Veracious Poet

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  • in reply to: Spartacus #88352
    Veracious Poet

    Dr. Day:

    The medical facts are all spot-on, and the presentation is so clear and original in some instances that I am convinced it is drawn from the mind of a person who has a complete internal working model of this, a working expert in the field. The citations support that premise.

    What is known and what is more speculative are clearly demarcated in scientific style.

    It also lines up so well with my own synthesis, including what I “know” and what I surmise, that I don’t think “Spartacus” and I would be able to find anything, about which to argue.

    It is indeed an incredibly well written description of the crisis facing humanity, no doubt a collective effort (We?), which includes the speculative thought provoking “tranhumanism” part, that I would have excluded for brevity if the authors intended to educate the ignorant into inclusive support.

    Denninger has declared the entire treatise as “tin” due to some of the extended musings, so there’s one potential semi-important ally that was lost due to not sticking to the clearly denoted medical threats & jumping into conspiracy theory language/posturing (eg New World Order).

    I found the righteous indignation & threats to stop the psyop ill-advised from a spiritual perspective, when what is important is to create an informative touchstone that the masses could digest & share…

    Although, not really surprised given the evocative Sparticus title/identity, from my experience it’ll take more than an emotionally charged novelty to motivate even a few of the “masses” to notice that the music is about to stop.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2021 #88326
    Veracious Poet

    Big photo psyop today with Resident Xiden:

    I wonder how big a percentage of the Sheeple believe that “important” people like Slow Joe are actually injected with one of the cyto-toxins?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2021 #88325
    Veracious Poet


    I think there’s still hope for us. I’m troubled by the use of natural immunity and religious/medical exemptions as the basis for legal fights against vaccine mandates. I understand it’s a platform for the argument, and the easiest one to fight for, but the legal fight should be based on constitutional rights.

    Well, this will probably once again fall upon deaf ears, but what the hell…

    The “constitutional rights” never existed. The US Constitution is a guideline of do’s & don’ts for Federal & State government, ie guidelines…

    When several states wouldn’t ratify the newly written Constitution, due to failure to include the newly acquired Natural Rights that the colonists had fought long & hard for, a Bill of Rights was added to ensure that government wouldn’t ignore the American experiment, which inevitably was the case.

    Since the entire effort (Constitution + Amendments) was made subservient to Emergency Powers (first seized by Lincoln & then permanently enshrined by FDR) “citizens rights” are honored, or not, by capricious .GOV officials…

    Of course for elected officials this was somewhat controlled (which is no longer the case with obvious election fraud), but totally out-of-control within the #DERP-STATE bureaucracy.

    Otherwise this thing drags on for months if not years as the courts keep tossing the hot potato onto the next level and the lawyers get richer and richer.

    All part of the plan, since lawyers are TPTB’s managerial class.

    in reply to: Spartacus #88238
    Veracious Poet


    Yes, I have a dog in this fight. I admit that I am dependent on a functional US federal government. The current one has failed. I need it to work again for the American people in order to survive for the next decade or so. Civilization needs government; bureaucrats, rules and taxes to control the water for agriculture. Without it, if any humans survive on earth, they will be in post-historical tribes fighting for left-over resources. I know of no alternative.

    The good news is that your American Empire Inc. is not going anywhere, hardly a U$ pleb would raise a finger to oppose it.

    The bad news is also that your American Empire Inc. is not going anywhere & now TPTB are getting ready to drop a LOT of “dead weight”…

    Too bad, so sad, you have chose poorly ~ Don’t feel guilty about it, so did 99% of your fellow “citizens”.

    What was once an experiment where the natural rights of ALL humans could have been sacred, the primacy therein protected by a Democratic Republic is dead & gone.

    We now have a corrupt empire run by psychopaths that could render the entire human race extinct at any moment…

    I hope you’re happy in your dependency, good luck making it another decade 😉

    P.S. I think you better check on your dog, I think the wolves may have eaten it…

    in reply to: Spartacus #88233
    Veracious Poet

    Instead, I am hopeful that a government of the people for the people, like the 1930’s New Deal, will be restored in the USA, and the wealthy criminals jailed.

    Once again, my words have fallen on deaf ears…

    Hey GI Joe, got a flash for you: Everything that’s happened, is happening & will happen in the USofA is direct result of the “1930’s New Deal”, including enabling all of the “wealthy criminals” to rape, pillage, plunder & murder their way into untold wealth, legally…

    FDR was a psyop for the bankers & military industrial complex.

    in reply to: Spartacus #88218
    Veracious Poet

    Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order.

    Perhaps TPTB may shall fall short of a “New World Order”, likely even, but We the Sheeple have already performed 1/2 the work & they’ve done a bang-up job finishing the implosion…

    We will make certain of that.

    Who is this “We” you speak of? In my 60+ years experience I’ve only encountered mercenaries, morons & a few ill-prepared martyrs.

