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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2021 #88277

    To clarify: I believe that the “treasure trove” known as WiliLeaks has the power to destroy the narrative across ALL fronts should their data be released. TPTB are in fear of that option being unleashed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2021 #88276

    RE: Keeping Assange alive vs. killing him. There is another factor – was there not some kind of “protection plan” built by his organization, in which massive document releases would occur (across multiple fronts) should he be killed? Since this release of material has the potential to bring it ALL down, “the manipulation of the “informed” subcategory of the rubes” is their only “play” for now.

    : “7. Question: Does my yesterday, (the past), only exist in my imagination?”

    YES, yesterday does exist in your MIND as MEMORY, a unique and personal recording, ready for playback upon recall. And that’s the “problem/opportunity” with the PAST – the recall = reliving factor. In my view, IMAGINATION belongs to the FUTURE. Your yesterday can be brought forward when you let the dreaming/musing/contemplating/imagining begin. Living in the PAST or FUTURE is the ultimate trap.

    Living/being/doing/LOVING in the PRESENT is the Way forward. PEACE is the PRESENT. Perhaps oxy and upstate can find a HOME there?

    LOVE to ALL.Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2021 #87550

    RE: Kunstler piece: am appreciating his pointing at root causes without going Red/Blue, D/R, or L/R on us. He is so much more powerful when the focus is on the impacts/results first. We all know that this is not the “work” of one party and or individual, so how can we stay firmly in the accountability/RESPONSIBILITY track without blaming?

    It doesn’t take a way-back-machine to add 9/11, Iraq War, 2008 Financial crisis to the lineup below. We are rotten to the core until we wake up and start to do something about it.

    “The insult to the nation of all the epic dishonesty is too grave, even potentially fatal — since it has enabled a depraved skein of additional seditious activities afterward, including the 2020 election subterfuge, the lawlessness of BLM and Antifa, the psychotic race-and-gender “Woke” mind-fuckery infecting the US military, the ongoing invasion across the US-Mexican border, all the coercion around Covid-19, especially “mandated” shots of a dangerous so-called “vaccine,” and the destruction of small business from sea to shining sea. All of that has left the American public demoralized and economically savaged, and with the country’s standing in the world dangerously reduced.”

    Day – great lineup today. Charles (CHS) has been on a roll this last week! “Here is America in a nutshell: we no longer solve problems, we manipulate the narrative and then declare the problem has been solved.” Hey Mr. Kunstler – everything on your laundry list above has one thing in common, a steady application of manipulation – of the narrative. Once we all see it and agree the next question is : who is behind this?

    Now I Am Scared – when John Day says: “It looks like something is feeding more susceptible people to the virus, so it can keep spreading, at a time when we should be reaching natural herd immunity. The actual number of infections is about 6 times the number of confirmed cases. ” I do not doubt you Brother.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87312

    Adding value. A completely disregarded and invisible idea/concept in today’s world. I am musing just how/when/where/why the implementation of VALUE – which permeates my life – came from. Am always looking to bring my best self to whatever it is; why not?

    Charles Hugh Smith has a new post up. I admire his ability to get to the Heart of the “matter”; There is no better (simple/practical/direct) explanation for why we will be served the upcoming banquet of consequences.

    “By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse.”

    Friday already? LOVE and GRATITUDE to Ilargi. Om Shanti.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2021 #87152

    @Dr D: “Shouldn’t be that much longer.” Promise?

    Anyhoo, I think the groundswell is just getting started. The mask-free stadium of 40,000 people yelling “F Joe Biden” is monumental (a monument of our own making). Enjoyed it immensely. I predict more episodes in the coming weeks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2021 #87147

    @John Day: thanks for linking to that great Charles Hugh Smith piece: The Banality of (Financial) Evil. Here’s the new CHS post today: The U.S. Economy In a Nutshell: When Critical Parts Are On “Indefinite Back Order,” the Machine Grinds to a Halt .

    From the post: “The Federal Reserve can print trillions of dollars and the federal government can borrow and blow trillions of dollars, but neither can print or borrow supply chains, scarce skills, institutional depth or competence.”

    So true. Is the ECONOMY taking center stage again?

