencies and flee into something else.

    Is that what happens here shortly?

    BTC vs cash: yes but they are confiscating cash illegally wherever they run across it and in whatever amounts. In 1959 Andy Griffith wouldn’t just steal the $500 for a used Ford right off Gomer Pyle and not give it back, much less cross the international border with it. What’s more, you only say that because you live in one of two countries that haven’t collapsed their currencies – and some regularly – like the Italian Lira, or France in 1960. But obviously Germany, Hungary, Russia, Argentina… So the farm is on cash: great! And the paper has dropped 90% in two years and the officials are swapping out green paper for blue paper at a $500/day limit and you have to explain yourself. Not good. Be careful and aware.

    protesters [trucks] should be sold off, claiming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial emergency powers allow him to do so.”

    You mean the War Powers against “mischief” that haven’t been approved yet? I guess we’ll find out how legal that is, enforcing laws before they exist. …But after 2 years of ZERO laws on Covid — which thousands were still arrested for — the idea of “ratifying laws” is jsut so passe’. …We have billionaire corporations and unelected private partnerships to do that for us.

    “When these protestors or those that supported them end up in financial hardship because they lose their job, business, or bank account, what will happen to those who try to help them?”

    They’ll obviously be murdered, as they’ve openly stated, and have been “mapping the human space” as the U.S. military says, in order to out the “compassionate,” (that is, ‘sympathizers’) or say: “family members” so they can kill all of them too. This is Socialism 101: I don’t know if people are slow on the uptake or something. Check China since Mao, but Cultural Revolution specifically. So you need “cash”, or in our modern world, a privacy coin, so you CAN hide these newly-decreed sub-humans behind a bookcase in your room in Alberta while the SS marches outside. Whaddya think was going on here? Does it have to reach this level to sink in? Or is it easier to say “We are all Assange now”? “We are all the Iraqi children now”? “We are all the Sioux now”? You approved it, you didn’t stop it when they openly rolled out the Reichstag Fire manifestos in 2001. Here we are, as predicted, but also as proven with open actions every day since then. 20 years perfectly happy so long as depeted uranium rained down on “other people” and brought back to kill soldiers who were Bible-clutching Deplorables.

    Thoughts: Are the new imported OPP/Mounties the Blue Helmets? That was always the plan, so why not now? They’re finishing a media lockdown, so can anyone hear them speak (Ukrainian)? Also Turdeau isn’t long for the world here, so can anyone confirm his replacement, ironically named “Freeland” is far worse? And just like in NY where she was worse and more irrational than crotch-grabbing, 5k mass-murdering Cuomo?

    The women are always worse and more open about their evil. Maybe because they can get away with it – not allowed to criticize, of course, attention always off 1M Iraqi kids being “worth it”. But I think that’s because as the real powers scan and recruit mindless psychos, if they can find women who are violent, narcissistic, and without any feeling or human compassion – like HRC and Albright – they are worse than the men, have gone further from their nature, not that women are innately worse as a group. …Just saying because the general line is: “if only all our leaders had vaginas, life would be a caring, sharing utopia”.

    Huh, what? Whatever on earth would that have to do with it? Are women not human beings or something? Don’t make mistakes? Are they morally superior to the rest of us, as proven over the centuries? But as they continue in #Irrational #Clownworld, this is literally what they say, and has been a long-term project to make sure every world leader is a woman for some irrational reason, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, Buster. Same with skin color for the same illogic and no reason. If what you’re saying is true then, again, your paradigm is that some humans as a group are born superior or inferior to others based on immutable attributes. This is the Logical fallacy (that is: error, stupid, wrong) that “all wheels are round; your head is round, therefore it’s a wheel.” Although aggregate groups may have attributes, like “Americans” or “Women”, you cannot reverse from any demographic aggregate to the individual at all. At all. Individuals are unique.

    Don’t know why I have to say this. That people are more than the intersectional groups they are made of, and that racism is both illogical and harmful while the caring people promote race, gender, and segregationism with their very breath. They do not believe in the existence of “individuals” or their “rights”. Where has the world gone? Segregationism, really? Choosing Judges based on their skin color, really? And mass approval for such open racism, really? Yes really.

    Anyway, they want to put in this far worse person, just as HRC and what’s-er-face, no-name, no-account, anti-child minion in NY. Please don’t get distracted by their color and gender if, for example, that person took in the largest donations from Wall St in history just before they become president and keep the previous guy’s whole war and financial cabinet while bombing 5 new countries. The “Signaling” does not stop “the Suffering.”

    For example, “Europe Has Next to No Gas Left – Gazprom (RT)” so they can kill millions for profit. And especially the poor. But if the PM is a woman, I guess those citizens don’t die. It’s magic!

    “Eric Adams Admits that Vax Mandates Don’t Work, But Won’t Change Them (NYP)”

    As stated above. #Logic! We support him because of his skin color (or something, I haven’t checked), no matter how violent, wrong, or illogical he is. Just like we supported White Governors in Alabama for the same reasons! Skin color: it’s the world. It’s everything. It’s our religion. It’s our god. It’s our Bible. It’s our very reason for being. Like the Bible, it tells us everything we need to know. And you will obey your skin color by god, or we’re coming for you. Candice Owens, Ben Carson, you need express permission from Joe Biden to be black. He’s the decider!

    And when I oppose this, I’M the jerk.

    P.S. only “The Atlantic” has the chutzpah to be this illogical. And thank god for that I say, both that they’re an outlier, and we have free speech to identify them. The chronically, violently mentally ill.

    For Rogan and Armstrong, them admitting it on camera, showing it with microphones in Parliamentary session: “Do you have any new Conspiracy Theories? All mine have come true.” …As anyone who could be bothered to “read” would have known. They’ve been just as open in saying and publishing this stuff for decades, that’s why they still do now and are surprised at people’s reaction. Don’t worry: I’m saying a few new things left after being right about all this and I’ll still be an idiot that doesn’t know anything. No one will believe, act, read, or prepare.

    Yes, I’m complaining right now but it’s almost time to act again. That is about to be thrust upon us, ready or not.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 20 2022 #102160
    Dr. D

    “Credit Suisse Ignored Cocaine-Linked Murder while Helping Bulgarian Wrestler Launder Money”

    And Citi bought jumbo jets for the Zetas so they could move coke and guns. But Bitcoin is for criminals. Trust the banks will have the KYC laws and stop Hunter from moving money for the “Big Guy” out of Ukraine.

    “U.S. to Invade Canada to Establish a Democracy” –BBee

    And they have oil. Sounds like they need them some FREEDOM!

    CNN whole page, non-stop war, as if Iraq II invasion they are so proud of. Oh, got the minute ticker, world news ticker, the whole embarrassment. …Which the the plural word for CNN articles.

    Meanwhile, back in reality: “Ukraine Defense Chief Says “Low Probability” of Major Conflict with Russia, Contradicting Biden”

    And Russia already said what they would do, as explained by Orlov: they are stealing all million remaining men and leaving the infrastructure to Ukraine to fix, possibly while also denying them entry to the WHOLE PROVINCE.

    Er, how did Winken, Blinken and Nod not know this was the strategy? Is there any clearer way for Russia to express it? Nah I expect it’s “reality”: THEY JUST DON’T CARE. The Fed needs a war, Interest rates are up, stocks are teetering, bonds need buyers, Biden needs PR. I don’t care about a real war if I can have one on CNN and it does the trick.

    “The Atlantic” is dismal. Since I’ve already gone over previous article line-by-line with how irrational and unscientific they are, I spared you doing that for two more they wrote this week. They are the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, and as per criticisms of PMC poser-class, are only masters of dropping irrational words for other PMCs who think the existence of signalling, dictionary words is an “argument”. That was for how Omicron is really, rahhly dangerous, and not “mild” at all, although it doesn’t kill anybody, and the article couldn’t find a scrap of evidence it did, in any way, even with hospital overruns. So Mild = Deadly WeAllGonnaDieeeee!!! They pay for it, eat it up, hang on every word, and now these Science-worshippers refuse to believe and follow the CDC, WHO, in favor of continuing their personal fear that I think makes them feel important. Gives meaning and structure to their lives, lacking religion. I understand that, but couldn’t you pick something, you know, not a lie that destroys and/or murders everyone around you?

    Yeah, posting Atlantic articles is amazing. Some say they’re furiously moon walking backwards to CYA, but I don’t fully see that, or not just in an obvious, single face-value event. That author still loves vaccines, prob doesn’t believe in lab-leak, worships science which never-dun-wrong, but at least the two years of complete, murdering, undermining, one-way, f-ups is openly published and admitted by them. Along with admitting maybe dissenters are on to something. I’d take off the filter for 20 minutes and read it to check and calibrate the system.

    Bitcoin Nunchucks. Yes, I’ll have to look into them. This is how you do it and it ain’t very hard. Like real internet proxies: I don’t keep logs. Therefore, I cannot answer subpoenas. Have a nice day.

    I’m not much for VDB or if it was him, that article yesterday. I don’t think the primary problem is going to be non-sterilizing vaccines during a pandemic. Although plausible, it is true that pathogens generally evolve downward. Then it is statistical, so there is no essential reason we should hit a lottery number at any given time. Third, Omicron may have erased CV for the time being. Fourth, we have a much more immediate problem in that we appear to have a vaccine that creates a 40% increase in death rate at all ages.

    And in other immediate problems, the CDC recommends vaccines for the pregnant, while having no data on this yet, AND while officially also having an opposite requirement that pregnant women NOT BE IN THE SAME ROOM as the vaccinated. Explain?

    Reality a la carte. Like Fauci, we say all things and their opposites, and let our advertising dept influence which truth you choose. The masses choose who’s popular; the minority choose who is scientific.

    “…y’all do realize we are talking about invoking the Emergency War Measures Act against people charged with mischief, right?“

    Same as J6. Congressional investigation, insurrection act, 1y solitary for “Trespassing”. Officially. For a rebellion where 100,000 multiple gun owners brought zero guns.

    That’s okay, right now it’s a scam. RCMP doing full catch-and-release on everyone. We can hypothesize why but it’s not a really all SS on anyone yet, which is fine. The shock troops are clearly outsiders (although Canadians) and finding enough psychos in the Mounties and Special Forces of Canada may be why it took so long to respond. They are being well-paid to be psychos we hear, to be investigated shortly. However, things are not necessarily what they seem: Protesters are still in the next street over, chanting “We love you” to the police riot squad. They shot back tear gas grenades, all caught on international TV. If I were them, I would too. 1) you look great to your boss and can say “But boss, isn’t this what you want? I was following YOUR orders“. 2) by doing this, it undermines the legitimacy of the police action, Turdeau, Canada, and the reaction will cause the end of this illegal action faster than anything else I could do, e.g. putting down my shield and baton and hugging them back. I’m not saying that’s TRUE, but it’s possible, so think about the 1st, 2nd, 3rd level effects. So although counterintuitive, shooting back at them harmlessly is helping them a lot.

    Same for the timing. So Mooselini calls War Powers and immediately takes action. I think he needs to have that approved in Parliament. But Parliament went on a sudden vacation. Why? Duh, when they reconvene they can declare every action complete scandalous and illegal and let Turdeau swing for it, saving themselves from swinging beside him. Think strategy here, like weasel. The more he looks like a tyrant, the more they can clutch their pearls and survive. Don’t let them. They supported same thing 2 years = Out.

    “stakes can be continuously increased until the other side is compelled to capitulate.”

    Says a group that hasn’t won a war in 80 years and didn’t win that one either.

    “If you’re so rich, why ain’t you smart?” Or vice-versa or something.

    “a plan seemingly exists to provoke Russia into intervening in the eastern Donbass region of Ukraine to protect the predominantly ethnic Russian inhabitants of the breakaway Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, before drawing Moscow into a wider guerrilla conflict in the rest of Ukraine, the second-largest country in Europe, with the intentions of tying Russia down”

    This seems quite plausible, but since our Harvard PMCs are illiterate crayon-munching glue-sniffers, they’re incapable of just simply reading what Russia said their plans are and adjusting. This isn’t hard guys: they literally TOLD YOU the battle plan. But failure is the only option for PMCs. They’ve never done anything else and they aren’t going to start now. Daddy didn’t buy me into Harvard (“W”) for nothin’, you know!

    That is, the same Harvard that lost $1 Billlllllion dollars (channeling Dr. Evil) under PMC Larry Summers, top Treasury head and top economist. …I expect he made the losses on purpose to embezzle it to the zero-sum other party. Lose a billion dollars? Congratulations, you’re an “Expert”!

    “The Washington Post has always been a CIA asset. The CIA used the Washington Post to orchestrate the Watergate narrative used to drive President Nixon out of office. The CIA wanted Nixon gone, because Nixon was threatening the military/security complex’s budget and power by making arms control agreements with the Soviets and by opening to China. The CIA was afraid to assassinate Nixon because of the suspicion it was under for assassinating President Kennedy and Senator Kennedy. So the CIA used the Washington Post to assassinate Nixon politically.” –PCR

    Wow, the probable truth in open print. I didn’t think I’d see that in my lifetime.

    Aaaand back to normal: “extremist groups like the Oath Keepers.”–Turley

    Does he know what an “Oath” is? Which oath they are keeping? Clue: they are former police and army veterans and pro-constitutionalists. Perhaps the “extreme” is that they want to uphold existing Federal law as written and passed in 1788 that is still in full force today. And if they want that, and that’s “extreme”, then what exactly does their opposition want? Like most, Turley cedes all ground and argument to the enemy before he even begins. He must be a Republican!

    “Back In Business In Greece”

    They will keep raping you until you make them stop. So do it. You’ll have to sooner or later anyway.

    “The $240 billion loss in market capitalization was the largest one-day loss in US corporate history.”

    Yes, but I can’t figure out why they’re not worth zero. Like most of the U.S. stock market. That’s coming in the next few days I hear.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2022 #102035
    Dr. D

    Never want to bring up CV when the real world is finance collapsing around us, but these two articles are amazing, and one is even in “The Guardian”.

    Some Awkward Truths About the ‘Big Lie’

    Too long to quote, but every word. Post it 1,000 times. Noting all the average, boring stuff, non-stop lies in lists of 20 at a pop, the lie that white MAGA people are the cause of vax resistance not the most vaccinated, and much more of the things I’m constantly saying.

    Musa al-Gharbi is a Paul F Lazarsfeld fellow in sociology at Columbia University. His book We Have Never Been Woke: Social Justice Discourse, Inequality and the Rise of a New Elite is forthcoming with Princeton University Press. He is a Guardian US columnist.”

    Does this mean I’m going to have to stop making fun of Columbia now? Say it isn’t so.

    “The president[‘s address] is an hour late… and the delay just happens to coincide with the timing of breaking news from Ukraine of gas pipeline explosion in Luhansk?”

    Wot a coincidence. Probably had to call the CIA and ask them to get off coffee break and push that detonator. And still don’t know who’s doing what to whom. And don’t care, by the way.

    Oh and Rates double, dollar in trouble, therefore inflation rising? Poof! Magic! War appears, driving safe haven trade back to US$, US Bonds. So predictable. Rates, collapse, currency run: all fixed!

    And profits, profits, everywhere! When you create your own crisis you mint your own money: oil, Halliburton, Raytheon, short all the Euro stocks that get screwed. But that’s okay, Europe shorts them too! Insiders. And then when the stop the crisis they started for no godly reason, they go long.

    Profits?!? “US Cites Ukraine Crisis to Approve $6 Billion Tank Deal for Poland”

    Ka-Ching. Ding ding ding!

    On the flip side, “under the Emergencies Act, banks can immediately freeze or suspend bank accounts without a court order and be protected from civil liability. This has undermined Canada in the eyes of international capital. All the Canadian banks went offline together. That was no coincidence. Trudeau has invoked his Emergence Act and is in fact taking the very same tactic that Hitler did which targeted the Jews, but Trudeau is targeting anyone who disagrees with his policies proving to the world, Canada is not to be trusted.” –Armstrong

    Being focused on the protesters and end of all Western democracy, I hadn’t yet considered that every corporation and millionaire (that’s not an WEF insider) would convert assets and run for the hills. That’s bad indeed. No wonder his prediction says the financial capital moves to China.

    I don’t see how that can be, yet, but if I were China, it would really save your Canadian bacon to order your feckless lackeys to pull a stunt like this and annihilate the stupid gaijin. (Or “Gweilo” in this case)

    Speaking of Hitler, “The unvaccinated are not part of our society.” All Italians over 50 must now receive the vaccination to find employment or participate in society. Draghi is directly blaming the entire pandemic on those who did not conform. “We must never lose sight of the fact that most of the problems we have today are because there are non-vaccinated people,”

    “Those who do not bend will face a 100 euro  fine, and could be fined up to 1,500 euros for violating the new law.”

    “Ontario Government Employee Fired over $100 Contribution to Freedom Convoy”

    Being this new undermensch means we must fine and imprison you for the greater good of the ubermensch. (P.S. it will not work at all, zero. There is Delta and Omicron is immune to the vaccine. That’s official science. They do not care. Therefore, it is not medicine, it is politics and power.)

    “when else in history has a leader blamed all of the country’s woes on a specific group of people and how did that end?” — Armstrong

    How does it end? We already know. Arresting everyone I don’t like and putting them in camps. Fining them, taking their kids, killing their dogs and shortly after, them. Past tense.

    Oh by the way, this means they’ll have to attack Bitcoin. Like I said they were staging to do last month.

    ““We’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time,” Gates said.”

    So that’s your plan? Challenge accepted.

    Also, I’m hearing him say his vaccine program was a complete, blinding failure, and natural immunity kicked all their useless, expensive, sorry a—–s in no time. Great! Glad to hear it! So we won’t bother with your stupid, expensive, ridiculous, laughable plans of trying to vaccinate people next time, right? With a non-sterilizing vaccine, in the middle of a pandemic that is airborne and hosted in animals. What a Marooon.

    I told you you were an idiot, it wouldn’t work, and would kill a lot of additional people. I was right. Where’s my apology and restitution for losses forced? They won’t even reverse their failed, not-working, unnecessary, murdering mandates. After CDC admits masks don’t work, and the Delta vaccine is worthless. Science Deniers x infinity.