    Long ago the United Sheeple of ‘Merka surrendered their Natural rights for a chicken-in-every-pot ~ Without FULL restoration of the Democractic Republic under Natural Law it is IMPOSSIBLE to right the USS Ship of Fools…

    COVID-19 = WWIII ~ The masses will NOT be rallied to meet the threat, the “citizenry” is too busy pleasuring their “inner child”, HELL 90% of the current generation wouldn’t make it two paragraphs into Spartacus’ treatise before they pick their “smart” phones back up.

    And this thread will become dead & gone when the next post is loaded to the site.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 25 2021 #88126
    Veracious Poet

    Regarding PSYOPS:

    Following the successful pysop of yellow journalism declaring that Spain attacked the USS Maine, (Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!) politiks & journalism were never the same…

    The robber barons became so emboldened by the gullible nature of the public that they unleashed the Creature from Jekyll Island (ie The Federal Reserve), which slowly but surely became the corrupting power that led to TPTB’s defacto capture of the U$ Government.

    The 2020 election psyops, the culmination of the coup against Trump, clearly shows that anything is possible with the serfs…

    Every announcement from the apparatchiks & quislings in .GOV are clearly lies, mixed with less & less truth, meant to support psyops both current & future.

    Just typing these words is depressing as hell, because it’s gotten so bad I fully expect the innocent to suffer under the imperial madness to an extant I do not want to fathom…

    My job now is to save, shelter & protect the least of these from poisonous hoards of evil.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 24 2021 #88067
    Veracious Poet


    However, Trump’s cult also tried claiming that the only reason the Democrats did so well in the 2018 elections because of all those illegal immigrants supposedly voting, and I found that about as believable as water running uphill.

    I’ve actually loathed the demoRAT/GOPher cabals more or less equally for most of my adult life ~ They’re both full of sociopaths that would torture their mother for a buck.

    But, in Klownifornia I know for a fact that illegals vote & that the CCP here have stolen elections for a long, LONG time.

    Hell, they busted a wanted armed, drug-dealing felon in LA that just happened to have THOUSANDS of blank mail-in-ballots, a couple of months ago ~ Most of the TJ Norte consumers/voters probably didn’t even give the story a moment of thought. They trust the CAL-CENTRAL-PARTY to have their backs…

    It’s actually harder to be an honest, moral, spiritual-based human than a pathologically deranged criminal in the golden shower state 😐

    I’m actually glad that Trump didn’t win 2020 now…although he’s a narcissitic arse, the DnC should be in charge when the country implodes. Hopefully a good man like Dr. Paul can reform the GOP into something more AMERICAN than the money for nothin’, chicks for free parasites running it now.

    Trump is done. I am grateful that the Donald saved us from HItlery (Can you imagine her running things from 2016 until now? :-o) & the U$ consumers aren’t ready for the advent of a new party, I think Rand Paul is our last, best hope…

    P.S. Our GP (my wife’s too) has never mentioned the vax to us, nor has asked if we were jabbed, even after I spoke with him about it today. He’s a doctor of osteopathic medicine, why we chose him from the usual AMA sales reps.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 24 2021 #88063
    Veracious Poet


    I spoke with my GP today, surprisingly he answered some questions I had about the vax…

    He said when the jab rolled out, he received 1-3 calls a day about patients’ reactions to the serum, anyone with serious issues were referred to Kaiser urgent care/emergency services to get help ~ He wasn’t allowed to connect the vax to symptoms, nor advise care, that was left up to the other doctors.

    He said that over the last couple of months the calls have trickled down to a couple a week, he couldn’t comment on whether the serum was safe, or not…

    He also said that thankfully Klownifornia isn’t experiencing out-of-control outbreaks like Mississippi or Florida, were all the ICU beds are full.

    I didn’t push him too hard, he’s actually a nice Doc, so take from this what you will…

    My brother’s co-worker that was intubated after getting the jab died, so add another to the hidden list(s).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2021 #87943
    Veracious Poet

    Michael Reid:

    There are still intelligent people many of which are captured by the narrative. I feel it is because they have lived an enjoyable life and trust the government to do what is best. Perhaps it is because their life experiences have not been broad enough to see the big picture and certainly many have been programmed by the media.

    Perhaps, but it is far less than in previous generations prior to WWII ~ All the sex, drugs & rock & roll has taken it’s toll, here’s today’s poster child EGO of Educated beyond their intellectual ability:

    A FDA official was caught on undercover video calling for forced COVID vaccinations, and a “Jewish Star” type registry for all unvaccinated Americans.

    Just one bit of anecdotal evidence from first-hand experience:

    In 1974 my mother, as per her usual practice, married a third & last time to a drug addled sociopath…

    This time it was to a man with a Phd in higher education administration from a renowned state University ~ His career up to that point had been the Principal of the largest high school in our midwest state, then as president of a community college.

    He also had a side “business” as a drug distributor to dealers in campuses across the region ~ When he tried to include me when I was 17 in his “business”, I left to the state, relocating to my grandparents in California permanently (who more or less were already my real parents), the thug life wasn’t for me…

    In 1978 he became mentally/emotionally unstable & was fired from the Community college due to his tyrannical behavior, becoming a full time mob supplied distributor.

