Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBritain has gone nuts. Besides a completely outdated, ridiculous system of Gvmt (or rather one that favors some elites and seems immovable etc.) economic, social, etc. problems due to various factors (*energy* is one) are swept under the rug.
Ppl are manipulated to make them concentrate on ‘immigration’ aka throwing ‘ethnic’ / ‘religious’ / ‘nationalist’ / other, considerations out there for ppl to act on.
— Brexit was accomplished via an anti-immigration spiel.
Since, re. GB, Europeans have left, not come, to some large degree, immigrants are increasingly from other places, many of them muslims from ex-GB colonies. They have been earning far less than the previous ones, which was one of the Tory aims, cheapER labor.
In a way, the massive recent immigration (larger than before Brexit) into GB is a reversed colonialism.
When no longer able to squat ‘away’ territories, an option is to bring the needy, begging, labor, home.
Then, for ‘humanitarian reasons’ or ‘demographic arguments’ (low birth rate, cheaper to import ppl who survived till 20 and have some, or a lot of education) a rationale is made for the Gvmt. to support, pay for, immigrants to settle in / have housing, health care, etc. / be tolerated, or even favored.
By whom? Big Biz, Corps, and the Gvmt. itself who all want, or appreciate being able to find, exploit, super cheap labor. (E.g. Gvmt. faltering health services.)
At this crunch, the GB Gvmt. finds itself in a contradiction. It traditionally supports multi-culti, and thus in first place, Muslims, Islam as a religion, to the point, some say, of ignoring some of their not sins (?) or blatant criminality. At the same time, Starmer, a paid-for Zionist, supports Isr. in its genocide of Palestinians to the hilt.
So who are the manipulated citizens to attack, demand the removal of, etc.?
Right-wing terrorists, disgusting fascists, who hate non-white ppl, Jews, ppl of other cultures. Or Islamic radicals, know for perpetrating terrorist attacks, grooming little girls…, denying women their rights, etc.
Not a way to run a country, when even populist nasty rabble-rousing is in the pits. ( 😉 )
Participant“Everyone thought it was going to be Shapiro, it turned out not to be Shapiro,” Trump said on Fox News on Wednesday. “I have very little doubt that it was not for the reason we’re talking about. It was because of the fact that he’s Jewish and they think they’re going to offend somebody else.”
Trump is playing the > I’m the trad. Religious Republican in favor of Isra-hell CARD …too hard.
Big Mistake. Afaik he was a long-time Dem, in favor of ‘minority’ groups, didn’t he even win an award once for hiring black ppl? He was sorta pals with Jesse Jackson > one of the few things I knew about him before he ran for Prez. Ok, maybe not directly related.
So Shapiro is Jewish, as is Kabala’s hubbie, her step-children are being brought up in the ‘Jewish faith.’ Trump implies that Kamabla (names her so in a tweet) is afraid of losing the Muslim vote.
Georgie Junior Bush, imho, won the election due to the slim top-up of Muslim vote with a discourse of ‘for conventional social values’ and ‘peace, respect for religions’ – (9/11 flipped that fast..) (Ok the weight can be discussed.)
“The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, says 78-percent of Muslims who voted in the 2000 presidential election voted for George Bush.”
About the same or maybe a bit more % now vote Dem because of the ‘Respect Diversity’, etc.
Just …Illustrating that when slice-n-dice demographics furnish the base for the ‘appeals’ and ‘fake promises’ Pol. Parties in the US make to ‘communities’ (i.e. different demographic groups, mostly defined by ‘race’ / ‘religion’ / ‘sexual orientation’) to manipulate them to vote for some ‘representative’ thereby obscuring ALL important issues – > Energy, industry, equality, education, social services, foreign policy, military alliances, miitary strength, and more, seems to work fine.
Participantre. Castello, at top post.
See, it is said that this was the first time that SS snipers were dispatched to a Trump event, as I said before, and then the use of cell phones…etc…
It was supppsed to be a public execution, his head blown off with both CNN and BBC there to make history with their coverage etc.
I wonder what DT knows about it. Beyond his thanks to the Great (or whatever) Secret Service, his luck and being saved by God and so on as he claims. I wonder what if anything he will ever say about it in the future.
Could DT be so naive as to think Crooks (the patsy) was a lone shooter and the SS killed him, and that’s an end to it? I doubt it, NO, but what can Trump say? One guesses that he will participate in the cover-up, he has no choice in the matter.
What failed? Maybe chance, the ‘shooter’ missed, Trumpy shifted his orange coiffure just in time, etc. That means a lot of planning, manipulation (not expense, this kind of op. is cheap), somehow didn’t … gell… what a Disaster (for the planners.)
For now, just one scenario, as I imagine it. Crooks was pushed to act ‘suspicious’ but not too ‘crazy’ to test Security, he was playing a role with promises of payments, he would be followed, covered, and ‘not alone.’ (Tests of ‘security’ are very common.)
(Imho) Shots 1-3 were from a prof. sniper, the bad miss. No way this plot would have left the first shots to Crooks, so many things could have gone wrong. E.g. Crooks freaks out, flees, or even faints when he understands something – he is apprehended by random Police for whatever and removed – his shooting apparatus is not adequate – he is killed before he shoots – + more.
What happened next is another story, in a way less important.