    From the excellent “Unintended Consequences” piece by Tom Luongo:

    “So, the WEF is now accelerating its scorched earth strategy. It’s clearly using what leverage it has in U.S. institutions to expend the last of the U.S.’s political capital with diplomatic and geopolitical ‘gaffes’ that even an amateur wouldn’t make. When you see government policy an order of magnitude more incompetent than can be explained by internal squabbling and petty corruption, you are dealing with something willful.

    …The Russians may be leading the way, if the polls are correct. Reject empire and ‘greatness,’ they are telling us. Our leadership is trying to shame us over Afghanistan. Don’t let them. Be contrite but internalize the lesson of humility and get back to work rebuilding what’s been lost. Opportunities for new systems abound.”

    Opportunities for new systems on a local level abound! Take the Permaculture Principle #4. Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback: The feedback can be found in my garage and closets. Understanding/owning my own consumption/saving habits is vitally important to improving and or creating change. For example, by analyzing and reevaluating the purpose/reason for holding on to so many “things”, I can let go of the excess. This includes reducing, reusing, recycling and regulating my abundance. It starts with me, in my own home first – by “Internalizing the lesson of humility” and getting back to work repairing/reviewing what’s been lost, forgotten and or misunderstood. Do I really need 3 mountain bicycles? First up – top to bottom, let go of the excess now.

    in reply to: Pandemic Brooding #87077

    Heyyyy – anybody wanna commit to live on the Permaculture Principles model? There’s a place for ALL.

    Note there are two support visuals above, they deserve close examination.

    One maps the Permaculture Principles which are the center/core/Heart: Permaculture Ethics of: 1) Care of Earth 2) Care of People and 3) Fair Share + the 12 Permaculture Design Principles.

    The other visual is the Permaculture Flower. It builds on the Principles + provides tangible, actionable solutions – a ROADMAP for engagement in creating a sustainable culture.

    I can see how this could be a model for moving through the present and emerging challenges ahead. Your thoughts?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 13 2021 #87074

    @V.Arnold: “I’m not advocating we all shut up; what I’m advocating is to act!”

    Do read the Pandemic Brooding article by David Holmgren. Check out the The Permaculture Flower diagram + notes – which provide a great ROADMAP for taking meaningful action. By investing ourselves (Hearts) in any of the areas identified there, we will make something “flower”. Every small step is valuable, and even more so if done mindfully and with great LOVE.

    May beautiful FLOWERS find you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 13 2021 #87057

    @boilingfrog and oxy: I am on board with you!

    Every small step is valuable, and even more so if done mindfully and with great LOVE.

    Hang on V. Arnold!

    Worth repeating:

    “Simply carrying on with one’s life rather than ‘lighting one’s hair on fire” (as my mother used to say) is, in fact, doing something. And maybe that small act can be as powerful, in quantity, as carrying a sign. Small, conscious acts, everyday. Quietly planting seeds, facts, in those you come in contact with each day. It’s a small “strike” (to use Denninger’s plea), each day, every day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2021 #87004

    @oxy and Bill 7: made time to read the David Holmgren piece based on your recommendations. It’s BRILLIANT! Really value the Permaculture overlay and parallels; the Permaculture Flower shows a Way ahead.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2021 #86983

    @Clueless Honky: your spreadsheet and blog post both came through. The analysis and summary of what’s up in England over TIME – with emphasis on recent weeks – says it all. Looks like this is exactly where we (USA) are – and where the rest of us will be finding ourselves . Appreciate you sharing.

    Visiting Honky’s blog made me ponder:

    By having a simple blog as an anchor point, you capture and organize your thoughts in writing (+ provide support links, graphs, and pics). This allows you to make your entire case in a format that is accessible and easy to visit/revisit on your readers own TIME. Perhaps this would be a beneficial “supplement” for Polder Dweller, zerosum and others who are trying to take their message out into their circle of friends/family/contacts. Note: You would not have to open it up for comments and or have a comment section. You don’t have to create something that is complicated or difficult to manage – keep it as a PERSONAL DIARY, where you record your most significant revelations, understanding and interpretations. Direct your friends/family and contacts to your site by invitation.