    Biden Says He’s Convinced Putin Has Decided to Invade (Lauria)”

    That’s a great article as there are so many lies I can’t find and criticize them as fast as they’re created. But shows why to me, such lies – contrast between action and words – are so painfully transparent.

    Also, at the moment that makes me reactionary and the junior partner, always waiting for the “power” to act first, as if I’m a slave and a clay to be acted upon. But that’s just the present method and about to change where we act upon THEM.

    Putin to Personally Oversee Massive Nuclear Drill on Saturday (ZH)”

    They’re not kidding, and I don’t mind. Nothing can seem to get through. If they attack Russia, Putin will strike everything just as a communication. NATO headquarters in Belgium, missile batteries in Poland, disable 20 NATO ships, CIA information headquarters in Europe, everything. He would hit targets everywhere TO BE RESTRAINED. That is, to share some pain and communicate while being 100 miles from actual war, nuclear war. Nothing can get through human ego, though. It’s the strongest forcefield known to man.

    And what does he want? THE ANGLOS TO KEEP THEIR TREATY. Of Minsk. Which is impossible for them, being Anglos, they haven’t kept a treaty in 400 years. So all he wants is what they already agreed to. Like 20 times. 10 years in a row. In person, on paper, with multiple people and multiple assurances, everywhere. A “Not Agreement Capable” entity like that is a rabid dog. It can’t be trusted with anything and goes around biting people. Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Michiganites… For the safety of the planet something must be done about them. And here we are.

    Pluto matters maybe not for itself, but because these weirdos and their weirdo religion believe in it. So like markets, they pre-plan their actions to occur on specific astrological and moon (Jewish calendar) dates. Because if they crashed the markets every 7 years on Halloween, people would catch on. But if it’s every seven years but on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they say “duuuuuuh, it’s a Conspiracy Theory.” Because “Google: Calendar”? That’s just too hard. And the idea of pre-planning collusion is something criminals and businessmen never do. And the idea of a “profit motive” is inconceivable. Would people lie and kill for money? Not if they’re Gates, Morgan, Sachs, and Pfizer they won’t!

    “US Western Megadrought Worst in 1,200 Years, Scientist Warn”

    Squirrel! Is that like the 40 feet of snow they just got or the mudslides they were having only last year? The Oroville Dam collapsing because of non-stop year-long rain? That kind of megadrought? Experts: Dumber than a bag of hammers. Only problem: their readers are dumber and remember even less. But maybe less than before.


    ‘Nuff said.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101959
    Dr. D

    “UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in his opening speech called for immediate deescalation to the crisis.”

    There is no alternative to diplomacy.” he said.

    You mean aside from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Somalia, Bosnia, Kuwait, Liberia, Panama, Granada, and many more? That the U.N. had no problem with? Shut your hole. You know NATO NEVER uses diplomacy. And the U.N. always approves. And with the UNOPCW fabricates the evidence for the aggressive war against children. …When the UN isn’t too busy running or protecting human trafficking. “Incubator babies!” Anyone arrested for that yet?

    On a more sober note, I asked rhetorically if Russia drained the entire nation to scrape up 200k soldiers. There are reports that yes, yes they have.

    On the other hand, watching resident Biden look stupid is its own reward. The longer it goes on, the better it gets. However, like the Trucker Protest, there needs to be an exit strategy and not let history happen to you.

    “Large Explosion Near Govt Building in Donetsk”
    “Questionable ‘Chemical Attack’ Video Already Emerges”
    Both today.

    Let the stupid begin.

    CNN, kicking off stupid: “they do not know if Putin has made a final decision to invade and note he may delay action or not order it at all,” CNN notes”

    So Putin is absolutely, definitely going to attack. Unless he doesn’t. At all. CNN, having no sense of time, space or reality again reporting the war and event BEFORE it happens, instead of after, when they might know something.

    Now if only we can make it to Ukraine, the West will ring fence the borders, shut down the nation, crush the economy, torture the children, enrich the oligarchs, imprison the reporters, arrest the protesters, shut off their bank accounts, and steal the money. You know, like the do in Ottawa and NY. Freeeeeeedommmm!!!

    Russia hates us for our freedoms. That’s why they’re paying big bucks to encourage freedom with us and not them. In Ottawa and NY. Logic!

    Things moving too fast to follow even by 3pm, but Donbass and the provinces are being evacuated they say. As suggested, Russia steals 1M Russians? So…here’s an idea: what if instead of KILLING people in a war, we save them instead? How is Ukraine going to kill 1M people protesters by having a war if the place is empty because they’re all in Russia? And then, do they come back? Can Ukraine say we won’t allow Ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine?

    So…also, if you’re not killing the people protesters, what are you blowing up? Um, YOUR OWN GOODS? That is to say, Ukraine is about to shell their own houses, explode their own bridges, cut their own railways, burn their own cars. That is, the Ukrainian ones, born in Ukraine and residing in Ukraine. Good job, Brownie! We in the Ukraine have no trucks, houses, bridges, but what we little we had we shelled to dust, by god!

    “he even made Italy’s trains run on time! ”

    Maybe I misremember as I read too much but I think this came from a specific, gushing article of unabashed approval from the NYTimes and “Time” magazine and such that made him the “Man of the Year”. (Also true.) That’s how it got to be a trope. From us non-Progressive cranks. Like “Weapons of Mass Destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda” we’re still repeating their utter failure to them 100 years later. And like that other quote, it still makes no difference in action to a people without logic or shame. How do I know? We ARE saying it to them, THIS VERY MOMENT, in calling it Blinken’s “Powell Moment” in the news. (i.e. the “Yellowcake” lie) Yet it doesn’t stop a war that nobody knows at all what’s it about.

    Point well taken Deflationista, and one reason I wasn’t super-excited about it. Like: now? Now??? After two years of watching and/or supporting every stupid, harmful thing they could come up with? Does not fill me with hope, but better late than never, ever ever, even if they call peace six weeks before the end of the war.

    However: what you’re saying also makes no sense. So everyone knows it’s over, it’s been called off in most nations, it’s actually not being followed outside a minority of regions, even Bob Ford says this is total bunk, AND nobody is following it, “they’re done”, and so when the White Rose calls for Hitler to capitulate six weeks early…then he should say YES! Not no! Justin Beaver is bucking almost the whole planet AND most of the “new” science that was released, as it changes daily. He looks like a jerk, a tyrant, a fool. If he just said “Yes, I magnanimously hear your pleas” Then not only would no one die, as the mandates already serve no purpose if indeed they ever did, but he can be a HERO. He’s a man of the people! He’s the hope of Canadians. He brings us together, eh? For essentially zero-point-zero health cost.

    But instead your support appears to be FOR the government, the powerful, those-who-order-what-to-do (to make/steal/crush/destroy) and AGAINST peace, the people, and even against Trudeau’s career where he could boost up, sell out Canada to China some more, merge his nation and personal wealth with Big Pharma, and be in power to enforce a new lockdown at the drop of a feather while selling all Canadian timber and oil to the U.S. at a loss and leading Canada into aggressive-wars-for-profit in Ukraine. But if I read you right, you’re giving all that up by saying Trudeau shouldn’t do that, shouldn’t listen to the people, and should do anything he can to frustrate the will of the people only just ‘cause he can. ‘Cause he said so, despite there being essentially no scientific or medical reason.

    What’s with that, man? If you liked the lockdown and believed in it, wouldn’t you keep the guy who supported it from shooting himself?

    Kunstler is old and from an era where he can’t believe people won’t act, and institutions won’t do their job, like ever. So he keeps expecting – as many of us did – that the media, Judges, Congress, the school boards, the Sheriffs, the Army, someone will come and rid us of this meddlesome priest. But they won’t, so it’s up to you. You’ll have to save yourself DESPITE the media, Judges, Congress, the school boards, the Sheriffs, the Army, and every institution there is. That’s okay, him pointing it out again and with new people is worth our time.

    My mall without investigating it hardly at all: Peterson is calling for a slightly different strategy, and one that really might have worked better. Right now, no doubt people are depressed and deflated by being arrested, rolled up, and jammed up. Canada had a flag to be proud of, and it’s been captured and shot like a dog. If they’d declared a victory and gone home that day – fast – they could skip this step and call another strike somewhere else next week. They didn’t, they chose this strategy, and that’s fine. I’m not mad. Any time there are people there are different perspectives and approaches. I’m happy to hear both plans. I might have chosen Peterson’s though: they pinned down the army, surrounded the siege, rather than keeping the army fast, mobile, and unpredictable. YMMV, but they were something the powers know how to deal with. I wrote last week sometime, DO SOMETHING UNEXPECTED.

    Instead, perhaps Canadians will start a slow-roll of banking runs due to undermining of national confidence. That’s fine too. Y’ain’t dead. Just keep on truckin’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2022 #101872
    Dr. D

    “Nation Prepares to Celebrate 2nd Anniversary of Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve” –BBee

    Again, IS the Babylon Bee, but no, that is not a joke. That’s just headlines. We live in a world you can’t parody.

    “Harris Flies to Europe to Help Secure Ukraine Border, Biden Stays Behind (NYP)”

    See what I mean?

    By the way, “Which borders?” I read a long article on “Ukraine’s borders.” Ukraine historically barely has borders, they shift every 20 years. But Biden, Blinken and Nod are now causing nuclear war to solidly enforce RUSSIA’S borders, since it was the attacks and arbitrary decrees of Soviet dictators like Stalin that established these borders. So go Brandon, supporting Stalin and Socialism to the death once again. Actually, if you want history, we should erase Poland as a nation under this same principle, which are less solid than Ukraine’s borders. See what I mean? So this is all political, about power, and nothing to do with people or borders, right? Can we just admit that now?

    “Finnish MP Criminally Charged after Quoting Bible”

    And I thought we went over the horizon to madness and oppression years ago. But there are still new levels to find. So…is reciting history a crime now? Actually yes. Same reason Huck Finn, etc were outlawed or worse. “History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right” — George Orwell

    And shoots your dog.

    So Predictable… Latest Propaganda Claims Liberty Activists Are Russian Pawns”

    Not new, every day, but it strikes me: so an oppressive dictatorship (according to them) is travelling worldwide supporting freedom and liberty and speech? That’s your story? Okay, one: If so, why would we stop them? And two: what was that about “a house divided cannot stand”? Three: Am I going to be arrested for quoting that? Or just have my bank cut off?

    “Man Donates to Truck Convoy under Name ‘Hunter Biden’ So Washington Post Won’t Dox Him” – BBee

    “Biden’s $770B Pentagon Budget Proposal Denounced as “Absurd” by Progressive Dems”

    Well good, and that’s a switch to see them not pro-war, but … “Inflate or die.” A TRILLION a year, for this ONE thing alone. Does this cause the 20% inflation we’re experiencing now? Yes? Does that kill all poor people? Yes? Would a rounding error on that cure all homelessness and fix all the water in the U.S.? Yes?

    Trudeau Having Difficulty Teaching Canadian Mounties to Goose-Step” –BBee

    Or not, sadly. But now they all know Canada is not a democracy and like us, hasn’t been for years. They plant guns on protestors, arrest them, take their dogs and put their children in cages, shut off their bank accounts in the winter so they will starve and freeze. Pure love! Helping!

    So…no one is going to lose faith in government over this? No one is going to pull half their bank funds out of TD for this? Now this may be a slow-roll, but um, did you not know that modern states are a bank-government symbiants, where confidence is the sole bolt holding it all together? And you want to pull a pin that undermines all three in a single blow? “Did these guys go to bad governance school?”

    So they’re trying to undermine confidence in the bond market when rates have doubled in the last six months, doubling their already astronomical interest payments? I mean clearly like the chimps in “2001” they do not know how this machine works. Or as Willy Wonka says, “No. Don’t. Stop.”

    Or, put another way, “Go Bitcoin”. I mean unless you have another money that doesn’t rest on confidence and legitimacy of governments that kidnap your pets and shoots them for bad facebook posts.

    The kind of lost legitimacy that gives a $1,000 one-time payment for a mandated lifelong injury, while the corporation merged with the state mandate gets $50B a year in profit. You go with that. I’ll sit over here and watch.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101822
    Dr. D

    What is it about the hair color with these guys? The trope is true. Do they not like themselves, but as surface people change surface things? I don’t get it.

    Remember kiddies: 10-year rates have DOUBLED in six months. Yes, to only 2% so far, but 100%? In six months? So all your interest payments on borrowing for stock buybacks have DOUBLED? And what’s the rate of rate on that? And expectations?

    Okay, popped in to say I do not believe these guys. Canada says they want the wallets xyz that they’ve flagged halted. Great! Um, how would I follow them? A Bitcoin address is like “1HYLLUR2JFs24X1zTS4XbNJidGo2XNHiTT” (Automatic Earth, donations accepted) Many are far longer. So I’m a convenience store and I what? Print out a paper and post it on the register? How exactly am I going to keep track of 30 (and no doubt soon to be thousands) of totally randomized, 64 digit numbers? TD can, of course, but anyone else?

    Suppose I receive from a naughty address. I won’t know. And unless I receive it directly to Coinbase (KYC) they won’t know who got it. Do they jail me for the equivalent of finding a fiver in the street?

    By the way, what IS a wallet, exactly? For the inbred seventh sons who couldn’t make it in Moosejaw Community College, I’ll spell it out for you: ANYTHING. I can print a wallet and mail it there, Canada Post. I can create a wallet or 20 on a USB-stick device like Trezor. Anyone with that device and the keys can walk up and down the streets of Ottawa, with the bank account literally in their hands. This is the same on your phone. Point at Walter Langowski’s phone (noting AlphaFlight) and BEEP, he has the money to buy diesel. As you only just made it, there is no previous traffic on the wallet and no rules regarding its use yet. Even if there will be in six hours, spend it and it’s gone. Are you going to retroactively prosecute me for something that was legal at the time? That’ll go over well in court and in public.

    Next problem for the crayon-using functionally illiterate: So…GoSend has an address. Great. You’ve flagged that address, great. …But what if GoSend then splits the donations into 10,000 paper wallets 5 or 6 times, then recombines them somewhere? What if they send it into Monero or CloakCoin on Changelly.com and then back out again? Or not? And sends in a hardened Privacy coin?

    Is OPP down with tracking at that level? Um, no you f-ing retards. Maybe Mooselini can call a favor to the NSA to track them. …But day after day after day after day, as they roll the wallets, $50 at a time? I. Don’t. Think So. Or not yet anyway.

    And I’m an amateur, using only Western public sites to stick them in the eye. Imagine rolling it in Turkey, Russia, Sudan, or Congress’ favorite money-laundering safe haven, Ukraine. I can’t IMAGINE what those boys have at their disposal. Well, good luck to ya!

    The real problem is the people are not using the tools that were created.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101765
    Dr. D

    There is nothing on earth ever like the Oz property bubble. And how it can go on!

    Rumors of a Canadian bank run, anyone want to report?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2022 #101738
    Dr. D

    Trudeau, patron saint of hairdressers.

    Hey, if as above, the market is locking up, liquidity is stalled and banks are closing, is that a good time to half-close banks by, I dunno, freeze half the bank accounts in Canada? Is that the same thing? You know, kind of like when you have a runaway financial collapse that can only be stopped with halted liquidity and closing pension liabilities, a bioweapon appears that causes huge profits to a collapsing sector with west-wide house arrest and the mass death of pensioners?

    Just strategizing here. LARP. Not for public consumption, all hypotheses here are false until they prove otherwise. Not like they’ve closed certain banks for certain people and stolen certain money anywhere, like Cyprus or anything. Certainly not like encouraging Canadians to have a mild bank reduction would destabilize a system that’s barely holding.

    Barely holding? Yes, the Fed called an “Emergency Meeting”. So…er…what’s the Emergency, guys? Want to let us in on it? YOU are the ones declaring the existence of an “emergency”, one that can’t wait. So what is it? Or are you just going to let us all get hammered by it without saying? Was the “Emergency” that you didn’t get your war? Timing is right.

    “US & Russian Jets in Dangerous Intercept Incident over Syria”

    Yup, distracting them, attracting them like moths to a flame. Well, I don’t care so I guess we’ll see what Russia’s up to. I’m still reading to figure out. I stated I didn’t think they’re invading but am checking that daily. Am I wrong? Would a U.S. collapse be too much temptation for them? And something new: not to get “Ukraine” which they don’t want, but to get 35M “Russians”. That is to say PEOPLE are now more valuable than THINGS again?

    “China Denounces US as “Bandits” For Seizing $7 Billion as Afghans Starve:
    “The aim was off-target. Of the origins of the 9/11 hijackers, 15 came from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates and one each from Lebanon and Egypt. Not one was Afghan.”

    As we’ve all said endlessly. But the U.S. is broke. They are defaulting and thus collapsing. They have to steal that $7B or die. Is it possible Canada needs to close 1/3 of their bank accounts or same thing? +20% inflation? Steal all the trucks and create all the fines?

    Like this? “Coffee Prices May ‘Soar Out of Control’ as Stockpiles Plunge: “I’ve been doing this 30 years and I’ve never seen markets like this.”

    If we’re not verging hyperinflation, how do used cars REVERSE? That is, instead of falling, depreciating with use as they should, their prices are RISING. In some cases worth more than when they were new.

    House prices? Doubled, as my chart the other day. 3X the original housing bubble? Outside the possibility of even upper middle class incomes? It’s supposed to be 3x income. That’s like $120k. I’m seeing $300-$500k commonly. Again, if no hyperinflation, how can housing be higher than incomes? Do underpants gnomes make up the difference? …And rents are following fast now, and evictions.

    “Blackstone Buys 12,000 Sunbelt Apartments for $5.8 Billion”
    Is Blackstone getting 0% money from the Fed and buying all housing, even paying $40k over ask for any residential home, possibly driving up prices? Is having unlimited free money that raises prices $40k/yr on all housing stock maybe the edge of hyperinflation?

    Remember, the Wiemar was a success! They printed after the war, then they double-printed for three years with no inflation, proving MMT worked! ….Aaaaaaand then in 6 months prices rose like 100,000x and the currency ceased to exist. Oops. Life comes at you fast.