ParticipantGermany Begin Destroying Islamic Mosques Spreading Extremism: How Germany Tackled Immigration Crisis.
vid 6 mins from ‘Traveller’, July 25, 2024. 6 million views…heh
Germany corralled and murdered, in the past, ww2, Jews, Romas (Gypsies), Homosexuals (seems everyone has forgotten that, though top guys were exempt), disabled ppl, ill ppl, old ppl.
Nowadays via COV19, some similar categories were targetted, though that is international, not just Germany.
Now ‘Islamists’ are a target in Germany.
The post linked above has 31 K comments in favor (at the time of my viewing), to a-hem ‘crack down’ on Islamist, Terrorists, ban Muslims, good job Germany, kill Islamic extremists, All Western countries are under threat, against our democracies, hoping America wakes up, etc. etc.
‘Take your Country Back’ has 30K Likes, just one ex. of a comment.
Participantre. 1st article at top, by Moore, re. Biden.
When he departs the White House in the months ahead he will leave the nation poorer, weaker, more divided, more in debt, more vulnerable, and less respected than when he entered office.
We are witnessing the breakdown of the W ‘Empire’ and it ain’t going down gracefully, imho it will move to self-destruction, as Elites like to think they can manage crowds / nations / billions of ppl via propaganda, media blasts, coercion, orders (ex. COV19), financial high-jinks, etc. etc.
Hoping they – as a priviliged group – can ‘win’ – that their ‘faction’, their ‘vision’ of the future, set in this or that country, is inescapably correct, righteous, and must be implemented, ’defended’… e.g. like at the WEF, which is just a feel-good forum for ignorant aspirants climbing the ladder to attain some advantages. And then onto …Ruin…
Moore, OK… but what are the causes? Energy Crunch in first place, incapacity to deal with problems of any kind, at any level, massive corruption (Corporates, lobbying), rampant profiteering at many levels (eg. Big Pharma).
Who is US Pres. changes little, except for some redistribution of skimming / sending tax payer monies here or there – which is of course not just sweet millions pocket money, but fantastic sums.
Hoisting a lame duck, not to say a hated ****, like Kakala, into a top position, is so obviously a totally stupid move, one wonders .. either they can’t even read polls, or they are on a suicide mission, or they don’t give a ****, the action is going on elsewhere.
In Eng. one version of G. Debord’s – The Society of the Spectacle
ParticipantOn DT attempted assass, by Jesse Watters (at top), yeah right..
Ha ha, I have a recommendation for the USSS, the Megaphone! It’s great, works a treat.
Plus, one A4 sheet maps which is divided into a ‘grid’ with numbers, locations, heh? Distributed to all? – Can be printed cheaply, hundreds of copies, or old style photocopy?
That keeps the ‘references’ straight between the locals and the parachuted guys, who don’t know much about the terrain, even if they visited it before (which reportedly they didn’t..)
No ‘proper’ emergency services of any kind relies on text via internet ! Ever !
— it can go down, or be horribly slow, be subject to ‘review’, censorship, it can be blocked easily
— typing into text / calling and waiting for a response / etc. takes too much time, distracts from reality
— mobile phones fail, not re-charged, dropped etc.
.. Radio is your friend, as it is in real time. Ok, Can be blocked as well.
So we have counter-snipers, CNN, BBC, present when they would never have bothered normally? And the radio messages weren’t recorded, or didn’t go thru?
Daily Mail, maybe of some interest.
Tony Shaffer, on the case
ParticipantISR – Palestine Aparthheid.
The 8 tiers of Isr. Apartheid explained. by Z. Foster, July 19 2024.
from, Palestine Nexus.
Treats land – voting rights, segmenting of population.
Other aspects, such as right to marry, legitimise chilren, have access to health care, are left off / not treated as specific topics, as not within the scope of this summary.
ParticipantEoin posted. BTW what’s Plan B for MAGA after Trump is assassinated? Sit on their guns even harder than they already are?
Imho, there will not be a *public execution of Trump* with smashed head on cam. event or attempt before the election, after the first one, on July 13, failed.
Note CNN and the BBC were present at the Butler Rally, and they don’t follow Trump rallies, afaik, of course I may be wrong in part / wholly about that.
Imho, many were alerted something ‘special’ was coming down…
Those who will go to any lengths to get rid of the Populist Trump (heh not that he is really populist, other discussion), who also provoked this whole mess, by reducing US politics to tribal belongings and social issues (abortions, race, etc.) in order to cover up the real problems, propagandise and brain-wash ppl, will now use more ‘lawfare’ if they can (top ‘law’ institutions can’t afford to loose all power by bowing down to Kontrollers, so are pushing back against that), more smearing, etc. againt Trump.
Then at EElekshion time they will try to steal the election (like last time, imho Trump did win), and then see what happens, pause, to consider other actions.
As for MAGA, if the reference is to the Repub. Party, they will support Trump, they have no choice but to go along with him. For sure, many Repubs. loathe him, that can’t be made public, as it threatens everyone’s positions and might bring down the puppet play-book of TWO parties in opposition – so be it.
If DT dies, they can try to hoist someone else, who will be in a v. weak position, but would be accepted as a ‘successor’ (Vance for ex.) but with far less entusiasm, it might jsut peter out…which is understood by many…
We are witnessing the break-down of the ‘W’ order or Imperium, the political structure that holds it together. Very interesting.
