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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 5 2023 #138438

    They blew the world trade towers, why would they give a fuck about dead Christian goyim in Ukraine? Palestine, Ohio, larger scale. You can buy stuff cheap after you poison everything and kill everybody.. Oy veh, what a deal.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 4 2023 #138388

    Why do they want everyone so unsettled, on edge, ready for a breakdown? Something very bad is coming, no 1 speaks of it, but it;s dense like humidity in the air. Zog gulag is 1 uncomfortable, dangerous, capricious place to be. Imagine being a child in this godforsaken mess…no shot at innocence or creativity,…just a constant bombardment of kosher destruction, depravity, sickness and death. God help us all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 3 2023 #138328

    We are all Assange, we are all Palestinians, most people dont quite understand this yet, but they will. That beautiful French woman looks like she knows, shes being used, for freemasonic bullshit. She knows and is’nt happy about it.

    in reply to: Assisted Suicide #138249

    V Poet , like most humans , has been indoctrinated from nursery school, reinforced by tv and movies, Your history was written by the people injecting you now. Should make you pause for a moment.. Animals running upland, when the tsunami approches, while people frollick on the beach, well here we are now, yes? intuition, gone. COMMON SENSE, GONE. Educated out of you…you’re being set up to walk. voluntarily, into a prison

    in reply to: Assisted Suicide #138243

    None of this is new. Bombing Hamburg and Dresden was a jew thing. Killing Cristians puts a big smile on their face. Is it our fault? We let them take over. Working people never did have a say in things, never will either. The Western World is a zog gulag, are we to blame? These demons should have been kicked the fuck out over 100 years ago. I was’nt alive yet, I’m just dealing with the repurcussions the best I can.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2023 #138181

    You really have to admire Hopper, he captured years ago, our fucked up world today. Like Orwell, that boy’s a genius. Was it a warning or conditioning you for what is coming?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2023 #138108

    You are all witness to a genocide, the likes of which, the world has never seen. Has anyone been arrested or jailed? No, Can you imagine the money it took to pull this off? Who prints the money? Who controls the message, thru media? Who purchased the politicians or filmed them fucking kids? For the love of Christ, can you not see? They’re coming for your children, if you don’t protect them…you deserve to die.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2023 #138053

    What will it take for people to see when they are trained from childhood to not see? What monstrosity, what horror will open dead eyes?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2023 #137944

    Ukraine war is a jewbanker war, just like every other war, except now they’re killing all the natives at home with the jewjuice vaccines. They want you dead, or enslaved, monitored 24/7. Welcome to the jeworld order. Shot President Kennedy in broad daylight and took this country over. Murdered all those sailors on the USSLiberty. Blew the world trade center all to hell., and for the grand finale…murder by mandate. Wake up, your life depends on it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 27 2023 #137877

    Don’t you find it odd that news makes no sense anymore? Just a theatre of the Absurd, they want you unnerved 24/7, no peace from the madness. Remember a few years ago, the whole world, acting in lockstep, every politician saying the same nonsensical shit? The neworldorder is’nt coming, it;s already here. These people are monsters. Get right with God, prepare yourself, these demons are about to unleash Hell.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2023 #137818

    The Ukrainian soldier is correct, its an extermination of the goyim, the White Christian, yes? He sees the horror, slaughter by weaponry. Here its a slow boil, murder by injection. How, in the name of Christ can people not see what is happening?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 25 2023 #137769

    Prigozhan, jew. Zelenski, jew. Nuland, jew. Wallensky jew. Bourla, jew. Klaus, jew. Harari, jew. Gates, jew. Epstein, jew. Garland , jew Mayorkis, jew. Surely, just a cohencidence, while the whole world disintegrates around us.. Nothing to see here…move on.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2023 #137700

