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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2023 #141113

    Applying justice is going to take violence and a tremendous determination, D. Benton. Do you seee these qualities in the people around you? I don’t. Like an embedded tick, every aspect of your government and culture is infected. They are never held accountable, ever. When you control money, you control everything. Rothchild stated that hundeds of years ago, he was correct. Next up is legal pedophilia, mark my words, people do not understand the Devil they are dealing with, the power and control they have over your life.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 11 2023 #141055

    You will never have peace in a jew run world. They don’t create, they destroy. They do not accommodate, they want to control. You focus on politicians, who are essentially meaningless puppets. you focus on countries, but they no longer exist. The open border in America proves this. The UN and the WHO are jew run jewbanked. They stole enough money to go for it, they want you dead, wake the fuck up.. You are like dogs chasing their tails with this everyday soap opera called news. Its all bullshit, all lies. You are being set up. They create the problems, then give you the solution.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 9 2023 #140849

    That dude in the Hopper painting, I know exactly how he feels. Every government pushing CBDC’s, every government pushing vaccination, every government locked down…should prove to you the NWO is already here. The everyday drama, Biden, Ukraine, balloons, submarines, Trump…its just bread and circus. 1 crew runs runs this freakshow. Why would the whole fuckin world act in the same manner to a preordained constructed threat? They’re all in on it, total control, a global prison.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2023 #140799

    You are ruled by people who let their rabbi”s bite their sons dicks off. They transfer all their sins into a chicken, then swing them around and break the neck. And you wonder why the world you are in is fucked up? You are ruled by pedophiles and satanists who just tried to murder you. The NWO is talmudic. Death, slavery or fight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2023 #140736

    Its 1 big jewfreakshow, like the circus. Mistreated and beaten tigers and elephants, Child molesting clowns. Overpriced tickets, food and beer. A bombastic, full of shit, loud as hell MC. And a general sense of depression and sadness in the air.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2023 #140693

    The jewmedia is a collie, leading the sheep to a designated chute. Chiba and Russia are run by the same people who run us. I know none of you want to accept this. Thats OK. Once you see it as all theatre, a grand illusion, like Plato’s cave wall, the inversion and illogic begin to make sense. 2+2=5.. While you concentrate on the daily drama, the fuckin soap opera, your being robbed blind and set up for the kill.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2023 #140624

    The daily “news” is just jewmindfuck. They want you agitated, offkilter, restless and uneasy…makes for easy pickings. Step away from it, the best you can. Take your money out of their banks, use cash not cards, Throw the jewphone away, same with the talmudvision. They used starvation on the Irish and the Russians, they won;t hesitate to use it again. They got away with murdering JFK, 911 and covid, they’re going to go for it, jeworld supremacy, Prepare yourself for what is coming, dont be a deer in the headlights.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 3 2023 #140563

    No, Benton , I’m going to focus on the problem, not the chaos created by the problem.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 3 2023 #140558

    They do run everyting, Doc. Russia, China, JewSA are all feuled by jewbanker money. In the World Wars, all sides were financed by the same jewmoney. Dead Goyim, exploitable land, rapid cultural change, that was the goal. You dont seem too concerned about the millions of dead Christians. Everyday news is complete bullshit, its theatre, narratives to control you. Your long screeds explaning it all for us are all bullshit too..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 2 2023 #140503

    Who prints the money? Who own the media? Everyone knows, but no one says, as if appeasing your master will spare you, it won’t. Your replacements are coming over the border, arriving on boats. They will be easily placated with money, while you die off from vaccinations.. Take a real good look around you at the ugliness, depravity and despair. Welcome to jeworld, the new world order, like it so far?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 1 2023 #140449

    I used to think Jim Kunstler was a sharp guy. Read his books back in the day. He actually thinks these corrupted, morrally bankrupt, jew infested institutions are going to police each other. He’s delusional. When you decide to poison and kill a few billion people, you dont give a fuck about Constitutions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2023 #140388

    Blinken is a jew, dual citizen. Why do we have dual citizens running our country? Why doesn’t anyone give a fuck? All these people murdered, crippled, debilitated for life…no 1 is held responsible? The NWO is not coming…its already here..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2023 #140247