    In the spring of 1980 he became too scary for my mother & sister, who called me to come back to deal with the “situation” ~ You see we couldn’t call law enforcement, because they were all his friends, he was even deputized by the county sheriff as a member of his “posse”…

    The day before I arrived he attacked my mother, sister & her boyfriend, who fled with his baby son, with the psycho giving chase shooting at them from his car until they were able to evade.

    When I arrived at my mother’s home (she owned it), he greeted me at the door armed to the teeth, but my intuition told me to humor him & when he relaxed I disarmed him. I then took his wallet, all of his keys & locked his firearms/weapons in the trunk of his car.

    Right about the time I was about to beat him within an inch of life, to determine where my family was, my mother called to let us know they were safe at a motel (neighbor alerted her)…

    Within a week he was out of our life & out-of-business (everyone cut him off), after which he became the president of a large community college district in another state. Five years later @ 45 his heart exploded in his sleep, no doubt due to the massive amounts of alcohol, pot, speed & cocaine he imbibed…

    A son from his previous marriage discovered a 1/4 pound of cocaine in his car + other drugs to numerous to mention ~ He did leave a large life insurance benefit for my mom & his son, the only silver lining in the story.

    That man should NEVER had achieved his doctorate & the number of young minds he infected is uncountable ~ Oh, I forgot to mention he was a HUGE demoRAT progressive maniac, with friends/family in government all the way to the District of Criminals. He was also on the board of regents for a state university.

    I could site thousands of examples from my following 35 years working around DoD/DoJ mercenaries & quislings, I am actually amazed that the United Sheeple of ‘Merka made it this far.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2021 #87814
    Veracious Poet

    If you watch the video V. Arnold is referencing that Germ posted yesterday, it is in fact many of the most intelligent, highly educated that fall under the spell of mass formation (aka hypnosis, mass psychosis).

    I’m sorry, but my experience is different…

    In my professional life I encountered 10s of thousands of the “intelligent, highly educated” & I’d estimate that since 1990 only 2 out of 10 had IQs higher than 100.

    My experience is that “most” were educated beyond their intellectual abilities as the curriculum was dumbed-down, all that was necessary was remembering & then parroting data during their “educations”, which required no critical thinking, many times PC thought was rewarded, with even failing students being passed to advance progressive agenda(s)…

    Of course, pushing student loans to anyone with a pulse is also part of the narrative, especially after O-blah-ma.

    I’ve also seen minority inner city residents with BAs that shouldn’t have received a high school diploma…

    America is now the land of diploma mills. Ribbons for everyone!

    And .GOV/.MIL bureaucracies are chock-full of these “special” people 😐

    Gone are the days when America produced geniuses like Kelly Johnson & crew that designed the SR71 with slide rules in 6 months, having to utilize low commercial grade titanium because it was the best they could acquire.

    Hell, when I was in K-12 we weren’t even allowed to use calcs for mathematics, for 20+ years children have PCs to do their thinking for them…

    All part of the plan?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2021 #87766
    Veracious Poet

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2021 #87663
    Veracious Poet

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2021 #87580
    Veracious Poet

    The Infinite’s children think they have free will to use as they see fit.

    This is a delusion, as there are only two choices:

    1> Serve in Heaven

    2> Reign in Hell

    Another way to look at the choice:

    A> “God” is everything.

    B> “God” is nothing.

    What was your choice?

    Heaven is just a new pair of glasses ~ Father Ed Dowling

    All blessings & good luck 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 18 2021 #87510
    Veracious Poet

    As they’ve pointed out – thanks to US, who keep allowing this s—t – there are no three branches of government, or four. The Legislative does not pass laws, it enforces them, like Nancy Pelosi. The House of the people does not pass budgets with the purse strings, they look for budgets from Presidents. Executive Presidents do not enforce laws, or at least not most of them, against most people. However, they do enact laws, merely by decree. The Judicial also creates laws, however they uncreate them again tomorrow, at will. Or both. Courts disagree with each other more or less nationwide. Should the President decree laws, the court then upholds the process, erasing the legislatures, or not, someday maybe 10 years from now when it gets to USSC, as they feel like.

    Oh also corporations are people and have rights, but people are NOT people and have rights, unless they’re NOT a citizen, in which case they have super-rights.

    The fourth branch, the Media: no comment necessary. They are not a branch of government, but a branch of corporate power, just like the federal government is. None of them are branches or expressions of the people, which can only happen with fierce and illegal monopoly, access, bailout, and violent repression at every level, especially speech and choice, directly via the guns of government, FBI, DoJ, CIA, IRS, and ultimately, US Army, and is expressly why those branches are generally illegal according to Federal Law register No. 1, as is having a standing army outside of declared war.

    And you’re going to fix all this? Really? Arrest somebody? Vote somebody in? Sure: if you vote in somebody to disband D.C. and let them collapse to a town of 6,000, in the ruins of the Potomac, like Rome did. Outside of them ceasing to exist, it’s not going to change.