(to be clear, of course DT is no ‘savior’ as Eoin writes.)
ParticipantOroboros that was hilarious, and so well done, amazing. It is great seeing the manipulative, calculated, lying ‘Identity Politics’ BS being mocked.
ParticipantRe. Paris Olympics ‘Show’ – 1 at top post, by Koenig.
These ‘shows’ – opening of tunnels – other – many have been mentioned here, tend to have, since 20 yrs. or so now, ’Satanic’ .. ’Scary’ themes.
Re. the Olympics, they are also prescient, beyond what could be considered ‘coincidence.’
London 2012. Featured a long sequence of very ill children in hospital beds in an old fashioned setting, and nurses dancing around. (goog > easy to find.)
Beijing 2008. Featured a battle between malevolent shapes, Huge Corona viruses, bigger and taller than ppl, and ordinary warriors.
It was called The Battle of Fire.
(quick search > O. if I can find will post.)
The ‘Satanic’ aspect is in part just the Tops and the Media being ‘edgy’, ‘unconventional’. Gotta break boundaries to show your originality, be a rebel, spark shock, wonder, interest etc. – that is the message to some..
Ex. Madonna, others, see pop groups, etc. One LOW-level expl. which certainly applies to many ppl in show- model- music- media- biz who just think whatever (like covering one eye) is just the new ‘cool’, they are not participating in plots, they are clueless.
The Olympics Paris ceremony, setting aside the Pale Horse, the countries being on boats (huh?), other, featured the Last Supper Scene (mixed up with Dionysus, God of Revels, feasts, called Bacchus in Rome, etc.) which lead to the +!+!+! outrage around the world. No respect for religion, Jesus, other Religions, etc. etc.
Hoisting LGTB ‘values’, ‘ppl’, ‘actors’, to occupy front scene – to be accepted as such in society, given concessions, even revered – see the vid of the ceremony – is imho a peculiar mix emerging from ‘capitalistic interests’ and fake ‘equality.’
The ‘legtimise male homosex’ came from top tier ad agencies, and others who wanted to tap openly into that 10% no-child, got solid money, market. It was not an ‘organic’ movement, it was funded and planned by commercial and ‘get on the scene leader’ interests, imho. (OK, there were other strands, forces, etc. ..)
The US Gvmt and ‘deep state’ in first place (W countries followed along) saw an opportunity to clarion their ‘equality principles’, their ‘embracing of all differences’, etc. while dissing other foreign ‘racist’, ‘discriminatory’ laws, practices, attitudes, etc.
– The alliance between USA and KSA..the one country that represses gays the most, even chops their heads off – was natch exempt…
ParticipantAbsolutely, top class med care would have fixed a ‘graze’ (ears, nose, head, bleed a lot! ..) of that kind rapidly, with nothing visible in ordinary photos.
ParticipantTrump attempted ass. continued
Question. If DT fell down dead on that Butler Rally Platform, what were the expected outcomes, what followed next, who benefitted, how? What were the specific calculations?
Would a civil war be sparked? Imho a lot of temp. unrest but not more. (?)
It would them have been easy to declare ‘emergency’ ‘martial’ law (whatever the US terms are idk, and US States may differ) and for the Federal Gvmt. to impose various measures, e.g., similar to COVID19 lockdowns? No prob. with Covid, a mystery bug …The threat of personal violence in the streets is much more frightening, citizens need to ‘shelter’ and ‘seek protection’ from xzy, etc.
And then what? What was the plan?
Participantfollowing on from jb-hb prev.
On the attempted assassination of DT.
If the aim was to kill DT, many other methods would have been more effective. Creative minds can come up with ..
The US is seemingly set on the traditonal *TM* standard, a public execution by firearm, fired by a lone shooter, in a public place, filmed.
(No car bombs, poisonings, bad meds, fake emergencies, downed planes, exploding helicopters, suicide bombers, etc. as used in other places…)
OK, it’s the cultural ‘imperative’, no escapin’ it. It means a plot to effect this scenario takes a long time to set up, it requires more than just a random ‘hole in the road’ and a car going off a cliff, if you follow. In the plot, two opposing forces face each other, with the agressors covertly manipulating many ppl, factions, structures, comm. nodes, etc. The underground manouvers ensure not just the death of the victim, but a resounding win that must be respected.
The time line (may be off by a day..)
Rumors of a Vance pick by DT (July 10?)
Ass. attempt of DT July 13
Official pick of Vance July 15
Biden renounces as candidate for a 2nd term July 20-21 via a Tweet
Harris is presented as the ‘new, better’ candidate around July 23
Obamas endorse Harris July 26 (which cements the deal)
As has been pointed out, this is a COUP. Biden has been summarily shoved aside (no legal process) and Harris becomes the top Dem. candidate without any laid-down rules, no consulting of Dem ‘base’, just the top guys say this is it and all fall into line. Bananas anyone?
These events are all linked, of course idk how.
The attempt failed. To conclude, the Dem – Deep State apparatus lost this round, and they won’t try an assassination attempt again. DT will be alive when the election takes place. Trump knows this as well imho.