    So now officially, Canada has called for “Emergency Powers”, a war-powers act, in order to stop “Mischief”, a misdemeanor. We used to say they’d call terrorist SWAT teams for a gum wrapper if you let them get started, and here we are. Everything is “National Security”, violent, police-state, centralized, federalized response, presumably with black-site abductions, money laundering charges, full secrecy for any action, and no warrants. Everything. Including not even gum wrappers, which is actually a crime, but for protesting, which isn’t. What was that one with “Petition for redress of grievances” again?

    They’re right though: getting Trudeau to admit it, have zero reason for it, demonstrate Canada is completely not a democracy in any form, and waking up the citizens coast to coast is the biggest win imaginable. And if Canada is not a democracy in any way, how much the rest of us?

    Maybe people like Russians too much, that it’s not a smear, so they’ve changed who Canadians are mindless slaves to:
    “If you are a member of a Canadian Pro-Trump movement, for a guy who’s not Canadian, who you can’t vote for, and is not President or even a candidate for the Presidency, in another unrelated country….”
    Do you know how dumb that sounds? Canada: apparently not a nation. Canadian people: apparently too stupid to realize which country they inhabit. Are you kidding me, mate?

    “’Impotent rage’: GOP-backed Canadian truckers blockade fizzles” –MSNBC (of many such)
    You Canadians, did you know you’re all Trump lovers who are being run by the GOP and have no mind of your own? Wake up, MSNBC and Mooseilini says so. But since you’re all mindless drones who have no will of your own, what can you do about it? Just watch and believe the CBC, I guess. And all the coke-snorting, black-facing politicians who speak to you. They know best. Follow their moral lead.

    Ford: So not only is he saying you can catch Covid FROM the vaccinated, which is true and official, he’s saying EVERYONE WHO’S VACCINATED CAUGHT COVID. So why are we taking them again? When they don’t work – at all – according to him, the official spokesperson? That means not only are they not “safe and effective”, THEY ARE NOT VACCINES. A vaccine would stop you from getting the disease in like a “99” sense. Mr. Ford says these do not work. They are not a medicine. They have no action. They are not a vaccine.

    Since I’m making fun of 80 year olds for being irrelevant has-beens, it’s not fair not to include the Superbowl:
    “Dr. Dre talks Eminem taking a knee at Super Bowl” MSNBC Who? And Who? Taking a what? Did it take them this long to pre-plan their virtue signal, or were they just waiting for NFL ratings to be cut in half first?

    So Em, he did one of his top songs ever. From TWENTY years ago. Twenny. Two-Oh. Dr. Dre is a multi-billionaire, which I guess is the only way they could get one of their own up there looking cool. Wall St’s Solomon DJ’ing wasn’t going to cut it. So like the Presidency, is there an “over-fifty” requirement now? Do they provide free walkers or do you have to bring your own?

    Just saying: let the young have their time. Don’t steal that from them too.

    I think all the posters are stand-up guys, even if they don’t think it of me. That’s okay. I don’t want to write as much and very much wish to be shorter, but it’s a big world and pretty complex. I appreciate that you either skip over or avoid comments altogether which is far better than trying to stop or bringing us down. Somewhere there’s a bar with guys talking too loud. That I don’t need to go there to make them stop and I don’t have to participate is the great wisdom of age.

    I talk when I’m out and like many return to a quiet house and say nothing til then. To either exclusively talk, or exclusively be silent would be a bit of exaggeration, yes? The middle path? Is that stocicism? Nothing in excess? Even if it seems that way, if you’re out and seeing men talk loud, for a little while. Then the day is quiet at they go back to work, the part you don’t see.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2022 #101574
    Dr. D

    They did it! It finally happened! A neuron went off!

    “the NYT’s Matthew Rosenberg – have started asking themselves and their (few remaining) readers the much more difficult question of why is public trust of media so low. Saying “Joe Rogan is what he is. We in the media might want to spend more time thinking about why so many people trust him and not us.”

    Again, for the 40th time: Joe Rogan gets high and talks about tripping b—s on DMT with the machine elves and finding trans-dimensional Bigfoot among aliens. WHO do you think, that ever heard him, would get their direct medical advice from a drug-smoking talk show host? And he didn’t either: he got a prescription from a doctor but had the temerity to admit it — that is to say his ‘lived experience’ and actual, physical, objective reality — in public. Nuclear. Thou-shalt-not-allow-doctors-to-speak-or-discuss-that-which-shall-not-be-named.

    So…ahem. NY Times finally noticed that someone with the credibility of the Weekly World News plugging “Batboy Marries Elvis” is 1,000 times more credible than they are. …After 25 years of this crap, straight-line non-stop, all-war, Kong slappin’ the nuke out the back door all the way down, faster faster, arriba arriba!

    And Rogan is. Asking a single honest question to a single good-faith actor and listening to the honest answer is more than all media combined has done in the last 21 years.

    Asking interesting questions to interesting people and writing down what they say for you is the very definition of “Journalism.” But that would not know that, as they are unintelligent, illiterate people who cannot spell words with crayons.

    “Now the US & Russia Are Holding Massive Rival Military Drills in Middle East”

    So they let them in on the Syria landing, and removed from Ukraine? We’re reacting to them, sounds like Russia is running the show, leading us around by the nose. Why not just run back and forth until we get tired and stupid? Sure, now RE-attract them to Syria, then take Ossetia? Or suddenly pretend to take Ossetia and land in Tartius. Or start in Syria then take Ossetia, then take Idlib? When they’re leading the dance, they’re in control. When they’re in control, you lose. But when you can’t play checkers, it’s no wonder they steal your candy.

    By the way, as Cait said today, it’s just an amazing coincidence that all the fighting in Syria is underneath the path for a billion dollar gas pipeline. And that all the guys on top of the oil happen to be evil. It’s simple geology!

    …Ukraine being the OTHER billion dollar pipeline, and Russia being the supply.

    The other supply, that of obedient, war-wanting tax donkeys is being shut off. Apparently Trudeau is now outlawing Canadian flags as a symbol of hate? (Specifically at “Canadian” Tire) You’d think that has to be hyperbole except we’re on year 5 or more of doing it here and year 20 in the EU.

    Emergency Powers Act? Obviously, like ALL such powers, they cannot be permitted to government, ever. The legal requirement is obviously that there is violence (there isn’t) urgency (there isn’t) and law (there isn’t). They did however, lose a couple of bucks to a couple of billionaires in auto assembly, the cardinal sin. There are also a series of steps required, with local, provincial government, where all alternatives are exhausted, and the emergency is approved – presumably by Parliament, either soon or later.

    But as yesterday “We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!” They haven’t even TALKED. PM certainly hasn’t made a case to Parliament, he keeps walking out on them like a baby when they’re mean. …If you haven’t followed Canada, Parliament can often look and sound like a hockey match, which is a great thing. But Trudeau plays with his binkie and loud noises make him cry. Now I know why the Que separatists had to kidnap people back when to get their attention. So ANY time there is ANY safety valve governments ALWAYS call all things, a falling leaf, a flying sparrow, a “National Emergency” requiring indefinite unending martial law.

    …That’s because the real emergency and urgency is for the mentally ill to see somebody not DOING WHAT THEY’RE TOLD. Imagine an OCD person, and every time they go outside, they see people parking their cars crooked, not washing their hands, and eating burritos from the wrong end. It is a matter of personal survival for you to make people stop doing that. They find and install similarly mentally ill people into government. If there is ever any exception, at any time, for any reason, they will immediately use it. 15 days to stop the spread. Mushroom clouds.

    The only real threat is the will of Canadian people. They’re the only ones that aren’t allowed. Otherwise how are we going to drop depleted uranium on children and run Abu Ghraib? We are broke so we’re shutting off and stealing 100% of their bank money immediately for naughty posts. Or owning a Canadian flag. Or THINKING about naughty posts. Since there is no rule, no process, no adjudication, no review, and no evidence for any of it, who cares?

    “Biden Administration hawks to claim they tried every diplomatic approach,”

    Everything but listening. “We’ve tried nothing, and we’re out of ideas.”

    I didn’t see the byline on the pic article: the UK “Sun”? Anyway, does Russia even HAVE 200,000 troops? Probably, but that would mean every province, border, and area in 5 time zones was now unguarded, so China could invade and take all the West, and all the “Stans” could do what they please? Yeah, apparently the lie of 100,000 wasn’t invoking the correct obedience, so they say 200,000. If this keeps up it’ll be a million by next Thursday.

    Remember, the Supreme Court said a million children are on ventilators. Or was it 600 million?

    15 February 2022 will go down in history as the day Western war propaganda failed..”
    • ‘West Has Been Destroyed Without A Shot Fired’ – Russia (RT)”

    This appears to be true. As Biden says “Russia is retreating”, that means the West has surrendered on this particular attack and is calling a victory. That is to say in the language of Nuremberg “Starting an unnecessary war of aggression, in which all the other war crimes are contained”. But murder is their soul purpose. Killing Slavs is what racists do. They’ll be back.

    The Ikea table is funny, but if you missed it, this is the new war, way beyond the old war. They expect Macron was sent perhaps rolled in a very high-tech bioweapon, a disease, which is so plausible it’s like last century’s technology. But “Putin” – if he’s not one of a dozen body doubles, like Saddam officially had now 30 years ago – still had to meet him, so this is what they did. Possibly also why Trump refused to shake Pelosi’s hand that one time. He already knew he wasn’t going to before he stood up, and she would never, ever shake his hand before or since. Immediately after being foiled she tore up the Bible, I mean Constitution, I mean State of the Union address. So you’re happy and complacent enough to shake his hand, but two seconds later are so mad at him you look like a pouting, hapless ninny to the American People on national TV? Why the sudden change, ma’am?

    …And these guys are still worried about and thinking about guns, a 400 year old technology. Guns are rapidly becoming the slowest way to kill people. It’s way faster as a Doctor or pharmacy, and the stats support me on this.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world, Bond rates are rising with volatility. Perhaps more importantly, liquidity is vanishing. “Liquidity” in this sense, is like an auction. If you have a busy Amish auction on a nice fall day, you have hundreds of possible buyers watching the prices and possibly buying. People are out there, so if prices fall, someone will pick up the bargains. LACK of liquidity is the end of the auction, in the cold rain as darkness falls. Doesn’t matter what you sell, what price, or how low. There are only five guys left in the muddy grass, and not only do they only have the money in their pockets and no more, not only do prices fall, but you’re one or two bodies from having no auction at all. That is, closing the market, force majeure.

    You’d think that’s crazy, but A) prices are rigged and have been for decades, possibly always B) because rigging markets and faking prices is universal, a force majeure and failed market is in fact inevitable. This happened for example in the 1976 potato market. There was a disruption, prices spiked, so naturally people didn’t like it – that is the exactly one half of people who were BUYERS and had to transfer their money to the SELLERS. So in order to keep the Buyers from taking losses and make the sellers take them instead – which I’m guessing requires that they be banks, brokers, and billionaires like Kraft – they closed the market. 50 years later the potato market is still closed because “Nothing lasts longer than the temporary”. The wrong people got rich, so “Backsies!” Like always when playing “Monopoly” with rich, stupid, entitled brats. …And then we go back in the markets and let them. Lord give me patience.

    Note if the bond market goes – and it must – the currency market will go and all markets will go. There isn’t a safe haven even in crypto or gold, sort of. First a crack will close markets. People will rush to “exits” but what is an “exit” from the market but to convert to your local currency, i.e. the dollar? So everything can fall, but fall in relation to what? In relation to the measuring stick, but also in relation to closing your debt exposure. In this environment, you sell what you can to get whole, and that’s your gold and crypto which as money proxies actually have liquidity. As those fall, someone is down at the bottom buying them. Probably they will freeze them as Coinbase usually does for a little well-timed “Server maintenance” to lock in the rubes and muppets with helpless losses. (Note: this is only because those supposed freedom loving libertarians and distributed ledger types demand and support hyper-concentration by billionaires and confiscation of governments by keeping 99% of their coins on the exchanges. Lord give be patience.)

    Only after will the US$ begin to lose faith and “gold” rise in contrast. Why? What’s a $30 Trillion indebted government that can’t sell bonds to buy gas for their aircraft carriers? A: Not a going concern. People leave the US$ and close debts, but what is that in a fiat currency? Deflation. You see the tsunami forces here? Deflation = no money = no transactions. Actual economy locks up, you know like the 30/60 day credit, corporate money-markets savings accounts like happened in ‘08? You know, the savings accounts companies pay wages from?

    This is what the tepid words “low liquidity” mean. What I am describing is your “high volatility”. Since the whole U.S. rests on the infinitely-compounding bond market, that failing means you lose every war you’re in, and instantly can’t prosecute trucker convoys — or indeed anything else — at home. At the same time all the homeowners, newly evicted by BlackRock, want your Congressional head on a stick.

    But “things that can’t go on, don’t.” Sorry.


    They need to keep forward motion but still cannot be the cause of the U.S. and therefore catastrophic worldwide economic collapse. So it’s going slow. AFTER that event happens – whatever it may be, and they may not know, just know an avalanche is inevitable – THEN they can up the pace and reveal or even remove Biden and all the fraud.

    ““This is ’60 Minutes.’ We can’t put on things we can’t verify.”

    Hahahahaahaha! I don’t remember the last time they put something on they DID verify! The 60 Minutes interview with Fauci and no masks is an internet classic! Like the NYT Pulitzer award for a RussiaRussiaRussia that never happened? Still at it? Now RussiaRussiaRussia Canadian citizens and RussiaRussiaRussia media, RussiaRussiaRussia crypto and RussiaRussiaRussia bank hacks.

    How long for “Assault Trucks”? Way past tense. Remember these are the people for whom WORDS – if the are spoken by anyone but them – are “assault” and “violence” that can – legally therefore – be met with deadly force. If I speak it’s love, but if you speak it’s hate and I’ll kill you. Totally, totally legal. Logically required, in fact. And therefore, the more people you kill, the more love you are displaying and more tolerance is spread.

    Two hundred and four responses.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101357
    Dr. D

    Ugo is a smart, well-meaning guy but he’s got a lot of problems. They’re down at the fundamental assumption level so they’re generally invisible to him. That’s a hazardous place for them to be since a base input being wrong can suddenly cause huge output-conclusion errors. Like Buy when you should Sell.

    While all the things are true: money/market lockup, general alignment of interests, concentration, scarcity, supply, demand, especially % of GDP on pure waste, either Military or Health Care’s fraud, monopoly, and graft. And we have both. QR CCP social-credit plan rationing to murder all the dissenters and the dissenter’s kids, good stuff. Calm, insightful.

    He’s a Peak Oil scarcity guy. Seneca’s curve. Problem is, that’s not true. Or not like they think. And it’s pretty obvious: “It is not that the Soviet Union ran out of anything, but the costs of natural resources simply became incompatible for the Soviet economy.”

    Why? They weren’t before. If I fish or mine, clearly I sell the salmon or borax at a profit and can keep it up until the last pound is sold. So he’s admitting there was no shortage, only a market-pricing problem. Why? Prices are psychological. They will also automatically rise, but apparently didn’t. So why? Who stopped them?

    “The core of the Empire, Russia, could return to being a functioning state only because it didn’t have to pay the enormous costs related to keeping an Empire together.”

    Why? People have empires to STEAL the periphery. They would never do that if peripheries COST you money: they MAKE you money. But here he says it reversed. Why? Empires can’t have “enormous costs” if they did, nations would go bankrupt with the first attempt at conquest, long before they reach the multi-state absorbtion of a whole “Empire.”

    “The combination of abundant resources and relatively low military expenses”

    The Congo has this. Japan does not. Yet it’s Japan that’s wealthy.

    The current problem is that the resources that made the West so rich and so powerful, mainly crude oil and other fossil fuels, are not infinite. They are being depleted, and production costs increase…”

    And here’s your main point: This is totally false. The West, America, is doing NOTHING. Mining nothing, making nothing. They print and use OTHER people’s mines and oil. We are not drilling 3, maybe even 4 coasts. There is more oil than they can stop with sci-fi technology below 30,000 feet in the Gulf. They only barely got it shut off.

    There is no pollution. America has almost never been cleaner in 40 years. Every mine is untouched here. They have all been stalled, regulated to closure, shut down. Aside from coal we have almost 100 years of resources backlogged here not counting oil. There is also “unlimited” (at least generational) oil in Iran, Russia, and probably Yemen. They’re not fully extracting Libya and Sudan. Venezuela is closed. Where is the shortage? There’s only a shortage of “money”, which is psychological.

    The breakdown is in the human COOPERATION system, not the money or materials system. As clearly there is plenty of MONEY: they’re printing trillions worldwide. It’s just being directed to all the wrong activities.

    Is that COOPERATION system part of reciprocal trust between the people, institutions, and government? And would that be greatly related to the media/propaganda system? And THAT is what’s breaking? Why CNN is a mortal wound and they say Bernie Bro Rogan is a Jan 6 Nazi? Why non-confidence in Trudeau is a breaking point?

    The (Anglo) world is going to centralized planning and violent totalitarianism to NOT HAVE TO CHANGE. Change themselves, their money-flows, the directions, the prices from their insider market rigging, and so on. That’s the only shortage: the shortage of honesty and imagination. The U.S., being closed since Nixon signed the EPA in 1971 (wot a coincidence! The same time we decided to print paper and use YOUR commodities!), might have more mines, more arable land than anywhere on earth. There is no shortage at all, whatsoever, anymore than people had food in 1928, but somehow all the fields vaporized and were teleported to Mars in 1934? That’s why people were hungry? No. FDR was just stopping market prices from fully clearing to protect his Wall St pals. And just like now, grabbing totalitarian power which was fashionable at the time. That power was the only thing capable of MAKING those prices remain wrong for a decade of crushing Depression, while his Brain Trust was dumping milk and plowing under crops to save their own PMC interests. Just like now.

    There was no shortage: all the same rails, fields, barns, mills, mines, houses existed in 1928 when everyone was “rich” as existed in 1934 when they were “poor”. And now, we the U.S. probably have more than they did then, as we also become “poor”, or at least the mass of us. And turning to the “rich”? Do they have more? Yes? And how do they keep it? Only using levers of government, yes? Bezos, Pfizer, forced lockdowns? Sachs, Morgan, forced low interest rates and no regulation for originating loans, having no paperwork, and illegal evictions? London rate fix and Silver proven multi-trillion dollar rigging for 10 or 20 years and pay a Million dollar fine, stay in business? Yeah.