    Everything you mentioned is legal under Emergency Powers, which could be rescinded overnight by one honest, truly AMERICAN POTUS ~ This is one of the reasons the #derpswamp freaked out on the populist uprising that put Trump in office, although neither was aware of their true power…

    Of course it would require nothing less than generational revolution + education regarding the original charter of the USofA, without a unified culture it is totally impossible.

    The TPTB have since WWII utterly destroyed any chances for a return to normalcy, creating in its wake generations of self-absorbed low IQ subhumans that hate AMERICA, & by extension themselves.

    There is presently nothing & no one threatening TPTBs’ ongoing rape, pillage, plunder & murder for profit enterprise(s), hell most go along willingly for crumbs from the masters’ tables…

    P.S. Ain’t afraid of nothing. What would I be afraid of? A virus that kills no one, and a vaccine that kills no one, with medical enforcement nobody’s following? I am pretty annoyed though.

    A vaccine that kills no one, do you really believe that?

    America Has Given Millions for ‘Research’ At Chinese Communist-Run Facilities Since COVID Outbreak.

    America Has Given Millions for ‘Research’ At Chinese Communist-Run Facilities Since COVID Outbreak.

    in reply to: I Am Afraid #87436
    Veracious Poet

    Fans of rapper Nicki Minaj protest against vaccine mandates outside the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

    in reply to: I Am Afraid #87431
    Veracious Poet

    Upon awakening, the first thing I thought/said was good morning to my Creator. I then asked where to go, what to say, what to do…

    As usual, this blessed me with a peaceful reset, after which I went about helping those in our home…my wife, mother & extended kitty family (+ two rescues).

    I realize that outside of our sanctuary humankind is under a state of siege, so I pray for strength to prepare for the eventuality when the mass psychosis may force it’s way into our lives ~ I am especially concerned about my furry family, their lives are difficult in the best of times due to the utter selfishness of human selfishness.

    Even though most of my family is jabbed with TPTB’s koolaid & I have accepted that their futures’ are compromised, at best.

    With that said, every so often the reality of Our predicament begins to disturb me, until I remember I’ve already done my part to prevent this eventuality, so I wash my hands of the #antispirit malady spreading its evil wings across the landscape ~ It is no longer my concern, the masses couldn’t fathom the gathering storm, never penetrating their self-centered trances for more than a minute, or two (I spoke with thousands about the People of the Lie)

    Even though EVERY human has innate knowledge of their God-given rights, less than probably 1% could muster a legal argument to defend them.

    Even US “citizens” who take this “right” for granted know not where it really came from, except as partially reflected in the Bill of Rights (which was added to the US Constitution in case future generations forgot)…

    Because of this, TPTB have almost absolute power under emergency powers, established & embedded from MAR 1933 forward, nothing short of a MAJORITY standing on LEGAL grounds, unwilling to back down, will stop them & their minions now.

    It’s a shame that We The Sheeple didn’t wake up sooner (in fact most are still asleep), the solution could have been easily corrected at the ballot box, but now it’s probably too late for any box.

    In case non-Americans think none of this matters to them, you should think again.

    Oh, if anyone is waiting for the military and/or police to save them, you’ll be waiting a LONG time…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 17 2021 #87360
    Veracious Poet

    ANECDOTAL ~ Entire entourage sick after North East England gig:

    We played a gig at a small bar last Sunday, went down great.

    Late afternoon Tuesday I started feeling a little “sniffly”. By yesterday afternoon I was feeling as if I had a cold. Mrs Ayns came in from work and was feeling the same. About 8’o’clock I was feeling a bit worse so took a Lem Sip. Around 9 I got a text from our bass player saying he was feeling quite ill and suspected coronavirus. Ten minutes later our other guitarist said the same. By this morning our singer and drummer both confirmed they are also feeling unwell. So that’s 7 from 7 (5 in the band and 2 wives) who went to the gig are all unwell. All have been double vaccinated. I’m actually feeling much better today, but so far the 2 that have been tested are positive for coronavirus and the other guitarist expects to be positive when he gets tested later today. Others have tested negative *so far*. So unless I start to feel worse I’m going to assume I’ve got it and self isolate for 10 days.

    Note: This is in the Pub, the only non-public forum on The Gear Page (I’m also a musician since I was 12), anyone can create a free account if they want to read the whole train wreck…

    Here’s a few of the Thank god you’re vaxxed, it probably saved you moronic comments:

    sorry to hear that. sadly i think everyone is going to get it at some point. at least if your vaxxed the chances of hospitalization are very slim.

    we just booked our first gigs back in nov. i’m excited but also nervous. i follow a lot of bands on fb and lots are having to cancel shows at this point.

    sorry to hear this! We have our first gig in 2 years scheduled for mid October. We’re all vaccinated but my 2 kids aren’t because they are too young. I worry about this. The venue is vaccine card or recentCovid negative test required which hopefully will help a lot. Did your venue have any requirements like this?