At present all, Pol. parties, MSM, etc. are publically burying the attempt, nothing to see here, no news, etc. However Congress etc. must put up some show of investigatin’ what happened (injuries, one death, pres. candidate shot at) grilling ppl who lie, etc. but all of which moves result in nothing substantial, no clear reports, nothing conclusive, no actions taken, it is all Max-Pol-Theatre.
As for what actually happened on that day, Chris Martenson’s vids (free to watch on this topic) are good.
ParticipantIlargi, you say, Noirette disappoints me:
I explained about energy and the economy, extensively.
Yes that is so, my apologies, not that I state you didn’t but that the focus of this board right now is on US internal and external (foreign policy) issues …
Well maybe right now this is the most important matter in the World? OK… but what about the war in Sudan? Or what is happening in Syria?
Ilargi: BTB, You will never see Gail mentioned here. Long term readers may be capable of explaining why. Idk what this is about.
Ilargi: That’s pretty insane. No world wide news?! All I’ve been trying for years is to steer TAE away from MSM, and she steers it back. And I’m not that crazy, I know I succeeded to a large extent in providing a different view from western media. That people are not aware of that effort, and that that costs me a lot of donations, is maybe a different story. But I still know.
Ilargi, yes, but views on such an effort differ, but bury the hatchett is good.
Participantjb-hb posted about energy and markets… The real problem is people aren’t free to problem solve. Full spectrum at every level simultaneously, individual problem-solving is being blocked…
Big Corps in cahoots with Gvmt. control the problem-solving mechanism, they are interested only in making money, protecting positions, and controlling others. The top dogs in ‘their’ company, conglomerate, etc. don’t even care about its survival, as they reckon they can just move on to occupy some other power node. (Gvmt. officials are more wary and frightened.)
See the embrace of large, lux. electric cars, which with subsidies and temp. profits from v. rich ppl suckered in, afford a short term spike ‘boost’ profits, which then deflates intoto ‘ruin’ or relative loss, downsizing, closing off, etc.
Imho the belief in ‘new energy arrangements’ has been so pervasive, and the subsidies from Gvmts. (W, China, other) so ample, that many jumped on the bandwagon, either thru calculated cynical opportunism, or yes, following along, the new thing dont’cha know. Because everyone wants to ‘keep their position’…
Participantjb hb posted, Yeah I just assumed the opening ceremonies at the Olympics would be Satanic, skipped it, and figure I can fill the blanks in myself.
Just think Eurovision/London Olympics/CERN/that one tunnel opening in the alps and you’ve got it. How much satanic ritual do I need to see in one lifetime? Satanism’s so passe.
Yes. All this ‘satanic’ stuff is from well known, well paid, artists, organisors, etc. who get a kick out of showing, broadcasting, ‘edgy’ – ‘unconventional’ – ‘radical’ etc. stuff which fools the payers, who oh man! shell out big time, thinking – we are on top of trends. (Most have no clue, about Macron, idk.) Lke many ‘rock’ and other bands who pretend to be ‘radical’, ‘oppositional’ in silly ways (dress, language, noise..) to get followers and money…
Now there is one Olympics Ceremony that is very prescient, it was in Beijing 2008.
It showed during the opening ceremony a scene called “The battle of fire” where all kinds of warriors fought blobs that were shaped like a corona, just like the pix of the Cov.19 virus.
Here is the ‘full’ ceremony, 4 plus hours,
I could not find the corona battle in that vid. It must exist somewhere…if i find it will post…
ParticipantDimitri posted:
This site is becoming increasingly:
1. Very USA centric and 2. So last day’s news.
For example no mention today of the kitch-woke fest that was yesterday’s Opening Ceremony in Paris. But we have piece after piece about the assassination attempt that happened last century and if it was a bullet or a piece of glass when we all know what it was. (…)
Yes. TAE used to be about energy and the economy dependent on that (a bit like Gail T., link below, site, Our finite world, at least to some degree.. )
IT posted world wide news. Now it has become a purely US-mainstream news commentary site, focussed on ‘top’ USA issues as touted by the MSM, such as Kabala vs. Trumpy, which is interesting as an example or internal political moves and propaganda, but not important for the state of the world, as US Presidents from either side of the aisle pursue identical policies while fooling the public with ‘switcheroos’…
Still there are many good posters here.
Participantaspnaz posted, prev. thread:
Looks like Biden was just not Jewish enough, just could no longer grab his ankles and take a pounding, so Trump is the next Jew bitch.
All Biden’s children married Jews, with the exception of Hunter’s first marriage, which was to a Catholic Kathleen. (iirc?)
Horrid problem for the Dems. is that championing equality, standing *strong* against ‘racial’ and ‘other’ – usually gender, sex orientation, odd psych. peculiarities, disabilities, etc. – discrimination, abhorring apartheid, favoring immigrants (and whatever else) doesn’t match up too neatly with championing, supporting, funding, and providing arms to Isr. ‘Zionists’ and affiliates to kill off as many Palestinians as possible, in Gaza and the W. Bank, as fast as possible, via the excuse of ‘fighting terrorist group Hamas.’
I’m guessing Kabala is trying (under orders) to show a more sympathetic view towards Palestinians, to appease the anti-apartheid Dem voting public, as she as a ‘black’ (Indian-Jamaican afaik, nothing to do with ‘USA black’) woman is supposed to ‘defend’ minorities, be a real champion for them, etc. All BS as Kabala is just another fool hoisted onto the stage.
Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on Thursday, Harris said that her commitment to Israel’s existence and security was “unwavering”, but that “far too many” innocent civilians had been killed in the war. – link is to aljazzera
ParticipantDr. D Posted re.
Harris Would Purge Biden’s Team – WSJ (RT)
– quote:
More than I don’t know what’s going on with them, I don’t know what’s going on with this. Not saying it, doing it, which are different things, floating it. Because she’s not going to be nominee or President anyway. If I were the Democrats, I’d kill her and blame MAGA extremist retaliation, then go start killing all red people with machine guns and cluster bombs in the streets.
– end quote.
Kamala H. being ‘different’, ‘new’, ‘more humane’ (woman, ‘black’) as a projected image, so is supposed to maybe – maybe show some vague sympathy for the Palestinians who are being genocided, to appeal to part of the ‘left’. Of course as stated this is total BS, nothing will change.
Imhot KH has absolutely no idea about what is going on, is completely clueless, she is a captive of a system she does not understand. An expendable figure temporarily pushed forward, who won’t last long.
See, ex. Liz Truss in the UK for ex. Ok, very different conditions, Truss at least got the Tory membership vote (minuscule segment of the ‘Tory’ pop) and she was thrown out fast, the Brit system is maybe more reactive?
However, that Kabala won’t be the nominee… Dr. D, not sure. she might very well be, as ‘elections’ are now total fakelorum exercises.
ParticipantThere was a feeling of quiet before the storm when the Dems, their mega donors, and the MSM started coming out with some calls for the Bidadmin to withdraw from the race. George Clooney, Obiman’s silence, etc.
It looked like the public was supposed to believe they were being partly informed of ‘quarrels,’ private goings-on -> ‘internal strife’… 🙂
Keeping Biden in the game so long was, imho, a sign that They (some combo of Behind the Scene actors, Deep State if you will, incl. Dems, Uniparty, etc.) thought they could win with that candidate despite the polls / all signs.
After all, they did it once, why not again? But the lawfare didn’t work out as expected, Trump didn’t buckle. Demonising Trump only made him more popular in some quarters.. The Orange Man just doesn’t stop..
With Trump dead, Biden would be maintained, and the ‘Dems’ would scream the SAVE DEMOCRACY stuff etc. Trump votes would not automatically go to whatever other candidate the Reps. could put up (correct.)
The HATE TRUMP would have suceeded. Say… yeah, Trump raped a 13 yr-old girl (I have seen many posts saying this, many ppl seem to believe it..), no wonder some young, autistic / idealistic / crazy / isolated guy, shot him and killed him, and was then ‘martyred’…too bad for him.. his family..
Well it was a very strange botched assassination. Really weird. It is hard to dope out what the original plan was and where the mistakes, fissures, glitches, were. Idk.
The Democrats have now conceeded defeat, or have been forced to do so.
No way Kabala or Killary (Jones at top post) can win anything.
Participantfrom top post article: Crooks had flown the drone on a programmed flight path several times earlier in the day on July 13, to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of the event, the officials said.
Sputnik, allrighty — the BBC reported the same thing (link below)
From CH, one of the questions all interested in the Trump assassination attempt was WHY no drones?
Drones are widely used in CH for many purposes, one of them being oversight from above. Very cheap, easy, super efficient.
Once I was (legally) inside a protected perimeter and a drone followed me to my car, and just before I got into the car, to leave the place, it waggled in a kind of bye! bye! way. I waved up at it, all this spooked me out somewhat but there you go…
— One use in CH has saved many lives, via. rapidly transporting organs / special type blood / other / shunted between hospitals. —
So the implication of “the facts” air double commas of Crooks commanding a drone (Imho this didn’t happen which makes it all more weird) is that an ordinary 20 year-old has more money for sophisticated equipment, knows how to control it, use the information provided, than the whole of the US Secret Service, the Dpt. of Homeland Security, the local Security / Police services, etc. who apparently have NO drones. (As available for..)
The MSM is loosing the plot when they publish this kind of stuff to try to frighten ppl.
ParticipantFormer US President Donald Trump was “changed permanently” by the attempt on his life over the weekend, and will be a more moderate figure going forward, his son, Donald Jr., has told Axios.
— from link 1 at top.
So the no. 1 SON of MAGA Brand is saying, Trump will tone things down?
Because he, Trump, is afraid? Surviving an attempted killing, he now becomes more mild, moderate, even obsequious?
! Not that he ever undermined US hegemony or managed even in minor way to ‘drain the swamp’ ..
This makes no sense whatsoever, as statements coming from the no. 1 Son. So DT is ‘cowed’..
As for the DT campaign ad, thanks for posting it..
Participant— re. several articles up top.
So the top brass at the Corrupt ‘Mafia type’ Democrat Kabal are in a vicious fight amongst themselves to conserve what could be retained, after all these disasters, of funding / power / positions / advantages / control of money, corps, military, other.., a big network…
We see, *Bid team againts the rest*
Imho Biden was hoisted up as a kind of ‘safe choice’ to defeat Sanders. Obama never liked Biden, and only took him on because ‘The Party’ imposed it, say… “like, hmm, yeah, what can I do, what do I care…” (Now turning against him from some news? Idk? Star Clooney against senile Joe?)