    Now how do the “Rich get richer” again? As a “Natural” thing? It ain’t natural. It’s fraud you won’t prosecute, protest, and not-participate, because the people themselves are aspiring fraudsters.

    So his entire worldview of shortages and prices is in major error, even as generally his conclusions are right. But for the wrong reasons. It’s a big difference if we don’t have resources, they’re depleted, or if we’ve got all everybody needs but some rich chump is stopping and hoarding it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2022 #101344
    Dr. D

    V: we comment to keep our sanity.

    “Trudeau Unleashes ‘Emergency Powers Act’, Threatens Crowd-Funding Platforms With “Terrorist-Financing” For Protesters” This is not a peaceful protest,”

    Really? Where’s the violence? Can you show me?

    “Canadian Civil Liberties Association Condemns Trudeau for Invoking National Emergency over Truckers”

    So they’re going to DO something and join the protest, right? Share their donations?

    Today in “Things that Never Happen” Russia sent the U.S. a telegram to the State Department saying “We hereby declare, on February 16th, year of our Lord 2022, at 9:01am EET, will be formally invading Ukraine. We will begin with a APC number 324, driven by a Private named “Dmitry”. Sincerely, Russia.”

    This is literally what you have to believe to watch CNN, NPR, CBC, etc. Please make it stop. Even the leader of Ukraine is publicly making fun of them. Not us! We believe it! Says Americans, Canadians, Brits, what does Zelenski, the President know? I know BETTER than him!

    …Which is exactly what they said about President Trump, a guy with access to the whole U.S. secret state apparatus. Because I HAVEN’T read it, and can’t, and never will, I know better than a guy who can and has. Yup, sounds like EGO.

    Actually according to CBC, CNN, NPR, Russia has ALREADY invaded, but invaded Canada and put all their truckers under “Telephon” mind control. To make them racist, so they will THEN go protest. Not kidding. This is their story. “MK Ultra” + “Scanners” is literally their personal reality and belief structure in life. And somehow we’re the weirdos here.

    Oh and ALSO their story, calling out martial law on a peaceful protest is NOT an invasion and attack on Democracy and human rights. Nope. That’s necessary because of the endless violence no one can find, as the protest is more peaceful than the average town of similar size, and twice as peaceful as Ottawa’s average.

    Anyhoo, Canadians DGAF, because Protesting is ALREADY not doing what you’re told, so when they told them to go home, obviously that’s time to keep not doing what you’re told. What is it Taibbi said? “It’s like these guys went to bad governing school”? And has anybody talked to them once yet?

    All they have to do to end this and the government to get their rights back is Comply. All the Liberal government has to do is support the people and the workers uniting. That’s the Liberal Party manifesto, right?

    As predicted, TD illegally cut off funds on the Canadian side, and no doubt stole them all — so that’s what? A $20 Million dollar heist now? Maybe they’ll finally get a clue and use Bitcoin. Or rather, a privacy version of Bitcoin. Then I can donate with a fair chance it won’t be tracked and instantly stolen.

    That was the other thing: they had their state actors hack and smear GoSend and hand over their donor list to the Government (thereby using the government hack to avoid getting a legal warrant). Now they put them all on the CCP Social Credit list, no-fly list, no-political candidate list, and so on. Does anyone remember a few years ago the breathless relation that Trump was putting people on “Lists” like Nixon? (And vice versa both before and after) Nope. As Overton moves left on a hypersonic missile, calling martial law for peace (twice now, once already for CV), and making lists of all your citizens to trample their rights and destroy their lives – every day – thus destroying their children’s lives, if not actively abducting them and moving them to oh-so-safe foster care, is totally good, right, and normal. All the truly loving, caring people know: YOU CAN’T LEAVE ANYONE ALONE. Every person, in every country, at every moment, has to DO WHAT I SAY.

    Okey-doke, we’ll see how that works out for ya.

    “ Trudeau Authorizes Bank Accounts Frozen for Social Media Posts (CTH)”

    Does anyone grasp this? This is NOT for the trucker protest. This is for anything you ever said, EVER. You were 15 and mouthing off to your friends? Now you’re 25 with two kids? FROZEN! Go live in a box on the Rideau Canal, you.

    Hey, what was that thing Aaron Russo said, where his Rockefeller buddy said this was the Illuninati’s wet dream and would burn down the planet to get it? Remember that old conspiracy theory no one would believe? Spoiler!

    Does anyone have a conspiracy theory to spare? All mine have come true.”

    Top nation enacting it? The kindest, most tolerant … most LIBERAL one. Nah, I don’t think we should support the Truckers vs unaccountable, undeserved, illegal, human-rights carpet-bombing, life-ending martial law, run by a BlackFace PM who can’t prosecute the mass-murder of native children. There might be somebody I don’t like in the crowd. I’ll wait until protests carry the death penalty worldwide (almost there!) and THEN protest.

    But really, as the next article says, this is fan-tastic. Couldn’t be better. Could not possibly wake up and unite Canadians to their danger with anything less. And in the main, still very safe.
    Thankfully people are broadly tracing back all the bad leaders to the WEF and Schwab, and hopefully soon behind him to the real powers. The internet works both ways, you dummies. You ever see the Austist Army working? They could find one flag on one pole, somewhere on earth, on someone’s private property, in 24 hours. (search “Shia Lebeuf”)

    Twitter Won’t Censor Tweets Linking to Hacked Freedom Convoy Donor List (DC)”

    Hey Twitter, I thought “hacked material” was against your rules and instantly banned. Only if the person is Hunter? Only if the material is Wikileaks?

    “A packed-full stadium with exactly nobody distancing anything and zero mask enforcement of any sort. They didn’t even try to fake it.”

    Adults (and particularly Boomers, sadly) attack all children for their own profit and convenience, wherever they are found. Have for my entire life. Nobody cares then, nobody cares now. When the first kid went on the first milkjug, did they stop this s—t, make neighborhoods safe, and keep a parent at home? Hahahahaha! Compared to moving up from a Chevy to a Pontiac? Not on your life! Of course not! F- the kids, I want a golf club membership!

    The mother says, “F- the kids, I want a second car and move from Avon to L’Oréal!” …Of course then THEN got divorced, lost both cars, all the house equity, both had to work, both lost the kids to drugs and sex, and ate Kraft macaroni and ketchup because of it, but “If it’s L’Oreal, it’s worth it.”

    That was 40 years ago. OF COURSE they attack, murder, and abandon all the kids to a prison-industrial system called “school”. As I said of Pine Ridge, they beta-tested on the natives AND YOU DID NOTHING. So they rolled out the Indian School-Prison kidnapping system on you. Just like we all warned in 1950, 1960, 1970, and even to today. We won’t get an apology for being right. They won’t even admit it now that it’s decades past-tense. Oh, PS, Baltimore had ZERO competency at graduation for their students. Most Blue areas are not far behind, and the Red ones are barely functional, ever-lower standards that America probably didn’t have in 1850. Higher taxes than ever to support their failure. And nobody even thinking about changing anything. We’re the bestest evah! Modern man is just soooo much smarter, cooler, more progressive than his backward grandpa, who could read and write, doncha know.

    40 years later: Same thing! Didn’t learn an iota. Still dumber than a bag of hammers sending their kids to barista school at $100k, now up to THREE divorces, approving of their grandkids with three different fathers.

    “had two cars in every garage, could go wherever they wanted, had overseas vacations every year, could buy whatever they wanted”

    I understand the sentiment, but this was never true. Ever, and probably anywhere, even Boston and NYC. My whole life, and even now, overseas vacations are very, very rare, and no one can buy whatever they wanted. It was available, but normal Americans even have to live with, save up, and budget to get a new COUCH. They also worked really, really hard while Europe takes a month off every year. This sort of biases the baseline he’s building here and there’s no need for it.

    And they are rationing right now. Store shelves are empty in places nationwide. Cars cannot be bought. Etc. You were locked down at home to make CIA operative Bezos rich. I thought that was the whole point.

    Yes Pelosi is declaring a victory and went home. Their (non) sanctions worked! The ones they never added because nothing happened. Although they didn’t work to change behavior any of the last 10 years they were ACTUALLY enacted, say for example under Trump. Fine, PR, cool.

    Here’s the problem though: as yesterday’s random comments suggested, THE U.S. IS COLLAPSING, and the only way to fill the infinitely compounding debt now is not even Syria or Cuba, like “The Blob” it has to absorb something the size of the EU or Russia. They were rebuffed, easily, and that compounding is still happening. The Beast must feed.

    So it doesn’t matter if there’s a war or not, the results in the West (Anglosphere) are the same. They won’t be able to pay their blackmail, their gas bill, the troops. The banks will freeze up and liquidity will stop again. It will now take $50 trillion? $100 trillion? To re-start it, ’08 friends-and-family bailout-style.

    So the LACK of a war is a problem too, and one that’s coming up in days, before the end of the month probably. So be prepared.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101202
    Dr. D

    Timezone: How do you sleep during a nuclear war and economic collapse?

    The Truckers may be playing Whack-a-Mole with the border. I’ve heard they set up at a few other crossings already, supported by thousands of Canadians, and the farmers. …Naturally not reported. Somewhat justified: moving to 5 small crossings is not as newsworthy. That’s good strategy: What happens otherwise? You make a stand at Windsor and win or lose everything in an hour. That’s not the point and violent, lying psychopaths in government have plans for this. If instead you keep a general strike going for ever-more weeks, showing support everywhere, they can keep the opposition legitimized and going for years. So long as there is opposition, and they have to present the illusion of elections, you’ll get voted in.

    ““…talking to protesters, that’s out of the question. As Politico recently put it, the “conspiratorial mindset” of the demonstrators means “sitting down with them could legitimize their concerns.” Since we can’t under any circumstances have that, the only option left is the military “eventuality.” Or, as former Obama Deputy Homeland Security Secretary and CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem (the same person who went nanny-bonkers over the Southwest Air “Let’s Go Brandon” incident) put it, “Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks.”

    Any sane person should be able to see where any of these ideas would lead. The problem is, we’re heading into our third decade of Western leaders embracing not thinking ahead as a core national security concept. It’s like these people went to anti-governing school.” –Taibbi


    Keep Talking. But they cannot as they have no argument. They make no sense. They have nothing to give, only take. I’ve lost track of all the self-contradictory nonsense, there’s so many hundreds, thousands per day no one can track them all anymore. That’s like France in 1789, (“Let them drink Margaritas”) or Soviet Glastnost, where everything is discredited. “There is no Pravda in Izvestiya and there is no Izvestiya in Pravda” (Pravda means “Truth” and Izvestiya means “News”.) That’s your CNN now, but not only them, as of last week, that was your State Department. They asked if the reporters trusted ISIS more than the U.S. State Dept, the reporter basically said “yes.” And correctly so, AGAIN as we found out yesterday. Same with Ukraine a week before with a different reporter. These ARE the “CNN” reporters bucking this. Imagine how much more the rest of us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101192
    Dr. D


    “U.S. Border Overwhelmed with Refugees Trying to Escape Canada” –BBBee

    WINDSOR—ICE agents are overwhelmed as thousands of desperate refugees from Canada have flooded the U.S. northern border to claim asylum. The crowd, now numbering in the tens of thousands, is attempting to escape fierce political oppression by Fidel Castro’s tyrant son in Ottawa.

    “Hey, come on there buddy, just let us in, eh?” said asylum-seeker Tim Pokadoke. “So sorry to bug ya but Trudeau’s killin’ us up here, ya know?”

    Intelligence experts confirmed that Canadians are facing unprecedented political and religious persecution. They also confirmed early intelligence reports that indicated Trudeau is a “sad, scared little girly man who has to oppress working people to feel like a big boy.”

    Canadians at the border are hoping their requests for asylum will be granted so they may breathe the sweet, pure air of American freedom.

    UPDATE: U.S. officials informed the Canadian refugees that the border was closed and that they would have to sail down to the southern border and cross there like everyone else.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2022 #101191
    Dr. D

    “Americans need to redirect their anger over skyrocketing prices.” –THE REIDOUT BLOG, MSNBC

    But MSNBC, you just said yesterday inflation is a GOOD thing! Especially for the poor.

    “How a popular Black tabloid helped spread racist, conservative talking points” –THE REIDOUT BLOG, MSNBC

    If they’re Conservative they are racist. And also not black. Ask Biden. And not as black as Trudeau.

    Remember quote yesterday from Fredrick Douglas? Who would be a Republican. Well he sure wasn’t a Southern Democrat!

    Boosters? Well the timing does makes sense. They bought 10 shots per person the day the vaccine was made. They’re the same product, so they just call #3, #4, and so on “Boosters”, up to however many they can manage to sell, and whatever trollop they have to tell you to sell them.

    Now, since Trump created this vaccine they said was impossible to make, they didn’t want, and would never take, they put the money from the sales of Trump vaccine into their crime syndicate to back-fill all the losses plus the territory they’d been losing like Afghanistan trafficking. It spreads out from Pfizer to BlackRock and keeps them not whole, but within the ring of power because it’s very expensive to make people do what they don’t want to do, surveil governments and bully people, but very cheap to leave them alone.

    Now that is shut off again, just like before. And they are broke and the circle of power is failing like before. They can’t pay into Ukraine. They can’t pay their gas bill. They can’t even shut down a few uppity workers. What to do? They need money or they need action or the world will find out they’re weak, broke, and irrelevant. Start a war.

    And we can’t really stop them. Any large crime syndicate collapsing is going to have these stages and risks. They are violent people and you made them desperate in order to end them. There are too many to get them all in the same hour, and if they don’t think they can win they’ll nuke Seattle and release smallpox. No joke, many books about loose weapons over the years.

    “‘Oligarchs’ Flee Ukraine – Media (RT)”

    Sounds pretty useful if your goal is to end the organized crime syndicate. They can’t be as powerful in flight as in their castle.

    “Third, tell the world the exact date when the fabricated scenario is supposed to happen. Then, when the fabricated scenario never happens, it is because you are so brilliant”

    Four, keep Europe a helpless lackey under U.S. control to claw life-giving money/compliance out of them.


    That’s the 2-year flag portion only. Target $2,500? Okay, and that would be with the USD going up or down against bacon?

    Article as all markets are insane valuations, difficult to levitate, in a super-inflationary money-printing, friend-bailing top: https://kingworldnews.com/greyerz-a-depression-will-be-unleashed-as-the-global-super-bubble-pops/

    Long rates rising:

    More random comments while trying to understand Ukraine:

    “I think the original plan months ago by the US was to falsely direct a Ukie unit to attack Lugansk or Donetsk, cover it with propaganda, blame the LDNR military, and get the Russians to put some units into Ukraine. If this plan was uncovered by Russian Intel, and it likely was, then Russia upped the ante with this full pressure campaign to once-and-for-all end the NATO threat which would have come into Ukraine.All the signs are that NATO intended to establish inside Ukraine and then cover Ukraine with article 5 protection.

    They underestimated Russian willingness to go to a deep, wide war that would destroy Kiev, the Baltic midgets and Poland.”

    “We will again stay unprotected by anybody, by any friends,” – Ukraine.

    Sounds like something changed. This fits the U.S. retreat narrative. And the original plan suggested above.

    The option to go to war is incredibly expensive compared to naming Ukraine a neutral state, removing the missiles in East Europe, and going back to 1997 limits of NATO.
    The problem for the US is in order to save their own economy, they have to destroy the Russia-EU connections and take over industry from West European centers, making the EU market theirs.
    They see the only way to that goal is to brand Russia an aggressor nation and destroy it in war.
    Russia has made the cost of that plan for the US/EU/NATO existential for the West. Russia will destroy them and can do it completely with conventional weapons. This is why they have no qualms about war.
    The US cannot win a war without going nuclear, which means they will be obliterated by Russian nukes.
    Only Russia can win this pressure situation. And they have several paths to victory. There is no path to victory for the US


    I’ve also heard the suggestion that Russia’s navy, while moving to the Black Sea, now has 100 ships off Syria. Taking all of Syria and restoring it to legal control would be the perfect foil to the Ukraine nonsense.

    Unexpected. Stops the UAE+ pipeline to Europe permanently. If I were him, at the same time putting all Turkey and the straits entirely into Russian control. Then no U.S. Navy there ever again. Sort of your “Suez Canal” moment.

    And a topper: “Ukraine’s President Demands Proof from US over Alarmist Russian Invasion Claims”

    Apparently when he looks out his front window now he does NOT see 100,000 troops? But Maddow and Stelter can?

    I’ve been trying to find a way to phrase this properly:

    Russia is saying “The West is at the front door. There is nowhere left for us to retreat.”

    But the West says in order not to be “aggressive”, they have to remove the Russian army from the Rostov and Voronezh Oblasts and into Siberia, surrendering Moscow to the front lines.

    So what do you want Russia to do? Are they supposed to retreat from inside their own borders?

    The Anglos say “Yes. You must retreat from inside your own territory immediately or it’s WWIII.”

    Who is the aggressor again? What do you think must happen when you do this? Is that an clearer way to see how inflammatory, ridiculous, and without any legal, moral, or ethical basis?

    It had to come here. Nothing but a Cuban Crisis and collapsing Suez Moment would allow things to change and be new. Letting everyone have something to point to and say, “The empire is over.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101151
    Dr. D

    Certainly not a medical doctor. More like a lawyer, the Devil’s Advocate.

    I’ve got one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbOTkDn49qI

    “There’s a silence surrounding me
    I can’t seem to think straight
    I’ll sit in the corner…
    I’m feeling weak now
    But I can’t show my weakness
    I sometimes wonder
    Where do we go from here?

    It doesn’t have to be like this.
    All we need to do is make sure we keep talking” — Keep Talking. Pink Floyd.

    I do not have the level of training but I agree with D Benton. …Most unfortunately. Trust me, my feeling at possibly 1/3 dying in the next five years is not elation. It’s a grim knowledge it can probably be mitigated greatly, but we have no experience with it and also no time. (also that number is millions too high. What was the study, the “A2” batches only?)

    The next thought is that of the Seven Seals, the first of which is the Four horsemen. The first of which is “Pestilence, and only then “War”, “Famine”, and “Death.” If we are only in 1 of 7, and only in the first of step 1, then we have an unfathomable distance to go to survive.