    By all accounts, the vaxxes work, as in the OP’s sitch, getting a little sick, but not being hospitalized. but there are still folks out there who can get very, very sick from something you bring home from the pub.

    Im sure youll be fine. Sounds like the vaccine did its job.

    Quite honestly I never spend time in the Pub, not my crowd, but it came up in the feed…

    I’m feeling more hopeless today than usual, the whole implosion of western “civilization” is making me a little nauseous.

    Be well…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87339
    Veracious Poet

    China is rolling out the ‘No Wimps” meme big time.

    While Nero fiddles, the CCP prepares for world domination…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87334
    Veracious Poet

    deflationista spewed:

    That is ultimately the goal of disinformation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87333
    Veracious Poet


    The program is called Growing Up Animal, which I highly recommend as a break from the daily barrage of insidious pablum propagated by TPTB & their quislings.

    I also recommend Highway To Heaven, for a window into a time before full blown mass psychosis corrupted western civilization…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87331
    Veracious Poet

    100s of millions have been “vaccinated”. If just 1 in 1000 (0.1%) become victims, that means 100s of 1000s. I think it will be close to, or more than, 1%, 10 times more. I’m so scared, I can’t find the words to write about this.

    Raul, thank you for all of your hard work keeping the community informed, with a central gathering place for thoughtful communication.

    THESE are the times that try our souls, mass delusion is never an easy thing to live through, for me what I fear is a 21st century version of the Salem witch trials, this time for the unvaccinated.

    It is time for all those who stand apart to seek the Immanent within, the Infinite spark of life ALL living things must have to exist…

    This morning I put on a program for my mother (who has been TV addicted for most of her life) called “Growing Up Wild” ~ I was awestruck, & sad, with the realization of all the innocent life on planet Earth, how just a few greedy bastards make life hard in the presence of abundance, how these sociopaths have no care for the rights inherently given to ALL of the Infinite’s children.

    I am no longer a young man, I wish I was for I was gifted greatly mentally/physically, whom has always stood up to toxic & crazy bullies, often times alone, but I was enough ~ I don’t know what happened (actually I do), but the males in recent generations are more impotent than the females from mine, they seem to be polluted with an over abundance of estrogen (soy boys?)…

    What also troubles me is the knowledge of how, I along with others, spent great amounts of time trying to alert the sheeple of the madness of the crowd, yet almost none were interested as they grazed upon pastures of ignorant bliss.

    I predict that most will never wake up from the trap laid by TPTB, in fact many will cross over into insanity, many will become dangerous quislings…

    I wish I could evacuate to a safe distance, but alas my wife & mother keep me anchored behind enemy lines, it is a hard thing to accept.

    All blessings to you Raul, & my TAE siblings, we must now prepare to enter into VERY dark times…


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2021 #87269
    Veracious Poet


    A 67 year old friend, who did not get jabbed, came down with The Delta last week, was hospitalized for 3 days & sent home today with O2. He’s pretty beaten up, but he’ll pull through. Hope he doesn’t get long CCP poisoning.

    Sister-in-law’s best friend’s father got virus loaded at church, brought it home to the misses & they both ended up in the hospital. He died 2 days after admission, wifey got sent home with O2 after 6 days. Both were Pfizer experimental genetic treatment volunteers. Ages 74 & 78…

    It’s apparent to me that Milley will be Slo Joe’s judas goat, will be given the option of falling on his sword (retirement) so he can go collect $$$ from the MIC and/or MSM.

    There is no Rule Of Law & treason is such an archaic concept for the child EGO that it’s probably insulting to their psychopath sensibilities – It’s all about the feelz

    RE: Oliver Stone

    I had drinks with him in one of my favorite Gotham watering holes after a local shoot (when I still was trying to drink away the nightmare) & my take was he’s just another rich arse that takes himself WAY too seriously.

    All these self-appointed fake experts called upon to quash reality, it’s getting nauseating, just like all those teleprompter regurgitators on the Animal Farm news networks preaching the hate everything/everyone gospel…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2021 #87238
    Veracious Poet


    Israel has massive up tick in ‘cases’ for two reasons
    Either the Spike Protein, which is toxic all by itself and it NOT ‘alive’, is poisoning people, mostly vaxxed
    ADE is actually kicking in.
    They are one of the most Cull-Shot-ed countries on earth.
    They are the canary in the mine.
    Poison Spike Proteins or ADE
    I don’t see another explanation.

    It would appear that the Palestinian vs. Israel war is about to turn…

    I wonder how that will play out, since the Israelis have F15s + nukes 😐

    Wanted to mention that it occured to me yesterday re: Protecting the vaccinated from the unvaccinated ~ Perhaps in the low IQ foggy mindset of the mass psychosis quislings the unvaxxed are responsible for the China virus variants?

    Of course it’s now more than apparent that DATA + The Science all but proves it’s the other way around?

    Or is it just another blatant ca$h grab by TPTB through their apparatchiks?