    Have you noticed once jews start getting mentioned, your site gets fucked up? Just proves my point, does it not?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2023 #140149

    There are no countries, only zogulag, the corporations acting in unison. Every town, no matter where you are or how small, its ordinances and codes come from the UN. Everywhre becomes more ugly and the same. These daily dramas, are just that, drama. Just the fact that no1, no 1 is ever held accountable for their actions should spell it out for you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 27 2023 #140061

    The chicken swingers want you dead. They got the money to do it. They got the media to tell you snow is black. You fuckers look everywhere, except where it matters. They just tried to murder you, what will it take for you to wake the fuck up?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2023 #139941

    All of you are falling for the jew narrative. Its no different than a soap opera or professional wrestling. Its all bullsjit, its all lies. They control all sides , all players, every freemasonic shithead puppet.. No one walked on the fuckin moon. You are being deceived by a satanic cult. Staring closely at trees, everyday mindfuck jewnews…you cant see the forest. You are being herded into a pen, like sheep.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2023 #139848

    Page 2 Irish Lives Matter

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2023 #139830

    Bear with me a moment. Jewsa, China, Russia are all controlled by the same money. The NWO is’nt coming, its here.. The response to covid should have made that clear. The day to day shite is all theatre . Plato’s cave wall. You are being entertained while being robbed blind and murdered. Why do you think these assholes were kicked out of 109 countries? Why do you think the Germans were so angry at them? i’m afraid you are about to find out. Lebron James just figured it out, hopefully. Hollywood actors are pretty. DC actors are ugly. Freemasons, doing what they are told;

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2023 #139652

    Actually, its been LIED before, but I agree with you, wholeheartedly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2023 #139560

    The crises of today, yesterday or tommorow is all jew theatre, no different than tell lie vision. They want you angry and upset, off base, off center while they fuck you in the ass. The owning nothing and being happy thing means they’re gonna steal everything and kill you. Step back from the daily bullshit, look at the bigger picture, manufactured reality. They want you dead, they have the money to pull it off. They own the media to pump the message. You’re up against pure Evil, the jew, just like your ancestors

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2023 #139524

    Have you noticed how nothing makes sense anymore? A nation ruled by honorable and ethical people, that does not happen. We are in a very dangerous place.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2023 #139474

    Aspnanz and I are page 2 niggers for a reason, never, ever bring up the man behind the curtain. Normies dont like the j word, it makes them nervous…they’ve been holyhoaxed since birth.Who do you think is making your life a living Hell? Space aliens? Amish? Venezualeans? Who prints the money? Which, lets be honest, controls every aspect of your life, who? 1913 sealed the deal, killing JFK showed you who your boss is. 911proved you have no balls or spine, covid injections are going to walk you into the grave.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2023 #139469

    Chews run the government of every Western nation, we are being destroyed, from within.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2023 #139402

    Don’t take a genius to know jewmoney owns republicans and democrats in jewsa. They just bent over backwards, in congress, for a love vote. We love jews, fuck us harder! Now just extend this to the international stage. Mr Rosca is correct. There is 1 crew, 1 boss, which means its all dismal theatre, like the 100 year old jewboy, feuled by adrenechrome. It’s all bullshit and lies….you’re being played, Goyim, wake the fuck up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2023 #139346

    1984, I went from a young dude reading it, to an old fuck living it. Once all the puppits started barkin Build Back Better, I knew I was in zogulag. Bankerworld, where all that is good, or creative…will be crushed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2023 #139279

    Yes, your history, religion, your race, culture and values are being exterminated. Jews hate White people, their only valid adversary.. Listen to their rabbi’s, read their writings, don’t take my word for it.. . No freedom, privacy or independence, none. China is the blueprint for the jeworldorder, total surveillance. Why do you think all those sattelites are in the sky?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2023 #139270

    My friend, China is ruled by the same moneychangers we are. Thats why our factories are all there. 1 team 1 crew. The Russian and Chinese revoutions were bankrolled out of London and Jew York. Everything you see is theatre, mindfuck, to corral you into a pen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2023 #139268