    What was Number Two again? War? As Nostradamus says, “Between the Polar powers”? That comes after 3 years of detente? And we’re pretty far along with “Famine” too. No fertilizer, no infrastructure systems, no free seeds, and no distribution of animals, alongside millions of idiotic and entitled people.

    If you need to stay awake at night and are out of No-doz, read the behavior of Berlin on the Countryside in “Dying of Money”. Does cutting the udder off a cow seem…hmm how do I put it…somewhat counterproductive to anyone? Is stealing a little food, then setting fire to the house and barn seem like a positive plan to reduce Germany’s hunger? In famine people deeply misbehave and are also idiotic, lacking all experience with essentially all things. Meanwhile, hunger is cured with an extremely complex dance of people, supplies, timing, and equipment that the slightest disruption will destroy. Remove one pin from a railway engine for example. The “destroy” in that is not the farmers, but the end-consumers, somewhere in Berlin, who helpfully did NOT leave the city to pillage. The bad Berliners who did leave and disrupted things killed them, certain as removing the tracks from the railway bridges will. They may not know who the many victims were, but they did.

    That’s only number THREE. I’m sorry if I sound ferocious sometimes, but knowing these things, having read war, famine, depression, collapse, I only feel like I’m failing by 4/5ths. I can’t possibly be stern or aggressive enough, although clearly that is advancing my case or your safety. It was the same in 2020 when I had to be such a cad in unwrapping the flaws in the pandemic statistics and responses. Despite appearances I did not like it at all, but I didn’t leave, I stuck it out, that is the only way to care. To get out of this mess I have a responsibility to do right, and pray that others can find voice to as well if I do. Since only they can do their work and not me, the results have not been good, but we need to support that voice, and the freedom to have it, by all means required.

    But perhaps. Canada really got me down as we know people just eat everything there. Didn’t matter what they said, did, just non-stop support. For the most dreadful, transparent sops. Like Mr. Ford? For years? Where’s your pride, man? And yet this happens, now nationwide. They were there all along. You think nobody’s left in America, but hour after hour, still fighting down the Dulles Brothers and the same old plans, tirelessly, for 50, 100 years everything they throw at us, which really is everything. The plan was “1984”, that’s why he chose it. So they are now FORTY YEARS behind their own schedule. And we’re still fighting, even murdered at 30k a pop. Fighting more than ever, in fact, and smarter.

    I don’t know though. Maybe I feel I didn’t sign up for this, playing Pooh sticks in the stream of a cool forest and looking where the stars meet the fireflies when I was younger. Maybe no man does, certainly not those at Sand Creek or Casa Grande. But this is earth. We are men, and even our allies are flawed. The run is much longer than you imagine as a child, and one must learn to tread with less urgency and more care. I’ve learned this much, but you can see how much harm less severity, less urgency, and too much safety and nice-speak can cause. I tried and can do no better. I can be patient and flattering, moderate and kind, but would it have got people to read the data and act faster? Faster than saying “What a jerk, I’m going to prove him wrong?” Perhaps, yes, perhaps with some, but being a fury and a gadfly, a sharp tongue, can perhaps increase the pace. And as above, increasing the urgency can save lives. Imagine if they had had 5 more years. Or even, if you like, if you invest or prepare, make your own life better, safer, more able to have wherewithal to help others without risk.

    But that only happens if we keep talking.

    After the talking? After we shut them down, shut them out, stop listening, leave? The violence begins.

    “It doesn’t have to be like this.
    All we need to do is make sure we keep talking”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101015
    Dr. D

    “after two years of looking, and “tens of thousands” of samples, no one has found SARS-CoV-2 naturally occurring in animals in and around Wuhan, China.”

    I’m constantly too generous and too naive. That’s even worse than I thought. AND they all knew it, all along, because that particular fact they would all HAVE to know. So every article, and every doctor and scientist that used the word “bat” in the last two years is lying. Also suggests 99% that it’s an engineered, and therefore bioweapon.

    It’s a win-win,” Koss said. “The pandemic is rolling down right now, they can remove the mandates, all the mandates, and everyone’s happy. The government does the right thing, and the protesters are all happy.”

    Just comply and it’ll be over: the government will get their rights back. So since what he’s saying is true, what’s the resistance? Certainly not science. So they’re AGAINST science and are dragging their feet to oppose it for some reason. Which shows Science and safety are the last thing on the governments’ mind.

    “Surrounded by dozens of officers in Windsor, a man with “Mandate Freedom” and “Trump 2024” spray-painted on his vehicle left the bridge entrance”

    Why did they describe this ONE man of thousands? What specific thing did this man have that the other thousands didn’t?

    “honest broker be appointed to mediate was ignored by the government. Astonishingly, former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney described the protest as “sedition,” whereas NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh uttered a peculiar dog whistle about white supremacy.”

    We’ll do anything but ask them. We’ve tried everything but talking. And we follow anything but science. This is a nice article, and is shows me that losing the consent of the governed is a PROCESS. A long one, like anything having to do with crowds. Probably the larger the body, the longer it takes. Does drive me crazy though.

    “Jake Sullivan”

    So we have probable security breach Watergate-on-steroids “dirty tricks”, and constitutional felons serving in the Biden administration? What was that about “Conspiracy Theories”? Or as we call them now, “Spoilers”? Right again. So Facebook is going to permanently ban CNN and Maddow for “disinformation”, right? Citi will shut off their bank accounts?

    No, because “they recalibrated the domestic surveillance capabilities…so that only their political opposition would be targeted.”

    This is why all government documents must be open and FOIAs must be responded to immediately and openly. …But of couse this is why George Bush put this into place to begin with: they immediately started surveillance of Congress and anybody opposing the Derp State, and in fact a few were targeted (with Ft. Detrick anthrax) and others died. The point is, ANY surveillance is political, which is why you can’t allow it, and it has to be authorized, open, and well-tracked. That’s the 4A for a reason. In history ALL governments fail for this reason, as a secret police of some flavor claim “Classified”, go secret, and then immediately direct and eventually topple the government. Ours is no different and we’ve been fighting them tooth and nail since Eisenhower.

    This is also the point of defining looting as “speech” but visiting the rotunda unarmed as “sedition”. You set the words according to your beliefs – like the shibboleth of vaccine compliance – then arrest everyone who stands up. MY flag is love, but YOUR flag is hate. Because i set the definition. I am arbiter of all flags. As Jon Steward said yesterday, the question is: “which is master, that is all” WHO decides what is “Misinformation”? Who decides there are WMD and ties to al-qaeda, they’ll greet us with flowers and are throwing babies out of incubators? We have news so we CAN decide which is true. We don’t know the second something reported. That’s what history books are for.

    “BREAKING NEWS: Anonymous US intelligence sources say they have concrete evidence that the Russians will invade Ukraine yesterday.”

    Love it. Shows how it’s impossible to lampoon these people. They are already a parody. The sad part is, because the people are also a parody they don’t notice.

    “the two men spoke by phone for an hour a day after Washington”

    …But Putin refused to abandon the Rostov and Voronezh Oblasts, so there has to be war.

    “ Giant Ukrainian US Lobbying Campaign Revealed (RT)”

    That’s funny: they’re one of the poorest countries on earth, far away, with no trade, and having nothing to do with the United States. Why would they lobby and where’d they get the money?

    A: Money Laundering. This is almost their sole industry. Understand why they’re so important now and a Congressman’s best friend and prime destination? And what happens if the money laundering nexus gets shut off? How are Lockheed and Pfizer supposed to buy any Senators? We must defend them to the death!

    Trying to follow this fabricated War nonsense. So do you think Biden put up the concrete around the White House in anticipation of invading Russia, or for an invading citizenry? Noting that the date they started construction is therefore similar to the date they decided to start ANOTHER war of Anglo aggression, halfway around the world with no supply lines. All to hide Powell’s inevitable rate hike that will break everything.

    News: “The Pentagon has confirmed Saturday it has ordered soldiers who were in Ukraine training national forces out of the country, amid US fears that a Russian military offensive is imminent. It appears the US is moving its military assets out of the way, not wanting them to be targets”

    So much to unpack here. Biden sent in 3,000 men. So he is both deploying AND removing assets? Does he not know what he’s doing? Does he not know our response?

    So if they’re being REMOVED, then we are retreating, not supporting Ukraine, right? Right?
    We’re also removing all our “assets”? That is to say, our military hardware? So again are we fighting or retreating? And since when does the Pentagon consider their “assets” to be “targets”? Military assets are meant to make OTHER people targets, not be hapless victims themselves.

    So we’re a poor wee victim, in retreat? Is this what I’m hearing right? But we’re standing up the bully by…retreating? Well I have to say that’s the best personification of Woke behavior since, well yesterday I guess.

    Looking for more? “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin identified that the some 160 Florida National Guard soldiers who had been in the country since November would be moved “elsewhere in Europe”. The Secretary made this decision out of an abundance of caution — with the safety and security of our personnel foremost in mind.”

    160 whole men? Wow, surely they’d stop the Russian advance. And “Safety”? Yes, that soldiers never, ever get hurt is truly foremost in our mind. If war is dangerous or something I guess they’d have to stop it and go home. A war where 160 are killed is our upper limit.

    In good Anglo fashion, they added: “”This repositioning does not signify a change in our determination to support Ukraine’s Armed Forces, but will provide flexibility in assuring allies and deterring aggression,”

    Yes, retreating is no indication that you aren’t wholehearted in support of your allies. And leaving is deeply assuring to allies and when the soldiers are safe in Ft. Leonard Wood, they can deter the aggression in Europe the mostest.

    Since none of that is true, would you like to tell me what you really mean?

    Moving on, “Later in the day the State Department revealed that in a call between Secretary of State Blinken and Russian FM Lavrov that there was no signal from Moscow that it intends to de-escalate.”

    De-escalate? The Russian Army is in Russia. Should they de-escalate by leaving and invading Iraq like we did? Or should they just disband the whole military because they border another nation? I’m sorry, what exactly do you mean by de-escalate? You’ll have to be more clear.

    I mean other than there is no escalation, so undoing what you never did is impossible. It is simply meant to cause WWIII. Or WW IV, depending how you count it.

    So my bet remains this whole thing exists to make Biden an idiot and crash markets. How can we tell it’s made up? Selling the oil reserves, no movement of goods, firing the soldiers, no mobilization in Europe of all the military assets they don’t have, going on vacation, the usual.

    But what makes you think it’s only two people on the field here? Or Three, as nobody is bothering to discuss or consult Ukraine? Or 4/5 with France and Germany? I mean why not have Blackwater and Halliburton and CNN hire some Mercs and a camera-lugging White Helmet and a squirt gun of ketchup? Heck if I were Powell, I’d hire them myself. …Noting that Powell works for Morgan, Sachs, HSBC, Citi, UBS, and nobody in Congress or government.

    Starting it or trying it doesn’t make it a good thing though. What if they use the old playbook, everybody knows it, it comes out on the front pages and discredits them more? This is what I expect, with some action, but I don’t know where. (cyber, Poland, London, gold markets, oil, Taiwan: target-rich environment)

    Commenter: “The support for war in the US is so low as to be irrelevant . The credibility of US government and all media outlets will go down even further if there is no invasion by the end of Feb.”
    True and true. However this means that if there is a war, they will lose. AND if there isn’t a war, they also lose by falsely nattering on about one. So Lose-Lose?

    Other comment: “Throwing Ukraine under the bus to regain control over Germany and France is what Washington and London are after. Cutting their losses, while choking Europe through denying it access to Chinese goods, and eye-watering technical advances, and Russian raw materials,”

    I see that, pretty fair. That fits the “attack by retreating” dialogue well. Bankrupt Anglos throw money-pit Ukraine under the bus, then blame Putin for “invading” it. Like the “Mouse that Roared”, but in reverse: tossing Russia the hot potato. Maybe they’ll catch it. If not, who cares? Blame them for the mess.

    “4. Natural gas use will be rationed in New England due to its lack of pipelines and dependency on LNG.
    It will reduce use of the dollar as the reserve currency since Russia will never accept the US dollar again. It will accelerate China s policy of using its currrency in trade transactions in the future . Between these two countries dollar use in trade transactions will fall bellow %50 from its current %57. Because of less demand for the dollar , the price of the dollar will tube and precious metals will soar. Any imported goods to the US will also soar in prices causing even more inflation .
    Riots will happen in Europe as more and more reports highlight how people are freezing . Germans and French will blame the US for this and will back off the most extreme of the sanctions . This will be the beginning of the end of NATO and with it the end of US power in Europe.
    Biden’s approval ratings will go to the lowest levels in history. Protests will start in the US over the rising prices of everything. By the time that the new Congress is sworn in , article of impeachment against Biden will be drawn up.”

    Yes, that would happen, so they won’t take actions to cause that…or not intentionally at least.

    Naughty flags indeed. But some flags are more equal than others. Flags of pure hate — if they are Communist — or t-shirts of murdering Che-che homophobes — if they are communist — are actually pure love and tolerance. The only hate and wrong is on the other side. My side is pure as the drive snow. …But then they drifted.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2022 #101013
    Dr. D

    Aw Sumac, I’ve been too hard on you. And I was just penciling a more productive, less negative post into your reservations and what was the most strategic way to accomplish positive change.

    Did have this from Russell Brand though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PghoRUr-wo

    Including “Trucker organizers said it was vital to keep politicians out” — that’s everybody, because that’s not the point and they don’t want to be hijacked.
    “The last thing we want is to have this whole idea of unity amongst Canadians from across the political spectrum, to have that be detonated by politicization.”they said.

    Note, “Across the spectrum” is by definition “the other guy way over on the side I don’t agree with”, otherwise it would be “Across my party only” which is totally non-inclusive and doesn’t get things done.

    Brand says: “Don’t you think it’s possible that whenever there’s a protest, there’s a vested interest in finding a way to dismiss and undermine that protest? If I say these people are all racist bastards, would that undermine the protest? … Um, yeah. Well then, coincidentally, they’re all racist bastards!” Problem solved. Protest ended.

    Basic point is the same though: All I need to do to win is hire one guy to carry a naughty flag, and the whole protest disperses. It’s magic and only costs 50 bucks!

    Or “Action Item #1” you could make 40 yards in this protest, then since you’re now active and mobilized, you continue on after making 40 yards and make 20 more yards by knocking off the politicians that were there and you don’t agree with as “Action Item #2”. I mean, you weren’t going home were you? You weren’t going to stop, right?

    Instead you don’t make the 40 yards AND you don’t make the 20 yards? And in fact, with the ending of legal protests in Canada, lose 20 yards? Is that really wise?

    I wouldn’t believe Amnesty International or any other NGO for a nickel without double-checking everything they say and all their biases first. Just as it’s cheap and easy to buy a protestor and a naughty flag — the folds still in it from non-use — it’s only slightly more expensive to buy an NGO and insert your people into it. As we’ve overwhelmingly seen in Snopes, but especially SPLC and headlined in the formerly honest and freedom-loving ACLU. We’ve seen nothing these last 10 years but people made powerful with financialization use their fortunes to “donate” and immediately thereafter affect all policy and insert their own people. Those people then “manufacture consent” to support the status quo. The piper calls the tune.

    And what do we at TAE have to do with this other, outside political thing? I’m not in the Trucker Protest. I’m just some dumb guy on the internet.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2022 #100941
    Dr. D

    I acknowledge Pancake is addressing data today. I will look into it, thank you.

    L.A. Sheriff, they ARE winning in a way. So long as they drive YOU out, the good men, then they have a united force of bullies caring nothing for the law and taking orders only from superiors like “A Fistful of Dollars”. Just they way they dream of…until the bully knocks off the laptop-hands Board and the Mayor and become the local warlords instead. Just leaving, retreating, as Libertarians generally do just leads to polarization and conflict later…with them having the “official” capacity, if not the support of the people. They know that, thousand years of history. Same playbook in every color revolution because it works.

    We need something else to happen. Something unexpected.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2022 #100937
    Dr. D

    “Biden Warns Putin that US Military Response on Table in Hour Long Call”

    Biden warns PUTIN? Wtf? Okay man, you’re the one living on the Potomac, 5 minutes from Russia’s robotic, submarine nuclear drones. Suit yourself, no one in America will be sorry for you. Or London.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 11 2022 #100864
    Dr. D

    You are correct: GoSend can do as they want (although Biden will illegally arrest them), but Canada will just not allow the funds to be RECEIVED in their Provincial banks. Game over. If you send them credit cards or something, same thing. They’ll put a stop on the cards, and arrest you for trafficking.

    However: although GoSend may not be able to convert to Bitcoin (KYC and licensing laws, variable by state) but if you started in Bitcoin it MIGHT end up in an easy, single wallet. Let’s pretend this, which is the easiest for Ontario to stop. Recognizing the wallet, Ontario can… do nothing. It can’t be seized. It can’t be stopped. So Mr. Organizer or his Treasurer walks up and down the streets, BEEP! Transferred $100. BEEP. Transferred $100. BEEP. Transferred $100,000 for a truck repayment.

    Okay, now the OWNER/Protestor has the BTC, AND the Ontario government knows it’s been transferred out of the main charity account. And can do nothing. They don’t know WHICH person has the new BTC transfer. They cannot reverse it or arrest them.

    Okay, last step: somehow, the Protestor must take this BTC payout and buy diesel, tires, Timbits, truck repair. That means they need the SHOP to take BTC. They probably will. Or not. I can just drain my IRA into cash, pay that way, and consider the BTC from the Organizers to be my new IRA. Eventually, months or years from now, I will find someone to either swap it for Loonies, or accept BTC directly.

    And that’s the end. Now Ontario knows the BTC has been transferred TWICE, but not necessarily to whom, and can arrest no one, nor reverse it. See how this works?

    And this is BTC, the MOST public, with zero occlusion, using NO methods of breaking up the accounts, spinning them or hiding them. I assure you, if you used Monero or other privacy coins, transferred the money into coins/countries/burner wallets and back, it would get much, much harder. EVEN for the OPP. At that point, all these transactions would require the CIA/NSA or their Canadian counterparts to unwrap, which is possible but very costly.

    VP: What is it Mao says? Rights come from the barrel of a gun? I’ll keep my 2A thanks, but if I didn’t I could still take them all out with a Nerf Gun, Silly String, and a Buick. If you’ve been in the military, you know what a joke “taking weapons” is. Everything is a weapon in the right hands, you morons.