    Still between many fires. The ones up close are being managed. My partners Covid fire is still “simmering” as this event revealed “conditions” previously unmanifested. His lifetime (44 years) of smoking weed + career in water treatment took a toll on the lungs/lung capacity. Under everyday circumstances this was not a big deal; with Covid it created complications that are NOT easily managed. So thankful that I purchased large quantities of IVM from India months ago – it was the tool that changed everything. Oh and the OxyMeter!!! A must have device as it will tell you when Phase 2 impacts have arrived. As for the other fires and all the smoke we are starting to see some progress. Imagine a fire that burns a million acres (its hard to do); the Dixie Fire has been burning since July 31. At my backdoor is the Monument Fire at 200,000 acres, started by lightening on July 31; the weather has co-operated and the fire managers and fighters are making progress. Yea.

    Good reading + good art over the past week. It is very difficult to paint fabrics/cloth/garments. The blue-greens are WINNING. LOVE to all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2021 #86599

    @Dr D: you are occupying an interesting space these days….more please.

    “You know, it wasn’t Robin who made the Hooded Man. No one picks that life on purpose. It’s the OTHER side that leaves them no choice. They create nothing but their own demise and just can’t help themselves. Because they are #AntiLogos, #AntiLife. The only life can be had by stopping them.”

    They create/contribute nothing because they believe they are the creators/source of everything – and we should be eternally grateful. They are #AntiLogos, #AntiLife, #AntiLOVE. Their demise comes when WE choose life – to live TOGETHER on OUR terms.

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86545

    John Day: WRONG AGAIN….YES on IVM dosage @ 0.2mg/kg and on 0.4mg/kg. I should not be commenting until I get some sleep.

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86543

    John Day: YES on IVM dosage @ 0.2mg/kg per pound of body weight and on 0.4mg/kg per pound of body weight. Thank you for correcting me. Those are the numbers I used.

    in reply to: Debt debt Rattle September 7 2021 #86537

    I am not advocating for Jim Quinn or his POV with the link above. He provides additional perspective and framing for pondering.

    in reply to: Debt debt Rattle September 7 2021 #86536

    Looks like a new crop of recap/review/overview articles/posts are arriving.

    Here is Jim Quinn’s take:

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86517

    To clarify when Marks symptoms got worse: upped the IVM to 4mg/kg = 28mg TAKEN DAILY. Important detail to follow.

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86512


    “What crazy times we live in – the main way to get good information on how to stay healthy in covid times is to consult someone who is not paid to give it. ”

    May I add this to the end? …consult someone who is not paid to give it and hear from someone who has lived it.

    Which brings me to a key point – the TAE forum is a place to find both.

    in reply to: OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin to Zinc #86510

    Thank you John Day. The details matter! And the support strategies utilizing vitamins, zinc and other items are incredibly important. May I add bone broth and essential oil distillation (Thieves Oil) to the OTC discussion?

    On the IVM dosing, my recent Covid experiences may offer insight. When I knew “something” had hit me I waited a day to see what would develop. On the second day it was obvious, so I started on IVM 12mg (my weight is 127 lbs) using an early protocol. – and continued with IVM 2 more days and again on day 7. I got immediate relief of some symptoms. Within a week it was mostly resolved. Covid has two phases as you remind us, and my guess is that mine did not progress to phase 2?

    My boyfriend on the other hand did not fare well. About 5 days after my onset, his symptoms were beyond obvious and I started him on the IVM using an early protocol @ 2mg/kg = 15mg, days 1,2,3 and 7. Not much improvement a week in and some things actually got worse, fast! Phase 2 had kicked in? In a panic (yes, was scared) dug deeper and accessed the FLCCC I-MASK document – immediately upped the IVM to 4mg/kg = 28mg. After 5 day/nights of multiple drenching night sweats, 102 degree night fevers and 100 degree day fevers, oximeter readings as low as 84 (nearly lost my mind over that one), shallow fast breathing – it finally peaked. The level of personal management to keep him going was intense – every few hours all night long cool compresses, please drink this water, aspirin, dry bedding, witch hazel rubs, oil diffused air, begging you to drink this water, and more. am thankful to have been available to offer what was needed.

    NOTE: the oximeter is something everyone should have – get yours now and play with it to determine your baseline numbers. That way should you encounter Covid phase 2, you will know what is an alarming change!

    In retrospect, I should have started my sweetHeart on the Post Covid Exposure Prevention the minute MY infection was evident: 4mg/kg day 1 and same dose 48 hours later.