    It’s kosher theatre. You are being deceived while you are being robbed. People are dying all around you, have you noticed? There is no russia, china or jeusa. 1 crew runs this freakshow. They want you dead or enslaved, watched and monitored like rats in a cage. Ask the chinese, they already know. One day soon, on a weekend, your banks gonna close. You won’t give a fuck about ukraine then, you’ll be worrying about eating and staying alive. Everything’s been stolen…now they’re gonna burn the house down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 23 2023 #137614

    You’re certainly veracious, but not very poetic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 23 2023 #137610

    RIP Katerina. We are dealing with monsters here. Murderers, liars and thieves, the synagog of satan. Every 1, every 1 of your politicians is a freemason , who takes his orders from jewbankers, the neworldorder, which is Hell, where we now find ourselves, yes? The dead Ukrainians, the missing and murdered children, the sex slaves…how much blood, depravity sickness and death will it take for good people to wake the fuck up?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 22 2023 #137552

    Step back from the separate stories…ukraine, sub marines, biden, wheather balloons, trump etc. Like different channels on talmudivision, you are being entertained, from comedey to tragedy while you are being robbed blind and your countries destroyed. Why do think all of your factories are now in china?They’re on the same team. Why do you think every country in the world injected the jewjuice into their people? Same team. You’re being set up, for the kill, but staring at the shadows on the cave wall.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2023 #137481

    When you see a painting like that…its painful how far we have fallen. This demonic jewgulag is no place for White people. Morality, honor, integrity, order…look back, to your ancestors who could smell these satanists a mile away and cut them down, hard. They would make a necklace of human heads for their horse…that is how you deal with these demons. What was old will be new again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 20 2023 #137388

    All of you , today, are witness to a slow motion genocide. The old jewschool method of world war and starvation are no longer in vogue. They want you dead, your families, history, culture and religion destroyed. The revolution will not be televised. This country is being destroyed by jewbanker money, with intent, with plans long ago made, surely you can see this. Chaos just does not appear out of nowhere, for no reason. Read the talmud, the protocols, they have to tell you before they fuck you. It’s a cult, Hell bent on your extinction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 19 2023 #137285

    White people are not allowed to discuss these things, thats the whole point of the discussion. Wake the fuck up. Pornography=jews, banking=jews, hollyweird and media=jews…your politicians bend over backward to fly to isreal to sign laws so you cant critiisize jews. Can you see a pattern here or have your brains turned to shit?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 19 2023 #137283

    No sir justholding position…who has brains, who is willing to use them. Where do you fit in this picture? Time will tell, as it always does.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2023 #137135

    I understand Raul, why I get shitcanned here. I touch the 3rd rail, which is verboten. Unfortunatelyl you over educated motherfuckers do not understand the answers lie on the 3rd rail. That is why so many polite and upstanding citizens got jabbed, twice. You have to see the forest, not the tree and be honest about the ugly situation we find ourselves in. Best of luck to all of you…talk yourselves to death. Never, ever mention your master, never touch the 3rd rail, good luck with that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 16 2023 #137074

    If they nuke DC, Jew York, London and Tel Aviv, most problems are gonna be solved. 1 demonic crew is driving the madness, the Satanic program, and our ancestors handed them the power to print money, so here we fuckin are, unfortunately.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2023 #136978

    Take a real good look at the genocide, the destruction all around you The who, why and how are obvious, yet very few look. Programming, works very well. Figures on the cavewall still work, yes?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2023 #136840

    Take a good look around at this madness. Who is behind it? God and nature despise this corruption, lack of integrity and pure, obvious Evil. Everyone knows or senses it You don’t need a doctorate to put 2 and 2 together. It’s not 5 but you’ll pretend it is to not be offensive. Good fuckin luck with that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2023 #136734

    The jew wants you dead and gone. They got the money, which they print, to do it. They got the media to shove illusions up your ass. Wake up Goyim, you’re in a war.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 9 2023 #136544

    Uncle Shlomo was used as a battering ram to fuck everyone up the chews hate. They are done with that project. Everything has been stolen. Now is the time to destroy it all. Take a good look around you in this decadent ZOG empire. The termite people, never ,ever stop. The killers of Christ want White people dead, the only principled effective and intelligent opposition.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2023 #136492