    Oh and Figmund, every time I see your closer “F.S.”, I read it as [For]“F**k Sakes”. But it usually applies.

    You can’t close the border, that’s my job!

    …Babylon Bee come to life again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2022 #100856
    Dr. D

    Trudeau can’t “break”. He’s a jellyfish noodle with no backbone. Ask his wife-mommy.

    I’ve heard they’re running it like this: OPP and Ottawa is asked to act. They say, “Not our jurisdiction, it’s a military matter.” Justin asks the military, they tell him to pound sand. Classic.

    And having the U.S. appear to run and influence Canada, their matters and protests, is sure going to both make Canada look good with all their leaders, AND please all Canadians who will be very happy about it. Not. Okay, not as bad as “Fringe minority” with “Unacceptable views” but you’re digging a real hole here. Now pull in the ground behind you and disappear.

    “• What the Truckers Want (Subramanya)”

    Canada will never know. Because they’ve tried everything. Everything! Except asking them. Just comply and it’ll all be over, boys.

    State of Emergency. …So…they are in a lockdown with not only a worker shortage, but a trucker shortage. And they’re going to FIRE truckers??? Permanently? To get more trucking to happen later? Did these PMCs go in a Zoom meeting with the tire-slash lady to come up with this?

    …Remember this is not an anomoly. To get more health care they fired all the nurses and doctors and reduced their pay. THen to get more defense and guardsmen to help they fired all the soldiers. …You know, we’re on to something here. How does the PMC managerial class deal with things in their business lives, going back generations now? Fire the employees.

    …And when there are no employees to hire in their place? “That’s never happened.” We crushed labor in 1970, so no one has to worry about it again. There are plenty of bodies willing to piss in a bottle for Amazon, so: proof. Not.

    Should Twitter now bar Kayyem or Carville?”

    I don’t care, but pick one standard and stick with it. They’re incapable of it. “My power, right or wrong”

    Article: “Comedy’s Existential Crisis” – Vox.com

    So according to Vox, human comedy may cease to exist in the next few months? Due to Joe Rogan? Want to put $100k on that, Vox? I’ll give you 100:1 odds and still take your money. Conclusion: Words have no meaning to reporters. Logic does not exist in their world. Which is probably why nobody noticed when they published 300 word-soup studies in Science magazines. And then the editors were published saying so.

    Moving to Economics:
    “Biden admitted he was not concerned about inflation. “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way — no serious economist,” Biden concluded. Inflation is now at a 40-year high” –Armstrong

    Remember when asking about inflation made you a “Stupid son of a b—h?” Yeah, that was so last week. Yup, that’s what makes Economists 100% wrong, every time, and always laughable. Here we go again.

    Following multi-trillion collapse of Evergrande, possible foray into the same thing by BlackRock, a $10 trillion war chest for villainy, possibly the most evil company on earth. …Which is why Neil Young sold them his catalog: He supports that kind of thing.


    BlackRock has been doing the Woke, Social Equity thing. Here’s how it goes: the Black Hats collect a $10 Trillion war chest by using more evil, blackmail, government-merger-collusion, and never-prosecuted insider trading to do so in order to do MORE evil. However, to SPEND that money on their friends and social programs that kill people – let’s say shut off electric in Germany or hand out crack pipes to black people – they need to come up with some kind of dumb-*ss story because all those plans will LOSE money. Lose LOTS and LOTS of money. Like HuffPo, BuzzFeed, CNN, BILLIONS in lost money. Down the rat-hole. How to make the shareholders sit around and get kicked in the teeth all day? For my little social engineering experiment, enriching my friends? Well, you just make up Environmentalism, Carbon, Green New Deal, but now also ESG “Social Justice” funds. Like BP oil companies divesting themselves of oil. SellSellSell. Amazon, the world’s most carbon-driving, packaging-happy firm, and Google, using the electric of whole cities and states to hand you junk mail. Super-environmental!

    But although clearly investors are as moronic math-ignorant, engineering-illiterate as the general population, (to say nothing of progressives and environmentalists who eat this slop) stock investors CAN tell “Number up” from “Number down.” And BlackRock won’t get to spend a lot of that stealing houses from millennials, evicting the working poor, and paying Pfizer to create deadly pandemics. Because like Kathy Wood, as soon as their price falls, people will sell. Then the price falls and people sell more. They insider-buy their stock and lose the war chest defending it. Etc. Boom, boom, minus $10 Trillion alllll the way down. +90% usually, in history. …Not that they won’t spend a rounding error affecting (buying) elections for pals in the meantime, but their power and influence exists…until it has to be used. Then it’s a flaccid paper towel.

    On $10 TRILLION. The entire U.S. GDP. “A crisis in BlackRock would be equal to a sovereign debt crisis. A liquidity crisis in BlackRock will give a new means to Too Big to Fail.” – Armstrong

    Not here yet, but keep an eye on this. In fact, Evergrande could spark it off. Maybe they’re starting the war to cover it.

    The kind of “God’s Work” BlackRock does? “US Loses $1 Trillion Annually on Opiate Crisis” Big Pharma kills more people in America every year than firearms and car accidents; legal pill pushers have claimed more lives than COVID.” Yes, so beyond BlackRock investing in Pharma-is-death, let’s take $7B earmarked for hospitals and workers and give to Big Pharma instead. So they can kill them with opiates and apparently Remdesivir.

    Anyway, so intractable inflation that will cause the currency and the country to collapse? On the Democrats?* Biden Admin just released via PBS there WILL be a war. It WILL be in the Olympics, and it WILL be bloody and large.

    So they’ve made their move. Britain, I expect. So unlike all the blather that got no traction, I think they’re actually up to something this time. Probably not killing a million people like they hope to, but something.

    No special clues, although I’m now looking. They DID say a cyberattack, which is a CIA special, and they already ran Event 201 on it and put it in the news for a year. However, they listed it with other, generic things of no special note. Hey remember how North Korea hacked Sony and CNN knew who it was in 30 minutes? Oh wait: that was all totally, totally FALSE? But they printed it anyway? With slanderous “disinformation”? Remember the Russian hack? Which one? Well all of them, because they were all equally printed and all equally fabricated, fake, made up, non-existent, whole cloth.

    Getting me concerned enough to take action. Get what you need, they may shut down the fake internet with fake attacks to save their fake banks for a while. Or the fake Stocks. We must not have fair price discovery! Ever again! It would show 30% inflation and a dead, dead economy!

    *Calm down, I know the collapse is not really the Democrats’ fault and goes back 50 years. But they’re not helping matters right now, either.

    To see what Russia is dealing with, when they send the best and brightest, I mean most connected and dumbest graduates of Oxford because they couldn’t make it in Kentucky Community College., here’s your quote: “[UK Secretary of State Liz] Truss saying on January 30 that “we are supplying and offering extra support to our Baltic allies across the Black Sea”

    Liz presumably lives in Europe, is not tripping balls on meth, but doesn’t know where the Black and Baltic Seas – and states – are.

    Nah, don’t pick on her: she just misspoke! Really? How about this? “Britain’s top diplomat demanded Russian soldiers to withdraw from the border with Ukraine, prompting Lavrov to reiterate that they are stationed within their own sovereign territory” That is, Russians are in Russia. Unlike the UK, which is invading and is running an illegal coup,

    Same old, same old, you say. How about this? After some discussions about the problems of Ukraine “Lavrov questioned whether London recognizes Moscow’s sovereignty over the Rostov and Voronezh Oblasts, to which Truss replied: “[the UK] will never recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions.” British Ambassador to Moscow Deborah Bronnert had to embarrassingly intervene and remind Truss that the two oblasts are actually considered Russian territory by London and are not claimed by any other country, including Ukraine.”

    That is, Russia will never be permitted for the Russians. Don’t you know London owns that? And everything else on earth?

    So what is Russia to do when everyone in the Anglosphere are “Not Agreement Capable”? In fact, “Not logic and data capable”? “Not Literate Capable.” Probably “Not crayon capable.” Do whatever they like, I guess, since it doesn’t matter. Lost in their own egos, the outside objective reality doesn’t exist to London. “They create their own reality” So if Russia stood on their head in a Mumu and teleported their nation to the south Pacific, the Anglos wouldn’t notice and continue on. Threatening to attack from the Black Hills. Or the Black Sea. Or with Men in Black who knows? To defend MacKinder. The Charge of the Light Brigade! A plan over 100 years old. Make it stop. And when Russia does, very shortly, I won’t be sorry. Patient with these morons far too long in my opinion.

    Ah UK, when you collapse into 50 years of darkness with no natural gas, going back to living in the old bronze age roundhouses, will it have been worth it to remove Russians from Russia, denying them the Rostov and Voronezh Oblasts? Ah well, that’s this world over. Oh well next one begins. When you look on the sea of rubble. And ask “What was London like?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQbFPNbxenE Or “99 Luftballons” if you prefer. There were a lot of warnings back in the day. So is it “If the Russians love their children too?” –Sting? Or is it “I’m Afraid of Americans” by David Bowie? “Eve of Destruction?” by McGuire? Or “Brighter than a Thousand Suns”? Megadeath. Well, there’s always the “4-Minute Warning” for Moscow, by Radiohead. Happy now?

    Is this what it takes for you to stop believing them? Looking to them for answers instead of problems? Discredit and remove them? Maybe it will be worth it then. Russia’s now in charge. Hope they’re merciful as we catchup the timeline and start Hillary’s promised war.

    Real reason? Not to forget? They’re broke and collapsing. The banks have failed. All this just to stop a little price discovery. To stop a single day of honesty. Even one minute of price discovery would kill them all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 11 2022 #100725
    Dr. D

    “Slash the tires THEN move the trucks.” …Said someone who’s never done any work ever. How do these morons get to work in the morning? “I know: I’ll slash my tires, THEN drive to Harvard.”

    Okay, suppose it’s not this then that, just a mis-speak. She tows them all to an impound lot – the size of the Superbowl; using tractor-sized wreckers that are very rare – and THEN slashes their tires? While they are in legal custody of the State? And then you remit the trucks when adjudicated and paid…when those trucks CAN’T be removed now? Uh-huh. There is no sense in them. And you wonder why I make fun of Harvard and Yale. They can’t tell “moving” from “not moving”. FAS children under the age of five can at least do that.

    “Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo..”

    I’d be careful since there’s no rule of law left. They will just charge you with trafficking, funding terrorism, ‘cause they feel like it. 10 years in court, no evidence required. ‘Cause no Constitution that requires evidence and a speedy trial. Or even jurisdiction. Ask Assange. This is why you do it via Crypto which has no nexus point. If it has a nexus point (Fed Coin, XRP, EOS) then it’s not crypto.

    Lifting Restrictions Could Cause Canadians Anxiety (CP)”

    Where I am in the U.S. it will cause anxiety and meltdowns among those I know. They’re already buckign and denying everything the CDC now admits. They are in fact CDC deniers, and the CDC under Biden, their leader. Some of whom are medical people. And haven’t read a single study on Covid and never will while berating the rest of us for our ignorance and recklessness. What could be more reckless than refusing to read medical studies then practicing?

    ““If doctors and academic journals can’t debate publicly, then it’s not science at all. It’s religion.” • Big Tech Censored Dozens Of Doctors, Over 800 Accounts (DC) “

    Yes but if ONLY Big Tech did this it wouldn’t be a problem; they would debate like before, in their own subset. But when Fauci et al use the full force of their position and all government resources, co-aligning budgets of several more organizations, AND corrals the media into open smears (all of which has been proven, including paying/withholding massive multi-million budgets, legal actions, AND pulling licenses) then we have no debate and no science. So the CDC, WHO, etc are anti-Science organizations and should be recognized and treated as such. Beyond paying to have it created in the first place, against specific laws that are felony mass-murder and war crimes. They are fatal to life on earth and medicine in general, and a threat to all human health.

    “Oddly, for the issue of the day, the data on myocarditis was all hidden in the supplementary appendix to the paper..”

    We can say anything but what’s real. The only enemy is Truth.

    “..determined within 3 hours of visiting the Wuhan lab in February 2021 that there was no leak..”

    So you proved a negative. AND in three hours? Wow, for the double play of #moronic #illogic.

    “Russell Brand”

    Jimmy Dore points out that the writers and critics of Brand, but also the Trucker protest and everything else, are getting checks from FIVE billionaires. (Of many examples, I think this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDH94Cg7HKI From Bezos, from Omidyar at the Intercept, Katzenberg, and more)

    So yes, totally believe five billionaires and not working people, especially when they tell you the dead-opposite of everything you know to be true. Like that Russell Brand is “Right Wing” when he’s further Left than Kropotkin. Remember: Bernie is right wing now! The minute he annoyed Hillary.

    As per yesterday’s (Wednesday’s) comment on Socialism, means-of-production, etc. The National Guard has now been called in to drive school buses. School buses. Yes, okay, medical, uh, yeah, but there are so few of them, and the doctors are from the same states? Nurses? Yeah, okay, there are a few more of those maybe? Just as common health-support aides who just show up to hospitals? Uh, maybe, but again, you’d need 10,000 to turn the dial AND those Guardsmen have valuable day jobs you are taking them FROM.

    But Substitute teachers and Bus Drivers???

    I’ve got a guess. Lost the article now but NPR maybe? “Substitute Teachers Make $15/hr, here’s why that’s a problem” etc. Example: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/dc-mayor-announces-another-raise-for-substitutes-teachers-say-its-not-enough/2964166/

    Bus drivers: same. Nurses? Not paid enough, who are quitting due to s—t conditions with record-high health care profits and CEO pay. While those CEOs attempt WAGE CAPS and RE-ENACT SLAVERY laws not allowing them to quit. ‘Cause the one thing Nixon taught us is price caps never lead to shortages. /s

    …But you can’t. THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO IS INCREASE WAGES. And radically improve conditions.

    But CORPORATIONS – monopolies and their insider lobbyists – don’t WANT to pay higher wages. They make YOU pay the wages. By calling in the courts, slandering the ‘heroes’, re-instating slavery laws, and using the National Guard. Now for everything I guess?

    Have we reached the horizon of Soviet Socialism yet? Where everyone who is employed now works for the State? And the paychecks are all equal but terribly low, whether you work or not?

    No free market. None. Corporations, in a merger with Government, say “No.” No free markets. WE MUST NOT DISCOVER FAIR MARKET PRICES!!! Or the whole shebang goes “Boom”.

    So great! Good plan, Brownie! How many Soldiers do you think there are in America? …Well not enough to be every Doctor, Nurse, Aide, teacher, bus driver, and plumber! I’ll tell you that!

    The PMCs will never cave. EVER. They will die first. Or actually kill you first until you chuck them in the river and disempower them. Please do.

    By the way, at a time when they’re activating the National Guard for like a shortage of donuts? ‘Cause they couldn’t call an Uber? But like the hospitals they are both disabling AND firing all the same soldiers they are calling on for wrongthink. So no soldiers either even when they ALREADY weren’t doing their normal HVAC, truck driving, manufacturing job.

    So you’ve removed a teacher to add them as a teacher? Borrowed a free bus driver to be a military bus driver? Oh no: we would never do that. We’re getting rid of TWO teachers. And a soldier. To replace that one teacher. We’ll print money and make it up on the volume!

    Good job, Brownie.

    Bad. At. Math.

    Yesterday’s REAL math: inflation highest since 1981. So Fed’s rates are +7% behind the curve, that is, +700 basis points? Yes. Officially.

    So the Fed is going to raise 2% a pop four times in 6 months to get under control right? Uh, I don’t think so.

    So market crash? Because inflation up? Or market up instead? Look at it this way: if I can borrow at 1% and make 11% on stocks rising solely via inflation fire hose, “money printer go brrrr”, will I borrow and goose stocks more? YOU’RE D—N RIGHT I WILL. Shut up and take my money! Double my already nose-bleed leverage! So says Armstrong, top trader and strategist: It isn’t rates – by raw number — that causes it. This is 10x the profit of the old 5-8-4, that is, pay at 5%, lend at 8%, and be on the golf course by 4pm. That’s sub-3% profit, with most of it eaten by having to do actual work originating actual loans with actual creditors.

    So 1% borrowing and making 11%, 18%, 25% gains on sheer inflation? Will the rich get richer in that world? Yes. Will the Fed continue to get air-cover from every insider, billionaire, media mogul, and media page because of that? To the death. Especially 100% of the government, all 535 of them? Psaki says ‘Let the people drink margaritas.’ Sounds like we have a plan, Jimmy. “Inflate or Die” (that is, YOUR dying) Or in fact, “Inflate AND die.” It’s always been one-way, but they’ll be so rich and powerful by then whatcha gonna do about it? This is why Zimbabwe was the best performing stock market in the world.

    This is what you have if you stay inside the US Dollar system. Get out. The only way this doesn’t happen is if liquidity actually falls like they claim.

    But don’t join up and protest or anything. I might have to be in the same 50k person crowd as Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand or slightly leftist ecological protesters from Canada, and I wouldn’t want that. Just take the house arrests, 25% losses, lie back, and think of England. You know, while you eat the bugs, from raw freezing poverty this time. I guess I’m afraid if I protest this time I somehow won’t be able protest next time, should someone less-good get into office because of it? Like after this I’m retiring from opinions or something? Or actually the opposite: if they shut down the protest in Ottawa, protesting as Canada knows it will be over.

    We must stay divided at all costs! “What do we want? Division! When do we want it? Now!!!” I will not work with or buy things from companies including thieves and cheats and scoundrels, although I always have. I will not eat in a diner with rapists or racists … although I always have. But I just didn’t ask, I wasn’t God, and therefore didn’t KNOW it when I was sitting there, although statistically it must, has to be true, so that’s all okay then! Same with protests: All I have to do is deny all MY side are made of humans and therefore have all the same faults, have committed nearly all the same affronts, and Bob’s your Uncle!

    Not making fun of PMCs, but here is a plaintive article by them on “Why We Are Never Satisfied” https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/03/why-we-are-never-satisfied-happiness/621304

    “I found that list … when I was 48, and realized that I had achieved every item on it. I had been a tenured professor, then the president of a think tank. I was giving frequent speeches, had written some books that had sold well, and was writing columns for The New York Times. But none of that had brought me the lasting joy I’d envisioned. Each accomplishment thrilled me for a day or a week—maybe a month, never more—and then I reached for the next rung on the ladder. I’d devoted my life to climbing those rungs. I was still devoting my life to climbing—beavering away 60 to 80 hours a week to accomplish the next thing, all the while terrified of losing the last thing.”