    Second thing is that the protocol has EVOLVED. The higher dosages are essential from first signs that something is up. The higher dosages I mention here are not anything close to some the numbers being tossed out to discredit IVM.

    As for the IVM, I am still taking 12mg every 3rd day while caring for Mark (with his active infection). Will go to once a week once he is clear. The IVM has had an interesting impact on me – it feels like a complete and total “clearing out” has happened. Maybe clearing residual virus and fungal issues stuck hiding deep inside?

    I am not the only one who has something to say about this: the Kunstler comment from the other day stood out: “As it happens, I take the veterinary-grade Ivermectin myself as a prophylactic, because that’s all you can get easily around here. I haven’t felt better in years. Perhaps I had pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis). ”

    The TAE community gave me the information, insight, and inspiration to implement and succeed in this attack against Covid. I am grateful.

    LOVE to all.

    in reply to: Five Alarm Fire #86216

    @ Mr House – thank you for sharing. 10 days feels like forever as you would know.

    Today’s Rattle is very empowering for those of us going our own Way.

    in reply to: Five Alarm Fire #86185

    PLEASE understand and include the risk factors – that the process of self-treating, avoiding the hospital at all costs may present. Not everyone responds in the same way and along the same timeline to treatment.

    My partner came down with Covid a week after me. He was reluctant to act, waiting for more “evidence”. By the time he started Ivm (and the other items in the protocol) it was already underway. The battle has been harsh, not at all like mine. 10 days in and still fighting daily fever (up to 102 degrees). We are upping the Ivm dose (nothing like the numbers seen in the article Ivm safety profile!) and restarting the cycle. His attitude is positive, he has confidence in his choice. As the caregiver, this one is heavy.

    Be sure your plans are realistic and that in sync with one another.

    in reply to: Five Alarm Fire #86182

    The beautiful Paul Klee Sicilian Landscape “quilt” is a metaphor for the current patchwork of information (science and thoughtful commentary) revealed throughout our 20 months together on TAE in “Virustime”. I am truly grateful for the insight gathered here which has enable me to construct a garment of my own making, something I can wrap myself in, providing protection in the real world where I ultimately uncover, experience, and translate the impacts for myself.

    The mind-blowing connection Ilargi highlighted above is another patch in the quilt….”These spike proteins bind to cells called pericytes, says the research, “which triggers a cascade of changes which disrupt normal cell function, and lead to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation.” “Even when the protein was no-longer attached to the virus.” There is a big health/wellness/aging story here where cellular energy is the key – and is described in the The Root Cause Protocol where copper and iron (rusting/inflamation) play a role. It will be good to get more science along these lines.

    Today’s Rattle included the Wentworth Report and summary which presents the “complete case”. All of this propels me to clarify a few things after coming off my own Covid journey where I successfully used Ivm (early on) as the primary tool: 1) PROTECT, do hesitate to begin using Ivm NOW – as a protective. My resistance to doing this was an incorrect mental “idea” about saving the best tool for when I really needed it. I also think I hid the thought from myself – that getting Covid and having natural immunity was a positive – and I wanted to go there. 2) PREPARE, act fast, upon first signs that something is “not right”. This is ESSENTIAL. 3) PREVENT, I will continue to use Ivm (perhaps weekly or monthly) until this wave dies down, the season changes, or when the next wave hits.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2021 #85759

    @V. Arnold: such kind, thoughtful, and true words for John Day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2021 #85758

    @VietnamVet: am with you.

    “Western governments have ceased to function” – YES.

    “The utter incompetence isn’t a conspiracy of the best and brightest” – YES, agree completely.

    “It is dumb and dumbest getting paid not to see the truth” – not exactly, they are being paid to BELIEVE, to agree. That’s how they retain their importance and value. It’s a small price to pay for admission to the insiders club. I believe Charles Hugh Smith refers to it as a self-reinforcing feedback loop (which will eventually implode/collapse into itself).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2021 #85738

    Well written piece over at ClubOrlov. This kind of clarity is a penetrating force. notice how it invites and enables objective analysis? Perhaps more folks can wake up to the idea that lies are the root cause of all the failure and those generating the lies are the real enemy. Try applying the failure test to any of your “favorite causes” – Covid, Afghanistan, NineEleven, the Economy, the Weather, fire management – you will end up with the same root cause. The question then becomes, how to respond?