At present, imho, just my take, my imagination, there are ugly dealings going on behind the scenes. Joe the Big 10% rake-off Guy and Family and Hangers-On are probably making many *VERY serious threats* and outrageous demands, to agree to their withdrawal.
For sure there is scope for releasing torrid damaging stuff on many ppl (Joe is Prez. for now), but what are they, the Maf-Bid-Core demanding? I have no idea. My guess is, just a huge pile of cash, and being credited with ‘a good image’ going forward.
The wheeling ’n dealing, and the time it takes (much too long in PR terms, ppl tend to get clued in) is covered up by the touted quarrel about Biden’s mental state which everyone with any sense knows is trivial, this man has been a kind shuffling geriatric patient, a propped-up puppet, since 2019 at least and the fact that Americans ‘supposedly’ voted in a senile creep to solve their problems has made the US a laughing stock all over the world, which ppl in the US don’t acknowledge.
Participantsorry, I couldn’t get the post together properly 🙁
ParticipantMy next post, below, is long and concerns an issue which is now Water under the Bridge, Obama’s birth certificate, so some might want to skip it.
ParticipantOn, Trump makes Biden Election Prediction, 1st link at top post.
Sounds roughly right, though the situation is so volatile, who knows.
Biden represents, is an emblem of, a dying breed.
In corrupted Political / Hegemonic systems, there is always a need, an obligation, to ‘elect’ or ‘choose’, or boost, v. elderly leader figures, because they are at the Apex of the Oligarchic Arrangements that stretch downwards into the hierarchy with multiple control switches (Yes! trickle down works.. in these cases.. ) For a rough image, Mafia, with da bosses.
As the servants of the LEADER have spent so much time and influence setting that state of affairs up, all the syncophants, hangers-on, profiteers, courtisans, party belongers, group bosses and all those further down in the hierarchy, can’t see a path away from The Arrangement.
The outcome is when things go south or ‘smell burnt’ as in a French expression, there is no New Figure willing to take on the challenge, because the whole power structure was vaccilating, set to crash, and all those close to the situation can see that — there isn’t a ‘throne’ anymore to aspire to. Glamour, profits, fun, sex, domination – all out the window, poof.
Dr. D won the prize for the longest post on TAE see above. 🙂 Good post though.
ParticipantOn, NATO Is Approaching Russia’s Borders From The Other Side (Gevorg Mirzayan)
Link is to Helmer, it is mostly about the Baltics, Orban’s peace-seeking moves (is he an emissary of Trump?) and China’s role, position.
‘The other side’ as I see it, is Finland, which is now a member of NATO, and where the US is set to create 15 military bases (with the usual diplomatic total immunity and no oversight by host country)…(see also at top sex crimes US milit. in Japan.)
See for ex, Globalists Are Prepping FINLAND To Be The Next Proxy-War | Prof. Tuomas Malinen — interviewed by Pascal Lottaz at Neutrality Studies.
ParticipantAs for (top post) “Europeans ‘stunned’ by Biden’s ageing”, everyone, pols and public knew practically from 2020, that Biden was a geriatric patient who needed 24/24 care. Nobody is ‘stunned’…
Plus, this state of affairs created endless mockery of the USA, all over the world.
(In contrast to Obama who was treated like some kind of Saint or Super Nov Leader.)
Many in India, Switz., Slovenia, Spain, etc. etc. just shook their heads, the US is going down the drain, look at this pathetic creep who is out of his mind, a senile stumbling bum, and the Dems support him, is that DEMO-CRACY?
Hey, Great .. let them burn down to the ground…
But they kept quiet, until the US, still a dominating power, sent a signal that maybe GenoJoe was not the best choice for Pres, as the polls show a deep dip for him, supporters (aka buyers of the elections with mega donations) sudenly withdraw their monies (if they can, idk about that.)
So what is next?
ParticipantJ. Biden, quotes from top posts:
“We finally beat Medicare.”
—> We finally beat Medicare for all, We finally beat the extension of Medicare, We beat any betterment of health care, etc.
“I remember, as a Catholic kid growing up up in an area where we didn’t like, Catholics didn’t get — I’m the first president to be elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid. Well, you know, I was, I looked at John Kennedy and said, ‘Well, he got elected. Why can’t I get elected?”
—> J. Kennedy was the first Catholic to be elected Pres, it happened once, why not again, J. Biden is the second Catholic US Pres…while all his children are married to Jews afaik? (Hunter’s first marriage an exception which was to a Catholic Kathleen.) Not a strong Catholic connection, but hey whatever…
Participantaspnaz, yes, plus, Starmer, as I see him (via some publically posted vids, not official positions or anything like that) is a very subservient guy, he is sort of a ‘pleaser’ to the ‘masters’ (whomever they might be), as if he was sort of ‘inferior’, for sure imho, always trying to ‘fit in’ the best he can. Idk his background, but he is married to a Jewish lady and his children are being brought up in the Jewish faith. No doubt this played a large part in getting him IN as a replacement for Corbyn. I’m still pleased Corbyn won his seat, politically I am more or less on his side, though I’m not keen on him as a ‘person’….