    Anyways, during times of advanced spiritual warfare, like the human race is currently suffering through, prayer & meditation are vital to remaining undisturbed, thus sane.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2021 #87192
    Veracious Poet


    I spoke to one of my brothers today, whom I hadn’t spoke with in a couple of months…

    He manages a franchise location of a large national pizza delivery chain in SoCal. He told me that he now believes, from first hand knowledge, that the vaccines were a mistake (He, along with his 3 girls got the clot shot, ignoring their crazy brother/uncles advise).

    Everyone at his store is vaccinated, and The Delta (his words) has been taking them down one-by-one.

    One 54 year old driver, with mild diabetes, had a heart attack about 10 days following the 2nd jab ~ He’s in a coma now, not expected to recover…

    Two 20-21 year old employees have been out sick for over a month, not sure if they’ll return ~ All of this in environment where they’re operating at best 1/2 staffed. They can’t find anyone interested in a job.

    Others have had The Delta as well, but recovered with difficulty. He says it’s probably only a matter of time for him, too.

    His ex-wife is suddenly having liver/kidney/digestive issues & was hospitalized for 3 days, weeks after the 2nd koolaid injection. No history of anything close to this issue…

    Moreover his landlord has been bedridden for 3 weeks with The Delta, but he’s a “anti-vax Trumper” (I reminded him that Prez Bigmouth authorized all of this vax madness).

    He also mentioned that everyone he is acquainted with (he speaks with a LOT of people on a daily/weekly basis) detest Guv’nor Newsroom +most were pro Larry Elder (everyone in my circle too) ~ I told him that the demoRAT machine is full of lying psychopaths ~ I doubt there’s been an honest Klownifornia election for over a decade.

    This is the same brother that 2+ years ago was fully self-obsessed, stream-of conscience gabbing non-stop about himself, his daughters & sports (not to me) ~ His demeanor today over the phone was serious, dark & introspective.

    He ended the call by saying he’d wish that he took me more serious over the years, especially back in SEPT 2005 when I advised him (+ everyone else) to sell his home & sink the equity into PMs and/or Treasuries until the market bottomed out.

    He asked me what I thought would be coming next…

    I told him that it’s very likely a LOT of people are going to become dead or disabled by next winter & to prepare for MAJOR supply chain disruptions. I could have said more, but I wanted to end on a less than catastrophic note.

    I also told him that I pray that I’m wrong…


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2021 #87169
    Veracious Poet

    Ha- many of US are “running out of patience” with the Regimes child like destruction antics- and at a certain point your self defense is legally, spiritually, morally and ethically both responsible and justified.
    It would be criminal and cowardly NOT to speak out before taking direct action.

    NYT – Joe Biden Says Age Is Just a Number


    P.S. TAE is lucky to have only one regular zombie poster. It is a true blessing to witness such an altruistic host + an informed, kind, helpful & logical community to share difficult info with during this dark time 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 14 2021 #87165
    Veracious Poet

    Anything that comes out of their mouths. Question for everyone: In your life i’m sure you’ve stopped interacting with people who always try to take advantage of you and lie. Why do you still trust the top 1% in this country and the lower 9% that serve them?

    I awoke to the absolute untrustworthy nature of TPTB and/or their quislings for 28+ years now (human evil) after which I became implanted deep behind enemy lines.

    I studied the sick & twisted daily during interactions in the empire’s palaces of worship & power, where their misdeeds poisoned the former democratic republic with vane sacrifices to their gods, the child EGO.

    I wept for death of the AMERICAN experiment until I became indifferent, knowing that the Sheeple had long ago chosen wolves to murder & replace the benevolent sheepdogs.

    I am 100% immune to the deluded statist rantings of Deflate-Terrorista & his ilk ~ In their self-centered trances they know not what they do.

    America Inc. is not the first Empire to produce utterly dis-eased progeny, who hated themselves & EVERYTHING else, for their consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

    If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen. ~ Samuel Adams

    in reply to: Pandemic Brooding #87087
    Veracious Poet

    I’m an engineer by training, who later started a legal newswire with a business partner, and my beautiful Ivy League educated wife.

    As such, I’m quite adapt at researching, compiling & absorbing gobs of info (photographic memory), but I find this philosophy exceeding voluminous & verbose, indeed totally unnecessary for the spiritually enlightened.

    That is the crux of all of humanities ills, the EGOcentric malaise that has a darkened the society of western civilization, abounding in the children of the Infinite wandering through life in self-centered trances…

    Futile mental exercises of rational solutions will always be futile, temporary, at best.

    My wife trusts me to be informed to best conduct important decisions concerning navigating the minefield of mass psychosis that we became aware of 25+ years ago…

    That said, I can only inform her of important macro trends, as she is unable to absorb the day-to-day research I consume, she is too high strung & emotional to bear it.