    The Afghanistan Rout and American Glasnost’

    “I believe that the extreme and apparent incompetence of the Americans in Afghanistan is the result of the corrosive effect of lies. A foundation of lies is inevitably a shaky one and can only be kept from crumbling under carefully controlled circumstances.”

    “Poor old Joe Biden…laboring under the crushing load of these lies, can do no better than assume the fetal position right in the middle of a press conference. Can you imagine what Bedlam would break out if he were to suddenly stop lying?” “Sooner or later the truth will spill over this giant dam brimming with lies. The ensuing flood is sure to sweep away everything in its path.”

    Do you not feel more grounded and centered after reading and contemplating this piece? Cause and effect. You can control how you respond….do what you can. Grateful for this site and all who contribute.

    Day 14 of my Covid experience. The extreme impacts are behind me. Fever, nausea, headaches, runny nose/stuffy nose, zombie state of being + beyond tired, and weight loss have mostly ended. At full lung capacity with no cough (please send your leftover clean air/still between many fires). Will coffee and beer ever taste good again? So strange to have been in a place of zero energy/motivation, something very new for me.

    in reply to: The Covid Coyote Conspiracy Theory #85005

    Connected by Om

    Holding it Together
    Thoughts and words become deeds
    The One endless string of sound
    Chanted in Circles
    There are 108 beads on a mala so you will find your Way Home.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84702

    The “Ides of August” piece is beautifully written. It reveals what we are coming to understand across every front – that failure is immanent everywhere. The disconnect between the ones “calling the shots” and everyone else is so extreme. The result of their inability/failure to listen, to ask, to understand – provides the ultimate insulation from the truth. No efforts “on the ground” can ever get through to them. Their system is built to disregard and disrespect what they do not want to know.

    Real people, who who work in the real world with great care and LOVE KNOW better.

    “I and too many other people to count spent years of our lives trying to convince U.S. decision-makers that Afghans could not be expected to take risks on behalf of a government that was as hostile to their interests as the Taliban were. Note: it took me a while, and plenty of my own mistakes, to come to that realization. But I did.

    For two decades, American leadership on the ground and in Washington proved unable to take in this simple message. I finally stopped trying to get it across when, in 2011, an inter-agency process reached the decision that the U.S. would not address corruption in Afghanistan.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84695

    @ John Day:

    Lovin’ it , while I can.
    Awaiting further marching-orders, God!

    You are an inspiration! YOU are a man of integrity. Thank you for showing us the Way forward.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84597

    Side note: On the Thursday, 4 days before “it” hit me, I was out at the Trinity County Fair/Fairgrounds all day and evening – running the annual logging show. All though I was outdoors, there were at least 80 contestants (mostly guys under 30), piles of kids, all kinds of people all around me. Not a mask on a single soul. One thing I did observe was how many had runny noses because I heard folks sniffing/snarfing. My guess is that this was a mostly unvaxed crowd, just like me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84592

    Between 7 fires…and ready to break.

    Hazardous air quality for three weeks on end has driven most of us crazy. Monday night was the crescendo as skies were so black and putrid red/orange at 2 PM, headlights came on and it was impossible to see 40 feet ahead and or be outside. Many left Tuesday when Weaverville got the “prepare to evacuate” notice. The winds shifted on Wednesday and things are holding for the moment. Managing the fires is a painful process but with extreme conditions and limited resources that is the only choice. That means you have to LET IT BURN until it gets to where you are waiting, and are set up to defend it. It’s an ugly job and I am grateful to the firefighters from around the State/Western states who are here.

    It is this slow form of dying that I have been “practicing” for months without end. The May/June heat dome and numerous 100 degree days really got things rolling. Living in it/living with it – is like being in a LIVING MEDITATION. No need to sit on a cushion for this! One can practice BEing positive and Peaceful in the Present by being present. It is a battle.

    In the middle of this, I came down with what I believe is COVID. At first I thought I was reacting to the smoke because I was out in it with no mask over several days. On Sunday morning upon rising I felt like I had hit a brick wall. Temperature 102, nose running, dizzy, nauseous, diarrhea, zero energy, massive headache, sore throat, chest tension at breastbone. I could barely move. I went to bed. By Tuesday AM I “knew” intuitively it was more than smoke so I started IVM @ 2mg level. Followed up with the second dose @ 4mg level on Wednesday AM. Was also using nano-silver spray in throat, eyes, mouth + vitamins, zinc, aspirin, etc. Am so much better today. Will do my third dose here shortly – with one set aside for day seven.