ParticipantOn Labour Majority (top post.)
Keir Starmer is a ‘third-wayer’ with a vengeance, following in the a-hem ‘glorious’ footsteps of Billy Clinton *the ultimate Banksters man* and Tony Blair, liar, war-monger, subservient to his masters in the US.
Starmer – times move forward -> is now more radical than they could be.
Do the Brits actually believe that voting massively for Labour will change anything? That kicking out the Tories is a kind of victory? Looks like it from the votes ? ..I don’t know?
How will the NHS be put back on its feet? Treat ppl without 6 months, 12 months delay, or … etc.? How will public tranport be bettered? How will the dumping of sewage into rivers be stopped, turned around? What about housing? Children who go hungry?
The Lab. Manifesto 2024 can be read here.
The MAIN TOP POINTS, caps removed,
restore hope
stop the chaos
turn the page
rebuild our country
> one excerpt from this section:
At its heart are five national missions – with clear first steps to begin the journey of rebuilding – that provide a clear destination for everyone invested in Britain’s future. A new Britain, where wealth is created in every community. Where the golden opportunity of clean British power is harnessed for lower bills. Where your town centre has been revitalised and everyone feels safe to walk the streets. Where you can go to work and know you will be treated with dignity and respect. Where our children are equipped with the skills to thrive in the future. Where our NHS is once again at the cutting edge of healthcare. And where we show that politics can be about serving the country. Hmm.
it’s time for change
Rightio mate 🙂 let’s have a pint (or whatever is the proper pub expression)
ParticipantRe. PCR on French Nationalism (top post.)
Politics in France has descended into a theatrical shit-show.
The theatre is incredibly bad, boring screeching about totally irrelevant words, symbols.
A sort of cult atmosphere pertains in the 3 main camps, calling them by their leaders, Macron, Mélenchon, Le Pen.‘Extreme’ right, left, etc. is politically, socially, economically completely meaningless – what programs or promises exist are purely populist and concern internal re-distribution and the ‘immigant’ question, which is sending everyone crazy, yet any propositions that could be implemented are lacking.
(See Brexit, touted on controlling borders, favoring the natives, result, more immigrants coming in than ever, care of the Tories.)
Foreign Policy, France’s debt, its beloinging to the EU, problems in the Health system, Energy, etc. are just swept aside in the madness, or mentioned as side-issues…
The two trad parties, Socialistes, Républicains, while they still nominally exist, are dead, their remains have split and joined either Le Rassemblement National (le pen), the Nouveau Front Populaire (left-green alliance, mélenchon, glucksmann, with the ex-pres. socialist hollande joining in), or the supposed party of Macron which changes names all the time, now called ENSEMBLE > not a pol. party but a group of followers, groupies, profiteers, managers behind the scene..
The country is going down.. slowly… takes time… The MSM have even represented the election results in a fraudulent way (the exact nos. are available on Gvmt. site.) What they did is UP the grip of the – oh the horrors! – EXTREME RIGHT..
Who engineered this, on the face of it? Who is the no. 1 person responsible? Macron. Who is the winner? In his mind, Macron.
Le Monde (MSM, paper of record), published an article, right after the dissolution of Parliament, quoting him as saying,
«… Je prépare ça depuis des semaines, et je suis ravi. Je leur ai balancé ma grenade dégoupillée dans les jambes. Maintenant on va voir comment ils s’en sortent… »
I prepared this move weeks ago, and I’m delighted .. I threw a ‘live’ hand grenade between their legs. So, we will see how they manage to deal with it…
The Elysée published a meek denial, but Le Monde did not retract / correct.
Imho PCR doesn’t know much about what is going on in France though some of his ‘general’, historical, points are OK.
See also the Duran for ex. They seem to support ‘right wing nationalism’ and see Marine Le Pen as a kind of ‘good’ figure … maybe after Meloni switched on practically all issues after her election .. will have some impact?
ParticipantOn, top post, Macron and Zelensky, super GAY dancing etc.
Who knows what is real?
See here an ex. which is presented as a spoof, an obvious fake, making fun.
It is not supposed to be believed (Macron with huge breasts, NO) but see how his face actually melds well… (besides the size etc.)
@iadrolefr Noirette
ParticipantOn RT articles (not bad) re. Macron., prev. thread.
There will NOT be civil war in F, though riots and upping the violence on both sides (demos, State via Police) may happen. Common in F, think Gilets Jaunes, or the New Year burning of cars, hundreds of them in ‘sensitive areas’…
Why? Because most ppl will be happy to see Macron ‘defeated’, ‘made powerless’ or ‘pushed to quit.’ A new National Assembly offers some hope of ‘change’ (hmm, ‘hopiness’..) new allegiances, etc.
Note the programs of the Rassemblement National (le Pen), and the New Popular Front, NFP (left-green-coalition) are at heart the same -> populist economic measures (re-lowering retirement age, taxing the rich, knocking TVA off ‘essential goods’ etc. etc.)
The NPF proposal is more elaborate, longer, prudent in content. The RN has already walked back many of their proposals, presented as promises, e.g. concerning the retirement age, leaving the EU electricity market, etc.Both these oppo blocs support UKR to the hilt or ‘as best as we can’ (differences in wording), and are PRO EU.
All pro-Frexit pols have been eliminated.