    Additionally, I have been trying to inform my fellow US citizens of a simple truth (from which all democratic/populist civilization sprung), that America was established under Natural LAW:

    The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions ~ Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience. ~ John Locke 1690

    WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    For those that aren’t aware, Emergency Powers have suspended Natural LAW, subverting EVERYTHING to TPTB…

    What is required is a New Age of Reason, nothing short of THAT will work ~ Moreover, without THAT ALL virtuous thought/philosophy is mute.

    America is VERY close to losing its founding legal system, our true natural born rights, unfortunately multi-generational delusion + #ANTISPIRIT insanity may have already accomplished just that.

    Keep it simple, everything you know, love & value is at stake 😉

    Oh, and…

    in reply to: The Narrative of Loss #87024
    Veracious Poet

    The Feds knew that islamic terrorists wanted to highjack commercial aircraft back to at least 1996, when that information came out from the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

    You know, the same trial transcripts that implicated the FBI into supplying the terrorists with bombs, where it was planned to knock WTC1 down & into WTC2, as part of some sort of botched “sting” operation…

    They also knew that the WTC was a prime target for the terrorist whack-a-doodles, among others…

    Talk about keystone kops, or was it something worse?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2021 #87009
    Veracious Poet

    Meanwhile, NL is going full fourth reich and introducing corona passes for cinemas, restaurants etc from 25 September. Who cares that the vax doesn’t stop you from getting Covid nor from passing it on? Our minister for health keeps saying that the hospital admissions are 90% vaxxed even though the hospitals themselves say they aren’t recording patients’ vaccination status – another day, another lie.

    21st century western civilization has no heroes, just mercenaries, morons & martyrs.


    in reply to: The Narrative of Loss #87006
    Veracious Poet

    I remember watching a video with Larry Silverstein, who had bought all -or most- of the WTC complex just 3 months before 9/11 (always found that a weird detail), saying at some point during 9/11 the fire department decided to “pull the building”. The video is still up. And I thought: you can only “pull” a building if you loaded it up with explosives first, which for a building the size of WTC7 takes days. Why on earth would you have done that in early September or before??

    I lived through 9/11, working 4 blocks from WTC, I can’t even describe what it was like for those of us that had to live through that nightmare…

    My family & I regularly visited the Windows On the World restaurant, the last time a week before the debacle ~ I was in & about the WTC complex on a daily basis…

    I also have a friend that was one of two FDNY that was the last humans that made it out of WTC #1 before it collapsed, there’s a picture of him + the other FDNY walking out with a large black woman & white man, I’m sure some of you saw it.

    We had dinner together several times into 2002, when he retired & moved away ~ After he left the hospital he went to work for the FBI as a forensics expert, he was the first to tell me the building was rigged with explosives long before the attack…

    I worked in the legal/law enforcement complex in lower Manhattan, the air was so toxic I wouldn’t let my wife come into work for 6 months following the attacks, I’m sure that 100,000s of people got pulmonary diseases, like myself, & many having already passed.

    The first day my wife came in we walked down Park Row to Broadway, with N95 masks, & looking down Broadway it looked like the inside of a Snow Globe. Thousands of unmasked people were walking about like there was nothing wrong…

    My only friends during our 20+ years there were senior LEOs (the good ones), with several close ones at the top of command.

    I learned from several sources that it was decided after the 1993 bombing debacle that the WTC buildings would be setup for controlled demolition, because if they fell into the surrounding area the casualties would be exponentially worse ~ I am not making this up, it was common knowledge in the senior LEO community…

    There was even a special maintenance crew to assure the demo system was safe & fully operational.

    We didn’t lose anyone close to us on 9-11, but two clients had their offices destroyed & we had to write off $55k, which we did without reservation, but the impact from that disaster is still with us today, as I’m sure it is with uncountable others…

    As per convention, the word monkeys only reported what they were told to report, my information was rejected as conspiracy theory or worse.

    My brother, who was my assistant during those years, told me yesterday I was correct when I said on 9-11, “America will learn nothing from this, it will only empower TPTB to increase the pillage, loot & plunder”.

    I truly wish I had been wrong…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86874
    Veracious Poet

    D Benton Smith:

    Take heart. The resolution to your distraught emotional state is right there in Locke’s observation. The state of nature has a law to govern it. He isn’t saying that the Universe has a propensity, or guidlines, or tendency. He is observing that it is governed (and I would add the words “with an iron hand and no exceptions” ).

    I wish this was just an emotional issue, but this is now officially a spiritual black hole, I’m doing my best not to get sucked into it ~ Many souls will probably know torment like they have never imagined soon, unless Divine intervention intercedes on behalf of the innocent, blocking the evil rich & powerful…

    Western civilization has rejected “The state of nature”, as established by the Infinite, and chosen Free Will which has manifested into an egomanical twilight zone.

    In other words, the bad guys are not going to get away with ANYTHING.

    Why have they been victorious decade after decade for over the last 100 years?

    If you’re talking some type of judgment in the hereafter, well that isn’t a path I subscribe to…

    This is not the end. It is not even the begining of the end. Stay tuned.