    What the jew is doing to Ukraine is now coming to every western White nation. They want you dead.For the love of Christ, wake up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 5 2023 #136319

    Aurthur was 1 of them. Like Aldous Huxley, they have to inform you 0f intent before fucking you over.. 911 embolded them, not confronting that mossad op, brings us to where we are today. The chew is mad for power and control, to ignore this is sighning your own death warrant.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 4 2023 #136274

    The Chew wants you dead (vaccination) or enslaved (CBDC). Wake up Goyim.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2023 #136088

    Once the money dies, a hellofalot of people are going to wake up to who is pulling the puppet strings. Pearle Harbor, JFK, moon landings, Vietnam, Oklahoma City,, 911, covid, the mandated death shot for covid…brought to you by the chosen people using a Trojan Horse…the television.. Everyone alive, today has been fed constant bullshit and lies…their whole life.. The old ways, honor and integrity…are the true way, a zogulag is no place for righteous people.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 31 2023 #136043

    Everybody knows, jewboy, whose behind those needles.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 31 2023 #136040

    You’ve been programmed, your whole life, to not see the elephant in the room. Who prints the money, who owns the media, who has your politicians and judges fuckin kids on tape? It’s not the Amish, shithead.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2023 #135984

    How, in the name of Christ, can people not see or understand who is behind this destruction? Wale up Goyim, the chew wants you dead. Your children are being murdered. Personally, I’m tired of going to funerals…what will it take for people to open their eyes? Who can you not criticize? This is who owns you. The chew is evil, demonic and pshychopathic, that is the world you now are in. Take a real good look around at the kosher nightmare . Do you want to be buried in a box or a slave to the cheworldorder?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2023 #135854

    If you reside in a Western country, you’re in a jewgulag. Your culture, money and Christian religion is being destroyed. Rats in a cage staring at phones and televisions. For the love od God, wake up, they want you dead. Your replacements are running over the border..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 23 2023 #135678

    The entire Western world is owned and run by jewbankers. using traitor freemasons. Yayall wonder why you’re living in a demonic, satanic nightmare? Kennedy, 911, the burning of Notre Dame, world wars, depressions, constant chaos and tension….why?, to cull and herd the Goyim into the pen. Open up your eyes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 19 2023 #135454

    Kosher theatre. How in the name of Christ can people not see the same jewmoney behind all the players? 2 World Wars , coke and pepsi, US and Russia, ford and chevy, the same demonic smallhats run all of them. It’s a show, you’re being set up for the kill, goyim. Sheep led down the chute for shearing and slaughtering. Wake up Whitey, this crew wants you dead. You’re the only obstacle to their world domination. Take a real good look around you, you’re in a Hell, created on purpose by the synagog of satan.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 16 2023 #135302

    Shlomo wants you dead, cripped, sterile or insane. Why is that so hard for you dense, over educated, pre programmed shitforbrains to understand? Wake up Goyim, you’re in the crosshairs.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 14 2023 #135193

    Unfortunately, the more people die, get sick and fucked up, the more what I’m sayin will make sense. They want you dead, bankrupt, sick, sterile…completely dependent, on them, yes. This has been planned for over 100 years. We’re just livin it, starin at TV’s and buyin the bullshit.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2023 #135143

    The whole of the traitors called Western leaders take orders from the Gangster Tribe. Christkillers, who, as they murder you, bring in more complacent human meat to fill the void. Open up your eyes. Unlock your mind. Protect your Soul.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2023 #135039

    The jew wants you dead and gone goyim. Its in their talmud. Wake the fuck up to what is happening. Don’t trust me read their own writings. Take a good look around at this madness, this insanity. It’s right from the TOP, the money printers, media makers, paid for government whores. Destruction by design by people who are incapable of creating anything good. Evil, if you accept it, you’re dead.

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