Re. Israel – Gaza the NFP is split: Mélenchon supports Palestine and X-X-X overtly / covertly support the Zionists.
The outcome of these elections will not lead to fundamental change. France has entered the Age of the Spectacle unequivocally, with enthusiastic applause from the Dominating Class.
The ‘top’ Corps. / Finance / Oligarchs / Big Biz will, in the main, champion (order) a vote for the RN (RN has made promises.) A section of low-class workers will vote for the RN, in the tradition of ‘oppose the mainstream’, ‘oppose immigration’, ‘get rid of Muslims’, ‘champion France’ and so on.
Participantheh 🙂 zerosum, she won’t give up until on her deathbed…
ParticipantOn, Article 5 won’t save Ukraine if it joins NATO
Article was very welcome, I was going to try and publicise Art. 5., which btw (I just checked again) appears immediately, in full, in first place, on a Google search.
It is very clear, nothing binding, ‘obligatory’, etc. about it, it is in effect ‘a memorandum of understanding’ for ‘mutual’ assistance, which can be requested, but only given IF… the giver decides to do so…
The MSM and the war crazies misrepresent it entirely, but Zelensky, I am sure, knows the score on this, he is smart, greedy, loving the white powder, but not that dull, he is playing the game too.
quote from article. According to Reiter and Greenhill, NATO members “have only formally invoked Article 5 once” in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, helping Washington patrol its skies from mid-October 2001 to mid-May 2002.
Yes, afaik. It was understood by all those with some intel (info about what happened) or intelligence (capable of judging what caused the towers to crash down) that the USA was not *attacked* and did not need to be *defended.* However it was deemed expedient, and cheap, to Rah! Rah! on the US side after the‘horrific’ attack.
Including Putin btw. Ex.:
U.S.-Russian relations offer one bright counter to this otherwise gloomier international picture. Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first foreign leaders to speak directly to President Bush. In that phone call, he expressed his condolences to the president and the American people and his unequivocal support for whatever reactions the American president might decide to take.
from an article by Michael McFaul (2001)
ParticipantYes apnaz, the original British colonialist project was taken over or adopted by the US, a sort of melding together on that. Plus the cancelling of Jeremy Corbyn, who was (is?) maybe close to something one might? call a ‘decent’ politician within the Brit sphere. Note that all this besides devotion to Zion is driving out figures / ‘leaders’ / ‘parties’ who in one way or another favor the ‘poor’ (working class, etc.) Starmer is a third-wayer (see Blair and Clinton) with a vengeance, and that is being very moderate in my description.
ParticipantOn Sunak accuses Farage of Appeasing Putin.
What Farage said was quite mild, sorta ‘both sides are at fault but poking the bear ain’t a good idea..’ (paraphrase..)
No main pol. party / well known figure within the institutions in GB supports Palestine. All are pro-Isr. / outright Zionists / or meekly say they are for a cease-fire (easy…)
Because Isr. is a long standing Brit. Colonialist Project.
Therefore it is natural that scission(s) from the supposed ‘right’ or ‘challengers’ etc. focusses on Ukraine. So, expect divisions on this topic to grow.
The contrast with France is interesting. All the ‘new’ parties / coalitions / etc. formed after Macron’s dissolution of Parliament are pro-UKR and go from pledging ‘unconditional support’ implying even boots on the ground ‘officially’ (as Macron seemed ready to do..) to stating ‘UKR must defend itself etc.’
Scissions concern Gaza. The Rassemblement National is outright Zionist, Marine le Pen has stated that explicitly, using the word ‘Zionist.’ The xenophobic aspects of their program are either ‘general’ (e.g. expelling illegals, changing the ‘acquiring F nationality’ laws) or pointed against Muslims / Arabs (those words aren’t used, one has to read between the lines.)
The only ‘main’ pol to support Gaza is Mélenchon (party, La France Insoumise), he springs from a ‘left’ anti-colonialist, anti-apartheid past. Le Pen has called his party the **Islamo-fascist block.** So expect more rumble around this topic.
The new ‘left’ coalition includes both Mélenchon and R. Glucksmann, Jewish and (imho) a USA stooge, so it will hold only to after the elections.
Imho this ‘democratic liberal’ order in the W whatever one wants to call it is coming to an end.
Ex. in GB Starmer will be the new PM, and then what? Nothing new, nothing different. If Marine le Pen would ever become Pres. of France (it won’t happen because she doesn’t wish it, amongst other reasons), her policies, as now stated, would be very similar to those of Mitterand (Socialist.)All these ppl are sleazy pols playing games for their own coffers, prestige (see Cameron!, for ex.) and yet – ppl still go to vote… I’m sure the Brits top players are selling services that claim they are the best at propaganda, nudging, models that predict the future, media manipulation, etc. and they can prove! they are tops! and thus can charge a lot…
wiki on Glucksmann, some info
ParticipantDescription: “A mockery of the American-British alliance with Israel and their involvement and failure in the Yemeni seas.”
As it is all about ‘Jews’ for now here, this no way – pol correct vid, 3.15. Music-sing,. Eng. subs, seems to fit. Title, SHIP SHIP.
ParticipantTo add to my above post, Sunak and Macron checking out is related to the Isr. débacle. (To UKR as well, and the danger of WW III.)