    They just tried to murder a few billion people, but hey, there’re jews so lets not talk about it. Money made this happen, the media made this happen. Discussing the wizard behind the curtain is strictly verboten. That should tell you all you need to know, while people get sick and die all around you. No worries, its all good.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 16 2023 #139193

    The Ukraine war, like every other war is about killing goyim and getting deals on land. The talmud tells you, fucking 3 year old children is no big deal, they’ll get over it. Do you understand the Evil you are up against? They control the government that rules you, the money in your pocket, the education your kid gets who ends up hating you. Do you understand? They just tried to murder you with a mandated injection. For the love of Christ, wake up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 15 2023 #139102

    They have brought the Western world into communism and China and Russia into capitalism, with total surveilliance, mind you. It’s a dialectic. Coke and Peppsi. 1CREW runs this shitshow. They print the money, out of nothing. They tell the dumbfucks what to think via TV. Babaloynian money magic and Plato’s shadows on the cave wall. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Quatorze Juillet 2023 #139046

    Jewbankers moved all your industry to China, why? You don’t hand your supposed enemy the tools to destoy you, Same with Russia, 1 crew runs the whole world show. Day to day you dance and chirp about the daily bullshit, which is all jewtheatre and just as awful as their hollyweird crap.. It’s a show to distract you while you’re getting fucked. Covid should have showed you the panapticon you are now trapped in. It’s going to get alot uglier. Transhumanism is to kill the God, the Creator within you. They want you…dead, or chipped, soulless meat.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 13 2023 #138976

    Thank you. sir. I feel like an albino in a fuckin tanning salon here.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 12 #138918

    If you step back and look at it as 1 crew running the whole show…Russia, China, USA, same boss, things begin to make sense.. The theatre is all for show, like sportsball, us vs. them. They want their new world order and don’t give a fuck who dies to get it/ Covid should have shown you, it’s already here, same rules, globally. Sattellites are up, 5G ready, now you fuckin cattle are going to get in your pens.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2023 #138866

    Who prints your money, my friend? Who controls the message. which is media? Who has dirt on your useless politicians {Epstein}, Who? I understand I piss people off . good. Tale a look around at your world,do you see anything positive, creative, or worthy of passing on? When someone plans to destroy your race, your culture, your morals, your country and your history…how do you respond?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2023 #138861

    They’re coming for your children, will thatfinally wake you the fuck up? These jews are evil, a 1000 years ago everyone understood this. They were cutting up Christian children and drinking the blood.. What will it take for you to see? Everyone who tells me about the good jews cannot exlain why they all lined up to defend Leo Frank. It’s a cult . Death and destruction of the Goyim, how can you not see? You have a pedophile as a president, for the love of God, wake up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 10 2023 #138780

    Mel proves my point. He’s right there among them, the synagog of satan beams its illusions out of hollywood.. The whole point of the manufactured virus and the jewclotshot was to destroy western civilazation and kill as many goyim as possible. It’s working quite well, is it not?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 9 2023 #138702

    The chew wants you dead. Not collecting SS, not collecting a pension. That was all stolen long ago. A ditchdigger can get me immediately, you educated motherfuckers are lost, you’re gone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2023 #138624

    Pheonix, if I droppedyour ass out of a helicopter over a hasidic enclave in jew york, you would see what i’m sayin in 5 minutes. Rockerfellers are jews. They change names, dummy…like merrick garland. Pedo joe is surrounded by jews. You won’t see shit from that ivory tower, until its too late.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 8 2023 #138603

    What happens when jewbankstergansters control your government, media, educational, financial and legal systems? Look back 100 years to Russia, a horrorshow, Satanism on full dislplay. Well, now its here. Only the willfully ignorant cannot see it, eyeballs glued to talmudvision casting its spell. 3 years of premeditated murder. No one held accountable. No one. The horrorshow is just beginning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 6 2023 #138511

    Rabbi Sneerson, who considered himelf a messiah, the chabad luvavitch head honcho, talked way back in the 90’s about a war between US and Russia. in Ukraine, These fuckers are long term planners and they have the money to enact the plans. Sneerson died choking on his own shit,, which proves to you, there is a God. Don’t believe me? Look it up. The whole point of vaccination was to kill every non jew amelek motherfucker walking the face of this earth. Sometimes the truth is too ugly to behold.

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