    Am grateful for the protocol and the support received here – thankfully I had an OPTION.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 15 2021 #83992

    WE have your HEART and your back.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 15 2021 #83991

    Standing with YOU John Day. Your spiritual mandate is focused and clear. Your integrity and LOVE will keep you on point. WE have your HEART.

    @upstateNY: everything Buffalo Springfield will empower and uplift. Their “sound” moves me. LOVE One Another, sister!

    Now surrounded by 4 fires. Air quality HAZARDOUS going on two ++ weeks; can’t see the trees at my property lines. Wishing it was fog and not smoke! Monument Fire about 7 miles out. Lots of complex, mountainous terrain in between. Since 89% of Trinity County is USFS managed lands, we are at the mercy of the “managers” who lack resources. Did another 3 hours fire remediation this afternoon, high 90’s. Trying to get every last bit of fuel out from under the remaining trees; loading up the truck and taking it to the brush section of the dump. Feeling like I am in a never-ending climate-hell bubble. Notice how I am not sdharing any stories about trees falling over or fawns disappearing.

    : am feeling your JOY in everyday life. Guess we could all use a “clearing” once in awhile. Happy for you and the family. Am joining you in SPIRIT for those blueberry pancakes, butter and syrup please.

    LOVE to All.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 11 2021 #83327

    @Kids: your insightful connection between the Gold Standard and the environment got me thinking about the destruction of health. How does America’s BMI (body mass index) relate to the timeline?

    One more thought: how does current BMI by State overlay with with the current Delta (assuming that’s the one) surge?

    VVets post last night about a national public health campaign involving diet, sleep, etc. – is right on. However we all know that will never happen, as it would get folks to ask WHY did we didn’t try preventative, pro-active treatment options in the first place. THEY can’t let that happen.

    @oxy – at least 20+ years ago, I returned home (Ohio/Indiana) during late August months – also known as sweet corn season. Traveling through familiar countryside I noticed something strange with the corn fields…could not quite put my finger on it. They just didn’t look or “feel” quite right to me. I would have described the corn as being fierce, more compact, with sharp angled pointy shoots. I had no understanding of GM at that point but did notice the signs posted along the fields/roads with references to type/lineage. So do tell about the side-by-side experiment.

    Now between 3 fires…….LOVE to All.

    in reply to: Between Two Fires #83033

    @ Dr. D: “Evia were made to buy a ferry tickets”

    Thank you for the big picture view. A well-reasoned “reality check” REMINDER is always welcome. I forget how the financialization of everything everywhere – is everywhere. Always degrading, limiting human “capital” from full human expression.

    in reply to: Between Two Fires #82941

    Between Two Fires captures the moment perfectly.

    RE: “evacuees from the island of Evia apparently were made to buy a ferry ticket as their homes were burning down.” It’s not just the Gov. – really a sad day when the employees/the ferry operator on the ground – are unable to respond with compassion and concern by providing a free fare. Human kindness MIA.

    It’s worse than we thought…our brothers and sisters have lost their minds and their HEARTS.

    “You can’t make it up. A good time to count one’s blessings.” – agree with All my HEART.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2021 #82918

    “News of the extreme heat engulfing Greece had spread beyond its borders all week, packaged in increasingly desperate language. Temperatures were breaking records few had ever imagined…By Wednesday, we were hearing that entire tracts of suburban forest on the Greek capital’s northern fringes had gone up in flames. Infernos seemingly redolent of Dante’s hell had incinerated everything in their path…”

    This is what I have been lamenting (and posting) over in recent months. Feeling untethered and asking the larger questions of life here in Northern CA – and beyond. Watching everything die under the relentless heat (months of high temperatures, weeks over 100 degrees). Knowing that we would be so venerable once official fire season arrived. A mild winter (no snow pack), no spring (no rain) and then summer with a vengeance. My daily walks are impossible now as the smoke is so thick you can barely see beyond 1/8 mile, a gentle ash falls, headlights flick on upon starting the car – it’s dark and eerie.

    The Monument fire is 13 miles away (as the crow flies), still lots of forested, mountainous terrain between us, perhaps a week before it arrives and the potential announcement of evacuations.