    We had a good run for 245 years, even with the monster parasites murdering innocents + sucking the planet dry, but now the impossible victory that the Sons of Liberty gaves us (a Democratic Republic under Natural Law) is RIP.


    Is it, perhaps, that they just don’t believe the bullshit they are serving up to anxious viewers anymore? Or is it something even darker? That would be my guess. Next thing you know, their heads will start rotating 360 degrees, projectile vomiting pea soup at the cameras.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86866
    Veracious Poet

    Sorry for the typos, my body & my mind are literally shaking today with anger, fear & great sadness after the words uttered from that EVIL stench in the District of Criminals, which portends the death of hope in the former United States of America, and by extension the human race at large.

    I am so nauseated by the idiocracy of the ‘MerKan Sheeple 😐


    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2021 #86865
    Veracious Poet


    My Govt’s spiritually bankrupt Politicians, CEO’s and “expert” Dr’s have just notified me that my body is now their choice medically,socially, employment wise, travel and my basic human rights.

    They think they own me and you.

    I reject their assumptions and actions politically and spiritually.

    I also consider their actions and choices as assault with intent to hurt, punish, abuse and kill myself and you.

    First they authorized a private banking co-op to print control U$ofA economic policies + U$D printing in 1913, & We did nothing…

    Then they suspended Natural Law & the USCON, stealing our Au/Ag money & creating the .MIL/Banking empire with powers of Equity/Admiralty Law, & We did nothing…

    Then they started Wars to feed the .MIL/Banking empire, & We did nothing…

    Then they started confiscating our guns in 1968, & We did nothing…

    Then they creating money for nuthin’, chicks for free in 1971, & We did nothing…

    Then they legalize infanticide, murdering 62,000,000 unborn humans, & We did nothing…

    Then they legalized 3,000,000 illegal aliens in 1986, & We did nothing…

    Then they executed by fire 76 American men, women & children in Waco, TX in 1993, & We did nothing…

    Then the .MIL/Banking empire killed up to 48,000 civilians over 20 years as part of the “War-On-Terror, & We did nothing…

    Then they came for Us, & no one cared.

    Too bad, so sad that no one caed about Natural Law & the USCON…

    The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent,

      no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions

    ~ Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience. ~ John Locke 1690

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86778
    Veracious Poet

    “I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room here.” – @POTUS
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 8, 2021

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86770
    Veracious Poet

    What more is there to wait for? What more to do you need to see? We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us. ~ El Presidente Xiden Sept. 10th, 2021

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2021 #86750
    Veracious Poet

    Mr. House:

    Is what has worried me from the beginning and it didn’t start with covid. But hey you can always OPT OUT of the mass psychosis and totalitarianism!

    My body, my choice! ~ Fine! So which do you choose, the needle, the rope or a bullet in the brain pan?

    We the People are unable/refuse to understand what is at stake,an impossible task to turnaround without Spiritual Enlightenment, the oligarchs Final Solution will continue unabated, indeed it is already unfurling…

    Without rejection of the child EGO & total reliance on the Spirit within the noise will override the signal, and humanity will enter a dark age beyond comprehension.

    As I said earlier:

    Either God is everything, or he is nothing.

    Free will is anything but an option: Either you align your life with the Loving, Healing, Creative Power of the Universe -OR- You chose an egocentric life, with all the maladies therein.

    Evil is a destination culminating from a gradual succession of lesser choices. Evil never sleeps, and is always open for business.

    What we are experiencing enmasse is a reckoning ~ A reckoning of societal evil.

    Prepare for the worst, western civilization is about to reap the whirlwind…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2021 #86647
    Veracious Poet

    If i was purposefully trying to destroy the country, culture, society of a country and i wanted to surprise people, I’d not pass an increase in the debt ceiling…

    The People are doing a fine job destroying the country all on their own, all they need is a little push.

    Old money + the nouveau riche certainly can see that Western civilization is a goner, who could blame them for preparing for the eventual boom-crack-up-boom?

    Laws broken have no effect when you own the executioners…

    in reply to: Debt debt Rattle September 7 2021 #86534
    Veracious Poet

    Regarding “global warming” — that narrative serves the elites. Why? They know that energy is one of the keys to wealth. A push to new forms of energy is a way they can make money. By focusing on energy, rather than on industrial pollution or planned obsolescence, they ensure that they remain dominant, and distract the masses.

    Plenty of AGW true believers on TAE.

    The presence of propaganda deluded posters here, and other other similar sites, is one of the bellwethers that confirms to me that future of humanity is in peril…

    So many lies from the corrupt oligarchy, their toadies & lackeys that it is has overwhelmed even normal IQ citizens, it is now beyond apparent that many (most) have swallowed the paltered pablum hook, line & sinker.

    Right now the CCP is engaging in mass populace war conditioning, while the West is drowning in cesspools of incompetence, propaganda, corruption & criminality, unable to even repel low IQ subhuman boarders or win a war against cave dwelling jihadists…


    in reply to: Five Alarm Fire #86214
    Veracious Poet


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