    Yes. Why? And how’d you never think of this before? In grade school or grad school? Oh well, we all have our times and ways. Or, translation: Harvard and the NY Times are s—t. Why slave for them? Live your life.

    “CDC Director Now Says to Just Do Whatever Texas Did 12 Months Ago” –BBee, …but also completely for real.

    Yeah, we were pretty much wrong about literally everything. Sorry!” –CDC Bezos keeps the money tho’.

    Day #441 of Pancake-on-Head not addressing data, but only ad-hominem popularity. But not to fear: Joe Rogan is more popular, therefore his Science is now right! Whoever wins on Twitter is Science! Those are the rulz. Pancake sez.

    And another day that Workers of the World Unite! Stop uniting! Stop it! I’ll call mommy on you!

    in reply to: 2 Predictions #100721
    Dr. D

    Before Mr. No-Data shows up, I’ll add this highlight:

    “Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) when several whistleblower doctors revealed to attorney Tom Renz heretofore suppressed statistics on the shocking increase in vaccine injuries among young, otherwise able-bodied soldiers.

    • Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year (Hospitalization) up 37%
    • Diseases of the Nervous System By Year up 968%
    •  Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By Year up 276%
    •  Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports By Year up 343%
    •  Acute Myocarditis Reports By Year up 184%
    • Acute Pericarditis Reports By Year up 70%
    • Pulmonary Embolism Reports By Year up 260%
    •  Congenital Malformations Reports By Year up 87%
    • Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Reports By Year up 227%
    • Anxiety Reports By Year up 2,361%
    •  Suicide Reports By Year up 227%
    •  Neoplasms for All Cancers By Year up 218%
    •  Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs By Year up 477%
    • Neoplasms for Breast Cancer By Year up 469%
    • Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer By Year up 298%
    •  Female Infertility Reports By Year up 419%
    • Dysmenorrhea Reports By Year up 221.5%
    • Ovarian Dysfunction Reports By Year up 299%
    • Spontaneous Abortion Reports By Year DOWN by 10%
    • Male Infertility Reports By Year up 320%
    • Guillian-Barre Syndrome Reports By Year up 520%
    • Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports By Year up 494%
    • Seizure Reports By Year up 298%
    • Narcolepsy & Cataplexy Reports By Year up 352%
    •  Rhabdomyolysis By Year up 672%
    • Multiple Sclerosis Reports By Year up 614%
    • Migraine Reports By Year up 352%
    • Blood Disorder Reports By Year up 204%
    • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Reports By Year up 2,130%
    • Cerebral Infarct Reports By Year up 294%

    DoD. Unless the U.S. Military is a conspiracy theory now. Any questions?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2022 #100618
    Dr. D

    Matt Taibbi, core Leftist, possibly as far out as Bernie bro and Social Democrat: kudos and praise for his immense bravery and resolve to keep being a reporter. Same for Russell Brand, blue-dog Kunstler, Jimmy Dore and Tim Pool, and all the other guys I listen to, although Tim is evolving into a centrist, nor center-left.

    Although warning Mr. Brand, a man so far to the left of Bernie Sanders he’s probably a socialist-anarchist like Kropotkin, they say he’s a Far-Right wing and even a Nazi now. …Which is what they said about Sanders, that Bernie Sanders is a Nazi, the minute he got annoying to Hillary campaign and the Neo-libs. (I posted the article) Yup. Not wanting war, wanting income equity, and health care that doesn’t kill you: that’s being a Nazi now. And a misogynist, of course. Throw that in just ‘cause: words. I think it was Quillette. Being anti-true-left and therefore core tool of extractive billionaire Neo-Libs.

    Point being, although I make my opinions strongly, I don’t care about their political views as such. Only that they STOP LYING and be honest about it. Focus on data, debates, conclusions.

    That other far-left open Bernie bro, having open debates with data? Joe Rogan. Always has been deep left, probably always will be. So since every far-leftist is being named a far-rightist, somebody want to tell me what’s going on except a whooooole bunch of lying?

    Praise to all these leftists, FAR-Leftists, although I disagree with them on policy.

    And “Means of Production”? Yes, but that is equal also to “Capitalism”. Because they are all small business owners, they are “competition” in “open market”, and it works. Even Communism would work. But Centralization does not work, which is why it kills everyone in practice. Centralization and it’s handmaiden, Oppression.

    And the true Far-Right is Pelosi, Biden, et al who are pro-war, pro-government, pro-billionare, pro-rich, pro-corporation, and overseas: pro-slavery and pro-pollution. …Of course McConnell agrees wholeheartedly.

    But here we have the RIGHT (that is, CNN, Biden) calling the LEFT the Right, right? And then who’s left? Stop lying, my brain is melting.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2022 #100596
    Dr. D

    NPR: “The future of the pandemic is looking clearer as we learn more about infection”
    February 7, 20225:00 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition

    “During the early days of the pandemic, scientists and doctors were concerned that being infected with SARS-CoV-2 might not trigger a strong immune response in many people – thus an infection might not provide long-term protection.

    “Immunity to Covid-19 could be lost in months, UK study suggests,” a headline from The Guardian alerted back in July 2020. “King’s College London team found steep drops in patients’ antibody levels three months after infection,” the story warned.

    But that idea was based on preliminary data from the laboratory — and on a faulty understanding of how the immune system works.”

    That is to say: It was a lie. They just said s–t. They had no idea and a lot of evidence to say otherwise.

    “If you’re under age 50 and healthy, then a bout of COVID-19 offers good protection against severe disease if you were to be infected again in a future surge, says epidemiologist Laith Abu-Raddad, at Weill-Cornell Medical-Qatar. “That’s really important because eventually, every one of us will get infected,

    What? That’s the opposite of what you said last month.

    And everybody’s going to get it? But they were wearing mask! But Biden said you won’t get it if you’re vaccinated!

    Lie. Lies. Lying. All lies, all fake, and we all knew all the time.

    Okay, why is this allowed out there, permitted, promoted, and what’s the spin? Where are they headed to CYA?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2022 #100595
    Dr. D

    “Modern Monetary Theory, the buzziest economic idea in decades, got a pandemic tryout of sorts. Now inflation is testing its limits.” – NY Times

    What? Just printing money caused mass inflation? And probably a currency collapse? When did this begin? Quick, tell Keen!

    “How M.M.T. Won the Fiscal Policy Debate,” in early 2021” –Bloomberg

    Suuuure, pal. Tiny ideas for tiny owners. There’s no inflation! …Until suddenly there is.

    It gets better. Not being complete fools – only “99% effective” fools – they say, “[They] can just print [money], as long as its economy has the ability to churn out the needed goods and services.”

    Great. Totally True! Except that is Soviet Socialism that has failed everywhere it’s been tried. You know, you’d think an “Economist”, studying the history of “economies” might notice that. NOPE.

    “In the M.M.T. view of the world, “How will you pay for it?” is a vapid policy question” Just print money!

    This falls dead on their core weakness: they think the MAP is the Territory. That is, their MIND, mental representation, is the same as the Thing itself. In this case, MONEY, the accounting unit, is equal to the objects it’s measuring, like wheat and oil and time. That is, it fits right into EGO. What I THINK is reality. So I THINK, or cause to be printed, accounting chits, and oil and ice cream appear! Magic!

    So you know what happens next, right? “Ms. Kelton, and the movement she has come to represent, now seem anxious to control the narrative. The pandemic spending wasn’t entirely consistent with M.M.T principles” That is to say, “This Socialism is not REAL Socialism.” Just like all 300 other times before. But if –I– were King/Tyrant/God/Emperor, I’D do it right and it would work, by gum! The problem is, you were all stupid and I’m smart!

    Can we blame ‘MMT’ for the run-up in inflation? …Of course not.” Absolutely! When has printing $10 Trillion/year ever caused inflation before? That’s ridiculous!

    And has that inflation ever toppled the government, leading to mass-death, starvation and war? Who cares? I’m illiterate and won’t look! Let’s find out!!!

    Okay, real point: why is this allowed to be placed in the world’s top fakest newspaper? A day after NPR promotes the All-control, never-audited, create-at-will, mass-inflation Fed Coin? We were following what is suddenly censored and banned from being said, but also what is suddenly allowed and promoted to be said. Which is this and why?

    Oh wait, they no sooner printed that then this: ““Sorry everyone, debunking MMT is now sexist. If you do not endorse a non-theory that would bring catastrophic inflation, then you must hate women…”

    Some days you can’t keep up. “Is This What Winning Looks Like?” –NYTimes is the title. Indeed. If you don’t hate women, you have to murder a million children in poverty. Your move. Binary America. Red or Blue. One bad idea or its opposite extreme bad ideas, both fabricated with no evidence and presented in fake press releases by me.

    Blue America:
    “In Matt Taibi’s 2019 book Hate Inc. he showed how before the media was used to “manufacture consent”. Now it is being used to manufacture discontent and divide “silo” people into different camps, because hate sells, and divisive media gets more clicks.”

    If only. These guys are not stupid, whatever I may say about them. They’re just mental. Somewhere along the line, in every company and structure, somebody said, “Hey, this thing is happening…due to us.” And in every case, they didn’t mind a bit. It didn’t disturb them, they liked it and carried on. Also with investors, lawsuits, with Congressmen, judges. Even when it made LESS money, as conservative, more standard media went straight up in readers and stock price. Now that’s a ‘silo’ but it shows there are a lot of options. Substack is selling well, as is The Epoch Times, a bunch of foreigners. IN PRINT. On PAPER. The only thing they had to do to win and “Hate, Inc” had to do to fail was STOP LYING. They couldn’t do it, and now CNN, BuzzFeed, HuffPo and the rest are bankrupting. They’re 7th sons and daughters from Brooklyn and Yale, who made all their fortunes in VC and Wall St and MIC, they’ve probably never SEEN a human not lie with every waking breath before. Ever. Anywhere they’ve ever been.

    P.S. Blue America? Closing hospitals for the unvaxxed? They ALREADY closed all the Red America hospitals.ALL OF THEM. Those are the rural hospitals. And took the money and jobs from them to the cities. With the talent and brains and the resiliency from them. Then took 30,000 deaths a year to them to decades, and now have swapped Purdue Pharma for 2x Chinese Fentanyl. Every minute. Every day. For decades.

    Family farms: outlawed. Inheritance? Illegal. Competition? Eliminated with subsidies TO the monopolies, TO the cities. Spectrum Amazon, Tesla. Media attacks on all small towns since Melloncamp. Racist stupid hicks, grinding them in person to steal their talent, drive anyone worth using up into the city’s PMC class of subordinates. Market rigging for 40 years, crushing food prices. On and on, every day, forever.

    Oh and in the cities too. Biden is finding black people – only – and handing out crack pipes to them –only– but never white people, while continuing to arrest all black drug users on the “Crime Bill” he loves. There are Asians to keep out of college by the color of their skin, Native Americans to kill, but generally the rural has been strip-mined and consumed in the cities, that are largely financialized and produce nothing but high (home) prices.

    Etc. You’ve heard it all before.

    One note: traders I follow say “market” (that is, like 7 remaining Dow/SP components) are going UP. Markets often end (or only end) in blowoffs like when Cisco was projected to sell another billion routers in 1999 (to Mars and Saturn, I guess?). Inflation can make this happen. I thought we just had a blowoff, just saying it, right now I am looking for where the continuing (fake) liquidity is coming from, I think China.

    They would need a Zeus for any electric cars to work, that is, “Magic”, a “God in the Machine”, because they have no other power sources available. Not even for electric, which is the easiest. But they’re PMC’s: rainbows and skittles and unicorns, not no never any math. Look at Germany. Apparently now the worst engineers on planet earth, living in the dark and cold.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2022 #100477
    Dr. D

    WEF sez: “29.9% of all statistics are just made up!” By us! Actually, not really kidding here since Lancet Editor was talking with NEJM editor and both agreed that practically none of the studies they were printing were repeatable. i.e. “True”. That is to say, they are all random, false, unless somehow proven otherwise. That was the state of their industry, according to themselves. …No surprise given the publishing of 300 word-soup articles no human ever read, neither editor nor susbscription-owner. The biggest, most embarrassing circle-jerk in Science history.

    …That was years ago. They didn’t notice.

    So because: universal liars, we have problems on problems. Figuring out and interpreting the data is hard enough, but the data itself is most commonly false as well. Not just false, a plausible mix of actual events, then distilled and edited to make whatever conclusion you pre-arranged. Like 1) doing a too-short study 2) doing it badly so you can remove whatever “errors” don’t give you a saleable 99% rate 3) claiming it applies to infants and pregnant women when none were included 4) jacking the numbers using deceptive math so a 1% improvements in real outcomes becomes “99% efficacy’ 5) deceptively pretending the study is done by objective people and not the company’s PR dept 6) then further erasing the data and fatally corrupting the study by eliminating the control group.

    I’m sure I missed some. But this is way worse than just being bad at your job. That might even give useful data. This is taking data and massaging or torturing it into compliance, against and over all methods, knowing who the audience is and what lies they like and awareness they have so you can best deceive them. For money. Promoting murder.

    I think I can prove that in a court of law. Did I miss anything?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2022 #100476
    Dr. D

    “”Ditch The Misinformers” – Neil Young”

    We are. You and Sanjay Gupta and Walensky. CNN, MSNBC, BBC and CBC. Besides, wtf do you know about medicine? I don’t get my medical advice from 80 year old guitar players. I mean duh.

    “Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat Due to “Mis-, Dis-, & Mal-Information”

    Man, I can’t even predict a day ahead anymore. Here, I said they define terrorism as = “Everything”, and here we are. All information. All things but their things.

    Cluephone, it’s for you: “Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence to achieve political aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel ).” –Wikipedia.

    That’s actually a good, unbiased definition. I didn’t think they were capable of it. What does that mean? Parking your truck and having a party is not terrorism. Being wrong about something isn’t terrorism. For the love of all things holy.

    Even foreign actors attacking invading military personnel, OBVIOUSLY also not terrorism. They are soldiers, and that is a theatre of war. Threatening to erase your pension and throw the entire nation into poverty using financial extortion? As long as you communicate that fear, is terrorism. Attack causing deaths on civilians, preceded by the FEAR. Key element. Fabricating or exaggerating a virus hardly more deadly than H1N1 or HongKong, in order to create fear that you then use to achieve military and political ends? Absolutely, clearly, indisputably terrorism. …But would leave the problem whether state actors would exclude it from terror and just be straight “Democide”. That is, totalitarian mass murder, in our case yet again by Socialists. But it would be a felony, war-crime etc either way.

    Speaking of terrorism and totalitarian control: “The U.S. is considering a radical rethinking of the dollar for today’s digital world. The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its currency” – npr.org

    So, tippy toppest Derp State insiders telegram for you: The dollar is dying, we are causing inflation, killing it and killing you to install a Fed dollar with the same criminal thieves in charge. I somehow feel people are not in the mood, not going to trust them very much. Remember all the Fed Chairs insider-trading multi-millions? Yeah.

    But Great! Timing: we are now far enough along they are admitting it and rolling it out to the public. That is to say: practically past tense. They only tell you when it’s already over and too late. Buckle up buckaroos!

    “Trump broke federal law. There’s nothing that can be done about it.” –MSNBC

    Because Biden is President? Wouldn’t that mean he CAN, Should, and has an impeachable DUTY to prosecute? What the heck, exactly? Who’s running things around here?

    MSNBC Category: “Zero Tolerance.” Yeah, you knew they had one of those. Maybe all of them, who knows? “If we want failed coup masterminds to talk, here’s something that beats immunity” –MSNBC

    Double immunity? So Biden is letting them all go? Giving them all immunity? Who’s running things around here?

    Peter Sloly: More importantly, they are enforcing illegal orders. Like parking and walking around. Can police just steal your gas if you have some? Is that how it works now? If they have some gas left in police cars can I steal it with a hose, or is this stealing thing just for them? And without gas, how do you think the trucks are going to move and drive away?

    “discredit … without having to engage with the Covid sceptic evidence or arguments.”

    Dang, that sounds familiar. But Rogan is more popular than CNN and the CDC combined, doesn’t that mean whatever he says is Science? And right? I thought those were the rules. Maybe the only rule is “don’t look at evidence”, “Do what you’re told.” All I want to know is, WHICH person who orders me around should I obey?

    So since we obey anyone who printed a song in the 60s I obey this one: “You can’t please everyone / So, you’ll have to please yourself.”

    “they also have a right to accurate information”

    Which I appreciate the (inaccurate) appearance of the government not controlling free speech, he Failed Constitution class: That would be a positive Right. For you to have the “Right to Accuracy”, that would infringe on the Right of people creating informations and make them your servant or slave. No-no. Like Health Care, that is a totally fake, impossible, illogical right. I mean aside from them having been dead wrong for 2 years and killing everyone, so: inaccurate information central? The responsible thing to do here is to close the Surgeon General’s Office in embarrassment and ignominy? You could use their budget to buy a nurse, much more effective.

    “ Johnson & Johnson Stops Covid-19 Vaccine Production (RT)”

    Well, they already made 2 Billion doses for the U.S. since they’re bad at math, so I guess that have enough for now? Of course none of that works since it’s outdated and for the wrong virus, but… #Winning. PMCs say you have to TAKE the vaccine, not that the vaccine has to DO anything. The goal of the vaccine is the vaccine. Clearly. Since the case numbers have risen since the day it started.

    Extras: “Nancy Pelosi Spent $500K on Private Jets while Preaching about Climate Change”

    And Obama now owns what? His fourth house at sea level?

    Safe and effective. The Science is settled. Now “do what you’re told” and “eat the bugs.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2022 #100403
    Dr. D

    “Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can Shut Down City” –BBee

    Why are they so smart when I’m so stupid?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2022 #100371
    Dr. D


    Pancake on Head, I have no idea what you’re doing.

    Your “Data” is “I have an expert (appeal to authority) who disagrees with your expert (appeal to authority). Aha! Therefore your separate-but-equal expert is wrong!”