    Grateful that our small town has become a fire camp for the firefighters who are arriving from all over the state. Yesterday I saw engines from Burbank, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. The one grocery store in town was packed with young men stocking up; “thank you for being here” with a smile and a wave was my greeting. All the while feeling humbled and fighting back tears in recognition that others would come here to help. Unlike Greece, we have resources but they are limited. Many firefighters, water tankers, and supplies are deployed on the older, larger fires over in the Sierras. Trinity County is over 80% USFS managed land, so the Forest Service takes a lead in strategy, “managing” the fire is their aim. We also have an ass-kicking, fire fighting force like no other – CAL FIRE who is also on the job here. Reports from the professionals on the fire lines is that they have never seen fires behave quite like this….Despite these awesome protections, Mother Nature will be herself and in the end there may be no defense against this fire.

    Staying positive, I do what I can. Small things matter. Am providing fresh, clean watering stations and food for the various critters who wander through. Saw the twin fawns yesterday, they made me happy. The art gallery (where I work) went ahead with the Art Walk event last night. Almost no one showed up (ha). About a dozen folks came through the gallery and were delighted with the new exhibit – Works on Canvas, Paper and Boards. Members turned in good pieces for this show and it was fun to curate/hang. We had several great CA wines and hors d’oeuvres to share (finished the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc myself!). The Trinity County Fair is this week. Will be running the Logging Show, judging the beer and wine entries, and facilitating the talent show. Looking forward to my annual dose of funnel cake whipped cream and berries)!

    Just heard that Junction City (the very small town on the other side of the mountain pass to the west) has moved from prepare to evacuate to evacuate. They are being very cautious and that’s a good thing. My go bags are being packed – Clover (dog), Violet (cat) and I will head out if it comes this way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2021 #82793


    Curious….how is it that those Dylan/Cash LOVE letters found their Way into today’s lineup? Have you been saving them over the years or did they just pop into the moment?

    In appreciation for you sharing them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 7 2021 #82785

    Beautiful LOVE letters from Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash.

    I remember the days when a song would be “played all summer” – and you would have a real experience of it. You weren’t completely alone with your thoughts/feelings, as we were all plugged into the same “outlets” hearing the same things TOGETHER. I honestly believe that it brought us together in the most significant Ways.\

    Get Together
    by the Youngbloods

    Love is but a song we sing
    Fear’s the way we die
    You can make the mountains ring
    Or make the angels cry
    Though the bird is on the wing
    And you may not know why
    Come on, people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another right now….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82680

    In response to recent posts recommending/contemplating the impact of humor and or song during chaos and crisis. When was the last time we spontaneously sang together? What song would we sing?

    In response to the German officers singing Die Wacht am Rhein: “Play the Marseillaise! Play it!” The band members look down, then up toward Rick (played by Humphery Bogart), who nods to them. Having obtained Rick’s approval, the band then begins to play the Marseillaise, and one of the most electrifying scenes in Casablanca unfolds.

    Everything shifted in that moment (especially for the character Rick). Could song crystalize/clarify thoughts and feelings into a common stream or force of action?

    Could we do a Beatles song, maybe “Here Comes the Sun”? In the US – “America the Beautiful”? Am sure the “Flintstones Theme Song” on a bus with a bunch of crazies would be a game changer.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2021 #82668

    Clarity of intention and purpose will “shield us” in our quest to hold firm.

    The Goodwin video linked above is brilliant. She gives my thoughts, feelings, and actions/choices a solid GROUNDING. Thanks to Ilargi for posting it.

    NOW, with clarity and purpose – I can ask my vaccinated friends and family why they feel that they – and or my employer or Government – have the RIGHT to take away my RIGHT to decline medical treatment. Why the rush/full-court press/push to vaccinate ALL? Why is that effort not feeling inappropriate in some way to you?

    To ask them why their response to Covid is better than mine – which involves prevention: sleep, nutrition, supplementation (D/C/B/zinc/copper/magnesium/nano-silver), fit 132 lbs. @5’4”, and early treatment (Ivermectin, supply from Kachhela/India).

    To remind them that we are all not at EQUAL RISK. So why are you and others behaving like we are?

    It’s clear. I am clear. Clearly re-centered in my TRUTH.

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