    Do you not know what an “expert” is, what “Data” is, or what a “Logical Fallacy” is? Or in this case, two? One is “Appeal to Authority”, and the second is that if you espouse experts, then logically all PhDs, MDs must be of equal “Authority”.

    And where’s the data, FS? Is is simply impossible to crack the book, read the study, and address the DATA? Like, ever?

    Okay, logical fallacy level three: YOUR argument is that we should obey authority because “all the experts agree”, “the science is settled” that is, that anybody who dissents from Pfizer is an unscientific crank. Right? Good. BUT, when you bring up the same argument the last few weeks, “MY expert disagrees with YOUR expert (and mine is more popular on CNN/Facebook, i.e. non-scientific locations)” then YOU’RE PROVING OUR ARGUMENT. I mean, thanks, I guess. The argument is: The Science is not settled. It is being discussed, debated, disputed, WITH EVIDENCE. Therefore none of your “Experts” can opine yet, as “Science” is still discussing it and it’s not settled yet.

    I mean, do you not know “Experts disagree” and “It’s not settled yet” (so let’s wait) is our whole argument? That you are supporting for us and agreeing with us? Do you really not know this? If it’s not settled then we all MUST allow them, and us, to openly discuss it.

    You’re now arguing “experts disagree” but we must not ALLOW them to discuss so they CAN agree and come to consensus. Uh, whut?

    And ALSO “My expert is more popular than your expert” (among my my friends) so therefore QED. No data. So we vote on Facebook to create scientific consensus now?

    I dunno, man. I mean, I appreciate you proving my argument for me, but it seems a little embarrassing. Your not realizing it, I mean. So after watching for a week or two, I’m letting you in on it.

    Experts disagree? And should therefore talk? That’s OUR argument. So? Go ahead and let them talk. With data. And we’ll all read it together.

    So: Data. Read the U.S. military sudden illness report? Comments? Under Biden, is the entire US Armed Forces system running some great conspiracy theory too, in conjunction with the entire US Insurance Complex? That gives you a heart attack when you fluff a bedsheet? Thoughts?

    Remember, just this once, ADDRESS THE DATA. What do YOU think is happening, aside from the popularity of somebody you’ve never met?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2022 #100367
    Dr. D

    Who? Was that that guy who sold his catalog to the single most evil company on planet earth? Whoever follows evil for money: yeah, I listen to him. Stunning and brave.

    “Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change – 56%”

    As as the Doomberg article last week, TYSON wants their LOBBYISTS to increase PROFIT margins 56%. They don’t care why, they’ll make up any story they have to. The only way to break them is competition. Government regulations were invented for the sole purpose of destroying competition and establishing monopoly. Then you dole out “exemptions” for the “exceptional” pals and friends for cash $$$. Like mask-wearing?

    Scumbags and villains. But luckily these are also massive, serial felonies that are relatively easy to prove and jail for. All you have to do is go park your truck and not leave. Ever. Elect yourself in and stay.

    “Peter Thiel to Leave Facebook Board to Help “Advance the Trump Agenda”: Report”

    People are leaving Team A to join Team B. Wait: Isn’t Peter Thiel gay (enormous spat about this, cost $1B or something), wasn’t Trump going to round up all the gays and put them in camps? Huh. Instead, the nation’s top gay-killer rounded up ALL of us and put us in self-camps. DNC’s own Tiny Robot Doctor Fauci. Goooo Team A! It’s almost like everything every said is a lie. …But that’s unfair: they said BOTH the lie, AND the truth, all along simultaneously.

    Talk of Trump, narcissism, blah blah. Look: my reading is, THERE IS NO Trump. There is no “Team Trump”. There is Team B which has been around for 30 years and folded in Trump, but he’s not even a spokesman and representative for them: he’s a tool. A smashing tool to make all the big people hit themselves in the head with a hammer chasing a housefly, like in Mickey and the Giant. But in their case, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Which is the most hilarious and fun ever, I could watch themselves hit themselves in the face all day. Trump just tweets for two minutes and plays golf then they run around pulling out their hair all day. What’s not to like? “Bombshell” “Walls are closing in” “RussiaRussiaRussia” “War coup” by being promoting free will, relinquishing power and being elected.

    I just don’t get it.

    Anyway, he gets them chasing their -sses around like 10 year old beagles drooling on the floor AS A DISTRACTION, if you hadn’t noticed. Like is 6 years of running the same playbook not enough here? Over and over and over and over and over and over?

    A Distraction? Okay Docktor, then what’s the real? At the end of the 49-year (7×7 +1) year cycle – either natural or pre-planned – they are at their weakest. This is what Kondratieff told Stalin in 1930, same thing. Capitalism boom-busts, the Tulip mania endings are their weak point. You can’t attack them after 1949, as Kennedy found out. You can’t double-cross them as Nixon found out. You’ll be assassinated if you even annoy them as Reagan found out. They’re too strong, at their height of power back then. Since it’s been dropping since Reagan (part II: swap to all debt, no gold) the insiders have to find another ship to attack and pirate and take over: China. Poppa Bush dutifully visited and set that up right then. China happily ALSO double-crossed them, as if they’d let white guys in. Hahahaha! Not the 2nd or 3rd most racist country in the world they won’t. Han rulz, palefaces. Remember the Opium wars where you killed our whole population with drugs and silver? We do.

    Anyway, so being decades before the end, Team B had a LOT of time to plan, and wrote it all down. It’s in Fed papers and books if you want to read it. Knowing there was a end date, a risk-crisis, and a “Master Plan”, all they had to do was F’ up the master plan, good and hard, but just once. Didn’t matter what they f’d it up with or who. There was a dozen candidates who would suffice. Since they murdered quite a bunch and delayed long enough a few were now too old, The Donald was the one pulled out of the bag as most handy.

    And? He f’d up their plans sooper good and hard. As Michael Moore warned, “The biggest F You in American history.” But they were too busy smelling their own farts to listen. Since they are minions of zero imagination, they simply kept trying to execute the SAME plan, and with 5 years of time lost, doubled down, attempting it twice as fast and twice as hard. Like the losing un-self-aware morons they are.

    And here we are. #Winning. We don’t need Trump. We never did. He’s irrelevant then and now. I can’t fathom why people are so golly hypnotized by him, for, but far more especially against. He doesn’t exist. Stop looking at the puppet, look in the blackscreen for the puppeteer. Jesus, why do I have to say these things?

    Anyway, the support of all racists and sudden fabrication of white supremacists is about as real here as it is with Sikhs, immigrants, and blacks being suddenly all racists and terrorists in Canada. Yup, and they believe that too. Not 100% of the people there were innocent, only 99%. I guess we’d better not help out. Since like Mary Poppins, I am practically perfect in every way and wouldn’t want to sully myself with commons who maybe once made a mistake. …Unlike myself, of course. If Jesus Christ and Gandhi had a love child, he wouldn’t be good enough to vote for, to me.

    …Unlike black-face, cross-dressing, beta-cuck, culture appropriating, Nuremberg-violating Turdeau. Who has possibly murdered more people than anyone in Canadian history. If not with vaccine, with the economy and failed lockdown. Better just leave him in there and not try, I guess. I mean, really?

    Lebanon seems to have failed. Turkey is about to fail. U.K. is raising rates. U.S. will raise rates. Some Cryptos have risen 50% today. BTC is official currency in el Salvador, and possibly Panama, Cuba, Malta, or even Ukraine. Russia suggested today they might follow.

    Housing and gas have doubled, taxes with them, no one is working, Inflation is 15%, Sachs says “There’s a shortage of everything”. “If it’s a molecule, it’s in shortage.” That’s not items rising. That’s the currency FAILING. It’s currency disruption, and misallocation of all resources due to rigging the markets, esp price of money/time. Time, .e. “human life.” THAT’S why you get paid for it. THAT is what they are stealing. There is plenty of oil (Iran), plenty of gas (Russia) plenty of closed mines worldwide, closed car plants worldwide, closed power plants worldwide, closed chip factories, closed fields, closed fertilizer and plastic plants. Plenty of everything, including workers, and all of it closed. Just like the Great Depression, and for the same reasons.

    But that’s the currency FAILING. We need mines, but can’t open them? Due to what exactly, dear? Only the money. All prices rising at the same time? That’s the currency failing. Paper markets and promised failing? That’s the currency failing, or confidence thereof.

    That’s the real story, and the real timing. Don’t be distracted. They needed to smash, hammer, discredit, and F up “The MASTER PLAN”, aka, “The Great Reset”, enter villain de jour “Klaus Schwab” bwahahahaha and his sidekick, Emperor Soros. And boy did they ever, and several ways. Since centralization requires this coordination and planning, owning, controlling everything, while being HUMAN is just natural chaos like a beehive, all you have to do to win and act human, be human again, is smash the plan.

    Plan smashed. Failers failed. Mission Accomplished. Or almost. We need to play it out. We’re still in the lying, murdering, showboating stage. We haven’t got to currency fail (and therefore universal goods shortage and REAL disruption) yet. That may be harder, but harder “when we’re all in it together” for the first time in our lives is a different thing. Like when it’s -20 and you throw a 2 week rave with free food. Racism and misogyny at it’s finest.

    “ US Senator Asks Biden To Release Leonard Peltier (LP)” “…imprisoned for 46 years for crimes he maintains he never committed..”

    This is the FBI, and in 1976. The FBI admitted they haven’t the faintest idea who killed those agents, it could have been Leonard, but most likely not. Admitted, on camera. The DoJ happily prosecuted for years, then decades of appeals, knowing all this. Later, they made up a fake prison break so they could shoot him dead, but he/they didn’t take the bait.

    This is the same governments saying all Sikh truckers are racist, and white supremacists went from like 5k of 330 million to apparently like 150 million in six weeks (when Obama lost because he backed wall street, evicted black families, attacked 7 brown nations and record was so bad it started BLM protests under him) Get a clue. If they say it, it’s a lie. If the FBI says it, it’s DEFINITELY a lie. Hey, remember that anthrax that guy made in scuba gear at the bottom of a pond? Does that story seem plausible now, or not-so-plausible? That’s your FBI.

    “our criminal justice system is imperfect,”

    Don’t really have words for this. That’s like saying “A nuclear blast CAN ruffle office papers under the right conditions” Imperfect? Like Armstrong’s SDNY court judge said he would never rule against Wall Street ever once in his 40-year career. Then didn’t. He had open dementia later, and everyone approved.

    “Peltier is now 77 years old and ill with multiple health problems,”

    Oh! So they don’t want to pay his health care! Nevermind, I understand now.

    massacres of natives took place and as a consequence of this harassment of the Lakota people, more than 250 people of this indigenous nation were murdered, without the crimes having been investigated until now.”

    Passive tense. “Investigated”? Passively, by some unnamed entity who’s not really at fault? THIS IS THE FBI. THEY are the “investigators” of these MASS-murders. Reservation jurisdiction. But you see, it was something going on like they wanted an FBI/Federal compliant Native government illegally installed with election fraud, Sandinista/South American style. People THINK, they wanted to erase the whole reservation and turn it into an open Uranium mine that would blow radioactive dust to Milwaukee, so they needed that government to undermine and sell it to them out from the people.

    BUT. Like other installed, color revolution states, they just used open oppression, murder, mass-rape, Indian-hunt, rape-safaris, and hospital “accidents” with 90% sterilizations should you end up in one, to control the people. But it still didn’t work because the Lakota cannot be controlled and are not control-type people. And after 3 Mile Island, uranium went out of fashion, with too much visibility, stalling the project. But that’s where Wounded Knee ‘76 came from and for example, Russell Means and AIM. Yes, the actor from “Last Mohican” The FBI was after arresting him for something for decades.

    They try these things on THEM before they do the mass roll-out on YOU. Fake charges, fake courtrooms, for protested daring resist child abduction, mass-rape, and mass-murder? Check. Forced sterilizations to kill all humans? Check. Step 3: Profit? Check. STOP IT WITH THEM so you don’t have it come to a suburban neighborhood where you live, arresting guys who visited a school board meeting once, or didn’t even hold a placard. Now have solitary confinement without trial.

    …Like Peltier. D—–t I try to tell people these basic things. Decades. If it’s not them in the noose, they just don’t care.

    I’ve got a better idea than letting Leonard out to pay for his own health care: put all the FBI agents and DoJ prosecutors IN. They’ve got a few years left, maybe. Then we’ll move on to the fake FBI lab in CT, and the FBI guys running Whitey Bulger for Derp State blackmail and hits.

    Is there anything that can make you stop believing in daddy government? Does it have to be a 100% fake, unjust trial rate? Because we’re pretty close to that right now. Does it have to be your kids? Too late.

    NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia over Ukraine (MPN)”

    We know this is all real because they just disabled 1/3 of the troops, and sold the strategic oil reserves to drop gas prices 50c. That’s always what you do when you’re going to war. …That you are trying to win.

    Keep your eye on the markets, they will signal. I hear about the 20th this month.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2022 #100366
    Dr. D

    That’s always true in politics but you act like there is only one move in the game. Either and or. You accomplish this, THEN you don’t stop and expose and annihilate these fake populists you don’t like. If not, what’s your strategy? Game-scenario this and take action, don’t just sit. “There are years when nothing happens, and days when years happen.” You need to have plans ready when this Canadian day occurs.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 7 2022 #100261
    Dr. D

    We all know money means nothing and no one works for it. It’s no motive for crimes.

    “[CNN] Ratings fell 90 percent overall when comparing Jan​uary 2021 to Jan​uary 2022. That’s hard to do. “

    That is so much worse than I thought. I can’t think of any CEO or public figure to compare to that. The monk who lit himself on fire on film?

    Ottawa: ““We can’t allow this kind of terrorism in our community to continue this way.”

    Which shows now terrorism is all things. It’s “Anything the powerful don’t like.”

    “Words mean whatever I wish them to mean, neither more nor less.

    The only question is: which is to be master. That is all


    Disliking someone and writing about it? Terrorism. Having a personal medical experience? Terrorism. Buying too much lettuce and toilet paper? Terrorism. Honking your horn? Terrorism.

    WORDS HAVE MEANINGS, people, even for those that change the dictionary with every news story, redefining “vaccine”, “peaceful”, “anti-vaccine” and yesterday, “racism.” (ADL) But to me this is great and possibly how this brain-melting ends. They will believe ANYthing. Anything at all. Their neighbors are Russians, politicians don’t know what blackmail and kickbacks are, that a dusting of snow is a bomb-hurricane blizzard that ends the world is an example of a climactic heat wave, anything.

    But these thick-necked, hard-headed, blind, deaf and stupid people DO know one thing: Although everyone else in Canada is a racist and Russian terrorist as of last Tuesday, THEY ARE NOT.

    So when Trudy and da Boyz define “Terrorism” as “visiting Ottawa” and therefore they are terrorists and fringe racists, well…then those words have no meaning at all. I don’t know why having your PM be in blackface makes him lily-white, a hero, a lover, and 1,000x better than Trump, but embarrassingly it had no effect. Canadians love Blackface apparently. Love dressing up in Indian costume. Love 30 million breaches of Nuremberg. But saying this DOES lose the meaning of the WORD “terrorism”, the “LEVERAGE”, the psychological hook they installed in you for control. And with it, waking up, not to Trudy being an appalling, disgusting excuse for a human and a war criminal – though capable of spiritual redemption – but they do wake up when they realize all Canadians didn’t become racists and terrorists last Tuesday.

    Now if only we could accomplish this in the U.S. Where 25 states that voted for Obama suddenly said, “Hey! What am I doing??? I can’t vote for a black man twice! I’m a racist! In fact, everyone in America is a white supremacist!” And where should we ever have a black President, Senator, Governor, Congressman, General, Joint Chief, Supreme Court Justice, boy-howdy, then finally we can get rid of those separate drinking fountains and outlaw slavery.

    Nope. Still no sparks going off. Jericho Green would say these idiots are trying to convince young people that it’s 1954, or 1854 in civil rights. Which is so stupid we have to drag out the naughty word “retarded.” But they believe it. Talk about slavery every day. While we lose bodily autonomy, imprison people without trial, have a VP who rounded up black kids for the for-profit prison system then defied a judge to allow them to leave rather than fight deadly forest fires for $5/hr. That’s not slavery. Nor is Nike, Apple, China overseas.

    Nor is Health Care conglomerates having a court rule that Nurses can’t quit, they have to work any pay the company says, under any conditions they say. That’s not slavery. I tell you, my respect for humanity has been dropping pretty steadily over the last few years, even as I understand it. I’m like, are they blind, unthinking robots, or both? Do they just love hate? Love attacking, oppressing their fellow man if they’re poor and helpless, old or young, or if the “other” don’t live in Brooklyn? What?

    Yeah, sitting in your truck is now terrorism. When you’re a Sikh. Stay Classy Justin. Hope it works out for you.

    Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency in Ottawa on Sunday afternoon, citing “serious danger””

    Like Omicron, “serious danger” with zero injuries, destruction, or death? They are “Mostly not peaceful”? So what’s Mr. Jim’s blackmail file look like? Anybody know? Can’t be that hard to find out.

    “4D Chess: Truckers Loot Nike Stores, Burn Some Cop Cars So GoFundMe Will Reinstate Them” –BBee

    “ • Canada Contracts To Deliver 100 Million Vaccine Doses Annually For Years (CBC)”

    Again, the prime qualification for membership is being bad at math. Like, really, REALLY bad. Like can’t count to Xi bad. Like Supreme Court Justices don’t know the numbers “thousand” from a “Million.” …Otherwise, why would she be there?

    The Revolution Has Come for Joe Rogan (Techno Fog)”

    Never apologize. As they are unprincipled jackals, lacking all moral compass, the only thing they detect is weakness. You may be capable of nuance and compromise, but they are not. You may be capable of learning, changing your views, and forgiveness for the past, but they are not. They don’t care what you think, say, or what right and wrong are. Only POWER. And using that power for JOY, the joy of power-over, destroying others, especially the strong and upright, bringing them down to your level instead of doing the work to raise yourself and your fellows. Never, never apologize. They can’t understand, comprehend it. They are incapable of forgiveness, proven 1,000 times. Don’t bother. It attracts them like bright light.

    I am not happy to say these things, but years of watching.

    “ Biden Security Advisor Sullivan: Russian Invasion ‘Any Day Now’ (CNBC)”

    What a relief! It has the letters “NBC” in it, therefore it’s false!

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